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Last active September 6, 2017 14:34
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kbcstorage snippets
Utilities for manipulating sqlalchemy connection to keboola workspace.
Example usage::
from getpass import getpass
from kbcstorage.client import Client
import sqlalchemy as sqa
from connection_tools import construct_dsn
token = getpass('Storage token: ')
workspace_id = input('Workspace id: ')
client = Client("", token)
engine = sqa.create_engine(construct_dsn(workspace_id, client))
conn = engine.connect()
q = """\\
SELECT distinct tablename
FROM pg_table_def
WHERE schemaname='workspace_{}';""".format(workspace_id)
Requires `kbcstorage`_, `sqlalchemy`_ and possibly sqlalchmey `dialects`_.
.. _kbcstorage:
.. _slqalchemy:
.. _dialects:
def construct_dsn(workspace_id, client, ws_password=None, dialect=None,
driver='psycopg2', port='5439'):
Create a new sqlalchemy connection for a given workspace.
Necessarily resets the password on creation.
workspace_id (str): The id of the workspace.
client (kbcstorage.Client): A client instance initialised with
a token with sufficient privileges.
ws_password (str): The corresponding workspace password. If not
supplied, the workspace password will be reset. Default None.
dialect (str): the sqlalchemy dialect to use. eg. redshift. For more
information about sqlachemy dialects, look here:
redshift and snowflake will require the installation of additional
Default ``'redshift'``.
driver (str): similar to dialect. May be related to dialect? Default
port (str): The port to communicate with. Default 5439.
details = client.workspaces.detail(workspace_id)['connection']
# password
if ws_password is not None:
details['password'] = ws_password
# dialect
details['dialect'] = details.pop('backend')
if dialect is not None:
details['dialect'] = dialect
t = '{dialect}+{driver}://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}'
return t.format(driver=driver, port=port, **details)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from getpass import getpass
from kbcstorage.client import Client
import sqlalchemy as sqa
token = getpass('Storage token: ')
workspace_id = input('Workspace id: ')
client = Client("", token)
engine = sqa.create_engine(construct_dsn(workspace_id, client))
conn = engine.connect()
q = """\
SELECT distinct tablename
FROM pg_table_def
WHERE schemaname='workspace_{}';""".format(workspace_id)
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