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Created May 18, 2014 08:12
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Quick & dirty script used for downloading latest stock sheet from Google Apps Email and saving to server for further processing
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Quick & dirty script used for downloading latest stock sheet from
Google Apps Email and saving to server for further processing"""
import email
import imaplib
import os
save_dir = '.'
def search_emails(imapsearch='(HEADER Subject "Stock Status")'):
Given an IMAP search string search the emails for the stock update email
m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("")
resp, items =, imapsearch)
items = items[0].split()
items = items[:1]
return items
def wipe_existing(save_dir, extension):
files = os.listdir(save_dir)
for f in files:
if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ('.%s' % extension):
print("Removing: %s" % f)
def main(save_dir, user, pwd):
wipe_existing(save_dir, 'xlsx')
items = search_emails()
for emailid in items:
resp, data = m.fetch(emailid, "(RFC822)")
email_body = data[0][1] # getting the mail content
mail = email.message_from_string(email_body) # parsing the mail content to get a mail object
#Check if any attachments at all
if mail.get_content_maintype() != 'multipart':
print 'No attachment'
print "[%s]: %s" % (mail["From"], mail["Subject"])
for part in mail.walk():
# multipart are just containers, so we skip them
if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
# is this part an attachment ?
if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None:
filename = part.get_filename()
att_path = os.path.join(detach_dir, filename)
#Check if its already there
if not os.path.isfile(att_path) :
fp = open(att_path, 'wb')
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(save_dir, user, pwd)
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