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Last active May 24, 2024 20:53
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let[@tail_mod_cons] rec split escape_char char start pos s =
if pos >= String.length s then
[String.sub s start (String.length s - start)]
let c = s.[pos] in
if c = char then
(String.sub s start (pos-start)) :: split escape_char char (pos+1) (pos+1) s
let pos = if c = escape_char then pos + 2 else pos + 1 in
split escape_char char start pos s
let split_path s = split '\\' ':' 0 0 s
module State_machine = struct
type cclass = ESC | SEP | ANY
type state = {
words: string list;
let split_with_escape esc sep s =
(* label what kind of character we have *)
let classify c =
if c = esc then ESC
else if c = sep then SEP
else ANY
let extract st = String.sub s st.word_start (st.pos - st.word_start) in
let f st c =
match st.escaped, classify c with
| true, (ANY|SEP|ESC as c) -> { st with escaped = c = ESC; pos = st.pos + 1 }
| false, (ANY|ESC as c) -> { st with escaped = c = ESC; pos = st.pos + 1 }
| false, SEP ->
let pos = st.pos + 1 in
{ words = extract st :: st.words; word_start = pos; pos; escaped = false}
let state = String.fold_left f { escaped = false; words = []; word_start = 0; pos =0 } s in
let words =
if state.pos > state.word_start then extract state :: state.words else state.words
List.rev words
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