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Created August 10, 2022 13:42
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" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" nginx: [warn] the \"ssl\" directive is deprecated, use the \"listen ... ssl\" directive instead in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.nginx.conf:10"
" nginx: [warn] conflicting server name \"_\" on, ignored"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|16:37:45.477] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|16:37:45.490] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|16:37:45.490] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|16:37:45.490] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|16:37:45.490] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|16:37:45.501] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|16:37:45.501] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|16:37:45.501] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|16:37:45.501] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|16:37:45.501] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|16:37:45.501] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|16:37:45.501] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|16:37:45.501] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|16:37:45.522] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|16:37:45.523] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|16:37:45.523] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|16:37:45.523] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|16:37:45.523] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|16:37:45.523] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|16:37:45.523] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|16:37:45.753] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|16:37:45.754] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:37:45.754] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|16:37:45.754] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|16:37:45.754] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|16:37:45.754] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:37:45.754] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|16:37:45.755] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|16:37:45.755] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:37:45.755] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|16:37:45.872] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|16:37:45.990] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:37:45.990] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|16:37:45.990] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:37:46.503] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|16:37:46.503] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|16:37:46.504] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|16:37:46.504] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|16:37:46.504] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|16:38:45.523] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|16:38:45.523] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|16:38:45.523] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|16:38:45.523] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|16:38:45.523] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|16:38:45.523] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|16:38:45.523] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|16:38:45.524] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|16:38:45.524] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|16:38:45.525] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|16:39:05.031] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|16:39:05.045] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|16:39:05.045] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|16:39:05.045] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|16:39:05.045] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|16:39:05.057] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|16:39:05.057] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|16:39:05.057] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|16:39:05.058] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|16:39:05.058] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|16:39:05.058] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|16:39:05.058] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|16:39:05.058] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|16:39:05.078] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|16:39:05.079] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|16:39:05.079] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|16:39:05.079] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|16:39:05.079] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|16:39:05.079] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|16:39:05.079] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|16:39:05.313] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|16:39:05.313] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:39:05.313] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|16:39:05.313] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|16:39:05.313] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|16:39:05.313] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:39:05.313] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|16:39:05.314] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|16:39:05.314] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:39:05.314] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|16:39:05.431] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|16:39:05.547] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:39:05.547] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|16:39:05.547] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:39:05.635] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|16:39:05.636] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|16:39:05.636] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|16:39:05.636] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|16:39:05.636] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|16:40:05.079] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|16:40:05.079] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|16:40:05.079] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|16:40:05.079] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|16:40:05.079] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|16:40:05.079] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|16:40:05.079] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|16:40:05.081] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|16:40:05.081] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|16:40:05.081] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|16:40:27.065] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|16:40:27.078] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|16:40:27.078] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|16:40:27.078] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|16:40:27.078] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|16:40:27.089] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|16:40:27.089] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|16:40:27.089] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|16:40:27.089] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|16:40:27.089] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|16:40:27.089] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|16:40:27.089] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|16:40:27.089] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|16:40:27.110] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|16:40:27.111] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|16:40:27.111] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|16:40:27.111] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|16:40:27.112] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|16:40:27.112] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|16:40:27.112] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|16:40:27.348] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|16:40:27.348] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:40:27.348] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|16:40:27.348] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|16:40:27.349] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" {\"httpConfig\":{\"apiConfig\":{\"authConfig\":{\"apiRequireAuthToken\":false},\"indexerConfig\":{\"indexAPIEnabled\":false,\"indexAllowIncomplete\":false},\"ipcConfig\":{\"ipcAPIEnabled\":false,\"ipcPath\":\"/tmp\",\"ipcDefaultChainIDs\":null},\"adminAPIEnabled\":false,\"infoAPIEnabled\":true,\"keystoreAPIEnabled\":true,\"metricsAPIEnabled\":true,\"healthAPIEnabled\":true},\"httpHost\":\"\",\"httpPort\":9650,\"httpsEnabled\":false,\"apiAllowedOrigins\":[\"*\"],\"shutdownTimeout\":10000000000,\"shutdownWait\":0},\"ipConfig\":{\"ip\":{\"ip\":\"\",\"port\":9651},\"attemptedNATTraversal\":true,\"dynamicUpdateDuration\":300000000000},\"stakingConfig\":{\"uptimeRequirement\":0.8,\"minValidatorStake\":2000000000000,\"maxValidatorStake\":3000000000000000,\"minDelegatorStake\":25000000000,\"minDelegationFee\":20000,\"minStakeDuration\":1209600000000000,\"maxStakeDuration\":31536000000000000,\"rewardConfig\":{\"maxConsumptionRate\":120000,\"minConsumptionRate\":100000,\"mintingPeriod\":31536000000000000,\"supplyCap\":720000000000000000},\"enableStaking\":true,\"disabledStakingWeight\":100,\"stakingKeyPath\":\"/root/.avalanchego/staking/staker.key\",\"stakingCertPath\":\"/root/.avalanchego/staking/staker.crt\"},\"txFeeConfig\":{\"txFee\":1000000,\"createAssetTxFee\":10000000,\"createSubnetTxFee\":1000000000,\"createBlockchainTxFee\":1000000000},\"stateSyncConfig\":{\"stateSyncIDs\":null,\"stateSyncIPs\":null,\"stateSyncDisableRequests\":false},\"bootstrapConfig\":{\"retryBootstrap\":true,\"retryBootstrapWarnFrequency\":50,\"bootstrapBeaconConnectionTimeout\":60000000000,\"bootstrapAncestorsMaxContainersSent\":2000,\"bootstrapAncestorsMaxContainersReceived\":2000,\"bootstrapMaxTimeGetAncestors\":50000000,\"bootstrapIDs\":[\"NodeID-HCw7S2TVbFPDWNBo1GnFWqJ47f9rDJtt1\",\"NodeID-AaxT2P4uuPAHb7vAD8mNvjQ3jgyaV7tu9\",\"NodeID-6ghBh6yof5ouMCya2n9fHzhpWouiZFVVj\",\"NodeID-6SwnPJLH8cWfrJ162JjZekbmzaFpjPcf\",\"NodeID-Drv1Qh7iJvW3zGBBeRnYfCzk56VCRM2GQ\"],\"bootstrapIPs\":[{\"ip\":\"\",\"port\":9651},{\"ip\":\"\",\"port\":9651},{\"ip\":\"\",\"port\":9651},{\"ip\":\"\",\"port\":9651},{\"ip\":\"\",\"port\":9651}]},\"databaseConfig\":{\"path\":\"/root/.avalanchego/db/mainnet\",\"name\":\"leveldb\"},\"avaxAssetID\":\"FvwEAhmxKfeiG8SnEvq42hc6whRyY3EFYAvebMqDNDGCgxN5Z\",\"networkID\":1,\"enableAssertions\":true,\"enableCrypto\":true,\"healthCheckFreq\":30000000000,\"networkConfig\":{\"healthConfig\":{\"minConnectedPeers\":1,\"maxTimeSinceMsgReceived\":60000000000,\"maxTimeSinceMsgSent\":60000000000,\"maxPortionSendQueueBytesFull\":0.9,\"maxSendFailRate\":0.9,\"sendFailRateHalflife\":10000000000},\"peerListGossipConfig\":{\"peerListNumValidatorIPs\":20,\"peerListValidatorGossipSize\":25,\"peerListNonValidatorGossipSize\":25,\"peerListPeersGossipSize\":0,\"peerListGossipFreq\":60000000000},\"timeoutConfigs\":{\"pingPongTimeout\":30000000000,\"readHandshakeTimeout\":15000000000},\"delayConfig\":{\"initialReconnectDelay\":1000000000,\"maxReconnectDelay\":3600000000000},\"throttlerConfig\":{\"inboundConnUpgradeThrottlerConfig\":{\"upgradeCooldown\":10000000000,\"maxRecentConnsUpgraded\":2560},\"inboundMsgThrottlerConfig\":{\"byteThrottlerConfig\":{\"vdrAllocSize\":33554432,\"atLargeAllocSize\":6291456,\"nodeMaxAtLargeBytes\":2097152},\"bandwidthThrottlerConfig\":{\"bandwidthRefillRate\":524288,\"bandwidthMaxBurstRate\":2097152},\"cpuThrottlerConfig\":{\"maxRecheckDelay\":5000000000},\"diskThrottlerConfig\":{\"maxRecheckDelay\":5000000000},\"maxProcessingMsgsPerNode\":1024},\"outboundMsgThrottlerConfig\":{\"vdrAllocSize\":33554432,\"atLargeAllocSize\":6291456,\"nodeMaxAtLargeBytes\":2097152},\"maxInboundConnsPerSec\":256},\"dialerConfig\":{\"throttleRps\":50,\"connectionTimeout\":30000000000},\"namespace\":\"network\",\"myNodeID\":\"NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A\",\"myIP\":{\"ip\":\"\",\"port\":9651},\"networkID\":1,\"maxClockDifference\":60000000000,\"pingFrequency\":22500000000,\"allowPrivateIPs\":true,\"compressionEnabled\":true,\"whitelistedSubnets\":[],\"beacons\":{},\"validators\":{},\"uptimeMetricFreq\":30000000000,\"uptimeRequirement\":0.8,\"requireValidatorToConnect\":false,\"maximumInboundMessageTimeout\":10000000000,\"peerReadBufferSize\":8192,\"peerWriteBufferSize\":8192},\"gossipConfig\":{\"gossipAcceptedFrontierValidatorSize\":0,\"gossipAcceptedFrontierNonValidatorSize\":0,\"gossipAcceptedFrontierPeerSize\":35,\"gossipOnAcceptValidatorSize\":0,\"gossipOnAcceptNonValidatorSize\":0,\"gossipOnAcceptPeerSize\":20,\"appGossipValidatorSize\":10,\"appGossipNonValidatorSize\":0,\"appGossipPeerSize\":0},\"adaptiveTimeoutConfig\":{\"initialTimeout\":5000000000,\"minimumTimeout\":2000000000,\"maximumTimeout\":10000000000,\"timeoutCoefficient\":2,\"timeoutHalflife\":300000000000},\"benchlistConfig\":{\"threshold\":10,\"minimumFailingDuration\":150000000000,\"duration\":900000000000,\"maxPortion\":0.08333333333333333},\"profilerConfig\":{\"dir\":\"/root/.avalanchego/profiles\",\"enabled\":false,\"freq\":900000000000,\"maxNumFiles\"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" [08-05|16:40:27.349] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:40:27.349] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|16:40:27.349] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|16:40:27.349] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:40:27.349] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|16:40:27.465] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|16:40:27.580] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:40:27.580] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|16:40:27.580] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:40:27.668] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|16:40:27.669] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|16:40:27.669] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|16:40:27.669] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|16:40:27.669] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|16:41:27.111] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|16:41:27.111] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|16:41:27.111] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|16:41:27.111] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|16:41:27.111] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|16:41:27.111] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|16:41:27.111] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|16:41:27.113] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|16:41:27.113] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|16:41:27.113] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" nginx: [warn] the \"ssl\" directive is deprecated, use the \"listen ... ssl\" directive instead in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.nginx.conf:10"
" nginx: [warn] conflicting server name \"_\" on, ignored"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|16:42:31.676] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|16:42:31.691] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|16:42:31.691] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|16:42:31.691] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|16:42:31.691] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|16:42:31.703] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|16:42:31.703] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|16:42:31.703] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|16:42:31.703] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|16:42:31.704] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|16:42:31.704] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|16:42:31.704] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|16:42:31.704] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|16:42:31.722] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|16:42:31.723] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|16:42:31.723] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|16:42:31.723] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|16:42:31.723] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|16:42:31.723] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|16:42:31.723] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|16:42:31.960] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|16:42:31.960] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:42:31.960] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|16:42:31.960] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|16:42:31.961] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|16:42:31.961] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:42:31.961] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|16:42:31.961] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|16:42:31.961] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:42:31.961] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|16:42:32.079] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|16:42:32.195] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:42:32.195] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|16:42:32.195] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:42:32.283] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|16:42:32.284] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|16:42:32.284] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|16:42:32.284] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|16:42:32.284] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|16:43:31.723] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|16:43:31.723] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|16:43:31.723] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|16:43:31.723] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|16:43:31.723] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|16:43:31.723] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|16:43:31.723] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|16:43:31.724] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|16:43:31.724] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|16:43:31.724] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|16:43:52.641] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|16:43:52.659] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|16:43:52.659] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|16:43:52.659] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|16:43:52.659] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|16:43:52.670] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|16:43:52.670] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|16:43:52.670] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|16:43:52.671] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|16:43:52.671] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|16:43:52.671] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|16:43:52.671] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|16:43:52.671] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|16:43:52.690] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|16:43:52.691] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|16:43:52.691] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|16:43:52.691] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|16:43:52.691] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|16:43:52.691] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|16:43:52.691] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|16:43:52.939] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|16:43:52.939] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:43:52.939] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|16:43:52.939] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|16:43:52.940] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|16:43:52.940] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:43:52.940] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|16:43:52.940] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|16:43:52.940] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:43:52.940] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|16:43:53.056] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|16:43:53.173] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:43:53.173] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|16:43:53.173] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:43:53.262] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|16:43:53.262] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|16:43:53.262] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|16:43:53.263] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|16:43:53.263] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|16:44:52.691] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|16:44:52.691] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|16:44:52.691] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|16:44:52.691] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|16:44:52.691] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|16:44:52.691] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|16:44:52.691] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|16:44:52.692] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|16:44:52.692] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|16:44:52.692] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|16:45:13.719] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|16:45:13.738] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|16:45:13.738] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|16:45:13.738] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|16:45:13.738] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|16:45:13.750] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|16:45:13.750] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|16:45:13.750] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|16:45:13.752] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|16:45:13.752] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|16:45:13.752] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|16:45:13.752] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|16:45:13.752] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|16:45:13.770] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|16:45:13.771] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|16:45:13.771] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|16:45:13.771] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|16:45:13.771] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|16:45:13.771] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|16:45:13.771] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|16:45:14.003] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|16:45:14.003] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:45:14.003] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|16:45:14.003] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|16:45:14.004] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|16:45:14.004] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:45:14.004] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|16:45:14.004] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|16:45:14.004] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:45:14.004] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|16:45:14.120] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|16:45:14.235] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|16:45:14.235] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|16:45:14.235] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|16:45:14.324] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|16:45:14.324] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|16:45:14.324] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|16:45:14.325] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|16:45:14.325] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|16:46:13.770] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|16:46:13.770] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|16:46:13.770] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|16:46:13.770] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|16:46:13.770] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|16:46:13.770] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|16:46:13.771] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|16:46:13.772] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|16:46:13.772] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|16:46:13.772] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" nginx: [warn] the \"ssl\" directive is deprecated, use the \"listen ... ssl\" directive instead in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.nginx.conf:10"
" nginx: [warn] conflicting server name \"_\" on, ignored"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|17:08:06.575] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|17:08:06.591] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|17:08:06.592] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|17:08:06.592] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|17:08:06.592] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|17:08:06.603] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|17:08:06.603] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|17:08:06.603] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|17:08:06.603] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|17:08:06.603] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|17:08:06.603] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|17:08:06.603] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|17:08:06.603] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|17:08:06.622] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|17:08:06.623] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|17:08:06.624] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|17:08:06.624] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|17:08:06.624] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|17:08:06.624] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|17:08:06.624] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|17:08:06.857] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|17:08:06.857] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:08:06.858] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|17:08:06.858] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|17:08:06.858] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|17:08:06.858] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:08:06.858] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|17:08:06.858] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|17:08:06.858] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:08:06.858] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|17:08:06.974] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|17:08:07.089] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:08:07.089] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|17:08:07.089] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:08:07.178] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|17:08:07.179] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|17:08:07.179] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|17:08:07.179] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|17:08:07.179] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|17:09:06.623] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|17:09:06.623] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|17:09:06.623] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|17:09:06.623] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|17:09:06.623] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|17:09:06.623] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|17:09:06.623] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|17:09:06.625] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|17:09:06.625] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|17:09:06.625] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|17:09:28.754] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|17:09:28.766] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|17:09:28.766] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|17:09:28.766] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|17:09:28.766] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|17:09:28.778] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|17:09:28.778] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|17:09:28.778] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|17:09:28.779] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|17:09:28.779] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|17:09:28.780] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|17:09:28.780] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|17:09:28.780] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|17:09:28.798] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|17:09:28.799] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|17:09:28.799] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|17:09:28.799] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|17:09:28.799] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|17:09:28.799] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|17:09:28.799] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|17:09:29.031] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|17:09:29.031] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:09:29.031] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|17:09:29.031] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|17:09:29.032] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|17:09:29.032] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:09:29.032] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|17:09:29.032] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|17:09:29.032] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:09:29.032] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|17:09:29.148] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|17:09:29.264] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:09:29.264] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|17:09:29.264] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:09:29.352] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|17:09:29.352] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|17:09:29.353] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|17:09:29.353] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|17:09:29.353] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|17:10:28.799] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|17:10:28.799] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|17:10:28.799] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|17:10:28.799] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|17:10:28.799] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|17:10:28.799] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|17:10:28.799] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|17:10:28.800] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|17:10:28.800] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|17:10:28.800] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|17:10:48.117] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|17:10:48.131] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|17:10:48.131] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|17:10:48.131] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|17:10:48.131] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|17:10:48.142] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|17:10:48.142] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|17:10:48.142] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|17:10:48.142] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|17:10:48.142] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|17:10:48.142] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|17:10:48.142] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|17:10:48.142] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|17:10:48.162] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|17:10:48.164] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|17:10:48.164] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|17:10:48.164] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|17:10:48.164] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|17:10:48.164] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|17:10:48.164] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|17:10:48.396] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|17:10:48.396] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:10:48.396] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|17:10:48.396] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|17:10:48.397] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|17:10:48.397] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:10:48.397] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|17:10:48.397] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|17:10:48.397] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:10:48.397] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|17:10:48.513] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|17:10:48.628] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:10:48.628] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|17:10:48.628] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:10:48.716] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|17:10:48.717] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|17:10:48.717] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|17:10:48.718] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|17:10:48.718] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|17:11:48.163] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|17:11:48.163] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|17:11:48.163] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|17:11:48.163] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|17:11:48.163] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|17:11:48.163] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|17:11:48.163] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|17:11:48.164] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|17:11:48.164] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|17:11:48.164] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" nginx: [warn] the \"ssl\" directive is deprecated, use the \"listen ... ssl\" directive instead in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.nginx.conf:10"
" nginx: [warn] conflicting server name \"_\" on, ignored"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|17:15:57.404] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|17:15:57.422] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|17:15:57.422] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|17:15:57.422] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|17:15:57.422] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|17:15:57.433] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|17:15:57.433] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|17:15:57.433] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|17:15:57.433] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|17:15:57.433] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|17:15:57.433] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|17:15:57.434] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|17:15:57.434] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|17:15:57.454] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|17:15:57.455] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|17:15:57.455] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|17:15:57.455] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|17:15:57.455] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|17:15:57.455] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|17:15:57.455] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|17:15:57.687] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|17:15:57.687] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:15:57.687] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|17:15:57.687] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|17:15:57.688] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|17:15:57.688] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:15:57.688] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|17:15:57.688] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|17:15:57.688] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:15:57.688] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|17:15:57.803] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|17:15:57.918] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:15:57.918] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|17:15:57.918] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:15:58.007] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|17:15:58.007] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|17:15:58.008] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|17:15:58.008] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|17:15:58.008] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|17:16:57.455] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|17:16:57.455] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|17:16:57.455] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|17:16:57.455] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|17:16:57.455] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|17:16:57.455] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|17:16:57.455] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|17:16:57.457] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|17:16:57.457] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|17:16:57.457] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|17:17:17.403] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|17:17:17.420] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|17:17:17.420] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|17:17:17.420] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|17:17:17.420] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|17:17:17.431] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|17:17:17.431] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|17:17:17.431] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|17:17:17.431] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|17:17:17.431] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|17:17:17.431] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|17:17:17.431] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|17:17:17.431] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|17:17:17.450] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|17:17:17.451] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|17:17:17.451] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|17:17:17.452] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|17:17:17.452] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|17:17:17.452] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|17:17:17.452] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|17:17:17.683] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|17:17:17.683] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:17:17.683] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|17:17:17.683] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|17:17:17.684] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|17:17:17.684] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:17:17.684] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|17:17:17.684] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|17:17:17.684] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:17:17.684] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|17:17:17.800] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|17:17:17.916] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:17:17.916] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|17:17:17.917] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:17:18.011] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|17:17:18.011] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|17:17:18.012] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|17:17:18.012] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|17:17:18.012] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|17:18:17.451] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|17:18:17.451] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|17:18:17.451] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|17:18:17.451] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|17:18:17.451] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|17:18:17.451] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|17:18:17.451] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|17:18:17.453] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|17:18:17.453] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|17:18:17.453] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|17:18:37.418] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|17:18:37.432] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|17:18:37.432] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|17:18:37.432] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|17:18:37.432] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|17:18:37.443] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|17:18:37.443] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|17:18:37.444] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|17:18:37.444] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|17:18:37.444] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|17:18:37.444] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|17:18:37.445] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|17:18:37.445] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|17:18:37.466] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|17:18:37.467] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|17:18:37.467] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|17:18:37.467] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|17:18:37.467] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|17:18:37.467] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|17:18:37.467] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|17:18:37.698] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|17:18:37.698] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:18:37.698] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|17:18:37.698] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|17:18:37.699] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|17:18:37.699] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:18:37.699] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|17:18:37.699] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|17:18:37.699] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:18:37.699] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|17:18:37.816] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|17:18:37.931] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:18:37.931] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|17:18:37.931] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:18:38.019] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|17:18:38.020] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|17:18:38.020] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|17:18:38.020] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|17:18:38.020] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|17:19:37.467] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|17:19:37.467] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|17:19:37.467] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|17:19:37.467] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|17:19:37.467] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|17:19:37.467] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|17:19:37.467] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|17:19:37.469] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|17:19:37.469] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|17:19:37.469] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" nginx: [warn] the \"ssl\" directive is deprecated, use the \"listen ... ssl\" directive instead in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.nginx.conf:10"
" nginx: [warn] conflicting server name \"_\" on, ignored"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|17:28:04.560] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|17:28:04.576] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|17:28:04.576] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|17:28:04.576] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|17:28:04.576] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|17:28:04.587] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|17:28:04.587] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|17:28:04.588] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|17:28:04.588] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|17:28:04.588] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|17:28:04.588] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|17:28:04.588] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|17:28:04.588] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|17:28:04.606] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|17:28:04.607] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|17:28:04.607] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|17:28:04.607] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|17:28:04.607] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|17:28:04.607] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|17:28:04.607] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|17:28:04.838] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|17:28:04.838] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:28:04.839] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|17:28:04.839] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|17:28:04.839] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|17:28:04.839] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:28:04.839] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|17:28:04.839] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|17:28:04.839] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:28:04.839] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|17:28:04.955] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|17:28:05.071] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:28:05.071] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|17:28:05.072] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:28:05.160] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|17:28:05.161] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|17:28:05.161] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|17:28:05.162] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|17:28:05.162] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|17:29:04.607] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|17:29:04.607] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|17:29:04.607] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|17:29:04.607] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|17:29:04.607] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|17:29:04.607] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|17:29:04.608] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|17:29:04.609] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|17:29:04.609] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|17:29:04.609] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|17:29:25.002] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|17:29:25.016] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|17:29:25.016] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|17:29:25.016] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|17:29:25.016] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|17:29:25.027] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|17:29:25.027] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|17:29:25.027] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|17:29:25.028] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|17:29:25.029] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|17:29:25.029] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|17:29:25.029] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|17:29:25.029] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|17:29:25.050] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|17:29:25.051] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|17:29:25.051] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|17:29:25.051] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|17:29:25.051] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|17:29:25.051] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|17:29:25.051] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|17:29:25.286] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|17:29:25.286] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:29:25.286] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|17:29:25.287] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|17:29:25.287] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|17:29:25.287] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:29:25.287] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|17:29:25.287] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|17:29:25.287] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:29:25.287] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|17:29:25.404] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|17:29:25.521] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:29:25.521] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|17:29:25.521] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:29:25.610] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|17:29:25.610] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|17:29:25.611] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|17:29:25.611] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|17:29:25.611] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|17:30:25.050] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|17:30:25.051] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|17:30:25.051] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|17:30:25.051] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|17:30:25.051] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|17:30:25.051] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|17:30:25.051] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|17:30:25.052] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|17:30:25.052] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|17:30:25.052] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|17:30:46.879] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|17:30:46.891] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|17:30:46.891] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|17:30:46.891] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|17:30:46.891] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|17:30:46.902] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|17:30:46.902] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|17:30:46.902] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|17:30:46.902] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|17:30:46.902] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|17:30:46.902] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|17:30:46.902] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|17:30:46.902] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|17:30:46.922] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|17:30:46.924] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|17:30:46.924] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|17:30:46.924] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|17:30:46.924] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|17:30:46.924] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|17:30:46.924] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|17:30:47.156] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|17:30:47.156] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:30:47.156] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|17:30:47.157] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|17:30:47.157] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|17:30:47.157] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:30:47.157] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|17:30:47.157] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|17:30:47.157] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:30:47.157] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|17:30:47.274] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|17:30:47.391] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|17:30:47.391] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|17:30:47.391] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|17:30:47.480] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|17:30:47.480] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|17:30:47.480] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|17:30:47.481] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|17:30:47.481] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|17:31:46.923] FATAL node/node.go:247 Failed to connect to bootstrap nodes. Node shutting down..."
" [08-05|17:31:46.923] INFO node/node.go:1211 shutting down node with exit code 1"
" [08-05|17:31:46.923] INFO ipcs/chainipc.go:101 shutting down chain IPCs"
" [08-05|17:31:46.923] INFO chains/manager.go:974 shutting down chain manager"
" [08-05|17:31:46.923] INFO router/chain_router.go:252 shutting down chain router"
" [08-05|17:31:46.923] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:256 shutting down bootstrapper"
" [08-05|17:31:46.923] INFO network/network.go:1021 shutting down the p2p networking"
" [08-05|17:31:46.925] INFO node/node.go:1254 cleaning up plugin subprocesses"
" [08-05|17:31:46.925] INFO node/node.go:1257 finished node shutdown"
" [08-05|17:31:46.925] INFO nat/nat.go:152 Unmapped all ports"
" Running ◎ node in PROD mode. Connecting to Mainnet"
" nginx: [warn] the \"ssl\" directive is deprecated, use the \"listen ... ssl\" directive instead in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.nginx.conf:10"
" nginx: [warn] conflicting server name \"_\" on, ignored"
" _____ .__ .__"
" / _ \\___ _______ | | _____ ____ ____ | |__ ____ ,_ o"
" / /_\\ \\ \\/ /\\__ \\ | | \\__ \\ / \\_/ ___\\| | \\_/ __ \\ / //\\,"
" / | \\ / / __ \\| |__/ __ \\| | \\ \\___| Y \\ ___/ \\>> |"
" \\____|__ /\\_/ (____ /____(____ /___| /\\___ >___| /\\___ > \\\\"
" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/"
" [08-05|19:41:34.754] INFO leveldb/db.go:162 leveldb config: {\"blockCacheCapacity\":12582912,\"blockSize\":0,\"compactionExpandLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionGPOverlapsFactor\":0,\"compactionL0Trigger\":0,\"compactionSourceLimitFactor\":0,\"compactionTableSize\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplier\":0,\"compactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel\":null,\"compactionTotalSize\":0,\"compactionTotalSizeMultiplier\":0,\"disableSeeksCompaction\":true,\"openFilesCacheCapacity\":1024,\"writeBuffer\":6291456,\"filterBitsPerKey\":10}"
" [08-05|19:41:34.767] WARN process/process.go:129 UPnP or NAT-PMP router attach failed, you may not be listening publicly. Please confirm the settings in your router"
" [08-05|19:41:34.767] INFO node/node.go:1100 node version is: avalanche/1.7.11"
" [08-05|19:41:34.767] INFO node/node.go:1101 node ID is: NodeID-aLo5R86Q3movAPXUZZsMvWfUN6q1UN6A"
" [08-05|19:41:34.767] INFO node/node.go:1102 current database version: v1.4.5"
" [08-05|19:41:34.778] INFO node/node.go:511 initializing API server"
" [08-05|19:41:34.779] INFO server/server.go:132 API created with allowed origins: [*]"
" [08-05|19:41:34.779] INFO node/node.go:796 initializing metrics API"
" [08-05|19:41:34.779] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/metrics"
" [08-05|19:41:34.780] INFO node/node.go:762 initializing keystore"
" [08-05|19:41:34.780] INFO node/node.go:773 initializing keystore API"
" [08-05|19:41:34.780] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/keystore"
" [08-05|19:41:34.780] INFO node/node.go:754 initializing SharedMemory"
" [08-05|19:41:34.798] INFO node/node.go:206 this node's IP is set to: \"\""
" [08-05|19:41:34.799] INFO node/node.go:921 initializing Health API"
" [08-05|19:41:34.799] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health"
" [08-05|19:41:34.799] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/readiness"
" [08-05|19:41:34.799] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/health"
" [08-05|19:41:34.799] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/health/liveness"
" [08-05|19:41:34.799] INFO node/node.go:558 adding the default VM aliases"
" [08-05|19:41:35.033] INFO node/node.go:675 initializing VMs"
" [08-05|19:41:35.033] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|19:41:35.033] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|19:41:35.033] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/vm/mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6/rpc"
" [08-05|19:41:35.034] INFO node/node.go:826 node config:"
" 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" [08-05|19:41:35.034] INFO node/node.go:828 skipping admin API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|19:41:35.034] INFO node/node.go:878 initializing info API"
" [08-05|19:41:35.034] INFO server/server.go:260 adding route /ext/info"
" [08-05|19:41:35.034] INFO node/node.go:991 skipping ipc API initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|19:41:35.034] INFO node/node.go:1004 initializing chain aliases"
" [08-05|19:41:35.150] INFO node/node.go:1022 initializing API aliases"
" [08-05|19:41:35.265] INFO node/node.go:853 skipping profiler initialization because it has been disabled"
" [08-05|19:41:35.265] INFO node/node.go:497 initializing chains"
" [08-05|19:41:35.265] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" VMID:rWhpuQPF1kb72esV2momhMuTYGkEb1oL29pt2EBXWmSy4kxnT"
" [08-05|19:41:35.355] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:218 initializing last accepted block as 2FUFPVPxbTpKNn39moGSzsmGroYES4NZRdw3mJgNvMkMiMHJ9e"
" [08-05|19:41:35.355] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|19:41:35.356] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY"
" [08-05|19:41:35.356] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|19:41:35.356] INFO server/server.go:163 HTTP API server listening on \"\""
" [08-05|19:41:35.410] INFO peer/peer.go:624 beacon NodeID-A7GwTSd47AcDVqpTVj7YtxtjHREM33EJw attempting to connect with newer version avalanche/1.7.16. You may want to update your client"
" [08-05|19:41:35.569] INFO peer/peer.go:624 beacon NodeID-Fv3t2shrpkmvLnvNzcv1rqRKbDAYFnUor attempting to connect with newer version avalanche/1.7.16. You may want to update your client"
" [08-05|19:41:35.713] INFO peer/peer.go:624 beacon NodeID-A6onFGyJjA37EZ7kYHANMR1PFRT8NmXrF attempting to connect with newer version avalanche/1.7.16. You may want to update your client"
" [08-05|19:41:35.927] INFO peer/peer.go:624 beacon NodeID-HiFv1DpKXkAAfJ1NHWVqQoojjznibZXHP attempting to connect with newer version avalanche/1.7.16. You may want to update your client"
" [08-05|19:41:36.010] INFO peer/peer.go:624 beacon NodeID-FGRoKnyYKFWYFMb6Xbocf4hKuyCBENgWM attempting to connect with newer version avalanche/1.7.16. You may want to update your client"
" [08-05|19:41:41.323] INFO <P Chain> common/bootstrapper.go:224 Bootstrapping started syncing with 1 vertices in the accepted frontier"
" [08-05|19:41:46.568] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 34m29s"
" [08-05|19:41:52.634] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 10000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 37m5s"
" [08-05|19:41:57.083] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 15000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 34m21s"
" [08-05|19:42:00.851] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 20000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m51s"
" [08-05|19:42:05.855] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 25000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m55s"
" [08-05|19:42:11.283] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 30000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 32m24s"
" [08-05|19:42:17.267] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 35000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 33m14s"
" [08-05|19:42:20.718] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 40000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m48s"
" [08-05|19:42:25.641] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 45000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m43s"
" [08-05|19:42:29.558] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 50000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 30m59s"
" [08-05|19:42:35.798] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 55000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m44s"
" [08-05|19:42:41.668] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 60000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 32m8s"
" [08-05|19:42:46.781] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 65000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 32m6s"
" [08-05|19:42:50.320] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 70000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m20s"
" [08-05|19:43:00.422] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 75000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 33m26s"
" [08-05|19:43:16.750] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 80000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 37m43s"
" [08-05|19:43:26.155] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 85000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 38m54s"
" [08-05|19:43:35.369] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 90000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 39m51s"
" [08-05|19:43:44.146] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 95000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m33s"
" [08-05|19:43:53.865] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 100000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m28s"
" [08-05|19:43:59.621] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 105000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m6s"
" [08-05|19:44:05.261] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 110000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m43s"
" [08-05|19:44:13.941] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 115000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m11s"
" [08-05|19:44:22.182] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 120000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m29s"
" [08-05|19:44:29.940] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 125000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m38s"
" [08-05|19:44:35.553] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 130000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m15s"
" [08-05|19:44:42.674] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 135000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m15s"
" [08-05|19:44:47.395] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 140000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m42s"
" [08-05|19:44:52.353] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 145000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m14s"
" [08-05|19:44:58.695] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 150000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m4s"
" [08-05|19:45:05.706] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 155000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m3s"
" [08-05|19:45:14.600] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 160000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m22s"
" [08-05|19:45:22.220] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 165000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m26s"
" [08-05|19:45:27.576] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 170000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m5s"
" [08-05|19:45:37.681] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 175000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m34s"
" [08-05|19:45:54.637] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 180000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 42m9s"
" [08-05|19:46:11.033] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 185000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 43m33s"
" [08-05|19:46:25.341] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 190000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 44m31s"
" [08-05|19:46:44.848] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 195000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 46m14s"
" [08-05|19:47:05.395] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 200000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 47m59s"
" [08-05|19:47:24.929] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 205000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 49m30s"
" [08-05|19:47:42.376] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 210000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 50m38s"
" [08-05|19:47:59.833] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 215000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 51m42s"
" [08-05|19:48:15.880] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 220000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 52m31s"
" [08-05|19:48:33.333] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 225000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 53m28s"
" [08-05|19:48:48.422] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 230000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 54m4s"
" [08-05|19:49:04.667] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 235000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 54m47s"
" [08-05|19:49:17.010] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 240000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 54m58s"
" [08-05|19:49:30.876] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 245000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m20s"
" [08-05|19:49:42.342] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 250000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m23s"
" [08-05|19:49:54.581] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 255000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m31s"
" [08-05|19:50:07.947] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 260000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m46s"
" [08-05|19:50:20.396] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 265000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m54s"
" [08-05|19:50:30.269] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 270000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m44s"
" [08-05|19:50:41.772] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 275000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m45s"
" [08-05|19:50:56.602] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 280000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m5s"
" [08-05|19:51:11.658] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 285000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m26s"
" [08-05|19:51:24.076] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 290000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m30s"
" [08-05|19:51:37.310] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 295000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m38s"
" [08-05|19:51:52.353] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 300000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m56s"
" [08-05|19:52:04.114] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 305000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m54s"
" [08-05|19:52:17.276] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 310000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 57m0s"
" [08-05|19:52:26.997] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 315000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m47s"
" [08-05|19:52:37.495] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 320000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m38s"
" [08-05|19:52:49.058] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 325000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m34s"
" [08-05|19:52:59.479] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 330000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m25s"
" [08-05|19:53:11.459] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 335000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m23s"
" [08-05|19:53:24.287] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 340000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m25s"
" [08-05|19:53:35.459] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 345000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m18s"
" [08-05|19:53:47.465] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 350000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m16s"
" [08-05|19:54:00.167] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 355000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m16s"
" [08-05|19:54:14.318] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 360000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m22s"
" [08-05|19:54:27.286] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 365000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m23s"
" [08-05|19:54:43.339] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 370000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m37s"
" [08-05|19:54:55.468] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 375000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m33s"
" [08-05|19:55:07.042] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 380000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m26s"
" [08-05|19:55:21.648] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 385000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m32s"
" [08-05|19:55:38.063] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 390000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m45s"
" [08-05|19:55:51.340] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 395000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m44s"
" [08-05|19:56:06.082] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 400000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m49s"
" [08-05|19:56:17.473] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 405000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m41s"
" [08-05|19:56:33.287] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 410000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m49s"
" [08-05|19:56:45.955] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 415000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m45s"
" [08-05|19:57:00.397] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 420000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m47s"
" [08-05|19:57:13.658] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 425000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m45s"
" [08-05|19:57:24.442] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 430000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m33s"
" [08-05|19:57:38.813] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 435000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m34s"
" [08-05|19:57:56.626] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 440000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m47s"
" [08-05|19:58:10.132] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 445000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m44s"
" [08-05|19:58:23.632] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 450000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m41s"
" [08-05|19:58:35.829] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 455000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m34s"
" [08-05|19:58:48.913] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 460000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m29s"
" [08-05|19:59:02.074] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 465000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m24s"
" [08-05|19:59:14.767] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 470000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m18s"
" [08-05|19:59:27.225] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 475000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m11s"
" [08-05|19:59:44.183] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 480000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m17s"
" [08-05|19:59:59.939] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 485000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m20s"
" [08-05|20:00:22.462] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 490000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m42s"
" [08-05|20:00:38.442] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 495000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m45s"
" [08-05|20:00:57.756] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 500000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m56s"
" [08-05|20:01:14.595] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 505000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 57m0s"
" [08-05|20:01:31.529] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 510000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 57m4s"
" [08-05|20:01:44.566] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 515000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m56s"
" [08-05|20:02:00.497] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 520000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m56s"
" [08-05|20:02:17.348] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 525000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m59s"
" [08-05|20:02:32.316] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 530000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m56s"
" [08-05|20:02:46.796] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 535000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m51s"
" [08-05|20:02:59.817] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 540000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m42s"
" [08-05|20:03:14.783] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 545000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m39s"
" [08-05|20:03:27.241] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 550000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m28s"
" [08-05|20:03:39.563] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 555000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m18s"
" [08-05|20:03:54.367] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 560000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m13s"
" [08-05|20:04:07.845] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 565000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m5s"
" [08-05|20:04:24.325] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 570000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m5s"
" [08-05|20:04:40.879] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 575000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 56m4s"
" [08-05|20:04:55.951] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 580000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m59s"
" [08-05|20:05:09.165] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 585000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m50s"
" [08-05|20:05:23.774] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 590000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m44s"
" [08-05|20:05:38.306] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 595000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m38s"
" [08-05|20:05:51.856] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 600000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m29s"
" [08-05|20:06:05.984] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 605000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m22s"
" [08-05|20:06:16.974] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 610000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 55m7s"
" [08-05|20:06:28.731] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 615000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 54m54s"
" [08-05|20:06:41.754] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 620000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 54m44s"
" [08-05|20:06:53.743] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 625000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 54m32s"
" [08-05|20:07:07.183] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 630000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 54m23s"
" [08-05|20:07:22.694] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 635000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 54m18s"
" [08-05|20:07:33.428] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 640000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 54m3s"
" [08-05|20:07:44.454] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 645000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 53m48s"
" [08-05|20:07:59.782] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 650000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 53m43s"
" [08-05|20:08:13.864] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 655000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 53m34s"
" [08-05|20:08:25.001] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 660000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 53m20s"
" [08-05|20:08:35.392] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 665000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 53m5s"
" [08-05|20:08:47.779] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 670000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 52m53s"
" [08-05|20:08:58.790] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 675000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 52m39s"
" [08-05|20:09:12.173] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 680000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 52m29s"
" [08-05|20:09:23.341] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 685000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 52m15s"
" [08-05|20:09:36.484] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 690000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 52m5s"
" [08-05|20:09:51.239] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 695000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 51m57s"
" [08-05|20:10:07.090] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 700000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 51m52s"
" [08-05|20:10:20.955] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 705000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 51m43s"
" [08-05|20:10:37.470] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 710000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 51m38s"
" [08-05|20:10:47.858] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 715000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 51m23s"
" [08-05|20:11:01.072] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 720000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 51m12s"
" [08-05|20:11:12.624] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 725000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 50m59s"
" [08-05|20:11:23.814] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 730000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 50m45s"
" [08-05|20:11:35.047] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 735000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 50m31s"
" [08-05|20:11:47.766] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 740000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 50m20s"
" [08-05|20:11:59.887] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 745000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 50m7s"
" [08-05|20:12:13.315] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 750000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 49m57s"
" [08-05|20:12:22.890] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 755000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 49m41s"
" [08-05|20:12:33.222] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 760000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 49m26s"
" [08-05|20:12:43.773] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 765000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 49m11s"
" [08-05|20:12:54.569] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 770000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 48m57s"
" [08-05|20:13:06.400] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 775000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 48m44s"
" [08-05|20:13:19.380] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 780000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 48m33s"
" [08-05|20:13:32.531] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 785000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 48m22s"
" [08-05|20:13:42.956] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 790000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 48m7s"
" [08-05|20:13:53.380] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 795000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 47m53s"
" [08-05|20:14:06.023] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 800000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 47m41s"
" [08-05|20:14:17.323] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 805000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 47m28s"
" [08-05|20:14:25.796] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 810000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 47m10s"
" [08-05|20:14:38.085] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 815000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 46m59s"
" [08-05|20:14:50.666] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 820000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 46m47s"
" [08-05|20:14:59.525] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 825000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 46m30s"
" [08-05|20:15:11.876] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 830000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 46m19s"
" [08-05|20:15:20.119] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 835000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 46m1s"
" [08-05|20:15:30.402] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 840000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 45m47s"
" [08-05|20:15:42.837] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 845000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 45m35s"
" [08-05|20:15:52.585] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 850000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 45m20s"
" [08-05|20:16:04.151] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 855000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 45m7s"
" [08-05|20:16:13.796] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 860000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 44m52s"
" [08-05|20:16:24.757] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 865000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 44m38s"
" [08-05|20:16:34.919] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 870000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 44m24s"
" [08-05|20:16:44.878] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 875000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 44m9s"
" [08-05|20:16:55.551] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 880000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 43m56s"
" [08-05|20:17:06.342] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 885000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 43m42s"
" [08-05|20:17:17.927] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 890000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 43m30s"
" [08-05|20:17:27.386] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 895000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 43m15s"
" [08-05|20:17:39.156] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 900000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 43m2s"
" [08-05|20:17:51.658] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 905000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 42m51s"
" [08-05|20:18:02.652] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 910000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 42m38s"
" [08-05|20:18:14.905] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 915000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 42m26s"
" [08-05|20:18:28.277] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 920000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 42m16s"
" [08-05|20:18:39.008] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 925000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 42m2s"
" [08-05|20:18:49.523] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 930000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m49s"
" [08-05|20:18:58.424] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 935000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m33s"
" [08-05|20:19:11.068] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 940000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m22s"
" [08-05|20:19:20.599] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 945000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 41m7s"
" [08-05|20:19:32.055] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 950000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m55s"
" [08-05|20:19:45.088] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 955000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m44s"
" [08-05|20:19:54.137] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 960000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m29s"
" [08-05|20:20:04.321] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 965000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m15s"
" [08-05|20:20:15.758] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 970000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40m3s"
" [08-05|20:20:30.253] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 975000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 39m54s"
" [08-05|20:20:41.547] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 980000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 39m41s"
" [08-05|20:20:51.798] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 985000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 39m27s"
" [08-05|20:21:01.096] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 990000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 39m13s"
" [08-05|20:21:11.066] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 995000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 38m59s"
" [08-05|20:21:19.205] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1000000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 38m43s"
" [08-05|20:21:28.405] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1005000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 38m29s"
" [08-05|20:21:39.208] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1010000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 38m16s"
" [08-05|20:21:48.416] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1015000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 38m2s"
" [08-05|20:21:56.925] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1020000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 37m47s"
" [08-05|20:22:09.492] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1025000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 37m35s"
" [08-05|20:22:20.743] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1030000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 37m23s"
" [08-05|20:22:31.723] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1035000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 37m10s"
" [08-05|20:22:42.861] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1040000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 36m58s"
" [08-05|20:22:52.543] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1045000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 36m44s"
" [08-05|20:23:00.609] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1050000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 36m29s"
" [08-05|20:23:12.134] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1055000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 36m17s"
" [08-05|20:23:22.181] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1060000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 36m4s"
" [08-05|20:23:32.234] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1065000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 35m50s"
" [08-05|20:23:41.585] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1070000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 35m36s"
" [08-05|20:23:55.010] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1075000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 35m26s"
" [08-05|20:24:09.103] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1080000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 35m16s"
" [08-05|20:24:18.641] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1085000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 35m3s"
" [08-05|20:24:28.828] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1090000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 34m49s"
" [08-05|20:24:38.199] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1095000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 34m36s"
" [08-05|20:24:47.291] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1100000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 34m22s"
" [08-05|20:24:55.299] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1105000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 34m7s"
" [08-05|20:25:03.240] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1110000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 33m52s"
" [08-05|20:25:12.277] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1115000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 33m39s"
" [08-05|20:25:25.001] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1120000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 33m28s"
" [08-05|20:25:37.157] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1125000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 33m16s"
" [08-05|20:25:46.684] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1130000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 33m3s"
" [08-05|20:25:56.587] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1135000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 32m50s"
" [08-05|20:26:05.709] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1140000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 32m36s"
" [08-05|20:26:14.538] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1145000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 32m23s"
" [08-05|20:26:27.645] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1150000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 32m12s"
" [08-05|20:26:37.347] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1155000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m59s"
" [08-05|20:26:46.137] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1160000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m45s"
" [08-05|20:26:55.728] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1165000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m32s"
" [08-05|20:27:06.799] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1170000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m20s"
" [08-05|20:27:12.727] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1175000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31m4s"
" [08-05|20:27:17.727] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1180000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 30m48s"
" [08-05|20:27:23.971] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1185000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 30m33s"
" [08-05|20:27:28.876] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1190000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 30m17s"
" [08-05|20:27:35.192] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1195000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 30m2s"
" [08-05|20:27:40.133] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1200000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 29m46s"
" [08-05|20:27:45.123] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1205000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 29m31s"
" [08-05|20:27:50.271] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1210000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 29m15s"
" [08-05|20:27:56.524] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1215000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 29m1s"
" [08-05|20:28:01.130] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1220000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 28m45s"
" [08-05|20:28:07.047] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1225000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 28m30s"
" [08-05|20:28:13.196] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1230000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 28m16s"
" [08-05|20:28:19.363] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1235000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 28m1s"
" [08-05|20:28:24.957] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1240000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 27m46s"
" [08-05|20:28:30.794] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1245000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 27m32s"
" [08-05|20:28:35.596] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1250000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 27m17s"
" [08-05|20:28:41.440] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1255000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 27m3s"
" [08-05|20:28:46.868] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1260000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 26m48s"
" [08-05|20:28:52.642] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1265000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 26m34s"
" [08-05|20:28:58.303] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1270000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 26m19s"
" [08-05|20:29:04.234] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1275000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 26m5s"
" [08-05|20:29:09.608] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1280000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 25m51s"
" [08-05|20:29:14.343] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1285000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 25m37s"
" [08-05|20:29:19.275] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1290000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 25m22s"
" [08-05|20:29:24.990] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1295000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 25m8s"
" [08-05|20:29:30.243] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1300000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 24m54s"
" [08-05|20:29:34.911] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1305000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 24m40s"
" [08-05|20:29:39.259] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1310000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 24m25s"
" [08-05|20:29:45.387] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1315000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 24m12s"
" [08-05|20:29:49.978] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1320000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 23m58s"
" [08-05|20:29:55.212] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1325000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 23m44s"
" [08-05|20:30:00.434] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1330000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 23m30s"
" [08-05|20:30:06.652] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1335000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 23m17s"
" [08-05|20:30:11.996] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1340000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 23m4s"
" [08-05|20:30:17.621] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1345000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 22m50s"
" [08-05|20:30:22.798] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1350000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 22m37s"
" [08-05|20:30:27.964] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1355000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 22m24s"
" [08-05|20:30:33.788] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1360000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:30:39.046] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1365000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 21m57s"
" [08-05|20:30:44.347] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1370000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 21m44s"
" [08-05|20:30:49.841] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1375000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 21m31s"
" [08-05|20:30:55.345] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1380000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 21m18s"
" [08-05|20:31:01.116] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1385000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 21m5s"
" [08-05|20:31:06.736] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1390000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 20m52s"
" [08-05|20:31:11.899] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1395000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 20m39s"
" [08-05|20:31:17.453] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1400000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 20m27s"
" [08-05|20:31:23.009] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1405000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 20m14s"
" [08-05|20:31:28.256] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1410000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 20m1s"
" [08-05|20:31:33.151] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1415000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 19m48s"
" [08-05|20:31:39.016] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1420000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 19m36s"
" [08-05|20:31:44.070] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1425000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 19m23s"
" [08-05|20:31:50.019] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1430000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 19m11s"
" [08-05|20:31:55.509] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1435000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 18m59s"
" [08-05|20:32:00.670] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1440000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 18m46s"
" [08-05|20:32:05.772] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1445000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 18m34s"
" [08-05|20:32:11.331] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1450000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 18m21s"
" [08-05|20:32:16.288] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1455000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 18m9s"
" [08-05|20:32:21.204] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1460000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 17m57s"
" [08-05|20:32:26.545] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1465000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 17m44s"
" [08-05|20:32:31.359] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1470000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 17m32s"
" [08-05|20:32:37.319] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1475000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 17m20s"
" [08-05|20:32:43.100] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1480000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 17m8s"
" [08-05|20:32:47.680] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1485000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 16m56s"
" [08-05|20:32:53.396] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1490000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 16m44s"
" [08-05|20:32:58.606] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1495000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 16m32s"
" [08-05|20:33:04.613] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1500000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 16m21s"
" [08-05|20:33:09.601] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1505000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 16m9s"
" [08-05|20:33:16.171] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1510000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 15m57s"
" [08-05|20:33:22.061] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1515000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 15m46s"
" [08-05|20:33:28.690] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1520000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 15m34s"
" [08-05|20:33:33.908] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1525000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 15m23s"
" [08-05|20:33:39.147] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1530000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 15m11s"
" [08-05|20:33:45.175] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1535000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 15m0s"
" [08-05|20:33:51.085] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1540000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 14m48s"
" [08-05|20:33:56.476] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1545000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 14m37s"
" [08-05|20:34:02.739] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1550000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 14m26s"
" [08-05|20:34:08.751] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1555000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 14m14s"
" [08-05|20:34:14.448] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1560000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 14m3s"
" [08-05|20:34:20.047] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1565000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 13m52s"
" [08-05|20:34:26.006] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1570000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 13m41s"
" [08-05|20:34:30.280] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1575000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 13m29s"
" [08-05|20:34:36.586] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1580000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 13m18s"
" [08-05|20:34:42.166] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1585000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 13m7s"
" [08-05|20:34:48.688] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1590000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 12m56s"
" [08-05|20:34:54.811] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1595000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 12m45s"
" [08-05|20:35:00.970] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1600000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 12m34s"
" [08-05|20:35:06.603] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1605000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 12m23s"
" [08-05|20:35:12.672] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1610000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 12m12s"
" [08-05|20:35:18.090] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1615000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 12m1s"
" [08-05|20:35:23.394] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1620000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 11m50s"
" [08-05|20:35:28.949] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1625000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 11m39s"
" [08-05|20:35:35.647] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1630000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 11m29s"
" [08-05|20:35:42.119] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1635000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 11m18s"
" [08-05|20:35:49.006] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1640000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 11m7s"
" [08-05|20:35:54.782] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1645000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 10m57s"
" [08-05|20:35:59.819] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1650000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 10m46s"
" [08-05|20:36:05.981] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1655000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 10m35s"
" [08-05|20:36:11.169] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1660000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 10m25s"
" [08-05|20:36:15.946] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1665000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 10m14s"
" [08-05|20:36:21.557] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1670000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 10m3s"
" [08-05|20:36:27.762] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1675000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 9m53s"
" [08-05|20:36:33.262] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1680000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 9m42s"
" [08-05|20:36:39.189] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1685000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 9m32s"
" [08-05|20:36:44.116] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1690000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 9m21s"
" [08-05|20:36:49.820] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1695000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 9m11s"
" [08-05|20:36:54.874] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1700000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 9m0s"
" [08-05|20:37:00.310] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1705000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 8m50s"
" [08-05|20:37:06.666] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1710000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 8m39s"
" [08-05|20:37:12.004] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1715000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 8m29s"
" [08-05|20:37:17.469] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1720000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 8m19s"
" [08-05|20:37:22.510] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1725000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 8m8s"
" [08-05|20:37:28.280] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1730000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 7m58s"
" [08-05|20:37:33.926] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1735000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 7m48s"
" [08-05|20:37:41.296] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1740000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 7m38s"
" [08-05|20:37:46.590] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1745000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 7m28s"
" [08-05|20:37:51.481] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1750000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 7m17s"
" [08-05|20:37:56.875] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1755000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 7m7s"
" [08-05|20:38:02.306] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1760000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 6m57s"
" [08-05|20:38:08.102] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1765000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 6m47s"
" [08-05|20:38:13.679] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1770000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 6m37s"
" [08-05|20:38:19.348] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1775000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 6m27s"
" [08-05|20:38:25.055] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1780000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 6m17s"
" [08-05|20:38:29.642] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1785000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 6m7s"
" [08-05|20:38:33.809] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1790000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 5m57s"
" [08-05|20:38:38.094] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1795000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 5m47s"
" [08-05|20:38:42.813] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1800000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 5m37s"
" [08-05|20:38:46.949] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1805000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 5m27s"
" [08-05|20:38:51.356] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1810000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 5m17s"
" [08-05|20:38:55.409] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1815000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 5m7s"
" [08-05|20:38:59.767] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1820000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 4m57s"
" [08-05|20:39:03.794] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1825000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 4m47s"
" [08-05|20:39:07.795] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1830000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 4m37s"
" [08-05|20:39:12.142] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1835000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 4m27s"
" [08-05|20:39:16.629] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1840000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 4m17s"
" [08-05|20:39:21.085] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1845000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 4m8s"
" [08-05|20:39:26.358] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1850000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 3m58s"
" [08-05|20:39:30.861] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1855000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 3m48s"
" [08-05|20:39:35.720] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1860000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 3m39s"
" [08-05|20:39:40.114] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1865000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 3m29s"
" [08-05|20:39:45.428] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1870000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 3m19s"
" [08-05|20:39:50.342] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1875000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 3m10s"
" [08-05|20:39:55.320] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1880000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 3m0s"
" [08-05|20:39:59.580] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1885000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 2m51s"
" [08-05|20:40:03.873] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1890000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 2m41s"
" [08-05|20:40:09.069] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1895000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 2m32s"
" [08-05|20:40:13.511] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1900000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 2m22s"
" [08-05|20:40:18.347] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1905000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 2m13s"
" [08-05|20:40:23.440] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1910000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 2m4s"
" [08-05|20:40:28.450] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1915000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 1m54s"
" [08-05|20:40:33.064] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1920000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 1m45s"
" [08-05|20:40:37.562] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1925000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 1m36s"
" [08-05|20:40:42.089] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1930000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 1m26s"
" [08-05|20:40:46.891] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1935000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 1m17s"
" [08-05|20:40:51.452] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1940000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 1m8s"
" [08-05|20:40:56.144] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1945000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 59s"
" [08-05|20:41:00.315] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1950000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 49s"
" [08-05|20:41:05.045] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1955000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 40s"
" [08-05|20:41:09.822] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1960000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 31s"
" [08-05|20:41:14.422] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1965000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 22s"
" [08-05|20:41:19.143] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1970000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 13s"
" [08-05|20:41:24.161] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1975000 of 1977054 blocks. ETA = 4s"
" [08-05|20:41:26.274] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:491 bootstrapping fetched 1977054 blocks. Executing state transitions..."
" [08-05|20:41:26.555] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m42s"
" [08-05|20:41:26.950] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 5000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m26s"
" [08-05|20:41:27.349] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 7500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m42s"
" [08-05|20:41:28.005] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 10000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m40s"
" [08-05|20:41:29.072] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 12500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m20s"
" [08-05|20:41:30.168] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 15000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m29s"
" [08-05|20:41:31.178] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 17500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m9s"
" [08-05|20:41:31.847] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 20000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m5s"
" [08-05|20:41:32.545] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 22500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m5s"
" [08-05|20:41:33.273] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 25000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m6s"
" [08-05|20:41:34.040] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 27500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m11s"
" [08-05|20:41:34.837] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 30000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m16s"
" [08-05|20:41:35.990] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 32500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m41s"
" [08-05|20:41:37.631] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 35000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m30s"
" [08-05|20:41:38.629] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 37500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m39s"
" [08-05|20:41:39.454] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 40000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m38s"
" [08-05|20:41:40.184] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 42500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m33s"
" [08-05|20:41:40.938] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 45000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m30s"
" [08-05|20:41:41.728] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 47500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m28s"
" [08-05|20:41:42.534] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 50000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m27s"
" [08-05|20:41:43.342] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 52500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m26s"
" [08-05|20:41:44.168] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 55000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m25s"
" [08-05|20:41:45.330] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 57500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m36s"
" [08-05|20:41:46.774] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 60000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m55s"
" [08-05|20:41:48.071] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 62500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m8s"
" [08-05|20:41:49.062] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 65000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m10s"
" [08-05|20:41:49.940] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 67500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m9s"
" [08-05|20:41:50.858] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 70000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m10s"
" [08-05|20:41:51.803] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 72500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m11s"
" [08-05|20:41:52.780] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 75000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m12s"
" [08-05|20:41:53.749] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 77500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m13s"
" [08-05|20:41:55.069] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 80000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m23s"
" [08-05|20:41:56.722] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 82500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m39s"
" [08-05|20:41:58.138] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 85000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m49s"
" [08-05|20:41:59.396] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 87500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m55s"
" [08-05|20:42:00.444] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 90000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m56s"
" [08-05|20:42:01.472] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 92500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m57s"
" [08-05|20:42:02.525] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 95000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m58s"
" [08-05|20:42:03.641] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 97500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m0s"
" [08-05|20:42:04.771] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 100000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m3s"
" [08-05|20:42:06.346] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 102500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m13s"
" [08-05|20:42:08.036] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 105000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m25s"
" [08-05|20:42:09.372] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 107500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m30s"
" [08-05|20:42:10.733] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 110000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m35s"
" [08-05|20:42:11.997] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 112500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m38s"
" [08-05|20:42:13.263] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 115000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m41s"
" [08-05|20:42:14.523] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 117500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m44s"
" [08-05|20:42:15.834] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 120000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m47s"
" [08-05|20:42:17.185] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 122500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m51s"
" [08-05|20:42:18.767] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 125000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m58s"
" [08-05|20:42:20.459] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 127500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m6s"
" [08-05|20:42:22.008] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 130000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m12s"
" [08-05|20:42:23.204] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 132500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m13s"
" [08-05|20:42:24.335] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 135000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m12s"
" [08-05|20:42:25.433] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 137500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m11s"
" [08-05|20:42:26.620] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 140000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m12s"
" [08-05|20:42:27.714] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 142500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m11s"
" [08-05|20:42:28.996] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 145000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m12s"
" [08-05|20:42:30.424] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 147500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m16s"
" [08-05|20:42:31.953] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 150000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m20s"
" [08-05|20:42:33.018] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 152500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m19s"
" [08-05|20:42:34.235] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 155000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m19s"
" [08-05|20:42:35.368] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 157500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m18s"
" [08-05|20:42:36.393] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 160000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m16s"
" [08-05|20:42:37.657] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 162500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m17s"
" [08-05|20:42:38.776] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 165000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m16s"
" [08-05|20:42:39.984] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 167500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m16s"
" [08-05|20:42:41.143] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 170000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m16s"
" [08-05|20:42:42.852] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 172500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m21s"
" [08-05|20:42:44.357] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 175000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m24s"
" [08-05|20:42:45.466] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 177500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m23s"
" [08-05|20:42:46.692] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 180000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m23s"
" [08-05|20:42:47.832] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 182500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m22s"
" [08-05|20:42:49.028] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 185000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m22s"
" [08-05|20:42:50.249] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 187500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m21s"
" [08-05|20:42:51.423] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 190000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m21s"
" [08-05|20:42:52.700] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 192500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m21s"
" [08-05|20:42:53.947] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 195000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m21s"
" [08-05|20:42:55.517] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 197500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m24s"
" [08-05|20:42:57.114] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 200000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m27s"
" [08-05|20:42:58.393] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 202500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m27s"
" [08-05|20:42:59.636] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 205000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m27s"
" [08-05|20:43:00.983] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 207500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m28s"
" [08-05|20:43:02.825] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 210000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m32s"
" [08-05|20:43:04.610] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 212500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m37s"
" [08-05|20:43:06.217] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 215000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m39s"
" [08-05|20:43:07.570] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 217500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m39s"
" [08-05|20:43:09.065] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 220000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m41s"
" [08-05|20:43:11.090] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 222500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m47s"
" [08-05|20:43:12.624] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 225000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m48s"
" [08-05|20:43:13.979] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 227500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m48s"
" [08-05|20:43:15.381] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 230000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m49s"
" [08-05|20:43:17.000] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 232500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m51s"
" [08-05|20:43:18.861] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 235000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m55s"
" [08-05|20:43:20.471] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 237500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m56s"
" [08-05|20:43:22.998] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 240000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m5s"
" [08-05|20:43:25.688] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 242500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m14s"
" [08-05|20:43:27.798] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 245000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m19s"
" [08-05|20:43:29.746] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 247500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m23s"
" [08-05|20:43:31.341] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 250000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m24s"
" [08-05|20:43:33.122] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 252500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m26s"
" [08-05|20:43:35.191] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 255000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m31s"
" [08-05|20:43:37.104] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 257500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m34s"
" [08-05|20:43:38.840] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 260000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m35s"
" [08-05|20:43:40.443] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 262500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m36s"
" [08-05|20:43:42.416] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 265000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m40s"
" [08-05|20:43:44.454] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 267500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m43s"
" [08-05|20:43:46.004] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 270000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m43s"
" [08-05|20:43:47.734] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 272500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m45s"
" [08-05|20:43:49.643] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 275000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m47s"
" [08-05|20:43:51.855] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 277500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m52s"
" [08-05|20:43:53.548] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 280000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m53s"
" [08-05|20:43:55.180] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 282500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m53s"
" [08-05|20:43:56.936] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 285000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m54s"
" [08-05|20:43:59.335] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 287500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m59s"
" [08-05|20:44:01.517] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 290000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m3s"
" [08-05|20:44:03.655] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 292500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m6s"
" [08-05|20:44:05.582] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 295000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m8s"
" [08-05|20:44:07.642] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 297500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m11s"
" [08-05|20:44:10.045] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 300000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m16s"
" [08-05|20:44:12.338] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 302500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m19s"
" [08-05|20:44:14.573] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 305000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m23s"
" [08-05|20:44:16.711] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 307500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m25s"
" [08-05|20:44:19.781] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 310000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m33s"
" [08-05|20:44:21.769] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 312500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m35s"
" [08-05|20:44:23.655] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 315000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m36s"
" [08-05|20:44:25.699] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 317500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m38s"
" [08-05|20:44:28.477] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 320000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m43s"
" [08-05|20:44:30.656] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 322500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m46s"
" [08-05|20:44:32.667] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 325000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m47s"
" [08-05|20:44:34.742] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 327500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m49s"
" [08-05|20:44:36.725] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 330000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m51s"
" [08-05|20:44:39.069] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 332500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m54s"
" [08-05|20:44:41.436] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 335000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m57s"
" [08-05|20:44:43.728] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 337500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m59s"
" [08-05|20:44:46.757] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 340000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m5s"
" [08-05|20:44:49.163] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 342500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m8s"
" [08-05|20:44:51.535] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 345000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m11s"
" [08-05|20:44:54.406] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 347500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m16s"
" [08-05|20:44:56.942] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 350000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m19s"
" [08-05|20:44:59.500] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 352500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m23s"
" [08-05|20:45:02.012] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 355000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m26s"
" [08-05|20:45:04.300] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 357500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m28s"
" [08-05|20:45:06.542] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 360000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m29s"
" [08-05|20:45:08.852] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 362500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m31s"
" [08-05|20:45:11.866] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 365000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m36s"
" [08-05|20:45:14.200] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 367500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m38s"
" [08-05|20:45:16.444] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 370000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m40s"
" [08-05|20:45:18.759] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 372500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m41s"
" [08-05|20:45:21.317] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 375000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m44s"
" [08-05|20:45:23.991] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 377500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m47s"
" [08-05|20:45:26.288] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 380000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m49s"
" [08-05|20:45:28.567] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 382500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m50s"
" [08-05|20:45:30.921] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 385000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m52s"
" [08-05|20:45:33.795] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 387500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m55s"
" [08-05|20:45:36.156] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 390000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m57s"
" [08-05|20:45:38.456] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 392500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m58s"
" [08-05|20:45:40.740] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 395000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m59s"
" [08-05|20:45:43.235] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 397500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m1s"
" [08-05|20:45:46.037] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 400000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m4s"
" [08-05|20:45:48.724] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 402500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m7s"
" [08-05|20:45:51.244] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 405000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m9s"
" [08-05|20:45:53.655] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 407500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m10s"
" [08-05|20:45:56.414] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 410000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m12s"
" [08-05|20:45:59.095] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 412500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m15s"
" [08-05|20:46:01.871] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 415000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m17s"
" [08-05|20:46:04.486] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 417500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m19s"
" [08-05|20:46:06.947] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 420000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m21s"
" [08-05|20:46:09.797] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 422500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m23s"
" [08-05|20:46:12.323] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 425000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m25s"
" [08-05|20:46:14.731] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 427500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m26s"
" [08-05|20:46:17.244] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 430000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m27s"
" [08-05|20:46:20.439] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 432500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m31s"
" [08-05|20:46:23.269] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 435000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m33s"
" [08-05|20:46:26.075] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 437500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m35s"
" [08-05|20:46:28.906] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 440000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m37s"
" [08-05|20:46:31.794] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 442500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m40s"
" [08-05|20:46:35.411] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 445000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m44s"
" [08-05|20:46:38.541] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 447500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m47s"
" [08-05|20:46:41.637] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 450000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m50s"
" [08-05|20:46:44.655] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 452500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m53s"
" [08-05|20:46:47.813] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 455000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m56s"
" [08-05|20:46:51.288] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 457500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m0s"
" [08-05|20:46:54.684] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 460000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m3s"
" [08-05|20:46:57.917] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 462500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m6s"
" [08-05|20:47:01.118] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 465000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m9s"
" [08-05|20:47:04.279] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 467500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m11s"
" [08-05|20:47:08.144] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 470000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m16s"
" [08-05|20:47:12.051] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 472500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m21s"
" [08-05|20:47:16.003] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 475000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m26s"
" [08-05|20:47:19.582] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 477500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m30s"
" [08-05|20:47:23.261] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 480000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m33s"
" [08-05|20:47:27.368] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 482500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m38s"
" [08-05|20:47:31.154] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 485000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m43s"
" [08-05|20:47:34.891] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 487500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m46s"
" [08-05|20:47:38.646] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 490000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m50s"
" [08-05|20:47:42.448] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 492500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m54s"
" [08-05|20:47:46.502] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 495000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m58s"
" [08-05|20:47:50.460] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 497500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m3s"
" [08-05|20:47:54.287] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 500000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m6s"
" [08-05|20:47:58.043] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 502500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m10s"
" [08-05|20:48:02.062] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 505000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m14s"
" [08-05|20:48:06.437] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 507500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m19s"
" [08-05|20:48:10.401] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 510000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m23s"
" [08-05|20:48:14.301] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 512500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m26s"
" [08-05|20:48:18.553] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 515000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m30s"
" [08-05|20:48:22.686] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 517500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m34s"
" [08-05|20:48:26.562] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 520000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m38s"
" [08-05|20:48:30.406] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 522500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m41s"
" [08-05|20:48:34.544] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 525000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m45s"
" [08-05|20:48:38.646] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 527500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m48s"
" [08-05|20:48:42.564] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 530000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m51s"
" [08-05|20:48:46.653] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 532500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m55s"
" [08-05|20:48:50.729] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 535000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m58s"
" [08-05|20:48:54.888] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 537500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m1s"
" [08-05|20:48:58.563] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 540000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m4s"
" [08-05|20:49:02.305] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 542500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m6s"
" [08-05|20:49:05.926] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 545000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m8s"
" [08-05|20:49:10.209] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 547500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m11s"
" [08-05|20:49:14.090] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 550000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m14s"
" [08-05|20:49:18.183] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 552500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m17s"
" [08-05|20:49:22.150] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 555000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m19s"
" [08-05|20:49:26.369] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 557500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m22s"
" [08-05|20:49:30.356] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 560000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m25s"
" [08-05|20:49:34.312] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 562500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m27s"
" [08-05|20:49:38.208] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 565000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m29s"
" [08-05|20:49:42.115] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 567500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m32s"
" [08-05|20:49:46.602] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 570000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m35s"
" [08-05|20:49:50.575] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 572500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m37s"
" [08-05|20:49:54.477] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 575000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m39s"
" [08-05|20:49:58.363] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 577500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m41s"
" [08-05|20:50:02.589] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 580000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m44s"
" [08-05|20:50:07.094] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 582500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m47s"
" [08-05|20:50:11.028] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 585000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m49s"
" [08-05|20:50:15.032] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 587500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m51s"
" [08-05|20:50:19.206] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 590000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m53s"
" [08-05|20:50:23.696] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 592500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m56s"
" [08-05|20:50:28.079] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 595000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m58s"
" [08-05|20:50:32.160] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 597500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m0s"
" [08-05|20:50:36.260] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 600000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m2s"
" [08-05|20:50:40.219] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 602500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m4s"
" [08-05|20:50:44.498] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 605000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m6s"
" [08-05|20:50:48.402] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 607500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m7s"
" [08-05|20:50:52.515] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 610000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m9s"
" [08-05|20:50:56.688] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 612500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m11s"
" [08-05|20:51:00.868] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 615000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m13s"
" [08-05|20:51:05.207] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 617500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m15s"
" [08-05|20:51:09.514] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 620000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m17s"
" [08-05|20:51:13.843] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 622500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m19s"
" [08-05|20:51:17.856] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 625000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m20s"
" [08-05|20:51:22.065] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 627500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m21s"
" [08-05|20:51:26.519] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 630000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m23s"
" [08-05|20:51:30.868] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 632500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m25s"
" [08-05|20:51:35.309] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 635000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m27s"
" [08-05|20:51:39.449] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 637500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m28s"
" [08-05|20:51:43.866] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 640000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m30s"
" [08-05|20:51:48.419] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 642500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m32s"
" [08-05|20:51:52.863] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 645000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m34s"
" [08-05|20:51:57.219] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 647500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m36s"
" [08-05|20:52:01.672] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 650000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m37s"
" [08-05|20:52:06.378] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 652500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m39s"
" [08-05|20:52:11.139] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 655000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m42s"
" [08-05|20:52:15.585] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 657500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m43s"
" [08-05|20:52:19.932] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 660000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m44s"
" [08-05|20:52:24.315] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 662500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m46s"
" [08-05|20:52:28.852] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 665000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m47s"
" [08-05|20:52:33.214] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 667500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m48s"
" [08-05|20:52:37.534] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 670000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m50s"
" [08-05|20:52:41.944] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 672500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m51s"
" [08-05|20:52:46.356] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 675000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m52s"
" [08-05|20:52:51.029] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 677500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m53s"
" [08-05|20:52:55.477] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 680000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m55s"
" [08-05|20:52:59.803] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 682500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m55s"
" [08-05|20:53:04.181] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 685000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m56s"
" [08-05|20:53:08.608] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 687500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m57s"
" [08-05|20:53:13.442] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 690000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m59s"
" [08-05|20:53:17.941] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 692500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m0s"
" [08-05|20:53:22.327] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 695000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m1s"
" [08-05|20:53:26.620] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 697500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m1s"
" [08-05|20:53:31.077] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 700000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m2s"
" [08-05|20:53:35.746] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 702500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m3s"
" [08-05|20:53:40.326] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 705000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m4s"
" [08-05|20:53:44.966] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 707500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m6s"
" [08-05|20:53:49.159] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 710000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m6s"
" [08-05|20:53:53.693] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 712500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m7s"
" [08-05|20:53:57.958] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 715000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m7s"
" [08-05|20:54:02.372] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 717500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m7s"
" [08-05|20:54:06.421] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 720000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m7s"
" [08-05|20:54:10.799] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 722500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:54:15.041] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 725000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:54:19.319] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 727500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:54:23.497] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 730000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:54:27.513] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 732500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m7s"
" [08-05|20:54:32.112] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 735000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:54:36.620] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 737500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:54:40.934] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 740000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:54:45.627] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 742500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:54:50.298] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 745000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:54:54.455] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 747500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:54:58.533] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 750000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:55:02.667] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 752500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:55:07.467] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 755000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:55:11.981] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 757500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:55:16.332] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 760000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:55:20.717] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 762500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:55:25.529] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 765000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:55:30.002] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 767500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:55:34.449] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 770000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:55:38.875] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 772500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:55:43.318] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 775000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:55:47.917] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 777500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:55:52.654] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 780000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:55:57.192] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 782500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:56:02.391] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 785000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:56:07.319] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 787500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:56:11.882] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 790000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:56:16.231] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 792500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:56:20.774] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 795000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:56:25.396] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 797500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:56:29.781] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 800000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:56:34.148] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 802500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:56:38.543] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 805000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:56:43.447] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 807500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:56:48.477] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 810000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:56:53.427] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 812500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:56:58.409] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 815000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:57:03.857] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 817500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:57:09.095] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 820000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:57:14.107] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 822500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:57:19.515] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 825000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:57:24.429] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 827500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:57:29.298] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 830000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:57:34.712] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 832500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:57:39.775] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 835000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:57:44.938] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 837500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m12s"
" [08-05|20:57:49.876] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 840000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:57:55.191] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 842500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m12s"
" [08-05|20:58:00.348] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 845000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m12s"
" [08-05|20:58:05.442] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 847500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m12s"
" [08-05|20:58:10.748] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 850000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m12s"
" [08-05|20:58:15.664] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 852500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m12s"
" [08-05|20:58:20.517] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 855000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:58:25.577] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 857500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-05|20:58:30.440] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 860000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:58:35.418] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 862500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:58:40.590] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 865000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m10s"
" [08-05|20:58:45.643] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 867500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:58:50.595] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 870000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-05|20:58:55.556] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 872500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:59:00.937] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 875000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:59:06.302] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 877500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:59:11.533] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 880000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:59:16.921] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 882500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m8s"
" [08-05|20:59:22.011] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 885000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m7s"
" [08-05|20:59:27.021] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 887500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m7s"
" [08-05|20:59:32.071] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 890000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m6s"
" [08-05|20:59:37.414] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 892500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m6s"
" [08-05|20:59:42.370] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 895000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m5s"
" [08-05|20:59:47.367] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 897500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m4s"
" [08-05|20:59:52.803] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 900000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m4s"
" [08-05|20:59:58.138] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 902500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m4s"
" [08-05|21:00:03.317] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 905000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m3s"
" [08-05|21:00:08.856] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 907500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m3s"
" [08-05|21:00:14.183] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 910000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m3s"
" [08-05|21:00:19.435] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 912500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m2s"
" [08-05|21:00:25.066] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 915000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m2s"
" [08-05|21:00:30.620] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 917500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m2s"
" [08-05|21:00:36.127] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 920000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m1s"
" [08-05|21:00:41.851] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 922500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m1s"
" [08-05|21:00:47.178] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 925000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22m0s"
" [08-05|21:00:52.283] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 927500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m59s"
" [08-05|21:00:57.373] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 930000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m58s"
" [08-05|21:01:02.844] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 932500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m58s"
" [08-05|21:01:08.051] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 935000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m57s"
" [08-05|21:01:13.310] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 937500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m56s"
" [08-05|21:01:18.601] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 940000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m55s"
" [08-05|21:01:23.717] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 942500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m54s"
" [08-05|21:01:28.840] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 945000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m53s"
" [08-05|21:01:34.116] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 947500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m52s"
" [08-05|21:01:39.108] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 950000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m51s"
" [08-05|21:01:44.166] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 952500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m50s"
" [08-05|21:01:49.776] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 955000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m49s"
" [08-05|21:01:54.935] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 957500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m48s"
" [08-05|21:01:59.977] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 960000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m47s"
" [08-05|21:02:05.338] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 962500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m46s"
" [08-05|21:02:10.959] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 965000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m45s"
" [08-05|21:02:16.298] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 967500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m44s"
" [08-05|21:02:21.932] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 970000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m44s"
" [08-05|21:02:27.204] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 972500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m42s"
" [08-05|21:02:32.396] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 975000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m41s"
" [08-05|21:02:37.508] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 977500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m40s"
" [08-05|21:02:42.756] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 980000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m39s"
" [08-05|21:02:48.156] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 982500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m38s"
" [08-05|21:02:53.441] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 985000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m36s"
" [08-05|21:02:58.724] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 987500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m35s"
" [08-05|21:03:03.893] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 990000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m34s"
" [08-05|21:03:08.805] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 992500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m32s"
" [08-05|21:03:14.057] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 995000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m31s"
" [08-05|21:03:19.292] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 997500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m29s"
" [08-05|21:03:24.368] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1000000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m28s"
" [08-05|21:03:29.266] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1002500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m26s"
" [08-05|21:03:34.374] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1005000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m25s"
" [08-05|21:03:39.687] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1007500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m23s"
" [08-05|21:03:45.050] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1010000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m22s"
" [08-05|21:03:50.577] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1012500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m21s"
" [08-05|21:03:55.744] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1015000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m19s"
" [08-05|21:04:01.198] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1017500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m18s"
" [08-05|21:04:06.547] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1020000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m16s"
" [08-05|21:04:11.648] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1022500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m15s"
" [08-05|21:04:15.841] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1025000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m12s"
" [08-05|21:04:20.537] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1027500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m10s"
" [08-05|21:04:25.516] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1030000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m8s"
" [08-05|21:04:31.068] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1032500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m7s"
" [08-05|21:04:35.818] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1035000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m5s"
" [08-05|21:04:40.815] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1037500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m3s"
" [08-05|21:04:45.929] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1040000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 21m1s"
" [08-05|21:04:51.034] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1042500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m59s"
" [08-05|21:04:56.171] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1045000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m58s"
" [08-05|21:05:01.229] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1047500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m56s"
" [08-05|21:05:06.464] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1050000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m54s"
" [08-05|21:05:11.722] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1052500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m52s"
" [08-05|21:05:16.743] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1055000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m50s"
" [08-05|21:05:22.208] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1057500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m49s"
" [08-05|21:05:27.311] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1060000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m47s"
" [08-05|21:05:32.420] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1062500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m45s"
" [08-05|21:05:37.801] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1065000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m43s"
" [08-05|21:05:42.962] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1067500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m41s"
" [08-05|21:05:48.095] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1070000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m39s"
" [08-05|21:05:53.368] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1072500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m37s"
" [08-05|21:05:58.697] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1075000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m36s"
" [08-05|21:06:03.812] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1077500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m34s"
" [08-05|21:06:08.900] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1080000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m31s"
" [08-05|21:06:14.414] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1082500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m30s"
" [08-05|21:06:19.515] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1085000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m28s"
" [08-05|21:06:24.696] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1087500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m26s"
" [08-05|21:06:30.327] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1090000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m24s"
" [08-05|21:06:35.136] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1092500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m22s"
" [08-05|21:06:39.961] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1095000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m19s"
" [08-05|21:06:44.843] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1097500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m17s"
" [08-05|21:06:50.377] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1100000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m15s"
" [08-05|21:06:55.400] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1102500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m13s"
" [08-05|21:07:00.639] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1105000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m11s"
" [08-05|21:07:06.084] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1107500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m9s"
" [08-05|21:07:11.328] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1110000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m7s"
" [08-05|21:07:16.308] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1112500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m5s"
" [08-05|21:07:21.183] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1115000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m2s"
" [08-05|21:07:26.518] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1117500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 20m0s"
" [08-05|21:07:31.689] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1120000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m58s"
" [08-05|21:07:37.050] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1122500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m56s"
" [08-05|21:07:41.802] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1125000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m53s"
" [08-05|21:07:46.377] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1127500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m51s"
" [08-05|21:07:51.513] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1130000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m48s"
" [08-05|21:07:56.747] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1132500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m46s"
" [08-05|21:08:01.826] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1135000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m44s"
" [08-05|21:08:07.174] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1137500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m42s"
" [08-05|21:08:12.482] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1140000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m39s"
" [08-05|21:08:17.425] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1142500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m37s"
" [08-05|21:08:22.499] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1145000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m34s"
" [08-05|21:08:27.922] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1147500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m32s"
" [08-05|21:08:32.896] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1150000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m30s"
" [08-05|21:08:37.967] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1152500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m27s"
" [08-05|21:08:43.305] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1155000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m25s"
" [08-05|21:08:48.462] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1157500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m23s"
" [08-05|21:08:53.694] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1160000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m20s"
" [08-05|21:08:58.649] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1162500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m18s"
" [08-05|21:09:04.087] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1165000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m16s"
" [08-05|21:09:09.358] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1167500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m13s"
" [08-05|21:09:14.610] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1170000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m11s"
" [08-05|21:09:19.963] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1172500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m8s"
" [08-05|21:09:25.111] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1175000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m6s"
" [08-05|21:09:30.230] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1177500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m3s"
" [08-05|21:09:35.721] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1180000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 19m1s"
" [08-05|21:09:40.864] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1182500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m59s"
" [08-05|21:09:45.658] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1185000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m56s"
" [08-05|21:09:50.983] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1187500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m53s"
" [08-05|21:09:56.424] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1190000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m51s"
" [08-05|21:10:01.982] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1192500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m49s"
" [08-05|21:10:07.448] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1195000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m46s"
" [08-05|21:10:13.138] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1197500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m44s"
" [08-05|21:10:18.585] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1200000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m42s"
" [08-05|21:10:24.092] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1202500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m39s"
" [08-05|21:10:29.945] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1205000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m37s"
" [08-05|21:10:35.214] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1207500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m35s"
" [08-05|21:10:40.614] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1210000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m32s"
" [08-05|21:10:46.287] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1212500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m30s"
" [08-05|21:10:51.735] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1215000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m27s"
" [08-05|21:10:57.222] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1217500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m25s"
" [08-05|21:11:02.708] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1220000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m22s"
" [08-05|21:11:08.111] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1222500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m20s"
" [08-05|21:11:13.450] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1225000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m17s"
" [08-05|21:11:18.852] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1227500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m15s"
" [08-05|21:11:25.104] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1230000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m13s"
" [08-05|21:11:30.984] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1232500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m10s"
" [08-05|21:11:36.977] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1235000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m8s"
" [08-05|21:11:42.614] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1237500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m5s"
" [08-05|21:11:48.446] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1240000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m3s"
" [08-05|21:11:54.560] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1242500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18m1s"
" [08-05|21:12:00.638] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1245000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m59s"
" [08-05|21:12:06.760] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1247500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m56s"
" [08-05|21:12:12.563] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1250000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m54s"
" [08-05|21:12:18.811] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1252500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m52s"
" [08-05|21:12:24.582] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1255000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m49s"
" [08-05|21:12:29.881] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1257500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m46s"
" [08-05|21:12:35.006] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1260000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m43s"
" [08-05|21:12:40.946] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1262500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m41s"
" [08-05|21:12:46.583] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1265000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m38s"
" [08-05|21:12:52.269] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1267500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m36s"
" [08-05|21:12:58.248] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1270000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m33s"
" [08-05|21:13:03.982] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1272500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m31s"
" [08-05|21:13:09.064] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1275000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m28s"
" [08-05|21:13:14.497] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1277500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m25s"
" [08-05|21:13:20.053] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1280000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m22s"
" [08-05|21:13:25.489] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1282500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m19s"
" [08-05|21:13:30.308] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1285000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m16s"
" [08-05|21:13:35.787] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1287500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m13s"
" [08-05|21:13:41.462] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1290000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m11s"
" [08-05|21:13:47.140] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1292500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m8s"
" [08-05|21:13:52.748] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1295000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m5s"
" [08-05|21:13:58.390] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1297500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m2s"
" [08-05|21:14:04.351] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1300000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 17m0s"
" [08-05|21:14:10.028] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1302500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m57s"
" [08-05|21:14:15.392] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1305000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m54s"
" [08-05|21:14:21.042] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1307500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m51s"
" [08-05|21:14:26.392] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1310000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m48s"
" [08-05|21:14:31.823] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1312500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m45s"
" [08-05|21:14:37.624] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1315000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m43s"
" [08-05|21:14:43.095] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1317500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m40s"
" [08-05|21:14:48.553] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1320000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m37s"
" [08-05|21:14:54.350] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1322500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m34s"
" [08-05|21:15:00.222] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1325000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m31s"
" [08-05|21:15:05.833] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1327500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m28s"
" [08-05|21:15:11.922] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1330000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m25s"
" [08-05|21:15:17.551] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1332500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m23s"
" [08-05|21:15:23.079] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1335000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m20s"
" [08-05|21:15:28.979] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1337500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m17s"
" [08-05|21:15:34.771] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1340000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m14s"
" [08-05|21:15:40.508] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1342500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m11s"
" [08-05|21:15:46.519] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1345000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m8s"
" [08-05|21:15:52.436] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1347500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m5s"
" [08-05|21:15:58.127] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1350000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m2s"
" [08-05|21:16:04.160] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1352500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 16m0s"
" [08-05|21:16:10.071] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1355000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m57s"
" [08-05|21:16:15.449] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1357500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m53s"
" [08-05|21:16:21.053] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1360000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m50s"
" [08-05|21:16:27.107] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1362500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m48s"
" [08-05|21:16:33.308] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1365000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m45s"
" [08-05|21:16:39.106] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1367500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m42s"
" [08-05|21:16:45.275] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1370000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m39s"
" [08-05|21:16:51.130] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1372500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m36s"
" [08-05|21:16:56.751] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1375000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m33s"
" [08-05|21:17:02.313] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1377500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m30s"
" [08-05|21:17:07.966] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1380000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m27s"
" [08-05|21:17:13.699] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1382500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m24s"
" [08-05|21:17:19.220] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1385000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m20s"
" [08-05|21:17:25.056] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1387500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m17s"
" [08-05|21:17:30.966] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1390000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m14s"
" [08-05|21:17:36.967] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1392500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m11s"
" [08-05|21:17:43.277] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1395000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m8s"
" [08-05|21:17:49.220] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1397500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m5s"
" [08-05|21:17:54.644] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1400000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 15m2s"
" [08-05|21:18:01.686] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1402500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m59s"
" [08-05|21:18:07.964] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1405000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m56s"
" [08-05|21:18:13.942] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1407500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m53s"
" [08-05|21:18:19.954] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1410000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m50s"
" [08-05|21:18:25.965] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1412500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m47s"
" [08-05|21:18:31.953] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1415000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m44s"
" [08-05|21:18:38.279] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1417500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m41s"
" [08-05|21:18:44.326] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1420000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m38s"
" [08-05|21:18:50.322] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1422500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m35s"
" [08-05|21:18:56.293] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1425000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m32s"
" [08-05|21:19:02.216] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1427500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m28s"
" [08-05|21:19:08.268] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1430000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m25s"
" [08-05|21:19:14.297] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1432500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m22s"
" [08-05|21:19:20.566] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1435000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m19s"
" [08-05|21:19:26.358] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1437500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m16s"
" [08-05|21:19:32.154] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1440000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m13s"
" [08-05|21:19:38.162] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1442500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m9s"
" [08-05|21:19:44.127] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1445000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m6s"
" [08-05|21:19:49.754] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1447500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m3s"
" [08-05|21:19:56.244] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1450000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 14m0s"
" [08-05|21:20:02.160] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1452500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m56s"
" [08-05|21:20:08.304] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1455000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m53s"
" [08-05|21:20:14.560] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1457500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m50s"
" [08-05|21:20:20.748] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1460000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m47s"
" [08-05|21:20:27.318] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1462500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m44s"
" [08-05|21:20:33.485] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1465000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m40s"
" [08-05|21:20:39.682] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1467500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m37s"
" [08-05|21:20:45.535] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1470000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m34s"
" [08-05|21:20:51.421] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1472500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m30s"
" [08-05|21:20:57.687] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1475000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m27s"
" [08-05|21:21:03.878] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1477500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m24s"
" [08-05|21:21:09.862] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1480000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m21s"
" [08-05|21:21:16.169] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1482500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m17s"
" [08-05|21:21:22.452] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1485000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m14s"
" [08-05|21:21:28.638] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1487500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m11s"
" [08-05|21:21:34.982] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1490000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m7s"
" [08-05|21:21:41.696] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1492500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m4s"
" [08-05|21:21:47.814] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1495000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13m1s"
" [08-05|21:21:54.362] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1497500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m58s"
" [08-05|21:22:00.593] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1500000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m54s"
" [08-05|21:22:06.980] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1502500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m51s"
" [08-05|21:22:13.174] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1505000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m47s"
" [08-05|21:22:19.939] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1507500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m44s"
" [08-05|21:22:25.582] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1510000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m41s"
" [08-05|21:22:31.688] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1512500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m37s"
" [08-05|21:22:38.132] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1515000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m34s"
" [08-05|21:22:44.410] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1517500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m30s"
" [08-05|21:22:50.623] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1520000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m27s"
" [08-05|21:22:57.101] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1522500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m24s"
" [08-05|21:23:03.960] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1525000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m20s"
" [08-05|21:23:10.623] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1527500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m17s"
" [08-05|21:23:17.831] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1530000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m14s"
" [08-05|21:23:24.806] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1532500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m11s"
" [08-05|21:23:31.121] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1535000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m7s"
" [08-05|21:23:37.366] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1537500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m4s"
" [08-05|21:23:43.444] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1540000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 12m0s"
" [08-05|21:23:49.581] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1542500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m57s"
" [08-05|21:23:55.979] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1545000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m53s"
" [08-05|21:24:02.319] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1547500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m50s"
" [08-05|21:24:08.333] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1550000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m46s"
" [08-05|21:24:14.964] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1552500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m42s"
" [08-05|21:24:21.425] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1555000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m39s"
" [08-05|21:24:28.118] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1557500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m35s"
" [08-05|21:24:34.333] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1560000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m32s"
" [08-05|21:24:41.063] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1562500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m28s"
" [08-05|21:24:47.918] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1565000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m25s"
" [08-05|21:24:54.067] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1567500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m21s"
" [08-05|21:25:00.892] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1570000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m18s"
" [08-05|21:25:06.958] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1572500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m14s"
" [08-05|21:25:13.431] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1575000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m11s"
" [08-05|21:25:20.144] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1577500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m7s"
" [08-05|21:25:26.621] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1580000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m4s"
" [08-05|21:25:32.832] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1582500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 11m0s"
" [08-05|21:25:39.419] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1585000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m56s"
" [08-05|21:25:45.715] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1587500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m53s"
" [08-05|21:25:52.008] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1590000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m49s"
" [08-05|21:25:58.472] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1592500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m45s"
" [08-05|21:26:04.692] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1595000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m42s"
" [08-05|21:26:10.919] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1597500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m38s"
" [08-05|21:26:17.157] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1600000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m34s"
" [08-05|21:26:23.853] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1602500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m31s"
" [08-05|21:26:30.268] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1605000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m27s"
" [08-05|21:26:36.893] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1607500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m23s"
" [08-05|21:26:43.966] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1610000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m20s"
" [08-05|21:26:50.131] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1612500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m16s"
" [08-05|21:26:56.458] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1615000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m12s"
" [08-05|21:27:02.844] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1617500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m8s"
" [08-05|21:27:09.066] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1620000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m5s"
" [08-05|21:27:15.617] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1622500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 10m1s"
" [08-05|21:27:22.362] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1625000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m57s"
" [08-05|21:27:28.806] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1627500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m53s"
" [08-05|21:27:34.906] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1630000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m49s"
" [08-05|21:27:41.178] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1632500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m46s"
" [08-05|21:27:46.384] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1635000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m42s"
" [08-05|21:27:52.973] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1637500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m38s"
" [08-05|21:27:59.074] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1640000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m34s"
" [08-05|21:28:05.025] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1642500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m30s"
" [08-05|21:28:11.363] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1645000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m26s"
" [08-05|21:28:16.816] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1647500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m22s"
" [08-05|21:28:21.740] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1650000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m18s"
" [08-05|21:28:27.187] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1652500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m14s"
" [08-05|21:28:33.461] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1655000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m10s"
" [08-05|21:28:39.382] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1657500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m6s"
" [08-05|21:28:45.425] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1660000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 9m2s"
" [08-05|21:28:51.710] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1662500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m58s"
" [08-05|21:28:57.690] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1665000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m54s"
" [08-05|21:29:03.362] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1667500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m50s"
" [08-05|21:29:09.330] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1670000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m46s"
" [08-05|21:29:15.589] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1672500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m42s"
" [08-05|21:29:21.300] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1675000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m38s"
" [08-05|21:29:27.466] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1677500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m34s"
" [08-05|21:29:33.549] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1680000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m31s"
" [08-05|21:29:39.497] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1682500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m27s"
" [08-05|21:29:45.924] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1685000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m23s"
" [08-05|21:29:52.268] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1687500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m19s"
" [08-05|21:29:58.463] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1690000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m15s"
" [08-05|21:30:04.957] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1692500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m11s"
" [08-05|21:30:11.535] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1695000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m7s"
" [08-05|21:30:17.519] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1697500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8m3s"
" [08-05|21:30:23.777] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1700000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m59s"
" [08-05|21:30:30.334] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1702500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m55s"
" [08-05|21:30:36.292] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1705000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m51s"
" [08-05|21:30:42.079] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1707500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m47s"
" [08-05|21:30:48.491] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1710000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m43s"
" [08-05|21:30:54.465] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1712500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m39s"
" [08-05|21:31:00.474] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1715000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m34s"
" [08-05|21:31:06.743] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1717500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m30s"
" [08-05|21:31:13.108] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1720000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m26s"
" [08-05|21:31:19.410] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1722500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m22s"
" [08-05|21:31:25.917] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1725000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m18s"
" [08-05|21:31:31.926] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1727500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m14s"
" [08-05|21:31:38.205] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1730000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m10s"
" [08-05|21:31:44.508] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1732500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m6s"
" [08-05|21:31:50.336] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1735000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 7m2s"
" [08-05|21:31:56.014] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1737500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m58s"
" [08-05|21:32:02.047] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1740000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m54s"
" [08-05|21:32:08.008] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1742500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m49s"
" [08-05|21:32:14.033] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1745000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m45s"
" [08-05|21:32:20.012] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1747500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m41s"
" [08-05|21:32:26.412] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1750000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m37s"
" [08-05|21:32:32.498] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1752500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m33s"
" [08-05|21:32:38.595] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1755000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m29s"
" [08-05|21:32:44.811] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1757500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m25s"
" [08-05|21:32:50.633] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1760000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m20s"
" [08-05|21:32:57.197] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1762500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m16s"
" [08-05|21:33:03.889] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1765000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m12s"
" [08-05|21:33:10.061] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1767500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m8s"
" [08-05|21:33:16.623] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1770000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m4s"
" [08-05|21:33:23.537] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1772500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 6m0s"
" [08-05|21:33:30.370] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1775000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m56s"
" [08-05|21:33:36.720] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1777500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m51s"
" [08-05|21:33:43.254] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1780000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m47s"
" [08-05|21:33:49.240] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1782500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m43s"
" [08-05|21:33:55.572] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1785000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m39s"
" [08-05|21:34:02.377] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1787500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m35s"
" [08-05|21:34:08.430] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1790000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m30s"
" [08-05|21:34:14.588] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1792500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m26s"
" [08-05|21:34:20.984] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1795000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m22s"
" [08-05|21:34:26.751] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1797500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m18s"
" [08-05|21:34:32.934] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1800000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m13s"
" [08-05|21:34:39.142] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1802500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m9s"
" [08-05|21:34:45.074] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1805000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m5s"
" [08-05|21:34:51.238] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1807500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 5m1s"
" [08-05|21:34:57.224] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1810000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m56s"
" [08-05|21:35:02.887] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1812500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m52s"
" [08-05|21:35:08.822] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1815000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m48s"
" [08-05|21:35:14.860] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1817500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m43s"
" [08-05|21:35:20.999] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1820000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m39s"
" [08-05|21:35:27.369] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1822500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m35s"
" [08-05|21:35:32.656] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1825000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m30s"
" [08-05|21:35:39.053] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1827500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m26s"
" [08-05|21:35:44.990] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1830000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m22s"
" [08-05|21:35:51.278] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1832500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m18s"
" [08-05|21:35:57.410] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1835000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m13s"
" [08-05|21:36:03.623] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1837500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m9s"
" [08-05|21:36:10.395] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1840000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m5s"
" [08-05|21:36:16.846] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1842500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4m0s"
" [08-05|21:36:23.144] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1845000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m56s"
" [08-05|21:36:29.878] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1847500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m52s"
" [08-05|21:36:36.797] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1850000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m47s"
" [08-05|21:36:43.368] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1852500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m43s"
" [08-05|21:36:50.287] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1855000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m39s"
" [08-05|21:36:56.772] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1857500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m34s"
" [08-05|21:37:02.905] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1860000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m30s"
" [08-05|21:37:09.096] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1862500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m26s"
" [08-05|21:37:15.219] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1865000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m21s"
" [08-05|21:37:21.644] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1867500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m17s"
" [08-05|21:37:28.486] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1870000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m12s"
" [08-05|21:37:35.206] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1872500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m8s"
" [08-05|21:37:41.482] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1875000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 3m4s"
" [08-05|21:37:48.063] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1877500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m59s"
" [08-05|21:37:54.438] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1880000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m55s"
" [08-05|21:38:00.865] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1882500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m51s"
" [08-05|21:38:07.541] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1885000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m46s"
" [08-05|21:38:13.991] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1887500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m42s"
" [08-05|21:38:20.307] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1890000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m37s"
" [08-05|21:38:26.507] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1892500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m33s"
" [08-05|21:38:32.955] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1895000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m28s"
" [08-05|21:38:38.997] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1897500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m24s"
" [08-05|21:38:45.627] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1900000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m19s"
" [08-05|21:38:51.783] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1902500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m15s"
" [08-05|21:38:57.985] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1905000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m11s"
" [08-05|21:39:04.446] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1907500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m6s"
" [08-05|21:39:10.972] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1910000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 2m2s"
" [08-05|21:39:17.273] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1912500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m57s"
" [08-05|21:39:23.542] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1915000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m53s"
" [08-05|21:39:30.209] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1917500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m48s"
" [08-05|21:39:36.584] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1920000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m44s"
" [08-05|21:39:43.043] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1922500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m39s"
" [08-05|21:39:49.624] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1925000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m35s"
" [08-05|21:39:55.807] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1927500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m30s"
" [08-05|21:40:02.512] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1930000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m26s"
" [08-05|21:40:09.080] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1932500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m21s"
" [08-05|21:40:15.628] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1935000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m17s"
" [08-05|21:40:22.061] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1937500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m12s"
" [08-05|21:40:29.053] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1940000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m8s"
" [08-05|21:40:35.348] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1942500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 1m3s"
" [08-05|21:40:41.851] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1945000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 59s"
" [08-05|21:40:48.069] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1947500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 54s"
" [08-05|21:40:54.279] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1950000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 50s"
" [08-05|21:41:00.649] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1952500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 45s"
" [08-05|21:41:07.415] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1955000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 40s"
" [08-05|21:41:14.528] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1957500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 36s"
" [08-05|21:41:21.034] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1960000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 31s"
" [08-05|21:41:27.963] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1962500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 27s"
" [08-05|21:41:34.712] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1965000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 22s"
" [08-05|21:41:41.690] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1967500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 18s"
" [08-05|21:41:48.497] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1970000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 13s"
" [08-05|21:41:55.534] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1972500 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 8s"
" [08-05|21:42:02.361] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1975000 of 1977054 operations. ETA = 4s"
" [08-05|21:42:08.383] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:182 executed 1977054 operations"
" [08-05|21:42:11.268] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 2q9e4r6Mu3U68nU1fYjgbR6JvwrRx36CohpAX5UQxse55x1Q5"
" VMID:mgj786NP7uDwBCcq6YwThhaN8FLyybkCa4zBWTQbNgmK6k9A6"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.270] <C Chain> Initializing Coreth VM Version=v0.8.10 Config=\"{\\\"snowman-api-enabled\\\":false,\\\"coreth-admin-api-enabled\\\":false,\\\"coreth-admin-api-dir\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"eth-apis\\\":[\\\"public-eth\\\",\\\"public-eth-filter\\\",\\\"net\\\",\\\"web3\\\",\\\"internal-public-eth\\\",\\\"internal-public-blockchain\\\",\\\"internal-public-transaction-pool\\\"],\\\"continuous-profiler-dir\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"continuous-profiler-frequency\\\":{\\\"Duration\\\":900000000000},\\\"continuous-profiler-max-files\\\":5,\\\"rpc-gas-cap\\\":50000000,\\\"rpc-tx-fee-cap\\\":100,\\\"preimages-enabled\\\":false,\\\"snapshot-async\\\":true,\\\"snapshot-verification-enabled\\\":false,\\\"pruning-enabled\\\":true,\\\"commit-interval\\\":4096,\\\"allow-missing-tries\\\":false,\\\"populate-missing-tries-parallelism\\\":1024,\\\"metrics-expensive-enabled\\\":false,\\\"local-txs-enabled\\\":false,\\\"api-max-duration\\\":{\\\"Duration\\\":0},\\\"ws-cpu-refill-rate\\\":{\\\"Duration\\\":0},\\\"ws-cpu-max-stored\\\":{\\\"Duration\\\":0},\\\"api-max-blocks-per-request\\\":0,\\\"allow-unfinalized-queries\\\":false,\\\"allow-unprotected-txs\\\":false,\\\"keystore-directory\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"keystore-external-signer\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"keystore-insecure-unlock-allowed\\\":false,\\\"remote-tx-gossip-only-enabled\\\":false,\\\"tx-regossip-frequency\\\":{\\\"Duration\\\":60000000000},\\\"tx-regossip-max-size\\\":15,\\\"log-level\\\":\\\"info\\\",\\\"offline-pruning-enabled\\\":false,\\\"offline-pruning-bloom-filter-size\\\":512,\\\"offline-pruning-data-directory\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"max-outbound-active-requests\\\":8,\\\"state-sync-enabled\\\":false,\\\"state-sync-skip-resume\\\":false,\\\"state-sync-server-trie-cache\\\":64,\\\"state-sync-ids\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"state-sync-commit-interval\\\":16384,\\\"state-sync-min-blocks\\\":300000,\\\"state-sync-disable-requests\\\":false}\""
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.270] <C Chain> Persisted trie from memory database nodes=1 size=140.00B time=\"11.726µs\" gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=1 livesize=0.00B"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.270] <C Chain> lastAccepted = 0x31ced5b9beb7f8782b014660da0cb18cc409f121f408186886e1ca3e8eeca96b "
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.271] <C Chain> Allocated trie memory caches clean=128.00MiB dirty=256.00MiB"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.271] <C Chain> Writing genesis to database "
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.271] <C Chain> Persisted trie from memory database nodes=1 size=140.00B time=\"22.142µs\" gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=1 livesize=0.00B"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.271] <C Chain> Initialised chain configuration config=\"{ChainID: 43114 Homestead: 0 DAO: 0 DAOSupport: true EIP150: 0 EIP155: 0 EIP158: 0 Byzantium: 0 Constantinople: 0 Petersburg: 0 Istanbul: 0, Muir Glacier: 0, Apricot Phase 1: 1617199200, Apricot Phase 2: 1620644400, Apricot Phase 3: 1629813600, Apricot Phase 4: 1632344400, Apricot Phase 5: 1638468000, Engine: Dummy Consensus Engine}\""
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.271] <C Chain> Initialising Ethereum protocol network=43114 dbversion=<nil>"
" WARN [08-05|21:42:11.271] <C Chain> Upgrade blockchain database version from=<nil> to=8"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.272] <C Chain> Loaded most recent local header number=0 hash=31ced5..eca96b age=53y4mo1w"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.272] <C Chain> Loaded most recent local full block number=0 hash=31ced5..eca96b age=53y4mo1w"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.272] <C Chain> Initializing snapshots async=false"
" WARN [08-05|21:42:11.272] <C Chain> Failed to load snapshot, regenerating err=\"missing or corrupted snapshot, no snapshot block hash\""
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.272] <C Chain> Rebuilding state snapshot "
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Deleted state snapshot leftovers kind=accounts wiped=0 elapsed=\"88.4µs\""
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Deleted state snapshot leftovers kind=storage wiped=0 elapsed=\"32.447µs\""
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Waiting for snapshot generation root=d65eb1..4e29cc"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Wiper running, state snapshotting paused accounts=0 slots=0 storage=0.00B elapsed=\"236.706µs\""
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Generated state snapshot accounts=1 slots=0 storage=71.00B elapsed=\"100.909µs\""
" WARN [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Error reading unclean shutdown markers error=\"not found\""
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Transaction pool price threshold updated price=470,000,000,000"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Transaction pool price threshold updated price=225,000,000,000"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Transaction pool price threshold updated price=0"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Initializing atomic transaction repository from scratch "
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.273] <C Chain> Completed atomic transaction repository migration lastAcceptedHeight=0 duration=\"68.22µs\""
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.274] <C Chain> repairAtomicRepositoryForBonusBlockTxs complete repairedEntries=0"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.274] <C Chain> initializing atomic trie c=atomicTrie lastAcceptedBlockNumber=0"
" [08-05|21:42:11.274] INFO <C Chain> proposervm/vm.go:304 block height index was successfully verified"
" [08-05|21:42:11.275] INFO <C Chain> snowman/transitive.go:69 initializing consensus engine"
" INFO [08-05|21:42:11.276] <C Chain> Enabled APIs: public-eth, public-eth-filter, net, web3, internal-public-eth, internal-public-blockchain, internal-public-transaction-pool, avax "
" [08-05|21:42:11.276] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/2q9e4r6Mu3U68nU1fYjgbR6JvwrRx36CohpAX5UQxse55x1Q5/avax"
" [08-05|21:42:11.276] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/2q9e4r6Mu3U68nU1fYjgbR6JvwrRx36CohpAX5UQxse55x1Q5/rpc"
" [08-05|21:42:11.276] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:112 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|21:42:11.276] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/2q9e4r6Mu3U68nU1fYjgbR6JvwrRx36CohpAX5UQxse55x1Q5/ws"
" [08-05|21:42:11.276] INFO chains/manager.go:263 creating chain:"
" ID: 2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM"
" VMID:jvYyfQTxGMJLuGWa55kdP2p2zSUYsQ5Raupu4TW34ZAUBAbtq"
" [08-05|21:42:11.287] INFO <X Chain> avm/vm.go:467 initializing with AssetID FvwEAhmxKfeiG8SnEvq42hc6whRyY3EFYAvebMqDNDGCgxN5Z"
" [08-05|21:42:11.353] INFO <X Chain> avm/vm.go:453 Fee payments are using Asset with Alias: AVAX, AssetID: FvwEAhmxKfeiG8SnEvq42hc6whRyY3EFYAvebMqDNDGCgxN5Z"
" [08-05|21:42:11.353] INFO <X Chain> avm/vm.go:235 address transaction indexing is disabled"
" [08-05|21:42:11.381] INFO <X Chain> avalanche/transitive.go:73 initializing consensus engine"
" [08-05|21:42:11.381] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM"
" [08-05|21:42:11.381] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM/wallet"
" [08-05|21:42:11.381] INFO server/server.go:237 adding route /ext/bc/2oYMBNV4eNHyqk2fjjV5nVQLDbtmNJzq5s3qs3Lo6ftnC6FByM/events"
" [08-05|21:42:11.382] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:264 Starting bootstrap..."
" [08-05|21:42:22.844] INFO <X Chain> common/bootstrapper.go:224 Bootstrapping started syncing with 2 vertices in the accepted frontier"
" [08-05|21:42:22.954] INFO <C Chain> common/bootstrapper.go:224 Bootstrapping started syncing with 2 vertices in the accepted frontier"
" [08-05|21:42:25.347] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 5000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:42:31.858] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 9h1m52s"
" [08-05|21:42:33.076] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 10000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:42:41.330] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 15000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:42:42.426] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 10000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 9h52m21s"
" [08-05|21:42:48.676] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 20000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:42:51.734] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 15000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 9h43m31s"
" [08-05|21:43:00.023] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 25000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:43:02.432] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 20000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 10h0m9s"
" [08-05|21:43:08.275] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 30000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:43:13.328] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 25000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 10h12m28s"
" [08-05|21:43:19.508] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 35000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:43:27.431] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 40000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:43:31.717] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 30000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 11h36m31s"
" [08-05|21:43:36.544] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 45000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:43:46.017] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 50000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:43:52.406] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 35000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 12h56m26s"
" [08-05|21:43:57.201] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 55000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:44:06.378] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 60000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:44:16.327] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 40000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 14h20m50s"
" [08-05|21:44:20.209] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 65000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:44:29.326] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 70000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:44:35.697] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 45000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 14h55m40s"
" [08-05|21:44:38.066] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 75000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:44:48.832] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 80000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:44:59.511] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 85000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:45:01.951] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 50000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 16h5m16s"
" [08-05|21:45:10.055] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 90000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:45:21.899] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 95000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:45:31.906] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 100000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:45:32.693] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 55000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 17h26m53s"
" [08-05|21:45:40.808] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 105000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:45:48.204] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 110000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:45:58.020] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 115000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:46:02.424] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 60000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 18h29m43s"
" [08-05|21:46:08.010] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 120000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:46:18.668] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 125000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:46:24.720] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 65000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 18h48m6s"
" [08-05|21:46:27.952] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 130000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:46:36.443] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 135000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:46:47.385] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 140000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:46:49.841] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 70000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 19h16m3s"
" [08-05|21:46:57.235] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 145000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:47:06.369] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 150000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:47:14.193] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 75000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 19h37m7s"
" [08-05|21:47:18.559] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 155000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:47:30.074] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 160000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:47:38.554] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 80000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 19h55m32s"
" [08-05|21:47:40.824] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 165000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:47:53.311] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 170000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:48:06.636] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 175000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:48:06.795] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 85000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 20h25m33s"
" [08-05|21:48:24.177] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 180000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:48:33.535] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 185000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:48:37.540] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 90000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 21h0m37s"
" [08-05|21:48:44.639] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 190000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:48:56.406] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 195000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:49:08.953] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 95000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 21h34m4s"
" [08-05|21:49:12.808] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 200000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:49:26.421] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 205000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:49:34.514] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 100000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 21h46m24s"
" [08-05|21:49:39.057] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 210000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:49:52.666] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 215000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:50:05.019] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 105000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 22h11m46s"
" [08-05|21:50:07.853] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 220000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:50:23.687] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 225000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:50:42.729] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 230000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:50:43.779] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 110000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 22h57m29s"
" [08-05|21:51:00.122] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 235000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:51:09.840] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 115000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 23h5m47s"
" [08-05|21:51:11.425] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 240000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:51:23.868] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 245000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:51:36.019] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 250000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:51:37.839] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 120000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 23h18m14s"
" [08-05|21:51:48.488] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 255000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:52:03.103] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 260000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:52:07.431] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 125000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 23h33m30s"
" [08-05|21:52:14.748] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 265000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:52:27.179] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 270000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:52:36.495] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 130000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 23h46m19s"
" [08-05|21:52:39.548] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 275000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:52:51.933] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 280000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:53:05.485] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 135000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 23h57m59s"
" [08-05|21:53:07.439] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 285000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:53:22.994] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 290000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:53:38.380] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 295000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:53:45.320] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 140000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 24h32m12s"
" [08-05|21:53:54.303] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 300000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:54:08.338] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 305000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:54:14.854] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 145000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 24h42m33s"
" [08-05|21:54:21.384] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 310000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:54:38.964] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 315000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:54:41.812] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 150000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 24h46m59s"
" [08-05|21:54:52.768] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 320000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:55:08.434] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 325000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:55:10.254] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 155000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 24h54m0s"
" [08-05|21:55:23.154] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 330000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:55:34.509] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 335000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:55:39.589] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 160000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 25h2m14s"
" [08-05|21:55:49.533] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 340000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:56:05.505] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 345000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:56:14.700] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 350000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:56:17.396] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 165000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 25h25m25s"
" [08-05|21:56:24.270] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 355000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:56:34.467] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 360000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:56:46.459] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 170000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 25h31m42s"
" [08-05|21:56:49.335] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 365000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:57:05.976] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 370000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:57:12.652] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 175000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 25h32m39s"
" [08-05|21:57:21.375] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 375000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:57:31.346] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 380000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:57:38.111] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 180000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 25h32m17s"
" [08-05|21:57:41.875] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 385000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:57:52.925] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 390000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:58:04.929] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 395000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:58:09.543] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 185000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 25h41m39s"
" [08-05|21:58:19.562] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 400000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:58:33.616] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 405000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:58:38.188] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 190000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 25h46m5s"
" [08-05|21:58:48.426] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 410000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:59:04.386] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 195000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 25h46m29s"
" [08-05|21:59:04.682] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 415000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:59:17.606] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 420000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:59:32.684] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 425000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:59:37.067] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 200000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 25h56m35s"
" [08-05|21:59:41.600] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 430000 vertices"
" [08-05|21:59:51.460] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 435000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:00:01.166] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 440000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:00:10.427] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 205000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 26h7m11s"
" [08-05|22:00:14.259] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 445000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:00:28.136] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 450000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:00:40.697] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 210000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 26h12m49s"
" [08-05|22:00:44.357] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 455000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:00:58.698] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 460000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:01:13.475] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 465000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:01:17.821] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 215000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 26h27m45s"
" [08-05|22:01:28.578] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 470000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:01:42.442] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 475000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:01:50.983] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 220000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 26h36m34s"
" [08-05|22:01:55.022] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 480000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:02:08.729] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 485000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:02:18.971] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 225000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 26h38m3s"
" [08-05|22:02:25.348] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 490000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:02:39.355] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 495000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:02:45.355] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 230000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 26h37m21s"
" [08-05|22:02:53.358] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 500000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:03:08.131] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 505000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:03:14.901] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 235000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 26h40m42s"
" [08-05|22:03:22.286] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 510000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:03:37.977] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 515000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:03:50.368] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 240000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 26h51m19s"
" [08-05|22:03:54.337] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 520000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:04:07.337] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 525000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:04:17.523] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 530000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:04:18.940] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 245000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 26h53m1s"
" [08-05|22:04:27.445] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 535000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:04:38.046] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 540000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:04:49.077] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 250000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 26h56m30s"
" [08-05|22:04:51.728] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 545000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:05:06.751] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 550000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:05:20.493] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 255000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h1m21s"
" [08-05|22:05:20.699] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 555000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:05:34.085] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 560000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:05:47.533] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 565000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:05:54.718] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 260000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h9m13s"
" [08-05|22:06:01.626] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 570000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:06:15.878] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 575000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:06:27.296] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 265000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h14m55s"
" [08-05|22:06:29.333] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 580000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:06:42.675] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 585000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:06:58.089] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 270000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h18m24s"
" [08-05|22:06:58.274] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 590000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:07:13.584] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 595000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:07:27.084] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 600000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:07:31.988] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 275000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h25m7s"
" [08-05|22:07:41.441] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 605000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:07:56.283] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 610000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:08:00.336] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 280000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h25m38s"
" [08-05|22:08:10.821] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 615000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:08:25.185] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 620000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:08:29.097] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 285000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h26m33s"
" [08-05|22:08:39.392] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 625000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:08:53.067] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 630000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:08:59.419] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 290000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h29m2s"
" [08-05|22:09:08.623] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 635000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:09:22.773] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 640000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:09:35.014] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 295000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h36m46s"
" [08-05|22:09:37.011] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 645000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:09:49.907] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 650000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:10:03.050] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 655000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:10:05.815] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 300000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h39m26s"
" [08-05|22:10:17.030] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 660000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:10:33.032] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 665000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:10:33.654] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 305000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h39m6s"
" [08-05|22:10:47.835] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 670000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:11:03.563] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 675000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:11:06.287] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 310000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h43m23s"
" [08-05|22:11:16.422] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 680000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:11:30.323] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 685000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:11:40.990] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 315000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h49m28s"
" [08-05|22:11:45.740] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 690000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:11:58.944] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 695000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:12:11.371] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 320000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 27h51m19s"
" [08-05|22:12:13.265] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 700000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:12:22.945] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 705000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:12:36.088] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 710000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:12:49.996] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 325000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h0m41s"
" [08-05|22:12:52.426] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 715000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:13:03.222] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 720000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:13:14.151] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 725000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:13:22.958] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 730000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:13:23.035] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 330000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h4m41s"
" [08-05|22:13:31.483] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 735000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:13:40.099] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 740000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:13:48.910] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 745000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:13:54.737] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 335000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h7m21s"
" [08-05|22:14:00.580] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 750000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:14:15.747] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 755000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:14:29.528] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 760000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:14:30.011] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 340000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h13m4s"
" [08-05|22:14:42.603] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 765000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:14:54.432] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 770000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:15:01.834] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 345000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h15m36s"
" [08-05|22:15:07.229] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 775000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:15:21.063] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 780000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:15:33.448] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 785000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:15:43.232] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 350000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h26m14s"
" [08-05|22:15:46.105] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 790000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:16:00.865] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 795000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:16:14.628] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 800000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:16:22.982] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 355000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h35m9s"
" [08-05|22:16:29.815] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 805000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:16:43.143] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 810000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:16:56.801] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 360000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h38m53s"
" [08-05|22:16:57.380] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 815000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:17:09.884] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 820000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:17:24.193] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 825000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:17:30.032] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 365000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h42m1s"
" [08-05|22:17:37.301] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 830000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:17:50.147] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 835000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:18:05.893] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 840000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:18:07.928] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 370000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h48m49s"
" [08-05|22:18:19.335] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 845000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:18:31.448] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 850000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:18:43.336] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 375000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 28h53m27s"
" [08-05|22:18:45.348] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 855000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:18:59.745] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 860000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:19:12.523] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 865000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:19:25.011] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 380000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 29h2m51s"
" [08-05|22:19:28.095] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 870000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:19:43.390] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 875000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:19:57.763] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 880000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:20:10.201] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 385000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 29h14m42s"
" [08-05|22:20:11.388] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 885000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:20:27.074] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 890000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:20:41.801] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 895000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:20:54.407] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 390000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 29h25m29s"
" [08-05|22:20:58.657] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 900000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:21:12.751] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 905000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:21:29.740] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 910000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:21:39.481] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 395000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 29h36m38s"
" [08-05|22:21:45.476] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 915000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:21:59.455] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 920000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:22:14.694] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 925000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:22:18.477] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 400000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 29h42m58s"
" [08-05|22:22:26.528] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 930000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:22:41.128] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 935000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:22:54.676] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 940000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:22:57.230] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 405000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 29h48m56s"
" [08-05|22:23:08.921] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 945000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:23:23.458] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 950000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:23:36.629] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 955000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:23:42.567] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 410000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 29h59m31s"
" [08-05|22:23:50.171] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 960000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:24:04.030] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 965000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:24:18.301] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 970000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:24:23.445] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 415000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h6m39s"
" [08-05|22:24:32.878] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 975000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:24:46.650] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 980000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:25:02.744] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 985000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:25:03.842] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 420000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h13m15s"
" [08-05|22:25:16.066] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 990000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:25:30.981] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 995000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:25:39.815] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 425000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h16m34s"
" [08-05|22:25:43.485] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1000000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:25:58.159] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1005000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:26:12.376] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1010000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:26:14.278] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 430000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h18m46s"
" [08-05|22:26:24.892] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1015000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:26:35.537] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1020000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:26:47.536] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1025000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:26:51.960] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 435000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h23m6s"
" [08-05|22:27:00.695] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1030000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:27:15.088] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1035000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:27:24.806] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 440000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h24m3s"
" [08-05|22:27:29.634] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1040000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:27:44.770] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1045000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:27:53.338] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 445000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h22m5s"
" [08-05|22:28:00.462] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1050000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:28:13.828] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1055000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:28:28.492] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1060000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:28:29.364] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 450000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h25m6s"
" [08-05|22:28:44.822] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1065000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:29:01.327] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1070000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:29:03.091] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 455000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h26m33s"
" [08-05|22:29:16.338] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1075000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:29:30.781] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1080000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:29:40.603] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 460000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h30m23s"
" [08-05|22:29:46.028] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1085000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:30:00.174] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1090000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:30:16.086] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 465000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h32m49s"
" [08-05|22:30:16.554] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1095000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:30:32.075] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1100000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:30:45.156] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1105000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:30:49.989] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 470000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h34m12s"
" [08-05|22:30:59.647] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1110000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:31:15.940] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1115000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:31:24.380] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 475000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h35m51s"
" [08-05|22:31:31.424] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1120000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:31:45.725] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1125000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:31:59.533] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 480000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h37m55s"
" [08-05|22:32:01.571] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1130000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:32:19.747] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1135000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:32:31.554] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 485000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h38m2s"
" [08-05|22:32:36.249] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1140000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:32:51.891] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1145000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:33:05.559] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1150000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:33:05.674] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 490000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h39m23s"
" [08-05|22:33:18.894] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1155000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:33:32.916] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1160000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:33:41.559] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 495000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h41m46s"
" [08-05|22:33:48.934] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1165000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:34:02.320] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1170000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:34:16.374] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1175000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:34:17.531] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 500000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h44m8s"
" [08-05|22:34:29.464] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1180000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:34:45.415] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1185000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:34:51.608] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 505000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h45m20s"
" [08-05|22:35:02.749] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1190000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:35:16.023] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1195000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:35:31.821] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1200000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:35:33.152] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 510000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h50m50s"
" [08-05|22:35:48.750] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1205000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:36:07.033] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1210000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:36:16.198] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 515000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h57m4s"
" [08-05|22:36:23.120] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1215000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:36:34.666] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1220000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:36:50.324] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1225000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:36:54.222] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 520000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h0m19s"
" [08-05|22:37:04.567] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1230000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:37:18.682] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1235000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:37:27.997] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 525000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h1m6s"
" [08-05|22:37:31.446] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1240000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:37:46.742] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1245000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:37:57.962] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 530000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h59m44s"
" [08-05|22:38:01.728] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1250000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:38:15.589] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1255000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:38:29.837] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1260000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:38:31.989] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 535000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h0m37s"
" [08-05|22:38:43.901] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1265000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:39:00.440] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1270000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:39:05.881] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 540000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h1m25s"
" [08-05|22:39:16.942] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1275000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:39:31.743] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1280000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:39:40.937] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 545000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h2m49s"
" [08-05|22:39:45.109] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1285000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:39:59.128] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1290000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:40:11.034] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1295000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:40:15.931] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 550000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h4m8s"
" [08-05|22:40:23.666] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1300000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:40:36.651] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1305000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:40:46.059] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 555000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h2m51s"
" [08-05|22:40:48.891] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1310000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:41:04.077] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1315000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:41:16.961] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1320000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:41:20.147] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 560000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h3m39s"
" [08-05|22:41:30.805] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1325000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:41:44.140] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1330000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:41:54.736] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 565000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h4m42s"
" [08-05|22:41:57.364] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1335000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:42:10.796] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1340000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:42:23.242] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1345000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:42:29.212] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 570000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h5m39s"
" [08-05|22:42:37.418] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1350000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:42:52.053] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1355000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:42:59.505] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 575000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h4m26s"
" [08-05|22:43:04.405] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1360000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:43:15.135] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1365000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:43:29.691] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1370000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:43:34.172] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 580000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h5m27s"
" [08-05|22:43:42.975] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1375000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:43:57.172] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1380000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:44:08.461] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 585000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h6m15s"
" [08-05|22:44:11.512] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1385000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:44:25.694] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1390000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:44:39.817] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1395000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:44:40.255] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 590000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h5m47s"
" [08-05|22:44:53.930] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1400000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:45:08.141] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1405000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:45:17.032] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 595000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h7m47s"
" [08-05|22:45:21.939] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1410000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:45:33.082] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1415000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:45:46.654] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1420000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:45:48.836] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 600000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h7m18s"
" [08-05|22:46:02.906] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1425000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:46:15.159] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1430000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:46:26.555] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 605000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h9m42s"
" [08-05|22:46:30.493] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1435000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:46:44.025] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1440000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:46:56.031] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1445000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:47:04.858] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 610000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h12m19s"
" [08-05|22:47:07.108] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1450000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:47:17.452] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1455000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:47:27.540] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1460000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:47:38.028] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1465000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:47:47.234] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 615000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h16m50s"
" [08-05|22:47:49.628] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1470000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:48:04.941] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1475000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:48:20.549] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1480000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:48:23.879] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 620000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h18m33s"
" [08-05|22:48:36.536] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1485000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:48:45.979] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1490000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:48:55.257] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1495000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:49:01.444] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 625000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h20m40s"
" [08-05|22:49:05.096] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1500000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:49:14.103] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1505000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:49:23.906] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1510000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:49:33.830] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 630000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h20m19s"
" [08-05|22:49:34.473] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1515000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:49:48.366] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1520000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:50:04.908] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1525000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:50:10.341] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 635000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h21m53s"
" [08-05|22:50:21.377] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1530000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:50:40.088] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1535000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:50:52.095] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1540000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:51:03.414] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 640000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h31m0s"
" [08-05|22:51:07.560] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1545000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:51:21.060] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1550000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:51:33.733] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1555000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:51:42.470] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 645000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h33m35s"
" [08-05|22:51:50.691] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1560000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:52:04.455] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1565000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:52:16.675] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 650000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h33m56s"
" [08-05|22:52:19.367] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1570000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:52:36.031] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1575000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:52:50.531] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1580000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:52:52.326] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 655000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h34m55s"
" [08-05|22:53:04.991] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1585000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:53:20.955] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1590000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:53:23.842] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 660000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h34m2s"
" [08-05|22:53:36.463] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1595000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:53:48.005] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1600000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:53:57.618] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1605000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:54:01.733] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 665000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h35m59s"
" [08-05|22:54:13.564] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1610000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:54:29.047] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1615000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:54:34.936] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 670000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h35m50s"
" [08-05|22:54:38.876] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1620000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:54:48.264] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1625000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:55:01.876] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1630000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:55:15.244] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 675000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h38m45s"
" [08-05|22:55:15.595] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1635000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:55:33.629] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1640000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:55:50.605] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1645000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:55:57.074] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 680000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h42m17s"
" [08-05|22:56:05.381] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1650000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:56:18.768] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1655000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:56:30.495] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1660000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:56:35.414] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 685000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h44m15s"
" [08-05|22:56:42.253] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1665000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:56:55.702] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1670000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:57:10.611] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 690000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h44m52s"
" [08-05|22:57:10.989] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1675000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:57:26.304] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1680000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:57:39.883] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1685000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:57:45.032] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 695000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h45m7s"
" [08-05|22:57:53.874] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1690000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:58:09.818] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1695000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:58:24.280] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 700000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h47m23s"
" [08-05|22:58:26.696] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1700000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:58:40.745] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1705000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:58:55.066] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1710000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:59:01.207] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 705000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h48m39s"
" [08-05|22:59:10.602] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1715000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:59:18.724] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1720000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:59:31.398] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1725000 vertices"
" [08-05|22:59:37.814] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 710000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h49m45s"
" [08-05|22:59:43.658] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1730000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:00:00.013] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1735000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:00:16.652] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1740000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:00:19.504] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 715000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h52m54s"
" [08-05|23:00:32.766] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1745000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:00:45.675] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1750000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:00:52.187] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 720000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h52m21s"
" [08-05|23:01:01.836] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1755000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:01:11.219] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1760000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:01:20.738] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1765000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:01:28.776] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 725000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h53m22s"
" [08-05|23:01:31.417] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1770000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:01:41.318] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1775000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:01:53.418] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1780000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:02:09.425] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1785000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:02:11.688] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 730000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h56m54s"
" [08-05|23:02:25.226] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1790000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:02:38.040] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1795000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:02:50.557] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 735000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h58m46s"
" [08-05|23:02:54.725] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1800000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:03:12.948] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1805000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:03:28.801] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1810000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:03:31.095] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 740000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h1m16s"
" [08-05|23:03:44.074] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1815000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:03:58.582] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1820000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:04:02.993] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 745000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h0m19s"
" [08-05|23:04:16.454] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1825000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:04:32.372] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1830000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:04:41.558] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 750000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h1m59s"
" [08-05|23:04:50.561] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1835000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:05:04.627] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1840000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:05:20.012] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 755000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h3m34s"
" [08-05|23:05:20.691] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1845000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:05:35.450] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1850000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:05:50.441] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1855000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:05:55.073] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 760000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h3m50s"
" [08-05|23:06:05.273] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1860000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:06:18.704] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1865000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:06:32.467] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1870000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:06:41.524] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 765000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h8m25s"
" [08-05|23:06:47.146] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1875000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:07:01.889] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1880000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:07:16.686] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1885000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:07:21.716] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 770000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h10m34s"
" [08-05|23:07:32.267] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1890000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:07:48.811] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1895000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:08:00.476] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 775000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h12m8s"
" [08-05|23:08:03.434] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1900000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:08:14.656] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1905000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:08:26.254] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1910000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:08:39.314] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 780000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h13m43s"
" [08-05|23:08:39.362] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1915000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:08:53.877] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1920000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:09:08.573] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1925000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:09:17.458] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 785000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h15m0s"
" [08-05|23:09:22.614] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1930000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:09:39.146] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1935000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:09:48.948] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 790000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h13m49s"
" [08-05|23:09:55.573] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1940000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:10:12.711] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1945000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:10:28.839] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 795000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h15m43s"
" [08-05|23:10:29.052] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1950000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:10:44.111] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1955000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:11:00.137] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1960000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:11:04.178] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 800000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h15m55s"
" [08-05|23:11:15.524] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1965000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:11:32.243] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1970000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:11:38.614] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 805000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h15m47s"
" [08-05|23:11:50.680] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1975000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:12:04.088] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1980000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:12:20.083] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1985000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:12:22.008] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 810000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h18m52s"
" [08-05|23:12:36.395] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1990000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:12:52.307] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 1995000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:13:03.836] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 815000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h21m21s"
" [08-05|23:13:08.605] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2000000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:13:24.347] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2005000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:13:41.600] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2010000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:13:45.341] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 820000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h23m40s"
" [08-05|23:13:57.585] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2015000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:14:12.889] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2020000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:14:24.846] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 825000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h25m15s"
" [08-05|23:14:27.776] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2025000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:14:43.494] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2030000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:14:58.414] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2035000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:15:01.070] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 830000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h25m40s"
" [08-05|23:15:16.870] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2040000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:15:28.391] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2045000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:15:38.332] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2050000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:15:41.688] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 835000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h27m35s"
" [08-05|23:15:47.886] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2055000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:15:56.930] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2060000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:16:06.524] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2065000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:16:16.058] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2070000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:16:21.033] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 840000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h29m3s"
" [08-05|23:16:27.576] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2075000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:16:38.419] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2080000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:16:49.043] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2085000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:17:00.155] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2090000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:17:03.446] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 845000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h31m32s"
" [08-05|23:17:09.275] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2095000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:17:18.082] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2100000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:17:27.172] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2105000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:17:36.143] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2110000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:17:40.617] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 850000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h32m11s"
" [08-05|23:17:45.266] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2115000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:17:53.994] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2120000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:18:03.698] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2125000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:18:14.162] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2130000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:18:16.896] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 855000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h32m31s"
" [08-05|23:18:23.015] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2135000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:18:32.113] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2140000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:18:40.626] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2145000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:18:49.378] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2150000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:18:55.211] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 860000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h33m32s"
" [08-05|23:18:58.733] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2155000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:19:07.151] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2160000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:19:15.925] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2165000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:19:24.806] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2170000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:19:30.935] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 865000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h33m39s"
" [08-05|23:19:33.826] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2175000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:19:43.015] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2180000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:19:52.408] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2185000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:20:00.802] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2190000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:20:09.337] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2195000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:20:17.086] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 870000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h37m15s"
" [08-05|23:20:17.338] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2200000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:20:26.277] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2205000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:20:34.882] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2210000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:20:44.110] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2215000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:20:52.859] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2220000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:20:54.002] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 875000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h37m44s"
" [08-05|23:21:01.719] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2225000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:21:10.764] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2230000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:21:19.878] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2235000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:21:29.254] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2240000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:21:35.609] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 880000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h39m45s"
" [08-05|23:21:38.269] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2245000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:21:46.909] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2250000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:21:55.408] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2255000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:22:04.640] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2260000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:22:11.123] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 885000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h39m44s"
" [08-05|23:22:13.265] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2265000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:22:23.025] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2270000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:22:32.487] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2275000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:22:41.469] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2280000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:22:49.063] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 890000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h40m30s"
" [08-05|23:22:49.984] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2285000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:22:59.363] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2290000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:23:09.311] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2295000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:23:18.866] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2300000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:23:27.704] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2305000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:23:30.836] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 895000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h42m30s"
" [08-05|23:23:36.334] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2310000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:23:45.099] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2315000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:23:54.063] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2320000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:24:03.611] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2325000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:24:05.610] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 900000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h42m13s"
" [08-05|23:24:12.307] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2330000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:24:21.534] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2335000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:24:30.428] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2340000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:24:39.242] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2345000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:24:48.384] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2350000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:24:48.516] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 905000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h44m32s"
" [08-05|23:24:57.680] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2355000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:25:06.880] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2360000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:25:16.266] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2365000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:25:24.100] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 910000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h44m29s"
" [08-05|23:25:25.012] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2370000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:25:34.290] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2375000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:25:43.267] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2380000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:25:52.426] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2385000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:26:01.438] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2390000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:26:01.681] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 915000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h45m4s"
" [08-05|23:26:10.436] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2395000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:26:19.563] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2400000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:26:27.886] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2405000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:26:36.846] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2410000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:26:39.571] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 920000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h45m43s"
" [08-05|23:26:46.105] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2415000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:26:55.777] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2420000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:27:04.985] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2425000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:27:14.917] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2430000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:27:23.291] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 925000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h48m12s"
" [08-05|23:27:24.858] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2435000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:27:34.309] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2440000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:27:43.890] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2445000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:27:53.144] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2450000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:28:00.175] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 930000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h48m30s"
" [08-05|23:28:02.108] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2455000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:28:11.049] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2460000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:28:19.496] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2465000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:28:27.955] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2470000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:28:36.480] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2475000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:28:45.037] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 935000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h51m16s"
" [08-05|23:28:45.139] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2480000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:28:54.600] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2485000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:29:03.254] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2490000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:29:12.788] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2495000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:29:22.308] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2500000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:29:32.337] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2505000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:29:32.679] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 940000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h54m51s"
" [08-05|23:29:41.839] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2510000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:29:50.960] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2515000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:30:00.748] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2520000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:30:09.020] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 945000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h54m56s"
" [08-05|23:30:10.310] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2525000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:30:19.377] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2530000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:30:28.244] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2535000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:30:37.167] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2540000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:30:43.278] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 950000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h54m23s"
" [08-05|23:30:46.494] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2545000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:30:54.990] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2550000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:31:03.720] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2555000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:31:12.668] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2560000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:31:21.378] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2565000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:31:23.738] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 955000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h55m42s"
" [08-05|23:31:30.635] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2570000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:31:39.499] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2575000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:31:48.892] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2580000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:31:58.539] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2585000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:32:07.741] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2590000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:32:11.317] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 960000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h59m8s"
" [08-05|23:32:17.228] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2595000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:32:26.839] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2600000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:32:36.831] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2605000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:32:45.974] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2610000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:32:49.955] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 965000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h59m51s"
" [08-05|23:32:54.653] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2615000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:33:04.029] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2620000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:33:13.013] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2625000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:33:22.186] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2630000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:33:28.962] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 970000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h0m40s"
" [08-05|23:33:31.089] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2635000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:33:40.322] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2640000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:33:49.258] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2645000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:33:58.523] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2650000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:34:06.879] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2655000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:34:13.301] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 975000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h3m2s"
" [08-05|23:34:16.016] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2660000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:34:24.333] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2665000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:34:32.287] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2670000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:34:41.292] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2675000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:34:49.848] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2680000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:34:53.079] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 980000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h4m3s"
" [08-05|23:34:59.652] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2685000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:35:09.261] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2690000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:35:18.542] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2695000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:35:27.931] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2700000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:35:34.004] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 985000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h5m22s"
" [08-05|23:35:37.599] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2705000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:35:46.703] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2710000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:35:55.248] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2715000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:36:04.895] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2720000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:36:13.285] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2725000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:36:18.536] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 990000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h7m43s"
" [08-05|23:36:22.721] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2730000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:36:32.058] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2735000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:36:40.503] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2740000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:36:48.723] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2745000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:36:57.100] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2750000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:36:59.472] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 995000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h9m0s"
" [08-05|23:37:05.314] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2755000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:37:14.167] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2760000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:37:23.209] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2765000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:37:33.792] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2770000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:37:43.580] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2775000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:37:44.730] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1000000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h11m30s"
" [08-05|23:37:53.010] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2780000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:38:01.280] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2785000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:38:09.997] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2790000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:38:19.565] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2795000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:38:25.707] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1005000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h12m45s"
" [08-05|23:38:28.628] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2800000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:38:37.372] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2805000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:38:47.292] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2810000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:38:57.838] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2815000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:39:06.418] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1010000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h13m54s"
" [08-05|23:39:11.939] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2820000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:39:23.421] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2825000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:39:32.111] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2830000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:39:40.108] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2835000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:39:49.286] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2840000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:39:49.480] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1015000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h15m42s"
" [08-05|23:39:58.326] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2845000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:40:07.602] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2850000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:40:16.680] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2855000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:40:25.538] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2860000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:40:26.001] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1020000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h15m38s"
" [08-05|23:40:34.767] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2865000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:40:43.863] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2870000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:40:52.382] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2875000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:41:01.493] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2880000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:41:09.903] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1025000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h17m37s"
" [08-05|23:41:10.472] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2885000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:41:19.766] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2890000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:41:29.113] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2895000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:41:38.390] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2900000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:41:48.228] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2905000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:41:52.196] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1030000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h19m8s"
" [08-05|23:41:57.571] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2910000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:42:07.537] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2915000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:42:17.227] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2920000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:42:28.684] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2925000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:42:33.404] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1035000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h20m20s"
" [08-05|23:42:37.907] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2930000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:42:46.872] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2935000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:42:56.129] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2940000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:43:05.312] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2945000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:43:14.440] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2950000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:43:14.831] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1040000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h21m35s"
" [08-05|23:43:23.830] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2955000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:43:34.727] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2960000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:43:45.114] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2965000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:43:54.267] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1045000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h22m15s"
" [08-05|23:43:54.969] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2970000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:44:04.230] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2975000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:44:12.958] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2980000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:44:21.832] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2985000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:44:30.426] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2990000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:44:34.774] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1050000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h23m12s"
" [08-05|23:44:39.655] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 2995000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:44:49.382] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3000000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:44:59.548] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3005000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:45:09.103] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3010000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:45:13.177] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1055000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h23m34s"
" [08-05|23:45:18.708] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3015000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:45:28.332] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3020000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:45:37.237] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3025000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:45:45.750] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3030000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:45:54.670] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3035000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:45:55.004] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1060000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h24m51s"
" [08-05|23:46:03.539] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3040000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:46:13.527] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3045000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:46:23.771] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3050000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:46:34.547] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3055000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:46:35.289] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1065000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h25m42s"
" [08-05|23:46:44.656] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3060000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:46:54.766] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3065000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:47:05.034] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3070000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:47:13.683] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3075000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:47:21.784] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1070000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h28m12s"
" [08-05|23:47:23.111] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3080000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:47:33.087] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3085000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:47:42.987] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3090000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:47:51.791] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3095000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:48:00.619] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3100000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:48:03.765] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1075000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h29m28s"
" [08-05|23:48:09.755] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3105000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:48:18.444] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3110000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:48:27.176] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3115000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:48:36.495] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3120000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:48:45.705] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3125000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:48:46.863] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1080000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h31m1s"
" [08-05|23:48:55.342] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3130000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:49:05.244] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3135000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:49:14.960] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3140000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:49:24.240] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3145000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:49:25.292] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1085000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h31m18s"
" [08-05|23:49:33.534] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3150000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:49:42.126] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3155000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:49:51.274] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3160000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:49:53.713] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1090000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h28m57s"
" [08-05|23:50:00.337] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3165000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:50:10.047] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3170000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:50:17.894] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3175000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:50:27.688] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3180000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:50:38.634] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3185000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:50:48.476] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3190000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:50:50.119] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1095000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m56s"
" [08-05|23:50:58.747] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3195000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:51:07.700] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3200000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:51:17.872] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3205000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:51:29.102] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3210000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:51:29.660] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1100000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m29s"
" [08-05|23:51:40.317] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3215000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:51:49.933] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3220000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:51:59.464] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3225000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:52:05.480] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1105000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m3s"
" [08-05|23:52:10.077] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3230000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:52:20.619] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3235000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:52:29.031] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3240000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:52:39.413] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3245000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:52:43.915] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1110000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m18s"
" [08-05|23:52:48.167] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3250000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:52:57.535] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3255000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:53:06.978] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3260000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:53:17.004] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3265000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:53:25.525] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1115000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m21s"
" [08-05|23:53:26.309] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3270000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:53:35.329] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3275000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:53:45.906] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3280000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:53:56.420] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3285000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:54:06.137] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3290000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:54:06.583] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1120000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m14s"
" [08-05|23:54:16.907] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3295000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:54:27.763] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3300000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:54:38.228] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3305000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:54:47.614] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1125000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m7s"
" [08-05|23:54:48.760] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3310000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:54:59.228] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3315000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:55:10.459] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3320000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:55:21.101] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3325000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:55:26.302] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1130000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m23s"
" [08-05|23:55:32.906] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3330000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:55:44.052] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3335000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:55:54.468] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3340000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:56:02.634] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1135000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m2s"
" [08-05|23:56:05.751] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3345000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:56:14.794] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3350000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:56:24.522] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3355000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:56:34.667] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3360000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:56:37.751] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1140000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m24s"
" [08-05|23:56:44.688] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3365000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:56:56.178] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3370000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:57:06.064] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3375000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:57:15.674] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3380000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:57:21.195] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1145000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m50s"
" [08-05|23:57:26.272] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3385000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:57:36.850] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3390000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:57:49.043] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3395000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:57:58.089] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3400000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:58:06.829] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1150000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m47s"
" [08-05|23:58:07.444] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3405000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:58:16.912] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3410000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:58:26.033] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3415000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:58:35.788] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3420000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:58:41.961] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1155000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m8s"
" [08-05|23:58:44.663] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3425000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:58:53.771] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3430000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:59:03.664] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3435000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:59:13.173] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3440000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:59:22.191] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3445000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:59:25.663] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1160000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m35s"
" [08-05|23:59:30.274] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3450000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:59:37.569] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3455000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:59:45.421] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3460000 vertices"
" [08-05|23:59:54.222] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3465000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:00:03.037] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3470000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:00:08.496] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1165000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h41m48s"
" [08-06|00:00:12.273] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3475000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:00:22.207] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3480000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:00:32.080] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3485000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:00:41.747] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3490000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:00:42.859] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1170000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m56s"
" [08-06|00:00:51.087] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3495000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:00:59.997] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3500000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:01:08.737] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3505000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:01:17.624] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3510000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:01:25.869] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1175000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m10s"
" [08-06|00:01:26.666] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3515000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:01:35.578] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3520000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:01:43.062] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3525000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:01:51.927] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3530000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:02:01.831] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3535000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:02:04.973] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1180000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m27s"
" [08-06|00:02:10.006] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3540000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:02:18.787] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3545000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:02:27.291] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3550000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:02:36.116] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3555000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:02:41.085] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1185000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m0s"
" [08-06|00:02:45.298] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3560000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:02:54.819] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3565000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:03:04.321] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3570000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:03:15.742] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3575000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:03:19.538] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1190000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m6s"
" [08-06|00:03:25.873] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3580000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:03:36.894] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3585000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:03:54.530] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3590000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:03:55.736] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1195000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h41m40s"
" [08-06|00:04:11.115] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3595000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:04:27.432] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3600000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:04:37.724] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3605000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:04:38.555] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1200000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m49s"
" [08-06|00:04:48.954] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3610000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:05:03.765] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3615000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:05:18.440] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3620000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:05:18.623] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1205000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h43m17s"
" [08-06|00:05:37.060] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3625000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:05:54.850] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3630000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:06:03.270] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1210000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h44m49s"
" [08-06|00:06:10.609] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3635000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:06:28.716] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3640000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:06:45.899] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1215000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h45m52s"
" [08-06|00:06:46.910] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3645000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:07:05.260] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3650000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:07:21.882] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3655000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:07:30.301] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1220000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h47m18s"
" [08-06|00:07:38.701] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3660000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:07:53.791] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3665000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:08:09.079] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1225000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h47m25s"
" [08-06|00:08:10.155] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3670000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:08:21.338] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3675000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:08:31.581] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3680000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:08:42.333] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3685000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:08:51.516] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1230000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m23s"
" [08-06|00:08:53.076] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3690000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:09:07.251] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3695000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:09:20.973] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3700000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:09:31.704] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3705000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:09:36.269] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1235000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m52s"
" [08-06|00:09:43.317] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3710000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:09:59.790] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3715000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:10:10.964] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3720000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:10:21.444] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1240000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h51m25s"
" [08-06|00:10:22.770] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3725000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:10:34.214] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3730000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:10:49.239] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3735000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:11:04.346] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3740000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:11:05.162] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1245000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m38s"
" [08-06|00:11:16.602] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3745000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:11:29.468] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3750000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:11:39.950] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3755000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:11:48.540] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1250000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m45s"
" [08-06|00:11:50.968] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3760000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:12:02.530] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:398 fetched 3765000 vertices"
" [08-06|00:12:14.743] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:477 bootstrapping fetched 3769499 vertices. Executing transaction state transitions..."
" [08-06|00:12:18.071] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m34s"
" [08-06|00:12:22.951] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 5000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m14s"
" [08-06|00:12:26.352] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 7500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m13s"
" [08-06|00:12:28.889] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1255000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m10s"
" [08-06|00:12:35.248] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 10000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h10m1s"
" [08-06|00:12:39.139] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 12500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h3m40s"
" [08-06|00:12:43.360] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 15000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h0m49s"
" [08-06|00:12:46.959] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 17500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h56m30s"
" [08-06|00:12:50.844] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 20000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h54m9s"
" [08-06|00:12:56.989] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 22500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h58m40s"
" [08-06|00:13:02.166] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 25000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h59m48s"
" [08-06|00:13:06.582] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 27500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h58m59s"
" [08-06|00:13:12.128] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1260000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m13s"
" [08-06|00:13:12.415] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 30000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m15s"
" [08-06|00:13:16.107] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 32500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h59m1s"
" [08-06|00:13:21.111] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 35000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h59m27s"
" [08-06|00:13:27.660] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 37500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h2m24s"
" [08-06|00:13:31.917] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 40000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m22s"
" [08-06|00:13:37.443] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 42500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h2m20s"
" [08-06|00:13:41.348] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 45000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h0m55s"
" [08-06|00:13:45.654] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 47500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h0m10s"
" [08-06|00:13:49.131] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1265000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m52s"
" [08-06|00:13:51.848] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 50000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m51s"
" [08-06|00:13:56.588] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 52500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m38s"
" [08-06|00:14:01.147] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 55000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m13s"
" [08-06|00:14:07.107] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 57500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h2m22s"
" [08-06|00:14:11.574] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 60000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m51s"
" [08-06|00:14:17.531] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 62500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h2m51s"
" [08-06|00:14:21.387] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 65000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m46s"
" [08-06|00:14:26.707] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 67500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h2m6s"
" [08-06|00:14:32.663] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 70000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h2m58s"
" [08-06|00:14:35.400] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1270000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m34s"
" [08-06|00:14:36.618] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 72500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h2m3s"
" [08-06|00:14:42.410] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 75000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h2m43s"
" [08-06|00:14:47.956] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 77500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h3m8s"
" [08-06|00:14:51.799] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 80000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h2m12s"
" [08-06|00:14:56.962] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 82500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h2m18s"
" [08-06|00:15:01.267] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 85000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m47s"
" [08-06|00:15:05.661] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 87500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m20s"
" [08-06|00:15:11.412] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 90000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m51s"
" [08-06|00:15:15.892] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 92500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m29s"
" [08-06|00:15:19.686] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1275000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m49s"
" [08-06|00:15:20.033] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 95000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h0m55s"
" [08-06|00:15:25.625] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 97500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m17s"
" [08-06|00:15:30.252] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 100000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h1m2s"
" [08-06|00:15:33.939] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 102500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h0m14s"
" [08-06|00:15:38.753] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 105000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h0m7s"
" [08-06|00:15:44.976] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 107500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h0m50s"
" [08-06|00:15:48.637] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 110000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2h0m3s"
" [08-06|00:15:52.959] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 112500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h59m41s"
" [08-06|00:15:57.884] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 115000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h59m38s"
" [08-06|00:16:01.504] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 117500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h58m55s"
" [08-06|00:16:05.341] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 120000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h58m20s"
" [08-06|00:16:09.775] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1280000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m21s"
" [08-06|00:16:09.884] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 122500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h58m7s"
" [08-06|00:16:13.986] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 125000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h57m42s"
" [08-06|00:16:17.725] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 127500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h57m7s"
" [08-06|00:16:23.075] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 130000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h57m18s"
" [08-06|00:16:30.233] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 132500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h58m20s"
" [08-06|00:16:33.777] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 135000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h57m40s"
" [08-06|00:16:38.937] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 137500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h57m45s"
" [08-06|00:16:44.169] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 140000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h57m52s"
" [08-06|00:16:48.263] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 142500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h57m28s"
" [08-06|00:16:53.686] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 145000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h57m39s"
" [08-06|00:16:56.861] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1285000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m10s"
" [08-06|00:16:57.234] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 147500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h57m3s"
" [08-06|00:17:00.068] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 150000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h56m11s"
" [08-06|00:17:04.882] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 152500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h56m7s"
" [08-06|00:17:07.326] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 155000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h55m8s"
" [08-06|00:17:11.351] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 157500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h54m47s"
" [08-06|00:17:15.332] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 160000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h54m26s"
" [08-06|00:17:18.402] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 162500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h53m44s"
" [08-06|00:17:22.936] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 165000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h53m37s"
" [08-06|00:17:26.540] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 167500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h53m9s"
" [08-06|00:17:30.130] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 170000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h52m41s"
" [08-06|00:17:35.067] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 172500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h52m43s"
" [08-06|00:17:38.016] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 175000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h52m3s"
" [08-06|00:17:38.882] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1290000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m52s"
" [08-06|00:17:41.844] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 177500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m42s"
" [08-06|00:17:46.404] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 180000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m37s"
" [08-06|00:17:49.421] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 182500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m1s"
" [08-06|00:17:53.407] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 185000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m44s"
" [08-06|00:17:58.453] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 187500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m49s"
" [08-06|00:18:01.623] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 190000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m17s"
" [08-06|00:18:06.385] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 192500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m16s"
" [08-06|00:18:10.481] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 195000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m3s"
" [08-06|00:18:14.412] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 197500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m47s"
" [08-06|00:18:19.661] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 200000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m55s"
" [08-06|00:18:19.988] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1295000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m22s"
" [08-06|00:18:23.161] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 202500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m32s"
" [08-06|00:18:27.567] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 205000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m25s"
" [08-06|00:18:33.298] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 207500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m41s"
" [08-06|00:18:38.601] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 210000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m49s"
" [08-06|00:18:44.509] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 212500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m7s"
" [08-06|00:18:50.109] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 215000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m19s"
" [08-06|00:18:55.355] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 217500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m25s"
" [08-06|00:19:00.950] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 220000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m37s"
" [08-06|00:19:04.073] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1300000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m30s"
" [08-06|00:19:05.595] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 222500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m33s"
" [08-06|00:19:09.386] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 225000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m15s"
" [08-06|00:19:16.961] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 227500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m57s"
" [08-06|00:19:22.042] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 230000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m59s"
" [08-06|00:19:27.311] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 232500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m4s"
" [08-06|00:19:33.975] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 235000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m30s"
" [08-06|00:19:38.932] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 237500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m30s"
" [08-06|00:19:40.178] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1305000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m53s"
" [08-06|00:19:46.062] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 240000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h52m2s"
" [08-06|00:19:50.956] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 242500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h52m0s"
" [08-06|00:20:02.045] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 245000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h53m28s"
" [08-06|00:20:09.695] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 247500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h54m5s"
" [08-06|00:20:17.923] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 250000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h54m49s"
" [08-06|00:20:18.658] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1310000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m47s"
" [08-06|00:20:22.699] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 252500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h54m44s"
" [08-06|00:20:26.792] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 255000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h54m29s"
" [08-06|00:20:32.273] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 257500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h54m33s"
" [08-06|00:20:35.240] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 260000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h54m2s"
" [08-06|00:20:39.721] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 262500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h53m53s"
" [08-06|00:20:43.021] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 265000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h53m28s"
" [08-06|00:20:46.410] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 267500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h53m5s"
" [08-06|00:20:51.163] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 270000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h53m0s"
" [08-06|00:20:55.006] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 272500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h52m43s"
" [08-06|00:20:58.714] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 275000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h52m24s"
" [08-06|00:21:03.864] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 277500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h52m24s"
" [08-06|00:21:06.632] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1315000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m43s"
" [08-06|00:21:07.442] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 280000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h52m4s"
" [08-06|00:21:11.668] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 282500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m53s"
" [08-06|00:21:16.547] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 285000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m50s"
" [08-06|00:21:19.911] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 287500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m28s"
" [08-06|00:21:24.945] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 290000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m27s"
" [08-06|00:21:28.950] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 292500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m13s"
" [08-06|00:21:33.405] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 295000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h51m5s"
" [08-06|00:21:37.916] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 297500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m58s"
" [08-06|00:21:41.611] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 300000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m41s"
" [08-06|00:21:46.718] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 302500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m41s"
" [08-06|00:21:47.713] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1320000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h6m9s"
" [08-06|00:21:50.666] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 305000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m27s"
" [08-06|00:21:55.031] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 307500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m18s"
" [08-06|00:21:59.747] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 310000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h50m13s"
" [08-06|00:22:03.213] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 312500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m55s"
" [08-06|00:22:08.055] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 315000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m52s"
" [08-06|00:22:12.044] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 317500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m39s"
" [08-06|00:22:15.717] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 320000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m23s"
" [08-06|00:22:20.753] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 322500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m22s"
" [08-06|00:22:23.933] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 325000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h49m1s"
" [08-06|00:22:27.781] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 327500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h48m47s"
" [08-06|00:22:32.773] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 330000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h48m46s"
" [08-06|00:22:34.532] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1325000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h7m48s"
" [08-06|00:22:35.732] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 332500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h48m23s"
" [08-06|00:22:40.463] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 335000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h48m19s"
" [08-06|00:22:44.386] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 337500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h48m7s"
" [08-06|00:22:48.339] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 340000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m55s"
" [08-06|00:22:53.512] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 342500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m55s"
" [08-06|00:22:56.933] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 345000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m38s"
" [08-06|00:23:01.796] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 347500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m36s"
" [08-06|00:23:05.700] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 350000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m24s"
" [08-06|00:23:09.786] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 352500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m13s"
" [08-06|00:23:12.691] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1330000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h7m36s"
" [08-06|00:23:15.496] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 355000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m19s"
" [08-06|00:23:21.148] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 357500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m24s"
" [08-06|00:23:27.027] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 360000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m31s"
" [08-06|00:23:31.918] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 362500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m29s"
" [08-06|00:23:37.811] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 365000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m36s"
" [08-06|00:23:42.635] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 367500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m32s"
" [08-06|00:23:49.447] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 370000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m47s"
" [08-06|00:23:54.271] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 372500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m44s"
" [08-06|00:23:55.673] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1335000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h8m25s"
" [08-06|00:23:59.915] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 375000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m48s"
" [08-06|00:24:03.808] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 377500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m36s"
" [08-06|00:24:09.105] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 380000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m37s"
" [08-06|00:24:13.419] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 382500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m28s"
" [08-06|00:24:17.793] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 385000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m21s"
" [08-06|00:24:23.369] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 387500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m24s"
" [08-06|00:24:26.921] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 390000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m9s"
" [08-06|00:24:29.160] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1340000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h7m13s"
" [08-06|00:24:31.981] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 392500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m8s"
" [08-06|00:24:36.327] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 395000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h47m0s"
" [08-06|00:24:40.217] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 397500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h46m48s"
" [08-06|00:24:45.339] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 400000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h46m47s"
" [08-06|00:24:49.270] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 402500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h46m36s"
" [08-06|00:24:53.963] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 405000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h46m32s"
" [08-06|00:24:57.799] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 407500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h46m20s"
" [08-06|00:25:01.956] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 410000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h46m11s"
" [08-06|00:25:07.187] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 412500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h46m11s"
" [08-06|00:25:10.237] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1345000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h7m37s"
" [08-06|00:25:11.074] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 415000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m59s"
" [08-06|00:25:15.759] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 417500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m55s"
" [08-06|00:25:21.109] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 420000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m56s"
" [08-06|00:25:24.920] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 422500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m44s"
" [08-06|00:25:30.108] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 425000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m43s"
" [08-06|00:25:34.872] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 427500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m39s"
" [08-06|00:25:39.427] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 430000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m34s"
" [08-06|00:25:45.059] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 432500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m36s"
" [08-06|00:25:48.840] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 435000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m25s"
" [08-06|00:25:50.483] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1350000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h7m50s"
" [08-06|00:25:53.701] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 437500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m22s"
" [08-06|00:25:57.112] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 440000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h45m7s"
" [08-06|00:26:01.013] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 442500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m57s"
" [08-06|00:26:06.254] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 445000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m56s"
" [08-06|00:26:10.623] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 447500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m49s"
" [08-06|00:26:15.429] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 450000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m46s"
" [08-06|00:26:20.777] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 452500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m46s"
" [08-06|00:26:24.679] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 455000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m36s"
" [08-06|00:26:29.906] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 457500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m35s"
" [08-06|00:26:34.240] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 460000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m28s"
" [08-06|00:26:34.286] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1355000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h8m47s"
" [08-06|00:26:38.543] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 462500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m21s"
" [08-06|00:26:42.977] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 465000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m14s"
" [08-06|00:26:46.526] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 467500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h44m2s"
" [08-06|00:26:51.486] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 470000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h43m59s"
" [08-06|00:26:55.631] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 472500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h43m51s"
" [08-06|00:26:59.564] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 475000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h43m41s"
" [08-06|00:27:03.983] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 477500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h43m35s"
" [08-06|00:27:07.670] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 480000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h43m23s"
" [08-06|00:27:12.092] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 482500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h43m17s"
" [08-06|00:27:13.559] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1360000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h8m47s"
" [08-06|00:27:16.870] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 485000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h43m13s"
" [08-06|00:27:20.717] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 487500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h43m3s"
" [08-06|00:27:25.944] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 490000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h43m2s"
" [08-06|00:27:29.836] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 492500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h42m53s"
" [08-06|00:27:34.287] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 495000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h42m47s"
" [08-06|00:27:39.488] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 497500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h42m46s"
" [08-06|00:27:43.139] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 500000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h42m34s"
" [08-06|00:27:47.518] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 502500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h42m28s"
" [08-06|00:27:50.723] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 505000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h42m14s"
" [08-06|00:27:54.588] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 507500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h42m4s"
" [08-06|00:27:57.019] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1365000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h9m38s"
" [08-06|00:27:59.545] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 510000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h42m2s"
" [08-06|00:28:02.697] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 512500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h41m48s"
" [08-06|00:28:07.683] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 515000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h41m45s"
" [08-06|00:28:11.417] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 517500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h41m35s"
" [08-06|00:28:15.459] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 520000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h41m27s"
" [08-06|00:28:19.314] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 522500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h41m17s"
" [08-06|00:28:23.078] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 525000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h41m7s"
" [08-06|00:28:28.043] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 527500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h41m5s"
" [08-06|00:28:31.467] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 530000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h40m53s"
" [08-06|00:28:36.117] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 532500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h40m49s"
" [08-06|00:28:36.473] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1370000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h9m39s"
" [08-06|00:28:40.205] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 535000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h40m41s"
" [08-06|00:28:44.432] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 537500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h40m34s"
" [08-06|00:28:48.706] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 540000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h40m27s"
" [08-06|00:28:51.984] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 542500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h40m15s"
" [08-06|00:28:57.066] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 545000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h40m13s"
" [08-06|00:29:01.490] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 547500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h40m7s"
" [08-06|00:29:05.846] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 550000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h40m1s"
" [08-06|00:29:11.175] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 552500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h40m1s"
" [08-06|00:29:14.824] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 555000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m51s"
" [08-06|00:29:19.695] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 557500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m48s"
" [08-06|00:29:23.039] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1375000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h11m8s"
" [08-06|00:29:23.974] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 560000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m42s"
" [08-06|00:29:28.083] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 562500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m34s"
" [08-06|00:29:33.478] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 565000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m34s"
" [08-06|00:29:37.570] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 567500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m27s"
" [08-06|00:29:42.434] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 570000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m24s"
" [08-06|00:29:47.163] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 572500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m20s"
" [08-06|00:29:51.453] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 575000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m14s"
" [08-06|00:29:56.915] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 577500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m14s"
" [08-06|00:30:00.932] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 580000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m6s"
" [08-06|00:30:05.618] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 582500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m2s"
" [08-06|00:30:10.914] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1380000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h12m51s"
" [08-06|00:30:10.984] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 585000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h39m2s"
" [08-06|00:30:14.920] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 587500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m53s"
" [08-06|00:30:20.246] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 590000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m53s"
" [08-06|00:30:24.563] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 592500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m47s"
" [08-06|00:30:29.057] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 595000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m41s"
" [08-06|00:30:34.320] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 597500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m40s"
" [08-06|00:30:38.250] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 600000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m32s"
" [08-06|00:30:43.131] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 602500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m29s"
" [08-06|00:30:47.218] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 605000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m22s"
" [08-06|00:30:51.506] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 607500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m16s"
" [08-06|00:30:54.350] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1385000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h13m40s"
" [08-06|00:30:57.026] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 610000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m16s"
" [08-06|00:31:01.221] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 612500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m9s"
" [08-06|00:31:06.043] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 615000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m6s"
" [08-06|00:31:11.075] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 617500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h38m3s"
" [08-06|00:31:14.961] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 620000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m55s"
" [08-06|00:31:20.301] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 622500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m54s"
" [08-06|00:31:24.653] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 625000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m48s"
" [08-06|00:31:29.618] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 627500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m46s"
" [08-06|00:31:34.802] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 630000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m44s"
" [08-06|00:31:36.558] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1390000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h14m12s"
" [08-06|00:31:39.087] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 632500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m38s"
" [08-06|00:31:44.569] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 635000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m38s"
" [08-06|00:31:49.232] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 637500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m33s"
" [08-06|00:31:53.891] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 640000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m29s"
" [08-06|00:31:58.749] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 642500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m25s"
" [08-06|00:32:02.399] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 645000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m16s"
" [08-06|00:32:07.056] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 647500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m12s"
" [08-06|00:32:11.878] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 650000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m8s"
" [08-06|00:32:16.556] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 652500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m4s"
" [08-06|00:32:21.493] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1395000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h15m18s"
" [08-06|00:32:22.228] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 655000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h37m5s"
" [08-06|00:32:26.600] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 657500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m59s"
" [08-06|00:32:32.274] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 660000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m59s"
" [08-06|00:32:36.451] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 662500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m53s"
" [08-06|00:32:41.347] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 665000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m49s"
" [08-06|00:32:46.009] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 667500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m45s"
" [08-06|00:32:50.100] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 670000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m38s"
" [08-06|00:32:55.821] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 672500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m39s"
" [08-06|00:32:59.587] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 675000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m30s"
" [08-06|00:33:00.949] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1400000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h15m16s"
" [08-06|00:33:04.901] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 677500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m29s"
" [08-06|00:33:09.193] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 680000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m23s"
" [08-06|00:33:13.807] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 682500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m18s"
" [08-06|00:33:18.172] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 685000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m12s"
" [08-06|00:33:22.044] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 687500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m4s"
" [08-06|00:33:27.419] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 690000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h36m3s"
" [08-06|00:33:31.358] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 692500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h35m55s"
" [08-06|00:33:36.479] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 695000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h35m53s"
" [08-06|00:33:40.259] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 697500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h35m45s"
" [08-06|00:33:40.890] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1405000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h15m20s"
" [08-06|00:33:44.990] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 700000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h35m41s"
" [08-06|00:33:49.398] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 702500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h35m35s"
" [08-06|00:33:53.006] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 705000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h35m26s"
" [08-06|00:33:58.168] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 707500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h35m24s"
" [08-06|00:34:01.781] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 710000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h35m15s"
" [08-06|00:34:06.674] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 712500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h35m12s"
" [08-06|00:34:10.744] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 715000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h35m5s"
" [08-06|00:34:15.089] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 717500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m59s"
" [08-06|00:34:19.963] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 720000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m56s"
" [08-06|00:34:23.337] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 722500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m46s"
" [08-06|00:34:26.424] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1410000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h16m30s"
" [08-06|00:34:28.540] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 725000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m44s"
" [08-06|00:34:32.611] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 727500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m37s"
" [08-06|00:34:37.205] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 730000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m32s"
" [08-06|00:34:42.146] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 732500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m29s"
" [08-06|00:34:46.193] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 735000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m22s"
" [08-06|00:34:51.387] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 737500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m20s"
" [08-06|00:34:55.058] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 740000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m12s"
" [08-06|00:35:00.041] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 742500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m9s"
" [08-06|00:35:03.655] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 745000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h34m0s"
" [08-06|00:35:08.051] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 747500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m55s"
" [08-06|00:35:11.029] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1415000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h17m29s"
" [08-06|00:35:12.984] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 750000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m52s"
" [08-06|00:35:16.940] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 752500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m44s"
" [08-06|00:35:22.387] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 755000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m43s"
" [08-06|00:35:26.659] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 757500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m37s"
" [08-06|00:35:31.534] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 760000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m34s"
" [08-06|00:35:36.472] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 762500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m31s"
" [08-06|00:35:40.853] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 765000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m25s"
" [08-06|00:35:46.476] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 767500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m25s"
" [08-06|00:35:50.484] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 770000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m18s"
" [08-06|00:35:56.424] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 772500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m18s"
" [08-06|00:35:56.693] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1420000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h18m40s"
" [08-06|00:36:00.721] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 775000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m13s"
" [08-06|00:36:05.520] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 777500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m9s"
" [08-06|00:36:10.914] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 780000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m7s"
" [08-06|00:36:14.944] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 782500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m1s"
" [08-06|00:36:20.503] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 785000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h33m0s"
" [08-06|00:36:24.886] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 787500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m54s"
" [08-06|00:36:29.766] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 790000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m51s"
" [08-06|00:36:35.030] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 792500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m49s"
" [08-06|00:36:36.521] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1425000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h18m40s"
" [08-06|00:36:39.334] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 795000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m43s"
" [08-06|00:36:44.432] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 797500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m40s"
" [08-06|00:36:48.385] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 800000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m33s"
" [08-06|00:36:53.179] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 802500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m29s"
" [08-06|00:36:58.587] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 805000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m27s"
" [08-06|00:37:02.995] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 807500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m22s"
" [08-06|00:37:08.823] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 810000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m22s"
" [08-06|00:37:13.383] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 812500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m17s"
" [08-06|00:37:18.396] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1430000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h19m5s"
" [08-06|00:37:18.515] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 815000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m15s"
" [08-06|00:37:23.455] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 817500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m11s"
" [08-06|00:37:27.964] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 820000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m6s"
" [08-06|00:37:33.892] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 822500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m6s"
" [08-06|00:37:37.924] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 825000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h32m0s"
" [08-06|00:37:43.167] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 827500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m57s"
" [08-06|00:37:47.416] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 830000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m51s"
" [08-06|00:37:52.002] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 832500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m47s"
" [08-06|00:37:58.020] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 835000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m47s"
" [08-06|00:38:02.106] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 837500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m40s"
" [08-06|00:38:06.162] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1435000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h20m38s"
" [08-06|00:38:07.725] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 840000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m39s"
" [08-06|00:38:11.970] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 842500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m33s"
" [08-06|00:38:16.805] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 845000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m30s"
" [08-06|00:38:21.726] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 847500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m26s"
" [08-06|00:38:25.808] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 850000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m19s"
" [08-06|00:38:31.239] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 852500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m18s"
" [08-06|00:38:34.747] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 855000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m9s"
" [08-06|00:38:39.213] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 857500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m4s"
" [08-06|00:38:44.262] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 860000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h31m1s"
" [08-06|00:38:47.747] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1440000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h20m58s"
" [08-06|00:38:48.100] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 862500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m54s"
" [08-06|00:38:53.468] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 865000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m51s"
" [08-06|00:38:57.189] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 867500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m44s"
" [08-06|00:39:01.921] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 870000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m40s"
" [08-06|00:39:06.736] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 872500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m36s"
" [08-06|00:39:10.819] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 875000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m29s"
" [08-06|00:39:16.545] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 877500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m28s"
" [08-06|00:39:20.103] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 880000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m20s"
" [08-06|00:39:25.246] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 882500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m17s"
" [08-06|00:39:25.779] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1445000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h20m36s"
" [08-06|00:39:29.513] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 885000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m11s"
" [08-06|00:39:34.008] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 887500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m6s"
" [08-06|00:39:38.549] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 890000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h30m2s"
" [08-06|00:39:41.750] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 892500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h29m52s"
" [08-06|00:39:46.600] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 895000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h29m48s"
" [08-06|00:39:50.411] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 897500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h29m41s"
" [08-06|00:39:54.062] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 900000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h29m34s"
" [08-06|00:39:59.241] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 902500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h29m31s"
" [08-06|00:40:02.524] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 905000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h29m22s"
" [08-06|00:40:06.359] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 907500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h29m15s"
" [08-06|00:40:11.568] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 910000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h29m12s"
" [08-06|00:40:14.722] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 912500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h29m3s"
" [08-06|00:40:19.326] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 915000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m58s"
" [08-06|00:40:22.666] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1450000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h23m52s"
" [08-06|00:40:24.021] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 917500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m54s"
" [08-06|00:40:27.599] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 920000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m46s"
" [08-06|00:40:32.673] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 922500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m43s"
" [08-06|00:40:36.386] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 925000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m36s"
" [08-06|00:40:40.635] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 927500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m30s"
" [08-06|00:40:45.826] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 930000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m27s"
" [08-06|00:40:49.233] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 932500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m19s"
" [08-06|00:40:54.208] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 935000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m16s"
" [08-06|00:40:58.489] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 937500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m10s"
" [08-06|00:41:02.566] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 940000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m4s"
" [08-06|00:41:07.785] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 942500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h28m1s"
" [08-06|00:41:11.481] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 945000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m54s"
" [08-06|00:41:12.806] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1455000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h25m49s"
" [08-06|00:41:16.288] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 947500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m50s"
" [08-06|00:41:20.886] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 950000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m45s"
" [08-06|00:41:24.940] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 952500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m39s"
" [08-06|00:41:30.485] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 955000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m37s"
" [08-06|00:41:34.058] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 957500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m30s"
" [08-06|00:41:38.826] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 960000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m25s"
" [08-06|00:41:43.580] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 962500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m21s"
" [08-06|00:41:47.764] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 965000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m16s"
" [08-06|00:41:53.135] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 967500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m13s"
" [08-06|00:41:57.037] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 970000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m7s"
" [08-06|00:42:01.970] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 972500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m3s"
" [08-06|00:42:02.687] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1460000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h27m42s"
" [08-06|00:42:06.953] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 975000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h27m0s"
" [08-06|00:42:11.301] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 977500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m54s"
" [08-06|00:42:16.727] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 980000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m52s"
" [08-06|00:42:20.583] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 982500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m45s"
" [08-06|00:42:25.548] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 985000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m42s"
" [08-06|00:42:30.396] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 987500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m38s"
" [08-06|00:42:34.626] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 990000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m32s"
" [08-06|00:42:39.631] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 992500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m29s"
" [08-06|00:42:43.381] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 995000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m22s"
" [08-06|00:42:48.187] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 997500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m18s"
" [08-06|00:42:50.947] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1465000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h29m15s"
" [08-06|00:42:53.235] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1000000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m15s"
" [08-06|00:42:57.432] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1002500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m9s"
" [08-06|00:43:03.030] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1005000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m7s"
" [08-06|00:43:07.093] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1007500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h26m1s"
" [08-06|00:43:11.955] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1010000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m57s"
" [08-06|00:43:17.060] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1012500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m54s"
" [08-06|00:43:21.272] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1015000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m48s"
" [08-06|00:43:26.853] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1017500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m46s"
" [08-06|00:43:31.024] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1020000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m41s"
" [08-06|00:43:35.987] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1022500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m37s"
" [08-06|00:43:38.750] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1470000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h30m42s"
" [08-06|00:43:40.885] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1025000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m33s"
" [08-06|00:43:45.294] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1027500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m28s"
" [08-06|00:43:50.934] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1030000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m26s"
" [08-06|00:43:55.110] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1032500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m21s"
" [08-06|00:44:00.460] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1035000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m18s"
" [08-06|00:44:05.533] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1037500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m15s"
" [08-06|00:44:10.395] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1040000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m11s"
" [08-06|00:44:15.967] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1042500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m9s"
" [08-06|00:44:19.864] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1045000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m2s"
" [08-06|00:44:21.066] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1475000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h31m6s"
" [08-06|00:44:25.284] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1047500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h25m0s"
" [08-06|00:44:30.081] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1050000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m56s"
" [08-06|00:44:34.955] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1052500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m52s"
" [08-06|00:44:40.411] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1055000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m49s"
" [08-06|00:44:44.583] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1057500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m44s"
" [08-06|00:44:50.197] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1060000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m42s"
" [08-06|00:44:54.440] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1062500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m36s"
" [08-06|00:44:59.405] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1065000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m32s"
" [08-06|00:45:00.335] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1480000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h30m55s"
" [08-06|00:45:03.322] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1067500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m26s"
" [08-06|00:45:07.548] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1070000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m20s"
" [08-06|00:45:13.279] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1072500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m19s"
" [08-06|00:45:17.518] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1075000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m13s"
" [08-06|00:45:22.894] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1077500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m10s"
" [08-06|00:45:27.431] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1080000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m5s"
" [08-06|00:45:31.973] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1082500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h24m1s"
" [08-06|00:45:37.438] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1085000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m58s"
" [08-06|00:45:41.402] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1087500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m52s"
" [08-06|00:45:43.370] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1485000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h31m26s"
" [08-06|00:45:46.727] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1090000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m49s"
" [08-06|00:45:50.856] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1092500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m43s"
" [08-06|00:45:55.284] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1095000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m38s"
" [08-06|00:46:00.309] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1097500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m35s"
" [08-06|00:46:04.444] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1100000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m29s"
" [08-06|00:46:09.864] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1102500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m26s"
" [08-06|00:46:13.862] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1105000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m20s"
" [08-06|00:46:18.763] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1107500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m16s"
" [08-06|00:46:23.476] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1110000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m12s"
" [08-06|00:46:26.196] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1490000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h31m54s"
" [08-06|00:46:27.610] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1112500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m6s"
" [08-06|00:46:33.270] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1115000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h23m4s"
" [08-06|00:46:37.019] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1117500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m57s"
" [08-06|00:46:41.968] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1120000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m53s"
" [08-06|00:46:46.067] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1122500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m48s"
" [08-06|00:46:50.364] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1125000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m42s"
" [08-06|00:46:55.974] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1127500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m40s"
" [08-06|00:46:59.722] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1130000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m33s"
" [08-06|00:47:05.069] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1132500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m30s"
" [08-06|00:47:09.497] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1135000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m25s"
" [08-06|00:47:09.718] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1495000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h32m29s"
" [08-06|00:47:14.326] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1137500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m21s"
" [08-06|00:47:19.089] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1140000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m17s"
" [08-06|00:47:23.505] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1142500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m12s"
" [08-06|00:47:29.272] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1145000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m10s"
" [08-06|00:47:33.229] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1147500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m4s"
" [08-06|00:47:38.559] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1150000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h22m1s"
" [08-06|00:47:43.551] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1152500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m57s"
" [08-06|00:47:48.273] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1155000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m53s"
" [08-06|00:47:53.936] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1157500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m51s"
" [08-06|00:47:55.848] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1500000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h33m33s"
" [08-06|00:47:58.037] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1160000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m45s"
" [08-06|00:48:03.560] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1162500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m42s"
" [08-06|00:48:08.421] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1165000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m38s"
" [08-06|00:48:13.582] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1167500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m35s"
" [08-06|00:48:18.312] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1170000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m30s"
" [08-06|00:48:22.864] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1172500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m26s"
" [08-06|00:48:28.641] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1175000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m24s"
" [08-06|00:48:32.919] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1177500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m18s"
" [08-06|00:48:38.594] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1180000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m16s"
" [08-06|00:48:43.178] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1182500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m11s"
" [08-06|00:48:43.771] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1505000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h34m56s"
" [08-06|00:48:48.134] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1185000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m7s"
" [08-06|00:48:53.788] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1187500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m5s"
" [08-06|00:48:58.368] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1190000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h21m0s"
" [08-06|00:49:04.299] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1192500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m58s"
" [08-06|00:49:08.572] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1195000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m53s"
" [08-06|00:49:14.117] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1197500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m50s"
" [08-06|00:49:19.338] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1200000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m47s"
" [08-06|00:49:24.155] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1202500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m43s"
" [08-06|00:49:26.928] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1510000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h35m26s"
" [08-06|00:49:30.304] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1205000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m41s"
" [08-06|00:49:34.512] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1207500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m36s"
" [08-06|00:49:40.004] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1210000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m33s"
" [08-06|00:49:44.361] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1212500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m28s"
" [08-06|00:49:49.088] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1215000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m23s"
" [08-06|00:49:55.336] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1217500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m22s"
" [08-06|00:49:59.551] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1220000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m17s"
" [08-06|00:50:05.242] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1222500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m14s"
" [08-06|00:50:10.255] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1225000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m10s"
" [08-06|00:50:14.943] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1227500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m6s"
" [08-06|00:50:17.097] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1515000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h37m13s"
" [08-06|00:50:20.888] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1230000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h20m4s"
" [08-06|00:50:25.132] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1232500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m58s"
" [08-06|00:50:29.937] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1235000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m54s"
" [08-06|00:50:34.992] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1237500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m50s"
" [08-06|00:50:39.196] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1240000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m45s"
" [08-06|00:50:44.472] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1242500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m41s"
" [08-06|00:50:49.712] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1245000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m38s"
" [08-06|00:50:54.016] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1247500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m33s"
" [08-06|00:50:59.524] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1250000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m30s"
" [08-06|00:51:03.908] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1252500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m24s"
" [08-06|00:51:09.027] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1255000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m21s"
" [08-06|00:51:14.160] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1257500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m17s"
" [08-06|00:51:17.657] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1520000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h40m53s"
" [08-06|00:51:19.405] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1260000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m14s"
" [08-06|00:51:24.482] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1262500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m10s"
" [08-06|00:51:29.459] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1265000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m6s"
" [08-06|00:51:34.695] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1267500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h19m2s"
" [08-06|00:51:39.004] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1270000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m57s"
" [08-06|00:51:44.681] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1272500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m54s"
" [08-06|00:51:48.744] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1275000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m49s"
" [08-06|00:51:53.455] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1277500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m44s"
" [08-06|00:51:58.170] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1525000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h40m51s"
" [08-06|00:51:59.285] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1280000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m42s"
" [08-06|00:52:03.000] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1282500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m35s"
" [08-06|00:52:08.258] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1285000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m32s"
" [08-06|00:52:12.826] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1287500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m27s"
" [08-06|00:52:17.224] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1290000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m22s"
" [08-06|00:52:22.490] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1292500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m18s"
" [08-06|00:52:25.909] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1295000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m11s"
" [08-06|00:52:30.907] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1297500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m7s"
" [08-06|00:52:35.199] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1300000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h18m2s"
" [08-06|00:52:39.339] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1302500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m56s"
" [08-06|00:52:44.587] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1305000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m53s"
" [08-06|00:52:48.289] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1307500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m46s"
" [08-06|00:52:49.130] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1530000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h42m43s"
" [08-06|00:52:52.883] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1310000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m41s"
" [08-06|00:52:58.835] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1312500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m39s"
" [08-06|00:53:02.619] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1315000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m33s"
" [08-06|00:53:07.840] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1317500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m29s"
" [08-06|00:53:11.680] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1320000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m23s"
" [08-06|00:53:15.135] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1322500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m16s"
" [08-06|00:53:19.312] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1325000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m11s"
" [08-06|00:53:23.533] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1327500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m5s"
" [08-06|00:53:28.356] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1330000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h17m1s"
" [08-06|00:53:32.709] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1535000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h43m14s"
" [08-06|00:53:34.092] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1332500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m58s"
" [08-06|00:53:38.212] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1335000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m53s"
" [08-06|00:53:43.786] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1337500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m50s"
" [08-06|00:53:48.075] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1340000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m44s"
" [08-06|00:53:53.122] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1342500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m40s"
" [08-06|00:53:58.258] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1345000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m37s"
" [08-06|00:54:03.046] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1347500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m32s"
" [08-06|00:54:09.162] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1350000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m30s"
" [08-06|00:54:13.458] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1352500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m25s"
" [08-06|00:54:14.026] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1540000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h43m19s"
" [08-06|00:54:18.494] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1355000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m21s"
" [08-06|00:54:22.180] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1357500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m15s"
" [08-06|00:54:26.456] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1360000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m9s"
" [08-06|00:54:31.903] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1362500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m6s"
" [08-06|00:54:36.114] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1365000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h16m1s"
" [08-06|00:54:40.968] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1367500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m56s"
" [08-06|00:54:46.312] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1370000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m53s"
" [08-06|00:54:50.485] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1372500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m47s"
" [08-06|00:54:56.102] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1375000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m44s"
" [08-06|00:55:00.770] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1377500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m40s"
" [08-06|00:55:01.459] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1545000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h44m31s"
" [08-06|00:55:05.362] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1380000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m35s"
" [08-06|00:55:10.778] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1382500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m32s"
" [08-06|00:55:14.950] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1385000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m26s"
" [08-06|00:55:20.531] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1387500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m23s"
" [08-06|00:55:25.272] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1390000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m19s"
" [08-06|00:55:30.413] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1392500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m15s"
" [08-06|00:55:35.992] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1395000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m12s"
" [08-06|00:55:40.348] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1397500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m7s"
" [08-06|00:55:46.139] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1400000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h15m4s"
" [08-06|00:55:47.161] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1550000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h45m23s"
" [08-06|00:55:50.993] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1402500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m59s"
" [08-06|00:55:56.366] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1405000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m56s"
" [08-06|00:56:01.839] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1407500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m53s"
" [08-06|00:56:06.396] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1410000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m48s"
" [08-06|00:56:12.167] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1412500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m45s"
" [08-06|00:56:16.862] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1415000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m41s"
" [08-06|00:56:21.649] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1417500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m36s"
" [08-06|00:56:27.447] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1420000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m33s"
" [08-06|00:56:31.888] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1422500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m28s"
" [08-06|00:56:34.355] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1555000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h46m30s"
" [08-06|00:56:37.731] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1425000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m26s"
" [08-06|00:56:42.028] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1427500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m20s"
" [08-06|00:56:47.264] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1430000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m16s"
" [08-06|00:56:52.128] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1432500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m12s"
" [08-06|00:56:56.736] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1435000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m7s"
" [08-06|00:57:02.618] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1437500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h14m5s"
" [08-06|00:57:06.525] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1440000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m59s"
" [08-06|00:57:11.811] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1442500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m55s"
" [08-06|00:57:16.729] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1445000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m51s"
" [08-06|00:57:21.060] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1447500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m46s"
" [08-06|00:57:22.413] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1560000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h47m46s"
" [08-06|00:57:26.467] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1450000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m42s"
" [08-06|00:57:30.297] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1452500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m36s"
" [08-06|00:57:35.329] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1455000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m32s"
" [08-06|00:57:40.690] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1457500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m28s"
" [08-06|00:57:44.984] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1460000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m23s"
" [08-06|00:57:49.355] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1462500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m18s"
" [08-06|00:57:52.962] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1465000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m12s"
" [08-06|00:57:58.171] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1467500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m8s"
" [08-06|00:58:01.988] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1470000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h13m2s"
" [08-06|00:58:05.954] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1472500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m56s"
" [08-06|00:58:06.233] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1565000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h48m16s"
" [08-06|00:58:11.619] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1475000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m53s"
" [08-06|00:58:15.077] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1477500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m46s"
" [08-06|00:58:20.405] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1480000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m43s"
" [08-06|00:58:24.364] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1482500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m37s"
" [08-06|00:58:29.100] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1485000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m32s"
" [08-06|00:58:33.101] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1487500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m26s"
" [08-06|00:58:37.072] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1490000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m21s"
" [08-06|00:58:42.416] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1492500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m17s"
" [08-06|00:58:46.764] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1495000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m12s"
" [08-06|00:58:49.567] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1570000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h48m40s"
" [08-06|00:58:51.424] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1497500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m7s"
" [08-06|00:58:56.360] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1500000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h12m3s"
" [08-06|00:59:00.470] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1502500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m57s"
" [08-06|00:59:05.574] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1505000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m53s"
" [08-06|00:59:09.518] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1507500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m48s"
" [08-06|00:59:14.846] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1510000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m44s"
" [08-06|00:59:19.551] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1512500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m39s"
" [08-06|00:59:24.179] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1515000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m35s"
" [08-06|00:59:29.766] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1517500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m31s"
" [08-06|00:59:32.555] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1575000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h49m1s"
" [08-06|00:59:33.565] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1520000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m25s"
" [08-06|00:59:38.781] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1522500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m22s"
" [08-06|00:59:42.663] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1525000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m16s"
" [08-06|00:59:47.090] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1527500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m11s"
" [08-06|00:59:52.547] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1530000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m7s"
" [08-06|00:59:56.477] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1532500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h11m1s"
" [08-06|01:00:01.986] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1535000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m58s"
" [08-06|01:00:06.688] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1537500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m53s"
" [08-06|01:00:11.417] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1540000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m49s"
" [08-06|01:00:16.926] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1542500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m45s"
" [08-06|01:00:18.462] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1580000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h49m51s"
" [08-06|01:00:21.126] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1545000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m40s"
" [08-06|01:00:26.728] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1547500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m37s"
" [08-06|01:00:31.311] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1550000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m32s"
" [08-06|01:00:36.045] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1552500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m27s"
" [08-06|01:00:41.610] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1555000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m24s"
" [08-06|01:00:45.810] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1557500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m19s"
" [08-06|01:00:51.317] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1560000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m15s"
" [08-06|01:00:56.444] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1562500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m11s"
" [08-06|01:01:01.736] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1565000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m7s"
" [08-06|01:01:07.121] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1567500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h10m4s"
" [08-06|01:01:08.300] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1585000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h51m23s"
" [08-06|01:01:11.615] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1570000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m59s"
" [08-06|01:01:17.434] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1572500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m56s"
" [08-06|01:01:21.444] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1575000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m50s"
" [08-06|01:01:26.951] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1577500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m47s"
" [08-06|01:01:32.001] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1580000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m42s"
" [08-06|01:01:36.789] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1582500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m38s"
" [08-06|01:01:42.172] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1585000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m34s"
" [08-06|01:01:46.410] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1587500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m29s"
" [08-06|01:01:51.886] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1590000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m25s"
" [08-06|01:01:56.048] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1592500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m20s"
" [08-06|01:01:58.207] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1590000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h52m54s"
" [08-06|01:02:01.240] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1595000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m16s"
" [08-06|01:02:06.391] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1597500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m12s"
" [08-06|01:02:11.627] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1600000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m8s"
" [08-06|01:02:16.192] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1602500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h9m3s"
" [08-06|01:02:21.086] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1605000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m59s"
" [08-06|01:02:26.596] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1607500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m55s"
" [08-06|01:02:30.939] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1610000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m50s"
" [08-06|01:02:35.997] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1595000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h52m18s"
" [08-06|01:02:36.813] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1612500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m47s"
" [08-06|01:02:41.146] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1615000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m42s"
" [08-06|01:02:46.600] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1617500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m38s"
" [08-06|01:02:51.487] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1620000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m34s"
" [08-06|01:02:56.444] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1622500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m29s"
" [08-06|01:03:02.117] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1625000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m26s"
" [08-06|01:03:06.634] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1627500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m21s"
" [08-06|01:03:12.551] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1630000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m18s"
" [08-06|01:03:17.292] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1632500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m14s"
" [08-06|01:03:19.481] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1600000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h52m41s"
" [08-06|01:03:22.432] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1635000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m9s"
" [08-06|01:03:27.646] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1637500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m5s"
" [08-06|01:03:32.108] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1640000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h8m0s"
" [08-06|01:03:37.984] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1642500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m57s"
" [08-06|01:03:42.103] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1645000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m52s"
" [08-06|01:03:47.297] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1647500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m48s"
" [08-06|01:03:52.014] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1650000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m43s"
" [08-06|01:03:56.677] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1652500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m38s"
" [08-06|01:04:02.156] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1655000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m35s"
" [08-06|01:04:02.251] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1605000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h52m56s"
" [08-06|01:04:06.398] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1657500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m29s"
" [08-06|01:04:13.802] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1660000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m28s"
" [08-06|01:04:20.791] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1662500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m27s"
" [08-06|01:04:27.641] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1665000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m25s"
" [08-06|01:04:33.950] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1667500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m22s"
" [08-06|01:04:40.042] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1670000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m19s"
" [08-06|01:04:44.661] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1610000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h53m7s"
" [08-06|01:04:45.801] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1672500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m16s"
" [08-06|01:04:52.364] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1675000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m13s"
" [08-06|01:04:59.507] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1677500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m12s"
" [08-06|01:05:04.894] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1680000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m8s"
" [08-06|01:05:11.256] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1682500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m5s"
" [08-06|01:05:17.161] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1685000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h7m2s"
" [08-06|01:05:21.148] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1687500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m56s"
" [08-06|01:05:26.368] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1690000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m52s"
" [08-06|01:05:27.619] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1615000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h53m23s"
" [08-06|01:05:32.015] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1692500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m49s"
" [08-06|01:05:36.386] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1695000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m44s"
" [08-06|01:05:42.096] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1697500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m40s"
" [08-06|01:05:46.736] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1700000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m35s"
" [08-06|01:05:51.702] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1702500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m31s"
" [08-06|01:05:56.718] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1705000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m26s"
" [08-06|01:06:00.931] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1707500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m21s"
" [08-06|01:06:06.514] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1710000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m17s"
" [08-06|01:06:11.291] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1712500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m13s"
" [08-06|01:06:14.211] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1620000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h54m17s"
" [08-06|01:06:16.143] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1715000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m8s"
" [08-06|01:06:21.800] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1717500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h6m5s"
" [08-06|01:06:26.066] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1720000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m59s"
" [08-06|01:06:31.825] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1722500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m56s"
" [08-06|01:06:36.399] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1725000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m51s"
" [08-06|01:06:41.440] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1727500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m47s"
" [08-06|01:06:46.738] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1730000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m43s"
" [08-06|01:06:51.388] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1732500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m38s"
" [08-06|01:06:52.836] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1625000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h53m48s"
" [08-06|01:06:56.596] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1735000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m34s"
" [08-06|01:07:01.086] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1737500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m29s"
" [08-06|01:07:06.306] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1740000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m24s"
" [08-06|01:07:11.699] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1742500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m21s"
" [08-06|01:07:16.400] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1745000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m16s"
" [08-06|01:07:22.005] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1747500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m12s"
" [08-06|01:07:26.186] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1750000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m7s"
" [08-06|01:07:31.859] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1752500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h5m3s"
" [08-06|01:07:36.800] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1755000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m59s"
" [08-06|01:07:38.384] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1630000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h54m30s"
" [08-06|01:07:41.696] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1757500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m54s"
" [08-06|01:07:47.633] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1760000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m51s"
" [08-06|01:07:51.684] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1762500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m45s"
" [08-06|01:07:57.177] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1765000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m41s"
" [08-06|01:08:01.943] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1767500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m37s"
" [08-06|01:08:06.613] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1770000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m32s"
" [08-06|01:08:12.239] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1772500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m28s"
" [08-06|01:08:15.977] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1775000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m22s"
" [08-06|01:08:20.672] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1777500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m17s"
" [08-06|01:08:23.994] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1780000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m11s"
" [08-06|01:08:27.024] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1635000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m42s"
" [08-06|01:08:28.197] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1782500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m6s"
" [08-06|01:08:32.817] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1785000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h4m1s"
" [08-06|01:08:36.723] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1787500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m55s"
" [08-06|01:08:41.853] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1790000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m51s"
" [08-06|01:08:46.963] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1792500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m47s"
" [08-06|01:08:51.512] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1795000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m42s"
" [08-06|01:08:57.453] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1797500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m38s"
" [08-06|01:09:01.496] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1800000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m33s"
" [08-06|01:09:05.822] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1640000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m15s"
" [08-06|01:09:06.920] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1802500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m29s"
" [08-06|01:09:11.581] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1805000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m24s"
" [08-06|01:09:16.151] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1807500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m19s"
" [08-06|01:09:21.324] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1810000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m15s"
" [08-06|01:09:25.162] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1812500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m9s"
" [08-06|01:09:30.094] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1815000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m5s"
" [08-06|01:09:35.342] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1817500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h3m1s"
" [08-06|01:09:39.709] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1820000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m55s"
" [08-06|01:09:45.276] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1822500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m52s"
" [08-06|01:09:47.254] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1645000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m13s"
" [08-06|01:09:49.458] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1825000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m46s"
" [08-06|01:09:54.518] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1827500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m42s"
" [08-06|01:09:59.495] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1830000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m37s"
" [08-06|01:10:03.868] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1832500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m32s"
" [08-06|01:10:09.641] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1835000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m29s"
" [08-06|01:10:13.758] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1837500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m23s"
" [08-06|01:10:18.527] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1840000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m19s"
" [08-06|01:10:24.502] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1842500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m15s"
" [08-06|01:10:27.794] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1650000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m3s"
" [08-06|01:10:28.455] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1845000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m10s"
" [08-06|01:10:33.737] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1847500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m5s"
" [08-06|01:10:38.138] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1850000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h2m0s"
" [08-06|01:10:42.844] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1852500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m56s"
" [08-06|01:10:47.830] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1855000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m51s"
" [08-06|01:10:51.703] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1857500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m45s"
" [08-06|01:10:56.424] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1860000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m41s"
" [08-06|01:11:01.489] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1862500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m36s"
" [08-06|01:11:06.244] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1865000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m32s"
" [08-06|01:11:09.597] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1655000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m5s"
" [08-06|01:11:12.324] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1867500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m28s"
" [08-06|01:11:16.292] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1870000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m23s"
" [08-06|01:11:21.709] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1872500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m19s"
" [08-06|01:11:26.701] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1875000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m14s"
" [08-06|01:11:31.361] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1877500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m9s"
" [08-06|01:11:35.421] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1880000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h1m4s"
" [08-06|01:11:39.726] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1882500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m59s"
" [08-06|01:11:46.419] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1885000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m56s"
" [08-06|01:11:51.126] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1660000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m4s"
" [08-06|01:11:53.413] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1887500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m54s"
" [08-06|01:12:02.749] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1890000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m54s"
" [08-06|01:12:10.286] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1892500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m52s"
" [08-06|01:12:17.553] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1895000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m49s"
" [08-06|01:12:26.254] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1897500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m49s"
" [08-06|01:12:33.120] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1900000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m46s"
" [08-06|01:12:33.965] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1665000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m16s"
" [08-06|01:12:40.495] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1902500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m44s"
" [08-06|01:12:47.545] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1905000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m41s"
" [08-06|01:12:56.440] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1907500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m41s"
" [08-06|01:13:02.851] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1910000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m38s"
" [08-06|01:13:11.648] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1912500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m37s"
" [08-06|01:13:17.328] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1915000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m33s"
" [08-06|01:13:23.467] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1917500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m30s"
" [08-06|01:13:24.134] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1670000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m40s"
" [08-06|01:13:28.113] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1920000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m25s"
" [08-06|01:13:35.906] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1922500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m23s"
" [08-06|01:13:42.195] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1925000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m20s"
" [08-06|01:13:49.292] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1927500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m17s"
" [08-06|01:13:53.762] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1930000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m12s"
" [08-06|01:13:58.876] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1932500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m7s"
" [08-06|01:14:03.197] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1935000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1h0m2s"
" [08-06|01:14:07.708] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1675000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m58s"
" [08-06|01:14:09.169] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1937500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m59s"
" [08-06|01:14:15.870] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1940000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m56s"
" [08-06|01:14:22.031] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1942500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m52s"
" [08-06|01:14:28.974] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1945000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m49s"
" [08-06|01:14:34.997] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1947500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m46s"
" [08-06|01:14:43.146] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1950000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m44s"
" [08-06|01:14:52.101] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1952500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m43s"
" [08-06|01:14:52.370] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1680000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h57m27s"
" [08-06|01:14:58.723] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1955000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m40s"
" [08-06|01:15:06.661] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1957500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m38s"
" [08-06|01:15:13.472] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1960000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m35s"
" [08-06|01:15:19.174] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1962500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m31s"
" [08-06|01:15:27.346] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1965000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m30s"
" [08-06|01:15:29.291] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1685000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m39s"
" [08-06|01:15:34.139] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1967500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m27s"
" [08-06|01:15:40.506] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1970000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m23s"
" [08-06|01:15:50.097] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1972500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m23s"
" [08-06|01:15:57.870] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1975000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m21s"
" [08-06|01:16:04.605] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1977500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m18s"
" [08-06|01:16:10.396] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1690000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m32s"
" [08-06|01:16:10.427] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1980000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m14s"
" [08-06|01:16:19.247] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1982500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m13s"
" [08-06|01:16:27.534] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1985000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m11s"
" [08-06|01:16:36.244] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1987500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m10s"
" [08-06|01:16:43.168] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1990000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m7s"
" [08-06|01:16:51.577] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1992500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m5s"
" [08-06|01:16:54.066] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1695000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m50s"
" [08-06|01:17:02.872] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1995000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m6s"
" [08-06|01:17:09.304] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1997500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m3s"
" [08-06|01:17:16.746] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2000000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 59m0s"
" [08-06|01:17:23.004] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2002500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m57s"
" [08-06|01:17:31.432] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2005000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m55s"
" [08-06|01:17:36.208] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1700000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m52s"
" [08-06|01:17:37.559] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2007500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m51s"
" [08-06|01:17:46.165] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2010000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m50s"
" [08-06|01:17:52.462] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2012500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m46s"
" [08-06|01:18:01.053] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2015000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m44s"
" [08-06|01:18:07.218] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2017500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m41s"
" [08-06|01:18:14.026] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2020000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m37s"
" [08-06|01:18:17.424] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1705000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m46s"
" [08-06|01:18:19.952] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2022500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m33s"
" [08-06|01:18:29.030] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2025000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m32s"
" [08-06|01:18:35.116] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2027500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m28s"
" [08-06|01:18:42.883] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2030000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m26s"
" [08-06|01:18:49.731] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2032500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m23s"
" [08-06|01:18:56.624] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2035000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m20s"
" [08-06|01:19:02.401] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1710000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h57m16s"
" [08-06|01:19:02.733] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2037500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m16s"
" [08-06|01:19:11.404] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2040000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m14s"
" [08-06|01:19:18.107] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2042500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m11s"
" [08-06|01:19:23.307] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2045000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m6s"
" [08-06|01:19:29.247] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2047500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m2s"
" [08-06|01:19:37.515] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2050000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 58m0s"
" [08-06|01:19:43.413] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1715000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h57m6s"
" [08-06|01:19:46.152] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2052500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m58s"
" [08-06|01:19:51.994] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2055000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m54s"
" [08-06|01:19:59.625] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2057500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m51s"
" [08-06|01:20:05.839] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2060000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m47s"
" [08-06|01:20:12.306] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2062500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m44s"
" [08-06|01:20:17.156] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2065000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m39s"
" [08-06|01:20:19.714] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1720000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m12s"
" [08-06|01:20:23.714] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2067500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m35s"
" [08-06|01:20:31.101] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2070000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m32s"
" [08-06|01:20:37.676] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2072500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m29s"
" [08-06|01:20:44.451] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2075000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m25s"
" [08-06|01:20:51.605] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2077500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m22s"
" [08-06|01:21:00.089] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2080000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m20s"
" [08-06|01:21:01.539] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1725000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m10s"
" [08-06|01:21:07.606] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2082500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m17s"
" [08-06|01:21:15.616] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2085000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m15s"
" [08-06|01:21:22.545] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2087500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m12s"
" [08-06|01:21:30.469] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2090000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m9s"
" [08-06|01:21:37.310] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2092500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m6s"
" [08-06|01:21:39.292] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1730000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m30s"
" [08-06|01:21:44.501] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2095000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 57m2s"
" [08-06|01:21:51.105] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2097500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m59s"
" [08-06|01:21:58.487] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2100000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m56s"
" [08-06|01:22:05.150] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2102500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m52s"
" [08-06|01:22:13.851] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2105000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m50s"
" [08-06|01:22:19.099] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1735000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m9s"
" [08-06|01:22:19.927] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2107500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m46s"
" [08-06|01:22:28.729] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2110000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m44s"
" [08-06|01:22:34.731] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2112500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m40s"
" [08-06|01:22:41.878] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2115000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m37s"
" [08-06|01:22:48.602] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2117500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m33s"
" [08-06|01:22:55.512] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2120000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m30s"
" [08-06|01:23:03.343] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1740000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m30s"
" [08-06|01:23:04.033] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2122500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m28s"
" [08-06|01:23:10.417] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2125000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m24s"
" [08-06|01:23:20.379] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2127500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m23s"
" [08-06|01:23:28.614] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2130000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m20s"
" [08-06|01:23:35.116] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2132500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m16s"
" [08-06|01:23:42.084] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2135000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m13s"
" [08-06|01:23:47.209] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2137500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m8s"
" [08-06|01:23:51.875] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2140000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 56m3s"
" [08-06|01:23:52.277] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1745000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m35s"
" [08-06|01:23:56.823] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2142500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m57s"
" [08-06|01:24:02.235] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2145000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m53s"
" [08-06|01:24:08.366] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2147500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m49s"
" [08-06|01:24:17.058] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2150000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m46s"
" [08-06|01:24:22.661] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2152500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m42s"
" [08-06|01:24:30.187] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2155000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m39s"
" [08-06|01:24:33.819] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1750000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m29s"
" [08-06|01:24:35.415] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2157500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m34s"
" [08-06|01:24:43.141] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2160000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m31s"
" [08-06|01:24:48.176] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2162500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m26s"
" [08-06|01:24:54.269] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2165000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m22s"
" [08-06|01:24:59.549] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2167500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m17s"
" [08-06|01:25:04.593] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2170000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m12s"
" [08-06|01:25:11.666] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2172500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m8s"
" [08-06|01:25:17.217] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2175000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 55m4s"
" [08-06|01:25:19.507] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1755000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h57m3s"
" [08-06|01:25:23.248] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2177500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m59s"
" [08-06|01:25:29.510] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2180000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m55s"
" [08-06|01:25:34.542] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2182500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m50s"
" [08-06|01:25:40.828] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2185000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m46s"
" [08-06|01:25:45.033] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2187500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m40s"
" [08-06|01:25:53.765] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2190000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m38s"
" [08-06|01:25:58.696] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2192500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m33s"
" [08-06|01:26:05.455] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2195000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m29s"
" [08-06|01:26:05.856] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1760000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h57m42s"
" [08-06|01:26:11.459] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2197500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m25s"
" [08-06|01:26:16.365] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2200000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m20s"
" [08-06|01:26:22.501] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2202500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m15s"
" [08-06|01:26:28.081] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2205000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m11s"
" [08-06|01:26:33.468] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2207500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m6s"
" [08-06|01:26:37.602] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2210000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54m0s"
" [08-06|01:26:42.908] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2212500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m55s"
" [08-06|01:26:49.320] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2215000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m51s"
" [08-06|01:26:52.214] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1765000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h58m21s"
" [08-06|01:26:54.655] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2217500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m46s"
" [08-06|01:26:59.989] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2220000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m42s"
" [08-06|01:27:05.633] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2222500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m37s"
" [08-06|01:27:11.329] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2225000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m32s"
" [08-06|01:27:22.505] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2227500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m32s"
" [08-06|01:27:27.852] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2230000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m27s"
" [08-06|01:27:34.791] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1770000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h58m24s"
" [08-06|01:27:35.584] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2232500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m24s"
" [08-06|01:27:40.672] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2235000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m19s"
" [08-06|01:27:46.461] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2237500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m14s"
" [08-06|01:27:50.436] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2240000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m8s"
" [08-06|01:27:55.491] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2242500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m3s"
" [08-06|01:28:02.814] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2245000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 53m0s"
" [08-06|01:28:08.685] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2247500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m55s"
" [08-06|01:28:14.492] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2250000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m51s"
" [08-06|01:28:20.126] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2252500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m46s"
" [08-06|01:28:20.167] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1775000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h58m52s"
" [08-06|01:28:25.636] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2255000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m41s"
" [08-06|01:28:32.216] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2257500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m37s"
" [08-06|01:28:38.845] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2260000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m33s"
" [08-06|01:28:44.696] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2262500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m29s"
" [08-06|01:28:50.856] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2265000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m24s"
" [08-06|01:28:56.130] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2267500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m19s"
" [08-06|01:29:02.102] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2270000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m15s"
" [08-06|01:29:04.013] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1780000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h59m7s"
" [08-06|01:29:07.026] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2272500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m10s"
" [08-06|01:29:13.132] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2275000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m5s"
" [08-06|01:29:19.713] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2277500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 52m1s"
" [08-06|01:29:25.589] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2280000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m57s"
" [08-06|01:29:32.970] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2282500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m53s"
" [08-06|01:29:38.436] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2285000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m48s"
" [08-06|01:29:39.141] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1785000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h58m0s"
" [08-06|01:29:44.684] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2287500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m44s"
" [08-06|01:29:49.826] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2290000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m39s"
" [08-06|01:29:55.306] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2292500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m34s"
" [08-06|01:30:02.574] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2295000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m31s"
" [08-06|01:30:07.655] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2297500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m26s"
" [08-06|01:30:14.153] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2300000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m21s"
" [08-06|01:30:20.575] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2302500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m17s"
" [08-06|01:30:26.201] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2305000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m12s"
" [08-06|01:30:26.876] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1790000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h58m50s"
" [08-06|01:30:33.747] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2307500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m9s"
" [08-06|01:30:38.587] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2310000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m4s"
" [08-06|01:30:45.074] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2312500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 51m0s"
" [08-06|01:30:51.214] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2315000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m55s"
" [08-06|01:30:57.085] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2317500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m51s"
" [08-06|01:31:04.180] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2320000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m47s"
" [08-06|01:31:09.281] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2322500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m42s"
" [08-06|01:31:15.902] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2325000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m38s"
" [08-06|01:31:18.387] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1795000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h0m13s"
" [08-06|01:31:22.563] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2327500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m33s"
" [08-06|01:31:27.996] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2330000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m29s"
" [08-06|01:31:33.947] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2332500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m24s"
" [08-06|01:31:38.852] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2335000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m19s"
" [08-06|01:31:46.822] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2337500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m15s"
" [08-06|01:31:51.060] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2340000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m10s"
" [08-06|01:31:56.088] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2342500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 50m5s"
" [08-06|01:32:01.010] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2345000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m59s"
" [08-06|01:32:05.359] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2347500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m54s"
" [08-06|01:32:05.415] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1800000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h0m55s"
" [08-06|01:32:11.232] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2350000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m49s"
" [08-06|01:32:18.514] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2352500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m45s"
" [08-06|01:32:23.732] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2355000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m40s"
" [08-06|01:32:30.290] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2357500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m36s"
" [08-06|01:32:35.049] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2360000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m31s"
" [08-06|01:32:41.312] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2362500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m27s"
" [08-06|01:32:47.000] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1805000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h0m47s"
" [08-06|01:32:48.103] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2365000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m22s"
" [08-06|01:32:54.685] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2367500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m18s"
" [08-06|01:33:01.548] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2370000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m14s"
" [08-06|01:33:07.959] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2372500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m10s"
" [08-06|01:33:15.453] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2375000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m6s"
" [08-06|01:33:20.633] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2377500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49m1s"
" [08-06|01:33:27.482] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1810000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h0m29s"
" [08-06|01:33:28.219] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2380000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m58s"
" [08-06|01:33:33.500] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2382500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m52s"
" [08-06|01:33:41.016] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2385000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m49s"
" [08-06|01:33:46.601] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2387500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m44s"
" [08-06|01:33:52.232] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2390000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m39s"
" [08-06|01:33:56.376] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2392500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m33s"
" [08-06|01:34:01.260] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2395000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m28s"
" [08-06|01:34:07.803] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2397500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m24s"
" [08-06|01:34:15.509] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2400000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m20s"
" [08-06|01:34:18.078] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1815000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h1m42s"
" [08-06|01:34:20.546] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2402500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m15s"
" [08-06|01:34:27.012] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2405000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m11s"
" [08-06|01:34:33.200] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2407500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m6s"
" [08-06|01:34:38.894] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2410000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 48m1s"
" [08-06|01:34:44.349] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2412500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m57s"
" [08-06|01:34:49.962] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2415000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m52s"
" [08-06|01:34:56.370] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2417500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m47s"
" [08-06|01:35:03.000] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2420000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m43s"
" [08-06|01:35:08.192] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2422500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m38s"
" [08-06|01:35:09.834] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1820000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h3m5s"
" [08-06|01:35:14.533] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2425000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m33s"
" [08-06|01:35:19.487] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2427500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m28s"
" [08-06|01:35:25.804] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2430000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m24s"
" [08-06|01:35:33.152] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2432500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m20s"
" [08-06|01:35:38.356] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2435000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m15s"
" [08-06|01:35:45.316] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2437500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m11s"
" [08-06|01:35:51.509] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2440000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m6s"
" [08-06|01:35:57.268] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1825000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h3m48s"
" [08-06|01:35:57.792] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2442500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 47m2s"
" [08-06|01:36:03.468] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2445000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m57s"
" [08-06|01:36:09.239] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2447500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m52s"
" [08-06|01:36:15.751] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2450000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m48s"
" [08-06|01:36:25.670] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2452500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m45s"
" [08-06|01:36:38.031] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2455000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m44s"
" [08-06|01:36:43.710] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1830000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h4m22s"
" [08-06|01:36:45.110] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2457500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m40s"
" [08-06|01:36:50.806] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2460000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m35s"
" [08-06|01:36:58.436] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2462500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m31s"
" [08-06|01:37:03.587] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2465000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m26s"
" [08-06|01:37:09.204] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2467500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m21s"
" [08-06|01:37:13.965] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2470000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m16s"
" [08-06|01:37:18.790] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2472500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m10s"
" [08-06|01:37:25.763] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2475000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m6s"
" [08-06|01:37:31.154] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1835000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h5m4s"
" [08-06|01:37:31.780] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2477500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 46m2s"
" [08-06|01:37:37.975] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2480000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m57s"
" [08-06|01:37:43.827] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2482500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m52s"
" [08-06|01:37:49.650] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2485000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m47s"
" [08-06|01:37:56.399] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2487500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m43s"
" [08-06|01:38:00.927] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2490000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m38s"
" [08-06|01:38:07.246] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2492500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m33s"
" [08-06|01:38:13.236] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2495000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m28s"
" [08-06|01:38:16.549] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1840000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h5m28s"
" [08-06|01:38:18.306] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2497500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m23s"
" [08-06|01:38:25.766] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2500000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m19s"
" [08-06|01:38:31.202] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2502500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m14s"
" [08-06|01:38:38.239] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2505000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m10s"
" [08-06|01:38:44.479] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2507500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m5s"
" [08-06|01:38:50.934] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2510000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 45m1s"
" [08-06|01:38:57.972] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2512500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m56s"
" [08-06|01:39:01.940] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1845000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h5m51s"
" [08-06|01:39:03.277] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2515000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m51s"
" [08-06|01:39:12.077] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2517500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m48s"
" [08-06|01:39:19.439] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2520000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m44s"
" [08-06|01:39:24.977] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2522500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m39s"
" [08-06|01:39:31.331] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2525000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m34s"
" [08-06|01:39:37.925] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2527500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m30s"
" [08-06|01:39:47.316] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2530000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m27s"
" [08-06|01:39:47.813] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1850000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h6m18s"
" [08-06|01:40:04.421] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2532500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m28s"
" [08-06|01:40:10.832] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2535000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m23s"
" [08-06|01:40:18.196] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2537500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m19s"
" [08-06|01:40:24.698] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2540000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m14s"
" [08-06|01:40:30.980] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2542500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m10s"
" [08-06|01:40:38.186] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2545000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m6s"
" [08-06|01:40:39.360] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1855000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h7m35s"
" [08-06|01:40:44.106] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2547500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 44m1s"
" [08-06|01:40:51.944] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2550000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m57s"
" [08-06|01:40:57.537] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2552500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m52s"
" [08-06|01:41:03.790] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2555000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m47s"
" [08-06|01:41:09.515] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2557500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m42s"
" [08-06|01:41:15.278] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2560000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m37s"
" [08-06|01:41:21.085] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2562500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m32s"
" [08-06|01:41:26.684] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2565000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m27s"
" [08-06|01:41:30.115] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1860000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m44s"
" [08-06|01:41:33.372] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2567500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m23s"
" [08-06|01:41:38.752] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2570000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m18s"
" [08-06|01:41:44.218] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2572500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m12s"
" [08-06|01:41:49.541] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2575000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m7s"
" [08-06|01:41:57.252] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2577500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43m3s"
" [08-06|01:42:03.277] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2580000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m58s"
" [08-06|01:42:09.940] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2582500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m54s"
" [08-06|01:42:11.975] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1865000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m35s"
" [08-06|01:42:15.928] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2585000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m49s"
" [08-06|01:42:22.586] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2587500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m45s"
" [08-06|01:42:28.942] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2590000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m40s"
" [08-06|01:42:35.162] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2592500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m35s"
" [08-06|01:42:43.229] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2595000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m31s"
" [08-06|01:42:47.663] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2597500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m26s"
" [08-06|01:42:53.255] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1870000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m20s"
" [08-06|01:42:55.235] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2600000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m21s"
" [08-06|01:43:00.262] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2602500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m16s"
" [08-06|01:43:07.944] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2605000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m12s"
" [08-06|01:43:20.615] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2607500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m10s"
" [08-06|01:43:25.954] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2610000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m5s"
" [08-06|01:43:26.455] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1875000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h6m54s"
" [08-06|01:43:32.238] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2612500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 42m0s"
" [08-06|01:43:37.683] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2615000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m55s"
" [08-06|01:43:43.420] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2617500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m50s"
" [08-06|01:43:48.218] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2620000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m45s"
" [08-06|01:43:53.715] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2622500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m40s"
" [08-06|01:44:01.473] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2625000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m35s"
" [08-06|01:44:06.722] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2627500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m30s"
" [08-06|01:44:12.899] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2630000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m25s"
" [08-06|01:44:16.268] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1880000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h7m54s"
" [08-06|01:44:19.411] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2632500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m21s"
" [08-06|01:44:25.212] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2635000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m16s"
" [08-06|01:44:32.616] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2637500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m11s"
" [08-06|01:44:37.708] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2640000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m6s"
" [08-06|01:44:44.433] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2642500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 41m2s"
" [08-06|01:44:50.483] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2645000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m57s"
" [08-06|01:44:55.812] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2647500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m51s"
" [08-06|01:45:01.515] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1885000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m13s"
" [08-06|01:45:03.304] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2650000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m47s"
" [08-06|01:45:09.392] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2652500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m42s"
" [08-06|01:45:17.450] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2655000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m38s"
" [08-06|01:45:22.537] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2657500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m33s"
" [08-06|01:45:29.922] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2660000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m29s"
" [08-06|01:45:35.184] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2662500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m23s"
" [08-06|01:45:42.007] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2665000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m19s"
" [08-06|01:45:48.086] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1890000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m43s"
" [08-06|01:45:49.400] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2667500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m14s"
" [08-06|01:45:54.585] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2670000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m9s"
" [08-06|01:46:00.840] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2672500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 40m4s"
" [08-06|01:46:06.472] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2675000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m59s"
" [08-06|01:46:13.374] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2677500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m55s"
" [08-06|01:46:20.516] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2680000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m50s"
" [08-06|01:46:26.653] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2682500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m45s"
" [08-06|01:46:32.996] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2685000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m40s"
" [08-06|01:46:36.330] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1895000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m27s"
" [08-06|01:46:38.221] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2687500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m35s"
" [08-06|01:46:45.546] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2690000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m31s"
" [08-06|01:46:51.857] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2692500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m26s"
" [08-06|01:46:57.813] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2695000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m21s"
" [08-06|01:47:04.132] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2697500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m16s"
" [08-06|01:47:09.632] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2700000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m11s"
" [08-06|01:47:16.904] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2702500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m6s"
" [08-06|01:47:22.862] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2705000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 39m1s"
" [08-06|01:47:26.947] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1900000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h10m32s"
" [08-06|01:47:29.315] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2707500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m57s"
" [08-06|01:47:37.850] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2710000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m53s"
" [08-06|01:47:44.679] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2712500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m48s"
" [08-06|01:47:50.750] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2715000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m43s"
" [08-06|01:47:56.986] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2717500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m38s"
" [08-06|01:48:03.551] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2720000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m33s"
" [08-06|01:48:07.706] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1905000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h10m11s"
" [08-06|01:48:10.603] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2722500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m29s"
" [08-06|01:48:17.344] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2725000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m24s"
" [08-06|01:48:22.574] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2727500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m19s"
" [08-06|01:48:27.244] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2730000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m13s"
" [08-06|01:48:31.384] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2732500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m8s"
" [08-06|01:48:37.054] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2735000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38m2s"
" [08-06|01:48:44.535] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2737500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m58s"
" [08-06|01:48:47.687] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1910000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m43s"
" [08-06|01:48:49.890] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2740000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m53s"
" [08-06|01:48:56.879] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2742500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m48s"
" [08-06|01:49:01.205] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2745000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m42s"
" [08-06|01:49:07.429] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2747500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m37s"
" [08-06|01:49:13.359] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2750000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m32s"
" [08-06|01:49:18.785] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2752500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m27s"
" [08-06|01:49:19.986] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1915000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m10s"
" [08-06|01:49:25.814] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2755000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m23s"
" [08-06|01:49:31.309] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2757500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m17s"
" [08-06|01:49:39.371] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2760000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m13s"
" [08-06|01:49:44.026] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2762500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m8s"
" [08-06|01:49:49.008] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2765000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 37m2s"
" [08-06|01:49:53.017] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2767500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m56s"
" [08-06|01:49:57.745] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2770000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m51s"
" [08-06|01:50:03.100] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1920000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m9s"
" [08-06|01:50:04.210] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2772500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m46s"
" [08-06|01:50:08.641] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2775000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m40s"
" [08-06|01:50:13.795] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2777500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m35s"
" [08-06|01:50:20.389] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2780000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m30s"
" [08-06|01:50:25.133] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2782500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m25s"
" [08-06|01:50:31.183] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2785000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m20s"
" [08-06|01:50:38.184] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2787500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m15s"
" [08-06|01:50:42.931] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2790000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m10s"
" [08-06|01:50:49.179] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2792500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 36m5s"
" [08-06|01:50:54.221] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2795000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m59s"
" [08-06|01:50:55.689] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1925000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m28s"
" [08-06|01:50:59.184] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2797500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m54s"
" [08-06|01:51:05.949] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2800000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m49s"
" [08-06|01:51:10.562] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2802500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m44s"
" [08-06|01:51:17.177] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2805000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m39s"
" [08-06|01:51:23.509] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2807500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m34s"
" [08-06|01:51:30.004] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2810000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m29s"
" [08-06|01:51:36.107] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2812500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m24s"
" [08-06|01:51:36.860] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1930000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m10s"
" [08-06|01:51:42.108] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2815000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m19s"
" [08-06|01:51:48.372] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2817500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m14s"
" [08-06|01:51:53.086] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2820000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m8s"
" [08-06|01:51:59.623] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2822500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 35m4s"
" [08-06|01:52:04.084] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2825000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m58s"
" [08-06|01:52:08.712] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2827500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m52s"
" [08-06|01:52:13.971] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2830000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m47s"
" [08-06|01:52:18.976] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1935000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m59s"
" [08-06|01:52:19.128] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2832500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m42s"
" [08-06|01:52:26.663] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2835000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m37s"
" [08-06|01:52:32.390] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2837500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m32s"
" [08-06|01:52:38.999] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2840000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m27s"
" [08-06|01:52:45.941] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2842500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m23s"
" [08-06|01:52:51.093] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2845000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m17s"
" [08-06|01:52:57.752] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2847500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m12s"
" [08-06|01:53:03.238] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2850000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m7s"
" [08-06|01:53:08.566] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1940000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m52s"
" [08-06|01:53:09.330] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2852500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 34m2s"
" [08-06|01:53:15.633] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2855000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m57s"
" [08-06|01:53:20.620] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2857500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m52s"
" [08-06|01:53:29.251] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2860000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m47s"
" [08-06|01:53:34.100] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2862500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m42s"
" [08-06|01:53:40.905] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2865000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m37s"
" [08-06|01:53:47.469] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2867500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m32s"
" [08-06|01:53:52.628] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1945000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m57s"
" [08-06|01:53:53.018] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2870000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m27s"
" [08-06|01:54:00.696] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2872500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m22s"
" [08-06|01:54:05.646] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2875000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m17s"
" [08-06|01:54:12.563] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2877500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m12s"
" [08-06|01:54:17.363] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2880000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m7s"
" [08-06|01:54:22.901] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2882500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 33m2s"
" [08-06|01:54:28.030] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2885000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m56s"
" [08-06|01:54:32.428] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2887500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m51s"
" [08-06|01:54:37.091] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1950000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h10m6s"
" [08-06|01:54:38.247] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2890000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m45s"
" [08-06|01:54:45.305] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2892500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m41s"
" [08-06|01:54:50.036] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2895000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m35s"
" [08-06|01:54:56.755] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2897500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m30s"
" [08-06|01:55:02.771] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2900000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m25s"
" [08-06|01:55:08.600] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2902500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m20s"
" [08-06|01:55:14.735] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2905000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m15s"
" [08-06|01:55:18.452] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1955000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m49s"
" [08-06|01:55:18.965] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2907500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m9s"
" [08-06|01:55:25.906] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2910000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32m4s"
" [08-06|01:55:31.599] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2912500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m59s"
" [08-06|01:55:37.151] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2915000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m54s"
" [08-06|01:55:44.881] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2917500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m49s"
" [08-06|01:55:49.934] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2920000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m44s"
" [08-06|01:55:57.127] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2922500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m39s"
" [08-06|01:56:02.000] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1960000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m49s"
" [08-06|01:56:02.541] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2925000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m34s"
" [08-06|01:56:08.203] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2927500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m29s"
" [08-06|01:56:14.681] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2930000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m24s"
" [08-06|01:56:19.964] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2932500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m18s"
" [08-06|01:56:25.948] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2935000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m13s"
" [08-06|01:56:30.735] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2937500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m8s"
" [08-06|01:56:36.226] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2940000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 31m3s"
" [08-06|01:56:41.549] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2942500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m57s"
" [08-06|01:56:44.320] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1965000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m39s"
" [08-06|01:56:46.457] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2945000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m52s"
" [08-06|01:56:52.751] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2947500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m47s"
" [08-06|01:56:59.159] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2950000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m42s"
" [08-06|01:57:05.330] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2952500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m37s"
" [08-06|01:57:11.890] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2955000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m32s"
" [08-06|01:57:17.053] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2957500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m26s"
" [08-06|01:57:23.580] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2960000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m21s"
" [08-06|01:57:29.032] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1970000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m49s"
" [08-06|01:57:29.503] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2962500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m16s"
" [08-06|01:57:35.935] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2965000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m11s"
" [08-06|01:57:40.355] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2967500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m6s"
" [08-06|01:57:45.430] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2970000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 30m0s"
" [08-06|01:57:53.020] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2972500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m56s"
" [08-06|01:57:58.794] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2975000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m50s"
" [08-06|01:58:05.103] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2977500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m45s"
" [08-06|01:58:10.291] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2980000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m40s"
" [08-06|01:58:14.366] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1975000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h10m4s"
" [08-06|01:58:15.716] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2982500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m35s"
" [08-06|01:58:23.595] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2985000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m30s"
" [08-06|01:58:28.809] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2987500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m25s"
" [08-06|01:58:34.140] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2990000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m19s"
" [08-06|01:58:39.928] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2992500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m14s"
" [08-06|01:58:45.184] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2995000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m9s"
" [08-06|01:58:52.364] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2997500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 29m4s"
" [08-06|01:58:57.619] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3000000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m59s"
" [08-06|01:58:59.308] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1980000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h10m15s"
" [08-06|01:59:04.736] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3002500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m54s"
" [08-06|01:59:10.949] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3005000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m49s"
" [08-06|01:59:17.213] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3007500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m43s"
" [08-06|01:59:23.811] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3010000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m38s"
" [08-06|01:59:29.997] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3012500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m33s"
" [08-06|01:59:36.617] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3015000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m28s"
" [08-06|01:59:38.767] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1985000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m41s"
" [08-06|01:59:41.851] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3017500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m23s"
" [08-06|01:59:48.941] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3020000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m18s"
" [08-06|01:59:53.924] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3022500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m13s"
" [08-06|02:00:00.534] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3025000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m8s"
" [08-06|02:00:06.969] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3027500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 28m3s"
" [08-06|02:00:11.670] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3030000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m57s"
" [08-06|02:00:17.836] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3032500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m52s"
" [08-06|02:00:22.224] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3035000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m46s"
" [08-06|02:00:27.647] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3037500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m41s"
" [08-06|02:00:33.199] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1990000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m9s"
" [08-06|02:00:34.775] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3040000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m36s"
" [08-06|02:00:39.787] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3042500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m31s"
" [08-06|02:00:46.465] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3045000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m26s"
" [08-06|02:00:53.256] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3047500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m21s"
" [08-06|02:00:59.263] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3050000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m16s"
" [08-06|02:01:05.658] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3052500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m10s"
" [08-06|02:01:09.996] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3055000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m5s"
" [08-06|02:01:12.480] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 1995000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h10m33s"
" [08-06|02:01:15.978] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3057500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27m0s"
" [08-06|02:01:19.605] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3060000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m54s"
" [08-06|02:01:24.484] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3062500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m48s"
" [08-06|02:01:29.896] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3065000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m43s"
" [08-06|02:01:35.129] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3067500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m38s"
" [08-06|02:01:40.516] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3070000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m32s"
" [08-06|02:01:47.317] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3072500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m27s"
" [08-06|02:01:53.558] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3075000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m22s"
" [08-06|02:02:00.097] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3077500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m17s"
" [08-06|02:02:00.447] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2000000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m8s"
" [08-06|02:02:07.477] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3080000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m12s"
" [08-06|02:02:13.746] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3082500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m7s"
" [08-06|02:02:18.899] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3085000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 26m2s"
" [08-06|02:02:24.164] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3087500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m56s"
" [08-06|02:02:31.409] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3090000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m52s"
" [08-06|02:02:37.135] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2005000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h10m10s"
" [08-06|02:02:37.688] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3092500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m46s"
" [08-06|02:02:44.077] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3095000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m41s"
" [08-06|02:02:48.849] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3097500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m36s"
" [08-06|02:02:54.735] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3100000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m31s"
" [08-06|02:02:59.148] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3102500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m25s"
" [08-06|02:03:04.152] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3105000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m20s"
" [08-06|02:03:10.317] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3107500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m14s"
" [08-06|02:03:16.282] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3110000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m9s"
" [08-06|02:03:21.530] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3112500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 25m4s"
" [08-06|02:03:23.090] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2010000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h10m28s"
" [08-06|02:03:28.061] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3115000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m59s"
" [08-06|02:03:32.949] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3117500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m53s"
" [08-06|02:03:39.697] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3120000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m48s"
" [08-06|02:03:45.272] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3122500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m43s"
" [08-06|02:03:53.273] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3125000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m38s"
" [08-06|02:03:58.636] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3127500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m33s"
" [08-06|02:04:05.259] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3130000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m28s"
" [08-06|02:04:12.907] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2015000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m17s"
" [08-06|02:04:13.169] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3132500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m23s"
" [08-06|02:04:20.075] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3135000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m18s"
" [08-06|02:04:24.996] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3137500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m12s"
" [08-06|02:04:30.579] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3140000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m7s"
" [08-06|02:04:36.951] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3142500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 24m2s"
" [08-06|02:04:42.175] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3145000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m56s"
" [08-06|02:04:48.835] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3147500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m51s"
" [08-06|02:04:53.867] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3150000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m46s"
" [08-06|02:04:57.879] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2020000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m26s"
" [08-06|02:04:59.451] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3152500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m41s"
" [08-06|02:05:03.114] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3155000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m35s"
" [08-06|02:05:07.946] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3157500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m29s"
" [08-06|02:05:14.715] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3160000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m24s"
" [08-06|02:05:20.793] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3162500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m19s"
" [08-06|02:05:27.939] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3165000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m14s"
" [08-06|02:05:33.775] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3167500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m9s"
" [08-06|02:05:39.145] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2025000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m5s"
" [08-06|02:05:39.883] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3170000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 23m4s"
" [08-06|02:05:44.500] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3172500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m58s"
" [08-06|02:05:48.202] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3175000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m52s"
" [08-06|02:05:55.724] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3177500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m48s"
" [08-06|02:06:02.119] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3180000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m42s"
" [08-06|02:06:09.100] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3182500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m37s"
" [08-06|02:06:15.089] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3185000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m32s"
" [08-06|02:06:21.353] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3187500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m27s"
" [08-06|02:06:24.527] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2030000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m17s"
" [08-06|02:06:28.211] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3190000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m22s"
" [08-06|02:06:34.595] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3192500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m17s"
" [08-06|02:06:40.624] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3195000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m11s"
" [08-06|02:06:46.497] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3197500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m6s"
" [08-06|02:06:51.677] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3200000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 22m1s"
" [08-06|02:06:58.124] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3202500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m56s"
" [08-06|02:07:04.887] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2035000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h10m49s"
" [08-06|02:07:05.369] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3205000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m51s"
" [08-06|02:07:12.408] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3207500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m45s"
" [08-06|02:07:18.097] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3210000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m40s"
" [08-06|02:07:25.234] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3212500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m35s"
" [08-06|02:07:30.425] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3215000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m30s"
" [08-06|02:07:36.924] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3217500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m25s"
" [08-06|02:07:44.395] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3220000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m20s"
" [08-06|02:07:48.863] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3222500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m14s"
" [08-06|02:07:51.518] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2040000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m10s"
" [08-06|02:07:56.564] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3225000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m9s"
" [08-06|02:08:02.485] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3227500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21m4s"
" [08-06|02:08:09.572] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3230000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m59s"
" [08-06|02:08:15.285] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3232500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m53s"
" [08-06|02:08:20.258] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3235000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m48s"
" [08-06|02:08:25.533] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3237500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m42s"
" [08-06|02:08:30.891] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3240000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m37s"
" [08-06|02:08:36.467] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2045000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m18s"
" [08-06|02:08:37.046] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3242500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m32s"
" [08-06|02:08:44.739] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3245000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m27s"
" [08-06|02:08:50.912] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3247500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m22s"
" [08-06|02:08:58.225] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3250000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m17s"
" [08-06|02:09:03.449] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3252500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m11s"
" [08-06|02:09:10.647] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3255000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m6s"
" [08-06|02:09:16.331] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3257500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 20m1s"
" [08-06|02:09:21.871] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3260000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m55s"
" [08-06|02:09:24.499] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2050000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m50s"
" [08-06|02:09:29.190] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3262500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m50s"
" [08-06|02:09:34.897] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3265000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m45s"
" [08-06|02:09:42.375] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3267500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m40s"
" [08-06|02:09:47.577] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3270000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m35s"
" [08-06|02:09:54.932] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3272500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m29s"
" [08-06|02:09:59.967] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3275000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m24s"
" [08-06|02:10:06.934] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3277500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m19s"
" [08-06|02:10:11.471] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3280000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m13s"
" [08-06|02:10:14.989] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2055000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m41s"
" [08-06|02:10:17.341] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3282500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m8s"
" [08-06|02:10:21.512] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3285000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 19m2s"
" [08-06|02:10:27.033] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3287500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m57s"
" [08-06|02:10:31.801] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3290000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m52s"
" [08-06|02:10:37.021] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3292500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m46s"
" [08-06|02:10:44.279] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3295000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m41s"
" [08-06|02:10:48.967] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3297500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m36s"
" [08-06|02:10:55.150] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3300000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m30s"
" [08-06|02:10:59.767] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2060000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m47s"
" [08-06|02:11:01.102] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3302500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m25s"
" [08-06|02:11:06.093] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3305000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m19s"
" [08-06|02:11:13.213] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3307500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m14s"
" [08-06|02:11:19.262] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3310000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m9s"
" [08-06|02:11:26.355] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3312500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 18m4s"
" [08-06|02:11:31.210] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3315000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m58s"
" [08-06|02:11:38.222] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3317500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m53s"
" [08-06|02:11:43.656] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2065000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m45s"
" [08-06|02:11:44.065] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3320000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m48s"
" [08-06|02:11:50.094] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3322500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m43s"
" [08-06|02:11:56.601] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3325000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m37s"
" [08-06|02:12:01.782] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3327500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m32s"
" [08-06|02:12:08.425] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3330000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m27s"
" [08-06|02:12:14.352] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3332500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m21s"
" [08-06|02:12:19.938] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3335000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m16s"
" [08-06|02:12:25.933] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3337500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m11s"
" [08-06|02:12:31.064] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3340000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m5s"
" [08-06|02:12:36.955] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2070000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m57s"
" [08-06|02:12:37.127] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3342500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 17m0s"
" [08-06|02:12:43.161] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3345000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m55s"
" [08-06|02:12:47.017] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3347500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m49s"
" [08-06|02:12:51.492] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3350000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m44s"
" [08-06|02:12:57.022] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3352500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m38s"
" [08-06|02:13:03.586] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3355000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m33s"
" [08-06|02:13:10.747] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3357500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m28s"
" [08-06|02:13:16.925] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3360000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m22s"
" [08-06|02:13:21.377] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2075000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m59s"
" [08-06|02:13:22.931] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3362500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m17s"
" [08-06|02:13:28.507] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3365000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m12s"
" [08-06|02:13:35.047] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3367500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m7s"
" [08-06|02:13:41.172] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3370000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16m1s"
" [08-06|02:13:47.970] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3372500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m56s"
" [08-06|02:13:53.872] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3375000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m51s"
" [08-06|02:14:01.223] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3377500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m45s"
" [08-06|02:14:06.699] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3380000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m40s"
" [08-06|02:14:14.161] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3382500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m35s"
" [08-06|02:14:18.848] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2080000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m42s"
" [08-06|02:14:20.564] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3385000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m30s"
" [08-06|02:14:27.200] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3387500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m24s"
" [08-06|02:14:32.989] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3390000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m19s"
" [08-06|02:14:38.553] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3392500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m14s"
" [08-06|02:14:43.934] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3395000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m8s"
" [08-06|02:14:49.292] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3397500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 15m3s"
" [08-06|02:14:55.835] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3400000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m58s"
" [08-06|02:15:02.081] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2085000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m34s"
" [08-06|02:15:02.928] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3402500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m52s"
" [08-06|02:15:09.074] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3405000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m47s"
" [08-06|02:15:16.050] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3407500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m42s"
" [08-06|02:15:21.855] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3410000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m36s"
" [08-06|02:15:29.326] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3412500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m31s"
" [08-06|02:15:34.064] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3415000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m26s"
" [08-06|02:15:40.671] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3417500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m20s"
" [08-06|02:15:44.400] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2090000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m18s"
" [08-06|02:15:46.845] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3420000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m15s"
" [08-06|02:15:51.945] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3422500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m10s"
" [08-06|02:15:59.265] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3425000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 14m4s"
" [08-06|02:16:04.764] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3427500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m59s"
" [08-06|02:16:10.456] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3430000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m54s"
" [08-06|02:16:15.106] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3432500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m48s"
" [08-06|02:16:20.203] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3435000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m43s"
" [08-06|02:16:26.446] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3437500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m37s"
" [08-06|02:16:33.759] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2095000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m57s"
" [08-06|02:16:34.003] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3440000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m32s"
" [08-06|02:16:39.121] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3442500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m27s"
" [08-06|02:16:44.558] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3445000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m21s"
" [08-06|02:16:48.794] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3447500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m16s"
" [08-06|02:16:53.231] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3450000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m10s"
" [08-06|02:16:57.418] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3452500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 13m5s"
" [08-06|02:17:02.293] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3455000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m59s"
" [08-06|02:17:09.364] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3457500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m54s"
" [08-06|02:17:13.001] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2100000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m18s"
" [08-06|02:17:14.814] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3460000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m49s"
" [08-06|02:17:20.792] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3462500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m43s"
" [08-06|02:17:27.387] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3465000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m38s"
" [08-06|02:17:32.541] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3467500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m32s"
" [08-06|02:17:39.167] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3470000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m27s"
" [08-06|02:17:44.539] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3472500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m22s"
" [08-06|02:17:51.292] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3475000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m16s"
" [08-06|02:17:55.929] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2105000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m7s"
" [08-06|02:17:56.146] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3477500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m11s"
" [08-06|02:18:02.163] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3480000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m6s"
" [08-06|02:18:08.107] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3482500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 12m0s"
" [08-06|02:18:13.404] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3485000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m55s"
" [08-06|02:18:18.484] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3487500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m49s"
" [08-06|02:18:23.213] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3490000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m44s"
" [08-06|02:18:29.607] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3492500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m39s"
" [08-06|02:18:37.497] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3495000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m33s"
" [08-06|02:18:41.590] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2110000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m16s"
" [08-06|02:18:42.491] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3497500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m28s"
" [08-06|02:18:49.132] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3500000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m23s"
" [08-06|02:18:54.701] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3502500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m17s"
" [08-06|02:19:00.852] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3505000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m12s"
" [08-06|02:19:08.746] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3507500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m7s"
" [08-06|02:19:14.031] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3510000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 11m1s"
" [08-06|02:19:20.985] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3512500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m56s"
" [08-06|02:19:25.812] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2115000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m15s"
" [08-06|02:19:27.238] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3515000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m50s"
" [08-06|02:19:33.901] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3517500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m45s"
" [08-06|02:19:41.095] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3520000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m40s"
" [08-06|02:19:47.110] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3522500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m34s"
" [08-06|02:19:52.350] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3525000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m29s"
" [08-06|02:19:57.917] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3527500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m24s"
" [08-06|02:20:04.881] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3530000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m18s"
" [08-06|02:20:08.866] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2120000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m4s"
" [08-06|02:20:11.610] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3532500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m13s"
" [08-06|02:20:17.990] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3535000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m8s"
" [08-06|02:20:24.668] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3537500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10m2s"
" [08-06|02:20:31.391] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3540000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m57s"
" [08-06|02:20:38.570] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3542500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m52s"
" [08-06|02:20:45.253] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3545000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m46s"
" [08-06|02:20:48.782] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2125000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m29s"
" [08-06|02:20:52.945] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3547500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m41s"
" [08-06|02:21:01.891] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3550000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m36s"
" [08-06|02:21:10.191] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3552500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m31s"
" [08-06|02:21:18.154] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3555000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m25s"
" [08-06|02:21:25.590] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3557500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m20s"
" [08-06|02:21:32.369] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3560000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m15s"
" [08-06|02:21:33.694] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2130000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m32s"
" [08-06|02:21:39.664] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3562500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m9s"
" [08-06|02:21:45.857] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3565000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 9m4s"
" [08-06|02:21:51.414] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3567500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m59s"
" [08-06|02:21:56.568] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3570000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m53s"
" [08-06|02:22:03.461] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3572500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m48s"
" [08-06|02:22:10.223] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3575000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m42s"
" [08-06|02:22:16.300] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3577500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m37s"
" [08-06|02:22:21.311] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2135000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m56s"
" [08-06|02:22:23.771] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3580000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m32s"
" [08-06|02:22:30.049] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3582500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m26s"
" [08-06|02:22:37.054] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3585000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m21s"
" [08-06|02:22:43.040] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3587500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m15s"
" [08-06|02:22:50.037] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3590000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m10s"
" [08-06|02:22:56.401] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3592500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 8m5s"
" [08-06|02:23:00.490] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2140000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m15s"
" [08-06|02:23:02.769] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3595000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m59s"
" [08-06|02:23:09.908] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3597500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m54s"
" [08-06|02:23:16.177] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3600000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m49s"
" [08-06|02:23:24.807] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3602500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m43s"
" [08-06|02:23:31.523] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3605000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m38s"
" [08-06|02:23:41.936] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3607500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m33s"
" [08-06|02:23:44.588] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2145000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m12s"
" [08-06|02:23:53.972] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3610000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m28s"
" [08-06|02:24:01.158] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3612500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m22s"
" [08-06|02:24:08.861] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3615000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m17s"
" [08-06|02:24:14.881] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3617500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m11s"
" [08-06|02:24:31.958] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2150000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m32s"
" [08-06|02:24:32.247] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3620000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m7s"
" [08-06|02:24:39.028] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3622500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 7m1s"
" [08-06|02:24:47.657] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3625000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m56s"
" [08-06|02:24:55.219] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3627500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m50s"
" [08-06|02:25:02.194] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3630000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m45s"
" [08-06|02:25:08.138] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3632500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m40s"
" [08-06|02:25:15.230] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3635000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m34s"
" [08-06|02:25:17.751] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2155000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m41s"
" [08-06|02:25:21.739] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3637500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m29s"
" [08-06|02:25:29.380] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3640000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m23s"
" [08-06|02:25:37.702] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3642500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m18s"
" [08-06|02:25:44.499] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3645000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m13s"
" [08-06|02:25:52.454] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3647500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m7s"
" [08-06|02:25:58.358] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3650000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 6m2s"
" [08-06|02:26:02.015] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2160000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m38s"
" [08-06|02:26:08.642] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3652500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m56s"
" [08-06|02:26:17.225] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3655000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m51s"
" [08-06|02:26:22.154] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3657500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m46s"
" [08-06|02:26:28.180] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3660000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m40s"
" [08-06|02:26:34.824] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3662500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m35s"
" [08-06|02:26:39.206] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2165000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m42s"
" [08-06|02:26:40.266] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3665000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m29s"
" [08-06|02:26:46.449] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3667500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m24s"
" [08-06|02:26:51.021] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3670000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m18s"
" [08-06|02:26:55.879] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3672500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m13s"
" [08-06|02:27:00.167] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3675000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m7s"
" [08-06|02:27:05.904] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3677500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5m2s"
" [08-06|02:27:12.498] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3680000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m56s"
" [08-06|02:27:15.229] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2170000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m38s"
" [08-06|02:27:17.731] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3682500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m51s"
" [08-06|02:27:25.360] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3685000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m45s"
" [08-06|02:27:30.731] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3687500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m40s"
" [08-06|02:27:38.662] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3690000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m34s"
" [08-06|02:27:43.644] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3692500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m29s"
" [08-06|02:27:49.732] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3695000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m23s"
" [08-06|02:27:55.537] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3697500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m18s"
" [08-06|02:27:55.681] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2175000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m6s"
" [08-06|02:28:01.148] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3700000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m12s"
" [08-06|02:28:07.808] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3702500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m7s"
" [08-06|02:28:12.271] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3705000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 4m1s"
" [08-06|02:28:18.584] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3707500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m56s"
" [08-06|02:28:23.623] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3710000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m50s"
" [08-06|02:28:29.003] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3712500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m45s"
" [08-06|02:28:33.784] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3715000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m39s"
" [08-06|02:28:38.899] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3717500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m34s"
" [08-06|02:28:41.254] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2180000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m13s"
" [08-06|02:28:46.496] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3720000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m28s"
" [08-06|02:28:51.563] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3722500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m23s"
" [08-06|02:28:57.361] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3725000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m17s"
" [08-06|02:29:02.112] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3727500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m12s"
" [08-06|02:29:08.064] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3730000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m6s"
" [08-06|02:29:12.027] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3732500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 3m1s"
" [08-06|02:29:17.019] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3735000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m55s"
" [08-06|02:29:26.151] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3737500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m50s"
" [08-06|02:29:31.026] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3740000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m44s"
" [08-06|02:29:36.050] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2185000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m27s"
" [08-06|02:29:37.960] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3742500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m39s"
" [08-06|02:29:43.195] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3745000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m33s"
" [08-06|02:29:50.805] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3747500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m28s"
" [08-06|02:29:56.854] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3750000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m22s"
" [08-06|02:30:04.401] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3752500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m17s"
" [08-06|02:30:10.249] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3755000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m11s"
" [08-06|02:30:17.770] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3757500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m6s"
" [08-06|02:30:23.080] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3760000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 2m0s"
" [08-06|02:30:30.402] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3762500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m55s"
" [08-06|02:30:31.008] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2190000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m41s"
" [08-06|02:30:35.844] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3765000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m49s"
" [08-06|02:30:43.156] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3767500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m44s"
" [08-06|02:30:48.231] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3770000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m38s"
" [08-06|02:30:53.953] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3772500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m33s"
" [08-06|02:30:58.425] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3775000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m27s"
" [08-06|02:31:04.131] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3777500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m22s"
" [08-06|02:31:11.125] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3780000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m16s"
" [08-06|02:31:15.853] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2195000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m41s"
" [08-06|02:31:16.438] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3782500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m11s"
" [08-06|02:31:23.890] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3785000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m5s"
" [08-06|02:31:29.273] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3787500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 1m0s"
" [08-06|02:31:35.058] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3790000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 54s"
" [08-06|02:31:40.331] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3792500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 49s"
" [08-06|02:31:46.961] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3795000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 43s"
" [08-06|02:31:53.738] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3797500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 38s"
" [08-06|02:31:59.548] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3800000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 32s"
" [08-06|02:32:00.024] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2200000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m36s"
" [08-06|02:32:04.920] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3802500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 27s"
" [08-06|02:32:09.719] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3805000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 21s"
" [08-06|02:32:16.300] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3807500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 16s"
" [08-06|02:32:21.461] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3810000 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 10s"
" [08-06|02:32:27.471] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3812500 of 3814557 operations. ETA = 5s"
" [08-06|02:32:31.530] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:182 executed 3814557 operations"
" [08-06|02:32:31.530] INFO <X Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:488 executing vertex state transitions..."
" [08-06|02:32:39.312] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3h15m26s"
" [08-06|02:32:45.362] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 5000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h53m34s"
" [08-06|02:32:45.407] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2205000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m39s"
" [08-06|02:32:50.652] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 7500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h39m52s"
" [08-06|02:32:56.081] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 10000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h33m50s"
" [08-06|02:33:01.476] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 12500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h30m1s"
" [08-06|02:33:07.427] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 15000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h29m45s"
" [08-06|02:33:11.864] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 17500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h24m8s"
" [08-06|02:33:16.322] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 20000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h19m57s"
" [08-06|02:33:21.881] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 22500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h19m45s"
" [08-06|02:33:27.763] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 25000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h20m23s"
" [08-06|02:33:32.081] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 27500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h17m19s"
" [08-06|02:33:35.728] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2210000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m18s"
" [08-06|02:33:36.496] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 30000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h14m58s"
" [08-06|02:33:41.797] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 32500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h14m40s"
" [08-06|02:33:47.614] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 35000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h15m18s"
" [08-06|02:33:52.323] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 37500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h14m1s"
" [08-06|02:33:56.689] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 40000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h12m20s"
" [08-06|02:34:01.851] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 42500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h12m1s"
" [08-06|02:34:07.743] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 45000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h12m43s"
" [08-06|02:34:12.102] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 47500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h11m21s"
" [08-06|02:34:16.337] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 50000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h9m57s"
" [08-06|02:34:18.128] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2215000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m59s"
" [08-06|02:34:21.076] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 52500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h9m16s"
" [08-06|02:34:26.266] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 55000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h9m9s"
" [08-06|02:34:30.933] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 57500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h8m28s"
" [08-06|02:34:34.843] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 60000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h7m4s"
" [08-06|02:34:38.826] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 62500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h5m50s"
" [08-06|02:34:43.743] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 65000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h5m35s"
" [08-06|02:34:48.303] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 67500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h5m1s"
" [08-06|02:34:52.330] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 70000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h4m1s"
" [08-06|02:34:55.559] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2220000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m5s"
" [08-06|02:34:56.244] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 72500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h2m59s"
" [08-06|02:35:00.426] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 75000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h2m15s"
" [08-06|02:35:05.479] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 77500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h2m14s"
" [08-06|02:35:10.857] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 80000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h2m28s"
" [08-06|02:35:14.885] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 82500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h1m40s"
" [08-06|02:35:18.912] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 85000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h0m56s"
" [08-06|02:35:23.695] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 87500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h0m45s"
" [08-06|02:35:28.395] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 90000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h0m31s"
" [08-06|02:35:33.082] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 92500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2h0m17s"
" [08-06|02:35:37.079] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 95000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h59m37s"
" [08-06|02:35:38.800] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2225000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m52s"
" [08-06|02:35:40.999] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 97500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h58m56s"
" [08-06|02:35:45.919] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 100000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h58m53s"
" [08-06|02:35:50.673] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 102500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h58m44s"
" [08-06|02:35:54.961] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 105000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h58m20s"
" [08-06|02:35:58.751] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 107500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h57m39s"
" [08-06|02:36:02.967] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 110000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h57m14s"
" [08-06|02:36:07.359] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 112500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h56m56s"
" [08-06|02:36:11.047] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 115000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h56m16s"
" [08-06|02:36:16.190] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 117500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h56m23s"
" [08-06|02:36:20.088] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 120000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h55m51s"
" [08-06|02:36:20.518] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2230000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m28s"
" [08-06|02:36:24.834] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 122500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h55m46s"
" [08-06|02:36:30.045] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 125000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h55m54s"
" [08-06|02:36:34.854] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 127500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h55m50s"
" [08-06|02:36:38.487] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 130000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h55m14s"
" [08-06|02:36:42.368] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 132500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h54m45s"
" [08-06|02:36:47.232] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 135000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h54m44s"
" [08-06|02:36:52.615] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 137500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h54m56s"
" [08-06|02:36:56.706] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 140000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h54m35s"
" [08-06|02:37:00.485] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2235000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m51s"
" [08-06|02:37:00.550] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 142500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h54m7s"
" [08-06|02:37:05.184] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 145000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h54m0s"
" [08-06|02:37:10.040] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 147500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h53m59s"
" [08-06|02:37:14.792] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 150000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h53m55s"
" [08-06|02:37:18.306] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 152500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h53m22s"
" [08-06|02:37:22.219] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 155000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h52m59s"
" [08-06|02:37:26.867] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 157500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h52m53s"
" [08-06|02:37:31.986] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 160000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h52m58s"
" [08-06|02:37:36.147] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 162500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h52m42s"
" [08-06|02:37:39.612] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 165000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h52m10s"
" [08-06|02:37:43.692] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 167500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h51m53s"
" [08-06|02:37:48.078] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2240000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m9s"
" [08-06|02:37:48.215] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 170000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h51m45s"
" [08-06|02:37:52.580] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 172500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h51m35s"
" [08-06|02:37:56.697] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 175000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h51m19s"
" [08-06|02:38:00.149] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 177500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h50m50s"
" [08-06|02:38:04.235] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 180000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h50m35s"
" [08-06|02:38:08.825] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 182500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h50m29s"
" [08-06|02:38:13.311] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 185000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h50m22s"
" [08-06|02:38:16.534] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 187500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h49m51s"
" [08-06|02:38:20.003] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 190000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h49m25s"
" [08-06|02:38:24.077] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 192500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h49m11s"
" [08-06|02:38:28.792] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 195000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h49m9s"
" [08-06|02:38:30.782] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2245000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m52s"
" [08-06|02:38:33.434] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 197500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h49m5s"
" [08-06|02:38:36.583] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 200000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h48m35s"
" [08-06|02:38:39.952] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 202500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h48m10s"
" [08-06|02:38:44.124] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 205000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h47m59s"
" [08-06|02:38:48.548] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 207500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h47m52s"
" [08-06|02:38:52.200] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 210000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h47m32s"
" [08-06|02:38:55.192] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 212500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h47m2s"
" [08-06|02:38:58.651] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 215000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h46m40s"
" [08-06|02:39:02.773] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 217500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h46m29s"
" [08-06|02:39:07.039] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 220000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h46m21s"
" [08-06|02:39:10.398] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2250000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m13s"
" [08-06|02:39:10.590] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 222500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h46m2s"
" [08-06|02:39:13.447] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 225000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h45m32s"
" [08-06|02:39:16.590] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 227500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h45m6s"
" [08-06|02:39:20.412] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 230000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h44m52s"
" [08-06|02:39:24.547] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 232500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h44m43s"
" [08-06|02:39:28.949] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 235000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h44m38s"
" [08-06|02:39:31.884] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 237500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h44m11s"
" [08-06|02:39:35.048] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 240000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h43m48s"
" [08-06|02:39:38.561] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 242500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h43m31s"
" [08-06|02:39:42.480] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 245000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h43m20s"
" [08-06|02:39:46.914] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 247500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h43m16s"
" [08-06|02:39:50.396] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 250000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h42m58s"
" [08-06|02:39:53.553] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 252500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h42m37s"
" [08-06|02:39:56.670] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2255000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m21s"
" [08-06|02:39:56.953] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 255000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h42m19s"
" [08-06|02:40:00.865] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 257500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h42m8s"
" [08-06|02:40:04.627] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 260000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h41m56s"
" [08-06|02:40:08.151] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 262500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h41m40s"
" [08-06|02:40:11.044] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 265000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h41m17s"
" [08-06|02:40:14.073] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 267500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h40m55s"
" [08-06|02:40:17.439] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 270000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h40m39s"
" [08-06|02:40:21.408] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 272500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h40m30s"
" [08-06|02:40:25.754] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 275000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h40m26s"
" [08-06|02:40:28.987] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 277500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h40m8s"
" [08-06|02:40:31.974] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 280000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h39m48s"
" [08-06|02:40:35.296] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 282500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h39m31s"
" [08-06|02:40:39.025] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 285000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h39m20s"
" [08-06|02:40:43.235] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 287500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h39m15s"
" [08-06|02:40:46.262] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 290000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h38m56s"
" [08-06|02:40:47.360] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2260000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m0s"
" [08-06|02:40:49.254] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 292500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h38m37s"
" [08-06|02:40:52.877] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 295000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h38m25s"
" [08-06|02:40:56.899] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 297500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h38m18s"
" [08-06|02:41:00.352] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 300000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h38m5s"
" [08-06|02:41:03.229] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 302500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h37m45s"
" [08-06|02:41:06.659] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 305000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h37m31s"
" [08-06|02:41:10.586] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 307500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h37m24s"
" [08-06|02:41:13.945] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 310000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h37m10s"
" [08-06|02:41:16.755] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 312500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h36m50s"
" [08-06|02:41:19.917] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 315000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h36m35s"
" [08-06|02:41:23.532] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 317500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h36m24s"
" [08-06|02:41:27.579] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 320000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h36m18s"
" [08-06|02:41:30.949] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 322500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h36m6s"
" [08-06|02:41:33.744] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2265000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m8s"
" [08-06|02:41:33.750] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 325000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h35m47s"
" [08-06|02:41:36.956] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 327500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h35m32s"
" [08-06|02:41:40.706] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 330000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h35m24s"
" [08-06|02:41:44.709] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 332500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h35m18s"
" [08-06|02:41:47.369] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 335000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h34m59s"
" [08-06|02:41:50.134] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 337500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h34m40s"
" [08-06|02:41:53.379] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 340000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h34m27s"
" [08-06|02:41:56.603] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 342500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h34m14s"
" [08-06|02:41:59.285] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 345000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h33m56s"
" [08-06|02:42:02.118] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 347500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h33m39s"
" [08-06|02:42:04.570] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 350000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h33m19s"
" [08-06|02:42:07.441] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 352500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h33m3s"
" [08-06|02:42:10.891] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 355000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h32m52s"
" [08-06|02:42:14.769] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 357500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h32m46s"
" [08-06|02:42:18.842] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 360000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h32m42s"
" [08-06|02:42:21.311] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 362500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h32m23s"
" [08-06|02:42:22.568] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2270000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m33s"
" [08-06|02:42:24.021] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 365000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h32m6s"
" [08-06|02:42:27.088] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 367500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h31m53s"
" [08-06|02:42:30.590] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 370000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h31m44s"
" [08-06|02:42:34.087] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 372500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h31m35s"
" [08-06|02:42:36.198] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 375000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h31m13s"
" [08-06|02:42:38.732] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 377500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h30m56s"
" [08-06|02:42:41.451] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 380000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h30m40s"
" [08-06|02:42:44.846] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 382500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h30m31s"
" [08-06|02:42:48.643] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 385000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h30m25s"
" [08-06|02:42:52.626] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 387500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h30m21s"
" [08-06|02:42:55.397] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 390000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h30m6s"
" [08-06|02:42:58.034] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 392500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h29m50s"
" [08-06|02:43:01.136] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 395000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h29m39s"
" [08-06|02:43:04.679] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 397500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h29m31s"
" [08-06|02:43:05.619] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2275000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m18s"
" [08-06|02:43:08.757] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 400000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h29m28s"
" [08-06|02:43:11.644] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 402500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h29m15s"
" [08-06|02:43:14.341] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 405000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h29m0s"
" [08-06|02:43:17.554] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 407500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h28m50s"
" [08-06|02:43:21.212] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 410000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h28m43s"
" [08-06|02:43:25.283] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 412500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h28m40s"
" [08-06|02:43:27.801] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 415000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h28m25s"
" [08-06|02:43:30.509] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 417500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h28m11s"
" [08-06|02:43:33.810] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 420000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h28m2s"
" [08-06|02:43:36.429] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 422500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h27m47s"
" [08-06|02:43:39.405] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 425000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h27m36s"
" [08-06|02:43:41.804] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 427500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h27m20s"
" [08-06|02:43:44.381] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 430000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h27m6s"
" [08-06|02:43:47.312] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 432500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h26m54s"
" [08-06|02:43:50.727] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 435000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h26m46s"
" [08-06|02:43:54.717] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 437500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h26m43s"
" [08-06|02:43:55.183] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2280000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m47s"
" [08-06|02:43:57.011] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 440000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h26m27s"
" [08-06|02:43:59.592] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 442500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h26m13s"
" [08-06|02:44:02.303] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 445000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h26m1s"
" [08-06|02:44:05.650] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 447500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h25m53s"
" [08-06|02:44:09.182] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 450000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h25m46s"
" [08-06|02:44:11.635] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 452500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h25m32s"
" [08-06|02:44:14.217] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 455000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h25m19s"
" [08-06|02:44:17.636] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 457500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h25m12s"
" [08-06|02:44:21.318] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 460000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h25m7s"
" [08-06|02:44:25.291] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 462500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h25m4s"
" [08-06|02:44:27.418] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 465000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h24m47s"
" [08-06|02:44:29.692] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 467500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h24m32s"
" [08-06|02:44:32.107] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 470000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h24m19s"
" [08-06|02:44:35.238] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 472500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h24m10s"
" [08-06|02:44:38.949] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 475000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h24m5s"
" [08-06|02:44:41.872] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 477500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h23m55s"
" [08-06|02:44:44.201] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 480000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h23m41s"
" [08-06|02:44:46.773] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 482500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h23m29s"
" [08-06|02:44:50.000] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 485000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h23m21s"
" [08-06|02:44:51.570] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2285000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m5s"
" [08-06|02:44:53.509] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 487500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h23m15s"
" [08-06|02:44:56.298] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 490000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h23m5s"
" [08-06|02:44:58.237] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 492500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h22m48s"
" [08-06|02:45:00.617] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 495000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h22m35s"
" [08-06|02:45:03.669] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 497500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h22m27s"
" [08-06|02:45:07.237] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 500000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h22m22s"
" [08-06|02:45:10.123] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 502500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h22m12s"
" [08-06|02:45:12.082] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 505000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h21m56s"
" [08-06|02:45:14.248] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 507500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h21m42s"
" [08-06|02:45:17.166] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 510000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h21m33s"
" [08-06|02:45:20.498] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 512500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h21m27s"
" [08-06|02:45:23.701] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 515000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h21m20s"
" [08-06|02:45:25.743] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 517500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h21m5s"
" [08-06|02:45:28.018] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 520000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h20m52s"
" [08-06|02:45:30.835] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 522500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h20m43s"
" [08-06|02:45:33.900] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 525000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h20m35s"
" [08-06|02:45:35.986] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 527500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h20m21s"
" [08-06|02:45:38.064] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 530000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h20m8s"
" [08-06|02:45:40.150] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2290000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m27s"
" [08-06|02:45:40.540] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 532500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h19m56s"
" [08-06|02:45:43.433] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 535000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h19m48s"
" [08-06|02:45:46.892] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 537500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h19m43s"
" [08-06|02:45:49.942] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 540000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h19m35s"
" [08-06|02:45:51.992] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 542500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h19m21s"
" [08-06|02:45:54.259] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 545000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h19m9s"
" [08-06|02:45:57.126] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 547500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h19m1s"
" [08-06|02:46:00.501] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 550000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h18m55s"
" [08-06|02:46:03.202] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 552500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h18m46s"
" [08-06|02:46:05.401] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 555000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h18m34s"
" [08-06|02:46:07.920] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 557500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h18m24s"
" [08-06|02:46:10.954] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 560000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h18m16s"
" [08-06|02:46:13.982] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 562500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h18m9s"
" [08-06|02:46:16.155] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 565000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h17m57s"
" [08-06|02:46:18.466] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 567500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h17m46s"
" [08-06|02:46:21.160] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 570000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h17m37s"
" [08-06|02:46:24.110] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 572500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h17m29s"
" [08-06|02:46:27.379] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 575000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h17m24s"
" [08-06|02:46:29.807] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 577500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h17m13s"
" [08-06|02:46:32.151] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 580000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h17m3s"
" [08-06|02:46:35.071] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 582500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h16m55s"
" [08-06|02:46:35.328] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2295000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h16m34s"
" [08-06|02:46:38.602] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 585000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h16m51s"
" [08-06|02:46:41.361] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 587500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h16m43s"
" [08-06|02:46:43.751] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 590000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h16m33s"
" [08-06|02:46:46.382] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 592500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h16m24s"
" [08-06|02:46:49.546] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 595000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h16m18s"
" [08-06|02:46:52.564] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 597500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h16m11s"
" [08-06|02:46:55.616] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 600000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h16m5s"
" [08-06|02:46:57.929] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 602500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h15m54s"
" [08-06|02:47:00.712] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 605000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h15m46s"
" [08-06|02:47:03.951] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 607500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h15m41s"
" [08-06|02:47:07.605] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 610000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h15m38s"
" [08-06|02:47:11.097] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 612500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h15m34s"
" [08-06|02:47:13.413] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 615000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h15m23s"
" [08-06|02:47:15.981] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 617500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h15m15s"
" [08-06|02:47:19.106] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 620000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h15m9s"
" [08-06|02:47:22.391] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2300000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h16m45s"
" [08-06|02:47:22.722] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 622500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h15m5s"
" [08-06|02:47:26.803] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 625000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h15m4s"
" [08-06|02:47:29.030] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 627500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h14m54s"
" [08-06|02:47:31.534] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 630000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h14m45s"
" [08-06|02:47:34.384] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 632500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h14m38s"
" [08-06|02:47:37.701] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 635000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h14m33s"
" [08-06|02:47:41.232] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 637500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h14m29s"
" [08-06|02:47:43.545] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 640000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h14m20s"
" [08-06|02:47:45.889] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 642500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h14m10s"
" [08-06|02:47:48.520] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 645000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h14m2s"
" [08-06|02:47:51.723] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 647500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h13m57s"
" [08-06|02:47:53.520] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 650000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h13m45s"
" [08-06|02:47:56.105] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 652500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h13m37s"
" [08-06|02:47:58.500] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 655000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h13m28s"
" [08-06|02:48:01.261] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 657500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h13m20s"
" [08-06|02:48:04.428] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 660000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h13m15s"
" [08-06|02:48:07.942] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 662500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h13m12s"
" [08-06|02:48:10.901] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 665000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h13m5s"
" [08-06|02:48:13.243] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2305000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h17m22s"
" [08-06|02:48:13.280] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 667500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h12m56s"
" [08-06|02:48:16.172] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 670000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h12m50s"
" [08-06|02:48:18.446] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 672500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h12m41s"
" [08-06|02:48:20.458] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 675000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h12m30s"
" [08-06|02:48:23.008] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 677500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h12m22s"
" [08-06|02:48:25.338] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 680000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h12m14s"
" [08-06|02:48:28.000] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 682500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h12m6s"
" [08-06|02:48:31.297] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 685000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h12m2s"
" [08-06|02:48:34.691] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 687500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h11m58s"
" [08-06|02:48:37.015] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 690000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h11m49s"
" [08-06|02:48:39.491] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 692500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h11m41s"
" [08-06|02:48:42.416] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 695000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h11m35s"
" [08-06|02:48:45.804] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 697500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h11m31s"
" [08-06|02:48:49.515] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 700000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h11m28s"
" [08-06|02:48:52.184] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 702500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h11m21s"
" [08-06|02:48:54.353] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 705000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h11m12s"
" [08-06|02:48:56.901] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 707500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h11m5s"
" [08-06|02:48:59.723] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 710000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m58s"
" [08-06|02:49:03.022] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 712500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m54s"
" [08-06|02:49:06.710] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2310000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h18m17s"
" [08-06|02:49:06.849] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 715000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m52s"
" [08-06|02:49:10.063] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 717500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m47s"
" [08-06|02:49:12.389] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 720000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m39s"
" [08-06|02:49:14.939] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 722500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m32s"
" [08-06|02:49:18.029] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 725000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m27s"
" [08-06|02:49:21.790] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 727500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m24s"
" [08-06|02:49:25.332] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 730000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m21s"
" [08-06|02:49:27.575] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 732500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m13s"
" [08-06|02:49:30.142] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 735000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m5s"
" [08-06|02:49:33.379] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 737500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h10m1s"
" [08-06|02:49:36.985] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 740000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h9m58s"
" [08-06|02:49:39.310] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 742500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h9m50s"
" [08-06|02:49:42.197] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 745000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h9m44s"
" [08-06|02:49:44.396] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 747500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h9m36s"
" [08-06|02:49:46.765] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2315000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h17m38s"
" [08-06|02:49:46.970] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 750000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h9m29s"
" [08-06|02:49:49.998] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 752500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h9m24s"
" [08-06|02:49:53.523] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 755000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h9m20s"
" [08-06|02:49:56.194] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 757500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h9m14s"
" [08-06|02:49:58.529] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 760000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h9m6s"
" [08-06|02:50:00.665] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 762500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h8m57s"
" [08-06|02:50:03.193] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 765000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h8m50s"
" [08-06|02:50:06.061] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 767500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h8m45s"
" [08-06|02:50:09.102] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 770000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h8m40s"
" [08-06|02:50:12.442] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 772500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h8m36s"
" [08-06|02:50:15.475] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 775000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h8m31s"
" [08-06|02:50:17.496] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 777500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h8m22s"
" [08-06|02:50:19.834] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 780000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h8m14s"
" [08-06|02:50:22.342] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 782500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h8m8s"
" [08-06|02:50:25.275] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 785000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h8m2s"
" [08-06|02:50:28.448] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 787500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h7m58s"
" [08-06|02:50:30.946] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 790000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h7m51s"
" [08-06|02:50:32.830] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 792500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h7m42s"
" [08-06|02:50:35.145] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 795000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h7m34s"
" [08-06|02:50:37.354] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 797500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h7m26s"
" [08-06|02:50:39.797] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 800000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h7m20s"
" [08-06|02:50:42.931] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2320000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h18m51s"
" [08-06|02:50:42.976] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 802500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h7m15s"
" [08-06|02:50:46.490] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 805000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h7m12s"
" [08-06|02:50:50.231] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 807500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h7m10s"
" [08-06|02:50:52.970] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 810000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h7m4s"
" [08-06|02:50:55.133] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 812500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m56s"
" [08-06|02:50:57.510] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 815000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m49s"
" [08-06|02:51:00.620] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 817500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m45s"
" [08-06|02:51:03.972] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 820000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m41s"
" [08-06|02:51:06.825] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 822500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m36s"
" [08-06|02:51:09.458] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 825000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m30s"
" [08-06|02:51:11.577] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 827500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m22s"
" [08-06|02:51:13.871] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 830000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m15s"
" [08-06|02:51:16.526] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 832500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m9s"
" [08-06|02:51:19.647] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 835000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m5s"
" [08-06|02:51:23.320] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 837500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h6m2s"
" [08-06|02:51:26.403] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 840000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m58s"
" [08-06|02:51:28.546] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 842500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m50s"
" [08-06|02:51:30.918] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 845000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m43s"
" [08-06|02:51:31.705] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2325000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h19m12s"
" [08-06|02:51:33.669] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 847500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m38s"
" [08-06|02:51:37.203] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 850000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m35s"
" [08-06|02:51:40.234] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 852500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m31s"
" [08-06|02:51:42.346] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 855000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m23s"
" [08-06|02:51:44.622] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 857500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m16s"
" [08-06|02:51:47.233] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 860000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m10s"
" [08-06|02:51:50.136] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 862500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m5s"
" [08-06|02:51:52.915] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 865000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h5m0s"
" [08-06|02:51:55.060] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 867500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h4m52s"
" [08-06|02:51:57.347] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 870000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h4m45s"
" [08-06|02:51:59.768] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 872500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h4m39s"
" [08-06|02:52:02.826] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 875000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h4m35s"
" [08-06|02:52:05.395] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 877500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h4m29s"
" [08-06|02:52:07.035] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 880000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h4m20s"
" [08-06|02:52:09.209] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 882500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h4m13s"
" [08-06|02:52:11.336] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 885000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h4m5s"
" [08-06|02:52:13.760] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 887500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m59s"
" [08-06|02:52:16.447] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 890000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m54s"
" [08-06|02:52:19.326] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 892500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m49s"
" [08-06|02:52:19.343] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2330000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h19m25s"
" [08-06|02:52:22.336] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 895000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m45s"
" [08-06|02:52:25.337] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 897500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m40s"
" [08-06|02:52:27.424] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 900000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m33s"
" [08-06|02:52:29.941] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 902500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m27s"
" [08-06|02:52:32.780] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 905000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m22s"
" [08-06|02:52:36.113] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 907500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m19s"
" [08-06|02:52:39.073] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 910000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m14s"
" [08-06|02:52:41.558] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 912500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m9s"
" [08-06|02:52:43.769] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 915000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h3m2s"
" [08-06|02:52:46.258] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 917500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m56s"
" [08-06|02:52:49.082] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 920000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m51s"
" [08-06|02:52:52.410] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 922500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m48s"
" [08-06|02:52:56.207] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 925000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m46s"
" [08-06|02:52:59.497] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 927500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m43s"
" [08-06|02:53:01.609] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 930000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m36s"
" [08-06|02:53:04.033] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2335000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h19m18s"
" [08-06|02:53:04.175] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 932500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m30s"
" [08-06|02:53:07.063] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 935000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m26s"
" [08-06|02:53:10.564] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 937500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m23s"
" [08-06|02:53:14.378] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 940000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m21s"
" [08-06|02:53:17.132] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 942500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m16s"
" [08-06|02:53:19.423] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 945000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m10s"
" [08-06|02:53:21.995] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 947500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m4s"
" [08-06|02:53:24.927] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 950000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h2m0s"
" [08-06|02:53:27.912] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 952500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m56s"
" [08-06|02:53:30.684] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 955000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m51s"
" [08-06|02:53:33.161] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 957500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m45s"
" [08-06|02:53:35.477] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 960000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m39s"
" [08-06|02:53:37.977] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 962500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m33s"
" [08-06|02:53:40.792] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 965000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m29s"
" [08-06|02:53:44.101] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 967500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m26s"
" [08-06|02:53:48.076] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 970000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m24s"
" [08-06|02:53:49.107] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2340000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h19m13s"
" [08-06|02:53:51.882] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 972500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m22s"
" [08-06|02:53:54.217] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 975000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m16s"
" [08-06|02:53:56.786] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 977500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m11s"
" [08-06|02:53:59.847] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 980000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m7s"
" [08-06|02:54:02.376] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 982500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h1m2s"
" [08-06|02:54:05.549] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 985000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m58s"
" [08-06|02:54:08.135] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 987500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m53s"
" [08-06|02:54:10.452] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 990000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m47s"
" [08-06|02:54:13.065] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 992500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m42s"
" [08-06|02:54:16.221] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 995000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m38s"
" [08-06|02:54:19.600] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 997500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m35s"
" [08-06|02:54:21.905] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1000000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m29s"
" [08-06|02:54:24.241] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1002500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m23s"
" [08-06|02:54:26.758] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1005000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m18s"
" [08-06|02:54:29.497] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1007500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m13s"
" [08-06|02:54:32.794] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1010000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m10s"
" [08-06|02:54:33.612] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2345000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h19m4s"
" [08-06|02:54:35.306] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1012500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1h0m5s"
" [08-06|02:54:37.468] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1015000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m58s"
" [08-06|02:54:39.990] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1017500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m53s"
" [08-06|02:54:42.448] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1020000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m48s"
" [08-06|02:54:45.269] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1022500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m43s"
" [08-06|02:54:48.561] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1025000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m40s"
" [08-06|02:54:52.225] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1027500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m38s"
" [08-06|02:54:56.429] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1030000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m37s"
" [08-06|02:54:58.993] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1032500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m32s"
" [08-06|02:55:01.514] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1035000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m27s"
" [08-06|02:55:04.182] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1037500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m22s"
" [08-06|02:55:07.298] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1040000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m18s"
" [08-06|02:55:09.371] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1042500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m12s"
" [08-06|02:55:12.174] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1045000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m7s"
" [08-06|02:55:14.374] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1047500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59m1s"
" [08-06|02:55:16.926] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1050000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m56s"
" [08-06|02:55:20.049] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1052500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m53s"
" [08-06|02:55:21.703] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2350000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h19m19s"
" [08-06|02:55:23.500] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1055000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m50s"
" [08-06|02:55:27.339] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1057500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m48s"
" [08-06|02:55:30.233] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1060000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m44s"
" [08-06|02:55:32.698] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1062500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m39s"
" [08-06|02:55:35.390] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1065000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m34s"
" [08-06|02:55:38.710] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1067500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m31s"
" [08-06|02:55:42.422] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1070000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m29s"
" [08-06|02:55:46.298] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1072500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m27s"
" [08-06|02:55:48.900] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1075000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m23s"
" [08-06|02:55:51.293] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1077500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m17s"
" [08-06|02:55:54.025] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1080000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m13s"
" [08-06|02:55:56.404] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1082500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m7s"
" [08-06|02:55:58.727] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1085000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 58m2s"
" [08-06|02:56:01.016] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1087500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m56s"
" [08-06|02:56:03.658] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1090000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m51s"
" [08-06|02:56:04.552] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2355000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h18m59s"
" [08-06|02:56:05.820] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1092500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m45s"
" [08-06|02:56:08.362] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1095000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m41s"
" [08-06|02:56:11.243] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1097500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m36s"
" [08-06|02:56:14.615] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1100000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m34s"
" [08-06|02:56:17.073] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1102500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m28s"
" [08-06|02:56:19.846] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1105000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m24s"
" [08-06|02:56:22.064] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1107500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m18s"
" [08-06|02:56:24.687] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1110000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m14s"
" [08-06|02:56:27.874] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1112500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m10s"
" [08-06|02:56:31.317] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1115000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m8s"
" [08-06|02:56:35.234] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1117500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m6s"
" [08-06|02:56:37.902] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1120000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 57m2s"
" [08-06|02:56:40.145] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1122500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m56s"
" [08-06|02:56:42.647] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1125000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m51s"
" [08-06|02:56:45.608] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1127500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m47s"
" [08-06|02:56:45.713] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2360000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h18m27s"
" [08-06|02:56:49.103] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1130000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m45s"
" [08-06|02:56:52.983] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1132500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m43s"
" [08-06|02:56:55.811] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1135000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m39s"
" [08-06|02:56:58.123] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1137500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m33s"
" [08-06|02:57:00.523] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1140000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m28s"
" [08-06|02:57:03.686] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1142500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m25s"
" [08-06|02:57:07.167] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1145000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m22s"
" [08-06|02:57:10.662] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1147500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m20s"
" [08-06|02:57:13.163] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1150000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m15s"
" [08-06|02:57:15.336] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1152500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m9s"
" [08-06|02:57:17.668] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1155000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m4s"
" [08-06|02:57:20.592] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1157500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56m0s"
" [08-06|02:57:23.635] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1160000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m57s"
" [08-06|02:57:25.368] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1162500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m50s"
" [08-06|02:57:27.528] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1165000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m44s"
" [08-06|02:57:29.597] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1167500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m39s"
" [08-06|02:57:30.976] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2365000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h18m23s"
" [08-06|02:57:31.785] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1170000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m33s"
" [08-06|02:57:34.151] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1172500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m28s"
" [08-06|02:57:36.772] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1175000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m24s"
" [08-06|02:57:39.781] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1177500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m20s"
" [08-06|02:57:42.943] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1180000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m17s"
" [08-06|02:57:45.265] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1182500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m12s"
" [08-06|02:57:47.440] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1185000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m6s"
" [08-06|02:57:49.759] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1187500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 55m1s"
" [08-06|02:57:52.636] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1190000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m57s"
" [08-06|02:57:55.787] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1192500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m54s"
" [08-06|02:57:57.360] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1195000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m47s"
" [08-06|02:57:59.037] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1197500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m41s"
" [08-06|02:58:01.051] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1200000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m35s"
" [08-06|02:58:02.843] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1202500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m29s"
" [08-06|02:58:04.724] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1205000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m23s"
" [08-06|02:58:06.759] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1207500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m17s"
" [08-06|02:58:08.423] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1210000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m11s"
" [08-06|02:58:10.363] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1212500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m5s"
" [08-06|02:58:12.621] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1215000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 54m0s"
" [08-06|02:58:14.901] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1217500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m55s"
" [08-06|02:58:17.401] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1220000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m50s"
" [08-06|02:58:20.367] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1222500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m47s"
" [08-06|02:58:22.225] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1225000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m41s"
" [08-06|02:58:24.145] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1227500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m35s"
" [08-06|02:58:26.516] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1230000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m30s"
" [08-06|02:58:26.725] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2370000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h19m29s"
" [08-06|02:58:28.941] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1232500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m26s"
" [08-06|02:58:31.571] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1235000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m22s"
" [08-06|02:58:34.774] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1237500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m18s"
" [08-06|02:58:38.333] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1240000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m16s"
" [08-06|02:58:40.371] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1242500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m11s"
" [08-06|02:58:42.842] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1245000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m6s"
" [08-06|02:58:45.072] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1247500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53m1s"
" [08-06|02:58:47.717] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1250000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m57s"
" [08-06|02:58:50.663] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1252500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m53s"
" [08-06|02:58:53.401] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1255000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m49s"
" [08-06|02:58:56.080] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1257500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m45s"
" [08-06|02:58:58.714] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1260000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m41s"
" [08-06|02:59:01.040] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1262500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m36s"
" [08-06|02:59:03.819] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1265000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m32s"
" [08-06|02:59:06.994] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1267500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m29s"
" [08-06|02:59:10.464] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1270000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m27s"
" [08-06|02:59:13.851] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1272500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m24s"
" [08-06|02:59:14.304] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2375000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h19m39s"
" [08-06|02:59:16.736] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1275000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m21s"
" [08-06|02:59:19.180] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1277500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m16s"
" [08-06|02:59:21.905] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1280000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m12s"
" [08-06|02:59:25.033] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1282500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m9s"
" [08-06|02:59:28.425] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1285000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m6s"
" [08-06|02:59:32.420] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1287500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m5s"
" [08-06|02:59:35.391] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1290000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 52m1s"
" [08-06|02:59:37.907] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1292500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m57s"
" [08-06|02:59:40.704] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1295000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m53s"
" [08-06|02:59:43.891] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1297500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m50s"
" [08-06|02:59:47.291] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1300000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m47s"
" [08-06|02:59:50.156] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1302500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m44s"
" [08-06|02:59:53.061] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1305000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m40s"
" [08-06|02:59:55.385] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1307500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m35s"
" [08-06|02:59:58.228] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1310000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m32s"
" [08-06|03:00:00.072] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2380000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h19m38s"
" [08-06|03:00:01.206] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1312500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m28s"
" [08-06|03:00:04.548] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1315000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m25s"
" [08-06|03:00:08.411] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1317500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m24s"
" [08-06|03:00:11.006] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1320000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m19s"
" [08-06|03:00:13.640] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1322500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m15s"
" [08-06|03:00:16.368] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1325000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m11s"
" [08-06|03:00:19.698] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1327500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m9s"
" [08-06|03:00:22.640] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1330000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m5s"
" [08-06|03:00:24.740] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1332500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 51m0s"
" [08-06|03:00:27.428] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1335000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m56s"
" [08-06|03:00:29.854] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1337500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m52s"
" [08-06|03:00:32.713] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1340000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m48s"
" [08-06|03:00:35.811] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1342500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m45s"
" [08-06|03:00:39.342] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1345000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m42s"
" [08-06|03:00:43.353] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1347500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m41s"
" [08-06|03:00:46.486] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2385000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h19m40s"
" [08-06|03:00:47.073] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1350000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m39s"
" [08-06|03:00:49.557] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1352500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m34s"
" [08-06|03:00:52.433] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1355000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m31s"
" [08-06|03:00:55.865] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1357500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m28s"
" [08-06|03:00:58.273] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1360000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m24s"
" [08-06|03:01:00.197] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1362500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m19s"
" [08-06|03:01:02.834] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1365000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m15s"
" [08-06|03:01:05.159] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1367500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m10s"
" [08-06|03:01:07.942] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1370000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m6s"
" [08-06|03:01:10.991] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1372500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m3s"
" [08-06|03:01:14.481] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1375000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50m0s"
" [08-06|03:01:17.945] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1377500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m58s"
" [08-06|03:01:21.500] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1380000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m55s"
" [08-06|03:01:23.871] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1382500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m51s"
" [08-06|03:01:24.111] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2390000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h18m44s"
" [08-06|03:01:26.580] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1385000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m47s"
" [08-06|03:01:29.565] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1387500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m44s"
" [08-06|03:01:32.100] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1390000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m40s"
" [08-06|03:01:35.125] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1392500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m36s"
" [08-06|03:01:38.214] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1395000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m33s"
" [08-06|03:01:40.577] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1397500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m29s"
" [08-06|03:01:43.425] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1400000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m25s"
" [08-06|03:01:46.341] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1402500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m22s"
" [08-06|03:01:49.768] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1405000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m19s"
" [08-06|03:01:53.394] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1407500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m17s"
" [08-06|03:01:57.567] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1410000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m15s"
" [08-06|03:02:00.316] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1412500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m12s"
" [08-06|03:02:02.804] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1415000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m7s"
" [08-06|03:02:03.580] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2395000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h18m0s"
" [08-06|03:02:05.678] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1417500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m4s"
" [08-06|03:02:09.024] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1420000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 49m1s"
" [08-06|03:02:12.848] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1422500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m59s"
" [08-06|03:02:15.587] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1425000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m55s"
" [08-06|03:02:18.358] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1427500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m52s"
" [08-06|03:02:20.970] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1430000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m48s"
" [08-06|03:02:23.774] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1432500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m44s"
" [08-06|03:02:26.840] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1435000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m41s"
" [08-06|03:02:28.740] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1437500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m36s"
" [08-06|03:02:30.864] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1440000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m31s"
" [08-06|03:02:33.429] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1442500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m27s"
" [08-06|03:02:36.005] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1445000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m23s"
" [08-06|03:02:38.768] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1447500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m19s"
" [08-06|03:02:42.161] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1450000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m16s"
" [08-06|03:02:43.387] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2400000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h17m18s"
" [08-06|03:02:45.754] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1452500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m14s"
" [08-06|03:02:48.724] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1455000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m11s"
" [08-06|03:02:51.338] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1457500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m7s"
" [08-06|03:02:54.013] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1460000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m3s"
" [08-06|03:02:57.028] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1462500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 48m0s"
" [08-06|03:02:59.850] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1465000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m56s"
" [08-06|03:03:02.402] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1467500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m52s"
" [08-06|03:03:05.531] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1470000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m49s"
" [08-06|03:03:07.742] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1472500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m44s"
" [08-06|03:03:10.371] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1475000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m40s"
" [08-06|03:03:13.329] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1477500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m37s"
" [08-06|03:03:16.881] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1480000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m35s"
" [08-06|03:03:20.787] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1482500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m33s"
" [08-06|03:03:21.616] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2405000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h16m26s"
" [08-06|03:03:24.133] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1485000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m30s"
" [08-06|03:03:26.393] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1487500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m26s"
" [08-06|03:03:28.974] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1490000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m22s"
" [08-06|03:03:32.046] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1492500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m18s"
" [08-06|03:03:34.663] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1495000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m15s"
" [08-06|03:03:36.889] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1497500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m10s"
" [08-06|03:03:39.133] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1500000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m6s"
" [08-06|03:03:41.325] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1502500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47m1s"
" [08-06|03:03:43.566] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1505000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m57s"
" [08-06|03:03:45.677] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1507500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m52s"
" [08-06|03:03:48.255] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1510000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m48s"
" [08-06|03:03:50.498] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1512500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m44s"
" [08-06|03:03:52.890] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1515000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m40s"
" [08-06|03:03:54.929] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1517500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m35s"
" [08-06|03:03:57.197] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1520000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m31s"
" [08-06|03:03:59.595] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1522500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m27s"
" [08-06|03:04:02.206] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1525000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m23s"
" [08-06|03:04:05.499] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1527500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m20s"
" [08-06|03:04:08.893] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2410000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h16m34s"
" [08-06|03:04:09.225] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1530000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m18s"
" [08-06|03:04:11.675] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1532500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m14s"
" [08-06|03:04:14.893] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1535000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m11s"
" [08-06|03:04:19.462] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1537500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m10s"
" [08-06|03:04:23.553] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1540000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m8s"
" [08-06|03:04:26.101] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1542500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m4s"
" [08-06|03:04:28.390] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1545000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 46m0s"
" [08-06|03:04:30.915] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1547500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m56s"
" [08-06|03:04:34.009] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1550000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m53s"
" [08-06|03:04:37.533] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1552500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m50s"
" [08-06|03:04:41.316] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1555000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m48s"
" [08-06|03:04:43.345] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1557500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m44s"
" [08-06|03:04:45.754] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1560000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m40s"
" [08-06|03:04:48.375] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1562500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m36s"
" [08-06|03:04:51.030] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2415000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h16m8s"
" [08-06|03:04:51.315] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1565000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m32s"
" [08-06|03:04:53.370] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1567500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m28s"
" [08-06|03:04:55.680] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1570000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m24s"
" [08-06|03:04:58.184] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1572500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m20s"
" [08-06|03:05:00.217] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1575000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m15s"
" [08-06|03:05:02.838] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1577500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m11s"
" [08-06|03:05:05.770] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1580000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m8s"
" [08-06|03:05:09.199] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1582500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m5s"
" [08-06|03:05:13.199] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1585000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m4s"
" [08-06|03:05:15.665] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1587500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 45m0s"
" [08-06|03:05:18.274] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1590000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m56s"
" [08-06|03:05:21.005] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1592500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m52s"
" [08-06|03:05:24.307] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1595000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m50s"
" [08-06|03:05:27.293] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1597500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m46s"
" [08-06|03:05:30.177] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1600000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m43s"
" [08-06|03:05:33.512] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1602500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m40s"
" [08-06|03:05:35.694] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1605000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m36s"
" [08-06|03:05:38.411] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1607500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m32s"
" [08-06|03:05:40.247] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2420000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h16m27s"
" [08-06|03:05:41.334] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1610000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m29s"
" [08-06|03:05:44.752] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1612500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m26s"
" [08-06|03:05:48.117] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1615000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m24s"
" [08-06|03:05:51.147] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1617500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m20s"
" [08-06|03:05:53.584] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1620000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m16s"
" [08-06|03:05:56.429] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1622500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m13s"
" [08-06|03:05:59.670] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1625000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m10s"
" [08-06|03:06:03.309] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1627500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m8s"
" [08-06|03:06:07.346] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1630000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m6s"
" [08-06|03:06:10.787] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1632500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44m3s"
" [08-06|03:06:13.057] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1635000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m59s"
" [08-06|03:06:15.944] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1637500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m56s"
" [08-06|03:06:19.079] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1640000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m53s"
" [08-06|03:06:19.261] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2425000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m40s"
" [08-06|03:06:22.242] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1642500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m50s"
" [08-06|03:06:24.431] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1645000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m45s"
" [08-06|03:06:27.068] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1647500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m42s"
" [08-06|03:06:29.646] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1650000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m38s"
" [08-06|03:06:32.160] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1652500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m34s"
" [08-06|03:06:35.048] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1655000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m31s"
" [08-06|03:06:38.453] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1657500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m28s"
" [08-06|03:06:42.219] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1660000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m26s"
" [08-06|03:06:46.103] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1662500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m24s"
" [08-06|03:06:48.526] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1665000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m20s"
" [08-06|03:06:51.219] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1667500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m16s"
" [08-06|03:06:54.201] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1670000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m13s"
" [08-06|03:06:56.824] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1672500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m9s"
" [08-06|03:06:58.894] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1675000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m5s"
" [08-06|03:06:59.962] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2430000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h15m4s"
" [08-06|03:07:01.451] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1677500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 43m1s"
" [08-06|03:07:04.223] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1680000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m58s"
" [08-06|03:07:06.511] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1682500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m54s"
" [08-06|03:07:09.393] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1685000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m51s"
" [08-06|03:07:12.653] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1687500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m48s"
" [08-06|03:07:15.637] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1690000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m44s"
" [08-06|03:07:18.248] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1692500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m41s"
" [08-06|03:07:21.312] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1695000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m38s"
" [08-06|03:07:23.542] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1697500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m34s"
" [08-06|03:07:26.072] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1700000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m30s"
" [08-06|03:07:29.052] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1702500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m27s"
" [08-06|03:07:32.501] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1705000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m24s"
" [08-06|03:07:36.158] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1707500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m22s"
" [08-06|03:07:39.055] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1710000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m18s"
" [08-06|03:07:41.613] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1712500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m15s"
" [08-06|03:07:44.049] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2435000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h14m50s"
" [08-06|03:07:44.066] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1715000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m11s"
" [08-06|03:07:46.924] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1717500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m7s"
" [08-06|03:07:49.962] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1720000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m4s"
" [08-06|03:07:52.186] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1722500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 42m0s"
" [08-06|03:07:54.322] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1725000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m56s"
" [08-06|03:07:56.599] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1727500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m52s"
" [08-06|03:07:58.931] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1730000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m48s"
" [08-06|03:08:01.367] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1732500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m44s"
" [08-06|03:08:03.937] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1735000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m41s"
" [08-06|03:08:07.466] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1737500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m38s"
" [08-06|03:08:11.109] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1740000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m36s"
" [08-06|03:08:13.913] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1742500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m32s"
" [08-06|03:08:16.585] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1745000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m29s"
" [08-06|03:08:18.759] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2440000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h13m36s"
" [08-06|03:08:19.608] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1747500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m26s"
" [08-06|03:08:23.179] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1750000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m23s"
" [08-06|03:08:27.232] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1752500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m21s"
" [08-06|03:08:30.625] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1755000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m18s"
" [08-06|03:08:33.175] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1757500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m15s"
" [08-06|03:08:36.113] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1760000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m11s"
" [08-06|03:08:39.565] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1762500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m9s"
" [08-06|03:08:42.787] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1765000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m6s"
" [08-06|03:08:45.281] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1767500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41m2s"
" [08-06|03:08:47.751] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1770000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m58s"
" [08-06|03:08:50.188] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1772500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m55s"
" [08-06|03:08:53.085] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1775000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m51s"
" [08-06|03:08:55.423] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2445000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h12m33s"
" [08-06|03:08:56.426] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1777500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m49s"
" [08-06|03:09:00.166] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1780000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m46s"
" [08-06|03:09:03.822] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1782500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m44s"
" [08-06|03:09:06.937] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1785000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m41s"
" [08-06|03:09:09.315] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1787500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m37s"
" [08-06|03:09:12.132] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1790000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m34s"
" [08-06|03:09:15.547] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1792500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m31s"
" [08-06|03:09:17.977] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1795000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m27s"
" [08-06|03:09:19.992] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1797500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m23s"
" [08-06|03:09:22.908] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1800000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m20s"
" [08-06|03:09:25.237] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1802500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m16s"
" [08-06|03:09:28.012] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1805000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m12s"
" [08-06|03:09:31.246] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1807500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m9s"
" [08-06|03:09:34.263] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2450000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m45s"
" [08-06|03:09:34.877] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1810000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m7s"
" [08-06|03:09:37.445] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1812500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m3s"
" [08-06|03:09:40.140] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1815000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 40m0s"
" [08-06|03:09:42.311] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1817500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m56s"
" [08-06|03:09:44.915] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1820000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m52s"
" [08-06|03:09:47.855] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1822500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m49s"
" [08-06|03:09:51.338] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1825000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m46s"
" [08-06|03:09:55.244] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1827500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m44s"
" [08-06|03:09:57.467] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1830000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m40s"
" [08-06|03:09:59.584] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1832500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m36s"
" [08-06|03:10:01.994] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1835000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m32s"
" [08-06|03:10:04.803] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1837500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m29s"
" [08-06|03:10:07.495] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1840000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m26s"
" [08-06|03:10:10.589] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1842500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m23s"
" [08-06|03:10:13.565] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1845000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m20s"
" [08-06|03:10:13.609] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2455000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h11m1s"
" [08-06|03:10:15.669] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1847500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m15s"
" [08-06|03:10:18.106] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1850000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m12s"
" [08-06|03:10:20.873] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1852500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m8s"
" [08-06|03:10:24.093] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1855000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m5s"
" [08-06|03:10:27.779] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1857500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 39m3s"
" [08-06|03:10:30.289] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1860000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m59s"
" [08-06|03:10:32.334] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1862500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m55s"
" [08-06|03:10:34.671] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1865000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m51s"
" [08-06|03:10:37.315] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1867500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m48s"
" [08-06|03:10:40.486] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1870000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m45s"
" [08-06|03:10:43.202] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1872500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m42s"
" [08-06|03:10:45.849] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1875000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m38s"
" [08-06|03:10:47.919] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1877500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m34s"
" [08-06|03:10:50.158] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1880000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m30s"
" [08-06|03:10:52.785] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1882500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m27s"
" [08-06|03:10:54.850] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2460000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h10m28s"
" [08-06|03:10:55.979] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1885000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m24s"
" [08-06|03:10:59.710] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1887500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m21s"
" [08-06|03:11:01.888] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1890000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m18s"
" [08-06|03:11:03.945] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1892500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m13s"
" [08-06|03:11:06.491] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1895000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m10s"
" [08-06|03:11:09.271] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1897500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m7s"
" [08-06|03:11:12.541] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1900000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m4s"
" [08-06|03:11:14.818] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1902500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38m0s"
" [08-06|03:11:17.166] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1905000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m56s"
" [08-06|03:11:19.714] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1907500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m53s"
" [08-06|03:11:22.165] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1910000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m49s"
" [08-06|03:11:24.908] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1912500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m46s"
" [08-06|03:11:28.098] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1915000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m43s"
" [08-06|03:11:31.764] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1917500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m40s"
" [08-06|03:11:34.141] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1920000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m37s"
" [08-06|03:11:36.645] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1922500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m33s"
" [08-06|03:11:36.656] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2465000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m59s"
" [08-06|03:11:38.828] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1925000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m29s"
" [08-06|03:11:41.599] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1927500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m26s"
" [08-06|03:11:44.701] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1930000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m23s"
" [08-06|03:11:47.039] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1932500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m19s"
" [08-06|03:11:49.421] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1935000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m15s"
" [08-06|03:11:52.424] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1937500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m12s"
" [08-06|03:11:54.640] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1940000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m9s"
" [08-06|03:11:57.419] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1942500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m5s"
" [08-06|03:12:00.568] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1945000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m2s"
" [08-06|03:12:03.968] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1947500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 37m0s"
" [08-06|03:12:08.018] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1950000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m57s"
" [08-06|03:12:11.795] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1952500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m55s"
" [08-06|03:12:14.032] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1955000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m51s"
" [08-06|03:12:16.872] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1957500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m48s"
" [08-06|03:12:17.126] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2470000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h9m22s"
" [08-06|03:12:19.781] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1960000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m45s"
" [08-06|03:12:22.165] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1962500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m41s"
" [08-06|03:12:24.784] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1965000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m38s"
" [08-06|03:12:27.295] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1967500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m34s"
" [08-06|03:12:30.004] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1970000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m31s"
" [08-06|03:12:32.280] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1972500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m27s"
" [08-06|03:12:35.200] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1975000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m24s"
" [08-06|03:12:38.422] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1977500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m21s"
" [08-06|03:12:41.041] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1980000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m18s"
" [08-06|03:12:43.279] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1982500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m14s"
" [08-06|03:12:45.752] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1985000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m10s"
" [08-06|03:12:48.673] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1987500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m7s"
" [08-06|03:12:51.402] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1990000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m4s"
" [08-06|03:12:54.415] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1992500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 36m1s"
" [08-06|03:12:57.936] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1995000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m58s"
" [08-06|03:12:59.500] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2475000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m56s"
" [08-06|03:13:01.897] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 1997500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m56s"
" [08-06|03:13:06.150] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2000000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m54s"
" [08-06|03:13:08.882] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2002500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m51s"
" [08-06|03:13:11.742] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2005000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m48s"
" [08-06|03:13:14.775] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2007500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m44s"
" [08-06|03:13:18.318] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2010000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m42s"
" [08-06|03:13:22.362] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2012500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m40s"
" [08-06|03:13:25.941] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2015000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m37s"
" [08-06|03:13:28.161] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2017500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m33s"
" [08-06|03:13:31.058] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2020000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m30s"
" [08-06|03:13:34.397] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2022500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m27s"
" [08-06|03:13:36.281] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2480000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h7m55s"
" [08-06|03:13:37.312] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2025000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m24s"
" [08-06|03:13:39.837] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2027500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m21s"
" [08-06|03:13:42.823] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2030000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m18s"
" [08-06|03:13:45.074] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2032500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m14s"
" [08-06|03:13:47.949] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2035000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m11s"
" [08-06|03:13:51.162] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2037500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m8s"
" [08-06|03:13:54.648] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2040000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m5s"
" [08-06|03:13:58.521] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2042500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m3s"
" [08-06|03:14:01.448] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2045000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35m0s"
" [08-06|03:14:04.060] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2047500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m56s"
" [08-06|03:14:06.545] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2050000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m53s"
" [08-06|03:14:09.462] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2052500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m50s"
" [08-06|03:14:12.850] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2055000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m47s"
" [08-06|03:14:16.354] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2057500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m44s"
" [08-06|03:14:20.143] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2060000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m42s"
" [08-06|03:14:22.873] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2062500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m38s"
" [08-06|03:14:23.666] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2485000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m2s"
" [08-06|03:14:25.042] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2065000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m35s"
" [08-06|03:14:27.960] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2067500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m32s"
" [08-06|03:14:30.987] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2070000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m29s"
" [08-06|03:14:34.143] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2072500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m26s"
" [08-06|03:14:36.463] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2075000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m22s"
" [08-06|03:14:38.897] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2077500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m18s"
" [08-06|03:14:41.729] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2080000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m15s"
" [08-06|03:14:44.073] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2082500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m12s"
" [08-06|03:14:46.995] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2085000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m8s"
" [08-06|03:14:50.042] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2087500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m5s"
" [08-06|03:14:53.535] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2090000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m3s"
" [08-06|03:14:57.286] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2092500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 34m0s"
" [08-06|03:15:01.041] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2095000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m58s"
" [08-06|03:15:03.869] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2097500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m55s"
" [08-06|03:15:06.450] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2100000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m51s"
" [08-06|03:15:09.390] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2102500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m48s"
" [08-06|03:15:10.931] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2490000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h8m7s"
" [08-06|03:15:12.718] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2105000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m45s"
" [08-06|03:15:16.446] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2107500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m43s"
" [08-06|03:15:18.997] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2110000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m39s"
" [08-06|03:15:21.796] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2112500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m36s"
" [08-06|03:15:24.030] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2115000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m32s"
" [08-06|03:15:26.736] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2117500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m29s"
" [08-06|03:15:30.009] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2120000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m26s"
" [08-06|03:15:33.097] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2122500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m23s"
" [08-06|03:15:37.037] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2125000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m21s"
" [08-06|03:15:40.946] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2127500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m19s"
" [08-06|03:15:43.243] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2130000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m15s"
" [08-06|03:15:45.906] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2132500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m12s"
" [08-06|03:15:48.845] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2135000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m8s"
" [08-06|03:15:51.201] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2495000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h7m28s"
" [08-06|03:15:51.915] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2137500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m5s"
" [08-06|03:15:54.499] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2140000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 33m2s"
" [08-06|03:15:57.138] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2142500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m59s"
" [08-06|03:15:59.539] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2145000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m55s"
" [08-06|03:16:02.071] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2147500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m52s"
" [08-06|03:16:05.253] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2150000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m49s"
" [08-06|03:16:08.187] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2152500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m46s"
" [08-06|03:16:11.466] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2155000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m43s"
" [08-06|03:16:14.162] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2157500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m40s"
" [08-06|03:16:17.032] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2160000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m36s"
" [08-06|03:16:19.236] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2162500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m33s"
" [08-06|03:16:21.683] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2165000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m29s"
" [08-06|03:16:24.813] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2167500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m26s"
" [08-06|03:16:28.336] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2170000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m24s"
" [08-06|03:16:28.355] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2500000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h6m30s"
" [08-06|03:16:32.286] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2172500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m21s"
" [08-06|03:16:34.419] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2175000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m18s"
" [08-06|03:16:36.800] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2177500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m14s"
" [08-06|03:16:39.524] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2180000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m11s"
" [08-06|03:16:42.699] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2182500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m8s"
" [08-06|03:16:46.322] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2185000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m5s"
" [08-06|03:16:50.079] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2187500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32m3s"
" [08-06|03:16:52.123] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2190000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m59s"
" [08-06|03:16:53.964] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2192500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m55s"
" [08-06|03:16:55.766] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2195000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m51s"
" [08-06|03:16:57.919] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2197500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m47s"
" [08-06|03:17:00.016] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2200000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m44s"
" [08-06|03:17:02.279] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2202500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m40s"
" [08-06|03:17:04.839] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2205000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m37s"
" [08-06|03:17:07.394] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2207500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m33s"
" [08-06|03:17:09.299] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2210000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m30s"
" [08-06|03:17:11.419] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2212500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m26s"
" [08-06|03:17:13.709] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2215000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m22s"
" [08-06|03:17:16.514] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2217500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m19s"
" [08-06|03:17:17.473] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2505000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h6m46s"
" [08-06|03:17:18.879] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2220000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m16s"
" [08-06|03:17:21.150] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2222500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m12s"
" [08-06|03:17:23.277] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2225000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m8s"
" [08-06|03:17:25.614] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2227500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m5s"
" [08-06|03:17:27.702] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2230000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 31m1s"
" [08-06|03:17:30.263] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2232500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m58s"
" [08-06|03:17:33.101] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2235000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m55s"
" [08-06|03:17:36.120] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2237500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m52s"
" [08-06|03:17:39.969] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2240000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m49s"
" [08-06|03:17:43.542] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2242500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m47s"
" [08-06|03:17:45.511] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2245000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m43s"
" [08-06|03:17:47.934] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2247500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m40s"
" [08-06|03:17:50.622] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2250000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m36s"
" [08-06|03:17:53.855] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2252500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m33s"
" [08-06|03:17:56.514] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2255000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m30s"
" [08-06|03:17:58.336] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2510000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h6m11s"
" [08-06|03:17:59.349] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2257500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m27s"
" [08-06|03:18:02.246] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2260000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m24s"
" [08-06|03:18:04.357] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2262500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m20s"
" [08-06|03:18:06.984] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2265000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m17s"
" [08-06|03:18:09.848] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2267500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m14s"
" [08-06|03:18:13.134] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2270000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m11s"
" [08-06|03:18:16.947] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2272500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m9s"
" [08-06|03:18:20.760] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2275000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m6s"
" [08-06|03:18:23.171] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2277500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 30m3s"
" [08-06|03:18:25.900] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2280000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m59s"
" [08-06|03:18:28.995] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2282500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m56s"
" [08-06|03:18:32.568] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2285000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m54s"
" [08-06|03:18:34.951] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2515000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h5m9s"
" [08-06|03:18:36.521] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2287500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m51s"
" [08-06|03:18:39.881] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2290000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m49s"
" [08-06|03:18:42.279] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2292500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m45s"
" [08-06|03:18:45.148] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2295000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m42s"
" [08-06|03:18:47.959] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2297500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m39s"
" [08-06|03:18:50.155] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2300000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m35s"
" [08-06|03:18:53.144] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2302500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m32s"
" [08-06|03:18:56.154] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2305000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m29s"
" [08-06|03:18:58.469] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2307500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m26s"
" [08-06|03:19:00.792] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2310000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m22s"
" [08-06|03:19:02.994] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2312500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m19s"
" [08-06|03:19:05.434] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2315000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m15s"
" [08-06|03:19:07.941] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2317500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m12s"
" [08-06|03:19:10.750] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2320000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m9s"
" [08-06|03:19:13.652] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2322500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m6s"
" [08-06|03:19:15.973] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2325000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29m2s"
" [08-06|03:19:18.604] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2327500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m59s"
" [08-06|03:19:19.702] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2520000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h4m58s"
" [08-06|03:19:21.664] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2330000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m56s"
" [08-06|03:19:25.186] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2332500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m53s"
" [08-06|03:19:28.724] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2335000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m51s"
" [08-06|03:19:30.988] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2337500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m47s"
" [08-06|03:19:33.617] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2340000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m44s"
" [08-06|03:19:36.349] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2342500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m41s"
" [08-06|03:19:39.454] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2345000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m38s"
" [08-06|03:19:42.984] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2347500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m35s"
" [08-06|03:19:46.727] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2350000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m33s"
" [08-06|03:19:50.147] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2352500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m30s"
" [08-06|03:19:52.758] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2355000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m27s"
" [08-06|03:19:55.417] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2357500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m23s"
" [08-06|03:19:58.305] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2360000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m20s"
" [08-06|03:19:58.520] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2525000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h4m10s"
" [08-06|03:20:01.753] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2362500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m17s"
" [08-06|03:20:04.078] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2365000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m14s"
" [08-06|03:20:06.678] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2367500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m11s"
" [08-06|03:20:09.556] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2370000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m8s"
" [08-06|03:20:12.225] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2372500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m4s"
" [08-06|03:20:15.273] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2375000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 28m1s"
" [08-06|03:20:18.763] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2377500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m59s"
" [08-06|03:20:22.768] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2380000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m56s"
" [08-06|03:20:26.588] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2382500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m54s"
" [08-06|03:20:28.958] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2385000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m50s"
" [08-06|03:20:31.916] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2387500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m47s"
" [08-06|03:20:35.098] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2530000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h3m8s"
" [08-06|03:20:35.129] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2390000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m44s"
" [08-06|03:20:37.401] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2392500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m41s"
" [08-06|03:20:39.595] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2395000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m37s"
" [08-06|03:20:42.189] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2397500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m34s"
" [08-06|03:20:44.588] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2400000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m31s"
" [08-06|03:20:47.098] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2402500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m28s"
" [08-06|03:20:49.958] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2405000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m24s"
" [08-06|03:20:53.330] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2407500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m22s"
" [08-06|03:20:56.006] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2410000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m18s"
" [08-06|03:20:58.608] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2412500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m15s"
" [08-06|03:21:01.524] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2415000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m12s"
" [08-06|03:21:04.076] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2417500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m9s"
" [08-06|03:21:06.982] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2420000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m6s"
" [08-06|03:21:10.356] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2422500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m3s"
" [08-06|03:21:13.888] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2425000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 27m0s"
" [08-06|03:21:18.067] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2427500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m58s"
" [08-06|03:21:21.588] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2430000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m55s"
" [08-06|03:21:22.392] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2535000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h3m12s"
" [08-06|03:21:24.097] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2432500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m52s"
" [08-06|03:21:27.016] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2435000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m49s"
" [08-06|03:21:30.303] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2437500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m46s"
" [08-06|03:21:33.739] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2440000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m43s"
" [08-06|03:21:37.185] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2442500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m40s"
" [08-06|03:21:39.669] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2445000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m37s"
" [08-06|03:21:42.191] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2447500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m34s"
" [08-06|03:21:44.827] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2450000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m31s"
" [08-06|03:21:47.737] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2452500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m27s"
" [08-06|03:21:51.211] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2455000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m25s"
" [08-06|03:21:55.107] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2457500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m22s"
" [08-06|03:21:59.000] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2460000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m20s"
" [08-06|03:22:01.397] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2462500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m16s"
" [08-06|03:22:03.923] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2465000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m13s"
" [08-06|03:22:06.679] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2467500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m10s"
" [08-06|03:22:08.421] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2540000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h3m9s"
" [08-06|03:22:10.003] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2470000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m7s"
" [08-06|03:22:13.074] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2472500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m4s"
" [08-06|03:22:16.243] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2475000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26m1s"
" [08-06|03:22:18.551] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2477500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m58s"
" [08-06|03:22:20.823] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2480000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m54s"
" [08-06|03:22:23.342] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2482500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m51s"
" [08-06|03:22:26.429] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2485000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m48s"
" [08-06|03:22:30.140] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2487500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m45s"
" [08-06|03:22:32.902] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2490000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m42s"
" [08-06|03:22:35.429] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2492500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m39s"
" [08-06|03:22:37.521] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2495000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m36s"
" [08-06|03:22:39.940] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2497500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m32s"
" [08-06|03:22:42.647] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2500000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m29s"
" [08-06|03:22:45.984] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2502500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m26s"
" [08-06|03:22:49.619] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2505000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m24s"
" [08-06|03:22:50.678] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2545000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h2m42s"
" [08-06|03:22:53.086] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2507500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m21s"
" [08-06|03:22:55.479] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2510000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m17s"
" [08-06|03:22:57.722] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2512500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m14s"
" [08-06|03:23:00.206] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2515000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m11s"
" [08-06|03:23:03.149] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2517500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m8s"
" [08-06|03:23:06.465] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2520000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m5s"
" [08-06|03:23:10.134] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2522500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 25m2s"
" [08-06|03:23:13.005] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2525000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m59s"
" [08-06|03:23:15.292] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2527500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m56s"
" [08-06|03:23:17.576] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2530000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m52s"
" [08-06|03:23:20.025] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2532500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m49s"
" [08-06|03:23:22.994] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2535000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m46s"
" [08-06|03:23:26.486] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2537500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m43s"
" [08-06|03:23:28.811] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2540000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m40s"
" [08-06|03:23:31.273] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2542500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m37s"
" [08-06|03:23:32.487] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2550000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h2m12s"
" [08-06|03:23:33.451] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2545000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m33s"
" [08-06|03:23:36.057] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2547500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m30s"
" [08-06|03:23:39.131] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2550000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m27s"
" [08-06|03:23:42.664] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2552500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m24s"
" [08-06|03:23:46.413] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2555000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m22s"
" [08-06|03:23:48.579] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2557500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m18s"
" [08-06|03:23:51.095] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2560000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m15s"
" [08-06|03:23:53.724] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2562500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m12s"
" [08-06|03:23:56.747] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2565000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m9s"
" [08-06|03:23:59.886] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2567500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m6s"
" [08-06|03:24:02.940] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2570000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m3s"
" [08-06|03:24:05.401] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2572500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 24m0s"
" [08-06|03:24:07.514] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2575000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m56s"
" [08-06|03:24:10.211] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2577500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m53s"
" [08-06|03:24:10.904] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2555000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h1m21s"
" [08-06|03:24:13.052] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2580000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m50s"
" [08-06|03:24:15.740] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2582500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m47s"
" [08-06|03:24:17.763] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2585000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m43s"
" [08-06|03:24:20.130] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2587500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m40s"
" [08-06|03:24:22.474] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2590000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m37s"
" [08-06|03:24:24.836] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2592500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m33s"
" [08-06|03:24:27.389] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2595000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m30s"
" [08-06|03:24:30.154] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2597500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m27s"
" [08-06|03:24:33.488] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2600000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m24s"
" [08-06|03:24:36.501] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2602500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m21s"
" [08-06|03:24:39.904] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2605000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m18s"
" [08-06|03:24:43.191] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2607500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m16s"
" [08-06|03:24:45.531] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2610000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m12s"
" [08-06|03:24:48.138] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2612500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m9s"
" [08-06|03:24:50.977] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2615000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m6s"
" [08-06|03:24:54.366] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2617500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m3s"
" [08-06|03:24:55.452] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2560000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h1m8s"
" [08-06|03:24:57.895] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2620000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23m0s"
" [08-06|03:25:01.818] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2622500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m58s"
" [08-06|03:25:05.326] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2625000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m55s"
" [08-06|03:25:07.555] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2627500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m52s"
" [08-06|03:25:10.374] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2630000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m49s"
" [08-06|03:25:13.386] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2632500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m46s"
" [08-06|03:25:16.818] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2635000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m43s"
" [08-06|03:25:20.072] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2637500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m40s"
" [08-06|03:25:23.214] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2640000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m37s"
" [08-06|03:25:25.956] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2642500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m34s"
" [08-06|03:25:28.420] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2645000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m31s"
" [08-06|03:25:31.342] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2647500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m28s"
" [08-06|03:25:34.663] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2650000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m25s"
" [08-06|03:25:38.218] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2652500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m22s"
" [08-06|03:25:40.338] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2655000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m19s"
" [08-06|03:25:41.785] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2565000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h1m6s"
" [08-06|03:25:43.121] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2657500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m15s"
" [08-06|03:25:45.561] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2660000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m12s"
" [08-06|03:25:48.574] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2662500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m9s"
" [08-06|03:25:51.774] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2665000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m6s"
" [08-06|03:25:54.837] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2667500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m3s"
" [08-06|03:25:57.999] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2670000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 22m0s"
" [08-06|03:26:00.450] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2672500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m57s"
" [08-06|03:26:03.236] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2675000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m54s"
" [08-06|03:26:06.456] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2677500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m51s"
" [08-06|03:26:09.927] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2680000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m48s"
" [08-06|03:26:12.715] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2682500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m45s"
" [08-06|03:26:15.539] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2685000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m42s"
" [08-06|03:26:17.904] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2687500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m39s"
" [08-06|03:26:20.475] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2690000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m36s"
" [08-06|03:26:21.993] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2570000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h0m26s"
" [08-06|03:26:23.416] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2692500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m33s"
" [08-06|03:26:26.836] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2695000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m30s"
" [08-06|03:26:30.494] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2697500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m27s"
" [08-06|03:26:34.674] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2700000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m25s"
" [08-06|03:26:37.837] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2702500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m22s"
" [08-06|03:26:40.367] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2705000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m19s"
" [08-06|03:26:43.339] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2707500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m16s"
" [08-06|03:26:46.614] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2710000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m13s"
" [08-06|03:26:50.217] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2712500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m10s"
" [08-06|03:26:54.236] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2715000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m7s"
" [08-06|03:26:57.640] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2717500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m4s"
" [08-06|03:27:00.298] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2720000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 21m1s"
" [08-06|03:27:03.035] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2722500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m58s"
" [08-06|03:27:06.128] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2725000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m55s"
" [08-06|03:27:09.206] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2575000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h0m29s"
" [08-06|03:27:09.727] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2727500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m52s"
" [08-06|03:27:13.735] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2730000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m50s"
" [08-06|03:27:17.490] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2732500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m47s"
" [08-06|03:27:20.074] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2735000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m44s"
" [08-06|03:27:22.535] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2737500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m41s"
" [08-06|03:27:25.462] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2740000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m38s"
" [08-06|03:27:28.845] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2742500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m35s"
" [08-06|03:27:31.440] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2745000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m32s"
" [08-06|03:27:33.638] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2747500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m28s"
" [08-06|03:27:36.409] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2750000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m25s"
" [08-06|03:27:38.891] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2752500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m22s"
" [08-06|03:27:41.910] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2755000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m19s"
" [08-06|03:27:45.364] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2757500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m16s"
" [08-06|03:27:49.180] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2760000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m13s"
" [08-06|03:27:51.573] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2762500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m10s"
" [08-06|03:27:52.495] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2580000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h0m8s"
" [08-06|03:27:54.307] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2765000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m7s"
" [08-06|03:27:56.762] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2767500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m4s"
" [08-06|03:27:59.489] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2770000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20m1s"
" [08-06|03:28:02.625] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2772500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m58s"
" [08-06|03:28:06.122] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2775000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m55s"
" [08-06|03:28:10.062] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2777500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m52s"
" [08-06|03:28:13.360] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2780000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m49s"
" [08-06|03:28:15.806] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2782500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m46s"
" [08-06|03:28:18.630] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2785000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m43s"
" [08-06|03:28:21.734] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2787500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m40s"
" [08-06|03:28:25.339] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2790000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m37s"
" [08-06|03:28:29.432] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2792500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m35s"
" [08-06|03:28:32.654] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2795000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m32s"
" [08-06|03:28:35.040] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2797500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m29s"
" [08-06|03:28:37.597] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2800000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m25s"
" [08-06|03:28:38.701] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2585000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 35h0m4s"
" [08-06|03:28:40.738] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2802500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m23s"
" [08-06|03:28:44.024] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2805000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m20s"
" [08-06|03:28:46.499] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2807500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m16s"
" [08-06|03:28:48.959] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2810000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m13s"
" [08-06|03:28:51.113] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2812500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m10s"
" [08-06|03:28:53.588] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2815000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m7s"
" [08-06|03:28:56.735] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2817500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m4s"
" [08-06|03:29:00.326] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2820000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 19m1s"
" [08-06|03:29:03.629] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2822500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m58s"
" [08-06|03:29:06.108] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2825000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m55s"
" [08-06|03:29:08.512] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2827500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m52s"
" [08-06|03:29:11.027] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2830000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m49s"
" [08-06|03:29:14.070] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2832500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m46s"
" [08-06|03:29:17.486] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2590000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h59m15s"
" [08-06|03:29:17.560] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2835000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m43s"
" [08-06|03:29:21.207] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2837500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m40s"
" [08-06|03:29:23.971] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2840000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m37s"
" [08-06|03:29:26.184] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2842500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m34s"
" [08-06|03:29:28.711] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2845000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m30s"
" [08-06|03:29:31.770] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2847500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m27s"
" [08-06|03:29:35.007] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2850000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m25s"
" [08-06|03:29:38.095] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2852500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m22s"
" [08-06|03:29:41.900] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2855000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m19s"
" [08-06|03:29:44.026] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2857500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m16s"
" [08-06|03:29:46.321] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2860000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m12s"
" [08-06|03:29:48.827] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2862500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m9s"
" [08-06|03:29:52.036] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2865000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m6s"
" [08-06|03:29:55.603] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2867500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m3s"
" [08-06|03:29:58.244] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2595000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h58m39s"
" [08-06|03:29:58.598] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2870000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 18m0s"
" [08-06|03:30:01.047] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2872500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m57s"
" [08-06|03:30:03.419] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2875000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m54s"
" [08-06|03:30:06.085] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2877500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m51s"
" [08-06|03:30:09.113] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2880000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m48s"
" [08-06|03:30:11.910] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2882500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m45s"
" [08-06|03:30:14.968] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2885000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m42s"
" [08-06|03:30:17.510] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2887500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m39s"
" [08-06|03:30:19.581] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2890000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m35s"
" [08-06|03:30:22.164] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2892500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m32s"
" [08-06|03:30:25.258] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2895000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m29s"
" [08-06|03:30:27.347] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2897500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m26s"
" [08-06|03:30:29.176] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2900000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m23s"
" [08-06|03:30:31.275] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2902500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m19s"
" [08-06|03:30:33.874] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2905000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m16s"
" [08-06|03:30:36.126] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2907500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m13s"
" [08-06|03:30:39.000] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2910000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m10s"
" [08-06|03:30:42.151] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2912500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m7s"
" [08-06|03:30:42.471] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2600000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h58m23s"
" [08-06|03:30:45.600] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2915000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m4s"
" [08-06|03:30:49.559] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2917500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17m2s"
" [08-06|03:30:53.326] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2920000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m59s"
" [08-06|03:30:55.585] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2922500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m56s"
" [08-06|03:30:58.381] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2925000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m52s"
" [08-06|03:31:01.447] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2927500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m50s"
" [08-06|03:31:04.899] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2930000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m47s"
" [08-06|03:31:08.058] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2932500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m44s"
" [08-06|03:31:10.795] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2935000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m41s"
" [08-06|03:31:13.816] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2937500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m38s"
" [08-06|03:31:16.262] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2940000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m34s"
" [08-06|03:31:19.227] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2942500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m31s"
" [08-06|03:31:22.510] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2945000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m29s"
" [08-06|03:31:26.072] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2947500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m26s"
" [08-06|03:31:26.362] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2605000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h58m5s"
" [08-06|03:31:29.741] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2950000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m23s"
" [08-06|03:31:32.623] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2952500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m20s"
" [08-06|03:31:35.107] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2955000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m17s"
" [08-06|03:31:38.012] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2957500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m14s"
" [08-06|03:31:41.449] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2960000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m11s"
" [08-06|03:31:44.412] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2962500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m8s"
" [08-06|03:31:47.674] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2965000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m5s"
" [08-06|03:31:50.386] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2967500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 16m2s"
" [08-06|03:31:52.899] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2970000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m59s"
" [08-06|03:31:55.800] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2972500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m56s"
" [08-06|03:31:59.122] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2975000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m53s"
" [08-06|03:32:02.046] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2977500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m50s"
" [08-06|03:32:04.225] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2980000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m47s"
" [08-06|03:32:04.271] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2610000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h57m11s"
" [08-06|03:32:07.145] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2982500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m44s"
" [08-06|03:32:09.535] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2985000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m40s"
" [08-06|03:32:12.467] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2987500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m37s"
" [08-06|03:32:15.774] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2990000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m34s"
" [08-06|03:32:19.405] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2992500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m32s"
" [08-06|03:32:23.644] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2995000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m29s"
" [08-06|03:32:26.887] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 2997500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m26s"
" [08-06|03:32:29.292] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3000000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m23s"
" [08-06|03:32:32.230] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3002500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m20s"
" [08-06|03:32:35.448] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3005000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m17s"
" [08-06|03:32:37.840] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3007500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m14s"
" [08-06|03:32:40.134] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3010000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m11s"
" [08-06|03:32:42.830] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3012500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m7s"
" [08-06|03:32:45.394] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3015000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m4s"
" [08-06|03:32:47.848] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3017500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 15m1s"
" [08-06|03:32:48.273] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2615000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h56m54s"
" [08-06|03:32:50.825] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3020000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m58s"
" [08-06|03:32:54.204] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3022500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m55s"
" [08-06|03:32:57.371] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3025000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m52s"
" [08-06|03:33:00.301] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3027500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m49s"
" [08-06|03:33:03.656] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3030000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m46s"
" [08-06|03:33:06.406] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3032500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m43s"
" [08-06|03:33:09.463] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3035000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m40s"
" [08-06|03:33:13.062] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3037500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m38s"
" [08-06|03:33:17.089] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3040000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m35s"
" [08-06|03:33:21.169] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3042500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m32s"
" [08-06|03:33:24.019] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3045000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m29s"
" [08-06|03:33:26.102] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2620000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m59s"
" [08-06|03:33:26.815] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3047500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m26s"
" [08-06|03:33:30.022] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3050000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m23s"
" [08-06|03:33:33.783] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3052500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m20s"
" [08-06|03:33:37.953] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3055000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m17s"
" [08-06|03:33:41.007] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3057500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m15s"
" [08-06|03:33:43.618] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3060000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m11s"
" [08-06|03:33:46.622] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3062500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m8s"
" [08-06|03:33:50.125] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3065000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m6s"
" [08-06|03:33:54.039] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3067500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m3s"
" [08-06|03:33:58.359] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3070000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14m0s"
" [08-06|03:34:01.285] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3072500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m57s"
" [08-06|03:34:03.481] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2625000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h55m2s"
" [08-06|03:34:04.020] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3075000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m54s"
" [08-06|03:34:07.079] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3077500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m51s"
" [08-06|03:34:10.662] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3080000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m48s"
" [08-06|03:34:14.518] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3082500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m45s"
" [08-06|03:34:17.126] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3085000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m42s"
" [08-06|03:34:19.648] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3087500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m39s"
" [08-06|03:34:22.450] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3090000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m36s"
" [08-06|03:34:25.599] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3092500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m33s"
" [08-06|03:34:29.074] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3095000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m30s"
" [08-06|03:34:33.092] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3097500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m27s"
" [08-06|03:34:36.381] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3100000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m24s"
" [08-06|03:34:38.743] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3102500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m21s"
" [08-06|03:34:41.189] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2630000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h54m7s"
" [08-06|03:34:41.296] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3105000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m18s"
" [08-06|03:34:44.027] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3107500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m15s"
" [08-06|03:34:47.423] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3110000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m12s"
" [08-06|03:34:51.022] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3112500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m9s"
" [08-06|03:34:55.041] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3115000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m7s"
" [08-06|03:34:57.757] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3117500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m3s"
" [08-06|03:35:00.210] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3120000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 13m0s"
" [08-06|03:35:02.725] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3122500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m57s"
" [08-06|03:35:05.779] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3125000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m54s"
" [08-06|03:35:08.792] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3127500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m51s"
" [08-06|03:35:11.272] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3130000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m48s"
" [08-06|03:35:13.623] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3132500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m45s"
" [08-06|03:35:15.782] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3135000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m42s"
" [08-06|03:35:18.341] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3137500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m39s"
" [08-06|03:35:20.746] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2635000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h53m23s"
" [08-06|03:35:21.206] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3140000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m36s"
" [08-06|03:35:24.542] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3142500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m33s"
" [08-06|03:35:28.266] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3145000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m30s"
" [08-06|03:35:31.762] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3147500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m27s"
" [08-06|03:35:33.995] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3150000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m24s"
" [08-06|03:35:36.279] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3152500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m21s"
" [08-06|03:35:38.795] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3155000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m18s"
" [08-06|03:35:41.971] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3157500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m15s"
" [08-06|03:35:45.334] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3160000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m12s"
" [08-06|03:35:49.120] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3162500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m9s"
" [08-06|03:35:51.925] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3165000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m6s"
" [08-06|03:35:54.020] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3167500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m3s"
" [08-06|03:35:56.459] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3170000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 12m0s"
" [08-06|03:35:59.217] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3172500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m57s"
" [08-06|03:36:01.668] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3175000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m53s"
" [08-06|03:36:03.425] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3177500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m50s"
" [08-06|03:36:04.327] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2640000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h53m3s"
" [08-06|03:36:05.304] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3180000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m47s"
" [08-06|03:36:07.358] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3182500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m44s"
" [08-06|03:36:09.647] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3185000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m41s"
" [08-06|03:36:11.770] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3187500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m38s"
" [08-06|03:36:14.298] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3190000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m34s"
" [08-06|03:36:16.989] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3192500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m31s"
" [08-06|03:36:20.146] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3195000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m28s"
" [08-06|03:36:22.199] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3197500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m25s"
" [08-06|03:36:24.577] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3200000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m22s"
" [08-06|03:36:27.079] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3202500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m19s"
" [08-06|03:36:29.185] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3205000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m16s"
" [08-06|03:36:31.715] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3207500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m13s"
" [08-06|03:36:34.438] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3210000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m10s"
" [08-06|03:36:37.802] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3212500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m7s"
" [08-06|03:36:41.347] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3215000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m4s"
" [08-06|03:36:45.179] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3217500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11m1s"
" [08-06|03:36:47.868] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3220000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m58s"
" [08-06|03:36:49.475] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2645000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h52m52s"
" [08-06|03:36:50.181] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3222500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m55s"
" [08-06|03:36:52.942] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3225000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m52s"
" [08-06|03:36:56.132] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3227500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m49s"
" [08-06|03:36:59.739] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3230000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m46s"
" [08-06|03:37:03.566] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3232500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m43s"
" [08-06|03:37:05.982] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3235000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m40s"
" [08-06|03:37:08.540] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3237500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m37s"
" [08-06|03:37:11.421] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3240000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m34s"
" [08-06|03:37:14.781] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3242500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m31s"
" [08-06|03:37:18.475] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3245000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m28s"
" [08-06|03:37:20.032] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2650000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h51m15s"
" [08-06|03:37:21.528] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3247500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m25s"
" [08-06|03:37:23.992] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3250000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m22s"
" [08-06|03:37:26.413] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3252500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m19s"
" [08-06|03:37:29.204] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3255000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m16s"
" [08-06|03:37:32.239] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3257500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m13s"
" [08-06|03:37:34.816] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3260000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m10s"
" [08-06|03:37:37.028] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3262500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m7s"
" [08-06|03:37:40.035] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3265000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m4s"
" [08-06|03:37:42.239] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3267500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 10m1s"
" [08-06|03:37:44.911] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3270000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m58s"
" [08-06|03:37:47.749] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3272500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m55s"
" [08-06|03:37:51.204] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3275000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m52s"
" [08-06|03:37:54.034] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3277500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m49s"
" [08-06|03:37:56.880] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3280000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m46s"
" [08-06|03:37:57.387] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2655000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h50m18s"
" [08-06|03:37:59.608] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3282500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m43s"
" [08-06|03:38:02.057] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3285000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m40s"
" [08-06|03:38:05.041] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3287500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m37s"
" [08-06|03:38:08.474] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3290000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m34s"
" [08-06|03:38:12.363] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3292500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m31s"
" [08-06|03:38:15.830] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3295000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m28s"
" [08-06|03:38:18.133] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3297500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m25s"
" [08-06|03:38:20.775] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3300000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m22s"
" [08-06|03:38:23.741] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3302500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m19s"
" [08-06|03:38:26.772] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3305000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m16s"
" [08-06|03:38:29.410] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3307500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m13s"
" [08-06|03:38:31.734] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3310000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m10s"
" [08-06|03:38:34.308] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2660000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h49m19s"
" [08-06|03:38:34.528] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3312500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m7s"
" [08-06|03:38:36.759] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3315000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m4s"
" [08-06|03:38:39.605] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3317500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 9m1s"
" [08-06|03:38:42.614] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3320000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m58s"
" [08-06|03:38:46.053] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3322500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m55s"
" [08-06|03:38:49.943] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3325000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m52s"
" [08-06|03:38:54.088] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3327500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m49s"
" [08-06|03:38:56.612] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3330000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m46s"
" [08-06|03:38:59.452] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3332500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m43s"
" [08-06|03:39:02.804] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3335000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m40s"
" [08-06|03:39:06.392] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3337500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m37s"
" [08-06|03:39:10.489] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3340000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m34s"
" [08-06|03:39:13.318] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3342500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m31s"
" [08-06|03:39:14.390] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2665000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h48m38s"
" [08-06|03:39:15.535] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3345000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m28s"
" [08-06|03:39:18.325] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3347500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m25s"
" [08-06|03:39:21.356] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3350000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m22s"
" [08-06|03:39:24.183] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3352500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m19s"
" [08-06|03:39:26.876] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3355000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m16s"
" [08-06|03:39:29.355] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3357500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m13s"
" [08-06|03:39:32.063] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3360000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m10s"
" [08-06|03:39:34.417] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3362500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m7s"
" [08-06|03:39:37.276] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3365000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m4s"
" [08-06|03:39:40.392] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3367500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8m1s"
" [08-06|03:39:43.833] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3370000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m58s"
" [08-06|03:39:47.258] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3372500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m55s"
" [08-06|03:39:50.149] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3375000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m52s"
" [08-06|03:39:52.800] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3377500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m49s"
" [08-06|03:39:55.297] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3380000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m46s"
" [08-06|03:39:58.179] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3382500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m43s"
" [08-06|03:39:58.514] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2670000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h48m21s"
" [08-06|03:40:01.644] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3385000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m40s"
" [08-06|03:40:05.395] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3387500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m37s"
" [08-06|03:40:08.692] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3390000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m34s"
" [08-06|03:40:11.174] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3392500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m31s"
" [08-06|03:40:13.860] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3395000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m28s"
" [08-06|03:40:16.916] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3397500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m25s"
" [08-06|03:40:19.957] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3400000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m22s"
" [08-06|03:40:22.541] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3402500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m19s"
" [08-06|03:40:25.131] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3405000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m16s"
" [08-06|03:40:27.837] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3407500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m13s"
" [08-06|03:40:30.185] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3410000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m10s"
" [08-06|03:40:32.946] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3412500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m7s"
" [08-06|03:40:36.192] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3415000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m4s"
" [08-06|03:40:36.907] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2675000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h47m31s"
" [08-06|03:40:39.837] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3417500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 7m1s"
" [08-06|03:40:42.555] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3420000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m58s"
" [08-06|03:40:45.216] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3422500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m55s"
" [08-06|03:40:47.655] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3425000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m52s"
" [08-06|03:40:50.400] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3427500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m49s"
" [08-06|03:40:53.669] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3430000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m46s"
" [08-06|03:40:57.184] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3432500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m43s"
" [08-06|03:41:01.186] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3435000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m40s"
" [08-06|03:41:04.314] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3437500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m37s"
" [08-06|03:41:06.759] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3440000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m34s"
" [08-06|03:41:09.243] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3442500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m31s"
" [08-06|03:41:12.150] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3445000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m28s"
" [08-06|03:41:14.202] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2680000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h46m34s"
" [08-06|03:41:14.838] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3447500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m25s"
" [08-06|03:41:17.087] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3450000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m22s"
" [08-06|03:41:19.314] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3452500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m19s"
" [08-06|03:41:21.789] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3455000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m16s"
" [08-06|03:41:23.989] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3457500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m13s"
" [08-06|03:41:26.530] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3460000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m10s"
" [08-06|03:41:29.583] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3462500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m7s"
" [08-06|03:41:32.898] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3465000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m4s"
" [08-06|03:41:35.260] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3467500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 6m1s"
" [08-06|03:41:37.681] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3470000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m58s"
" [08-06|03:41:40.530] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3472500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m55s"
" [08-06|03:41:42.596] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3475000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m52s"
" [08-06|03:41:45.116] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3477500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m49s"
" [08-06|03:41:47.900] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3480000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m46s"
" [08-06|03:41:51.170] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3482500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m43s"
" [08-06|03:41:54.888] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3485000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m40s"
" [08-06|03:41:56.978] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2685000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h46m9s"
" [08-06|03:41:58.939] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3487500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m37s"
" [08-06|03:42:01.307] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3490000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m34s"
" [08-06|03:42:03.903] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3492500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m31s"
" [08-06|03:42:06.815] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3495000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m28s"
" [08-06|03:42:10.640] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3497500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m25s"
" [08-06|03:42:14.975] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3500000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m22s"
" [08-06|03:42:17.315] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3502500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m19s"
" [08-06|03:42:19.862] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3505000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m16s"
" [08-06|03:42:22.297] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3507500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m13s"
" [08-06|03:42:25.061] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3510000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m10s"
" [08-06|03:42:28.137] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3512500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m7s"
" [08-06|03:42:30.333] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3515000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m4s"
" [08-06|03:42:32.587] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3517500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5m1s"
" [08-06|03:42:35.141] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3520000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m58s"
" [08-06|03:42:37.797] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3522500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m55s"
" [08-06|03:42:38.690] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2690000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h45m38s"
" [08-06|03:42:40.760] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3525000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m52s"
" [08-06|03:42:44.509] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3527500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m49s"
" [08-06|03:42:46.713] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3530000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m46s"
" [08-06|03:42:48.664] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3532500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m43s"
" [08-06|03:42:50.929] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3535000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m40s"
" [08-06|03:42:53.229] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3537500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m37s"
" [08-06|03:42:55.566] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3540000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m34s"
" [08-06|03:42:58.225] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3542500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m31s"
" [08-06|03:43:01.448] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3545000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m28s"
" [08-06|03:43:04.206] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3547500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m25s"
" [08-06|03:43:06.603] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3550000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m22s"
" [08-06|03:43:09.319] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3552500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m19s"
" [08-06|03:43:11.447] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3555000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m16s"
" [08-06|03:43:14.097] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3557500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m13s"
" [08-06|03:43:16.894] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3560000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m10s"
" [08-06|03:43:19.932] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2695000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h45m4s"
" [08-06|03:43:20.226] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3562500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m7s"
" [08-06|03:43:23.006] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3565000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m4s"
" [08-06|03:43:25.041] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3567500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 4m1s"
" [08-06|03:43:27.196] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3570000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m58s"
" [08-06|03:43:29.264] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3572500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m55s"
" [08-06|03:43:31.618] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3575000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m52s"
" [08-06|03:43:34.134] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3577500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m49s"
" [08-06|03:43:37.441] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3580000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m46s"
" [08-06|03:43:40.502] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3582500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m43s"
" [08-06|03:43:43.684] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3585000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m40s"
" [08-06|03:43:46.869] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3587500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m37s"
" [08-06|03:43:49.112] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3590000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m34s"
" [08-06|03:43:51.531] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3592500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m31s"
" [08-06|03:43:54.153] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3595000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m28s"
" [08-06|03:43:57.293] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3597500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m25s"
" [08-06|03:44:00.634] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3600000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m22s"
" [08-06|03:44:04.236] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3602500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m19s"
" [08-06|03:44:07.034] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3605000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m16s"
" [08-06|03:44:09.283] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3607500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m13s"
" [08-06|03:44:11.151] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2700000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h45m27s"
" [08-06|03:44:11.522] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3610000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m10s"
" [08-06|03:44:14.129] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3612500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m7s"
" [08-06|03:44:17.015] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3615000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m4s"
" [08-06|03:44:19.370] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3617500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 3m1s"
" [08-06|03:44:22.022] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3620000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m58s"
" [08-06|03:44:24.521] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3622500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m55s"
" [08-06|03:44:26.697] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3625000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m52s"
" [08-06|03:44:29.051] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3627500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m49s"
" [08-06|03:44:31.692] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3630000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m46s"
" [08-06|03:44:34.971] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3632500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m43s"
" [08-06|03:44:38.049] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3635000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m40s"
" [08-06|03:44:40.955] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3637500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m37s"
" [08-06|03:44:43.662] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3640000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m34s"
" [08-06|03:44:45.877] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3642500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m31s"
" [08-06|03:44:48.509] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3645000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m28s"
" [08-06|03:44:51.590] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3647500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m25s"
" [08-06|03:44:52.785] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2705000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h44m55s"
" [08-06|03:44:55.122] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3650000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m22s"
" [08-06|03:44:59.097] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3652500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m19s"
" [08-06|03:45:02.097] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3655000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m16s"
" [08-06|03:45:04.245] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3657500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m13s"
" [08-06|03:45:06.786] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3660000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m10s"
" [08-06|03:45:09.667] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3662500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m7s"
" [08-06|03:45:12.613] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3665000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m4s"
" [08-06|03:45:15.582] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3667500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2m1s"
" [08-06|03:45:18.678] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3670000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m58s"
" [08-06|03:45:20.846] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3672500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m55s"
" [08-06|03:45:23.306] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3675000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m52s"
" [08-06|03:45:25.920] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3677500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m49s"
" [08-06|03:45:29.193] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3680000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m46s"
" [08-06|03:45:32.914] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3682500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m44s"
" [08-06|03:45:34.423] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2710000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h44m23s"
" [08-06|03:45:36.072] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3685000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m41s"
" [08-06|03:45:38.297] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3687500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m38s"
" [08-06|03:45:40.768] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3690000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m35s"
" [08-06|03:45:43.329] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3692500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m32s"
" [08-06|03:45:46.198] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3695000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m29s"
" [08-06|03:45:48.459] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3697500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m26s"
" [08-06|03:45:50.770] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3700000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m23s"
" [08-06|03:45:53.185] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3702500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m20s"
" [08-06|03:45:55.347] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3705000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m17s"
" [08-06|03:45:57.967] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3707500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m14s"
" [08-06|03:46:00.884] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3710000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m11s"
" [08-06|03:46:04.254] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3712500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m8s"
" [08-06|03:46:07.176] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3715000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m5s"
" [08-06|03:46:09.719] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3717500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 1m2s"
" [08-06|03:46:12.099] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3720000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 59s"
" [08-06|03:46:14.366] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3722500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 56s"
" [08-06|03:46:16.960] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3725000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 53s"
" [08-06|03:46:17.899] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2715000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h44m2s"
" [08-06|03:46:20.236] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3727500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 50s"
" [08-06|03:46:23.695] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3730000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 47s"
" [08-06|03:46:27.440] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3732500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 44s"
" [08-06|03:46:29.880] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3735000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 41s"
" [08-06|03:46:32.109] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3737500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 38s"
" [08-06|03:46:34.534] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3740000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 35s"
" [08-06|03:46:37.649] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3742500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 32s"
" [08-06|03:46:40.758] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3745000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 29s"
" [08-06|03:46:42.817] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3747500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 26s"
" [08-06|03:46:45.237] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3750000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 23s"
" [08-06|03:46:47.096] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3752500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 20s"
" [08-06|03:46:49.333] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3755000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 17s"
" [08-06|03:46:51.667] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3757500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 14s"
" [08-06|03:46:54.261] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3760000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 11s"
" [08-06|03:46:57.235] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3762500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 8s"
" [08-06|03:46:59.982] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3765000 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 5s"
" [08-06|03:47:01.784] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2720000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h43m42s"
" [08-06|03:47:02.336] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:174 executed 3767500 of 3769499 operations. ETA = 2s"
" [08-06|03:47:04.031] INFO <X Chain> queue/jobs.go:182 executed 3769499 operations"
" [08-06|03:47:35.594] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2725000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h42m26s"
" [08-06|03:48:19.700] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2730000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h42m8s"
" [08-06|03:48:59.043] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2735000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h41m22s"
" [08-06|03:49:45.409] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2740000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h41m17s"
" [08-06|03:50:36.780] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2745000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h41m40s"
" [08-06|03:51:24.141] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2750000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h41m40s"
" [08-06|03:52:12.220] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2755000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h41m44s"
" [08-06|03:52:55.513] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2760000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h41m20s"
" [08-06|03:53:33.139] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2765000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h40m25s"
" [08-06|03:54:10.394] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2770000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h39m28s"
" [08-06|03:54:53.699] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2775000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h39m5s"
" [08-06|03:55:40.091] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2780000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h38m58s"
" [08-06|03:56:20.630] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2785000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h38m20s"
" [08-06|03:57:13.506] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2790000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h38m49s"
" [08-06|03:57:59.826] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2795000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h38m42s"
" [08-06|03:58:46.587] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2800000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h38m37s"
" [08-06|03:59:29.433] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2805000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h38m11s"
" [08-06|04:00:13.250] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2810000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h37m50s"
" [08-06|04:00:53.106] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2815000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h37m7s"
" [08-06|04:01:31.335] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2820000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h36m15s"
" [08-06|04:02:08.418] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2825000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h35m17s"
" [08-06|04:02:53.529] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2830000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h35m3s"
" [08-06|04:03:34.103] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2835000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h34m24s"
" [08-06|04:04:14.976] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2840000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h33m46s"
" [08-06|04:04:54.572] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2845000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h33m2s"
" [08-06|04:05:30.804] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2850000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h31m59s"
" [08-06|04:06:06.181] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2855000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h30m52s"
" [08-06|04:06:55.550] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2860000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h31m1s"
" [08-06|04:07:34.606] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2865000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h30m13s"
" [08-06|04:08:13.162] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2870000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h29m23s"
" [08-06|04:08:52.977] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2875000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h28m40s"
" [08-06|04:09:35.185] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2880000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h28m10s"
" [08-06|04:10:11.161] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2885000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h27m7s"
" [08-06|04:11:03.012] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2890000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h27m28s"
" [08-06|04:11:40.153] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2895000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h26m30s"
" [08-06|04:12:22.300] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2900000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h25m59s"
" [08-06|04:13:03.173] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2905000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h25m22s"
" [08-06|04:13:49.811] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2910000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h25m15s"
" [08-06|04:14:28.651] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2915000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h24m26s"
" [08-06|04:15:06.009] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2920000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h23m30s"
" [08-06|04:15:53.458] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2925000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h23m27s"
" [08-06|04:16:40.502] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2930000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h23m22s"
" [08-06|04:17:21.547] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2935000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h22m45s"
" [08-06|04:18:00.114] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2940000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h21m55s"
" [08-06|04:18:36.185] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2945000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h20m52s"
" [08-06|04:19:19.656] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2950000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h20m28s"
" [08-06|04:19:53.589] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2955000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h19m14s"
" [08-06|04:20:38.616] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2960000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h18m58s"
" [08-06|04:21:24.960] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2965000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h18m49s"
" [08-06|04:22:05.458] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2970000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h18m9s"
" [08-06|04:22:38.121] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2975000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h16m49s"
" [08-06|04:23:15.827] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2980000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h15m55s"
" [08-06|04:23:58.169] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2985000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h15m25s"
" [08-06|04:24:40.794] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2990000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h14m56s"
" [08-06|04:25:19.964] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 2995000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h14m10s"
" [08-06|04:25:59.480] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3000000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h13m25s"
" [08-06|04:26:43.390] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3005000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h13m3s"
" [08-06|04:27:27.841] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3010000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h12m43s"
" [08-06|04:28:12.029] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3015000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h12m22s"
" [08-06|04:28:55.266] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3020000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h11m56s"
" [08-06|04:29:37.627] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3025000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h11m25s"
" [08-06|04:30:24.819] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3030000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h11m19s"
" [08-06|04:31:05.064] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3035000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h10m38s"
" [08-06|04:31:45.372] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3040000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h9m57s"
" [08-06|04:32:24.920] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3045000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h9m13s"
" [08-06|04:33:07.020] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3050000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h8m41s"
" [08-06|04:33:56.268] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3055000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h8m44s"
" [08-06|04:34:44.245] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3060000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h8m41s"
" [08-06|04:35:29.999] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3065000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h8m27s"
" [08-06|04:36:16.603] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3070000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h8m18s"
" [08-06|04:36:59.818] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3075000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h7m51s"
" [08-06|04:37:42.376] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3080000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h7m21s"
" [08-06|04:38:22.729] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3085000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h6m40s"
" [08-06|04:39:02.317] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3090000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m55s"
" [08-06|04:39:43.919] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3095000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m20s"
" [08-06|04:40:27.936] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3100000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m57s"
" [08-06|04:41:05.107] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3105000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m1s"
" [08-06|04:41:44.456] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3110000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m15s"
" [08-06|04:42:23.185] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3115000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m26s"
" [08-06|04:43:06.045] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3120000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h1m57s"
" [08-06|04:43:50.944] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3125000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h1m38s"
" [08-06|04:44:26.190] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3130000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m33s"
" [08-06|04:45:10.135] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3135000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m9s"
" [08-06|04:45:50.932] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3140000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m30s"
" [08-06|04:46:36.181] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3145000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m13s"
" [08-06|04:47:15.624] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3150000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m27s"
" [08-06|04:47:54.315] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3155000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m39s"
" [08-06|04:48:28.329] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3160000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m27s"
" [08-06|04:49:10.176] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3165000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m53s"
" [08-06|04:49:44.352] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3170000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m43s"
" [08-06|04:50:37.951] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3175000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m5s"
" [08-06|04:51:28.094] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3180000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m11s"
" [08-06|04:52:11.379] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3185000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m43s"
" [08-06|04:52:57.409] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3190000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m29s"
" [08-06|04:53:39.103] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3195000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m54s"
" [08-06|04:54:16.781] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3200000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m1s"
" [08-06|04:54:58.014] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3205000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m24s"
" [08-06|04:55:37.435] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3210000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h51m38s"
" [08-06|04:56:14.635] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3215000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m42s"
" [08-06|04:56:50.777] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3220000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m41s"
" [08-06|04:57:27.035] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3225000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m41s"
" [08-06|04:58:10.019] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3230000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m12s"
" [08-06|04:58:55.511] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3235000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h47m55s"
" [08-06|04:59:37.117] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3240000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h47m20s"
" [08-06|05:00:15.652] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3245000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h46m30s"
" [08-06|05:00:50.724] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3250000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h45m25s"
" [08-06|05:01:32.562] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3255000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h44m51s"
" [08-06|05:02:13.755] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3260000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h44m14s"
" [08-06|05:02:52.792] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3265000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h43m27s"
" [08-06|05:03:39.491] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3270000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h43m15s"
" [08-06|05:04:21.924] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3275000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m43s"
" [08-06|05:05:00.596] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3280000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h41m54s"
" [08-06|05:05:39.225] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3285000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h41m5s"
" [08-06|05:06:25.389] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3290000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m51s"
" [08-06|05:07:04.641] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3295000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m5s"
" [08-06|05:07:52.071] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3300000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m56s"
" [08-06|05:08:45.854] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3305000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m15s"
" [08-06|05:09:32.269] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3310000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m1s"
" [08-06|05:10:18.366] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3315000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m46s"
" [08-06|05:11:11.979] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3320000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m4s"
" [08-06|05:11:58.836] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3325000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m52s"
" [08-06|05:12:41.337] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3330000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m20s"
" [08-06|05:13:29.080] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3335000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m12s"
" [08-06|05:14:12.689] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3340000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m45s"
" [08-06|05:14:56.664] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3345000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m19s"
" [08-06|05:15:38.682] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3350000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m45s"
" [08-06|05:16:39.699] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3355000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m35s"
" [08-06|05:17:33.070] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3360000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m51s"
" [08-06|05:18:22.868] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3365000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m51s"
" [08-06|05:19:09.441] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3370000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m36s"
" [08-06|05:19:51.182] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3375000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m1s"
" [08-06|05:20:30.756] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3380000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m15s"
" [08-06|05:21:25.668] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3385000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m37s"
" [08-06|05:22:13.810] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3390000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m29s"
" [08-06|05:23:10.864] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3395000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m0s"
" [08-06|05:24:02.640] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3400000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m8s"
" [08-06|05:25:04.864] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3405000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m1s"
" [08-06|05:25:54.482] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3410000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m58s"
" [08-06|05:26:34.134] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3415000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m13s"
" [08-06|05:27:20.434] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3420000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m56s"
" [08-06|05:28:10.647] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3425000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m56s"
" [08-06|05:28:55.293] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3430000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m32s"
" [08-06|05:29:41.740] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3435000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m15s"
" [08-06|05:30:28.555] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3440000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m0s"
" [08-06|05:31:16.217] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3445000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m49s"
" [08-06|05:32:06.623] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3450000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m49s"
" [08-06|05:32:56.077] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3455000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m45s"
" [08-06|05:33:40.428] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3460000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m19s"
" [08-06|05:34:23.800] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3465000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m49s"
" [08-06|05:35:13.108] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3470000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m44s"
" [08-06|05:35:50.532] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3475000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m49s"
" [08-06|05:36:37.265] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3480000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m33s"
" [08-06|05:37:25.317] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3485000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m22s"
" [08-06|05:38:14.314] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3490000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m16s"
" [08-06|05:39:13.153] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3495000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m51s"
" [08-06|05:40:01.688] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3500000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m42s"
" [08-06|05:40:51.600] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3505000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m39s"
" [08-06|05:41:32.406] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3510000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m57s"
" [08-06|05:42:24.028] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3515000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m1s"
" [08-06|05:43:12.178] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3520000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m50s"
" [08-06|05:44:07.713] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3525000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m10s"
" [08-06|05:44:56.235] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3530000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m0s"
" [08-06|05:45:43.812] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3535000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m47s"
" [08-06|05:46:38.417] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3540000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m2s"
" [08-06|05:47:24.095] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3545000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m40s"
" [08-06|05:48:05.061] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3550000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h32m59s"
" [08-06|05:48:46.832] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3555000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h32m21s"
" [08-06|05:49:33.268] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3560000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h32m2s"
" [08-06|05:50:31.462] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3565000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h32m32s"
" [08-06|05:51:26.795] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3570000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h32m49s"
" [08-06|05:52:28.048] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3575000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m31s"
" [08-06|05:53:26.384] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3580000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m1s"
" [08-06|05:54:16.981] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3585000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m58s"
" [08-06|05:55:05.473] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3590000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m47s"
" [08-06|05:55:55.231] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3595000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m41s"
" [08-06|05:56:49.209] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3600000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m52s"
" [08-06|05:57:54.865] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3605000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m50s"
" [08-06|05:58:51.734] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3610000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m12s"
" [08-06|05:59:46.934] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3615000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m27s"
" [08-06|06:00:39.614] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3620000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m32s"
" [08-06|06:01:32.175] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3625000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m36s"
" [08-06|06:02:23.989] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3630000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m37s"
" [08-06|06:03:21.032] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3635000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m59s"
" [08-06|06:04:15.046] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3640000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m9s"
" [08-06|06:05:10.820] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3645000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m25s"
" [08-06|06:06:15.488] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3650000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m17s"
" [08-06|06:07:22.805] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3655000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m19s"
" [08-06|06:08:30.027] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3660000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m21s"
" [08-06|06:09:32.960] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3665000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m5s"
" [08-06|06:10:47.062] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3670000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h41m33s"
" [08-06|06:11:42.711] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3675000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h41m47s"
" [08-06|06:12:48.920] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3680000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m43s"
" [08-06|06:13:43.208] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3685000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m52s"
" [08-06|06:14:43.906] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3690000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h43m25s"
" [08-06|06:15:46.624] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3695000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h44m7s"
" [08-06|06:16:48.436] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3700000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h44m44s"
" [08-06|06:17:52.766] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3705000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h45m31s"
" [08-06|06:18:58.631] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3710000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h46m24s"
" [08-06|06:19:57.988] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3715000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h46m51s"
" [08-06|06:21:11.398] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3720000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m13s"
" [08-06|06:22:03.421] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3725000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m11s"
" [08-06|06:22:57.953] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3730000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m19s"
" [08-06|06:23:53.038] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3735000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m28s"
" [08-06|06:24:42.917] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3740000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m17s"
" [08-06|06:25:28.833] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3745000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h47m51s"
" [08-06|06:26:28.266] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3750000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m17s"
" [08-06|06:27:21.259] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3755000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m18s"
" [08-06|06:28:18.531] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3760000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m35s"
" [08-06|06:29:18.204] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3765000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m1s"
" [08-06|06:30:11.254] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3770000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m2s"
" [08-06|06:31:09.994] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3775000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m24s"
" [08-06|06:31:56.436] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3780000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m59s"
" [08-06|06:32:52.945] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3785000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m12s"
" [08-06|06:33:47.457] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3790000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m18s"
" [08-06|06:34:44.760] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3795000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m34s"
" [08-06|06:35:36.935] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3800000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m30s"
" [08-06|06:36:34.421] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3805000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m46s"
" [08-06|06:37:26.351] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3810000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m42s"
" [08-06|06:38:24.409] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3815000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m0s"
" [08-06|06:39:13.369] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3820000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m43s"
" [08-06|06:39:56.383] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3825000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m4s"
" [08-06|06:41:00.638] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3830000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m45s"
" [08-06|06:41:57.940] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3835000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m0s"
" [08-06|06:42:50.246] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3840000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m56s"
" [08-06|06:43:52.041] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3845000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m27s"
" [08-06|06:44:40.030] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3850000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m6s"
" [08-06|06:45:33.407] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3855000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m6s"
" [08-06|06:46:34.375] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3860000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m33s"
" [08-06|06:47:28.536] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3865000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m35s"
" [08-06|06:48:26.232] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3870000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m50s"
" [08-06|06:49:25.622] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3875000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h51m11s"
" [08-06|06:50:27.599] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3880000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h51m41s"
" [08-06|06:51:32.723] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3885000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m23s"
" [08-06|06:52:27.304] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3890000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m26s"
" [08-06|06:53:21.539] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3895000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m27s"
" [08-06|06:54:21.097] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3900000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m47s"
" [08-06|06:55:11.501] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3905000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m34s"
" [08-06|06:56:07.895] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3910000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m43s"
" [08-06|06:57:06.849] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3915000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m1s"
" [08-06|06:58:14.829] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3920000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m51s"
" [08-06|06:59:14.543] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3925000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m12s"
" [08-06|07:00:17.512] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3930000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m43s"
" [08-06|07:01:16.131] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3935000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m59s"
" [08-06|07:02:15.811] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3940000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m19s"
" [08-06|07:03:13.996] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3945000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m33s"
" [08-06|07:04:08.821] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3950000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m34s"
" [08-06|07:05:10.890] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3955000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m2s"
" [08-06|07:06:09.062] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3960000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m15s"
" [08-06|07:07:16.330] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3965000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m1s"
" [08-06|07:08:15.513] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3970000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m17s"
" [08-06|07:09:08.742] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3975000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m12s"
" [08-06|07:10:06.214] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3980000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m22s"
" [08-06|07:11:04.520] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3985000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m35s"
" [08-06|07:12:03.464] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3990000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m50s"
" [08-06|07:13:01.155] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 3995000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m0s"
" [08-06|07:13:56.024] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4000000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m0s"
" [08-06|07:14:56.849] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4005000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m21s"
" [08-06|07:15:58.769] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4010000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m46s"
" [08-06|07:16:56.436] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4015000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m55s"
" [08-06|07:17:56.895] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4020000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m14s"
" [08-06|07:18:51.638] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4025000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m13s"
" [08-06|07:19:55.521] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4030000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m44s"
" [08-06|07:20:59.551] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4035000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m15s"
" [08-06|07:21:55.360] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4040000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m17s"
" [08-06|07:23:03.058] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4045000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h1m1s"
" [08-06|07:24:00.050] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4050000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h1m7s"
" [08-06|07:24:52.099] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4055000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m55s"
" [08-06|07:25:47.964] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4060000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m56s"
" [08-06|07:26:39.352] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4065000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m42s"
" [08-06|07:27:29.698] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4070000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m24s"
" [08-06|07:28:22.310] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4075000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m14s"
" [08-06|07:29:16.520] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4080000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m10s"
" [08-06|07:30:09.081] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4085000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m59s"
" [08-06|07:31:01.760] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4090000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m49s"
" [08-06|07:32:02.975] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4095000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m8s"
" [08-06|07:32:57.546] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4100000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m4s"
" [08-06|07:33:54.639] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4105000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m9s"
" [08-06|07:34:51.657] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4110000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m13s"
" [08-06|07:36:00.339] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4115000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m57s"
" [08-06|07:37:03.329] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4120000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h1m22s"
" [08-06|07:38:14.242] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4125000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m13s"
" [08-06|07:39:09.731] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4130000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m11s"
" [08-06|07:40:18.735] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4135000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m56s"
" [08-06|07:41:19.863] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4140000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m13s"
" [08-06|07:42:15.415] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4145000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m11s"
" [08-06|07:43:17.405] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4150000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m30s"
" [08-06|07:44:16.766] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4155000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m41s"
" [08-06|07:45:14.228] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4160000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m45s"
" [08-06|07:46:09.332] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4165000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m41s"
" [08-06|07:47:08.193] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4170000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m49s"
" [08-06|07:48:09.974] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4175000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m8s"
" [08-06|07:49:08.170] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4180000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m13s"
" [08-06|07:50:00.652] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4185000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m0s"
" [08-06|07:51:13.007] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4190000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m53s"
" [08-06|07:52:15.190] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4195000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m12s"
" [08-06|07:53:15.039] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4200000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m23s"
" [08-06|07:54:14.396] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4205000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m32s"
" [08-06|07:55:12.570] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4210000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m36s"
" [08-06|07:56:00.283] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4215000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m6s"
" [08-06|07:56:57.634] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4220000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m8s"
" [08-06|07:57:50.713] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4225000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m56s"
" [08-06|07:58:49.837] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4230000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m3s"
" [08-06|07:59:48.137] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4235000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m8s"
" [08-06|08:00:43.115] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4240000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h5m1s"
" [08-06|08:01:31.432] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4245000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m32s"
" [08-06|08:02:30.639] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4250000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m40s"
" [08-06|08:03:26.878] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4255000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m37s"
" [08-06|08:04:24.869] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4260000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m40s"
" [08-06|08:05:22.374] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4265000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m41s"
" [08-06|08:06:11.182] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4270000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m13s"
" [08-06|08:07:08.591] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4275000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m14s"
" [08-06|08:08:06.102] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4280000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m15s"
" [08-06|08:09:00.386] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4285000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m5s"
" [08-06|08:10:00.972] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4290000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m16s"
" [08-06|08:10:59.387] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4295000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m19s"
" [08-06|08:11:56.026] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4300000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m16s"
" [08-06|08:12:51.668] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4305000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h4m10s"
" [08-06|08:13:44.252] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4310000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m54s"
" [08-06|08:14:39.667] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4315000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m48s"
" [08-06|08:15:33.240] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4320000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m35s"
" [08-06|08:16:30.277] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4325000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m33s"
" [08-06|08:17:17.571] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4330000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m59s"
" [08-06|08:18:15.685] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4335000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m1s"
" [08-06|08:19:09.455] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4340000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m48s"
" [08-06|08:20:08.199] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4345000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m51s"
" [08-06|08:21:05.840] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4350000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m51s"
" [08-06|08:21:56.969] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4355000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m29s"
" [08-06|08:22:55.106] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4360000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m30s"
" [08-06|08:24:03.656] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4365000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h3m4s"
" [08-06|08:25:00.118] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4370000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m59s"
" [08-06|08:25:54.362] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4375000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m47s"
" [08-06|08:26:50.149] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4380000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m40s"
" [08-06|08:27:48.585] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4385000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m41s"
" [08-06|08:28:45.688] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4390000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m38s"
" [08-06|08:29:42.317] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4395000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m33s"
" [08-06|08:30:39.022] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4400000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m28s"
" [08-06|08:31:38.816] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4405000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m33s"
" [08-06|08:32:32.671] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4410000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m19s"
" [08-06|08:33:27.642] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4415000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m9s"
" [08-06|08:34:24.891] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4420000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h2m5s"
" [08-06|08:35:15.399] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4425000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h1m41s"
" [08-06|08:36:15.234] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4430000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h1m45s"
" [08-06|08:37:04.440] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4435000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h1m16s"
" [08-06|08:37:55.923] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4440000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m54s"
" [08-06|08:38:47.219] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4445000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m32s"
" [08-06|08:39:37.982] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4450000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m7s"
" [08-06|08:40:32.062] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4455000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m53s"
" [08-06|08:41:31.437] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4460000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m56s"
" [08-06|08:42:36.148] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4465000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m14s"
" [08-06|08:43:31.518] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4470000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m4s"
" [08-06|08:44:32.764] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4475000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m11s"
" [08-06|08:45:32.628] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4480000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m15s"
" [08-06|08:46:31.479] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4485000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m15s"
" [08-06|08:47:32.018] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4490000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m20s"
" [08-06|08:48:28.985] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4495000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m14s"
" [08-06|08:49:21.780] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4500000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m55s"
" [08-06|08:50:34.442] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4505000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m36s"
" [08-06|08:51:29.881] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4510000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m25s"
" [08-06|08:52:30.049] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4515000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m28s"
" [08-06|08:53:26.656] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4520000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m20s"
" [08-06|08:54:19.719] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4525000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m2s"
" [08-06|08:55:18.306] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4530000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m0s"
" [08-06|08:56:20.709] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4535000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m9s"
" [08-06|08:57:24.699] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4540000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m23s"
" [08-06|08:58:21.501] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4545000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m16s"
" [08-06|08:59:20.444] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4550000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m14s"
" [08-06|09:00:17.010] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4555000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m5s"
" [08-06|09:01:19.706] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4560000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m15s"
" [08-06|09:02:12.328] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4565000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m54s"
" [08-06|09:03:14.493] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4570000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m2s"
" [08-06|09:04:08.293] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4575000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m44s"
" [08-06|09:05:14.119] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4580000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m3s"
" [08-06|09:06:19.803] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4585000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m21s"
" [08-06|09:07:21.931] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4590000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m28s"
" [08-06|09:08:19.491] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4595000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m21s"
" [08-06|09:09:20.422] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4600000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m24s"
" [08-06|09:10:16.908] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4605000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m14s"
" [08-06|09:11:15.415] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4610000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m10s"
" [08-06|09:12:18.406] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4615000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m19s"
" [08-06|09:13:15.903] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4620000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 34h0m11s"
" [08-06|09:14:06.827] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4625000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m44s"
" [08-06|09:15:07.662] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4630000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m46s"
" [08-06|09:16:06.562] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4635000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m43s"
" [08-06|09:16:57.935] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4640000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m17s"
" [08-06|09:17:54.819] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4645000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m7s"
" [08-06|09:18:54.629] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4650000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h59m5s"
" [08-06|09:19:51.958] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4655000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m57s"
" [08-06|09:20:50.393] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4660000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m51s"
" [08-06|09:21:48.447] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4665000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m44s"
" [08-06|09:22:53.287] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4670000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m57s"
" [08-06|09:23:43.071] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4675000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m26s"
" [08-06|09:24:38.358] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4680000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m11s"
" [08-06|09:25:37.770] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4685000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m8s"
" [08-06|09:26:33.813] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4690000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m54s"
" [08-06|09:27:36.472] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4695000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h58m0s"
" [08-06|09:28:30.980] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4700000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m43s"
" [08-06|09:29:25.706] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4705000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m25s"
" [08-06|09:30:21.395] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4710000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m11s"
" [08-06|09:31:20.361] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4715000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h57m5s"
" [08-06|09:32:14.964] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4720000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m48s"
" [08-06|09:33:13.494] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4725000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m41s"
" [08-06|09:34:12.434] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4730000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m35s"
" [08-06|09:35:10.201] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4735000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m26s"
" [08-06|09:36:02.649] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4740000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m2s"
" [08-06|09:37:02.243] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4745000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m58s"
" [08-06|09:37:56.057] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4750000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m37s"
" [08-06|09:38:57.337] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4755000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m38s"
" [08-06|09:40:00.365] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4760000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m43s"
" [08-06|09:41:01.084] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4765000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m42s"
" [08-06|09:41:58.452] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4770000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m31s"
" [08-06|09:42:55.302] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4775000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m18s"
" [08-06|09:43:51.700] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4780000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m4s"
" [08-06|09:44:56.046] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4785000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m13s"
" [08-06|09:45:56.482] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4790000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m10s"
" [08-06|09:46:55.597] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4795000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m3s"
" [08-06|09:47:51.109] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4800000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m47s"
" [08-06|09:48:53.508] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4805000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m49s"
" [08-06|09:49:44.107] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4810000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m18s"
" [08-06|09:51:06.941] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4815000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m18s"
" [08-06|09:52:08.878] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4820000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m18s"
" [08-06|09:53:18.011] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4825000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m39s"
" [08-06|09:54:22.133] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4830000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m45s"
" [08-06|09:55:31.806] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4835000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m7s"
" [08-06|09:56:39.319] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4840000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m23s"
" [08-06|09:57:39.016] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4845000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m17s"
" [08-06|09:58:39.508] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4850000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m12s"
" [08-06|09:59:39.293] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4855000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m6s"
" [08-06|10:00:41.829] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4860000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h56m8s"
" [08-06|10:01:35.294] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4865000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m44s"
" [08-06|10:02:37.503] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4870000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m44s"
" [08-06|10:03:39.236] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4875000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m43s"
" [08-06|10:04:35.752] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4880000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m27s"
" [08-06|10:05:34.116] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4885000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m16s"
" [08-06|10:06:40.166] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4890000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m26s"
" [08-06|10:07:37.420] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4895000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m12s"
" [08-06|10:08:41.260] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4900000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m16s"
" [08-06|10:09:38.075] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4905000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m1s"
" [08-06|10:10:42.484] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4910000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m6s"
" [08-06|10:11:40.768] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4915000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m54s"
" [08-06|10:12:48.466] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4920000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m8s"
" [08-06|10:13:52.619] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4925000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m12s"
" [08-06|10:14:55.137] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4930000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h55m12s"
" [08-06|10:15:50.237] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4935000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m51s"
" [08-06|10:16:56.091] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4940000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m59s"
" [08-06|10:17:55.445] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4945000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m50s"
" [08-06|10:18:52.388] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4950000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m34s"
" [08-06|10:19:49.076] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4955000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m17s"
" [08-06|10:20:46.847] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4960000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h54m3s"
" [08-06|10:21:45.336] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4965000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m51s"
" [08-06|10:22:44.711] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4970000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m41s"
" [08-06|10:23:43.841] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4975000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m31s"
" [08-06|10:24:42.594] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4980000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m19s"
" [08-06|10:25:48.818] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4985000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m27s"
" [08-06|10:26:44.891] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4990000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h53m8s"
" [08-06|10:27:40.855] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 4995000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m49s"
" [08-06|10:28:41.874] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5000000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m43s"
" [08-06|10:29:41.335] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5005000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m33s"
" [08-06|10:30:40.506] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5010000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m22s"
" [08-06|10:31:37.309] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5015000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h52m4s"
" [08-06|10:32:37.452] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5020000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h51m55s"
" [08-06|10:33:41.401] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5025000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h51m56s"
" [08-06|10:34:44.106] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5030000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h51m54s"
" [08-06|10:35:34.588] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5035000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h51m20s"
" [08-06|10:36:28.693] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5040000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m55s"
" [08-06|10:37:22.081] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5045000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m28s"
" [08-06|10:38:19.451] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5050000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m11s"
" [08-06|10:39:20.455] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5055000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m4s"
" [08-06|10:40:25.053] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5060000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h50m6s"
" [08-06|10:41:20.220] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5065000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m44s"
" [08-06|10:42:14.229] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5070000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h49m18s"
" [08-06|10:43:00.590] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5075000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m32s"
" [08-06|10:43:58.936] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5080000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h48m18s"
" [08-06|10:44:53.101] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5085000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h47m53s"
" [08-06|10:45:46.899] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5090000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h47m26s"
" [08-06|10:46:38.865] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5095000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h46m55s"
" [08-06|10:47:38.614] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5100000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h46m44s"
" [08-06|10:48:36.457] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5105000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h46m28s"
" [08-06|10:49:31.935] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5110000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h46m5s"
" [08-06|10:50:40.445] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5115000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h46m16s"
" [08-06|10:51:35.594] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5120000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h45m53s"
" [08-06|10:52:33.752] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5125000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h45m37s"
" [08-06|10:53:22.583] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5130000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h44m58s"
" [08-06|10:54:27.802] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5135000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h45m0s"
" [08-06|10:55:19.032] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5140000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h44m26s"
" [08-06|10:56:23.402] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5145000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h44m26s"
" [08-06|10:57:25.646] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5150000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h44m20s"
" [08-06|10:58:26.006] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5155000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h44m10s"
" [08-06|10:59:19.906] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5160000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h43m43s"
" [08-06|11:00:20.774] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5165000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h43m33s"
" [08-06|11:01:20.035] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5170000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h43m20s"
" [08-06|11:02:15.125] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5175000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m55s"
" [08-06|11:03:13.779] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5180000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m40s"
" [08-06|11:04:19.660] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5185000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m43s"
" [08-06|11:05:22.191] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5190000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m37s"
" [08-06|11:06:24.579] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5195000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m31s"
" [08-06|11:07:21.987] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5200000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h42m12s"
" [08-06|11:08:20.633] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5205000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h41m56s"
" [08-06|11:09:18.564] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5210000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h41m38s"
" [08-06|11:10:21.329] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5215000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h41m33s"
" [08-06|11:11:18.927] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5220000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h41m14s"
" [08-06|11:12:15.956] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5225000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m54s"
" [08-06|11:13:16.928] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5230000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m43s"
" [08-06|11:14:13.244] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5235000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m21s"
" [08-06|11:15:17.417] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5240000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m19s"
" [08-06|11:16:21.553] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5245000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h40m16s"
" [08-06|11:17:16.546] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5250000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m50s"
" [08-06|11:18:16.231] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5255000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m36s"
" [08-06|11:19:14.076] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5260000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m17s"
" [08-06|11:20:17.922] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5265000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m13s"
" [08-06|11:21:20.122] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5270000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m5s"
" [08-06|11:22:29.838] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5275000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m15s"
" [08-06|11:23:30.502] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5280000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h39m3s"
" [08-06|11:24:27.643] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5285000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m42s"
" [08-06|11:25:23.134] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5290000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h38m17s"
" [08-06|11:26:18.388] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5295000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m52s"
" [08-06|11:27:12.746] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5300000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m24s"
" [08-06|11:28:07.467] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5305000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m57s"
" [08-06|11:29:17.371] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5310000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m7s"
" [08-06|11:30:17.799] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5315000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m53s"
" [08-06|11:31:30.154] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5320000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h37m9s"
" [08-06|11:32:25.562] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5325000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m43s"
" [08-06|11:33:18.133] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5330000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h36m11s"
" [08-06|11:34:12.579] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5335000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m42s"
" [08-06|11:35:09.231] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5340000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m19s"
" [08-06|11:36:09.521] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5345000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h35m5s"
" [08-06|11:37:10.757] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5350000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m53s"
" [08-06|11:38:11.111] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5355000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m39s"
" [08-06|11:39:06.714] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5360000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m14s"
" [08-06|11:40:09.677] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5365000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h34m5s"
" [08-06|11:41:07.112] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5370000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m44s"
" [08-06|11:42:08.861] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5375000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m33s"
" [08-06|11:43:10.787] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5380000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h33m22s"
" [08-06|11:44:07.062] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5385000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h32m58s"
" [08-06|11:45:06.476] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5390000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h32m41s"
" [08-06|11:46:09.316] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5395000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h32m32s"
" [08-06|11:47:07.097] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5400000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h32m11s"
" [08-06|11:48:03.652] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5405000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h31m47s"
" [08-06|11:49:03.702] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5410000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h31m31s"
" [08-06|11:50:04.086] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5415000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h31m16s"
" [08-06|11:51:15.669] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5420000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h31m27s"
" [08-06|11:52:15.787] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5425000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h31m11s"
" [08-06|11:53:23.391] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5430000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h31m13s"
" [08-06|11:54:24.155] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5435000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h30m58s"
" [08-06|11:55:19.163] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5440000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h30m30s"
" [08-06|11:56:28.327] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5445000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h30m35s"
" [08-06|11:57:31.608] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5450000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h30m26s"
" [08-06|11:58:27.362] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5455000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h30m0s"
" [08-06|11:59:29.168] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5460000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h29m47s"
" [08-06|12:00:31.365] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5465000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h29m35s"
" [08-06|12:01:31.925] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5470000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h29m20s"
" [08-06|12:02:29.794] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5475000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h28m58s"
" [08-06|12:03:28.792] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5480000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h28m38s"
" [08-06|12:04:19.299] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5485000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h27m59s"
" [08-06|12:05:20.585] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5490000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h27m45s"
" [08-06|12:06:22.327] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5495000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h27m31s"
" [08-06|12:07:22.037] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5500000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h27m13s"
" [08-06|12:08:17.440] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5505000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h26m45s"
" [08-06|12:09:24.834] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5510000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h26m45s"
" [08-06|12:10:30.985] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5515000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h26m41s"
" [08-06|12:11:43.339] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5520000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h26m52s"
" [08-06|12:12:51.849] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5525000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h26m54s"
" [08-06|12:14:03.790] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5530000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h27m4s"
" [08-06|12:14:56.471] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5535000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h26m29s"
" [08-06|12:16:02.415] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5540000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h26m24s"
" [08-06|12:17:09.134] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5545000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h26m21s"
" [08-06|12:18:12.725] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5550000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h26m11s"
" [08-06|12:19:07.801] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5555000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h25m42s"
" [08-06|12:20:07.027] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5560000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h25m21s"
" [08-06|12:21:06.474] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5565000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h25m2s"
" [08-06|12:22:07.329] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5570000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h24m45s"
" [08-06|12:23:20.742] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5575000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h24m57s"
" [08-06|12:24:30.180] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5580000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h25m0s"
" [08-06|12:25:24.212] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5585000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h24m27s"
" [08-06|12:26:31.571] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5590000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h24m25s"
" [08-06|12:27:40.821] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5595000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h24m27s"
" [08-06|12:28:43.118] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5600000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h24m13s"
" [08-06|12:29:44.380] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5605000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h23m56s"
" [08-06|12:30:49.219] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5610000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h23m48s"
" [08-06|12:31:48.022] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5615000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h23m26s"
" [08-06|12:32:48.604] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5620000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h23m8s"
" [08-06|12:33:40.753] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5625000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h22m31s"
" [08-06|12:34:39.014] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5630000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h22m7s"
" [08-06|12:35:34.377] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5635000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h21m37s"
" [08-06|12:36:40.789] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5640000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h21m32s"
" [08-06|12:37:45.887] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5645000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h21m24s"
" [08-06|12:38:45.729] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5650000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h21m3s"
" [08-06|12:39:50.441] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5655000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h20m54s"
" [08-06|12:40:50.642] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5660000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h20m34s"
" [08-06|12:41:49.261] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5665000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h20m11s"
" [08-06|12:42:46.963] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5670000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h19m46s"
" [08-06|12:43:35.550] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5675000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h19m0s"
" [08-06|12:44:34.767] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5680000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h18m38s"
" [08-06|12:45:32.210] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5685000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h18m12s"
" [08-06|12:46:44.205] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5690000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h18m18s"
" [08-06|12:47:43.304] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5695000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h17m56s"
" [08-06|12:48:47.977] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5700000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h17m46s"
" [08-06|12:49:50.070] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5705000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h17m30s"
" [08-06|12:50:59.123] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5710000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h17m29s"
" [08-06|12:51:57.103] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5715000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h17m4s"
" [08-06|12:52:53.693] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5720000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h16m35s"
" [08-06|12:53:57.503] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5725000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h16m23s"
" [08-06|12:54:57.896] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5730000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h16m2s"
" [08-06|12:56:00.299] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5735000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h15m47s"
" [08-06|12:57:05.003] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5740000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h15m36s"
" [08-06|12:58:03.242] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5745000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h15m11s"
" [08-06|12:59:05.402] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5750000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h14m54s"
" [08-06|13:00:11.306] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5755000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h14m46s"
" [08-06|13:01:16.487] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5760000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h14m35s"
" [08-06|13:02:19.465] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5765000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h14m20s"
" [08-06|13:03:20.748] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5770000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h14m1s"
" [08-06|13:04:18.057] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5775000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h13m34s"
" [08-06|13:05:19.930] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5780000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h13m16s"
" [08-06|13:06:22.517] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5785000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h13m0s"
" [08-06|13:07:28.884] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5790000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h12m52s"
" [08-06|13:08:26.718] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5795000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h12m25s"
" [08-06|13:09:31.864] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5800000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h12m14s"
" [08-06|13:10:23.808] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5805000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h11m35s"
" [08-06|13:11:29.317] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5810000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h11m24s"
" [08-06|13:12:27.993] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5815000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h10m59s"
" [08-06|13:13:30.015] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5820000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h10m41s"
" [08-06|13:14:33.089] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5825000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h10m26s"
" [08-06|13:15:33.581] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5830000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h10m4s"
" [08-06|13:16:36.657] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5835000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h9m48s"
" [08-06|13:17:40.190] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5840000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h9m33s"
" [08-06|13:18:39.790] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5845000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h9m10s"
" [08-06|13:19:37.838] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5850000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h8m43s"
" [08-06|13:20:51.047] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5855000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h8m48s"
" [08-06|13:21:44.832] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5860000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h8m12s"
" [08-06|13:22:42.834] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5865000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h7m45s"
" [08-06|13:23:41.307] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5870000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h7m19s"
" [08-06|13:24:38.135] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5875000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h6m49s"
" [08-06|13:25:37.970] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5880000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h6m26s"
" [08-06|13:26:38.245] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5885000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h6m3s"
" [08-06|13:27:40.656] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5890000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h5m45s"
" [08-06|13:28:33.427] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5895000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h5m6s"
" [08-06|13:29:24.299] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5900000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h4m24s"
" [08-06|13:30:25.466] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5905000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h4m3s"
" [08-06|13:31:23.004] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5910000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h3m34s"
" [08-06|13:32:20.895] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5915000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h3m7s"
" [08-06|13:33:15.825] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5920000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h2m32s"
" [08-06|13:34:17.115] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5925000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h2m12s"
" [08-06|13:35:11.930] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5930000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h1m37s"
" [08-06|13:36:17.910] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5935000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h1m26s"
" [08-06|13:37:24.544] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5940000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h1m16s"
" [08-06|13:38:29.240] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5945000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h1m2s"
" [08-06|13:39:26.722] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5950000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h0m33s"
" [08-06|13:40:34.750] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5955000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 33h0m25s"
" [08-06|13:41:29.256] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5960000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h59m50s"
" [08-06|13:42:25.700] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5965000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h59m18s"
" [08-06|13:43:22.549] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5970000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h58m48s"
" [08-06|13:44:17.184] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5975000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h58m12s"
" [08-06|13:45:20.016] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5980000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h57m54s"
" [08-06|13:46:21.745] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5985000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h57m33s"
" [08-06|13:47:17.328] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5990000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h57m0s"
" [08-06|13:48:16.566] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 5995000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h56m34s"
" [08-06|13:49:15.091] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6000000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h56m6s"
" [08-06|13:50:14.234] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6005000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h55m40s"
" [08-06|13:51:22.832] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6010000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h55m33s"
" [08-06|13:52:24.431] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6015000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h55m12s"
" [08-06|13:53:25.162] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6020000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h54m48s"
" [08-06|13:54:24.102] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6025000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h54m21s"
" [08-06|13:55:18.802] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6030000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h53m46s"
" [08-06|13:56:23.492] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6035000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h53m30s"
" [08-06|13:57:22.055] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6040000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h53m2s"
" [08-06|13:58:19.953] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6045000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h52m33s"
" [08-06|13:59:19.425] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6050000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h52m7s"
" [08-06|14:00:11.615] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6055000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h51m26s"
" [08-06|14:01:10.571] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6060000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h50m59s"
" [08-06|14:02:14.128] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6065000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h50m41s"
" [08-06|14:03:18.946] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6070000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h50m25s"
" [08-06|14:04:27.411] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6075000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h50m17s"
" [08-06|14:05:24.475] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6080000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h49m45s"
" [08-06|14:06:18.978] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6085000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h49m9s"
" [08-06|14:07:16.227] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6090000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h48m38s"
" [08-06|14:08:16.681] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6095000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h48m13s"
" [08-06|14:09:16.661] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6100000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h47m47s"
" [08-06|14:10:17.670] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6105000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h47m24s"
" [08-06|14:11:19.687] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6110000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h47m2s"
" [08-06|14:12:20.996] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6115000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h46m39s"
" [08-06|14:13:25.261] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6120000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h46m21s"
" [08-06|14:14:31.344] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6125000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h46m7s"
" [08-06|14:15:30.626] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6130000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h45m40s"
" [08-06|14:16:32.520] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6135000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h45m18s"
" [08-06|14:17:33.974] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6140000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h44m54s"
" [08-06|14:18:36.277] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6145000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h44m33s"
" [08-06|14:19:34.457] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6150000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h44m3s"
" [08-06|14:20:43.245] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6155000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h43m54s"
" [08-06|14:21:47.860] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6160000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h43m37s"
" [08-06|14:22:54.453] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6165000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h43m23s"
" [08-06|14:23:53.570] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6170000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h42m55s"
" [08-06|14:24:51.614] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6175000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h42m24s"
" [08-06|14:25:49.509] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6180000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h41m54s"
" [08-06|14:26:56.796] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6185000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h41m41s"
" [08-06|14:28:03.595] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6190000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h41m28s"
" [08-06|14:29:13.270] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6195000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h41m20s"
" [08-06|14:30:17.957] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6200000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h41m2s"
" [08-06|14:31:24.327] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6205000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h40m48s"
" [08-06|14:32:26.197] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6210000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h40m24s"
" [08-06|14:33:24.714] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6215000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h39m54s"
" [08-06|14:34:32.157] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6220000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h39m41s"
" [08-06|14:35:29.260] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6225000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h39m9s"
" [08-06|14:36:35.801] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6230000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h38m54s"
" [08-06|14:37:40.647] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6235000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h38m36s"
" [08-06|14:38:45.546] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6240000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h38m18s"
" [08-06|14:39:35.671] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6245000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h37m32s"
" [08-06|14:40:38.686] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6250000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h37m10s"
" [08-06|14:41:29.718] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6255000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h36m25s"
" [08-06|14:42:30.841] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6260000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h36m0s"
" [08-06|14:43:27.161] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6265000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h35m25s"
" [08-06|14:44:31.383] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6270000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h35m6s"
" [08-06|14:45:33.454] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6275000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h34m42s"
" [08-06|14:46:43.098] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6280000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h34m33s"
" [08-06|14:47:36.258] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6285000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h33m52s"
" [08-06|14:48:47.758] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6290000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h33m46s"
" [08-06|14:49:48.710] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6295000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h33m20s"
" [08-06|14:50:55.967] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6300000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h33m5s"
" [08-06|14:51:53.298] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6305000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h32m32s"
" [08-06|14:52:51.133] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6310000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h32m0s"
" [08-06|14:53:43.503] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6315000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h31m17s"
" [08-06|14:54:41.516] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6320000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h30m45s"
" [08-06|14:55:42.578] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6325000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h30m19s"
" [08-06|14:56:43.099] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6330000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h29m52s"
" [08-06|14:57:37.453] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6335000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h29m13s"
" [08-06|14:58:40.222] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6340000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h28m50s"
" [08-06|14:59:40.726] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6345000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h28m22s"
" [08-06|15:00:44.412] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6350000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h28m1s"
" [08-06|15:01:40.325] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6355000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h27m24s"
" [08-06|15:02:47.048] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6360000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h27m8s"
" [08-06|15:03:44.249] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6365000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h26m35s"
" [08-06|15:04:43.652] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6370000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h26m5s"
" [08-06|15:05:40.129] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6375000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h25m29s"
" [08-06|15:06:43.858] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6380000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h25m8s"
" [08-06|15:07:46.571] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6385000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h24m44s"
" [08-06|15:08:41.887] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6390000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h24m6s"
" [08-06|15:09:53.500] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6395000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h23m59s"
" [08-06|15:10:57.767] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6400000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h23m38s"
" [08-06|15:11:59.197] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6405000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h23m11s"
" [08-06|15:13:00.615] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6410000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h22m45s"
" [08-06|15:13:57.072] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6415000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h22m9s"
" [08-06|15:14:58.151] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6420000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h21m42s"
" [08-06|15:16:03.834] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6425000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h21m23s"
" [08-06|15:16:57.856] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6430000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h20m43s"
" [08-06|15:17:53.388] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6435000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h20m5s"
" [08-06|15:18:55.227] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6440000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h19m39s"
" [08-06|15:19:56.124] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6445000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h19m11s"
" [08-06|15:20:50.493] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6450000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h18m32s"
" [08-06|15:21:49.486] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6455000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h18m0s"
" [08-06|15:22:46.652] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6460000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h17m25s"
" [08-06|15:23:39.913] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6465000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h16m43s"
" [08-06|15:24:32.557] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6470000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h16m0s"
" [08-06|15:25:35.172] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6475000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h15m35s"
" [08-06|15:26:33.672] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6480000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h15m3s"
" [08-06|15:27:36.745] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6485000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h14m39s"
" [08-06|15:28:38.531] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6490000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h14m12s"
" [08-06|15:29:37.415] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6495000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h13m40s"
" [08-06|15:30:48.259] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6500000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h13m30s"
" [08-06|15:31:50.424] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6505000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h13m4s"
" [08-06|15:32:51.886] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6510000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h12m37s"
" [08-06|15:33:46.264] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6515000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h11m56s"
" [08-06|15:34:54.577] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6520000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h11m41s"
" [08-06|15:36:01.002] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6525000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h11m23s"
" [08-06|15:36:58.519] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6530000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h10m48s"
" [08-06|15:38:00.414] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6535000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h10m21s"
" [08-06|15:39:02.138] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6540000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h9m54s"
" [08-06|15:40:09.323] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6545000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h9m36s"
" [08-06|15:41:10.701] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6550000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h9m8s"
" [08-06|15:42:12.079] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6555000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h8m40s"
" [08-06|15:43:19.132] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6560000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h8m22s"
" [08-06|15:44:19.788] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6565000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h7m53s"
" [08-06|15:45:20.618] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6570000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h7m24s"
" [08-06|15:46:21.328] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6575000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h6m54s"
" [08-06|15:47:25.403] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6580000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h6m31s"
" [08-06|15:48:26.092] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6585000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h6m1s"
" [08-06|15:49:32.454] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6590000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h5m41s"
" [08-06|15:50:46.313] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6595000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h5m35s"
" [08-06|15:52:02.023] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6600000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h5m32s"
" [08-06|15:53:01.904] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6605000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h5m1s"
" [08-06|15:54:11.061] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6610000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h4m46s"
" [08-06|15:55:21.164] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6615000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h4m32s"
" [08-06|15:56:34.384] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6620000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h4m24s"
" [08-06|15:57:47.310] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6625000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h4m16s"
" [08-06|15:59:02.709] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6630000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h4m11s"
" [08-06|16:00:06.923] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6635000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h3m47s"
" [08-06|16:01:08.393] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6640000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h3m18s"
" [08-06|16:02:09.087] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6645000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h2m48s"
" [08-06|16:03:12.884] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6650000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h2m23s"
" [08-06|16:04:25.895] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6655000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h2m14s"
" [08-06|16:05:25.990] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6660000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h1m43s"
" [08-06|16:06:29.106] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6665000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h1m16s"
" [08-06|16:07:34.472] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6670000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h0m54s"
" [08-06|16:08:34.060] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6675000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h0m21s"
" [08-06|16:09:41.729] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6680000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 32h0m3s"
" [08-06|16:10:42.885] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6685000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h59m33s"
" [08-06|16:11:48.511] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6690000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h59m11s"
" [08-06|16:12:54.805] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6695000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h58m49s"
" [08-06|16:13:54.031] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6700000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h58m16s"
" [08-06|16:14:59.248] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6705000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h57m53s"
" [08-06|16:15:55.750] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6710000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h57m15s"
" [08-06|16:17:09.119] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6715000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h57m5s"
" [08-06|16:18:11.382] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6720000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h56m37s"
" [08-06|16:19:21.576] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6725000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h56m22s"
" [08-06|16:20:31.876] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6730000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h56m7s"
" [08-06|16:21:41.723] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6735000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h55m52s"
" [08-06|16:22:42.328] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6740000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h55m20s"
" [08-06|16:23:58.049] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6745000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h55m15s"
" [08-06|16:25:24.509] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6750000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h55m27s"
" [08-06|16:26:27.019] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6755000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h54m59s"
" [08-06|16:27:33.984] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6760000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h54m38s"
" [08-06|16:28:40.419] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6765000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h54m16s"
" [08-06|16:29:47.265] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6770000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h53m55s"
" [08-06|16:30:50.649] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6775000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h53m27s"
" [08-06|16:31:55.963] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6780000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h53m3s"
" [08-06|16:32:56.183] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6785000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h52m31s"
" [08-06|16:33:59.563] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6790000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h52m3s"
" [08-06|16:35:03.780] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6795000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h51m37s"
" [08-06|16:36:16.937] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6800000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h51m26s"
" [08-06|16:37:27.248] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6805000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h51m11s"
" [08-06|16:38:30.753] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6810000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h50m43s"
" [08-06|16:39:40.310] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6815000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h50m26s"
" [08-06|16:40:39.175] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6820000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h49m51s"
" [08-06|16:41:42.075] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6825000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h49m22s"
" [08-06|16:42:38.552] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6830000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h48m43s"
" [08-06|16:43:48.561] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6835000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h48m26s"
" [08-06|16:45:00.340] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6840000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h48m12s"
" [08-06|16:46:18.008] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6845000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h48m8s"
" [08-06|16:47:36.562] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6850000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h48m5s"
" [08-06|16:48:46.262] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6855000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h47m47s"
" [08-06|16:49:51.654] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6860000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h47m23s"
" [08-06|16:51:09.172] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6865000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h47m18s"
" [08-06|16:52:19.429] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6870000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h47m1s"
" [08-06|16:53:31.242] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6875000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h46m46s"
" [08-06|16:54:43.302] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6880000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h46m32s"
" [08-06|16:55:51.322] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6885000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h46m11s"
" [08-06|16:56:59.123] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6890000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h45m50s"
" [08-06|16:58:10.166] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6895000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h45m34s"
" [08-06|16:59:12.733] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6900000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h45m4s"
" [08-06|17:00:20.998] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6905000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h44m43s"
" [08-06|17:01:26.305] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6910000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h44m18s"
" [08-06|17:02:33.457] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6915000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h43m55s"
" [08-06|17:03:40.425] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6920000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h43m32s"
" [08-06|17:04:44.505] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6925000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h43m4s"
" [08-06|17:05:49.596] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6930000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h42m38s"
" [08-06|17:06:57.735] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6935000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h42m16s"
" [08-06|17:08:04.819] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6940000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h41m53s"
" [08-06|17:09:17.367] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6945000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h41m39s"
" [08-06|17:10:28.648] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6950000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h41m23s"
" [08-06|17:11:38.069] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6955000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h41m3s"
" [08-06|17:12:50.981] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6960000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h40m49s"
" [08-06|17:14:03.805] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6965000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h40m35s"
" [08-06|17:15:17.473] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6970000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h40m22s"
" [08-06|17:16:19.008] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6975000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h39m49s"
" [08-06|17:17:26.925] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6980000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h39m27s"
" [08-06|17:18:19.338] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6985000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h38m40s"
" [08-06|17:19:38.359] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6990000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h38m35s"
" [08-06|17:20:51.856] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 6995000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h38m22s"
" [08-06|17:22:06.373] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7000000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h38m10s"
" [08-06|17:23:13.536] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7005000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h37m46s"
" [08-06|17:24:18.681] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7010000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h37m19s"
" [08-06|17:25:21.388] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7015000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h36m47s"
" [08-06|17:26:24.689] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7020000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h36m17s"
" [08-06|17:27:22.236] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7025000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h35m38s"
" [08-06|17:28:22.022] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7030000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h35m2s"
" [08-06|17:29:34.734] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7035000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h34m46s"
" [08-06|17:30:45.909] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7040000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h34m29s"
" [08-06|17:31:52.087] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7045000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h34m3s"
" [08-06|17:33:00.531] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7050000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h33m40s"
" [08-06|17:34:06.528] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7055000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h33m14s"
" [08-06|17:35:23.857] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7060000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h33m6s"
" [08-06|17:36:36.927] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7065000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h32m50s"
" [08-06|17:37:56.573] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7070000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h32m46s"
" [08-06|17:39:06.632] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7075000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h32m25s"
" [08-06|17:40:15.037] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7080000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h32m3s"
" [08-06|17:41:34.822] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7085000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h31m58s"
" [08-06|17:42:41.213] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7090000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h31m31s"
" [08-06|17:43:52.063] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7095000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h31m12s"
" [08-06|17:44:59.922] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7100000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h30m48s"
" [08-06|17:46:09.338] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7105000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h30m27s"
" [08-06|17:47:15.689] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7110000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h30m0s"
" [08-06|17:48:14.033] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7115000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h29m21s"
" [08-06|17:49:25.386] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7120000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h29m2s"
" [08-06|17:50:43.648] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7125000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h28m54s"
" [08-06|17:51:50.993] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7130000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h28m29s"
" [08-06|17:53:00.960] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7135000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h28m8s"
" [08-06|17:54:08.214] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7140000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h27m43s"
" [08-06|17:55:14.677] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7145000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h27m16s"
" [08-06|17:56:10.941] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7150000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h26m33s"
" [08-06|17:57:10.844] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7155000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h25m56s"
" [08-06|17:58:13.079] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7160000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h25m23s"
" [08-06|17:59:26.346] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7165000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h25m6s"
" [08-06|18:00:33.128] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7170000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h24m40s"
" [08-06|18:01:44.615] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7175000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h24m21s"
" [08-06|18:03:03.449] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7180000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h24m13s"
" [08-06|18:04:20.919] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7185000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h24m2s"
" [08-06|18:05:19.187] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7190000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h23m23s"
" [08-06|18:06:23.066] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7195000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h22m51s"
" [08-06|18:07:38.907] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7200000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h22m38s"
" [08-06|18:08:43.552] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7205000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h22m8s"
" [08-06|18:09:53.278] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7210000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h21m46s"
" [08-06|18:11:03.850] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7215000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h21m25s"
" [08-06|18:12:14.075] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7220000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h21m3s"
" [08-06|18:13:26.250] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7225000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h20m44s"
" [08-06|18:14:33.481] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7230000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h20m17s"
" [08-06|18:15:43.217] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7235000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h19m55s"
" [08-06|18:16:56.578] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7240000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h19m37s"
" [08-06|18:17:58.689] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7245000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h19m3s"
" [08-06|18:19:02.104] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7250000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h18m30s"
" [08-06|18:20:08.547] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7255000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h18m2s"
" [08-06|18:21:10.397] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7260000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h17m27s"
" [08-06|18:22:21.202] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7265000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h17m6s"
" [08-06|18:23:19.914] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7270000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h16m26s"
" [08-06|18:24:23.457] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7275000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h15m53s"
" [08-06|18:25:29.899] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7280000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h15m25s"
" [08-06|18:26:35.731] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7285000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h14m56s"
" [08-06|18:27:50.739] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7290000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h14m40s"
" [08-06|18:28:55.491] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7295000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h14m9s"
" [08-06|18:30:02.005] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7300000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h13m41s"
" [08-06|18:31:19.659] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7305000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h13m29s"
" [08-06|18:32:33.341] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7310000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h13m12s"
" [08-06|18:33:38.734] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7315000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h12m41s"
" [08-06|18:34:45.312] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7320000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h12m13s"
" [08-06|18:35:43.397] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7325000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h11m32s"
" [08-06|18:36:52.309] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7330000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h11m7s"
" [08-06|18:38:06.380] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7335000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h10m49s"
" [08-06|18:39:12.736] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7340000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h10m20s"
" [08-06|18:40:19.380] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7345000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h9m51s"
" [08-06|18:41:35.349] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7350000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h9m36s"
" [08-06|18:42:41.914] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7355000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h9m8s"
" [08-06|18:43:39.421] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7360000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h8m25s"
" [08-06|18:44:39.925] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7365000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h7m47s"
" [08-06|18:45:45.478] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7370000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h7m17s"
" [08-06|18:46:41.444] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7375000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h6m32s"
" [08-06|18:47:42.738] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7380000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h5m55s"
" [08-06|18:48:46.607] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7385000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h5m22s"
" [08-06|18:49:55.086] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7390000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h4m56s"
" [08-06|18:51:17.541] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7395000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h4m50s"
" [08-06|18:52:17.125] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7400000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h4m10s"
" [08-06|18:53:25.050] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7405000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h3m43s"
" [08-06|18:54:29.275] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7410000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h3m10s"
" [08-06|18:55:34.777] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7415000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h2m39s"
" [08-06|18:56:41.264] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7420000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h2m9s"
" [08-06|18:57:53.936] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7425000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h1m49s"
" [08-06|18:59:10.939] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7430000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h1m34s"
" [08-06|19:00:33.596] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7435000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h1m28s"
" [08-06|19:01:55.710] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7440000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h1m21s"
" [08-06|19:03:12.809] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7445000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h1m6s"
" [08-06|19:04:22.981] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7450000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h0m42s"
" [08-06|19:05:32.301] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7455000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h0m16s"
" [08-06|19:06:54.867] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7460000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 31h0m9s"
" [08-06|19:08:03.460] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7465000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h59m42s"
" [08-06|19:09:18.945] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7470000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h59m24s"
" [08-06|19:10:33.229] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7475000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h59m5s"
" [08-06|19:11:50.940] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7480000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h58m51s"
" [08-06|19:13:00.512] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7485000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h58m25s"
" [08-06|19:14:04.946] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7490000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h57m52s"
" [08-06|19:15:13.045] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7495000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h57m23s"
" [08-06|19:16:22.519] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7500000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h56m57s"
" [08-06|19:17:28.916] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7505000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h56m26s"
" [08-06|19:18:37.124] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7510000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h55m58s"
" [08-06|19:19:50.249] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7515000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h55m37s"
" [08-06|19:21:04.700] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7520000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h55m17s"
" [08-06|19:22:17.717] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7525000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h54m56s"
" [08-06|19:23:18.361] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7530000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h54m17s"
" [08-06|19:24:25.031] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7535000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h53m46s"
" [08-06|19:25:34.672] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7540000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h53m19s"
" [08-06|19:26:42.268] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7545000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h52m50s"
" [08-06|19:27:49.053] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7550000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h52m19s"
" [08-06|19:29:01.708] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7555000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h51m57s"
" [08-06|19:30:21.704] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7560000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h51m45s"
" [08-06|19:31:40.607] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7565000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h51m31s"
" [08-06|19:32:48.303] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7570000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h51m1s"
" [08-06|19:33:54.598] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7575000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h50m30s"
" [08-06|19:34:53.430] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7580000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h49m47s"
" [08-06|19:36:04.713] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7585000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h49m23s"
" [08-06|19:37:03.844] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7590000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h48m41s"
" [08-06|19:38:08.354] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7595000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h48m6s"
" [08-06|19:39:11.162] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7600000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h47m30s"
" [08-06|19:40:24.923] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7605000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h47m8s"
" [08-06|19:41:29.711] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7610000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h46m34s"
" [08-06|19:42:45.501] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7615000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h46m15s"
" [08-06|19:43:44.559] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7620000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h45m33s"
" [08-06|19:44:50.579] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7625000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h45m1s"
" [08-06|19:45:55.192] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7630000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h44m26s"
" [08-06|19:47:05.076] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7635000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h43m59s"
" [08-06|19:48:07.462] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7640000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h43m21s"
" [08-06|19:49:21.116] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7645000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h42m59s"
" [08-06|19:50:35.081] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7650000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h42m38s"
" [08-06|19:51:47.932] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7655000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h42m14s"
" [08-06|19:52:56.417] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7660000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h41m45s"
" [08-06|19:53:57.704] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7665000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h41m5s"
" [08-06|19:54:55.335] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7670000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h40m21s"
" [08-06|19:55:57.107] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7675000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h39m42s"
" [08-06|19:57:08.078] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7680000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h39m16s"
" [08-06|19:58:14.423] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7685000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h38m43s"
" [08-06|19:59:27.344] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7690000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h38m20s"
" [08-06|20:00:39.410] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7695000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h37m55s"
" [08-06|20:01:47.142] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7700000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h37m24s"
" [08-06|20:02:53.132] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7705000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h36m51s"
" [08-06|20:03:54.842] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7710000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h36m12s"
" [08-06|20:04:57.312] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7715000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 30h35m34s"
" [08-06|20:06:00.180] INFO <C Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:440 fetched 7720000 of 18262916 blocks. ETA = 3
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