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Forked from rxin/
Last active December 11, 2017 09:56
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ramdisk create/delete/list on macOS
# From
baseName=$(basename $0)
function printHelp() {
>&2 echo -e "\nUsage: "
>&2 echo "${baseName} create SIZE_IN_MB [VOLUME_NAME]"
>&2 echo -e "\tcreate a new ramdisk"
>&2 echo -e "\tVOLUME_NAME defaults to 'ramdisk' if not provided"
>&2 echo -e "\te.g create a 100MB volume under /Volumes/Flerb: ${baseName} create 100 Flerb"
>&2 echo " "
>&2 echo "${baseName} destroy DEVICE_PATH"
>&2 echo -e "\tunmount and detach device at DEVICE_PATH (DOES NOT CHECK IF IT'S ACTUALLY A RAMDISK)"
>&2 echo -e "\tDEVICE_PATH can be found with 'mount'. Usually /dev/diskN where N is a number"
>&2 echo -e "\te.g. ${baseName} destroy /dev/disk3"
>&2 echo " "
>&2 echo "${baseName} list"
>&2 echo -e "\tlist ramdisk device paths. Format is"
>&2 echo -e "\t/dev/disk3 (mounted at /Volumes/Flerb)"
>&2 echo " "
function charg() {
if [[ -z "$1" ]]
>&2 echo expected argument missing
function createDisk() {
charg "$1"
>&2 echo "Creating ramdisk"
DEVICE_PATH=$(hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$RAMDISK_SECTORS)
>&2 echo "Disk ID is:"
diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "${3:-ramdisk}" ${DEVICE_PATH}
function listRamdisks() {
hdiutil info -plist | /usr/bin/xmllint --xpath "//key[.='images']/following-sibling::array/dict/key[.='image-path']/\
following-sibling::string[contains(., 'ram')]/parent::*/key[.='system-entities']/following-sibling::array/dict/key[.='dev-entry' \
or .='mount-point']/following-sibling::string[1]/text()" - | sed -E $'s!/dev/!\\\n&!g'|sed -E 's!/(Volumes/.+)! (mounted at &)!g'|tail -n+2
function destroyDisk() {
charg "$1"
>&2 echo "unmounting and detaching $1"
umount -f $1
hdiutil detach $1
case "$1" in
create) createDisk $2 $3 ;;
destroy) destroyDisk $2 ;;
list) listRamdisks ;;
*) >&2 echo "'${1}' ain't no command I've ever heard of";printHelp;exit $E_BADARGS ;;
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jesperronn commented Dec 11, 2017

Revision 3 has an error: Not possible to change the name of the mount in /Volumes/

Very easy fix: Just change $3 to $2 in

-  diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "${3:-ramdisk}" ${DEVICE_PATH}
+  diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "${2:-ramdisk}" ${DEVICE_PATH}

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