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Created October 21, 2015 17:04
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let d = 3
let m = 1000
let replicate_with_failures k rng st =
let rec aux l k =
if k = 0 then l else
match rng st with
| Some x -> aux (x::l) (k-1)
| None -> aux l (k-1) in
aux [] k
let sample_without_replacement (type elt) ?compare:(compare:elt->elt->int=compare) k (rng:elt CCRandom.t) st=
let module S = Set.Make(struct type t=elt let compare = compare end) in
let rec aux s k =
if k = 0 then
S.elements s
let x = rng st in
if S.mem x s then
aux s k
aux (S.add x s) (k-1) in
aux S.empty k
exception Diff_list_incompatible_size
let diff_list ( - ) l =
let rec diff_list acc = function
| [a;b] -> (b - a)::acc
| a::( b::q as r ) -> diff_list ( (b-a)::acc ) r
| [_] | [] -> raise Diff_list_incompatible_size
diff_list [] l
let inner_simplex_uniform m ~len =
let smap x =
List.sort compare (m::0::x)
|> diff_list ( - )
|> fun x -> Some x in
CCRandom.( pure smap <*> sample_without_replacement (len-1) (int_range 1 @@ m-1) )
let sample f k = replicate_with_failures k @@ f m ~len:d
exception Unexpected_size of int
let map_3 f = function
| [ a; b; c] -> f a b c
| l -> raise @@ Unexpected_size (List.length l)
let () =
let sampler =
if Array.length Sys.argv >= 2 then
match Sys.argv.(1) with
| "-uniform" -> inner_simplex_uniform
| "-split_list" | _ -> CCRandom.split_list
CCRandom.split_list in (sample sampler 50000)
|> List.iter @@ map_3 @@ Printf.printf "%d %d %d\n"
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