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Last active December 10, 2019 19:29
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  • Save Ocawesome101/08efd852a9177505005bfb7d05288214 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Install Gamax92's OCEmu, as well as dependencies.
getDeps() {
echo "-> Installing dependencies..."
echo "-> Detecting distribution..."
if [ -e "/usr/bin/apt" ]; then
echo "-> You appear to be using Debian or a derivative"
sudo apt install git make lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libsdl2-dev subversion wget
elif [ -e "/usr/bin/pacman" ]; then
echo "-> You appear to be using Arch Linux or a derivative"
sudo pacman -S lua52 lua52-filesystem lua52-sec lua52-socket wget
elif [ -e "/usr/local/bin/brew" ]; then
echo "-> You appear to be using macOS with Homebrew installed"
brew install lua
brew install sdl2
brew install wget
echo "-> Could not detect your distribution."
exit -1
instLuarocks() {
if [ "$distro" = "darwin" ]; then
return 0
echo "-> Downloading Luarocks..."
mkdir -p "$HOME/.tmp"
wget -c "" -O "$HOME/.tmp/luarocks.tar.gz"
cd "$HOME/.tmp/"
echo "-> Removing .tar.gz..."
tar zxpf luarocks.tar.gz
echo "-> Configuring Luarocks-5.2"
cd "$HOME/.tmp/luarocks-3.2.1"
"$HOME/.tmp/luarocks-3.2.1/configure" --lua-version=5.2 --lua-suffix=5.2 --versioned-rocks-dir
echo "-> Building Luarocks..."
make build
echo "-> Installing Luarocks..."
sudo make install
instLuaDeps() {
echo "-> Installing most remaining dependencies with Luarocks..."
sudo luarocks install luasec
sudo luarocks install luasocket
sudo luarocks install luafilesystem
sudo luarocks install luautf8
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/ffi* /usr/lib/lua/5.2/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/ /usr/lib/lua/5.2/
echo "Installing dependencies..."
echo "Downloading OCEmu..."
git clone --recursive "" "$HOME/.local/share/ocemu/"
echo "Building included luaffifb..."
cd "$HOME/.local/share/ocemu/luaffifb"
sudo luarocks make
cd ..
echo "Downloading OpenComputers' Lua source code..."
echo "Adding alias in ~/.bash_aliases"
echo "alias oc='cd ~/.ocemu/src/; lua5.2 boot.lua'" >> "$HOME/.bash_aliases"
echo "Done. Run 'oc' to launch the emulator."
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