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Last active September 27, 2017 15:25
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let file = open_in "pkg"
module In = struct
let failure = open_in ""
let success = open_in ""
let (%) f g x = f (g x)
let fmt_open = Format.formatter_of_out_channel % open_out
type kind = Syntax | NI | Depext | Other
module M = Map.Make(struct type t = kind let compare=compare end)
let madd m (k,x) = M.add k x m
let of_list l = List.fold_left madd M.empty l
let errors =
[ Syntax, "syntax.out";
NI, "not_installable.out";
Depext, "depexts.out";
Other, "other.out" ]
|> (fun (x,y) -> x, fmt_open y)
|> of_list
let success = Format.formatter_of_out_channel @@ open_out "success.out"
let rec read file reader acc =
match reader (input_line file) acc with
| exception End_of_file -> acc
| x -> read file reader x
module S = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
let known =
|> read In.failure S.add
|> read In.success S.add
let skip = [
"aacplus" (* DEPEXT *);
"abt"; (* S *)
"acgtk" (* OTHER *);
"ansi-parse"; (* S *)
"arakoon"; (* DEPEXT *)
"async-mvar"; (* NI *)
"async_core"; (* NI *)
"aws-s3"; (* OTHER *)
let counter = ref 0
let marker s =
let re = Tyre.(compile @@ str s) in
fun s' ->
match Tyre.exec re s' with
| Ok () -> true
| Error _ -> false
let search = let open M in
Syntax, marker "Error: Syntax error";
Depext, marker "depext";
NI, marker "Your request can't be satisfied";
let process cmd =
let std, stdin, errchan = Unix.open_process_full cmd (Unix.environment ()) in
let reader line acc =
(fun k search acc ->
if search line then k else acc)
search acc in
let err = read errchan reader Other in
let err = read std reader err in
let pid', process_status = Unix.wait () in
if process_status = Unix.WEXITED 0 then
Ok ()
Error err
let exec fmt =
Format.kasprintf process fmt
let string_of_kind = function
| Syntax -> "\x1b[91m[SYNTAX]\x1b[0m"
| NI -> "\x1b[36m[not installable]\x1b[0m"
| Depext -> "\x1b[35m[external dependencies]\x1b[0m"
| Other -> "\x1b[33m[???]\x1b[0m"
let next () =
incr counter;
let pkg = input_line file in
Format.printf "%d) @?" !counter;
if List.mem pkg skip || S.mem pkg known then
Format.printf "%s: skipping@." pkg
Format.printf "installing package %s: @?" pkg;
let status =
match exec "opam install -y %s" pkg with
| Ok () -> Format.printf "\x1b[32m[success]\x1b[0m@."; success
| Error err ->
Format.printf "%s@." (string_of_kind err);
M.find err errors
Format.fprintf status "%s@." pkg
let rec loop () =
match next () with
| () -> loop ()
| exception End_of_file -> ()
;; loop ()
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