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Last active June 12, 2024 02:28
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  • Save Offbeatmammal/d52b7ab1d6308cfdfb9494be52695fd4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Offbeatmammal/d52b7ab1d6308cfdfb9494be52695fd4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
We had an issue where the default number of versions in SharePoint was consuming a lot of space. We were able to reset the default, but there isn't a quick way to prune the old versions across and entire site (have to do it file by file) so built a quick and dirty PowerShell script we could use to handle one or more sites, limited to only PowerP…
# Ensure you have installed PnP Powershell
# Set Variables
$SiteURL = "https://{URL}"
# ragged array of two or three parameters:
# - the name of the site (to be concatenated with the $SiteURL),
# - the root folder of the site to prune
# - optionally any message to display to the user while the script runs for that folder
$Sites = ("{site}","{root folder}"),("{site}","{root folder}","{comment to display}"),("{site}","root folder}")
$VersionsToKeep = 10
foreach($site in $sites)
$url = $SiteURL+$site[0]+"/"
#Connect to PnP Online
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $url -Interactive
Write-Host -f Green "Please wait, getting folder/file list for" $site[0]
if ($site.Count -eq 3)
Write-Host -f Cyan $site[2]
$ListName = "/"+$site[1]
$ListItems = Get-PnPFolderItem -FolderSiteRelativeUrl $ListName -ItemType File -Recursive
Write-Host -f Green "Processing list for any documents with more than" $VersionsToKeep "versions"
#Loop through each Item
$cnt = 0
foreach($File in $ListItems)
$cnt += 1
$i = [math]::ceiling($cnt * 100 / $ListItems.Count)
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Files" -Status "$i% Complete:" -PercentComplete $i
if (($File.Name.Length -gt 6) -and
(($File.Name.Substring($File.Name.Length - 5) -eq ".pptx") -or ($File.Name.Substring($File.Name.Length - 5) -eq ".docx")))
$Versions = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $File -Property versions
$VersionsCount = $Versions.Count
$VersionsToDelete = $VersionsCount - $VersionsToKeep + 1
If($VersionsToDelete -gt 0)
Write-Host "File:" $File.ServerRelativeUrl "[" $VersionsCount "]"
Write-Host -f Cyan "`t Total Number of Versions to be deleted:" $VersionsToDelete
#Delete versions
For($i=0; $i -lt $VersionsToDelete; $i++)
If ($Versions[$i].IsCurrentVersion)
Write-Host -f Cyan "`t Deleting Version:" $Versions[$i].VersionLabel
Remove-PnPFileVersion -URL $File.ServerRelativeUrl -Identity $Versions[$i].ID -Force
Write-Host -f Green "`t Version History is cleaned for the File:" $File.Name
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Files" -Completed
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