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Last active December 6, 2019 17:21
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Examples of type script basics types and their use
//inferance bottom up
// the compiler know function result type, baesed on it`s arguments
let userId = (a: string, b: number): string =>a+b;
//Union type (variable can be any of these types)
let thing: string | number | string[];
// Alias
type thing = string | number | string[];
let anotherThing: thing;
let returnSomething = (something: thing)=>{
//type guards
if(typeof something === "number"){
console.log('something is a number')
if(something instanceof Array){
let joinedThings = something.join('');
// Annotation as string type
let unit: string;
// annotation as string literal type
let miles: "MILES"; //can be null, undefined or "MILES"
type distanceMetrics = "MILES"| "KILOMETERS" | "METERS" | "YARDS" | "FEET" | "INCHES";
function moveCharacter(distance: number, value: distanceMetrics){
console.log(distance, value)
moveCharacter(3, 'MILES')
//not valid
// moveCharacter(3, 'dragon')
// Interfaces
interface AttackFunction {
// Definition of function parameters, and return type (number)
(opponent: {alias: string; health: number;}, attackWith: number): number;
function attackFunc(opponent, attackWith){ -= attackWith;
console.log(`Attacked by ${opponent.alias}, who\` health = ${}`)
interface OptionalAttributes {
strength?: number;
insanity?: number;
dexterity?: number;
healingFactor?: number;
// Inr=terface inheritance of optional params
interface ComicBookCharacter extends OptionalAttributes{
secretIdentity?: string;
alias: string;
health: number;
attack: AttackFunction;
let superHero: ComicBookCharacter = {
alias: "She-Hulk",
strength: 500,
attack: attackFunc,
let superVillain: ComicBookCharacter = {
secretIdentity:'Jack Napier',
alias: "Jocker",
health: 75,
insanity: 145,
attack: attackFunc
// Classes
interface Opponent {
alias: string;
health: number;
// Class definition with long initialization
class ComicBookCharacterClassLong {
// Properties are public by default
// We can add modifiers, as "public alias: string", but it is unnecessary
alias: string;
health: number;
private secretIdentity: string;
// getter for private property
return console.log(`this ${this.alias}'s secret identity is ${this.secretIdentity}`);
//Long version of constructor
alias: string,
health: number,
secretIdentity: string){
this.alias = alias; = health;
this.strength = strength;
this.secretIdentity = secretIdentity;
attackFunct(opponent: Opponent, attackWith: number){ -= attackWith;
console.log(`${this.alias} attacked ${opponent.alias}, who\` health = ${}`)
// Class definition with shortcut initialization
class ComicBookCharacterClassShort {
// Constructor short version
public alias: string,
public health: number,
public strength: number,
private secretIdentity: string){}
// Static method, exist on Class, but not on instance
static createTeam(teamName: string, members: ComicBookCharacterClassShort[]){
return {
name: teamName,
members: members
attackFunct(opponent: Opponent, attackWith: number){ -= attackWith;
console.log(`${this.alias} attacked ${opponent.alias}, who\` health = ${}`)
let storm = new ComicBookCharacterClassShort('Storm', 100, 100, 'Ororo Munroe');
let blob = new ComicBookCharacterClassShort('The Blob', 1000, 5000, 'Fred J. Dukes');
ComicBookCharacterClassShort.createTeam('team1', [storm, blob]);
storm.attackFunct(blob, storm.strength);
// Classes inheritance
class ComicBookCharacterClassAncestor {
// Constructor short version
public alias: string,
public health: number,
public strenght: number,
// private properties accessible only in the class
// protected property can be assessed in the derived class (class which inherit from this class)
protected secretIdentity: string){}
class SuperHero extends ComicBookCharacterClassAncestor {
//When no constructor is derived class, ancestor (super) constructor will be used
traits = ['empathy', 'strong moral code'];
return console.log(`this ${this.alias}'s secret identity is ${this.secretIdentity}`);
class SuperVillain extends ComicBookCharacterClassAncestor {
flaws = ['hubris', 'always explains evil plan']
numOfEvilDeeds: number
constructor(alias, health, strenght, secretIdentity, numOfEvilDeeds){
// Super will call ComicBookCharacterClass3 constructor
super(alias, health, strenght, secretIdentity);
this.numOfEvilDeeds = numOfEvilDeeds;
console.log('New villain is created')
let jubilee = new SuperHero('Jubilee', 23, 233, 'Julilation Lee');
let scarletWitch = new SuperVillain('Scarlet Witch', 233, 4444, 'Wanda Maximoff', 5);
// Convert types
interface goodGuyWithSuperPowers {
powers: string[];
savesTheDay: ()=> void;
interface BadGuy {
badDeeds: string[];
getRandomBadDeed: ()=> string;
commitBadDeed: ()=> void;
let dazzler: goodGuyWithSuperPowers = {
powers: ['Transcude sonic vibrations into light'],
savesTheDay: ()=>{ console.log('Dazzler saves the day') }
let baddy: BadGuy = {
badDeeds: ['Doesn`t pick up his dog poop', 'Steal candies from the local super market'],
getRandomBadDeed: ()=>{ return this.badDeeds[Math.floor(Math.random()*this.badDeeds.length)]},
commitBadDeed: () => {
console.log(`Bad guy ${this.getRandomBadDeed()}`)
function saveTheDayOrDoBadDeed(someone: goodGuyWithSuperPowers | BadGuy){
//'assertion as' syntax
if((someone as goodGuyWithSuperPowers).powers){
(someone as goodGuyWithSuperPowers).savesTheDay();
} else{
(someone as BadGuy).commitBadDeed();
// Generics
interface SuperHeroType {name: string}
//Hello world of Generics
// It is better than use type:any, because we validate that return value ype is equal to arg value type
function identity<T>(arg:T):T {
return arg;
// Explicitly pass type
// Rely on type inference
//T is a convention placeholder, may be anything
function pushSomethingIntoCollection<T>(something: T, collection: T[]) {
let jeanGrey = { name:'Jean Grey' }
let wolverine = { name: 'Wolverine' }
let superHeroes = [jeanGrey]
let powers = ['telekinesis', 'levitation']
pushSomethingIntoCollection('change forms', powers)
pushSomethingIntoCollection<SuperHeroType>(wolverine, superHeroes)
pushSomethingIntoCollection<String>('adamantium claws', powers)
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