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Created July 28, 2012 21:10
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from xml.dom.minidom import parse, Node, Text as TextNode, Element as Element
from collections import namedtuple
import re
class SpecialQueryElement: pass
text = SpecialQueryElement()
def childQuery(node,query):
if isinstance(query,str):
tag = query
return NodeList(child for child in node.childNodes
if isinstance(child,Element)
and child.localName == tag )
elif isinstance(query,tuple) and len(query) == 3:
tag,attr,value = query
return NodeList(child for child in node.childNodes
if isinstance(child,Element)
and child.localName == tag
and child.hasAttribute(attr)
and child.attributes[attr].value == value)
elif query == text:
return NodeList( for child in node.childNodes
if isinstance(child,TextNode))
class NodeList(list):
def __truediv__(self,query):
return NodeList( child for node in self for child in node / query )
Node.__truediv__ = childQuery
FeedChart = namedtuple('Feed',('Sync','IQ','Def','Pow','Dex','Mind'))
def feedChartAdd(chart,other):
return FeedChart(*map(sum,zip(chart,other)))
def feedChartMul(chart,q):
return FeedChart(*map((lambda x: x*q),chart))
FeedChart.__add__ = feedChartAdd
FeedChart.__mul__ = FeedChart.__rmul__ = feedChartMul
doc = parse("psomag.htm")
feed = {}
for info in doc / "html" / "body" / "div" / "table" / "tbody" :
names = ''.join( info / "tr" / "td" / "b" / text )
names = re.compile('[a-zA-z]+').findall(names)
values = []
items = []
for itemcol in (info / "tr")[2] / "td":
cells = itemcol / text
itemnames = [q[0] for q in re.compile('(([a-zA-Z]+[ ])*[a-zA-Z]+)').findall(''.join(cells))]
if itemnames: items = itemnames
itemvalues = re.compile('[0-9\+-]+').findall(''.join(cells))
if itemvalues : values.append([int(x) for x in itemvalues])
values = [FeedChart(*vallist) for vallist in zip(*values)]
chart = dict(zip(items,values))
for name in names: feed[name] = chart
mag = feed['Marutah']
sol = mag['Sol Atomizer']
moon = mag['Moon Atomizer']
dimate = mag['Dimate']
monomate = mag['Monomate']
dote = mag['Antidote']
par = mag['Antiparalysis']
difluid = mag['Difluid']
print( 2*dote + 3*par + sol )
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