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# -- Load libraries
# -- Read and prep data
# Manually pulled data from Vini's La Liga stats from Transfermarkt
df <- readxl::read_excel(path = "Desktop/vini.xlsx") %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
filter(pos %in% c("CF", "LW", "RW", "SS")) %>%
mutate(sub_on = str_remove(sub_on, "'") %>% as.numeric(),
sub_off = str_remove(sub_off, "'") %>% as.numeric(),
min_played = str_remove(min_played, "'") %>% as.numeric(),
start = if_else(!, sub_on, 0),
end = if_else(!, sub_off, 90),
start = if_else(start == end, start - 1, start),
test = if_else(start == end, 1, 0),
season_text = str_c(season - 1, "/", season-2000))
base_plot <- df %>%
group_by(season) %>%
mutate(games_played = n(),
tot_min_played = sum(min_played) %>% scales::comma()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(season_facet = glue("{season_text} | {games_played} Apps")) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_segment(aes(x = start, xend = end, y = matchday, yend = matchday)) +
geom_curve(aes(x = -4, xend = -4,
y = 2, yend = 37),
color = "darkgrey",
curvature = 0,
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.02, "npc"))) +
x = -4,
y = 1,
label = "1",
size = 3
) +
x = -4,
y = 38,
label = "38",
size = 3
) +
geom_point(aes(x = end, y = matchday), color = "#fcbf00") +
geom_point(aes(x = start, y = matchday), color = "#004996") +
scale_y_reverse(labels = NULL, expand = c(0, 1)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90)) +
facet_wrap(~season_facet, scales = "free") +
labs(y = "Matchday",
x = "Minutes",
title = "Vinicius Junior | Minutes Breakdown",
subtitle = "La Liga | Real Madrid",
caption = "Created by @OTStats") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(plot.margin = margin(0.75, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, "cm"),
plot.title = element_text(size = 14,
face = "bold",
hjust = .1,
margin = margin(0.25, .1, 1.5, .1)),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = .07, margin = margin(0, .1, 8, .1)),
axis.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 8),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_text(face = "bold", hjust = .5, size = 11))
ggsave(filename = "base-plot.png",
plot = base_plot,
bg = "grey97",
width = 7.71, height = 8, units = "in")
# Use Thomas Mock's function to add a logo to plot. Suuuuper helpful tutorial
add_logo <- function(plot_path, logo_path, logo_position, logo_scale = 10){
# Requires magick R Package
# Useful error message for logo position
if (!logo_position %in% c("top right", "top left", "bottom right", "bottom left")) {
stop("Error Message: Uh oh! Logo Position not recognized\n Try: logo_positon = 'top left', 'top right', 'bottom left', or 'bottom right'")
# read in raw images
plot <- magick::image_read(plot_path)
logo_raw <- magick::image_read(logo_path)
# get dimensions of plot for scaling
plot_height <- magick::image_info(plot)$height
plot_width <- magick::image_info(plot)$width
# default scale to 1/10th width of plot
# Can change with logo_scale
logo <- magick::image_scale(logo_raw, as.character(plot_width/logo_scale))
# Get width of logo
logo_width <- magick::image_info(logo)$width
logo_height <- magick::image_info(logo)$height
# Set position of logo
# Position starts at 0,0 at top left
# Using 0.01 for 1% - aesthetic padding
if (logo_position == "top right") {
x_pos = plot_width - logo_width - 0.01 * plot_width
y_pos = 0.01 * plot_height
} else if (logo_position == "top left") {
x_pos = 0.01 * plot_width
y_pos = 0.01 * plot_height
} else if (logo_position == "bottom right") {
x_pos = plot_width - logo_width - 0.01 * plot_width
y_pos = plot_height - logo_height - 0.01 * plot_height
} else if (logo_position == "bottom left") {
x_pos = 0.01 * plot_width
y_pos = plot_height - logo_height - 0.01 * plot_height
# Compose the actual overlay
magick::image_composite(plot, logo, offset = paste0("+", x_pos, "+", y_pos))
# -- Add Madrid logo to plot
plot_with_logo <- add_logo(plot_path = "base-plot.png", logo_path = "Downloads/rm.png", logo_position = "top left", logo_scale = 11)
# -- Save plot
magick::image_write(plot_with_logo, "20220521-Vinicius-Junior-minutes-breakdown.png")
Copy link

OTStats commented May 22, 2022


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