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Efficiently Calculating the Parity of a 32 Bit Integer
Read this file first.
Then read the comments at the top of parity_test.c
Then read the comments above each algorithm implementation in parity.c
So there I was talking about efficient implemetation of fundamental functions
with Palmer over at SiFive. Back in the day, I used to participate in informal
contests on to see who could craft the most efficient
implementations for population count or bit reversal or bit-blitting. For
programmer types, it's great fun.
This day, however, we picked "how do you efficently calculate the parity of a
32 bit integer" as a practical example of a typical problem a programmer might
After thinking about it for a while and coming up with a number of different
implementations, we felt we had exhausted the solution space. Practical
ramifications of our conversation included a few key take-aways:
1. C compilers are pretty good these days, but if you're seriously worried about
efficiency, you want to learn how to read assembly for your target CPU and
take a look at the what the compiler produces.
2. You can often get a good sense for efficiency by looking at the assembly
output, but DEFINITELY run some timing tests. Modern CPUs are complex beasts
where subtle changes in code can lead to radical changes in run-time
And that's what this code is about. It's set up to test several different
techniques for producing the parity value of a 32 bit integer. As a bonus, it's
pretty easy to tell the compiler to spit out the assembly code it's generating.
I don't think any of the approaches provided here are completely new, you can
probably find them discussed out on the internet. Palmer described a few of
them in a very succinct manner, exposing the relationship between CPU design
and the production of optimized code. I haven't seen such a discussion online
before, so I figured it might be cool to step through a couple of different
implementations of a particular problem, highlighting how features in modern
CPUs make some optimizations more or less effective.
In addition to telling you raw numbers, it gives you information about relative
performance. It's not a perfect test, however, as it's intended to run on a unix
like operating system (Darwin, Leenucks, BSD, etc.) and it's likely machines
running each of these OSes have things going on in the background. But if you
run it several times, it will probably give you a decent picture of what parity
algorithms run faster on your hardware.
# Makefile
# Copyright (c) 2018, Meadhbh S. Hamrick
# Released under a BSD Open Source License, see parity_test.c for details
default :
@echo "try one of the following:"
@echo "make test - builds the parity_test executable"
@echo "make clean - removes object files and executables"
@echo "make asm - compiles parity.c to assembly language"
@echo "make custom - makes a version that includes an assembly implementation"
test : parity_test
parity_test : parity_test.o parity.o
$(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o parity_test parity_test.o parity.o
parity_test.o : parity_test.c parity.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o parity_test.o parity_test.c
parity.o : parity.c parity.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o parity.o parity.c
clean :
$(RM) parity_test parity_test.o parity.o parity.s \
parity_custom.o custom_test.o custom_test
asm :
$(CC) -S $(CFLAGS) -c -o parity.s parity.c
custom : custom_test
custom_test : custom_test.o parity.o parity_custom.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o custom_test custom_test.o parity.o parity_custom.o
custom_test.o : parity_test.c parity.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D_CUSTOM -c -o custom_test.o parity_test.c
/* parity.c
** Copyright (c) 2018, Meadhbh S. Hamrick
** Released under a BSD Open Source License, see parity_test.c for details
** This file contains several different functions that calculate the
** parity of a 32 bit integer. See comments in the parity_test.c file for
** instructions in how to build this file and it's test harness. The
** objective of this package is to demonstrate how much of a performance
** boost you can get out of optimizing your algorithm.
** The function we're looking at here is the even parity function. The
** parity of a string of bits is defined as "the number of one bits
** needed to be added to ensure the total number of one bits in the
** string is even." In other words, if you have an odd number of bits in
** your string, your parity is 1 because you need to add a single one bit
** to have an even number of ones. If you have an even number of bits in
** your bit string, you don't need to add any one bits because you
** already have an even number, so your parity is 0. The parity function
** has a long history of being used as a very simple error correction
** scheme for memory, disk storage and data streaming over a network (or
** heaven forbid, a modem.)
#include "parity.h"
** This is the parity Look-Up Table (aka "the lut".) It is a 256 octet
** entry which contains the parity of the octets 0 through 255. We use it
** in several of the parity implementations below.
static uint8_t lut[ 256 ] = {
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0
** Okay. Here's our first, naive implementation. This function takes a 32
** bit integer as input and returns the parity of the input (either a
** zero or a one.) The implementation is pretty straight forward; we loop
** through the bits in the input and count how many one bits we find. We
** then return the least significant bit of the count because it turns
** out that's actually the parity.
uint32_t parity_naive( uint32_t input ) {
uint32_t i, count;
for( i = 0, count = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
if( 1 == ( input & 1 ) ) {
input = input >> 1;
return count & 1;
** So let's have a conversation about instruction pipelines. Don't know
** about pipelinging in CPUs? Check out this link:
** One of the problems with if-thens is when a CPU executes a Jump
** instruction, it means all the work ahead of the jump in the pipeline
** has to be thrown away. You're JUMPING to a different location where
** there will be new instructions. Your CPU has to re-fill that
** pipeline, which takes time.
** One way to avoid this is to using logical functions like AND, OR or
** XOR to combine the existing state (the current parity) with an input
** bit to find the new parity.
** So in this function, we're not counting bits. We start by saying our
** initial parity is zero. Then we look at the first bit; if it's one, we
** know our parity is now one. If it's zero, the parity is still
** zero. Then we shift the input one bit to the right and do it
** again. Here's a truth table for how we combine each of the 32 input
** bits into the running state of the function:
** +----------------+-----------------+----------------+
** | Current Parity | Input Bit | New Parity |
** +----------------+-----------------+----------------+
** | 0 | 0 | 0 |
** | 0 | 1 | 1 |
** | 1 | 0 | 1 |
** | 1 | 1 | 0 |
** +----------------+-----------------+----------------+
** Clever readers will recognize this as the truth table for the XOR
** function. So our new and improved function simply XORs the existing
** state together with each of the 32 bits in the input one at a time.
** As an interesting aside, a similar technique was used to fix a famous
** bug in the TENEX operating system back in the golden era of
** computing. More info at:
uint32_t parity_xor( uint32_t input ) {
uint32_t i, state;
for( i = 0, state = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
return state;
** So you may be thinking, "If Jump instructions cause the instruction
** pipeline to plotz, why are we using a loop that ends with a Jump
** instruction?"
** Good question.
** "Loop Unrolling" is a time-honored technique for optimizing code. In
** addition to avoiding the hit to the pipeline, you probably know how
** many times you have to execute the code in the loop. Therefore you
** don't have to execute the code which checks whether it's time to exit
** the loop.
** You know, I don't recommend the Wikipedia as the be-all, end-all
** reference for good coding practice, but this article *IS* a good
** introduction to loop unrolling and it has some decent external links:
** At the time I looked at this article, it had a reference to a book by
** Michael Abrash. For the record, I love Mr. Abrash. He wrote a book
** called "The Zen of Assembly Language" back in the day that emphisized
** So you probably want to look at the timing tests for this function. It
** *MAY* not be as fast as you suspect.
** Why is this?
** So it turns out modern CPUs have this thing called "Branch
** Prediction." This is logic in your CPU that tries to guess which way a
** conditional branch will go so the CPU can better optimize its
** pipeline. As mi amigo Palmer pointed out to me recently, branch
** predictors are pretty good for small loops. Here's the requisite
** Wikipedia reference for more details:
** I would be willing to bet, however, that older CPUs (like the original
** 8086) that don't do branch prediction, may actually run this code
** appreciably faster.
** Also, check out the output when you compile this function down to
** assembly (see comments in parity_test.c for more info.) Check out
** what happens when you add increasing levels of optimization.
** So, to be clear here, we're "unrolling" the loop from the parity_xor()
** function. That is, instead of having a for-loop, we just do 32 XORs.
uint32_t parity_unrolled( uint32_t input ) {
uint32_t state = 0;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ ( input & 1 );
return state;
** But we can do better.
** Each of the bits in the state and input values are independent. While
** it's true we're only concerned about the low bit of the state or input
** variables, we don't *HAVE* to AND-out all the other bits to zero after
** every other shift.
** In this implementation we're avoiding AND-ing the input before XOR-ing
** it with the state after each shift. But we *DO* need to AND it with
** one before we return it. Still, we're getting rid of 31 ANDs.
** You would think this implementation would run a little faster than the
** previous one, but definitely test this assertion by running the
** parity_test executable.
uint32_t parity_better_unrolled( uint32_t input ) {
uint32_t state = 0;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
input = input >> 1;
state = state ^ input;
return state & 1;
** So remember that big look-up table at the beginning of this file?
** Yeah. Now is when we actually use it.
** The idea behind the look-up table is we pre-compute the parity of the
** octets from 0 to 255 and store those pre-computed values in a
** table. So now instead of COMPUTING the parity of an octet, we use it
** as an index into a table where we fetch the pre-computed value. This
** is a simple example of a "time-space tradeoff" and of course there's a
** wikipedia entry on it:
** In this implementation, we treat the uint32_t input as an array of
** four octets and use each as an offset into the lookup table, XOR-ing
** the new parity we looked up with the existing state variable.
uint32_t parity_lut( uint32_t input ) {
uint32_t state;
// Actually, we can save ourselves an XOR operation if we just
// assign our initial state as the first looked-up value.
state = (uint32_t) lut[ input & 0xFF ];
input = input >> 8;
// But the rest of the bytes get XOR-ed into the existing state.
state = state ^ (uint32_t) lut[ input & 0xFF ];
input = input >> 8;
state = state ^ (uint32_t) lut[ input & 0xFF ];
input = input >> 8;
state = state ^ (uint32_t) lut[ input & 0xFF ];
// And the state variable will ONLY be a zero or a one, so we don't
// need to AND it with one.
return state;
** So when I was a kid, a few CPUs implemented shift operations so that
** EACH bit shifted took one clock cycle. So, shifting a register 8 bits
** to the right took eight times as long as shifting it one bit to the
** right.
** I don't think that's true with modern CPUs, but what the heck, let's
** test that assertion.
** In this implementation, we treat the input as an array of four octets
** and use pointer manipulation to extract four different indexes into
** the look-up table, again, XOR-ing the looked-up values together.
uint32_t parity_lut_bis( uint32_t input ) {
uint32_t state;
// FWIW, I know a lot of people who really frown on creating
// pointers to things on the stack. If you're coding this at 3AM,
// you can easily cause a core dump. The more I think about it, the
// more I think I like the previous implementation. It seems a lot
// clearer as to what we're trying to do & I bet this isn't
// especially faster than the previous implementation.
uint8_t * ptr = (uint8_t *) & input;
state = (uint32_t) lut[ ptr[0] ];
state = state ^ (uint32_t) lut[ ptr[1] ];
state = state ^ (uint32_t) lut[ ptr[2] ];
state = state ^ (uint32_t) lut[ ptr[3] ];
return state;
** So by now you've probably figured out that the parity of a 32 bit
** integer is the XOR of all it's bits. So if the function bit() returned
** the bit at a particular offset, the parity function for a 4 bit value
** could be calculated like so:
** bit(0) ^ bit(1) ^ bit(2) ^ bit(3)
** Another way to think about this is to form an expression tree
** representing these calculations:
** ( ^ )
** / \
** bit(0) ( ^ )
** / \
** bit(1) ( ^ )
** / \
** bit(2) bit(3)
** If the idea of an expression tree is new to you, here's the wikipedia
** link:
** Expression trees can often help you identify opportunities for
** optimization. In this case we have a very unbalanced tree. Because
** the XOR operation is associative, we can balance the tree thusly:
** ( ^ )
** / \
** / \
** ( ^ ) ( ^ )
** / \ / \
** / \ / \
** bit(0) bit(2) bit(1) bit(3)
** Take a close look at how we chose the particular bits along the bottom
** row. Through the miracle of the commutative property of the XOR
** function, we can pick any permutation of bit indexes. This particular
** permutation lets us calculate two XORs at a time by doing this:
** input = input ^ ( input >> 2 )
** After executing this statement, bit zero of the input will be
** bit(0) ^ bit(2) and bit one of the input will be bit(1) ^ bit(3).
** (incidentally, this is exactly what's in the middle layer of
** expression nodes in the tree above.) If we repeat this operation,
** shifting only by one, it's the equivalent of performing the operation
** in the top node:
** input = input ^ ( input >> 1 )
** This can be extended to any width bit field. In the case of our 32 bit
** input, we could do this:
** input = ( input ^ ( input >> 16 ) ) & 0xFFFF
** input = ( input ^ ( input >> 8 ) ) & 0xFF
** input = ( input ^ ( input >> 4 ) ) & 0xF
** input = ( input ^ ( input >> 2 ) ) & 0x3
** input = ( input ^ ( input >> 1 ) ) & 0x1
** But since we're going to throw away the high order bits of input
** anyway and we don't use them again, we can eliminate all the
** intermediate ANDs and do this:
** input = input ^ ( input >> 16 )
** input = input ^ ( input >> 8 )
** input = input ^ ( input >> 4 )
** input = input ^ ( input >> 2 )
** input = ( input ^ ( input >> 1 ) ) & 0x1
uint32_t parity_fast_xor( uint32_t input ) {
input = input ^ ( input >> 16 );
input = input ^ ( input >> 8 );
input = input ^ ( input >> 4 );
input = input ^ ( input >> 2 );
return ( input ^ ( input >> 1 ) ) & 0x1;
** Hey, but remember that look-up table? We could eliminate a couple of
** shifts and XORs by doing using it.
** At this point you might be thinking "hey, why not just use a 4 Gb
** look-up table and do the calculation in one operation?" This may
** actually be an option in the glorious future, but for now we need a
** look-up table that can easily fit in the processor's cache. At the
** time I wrote this, 16k or 32k caches for embedded CPUs not uncommon,
** but not 4Gb caches are nowhere to be seen.
** Even if you DID have a 4Gb cache, it may not be worth it. It
** probably takes at least one clock cycle per 1, 4 or 16 bytes of memory
** to load from main memory into the cache, so a 256 byte table will take
** 256, 64 or 16 cycles to load. Assuming you have a 4Gb cache some day,
** it's still going to take at least 2^(31-4) cycles to load. Adding 2^28
** machine cycles just so you can save the number of cycles it takes to
** execute these lines is probably not going to be a net-positive:
** input = input ^ ( input >> 16 );
** input = input ^ ( input >> 8 );
** But definitely test this hypothesis, you *should* be able to use a 4Gb
** lookup table on a modern 64 bit CPU, but I'm going to leave that as an
** exercise for the reader. If you have access to CPUs with different
** cache sizes, it might be instructive to see how different sized
** look-up tables affect performance. But, this also is an exercise for
** the reader.
uint32_t parity_faster_xor( uint32_t input ) {
input = input ^ ( input >> 16 );
input = input ^ ( input >> 8 );
return lut[ input & 0xFF ];
** After digging around, I found this implementation at Steven Brumme's
** site at:
** It's pretty cool. It does the shift and XOR trick multiple times to
** get down to a 4 bit value. Then it shifts a specially constructed 16
** bit constant by that many bits and as if by magic, the least
** significant bit is the parity of the 32 bit value.
** The magic here comes from the construction of the special
** constant. Remember that the shift and XOR trick takes a n-bit value
** and produces a n/2-bit value with the same parity. Brumme's
** implementation does effectively the same thing as the lookup table in
** the parity_lut implementation above, but it uses the 16 bit constant
** as the look-up table. Each of the bits in the special constant encodes
** the parity of the index's parity. Here's the table from Brumme's web
** page redrawn:
** Index Parity
** 0 0000 0 --------------------------------------+
** 1 0001 1 ------------------------------------+ |
** 2 0010 1 ----------------------------------+ | |
** 3 0011 0 --------------------------------+ | | |
** | | | |
** 4 0100 1 ----------------------------+ | | | |
** 5 0101 0 --------------------------+ | | | | |
** 6 0110 0 ------------------------+ | | | | | |
** 7 0111 1 ----------------------+ | | | | | | |
** | | | | | | | |
** 8 1000 1 ------------------+ | | | | | | | |
** 9 1001 0 ----------------+ | | | | | | | | |
** A 1010 0 --------------+ | | | | | | | | | |
** B 1011 1 ------------+ | | | | | | | | | | |
** | | | | | | | | | | | |
** C 1100 0 --------+ | | | | | | | | | | | |
** D 1101 1 ------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | |
** E 1110 1 ----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
** F 1111 0 --+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
** v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
** Magic Constant -> 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
** Magic Constant (in Hex) -> 0x6996
** I don't know if Stephan devised this shift look-up table scheme
** himself or if he's copying it from someone else, but it's definitely
** clever. I'm not sure if it's going to be faster than the look-up table
** used in parity_faster_xor() on a modern CPU, but if you're on a CPU
** with a fast shifter and a (very) small data cache, I wouldn't be
** surprised if it *was* faster.
uint32_t parity_shift_lut( uint32_t input ) {
input = input ^ ( input >> 16 );
input = input ^ ( input >> 8 );
input = input ^ ( input >> 4 );
input = input & 0xF;
return ( 0x6996 >> input & 0x0F ) & 1;
** Here's another algorithm on Brumme's web page, though I think I saw
** this one on the USENET back in the day. Stephan's description of the
** algorithm is pretty good, so you may want to look at it as well:
** This algorithm starts by calculating the parity of the eight four-bit
** nybbles in the thirty-two bit input value, depositing a zero or a one
** into that nybble. For example, if you started with the value
** 0xEBBF6632, after the first half of the algorithm you would have an
** intermediary value of 0x11100010.
** Next, it multiplies this value by 0x11111111 (note, that's a Hexadecimal
** constant, not a binary constant.) You can see why this is interesting if
** you think about how we performed multipication in grade school:
** x 11111111
** ----------
** -----------------
** *******X********
** ^
** |
** +--------- (A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H)
** The digit in the product highlighted above is going to be the sum of
** each of the digits in the intermediate value we calculated in the
** previous step. As it turns out, the low bit of the sum of these
** intermediary parities is the parity of the whole thirty-two bit
** value. And because we constrained each of the hex digits of the
** intermediary value to a one or a zero, we don't have to worry about
** previous digits carrying over into this middle digit of the product.
** So now the parity is in bit 28 of the resulting product. All we need
** do now is shift and use the AND operation to eliminate any extraneous
** data in the higher order bits.
** In the limited testing I was able to do, I found this implementation
** to be just slightly slower than the XOR/look-up hybrid in
** parity_faster_xor() on an Intel i5 CPU running (*shudder*) Windows
** 10. But it's close enough to warrant a little extra investigation. If
** you're using a CPU with a (very) small data cache and a fast multiply,
** I bet this implementation would be faster. But, as always, run some
** tests to be sure.
uint32_t parity_and_mult( uint32_t input ) {
input = input ^ ( input >> 1 );
input = input ^ ( input >> 2 );
input = input & 0x11111111;
input = input * 0x11111111;
return ( input >> 28 ) & 1;
/* parity.h
** Copyright (c) 2018, Meadhbh S. Hamrick
** Released under a BSD Open Source License, see parity_test.c for details
#ifndef _H_PARITY
#define _H_PARITY
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t parity_naive( uint32_t input );
uint32_t parity_xor( uint32_t input );
uint32_t parity_unrolled( uint32_t input );
uint32_t parity_better_unrolled( uint32_t input );
uint32_t parity_lut( uint32_t input );
uint32_t parity_lut_bis( uint32_t input );
uint32_t parity_fast_xor( uint32_t input );
uint32_t parity_faster_xor( uint32_t input );
uint32_t parity_shift_lut( uint32_t input );
uint32_t parity_and_mult( uint32_t input );
#ifdef _CUSTOM
uint32_t parity_custom( uint32_t input );
# parity_custom.s
# Copyright (c) 2018 Meadhbh S. Hamrick, All Rights Reserved
# Released under a BSD Open Source License. See parity_test.c for license
# text.
# This is a very bad implementation of a custom assembly parity algorithm.
# Hopefully you recognize this as Intel assembly. My system seems to have
# come with v2.26 of the Gnu Assembler (GAS). You can find more information
# about it at:
# If you want to try your hand at writing some assembly, replace the
# extremely bad implementation below with an implementation of your own
# design and recompile thusly:
# gcc -c -o parity_custom.o parity_custom.s
# gcc -c -o parity.o -D_CUSTOM parity.c
# gcc -c -o custom_test.o -D_CUSTOM parity_test.c
# gcc -o custom_test custom_test.o parity.o parity_custom.o
# This will produce a version of the test program called custom_test which
# may be executed normally. Or... you can just type:
# make custom
.ident "Custom Assembly Implementation"
.file "parity_custom.c"
.globl parity_custom
.type parity_custom, @function
xorl %eax, %eax
/* parity_test.c
** Copyright (c) 2018, Meadhbh S. Hamrick
** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
** met:
** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
** 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
** contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
** this software without specific prior written permission.
** This is a quick bit of test code to verify a few fun conversations about
** how to most efficiently calculate the parity of a 32 bit integer. The
** implementation is broken into three files: parity_test.c, parity.c and
** parity.h. This file, parity_test.c, contains the main function which
** loops through a number of test fixtures and verifies our
** implementation(s) are working correctly. The actual implementations are
** defined in parity.c while parity.h defines the interface to the
** implementations in parity.c.
** What you're supposed to learn from this is how radically different a
** "smart" implementation can be. There's more detail in comments in
** parity.c, but what you *should* see is the naive implementation is
** plenty fast, but as we make successive optimizations, we get impressive
** improvements in speed.
** To compile this program, type `make test` on the command line, or do the
** following:
** gcc -c -o parity.o parity.c
** gcc -c -o parity_test.o parity_test.c
** gcc -o parity_test parity_test.o parity.o
** It might be fun to also add optimization flags like -O3, but the
** implementations are pretty simple, so the default optimization(s) may be
** pretty good to start with. But... I don't know. Give it a try. See what
** happens. I'm not too proud to say I've been pleasantly surprised by
** compilers' ability to optimize code in the last couple of decades.
** If you want to see what happens when you turn on agressive optimization,
** try building with this command:
** CFLAGS=-O3 make test && ./parity_test
** This program runs several self-tests on the implementations defined in
** parity.c. You SHOULD see a test value printed on a line followed by the
** values returned by different implementations. Something's seriously
** wrong if the different implementations don't return the same value.
** Next the test program runs each of the implementations _COUNT_TIME
** number of times and measures how long it takes. Pedants will probably
** point out that we're including the time it takes to CALL the
** implementation in the timing data. They're right, we are doing that. But
** what we're trying to accomplish is to show ball-park figures for
** relative performance, not to collect absolute timing data. (After all,
** this code uses Unix standard library calls to get time of day data. It's
** highly likely you're running this code on a machine that may be doing
** all sorts of other tasks in the background. If you get weird results,
** try running the program a couple times and making sure there are no
** other CPU intensive processes running.)
** Another fun thing to try is to compile the parity.c file down to
** assembly language with this command:
** gcc -S -c -o parity.s parity.c
** This requires you to understand assembly language for your platform, but
** if you do, it's pretty revealing what's happening. FWIW, the reason this
** test is split into multiple files is so it's easy to compile just the
** parity implementations to assembly.
** Anyway, enjoy. Also, don't forget to read the comments in parity.c.
** And hella-props to Palmer Dabbelt at SiFive for pointing out to me how
** many ways there are to calculate parity.
#ifndef _COUNT_TIME
#define _COUNT_TIME 1048576
#ifndef _CUSTOM
#define _COUNT_IMPL 10
#define _COUNT_IMPL 11
#define _COUNT_TEST 10
#include "parity.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
typedef struct {
uint32_t test;
uint32_t count;
} tFixture;
typedef struct {
unsigned char * name;
uint32_t (*func)( uint32_t );
} tImplementation;
static tFixture fixtures[ _COUNT_TEST ] = {
{0x00000000, 0},
{0x00000001, 1},
{0x00000002, 1},
{0x00000004, 1},
{0x00000008, 1},
{0x00000011, 0},
{0xAAAAAAAA, 0},
{0x55555555, 0},
{0xA5A5A5A4, 1},
{0x3C3CC3C3, 0}
static tImplementation implementations[ _COUNT_IMPL ] = {
{"Naive", parity_naive}
,{"XOR", parity_xor}
,{"Unrolled", parity_unrolled}
,{"Better Unrolled", parity_better_unrolled}
,{"Lookup Table", parity_lut}
,{"Lookup Table (bis)", parity_lut_bis}
,{"Fast XOR", parity_fast_xor}
,{"Faster XOR", parity_faster_xor}
,{"Shift Lookup", parity_shift_lut}
,{"AND and Multiply", parity_and_mult}
#ifdef _CUSTOM
,{"Custom Assembly", parity_custom}
void list_implementations() {
int i;
printf( "I know of the following implementations: \n" );
for( i = 0; i < _COUNT_IMPL; i++ ) {
printf( " %02d - %-20s\n", i + 1, implementations[ i ].name );
printf( "\n" );
void test_implementations() {
int i, j;
printf( "Testing %d implementations\n", _COUNT_IMPL );
printf( " ## Fixture ^" );
for( i = 0; i < _COUNT_IMPL; i++ ) {
printf( " %02d", i + 1);
printf( "\n" );
for( i = 0; i < _COUNT_TEST; i++ ) {
printf( " %02d %08X %1d", i + 1, fixtures[i].test, fixtures[i].count );
for( j = 0; j < _COUNT_IMPL; j++ ) {
printf( " %2d", (*implementations[j].func)( fixtures[i].test ) );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "\n" );
uint64_t gen_timestamp() {
struct timeval time_data;
gettimeofday( & time_data, NULL );
return (uint64_t) ( time_data.tv_sec * 1000000 + time_data.tv_usec );
double _diff( uint64_t extent, uint64_t base ) {
return (double) base / (double) extent;
void time_implementations() {
int i, j;
uint64_t naive, current, begin, end;
uint32_t (* impl )( uint32_t );
printf( "Timing %d implementations by calling each %d times\n",
printf( " ## Implementation usec times faster than Naive\n" );
for( i = 0; i < _COUNT_IMPL; i++ ) {
impl = implementations[i].func;
begin = gen_timestamp();
for( j = 0; j < _COUNT_TIME; j++ ) {
(*impl)( j );
end = gen_timestamp();
if( 0 == i ) {
naive = end - begin;
printf( " %02d %-20s %07ld\n", i + 1, implementations[i].name, naive );
} else {
current = end - begin;
printf( " %02d %-20s %07ld %5.1f\n", i + 1,
implementations[i].name, current,
(double) naive / (double) current );
printf( "\n" );
int main( int argc, char * argv [] ) {
int i;
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