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Created May 31, 2021 09:33
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Functions implementing California's COVID-19 reopening tiers introduced in August 2020 (not including 2021 updates)
data RiskTier = Widespread | Substantial | Moderate | Minimal
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Ord RiskTier where
compare x y = compare (tierNumber x) (tierNumber y)
tierNumber t = case t of
Widespread -> 1
Substantial -> 2
Moderate -> 3
Minimal -> 4
caseRateAdjustmentFactor :: Double -> Double
caseRateAdjustmentFactor testingFactor = min 1.4 (max 0.6 rawAdjustmentFactor)
rawAdjustmentFactor = 1.4 - testingFactor * 0.4
tierByCaseRate :: Double -> Double -> Bool -> Bool -> RiskTier
tierByCaseRate caseRate testingFactor canAdjustUpward canAdjustDownward
| adjustedRate > 7 = Widespread
| 4 <= adjustedRate && adjustedRate <= 7 = Substantial
| 1 <= adjustedRate && adjustedRate < 4 = Moderate
| otherwise = Minimal
| (not canAdjustUpward && adjustmentFactor > 1)
|| (canAdjustDownward && adjustmentFactor < 1) = caseRate
| otherwise = caseRate * adjustmentFactor
adjustmentFactor = caseRateAdjustmentFactor testingFactor
tierByTestPositivity :: Double -> RiskTier
tierByTestPositivity p
| p > 8 = Widespread
| 5 <= p && p <= 8 = Substantial
| 2 <= p && p < 5 = Moderate
| otherwise = Minimal
tier :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool -> RiskTier
tier caseRate testPositivity testingFactor isSmallCounty =
min tcr ttp
tcr = tierByCaseRate caseRate testingFactor cau cad
ttp = tierByTestPositivity testPositivity
cau = not isSmallCounty && testPositivity > 3.5
cad = not isSmallCounty
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