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Created August 17, 2017 14:40
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$ cut -d: -f1 < out | cut -d/ -f1-3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -r -n
355 third_party/2and3/boto
229 third_party/2and3/jinja2
99 third_party/2and3/Crypto
81 third_party/2and3/pynamodb
43 third_party/2and3/requests
33 third_party/2and3/yaml
21 third_party/2and3/click
10 third_party/3/itsdangerous.pyi
10 stdlib/2and3/formatter.pyi
9 third_party/2and3/pymysql
9 stdlib/3/sqlite3
7 stdlib/2and3/xml
6 third_party/3/dateutil
6 stdlib/2and3/optparse.pyi
5 stdlib/3.3/ipaddress.pyi
4 stdlib/3/smtplib.pyi
4 stdlib/3/multiprocessing
4 stdlib/3/decimal.pyi
3 third_party/2and3/markupsafe
3 stdlib/3/_curses.pyi
3 stdlib/2and3/numbers.pyi
2 third_party/3/typed_ast
2 third_party/2and3/atomicwrites
2 stdlib/3/textwrap.pyi
2 stdlib/3/_subprocess.pyi
2 stdlib/3/_json.pyi
2 stdlib/3/gettext.pyi
2 stdlib/3.4/_tracemalloc.pyi
2 stdlib/2and3/fractions.pyi
2 stdlib/2and3/difflib.pyi
1 third_party/3/werkzeug
1 third_party/3/docutils
1 stdlib/3/sre_constants.pyi
1 stdlib/3/posixpath.pyi
1 stdlib/3/os
1 stdlib/3/ntpath.pyi
1 stdlib/3/macpath.pyi
1 stdlib/3/http
1 stdlib/2and3/py_compile.pyi
1 stdlib/2and3/calendar.pyi
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