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Created January 5, 2016 07:54
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GreenSock Draggable TypeScript Definition
declare class Draggable {
static version: string;
static zIndex: number;
allowEventDefault: boolean;
autoScroll: number;
endRotation: number;
endX: number;
endY: number;
isDragging: boolean;
isPressed: boolean;
lockAxis: boolean;
lockedAxis: string;
maxRotation: number;
maxX: number;
maxY: number;
minRotation: number;
minX: number;
minY: number;
pointerEvent: PointerEvent;
pointerX: number;
pointerY: number;
rotation: number;
tween: TweenLite;
vars: Draggable.Vars;
x: number;
y: number;
constructor(target: Object, vars?: Draggable.Vars);
static create(target: Object, vars?: Draggable.Vars): Draggable[];
static get(target: Object): Draggable;
static hitTest(testObject1: Draggable.TestObject, testObject2: Draggable.TestObject, threshold?: number | string): boolean;
static timeSinceDrag(): number;
addEventListener(type: string, callback: Function);
applyBounds(newBounds?: Draggable.Bounds): this;
disable(type?: string): this;
drag(event: Event): void;
enable(type?: string): this;
enabled(): boolean;
enabled(value: boolean, type?: string): this;
endDrag(event: Event): void;
getDirection(from: "start", diagonalThreshold?: number): string;
getDirection(from: "velocity", diagonalThreshold?: number): string;
getDirection(from: Draggable.DOMTarget, diagonalThreshold?: number): string;
hitTest(testObject: Draggable.TestObject, threshold?: number | string): boolean;
getDirection(from?: string, diagonalThreshold?: number): string;
kill(): this;
removeEventListener(type: string, callback: Function);
startDrag(event: Event): this;
timeSinceDrag(): number;
update(applyBounds?: boolean): this;
declare namespace Draggable {
type DOMElement = string | Element | List<Element> | JQuery;
type DOMTarget = DOMElement | DOMElement[];
type TestObject = string | DOMTarget | Event | BoundsRectangle;
type Bounds = string | DOMTarget | BoundsMinMax | BoundsRectangle | BoundsRotation;
type EventCallback = (event: any | PointerEvent, ...params: any[]) => any;
type SnapFunction = (endValue: number) => number | void;
type SnapObject = TweenProps<SnapFunction | number[]>;
interface List<T> {
[index: number]: T;
length: number;
interface BoundsMinMax {
minX?: number;
maxX?: number;
minY?: number;
maxY?: number;
interface BoundsRectangle {
top?: number;
right?: number;
bottom?: number;
left?: number;
height?: number;
width?: number;
interface BoundsRotation {
minRotation?: number;
maxRotation?: number;
interface TweenProps<T> {
x?: T;
y?: T;
top?: T;
left?: T;
rotation?: T;
interface Vars {
allowEventDefault?: boolean;
autoScroll?: number;
bounds?: Bounds;
clickableTest?: (clickable: Element) => boolean | void;
cursor?: string;
dragClickables?: boolean;
dragResistance?: number;
edgeResistance?: number;
liveSnap?: boolean | number[] | SnapFunction | SnapObject;
lockAxis?: boolean;
maxDuration?: number;
minDuration?: number;
minimumMovement?: number;
onClick?: EventCallback;
onClickParams?: any[];
onClickScope?: any;
onDrag?: EventCallback;
onDragParams?: any[];
onDragScope?: any;
onDragEnd?: EventCallback;
onDragEndParams?: any[];
onDragEndScope?: any;
onDragStart?: EventCallback;
onDragStartParams?: any[];
onDragStartScope?: any;
onLockAxis?: EventCallback;
onPress?: EventCallback;
onPressParams?: any[];
onPressScope?: any;
onRelease?: EventCallback;
onReleaseParams?: any[];
onReleaseScope?: any;
onThrowComplete?: EventCallback;
onThrowCompleteParams?: any[];
onThrowCompleteScope?: any;
onThrowUpdate?: EventCallback;
onThrowUpdateParams?: any[];
onThrowUpdateScope?: any;
overshootTolerance?: number;
snap?: number[] | SnapFunction | SnapObject;
throwProps?: boolean;
throwResistance?: number;
trigger?: string | Element;
type?: string;
zIndexBoost?: boolean;
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