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Created July 12, 2023 12:34
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extensible Calculi
type _ calculi_register = ..
type 'a c =
| Core of 'a
| Ext: 'b calculi_register *'b -> 'a c
type mixed_eval = { eval: 'a. 'a calculi_register -> 'a -> 'a c }
module type ext_calculus = sig
type core
type t = core c
type _ calculi_register += R: core calculi_register
val eval: (t->t) -> t -> t
module String = struct
type core =
| Str of string
| Print of t
and t = core c
type _ calculi_register += R: core calculi_register
let unwrap (type x) (w: x calculi_register) (y:x c): t = match y with
| Core x -> Ext(w,x)
| Ext (R,x) -> Core x
| Ext (w,e) -> Ext (w,e)
let rec core_eval global = function
| Str _ as x -> x
| Print t -> Print(eval global t)
and eval global = function
| Core x -> Core (core_eval global x)
| Ext (R,x) -> Core (core_eval global x)
| Ext (w,x) -> unwrap w (global.eval w x)
module Arith = struct
type core =
| Int of int
| IfThenElse of t * t * t
and t = core c
type _ calculi_register += R: core calculi_register
let unwrap (type x) (w: x calculi_register) (y:x c): t = match y with
| Core x -> Ext(w,x)
| Ext (R,x) -> Core x
| Ext (w,e) -> Ext (w,e)
let rec core_eval global = function
| Int _ as x -> Core x
| IfThenElse(t,then',else') ->
begin match eval global t with
| Core Int x ->
if x = 0 then eval global then' else eval global else'
| t -> Core (IfThenElse(t,then',else'))
and eval global = function
| Core x -> core_eval global x
| Ext (R,x) -> core_eval global x
| Ext (w,x) -> unwrap w (global.eval w x)
let rec global_eval: type t. t calculi_register -> t -> t c = fun w x ->
match w with
| String.R -> Core (String.core_eval {eval=global_eval} x)
| Arith.R -> Arith.core_eval {eval=global_eval} x
| w -> Ext(w,x)
let global = { eval = global_eval }
open String
open Arith
let print x = String.Print x
let if_then_else x y z = IfThenElse(x,y,z)
let arith x = Ext(Arith.R,x)
let string x = Ext(String.R,x)
let int x = Core(Int x)
let str x = (Str x)
let t = print (arith @@ if_then_else (int 0) (string @@ str "Hello") (int 1));;
let t' = String.core_eval global t
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