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Created August 21, 2024 13:39
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  • Save Oceas/a459a5a2b427c56acbb84a79affa1c22 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Oceas/a459a5a2b427c56acbb84a79affa1c22 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Running "npm install" in /Users/expo/workingdir/build directory
npm WARN deprecated
uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details.
WARN deprecated uglify-es@3.3.9: support for ECMAScript is superseded by `uglify-js` as of v3.13.0
npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
npm WARN deprecated @react-native-community/masked-view@0.1.11: Repository was moved to @react-native-masked-view/masked-view
npm WARN deprecated @npmcli/move-file@1.1.2: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.4.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.3.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.3.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.3.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.4.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.4.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.4.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.3.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.3.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.3.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.2.0: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.4.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated set-value@0.3.3: Critical bug fixed in v3.0.1, please upgrade to the latest version.
npm WARN deprecated core-js@1.2.7: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
npm WARN tarball tarball data for globby@ (sha512-jhIXaOzy1sb8IyocaruWSn1TjmnBVs8Ayhcy83rmxNJ8q2uWKCAj3CnJY+KpGSXCueAPc0i05kVvVKtP1t9S3g==) seems to be corrupted. Trying again.
npm WARN tarball tarball data for globby@ (sha512-jhIXaOzy1sb8IyocaruWSn1TjmnBVs8Ayhcy83rmxNJ8q2uWKCAj3CnJY+KpGSXCueAPc0i05kVvVKtP1t9S3g==) seems to be corrupted. Trying again.
npm ERR! sha512-jhIXaOzy1sb8IyocaruWSn1TjmnBVs8Ayhcy83rmxNJ8q2uWKCAj3CnJY+KpGSXCueAPc0i05kVvVKtP1t9S3g== integrity checksum failed when using sha512: wanted sha512-jhIXaOzy1sb8IyocaruWSn1TjmnBVs8Ayhcy83rmxNJ8q2uWKCAj3CnJY+KpGSXCueAPc0i05kVvVKtP1t9S3g== but got sha512-3mOIUduqSMHm6gNjIw9E641TZ93NB8lFVt+6MKIw6vUaIS5aSsw/6cl0gT86z1IoKlaL90BiOQlA593GUMlzEA==. (6300 bytes)
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/expo/.npm/_logs/2024-08-21T13_29_37_870Z-debug-0.log
Error: Unknown error. See logs of the Install dependencies build phase for more information.
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