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Polylang shortcode for lang switcher
* Polylang Shortcode -
* Add this code in your functions.php
* Put shortcode [polylang_langswitcher] to post/page for display flags inline-block
* @return string
function custom_polylang_langswitcher() {
$output = '';
if ( function_exists( 'pll_the_languages' ) ) {
$args = [
'show_flags' => 1,
'show_names' => 0,
'echo' => 0,
$output = '<style> .polylang_langswitcher {margin:0; list-style:none;}
.polylang_langswitcher li {display:inline-block; float:none; margin-left:0px;}
.polylang_langswitcher li:not(:last-child) {margin-right:20px;}
.polylang_langswitcher li a span {margin-left:0em !important;}
<ul class="polylang_langswitcher">'.pll_the_languages( $args ). '</ul>';
return $output;
add_shortcode( 'polylang_langswitcher', 'custom_polylang_langswitcher' );
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