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Roman Gardukevich OdNairy

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func generateSunColor(progress: Double) -> UIColor {
if progress < 0.2 {
return interpolateColor(from: .white,
to: UIColor(red: 255/255, green: 242/255, blue: 0/255, alpha: 1), // Yellow
with: (progress) / 0.2)
} else if progress < 0.4 {
return interpolateColor(from: UIColor(red: 255/255, green: 242/255, blue: 0/255, alpha: 1), // Yellow
to: .white,
with: (progress - 0.2) / 0.2)
} else if progress < 0.7 {
class Swiftlint < Formula
desc "Tool to enforce Swift style and conventions"
homepage ""
url "",
tag: "0.44.0",
revision: "e820e750b08bd67bc9d98f4817868e9bc3d5d865"
license "MIT"
head "", branch: "master"
bottle do
OdNairy / HD Video URLs
Created January 5, 2020 20:46 — forked from agassiyzh/HD Video URLs
#WWDC14 HD Videos & PDFs URLs,
OdNairy / Priorbank.txt
Created June 21, 2019 09:49
Как переводить деньги на Приорбанк без комиссии
1. Откройте Интернет-Банкинг Приорбанк, выберите карту на которую хотите и нажмите кнопку "Подробнее".
2. Скопируйте номер договора для пополнения
3. Откройте ЕРИП для перевода с карты
4. Финансовые услуги - Банки, НКФО - Приорбанк - Пополнение
5. Вводите сумму
6. ...
7. Вы восхитительны. Profit!
OdNairy / Swift Events.swift
Created April 18, 2019 09:20 — forked from ColinEberhardt/Swift Events
An eventing mechanism for Swift
/// An object that has some tear-down logic
public protocol Disposable {
func dispose()
/// An event provides a mechanism for raising notifications, together with some
/// associated data. Multiple function handlers can be added, with each being invoked,
/// with the event data, when the event is raised.
public class Event<T> {
OdNairy / update_tf_data.rb
Last active June 2, 2019 19:43
Wait build to be processed and update changelog afterwards. fastlane 2.125+ required.
require 'spaceship'
module Fastlane
module Actions
module SharedValues
class UpdateTfDataAction < Action
000000000001eca4 leaq 0x180882(%rip), %rdi ## literal pool for: "VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"
000000000001ecab callq 0x19f084 ## symbol stub for: _getenv
000000000001ef7c leaq 0x180abc(%rip), %rdi ## literal pool for: "APPLE_LAPACK_FILL_NAN"
000000000001ef83 callq 0x19f084 ## symbol stub for: _getenv
0000000000059865 leaq 0x1461d3(%rip), %rdi ## literal pool for: "APPLE_LAPACK_FILL_NAN"
000000000005986c callq 0x19f084 ## symbol stub for: _getenv
#!/usr/bin/env swift
import Foundation
protocol TestProtocol {
func foo(_ param: Int)
extension TestProtocol {
func foo() {
print("Default implementation")
curl -v -X PUT "" \
-H "X-HockeyAppToken: f098e04f87f342f8a6ffcf50d3e37716" \
-F "restore_allowed=disabled"
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
* Server certificate: *
* Server certificate: Microsoft IT SSL SHA2
* Server certificate: Baltimore CyberTrust Root
> PUT /api/2/apps/435279/meta HTTP/1.1
Build target Panda of project Panda with configuration Debug
CompileSwiftSources normal arm64
cd /Users/odnairy/code/IntellectSoft/Panda
export DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/
export PATH="/Applications/"
export SDKROOT=/Applications/
/Applications/ -incremental -module-name Panda -Onone -D COCOAPODS -D COCOAPODS -D DEBUG -sdk /Applications/ -target arm64-apple-ios8.0 -g -module-cache-path /Users/odnairy/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache -Xfrontend -serialize-debugging-options -embed-bitcode-marker