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Last active December 6, 2019 17:22
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// ./cypress/support/commands.js
Cypress.Commands.add('loadRecipesPage', () => {
// One command can call another, just like plain functions
// When UI requests recipes, Cypress, not the actual server, will return response
cy.route('GET', '/api/recipes', 'fixture:recipes.json').as('recipes');
// I can do manipulation on a fixture before serving it
// And I can reuse fixture as response for different urls
cy.fixture('recipes').then(recipesResponse => {
cy.route('GET', '/api/recipes', recipesResponse).as('veganRecipes');
// In real application I select subset of recepes from Database, but for test, such filtering is enough
const veganRecipes = => recipe.isVegan === true);
cy.route('GET', '/api/recipes?vegan=true', {...recipesResponse, ...{data: veganRecipes}}).as('veganRecipes');
// wait() means that Cypress will wait for this requests to happen, before proceed to the next step
// So I am waiting for request to user profile (which I stubbed with cy.route() in mockOktaLoggedState command to happen
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