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Created November 7, 2022 23:56
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# -- Created by Owen Thompson (@OTStats)
# 2022-09-29
# -- Load libraries
# -- Import Data
spi_raw <- read_csv("")
# Prep data
matches <- spi_raw %>%
team = team1,
opponent = team2,
teamGoal = score1,
oppGoal = score2,
result = case_when(score1 > score2 ~ "W",
score1 < score2 ~ "L",
score1 == score2 ~ "D"),
ha = "Home",
team_spi = spi1,
opponent_spi = spi2,
team_xg = xg1,
opponent_xg = xg2) %>%
spi_raw %>%
team = team2,
opponent = team1,
teamGoal = score2,
oppGoal = score1,
result = case_when(score1 < score2 ~ "W",
score1 > score2 ~ "L",
score1 == score2 ~ "D"),
ha = "Away",
team_spi = spi2,
opponent_spi = spi1,
team_xg = xg2,
opponent_xg = xg1)) %>%
mutate(game_goal_diff = teamGoal - oppGoal) %>%
mutate(result_points = case_when(result == "W" ~ 3,
result == "D" ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0))
dates <- seq(ymd("20220226"), ymd("20220310"), by = "day")
results <- fotmob_get_matches_by_date(date = dates)
filtered_results <- results %>%
dplyr::select(primary_id, ccode, league_name = name, matches) %>%
dplyr::filter(league_name == "Major League Soccer", ccode == "USA")
# one way of getting data out of the results
unnested_results <- filtered_results %>%
tidyr::unnest_longer(col = matches) %>%
unnest(everything()) %>%
unnest(cols = c("home", "away"), names_sep = "_") %>%
unnest(cols = status) %>%
match_ids <- unnested_results %>%
distinct() %>%
details_df <- fotmob_get_match_details(match_ids)
shots <- details_df %>%
unnest(shots) %>%
mutate(team = if_else(team_id == home_team_id, home_team, away_team))
mls_team_color_df <- shots %>%
distinct(team, team_color, team_id)
mls_df <- matches %>%
filter(league_id == 1951) %>%
mutate(season =
case_when(between(date, ymd("20220226"), ymd("20220913")) ~ 2022,
# between(date, ymd("20210416"), ymd("20211107")) ~ 2021,
# between(date, ymd("20200229"), ymd("20200308")) ~ 2020,
# between(date, ymd("20200812"), ymd("20201108")) ~ 2020,
# between(date, ymd("20190302"), ymd("20191008")) ~ 2019,
TRUE ~ 0)) %>%
filter(season == 2022) %>%
arrange(team, date) %>%
with_groups(team, mutate, matchday = row_number()) %>%
mutate(half = if_else(matchday <= 17, "first", "second")) %>%
group_by(team, half) %>%
summarize(xGF = mean(team_xg, na.rm = TRUE),
xGC = mean(opponent_xg, na.rm = TRUE),
.groups = "drop") %>%
# pivot_wider(id_cols = team, names_from = season, values_from = c(xGF, xGC)) %>%
mutate(team = case_when(
team == "Los Angeles Galaxy" ~ "LA Galaxy",
team == "Atlanta United FC" ~ "Atlanta United",
team == "Chicago Fire" ~ "Chicago Fire FC",
team == "Minnesota United FC" ~ "Minnesota United",
team == "Houston Dynamo" ~ "Houston Dynamo FC",
team == "Montreal Impact" ~ "CF Montreal",
team == "Orlando City SC" ~ "Orlando City",
TRUE ~ team
)) %>%
inner_join(mls_team_color_df, by = "team") %>%
mutate(logo = if_else(half == "second", glue("{team_id}.png"),
# library(gghighlight)
# p <-
mls_df %>%
ggplot() +
geom_link2(aes(x = xGF,
y = xGC,
# alpha = stat(index),
size = stat(index),
color = team_color,
group = team), n = 100, lineend = "round") +
scale_size(range = c(.01, 1.8)) +
guides(size = "none", alpha = "none") +
scale_color_identity() +
# geom_image(aes(x = xGF, y = xGC, image = logo), size = .05) +
geom_from_path(aes(x = xGF, y = xGC, path = logo), width = .045, alpha = 0.9) +
coord_fixed() +
# scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(.75, 2, by = 0.25)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(.75, 2.25, by = 0.25)) +
scale_y_reverse(breaks = seq(.75, 2, by = 0.25)) +
labs(title = "Team xG evolution during the 2022 season",
subtitle = "Start of tail: First 17 matches of 2022; End of tail: Second half of 2022 matches to date\nCreated by: Owen Thompson | @OTStats",
x = "Average xG Created",
y = "Average xG Conceded",
caption = glue("Data as of {format(Sys.Date()-1)}\nSource: 538")) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(text = element_text(family = "Lato"),
plot.title.position = "plot",
plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#f2f4f5", color = "#f2f4f5")) +
# --- Upper Right ---
annotate(geom = "text",
x = 2, y = .98,
label = "There's Good...", family = "Lato",
hjust = 1, vjust = 0.3, alpha = 0.5, size = 3) +
# --- Upper Right... and there's Philly ---
annotate(geom = "text",
x = 2.2, y = 1.025,
label = "...and then there's Philly", family = "Lato",
hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.3, alpha = 0.5, size = 3) +
# --- Bad, bad, bad ---
annotate(geom = "text",
x = 1.1, y = 2,
label = "All around bad", family = "Lato",
# hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0,
alpha = 0.5, size = 3) +
# --- Fun to watch ---
annotate(geom = "text",
x = 1.85, y = 1.9,
label = "Fun to watch", family = "Lato",
# hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0,
alpha = 0.5, size = 3) +
# --- Boring ---
annotate(geom = "text",
x = 1.1, y = 1.05,
label = "Defensively sound, can't create", family = "Lato",
# hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0,
alpha = 0.5, size = 3)
ggsave(filename = "20220929 MLS 2022 season xG evolution.png",
plot = last_plot(),
width = 9, height = 8, dpi = "retina")
# -- Add Leauge logo to plot
plot_with_logo <- add_logo(plot_path = "20220929 MLS 2022 season xG evolution.png",
logo_path = glue(""),
logo_position = "top right",
logo_scale = 12)
magick::image_write(plot_with_logo, "20220929 MLS 2022 season xG evolution.png")
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OTStats commented Nov 7, 2022

20220929 MLS 2022 season xG evolution

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