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Created February 27, 2023 03:03
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Animation circle that gives a different colors and spend around the player as a circle and move up and down
fun animateParticles(player: Player) {
val particleType = Particle.REDSTONE
val colors1 = arrayOf(
Color.fromRGB(247,202,201), Color.fromRGB(222,194,203), Color.fromRGB(197,185,205),
Color.fromRGB(171,177,207), Color.fromRGB(146,168,209)
val radius = 1.0 // radius of the pentagon
val period = 80L // time for one full rotation (in ticks)
object : BukkitRunnable() {
var theta = 0.0
var colorIndex = 0
override fun run() {
// Update theta based on current time
theta = ((theta + Math.PI / period) % (2 * Math.PI))
// Get player location and add y-offset
val loc = player.location.add(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
// Calculate particle positions for pentagon
val x1 = radius * cos(theta)
val z1 = radius * sin(theta)
val x2 = radius * cos(theta + 2 * Math.PI / 6)
val z2 = radius * sin(theta + 2 * Math.PI / 6)
val x3 = radius * cos(theta + 4 * Math.PI / 6)
val z3 = radius * sin(theta + 4 * Math.PI / 6)
val x4 = radius * cos(theta + 6 * Math.PI / 6)
val z4 = radius * sin(theta + 6 * Math.PI / 6)
val x5 = radius * cos(theta + 8 * Math.PI / 6)
val z5 = radius * sin(theta + 8 * Math.PI / 6)
val x6 = radius * cos(theta + 10 * Math.PI / 6)
val z6 = radius * sin(theta + 10 * Math.PI / 6)
val yOffset = 0.5 * sin(theta * 2)
// Cycle through colors in array
val color1 = colors1[colorIndex]
colorIndex = (colorIndex + 1) % colors1.size
// Spawn particles at pentagon positions
player.spawnParticle(particleType, loc.clone().add(x1, yOffset, z1), 0, Particle.DustOptions(color1, 1f))
player.spawnParticle(particleType, loc.clone().add(x2, yOffset, z2), 0, Particle.DustOptions(color1, 1f))
player.spawnParticle(particleType, loc.clone().add(x3, yOffset, z3), 0, Particle.DustOptions(color1, 1f))
player.spawnParticle(particleType, loc.clone().add(x4, yOffset, z4), 0, Particle.DustOptions(color1, 1f))
player.spawnParticle(particleType, loc.clone().add(x5, yOffset, z5), 0, Particle.DustOptions(color1, 1f))
player.spawnParticle(particleType, loc.clone().add(x6, yOffset, z6), 0, Particle.DustOptions(color1, 1f))
}.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(Main.getInstance(), 0L, 1L)
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