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Last active October 5, 2020 21:37
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[Deploy Flask on Heroku] #flask #heroku

prerequisetes - Flask, gunicorn, Heroku account and Heroku CLI are needed

$pip install flask gunicorn

step 1: Create a simple Flask App

// ./

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
	return 'Yo, it's working!'
if __name__ == "__main__":

step 2: Wrap-up Python Dependencies

put those dependencies in a file named requirements.txt

$pip freeze > requirements.txt

step 3: Create Procfile

create a Procfile and append the following text format: <process_type>:

  • activate web application
  • gunicor is a tool for developing WSGI in Python
web: gunicorn app:app

On Heroku side

suppose we create an app called flask-deploy-blog

  • login
$heroku login
  • create a new Git repository
$cd my-project/
$git init
$heroku git:remote -a flask-deploy-blog
  • create a new Heroku App
#if <app-name> is empty, Heroku will generate a random one.
$heroku create <app-name>
  • assign the Heroku App to the project
# -a option is followed by <app-name>
$heroku git:remote -a <app-name>
  • deploy the application
$git add .
$git commit -am "make it better"
$git push heroku master

Web-Server initialization

For the 1st time, configuration is needed for Heroku(we need a machine to run server)

heroku ps:scale web=1

Check the result

by web browser https://<Heroku app name> or by terminal

$heroku open


.gitignore: for those we don't expect to push those irrevelent file on web

# my-project/.gitigore
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