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Last active December 20, 2020 10:28
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Among us UWP dump
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
// Image 0: mscorlib.dll - 0
// Image 1: System.Configuration.dll - 1824
// Image 2: Mono.Security.dll - 1839
// Image 3: System.Xml.dll - 2025
// Image 4: System.dll - 2781
// Image 5: System.Core.dll - 4577
// Image 6: UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll - 5227
// Image 7: UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll - 5255
// Image 8: UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll - 5764
// Image 9: UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll - 5779
// Image 10: UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll - 5791
// Image 11: UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll - 5804
// Image 12: UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll - 5808
// Image 13: UnityEngine.GridModule.dll - 5825
// Image 14: UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll - 5828
// Image 15: UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule.dll - 5860
// Image 16: UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll - 5869
// Image 17: UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll - 5885
// Image 18: UnityEngine.XRModule.dll - 5898
// Image 19: Purchasing.Common.dll - 5925
// Image 20: UnityEngine.AIModule.dll - 5934
// Image 21: UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll - 5937
// Image 22: UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll - 5951
// Image 23: UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll - 5983
// Image 24: UnityEngine.InputModule.dll - 5985
// Image 25: UnityEngine.JSONSerializeModule.dll - 5990
// Image 26: UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll - 5992
// Image 27: UnityEngine.ScreenCaptureModule.dll - 5997
// Image 28: UnityEngine.SpriteMaskModule.dll - 6000
// Image 29: UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll - 6002
// Image 30: UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll - 6018
// Image 31: UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll - 6028
// Image 32: UnityEngine.UIModule.dll - 6183
// Image 33: UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll - 6193
// Image 34: UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll - 6207
// Image 35: UnityEngine.VFXModule.dll - 6209
// Image 36: UnityEngine.VRModule.dll - 6220
// Image 37: UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll - 6224
// Image 38: AppleCore.dll - 6239
// Image 39: System.Numerics.dll - 6241
// Image 40: System.Runtime.Serialization.dll - 6253
// Image 41: UnityEngine.dll - 6259
// Image 42: Apple.dll - 6260
// Image 43: AppleMacos.dll - 6262
// Image 44: FacebookStore.dll - 6264
// Image 45: Security.dll - 6267
// Image 46: System.Data.dll - 6290
// Image 47: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll - 6520
// Image 48: System.Globalization.Extensions.dll - 6521
// Image 49: System.IO.Compression.dll - 6522
// Image 50: System.Net.Http.dll - 6523
// Image 51: System.Xml.Linq.dll - 6597
// Image 52: UnityEngine.Purchasing.dll - 6637
// Image 53: UnityEngine.UI.dll - 6678
// Image 54: winrt.dll - 6874
// Image 55: Stores.dll - 6879
// Image 56: netstandard.dll - 7065
// Image 57: Hazel.dll - 7066
// Image 58: Newtonsoft.Json.dll - 7103
// Image 59: QRCoder.dll - 7379
// Image 60: Unity.Analytics.DataPrivacy.dll - 7417
// Image 61: XGamingRuntime.dll - 7422
// Image 62: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll - 7522
// Image 63: Assembly-CSharp.dll - 7926
// Namespace:
internal class <Module> // TypeDefIndex: 0
// Namespace:
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
internal sealed class <>f__AnonymousType0<<message>j__TPar> // TypeDefIndex: 1
// Fields
[DebuggerBrowsableAttribute] // RVA: 0xF7E0 Offset: 0xEBE0 VA: 0x18000F7E0
private readonly <message>j__TPar <message>i__Field; // 0x0
// Methods
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(<message>j__TPar message) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAF03F0 Offset: 0xAEEDF0 VA: 0x180AF03F0
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12E8200 Offset: 0x12E6C00 VA: 0x1812E8200
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12E82B0 Offset: 0x12E6CB0 VA: 0x1812E82B0
[DebuggerHiddenAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12E8300 Offset: 0x12E6D00 VA: 0x1812E8300
// Namespace:
internal sealed class Locale // TypeDefIndex: 2
// Methods
// RVA: 0x227BB0 Offset: 0x2265B0 VA: 0x180227BB0
public static string GetText(string msg) { }
// RVA: 0xA83B70 Offset: 0xA82570 VA: 0x180A83B70
public static string GetText(string fmt, object[] args) { }
// Namespace:
internal static class SR // TypeDefIndex: 3
// Methods
// RVA: 0x8374A0 Offset: 0x835EA0 VA: 0x1808374A0
internal static string Format(string resourceFormat, object p1) { }
// RVA: 0x837410 Offset: 0x835E10 VA: 0x180837410
internal static string Format(string resourceFormat, object p1, object p2) { }
// Namespace: Mono
internal abstract class DataConverter // TypeDefIndex: 4
// Fields
private static readonly DataConverter SwapConv; // 0x0
private static readonly DataConverter CopyConv; // 0x8
public static readonly bool IsLittleEndian; // 0x10
// Properties
public static DataConverter LittleEndian { get; }
public static DataConverter BigEndian { get; }
public static DataConverter Native { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
public abstract double GetDouble(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
public abstract float GetFloat(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
public abstract long GetInt64(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
public abstract int GetInt32(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
public abstract short GetInt16(byte[] data, int index) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 9
public abstract uint GetUInt32(byte[] data, int index) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 10
public abstract ushort GetUInt16(byte[] data, int index) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 11
public abstract ulong GetUInt64(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public abstract void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, double value) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public abstract void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, float value) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public abstract void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, int value) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 15
public abstract void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, long value) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 16
public abstract void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, short value) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 17
public abstract void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, ushort value) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 18
public abstract void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, uint value) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 19
public abstract void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, ulong value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7C560 Offset: 0xA7AF60 VA: 0x180A7C560
public byte[] GetBytes(double value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7C360 Offset: 0xA7AD60 VA: 0x180A7C360
public byte[] GetBytes(float value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7C660 Offset: 0xA7B060 VA: 0x180A7C660
public byte[] GetBytes(int value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7C4E0 Offset: 0xA7AEE0 VA: 0x180A7C4E0
public byte[] GetBytes(long value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7C2E0 Offset: 0xA7ACE0 VA: 0x180A7C2E0
public byte[] GetBytes(short value) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: 0xA7C460 Offset: 0xA7AE60 VA: 0x180A7C460
public byte[] GetBytes(ushort value) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: 0xA7C3E0 Offset: 0xA7ADE0 VA: 0x180A7C3E0
public byte[] GetBytes(uint value) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: 0xA7C5E0 Offset: 0xA7AFE0 VA: 0x180A7C5E0
public byte[] GetBytes(ulong value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7E6D0 Offset: 0xA7D0D0 VA: 0x180A7E6D0
public static DataConverter get_LittleEndian() { }
// RVA: 0xA7E610 Offset: 0xA7D010 VA: 0x180A7E610
public static DataConverter get_BigEndian() { }
// RVA: 0xA7E790 Offset: 0xA7D190 VA: 0x180A7E790
public static DataConverter get_Native() { }
// RVA: 0xA7C200 Offset: 0xA7AC00 VA: 0x180A7C200
private static int Align(int current, int align) { }
// RVA: 0xA7D220 Offset: 0xA7BC20 VA: 0x180A7D220
public static byte[] Pack(string description, object[] args) { }
// RVA: 0xA7C6E0 Offset: 0xA7B0E0 VA: 0x180A7C6E0
private static bool PackOne(DataConverter.PackContext b, object oarg) { }
// RVA: 0xA7D400 Offset: 0xA7BE00 VA: 0x180A7D400
private static bool Prepare(byte[] buffer, ref int idx, int size, ref bool align) { }
// RVA: 0xA7D4C0 Offset: 0xA7BEC0 VA: 0x180A7D4C0
public static IList Unpack(string description, byte[] buffer, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xA7C220 Offset: 0xA7AC20 VA: 0x180A7C220
internal void Check(byte[] dest, int destIdx, int size) { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
protected void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xA7E4D0 Offset: 0xA7CED0 VA: 0x180A7E4D0
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace:
private class DataConverter.PackContext // TypeDefIndex: 5
// Fields
public byte[] buffer; // 0x10
private int next; // 0x18
public string description; // 0x20
public int i; // 0x28
public DataConverter conv; // 0x30
public int repeat; // 0x38
public int align; // 0x3C
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA868D0 Offset: 0xA852D0 VA: 0x180A868D0
public void Add(byte[] group) { }
// RVA: 0xA86A90 Offset: 0xA85490 VA: 0x180A86A90
public byte[] Get() { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor() { }
// Namespace:
private class DataConverter.CopyConverter : DataConverter // TypeDefIndex: 6
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA7B450 Offset: 0xA79E50 VA: 0x180A7B450 Slot: 4
public override double GetDouble(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA7BC50 Offset: 0xA7A650 VA: 0x180A7BC50 Slot: 11
public override ulong GetUInt64(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA7B8F0 Offset: 0xA7A2F0 VA: 0x180A7B8F0 Slot: 6
public override long GetInt64(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA7B580 Offset: 0xA79F80 VA: 0x180A7B580 Slot: 5
public override float GetFloat(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA7B7D0 Offset: 0xA7A1D0 VA: 0x180A7B7D0 Slot: 7
public override int GetInt32(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA7BB30 Offset: 0xA7A530 VA: 0x180A7BB30 Slot: 9
public override uint GetUInt32(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA7B6B0 Offset: 0xA7A0B0 VA: 0x180A7B6B0 Slot: 8
public override short GetInt16(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA7BA10 Offset: 0xA7A410 VA: 0x180A7BA10 Slot: 10
public override ushort GetUInt16(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA7BE50 Offset: 0xA7A850 VA: 0x180A7BE50 Slot: 12
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, double value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7BF20 Offset: 0xA7A920 VA: 0x180A7BF20 Slot: 13
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, float value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7C0D0 Offset: 0xA7AAD0 VA: 0x180A7C0D0 Slot: 14
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, int value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7C0D0 Offset: 0xA7AAD0 VA: 0x180A7C0D0 Slot: 18
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, uint value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7BFF0 Offset: 0xA7A9F0 VA: 0x180A7BFF0 Slot: 15
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, long value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7BFF0 Offset: 0xA7A9F0 VA: 0x180A7BFF0 Slot: 19
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, ulong value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7BD70 Offset: 0xA7A770 VA: 0x180A7BD70 Slot: 16
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, short value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7BD70 Offset: 0xA7A770 VA: 0x180A7BD70 Slot: 17
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, ushort value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7C1A0 Offset: 0xA7ABA0 VA: 0x180A7C1A0
public void .ctor() { }
// Namespace:
private class DataConverter.SwapConverter : DataConverter // TypeDefIndex: 7
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA90670 Offset: 0xA8F070 VA: 0x180A90670 Slot: 4
public override double GetDouble(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA90EC0 Offset: 0xA8F8C0 VA: 0x180A90EC0 Slot: 11
public override ulong GetUInt64(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA90B30 Offset: 0xA8F530 VA: 0x180A90B30 Slot: 6
public override long GetInt64(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA907A0 Offset: 0xA8F1A0 VA: 0x180A907A0 Slot: 5
public override float GetFloat(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA90A00 Offset: 0xA8F400 VA: 0x180A90A00 Slot: 7
public override int GetInt32(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA90D90 Offset: 0xA8F790 VA: 0x180A90D90 Slot: 9
public override uint GetUInt32(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA908D0 Offset: 0xA8F2D0 VA: 0x180A908D0 Slot: 8
public override short GetInt16(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA90C60 Offset: 0xA8F660 VA: 0x180A90C60 Slot: 10
public override ushort GetUInt16(byte[] data, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xA910F0 Offset: 0xA8FAF0 VA: 0x180A910F0 Slot: 12
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, double value) { }
// RVA: 0xA91420 Offset: 0xA8FE20 VA: 0x180A91420 Slot: 13
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, float value) { }
// RVA: 0xA90FF0 Offset: 0xA8F9F0 VA: 0x180A90FF0 Slot: 14
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, int value) { }
// RVA: 0xA90FF0 Offset: 0xA8F9F0 VA: 0x180A90FF0 Slot: 18
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, uint value) { }
// RVA: 0xA91210 Offset: 0xA8FC10 VA: 0x180A91210 Slot: 15
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, long value) { }
// RVA: 0xA91210 Offset: 0xA8FC10 VA: 0x180A91210 Slot: 19
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, ulong value) { }
// RVA: 0xA91330 Offset: 0xA8FD30 VA: 0x180A91330 Slot: 16
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, short value) { }
// RVA: 0xA91330 Offset: 0xA8FD30 VA: 0x180A91330 Slot: 17
public override void PutBytes(byte[] dest, int destIdx, ushort value) { }
// RVA: 0xA91510 Offset: 0xA8FF10 VA: 0x180A91510
public void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono
public static class Runtime // TypeDefIndex: 8
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB48580 Offset: 0xB46F80 VA: 0x180B48580
private static void mono_runtime_install_handlers() { }
// RVA: 0xB48580 Offset: 0xB46F80 VA: 0x180B48580
public static void InstallSignalHandlers() { }
// RVA: 0xB48590 Offset: 0xB46F90 VA: 0x180B48590
private static void mono_runtime_cleanup_handlers() { }
// RVA: 0xB48590 Offset: 0xB46F90 VA: 0x180B48590
public static void RemoveSignalHandlers() { }
// RVA: 0xB48570 Offset: 0xB46F70 VA: 0x180B48570
public static string GetDisplayName() { }
// RVA: 0x2F1620 Offset: 0x2F0020 VA: 0x1802F1620
private static string GetNativeStackTrace(Exception exception) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEF00 Offset: 0x1CD900 VA: 0x1801CEF00
public static bool SetGCAllowSynchronousMajor(bool flag) { }
// Namespace: Mono
internal struct RuntimeClassHandle // TypeDefIndex: 9
// Fields
private RuntimeStructs.MonoClass* value; // 0x0
// Properties
internal RuntimeStructs.MonoClass* Value { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x90900 Offset: 0x8FD00 VA: 0x180090900
internal void .ctor(RuntimeStructs.MonoClass* value) { }
// RVA: 0xD7ED0 Offset: 0xD72D0 VA: 0x1800D7ED0
internal void .ctor(IntPtr ptr) { }
// RVA: 0x901A0 Offset: 0x8F5A0 VA: 0x1800901A0
internal RuntimeStructs.MonoClass* get_Value() { }
// RVA: 0xD7D90 Offset: 0xD7190 VA: 0x1800D7D90 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0xD7E90 Offset: 0xD7290 VA: 0x1800D7E90 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// RVA: 0xB47FE0 Offset: 0xB469E0 VA: 0x180B47FE0
internal static IntPtr GetTypeFromClass(RuntimeStructs.MonoClass* klass) { }
// RVA: 0xD7EC0 Offset: 0xD72C0 VA: 0x1800D7EC0
internal RuntimeTypeHandle GetTypeHandle() { }
// Namespace: Mono
internal struct RuntimeRemoteClassHandle // TypeDefIndex: 10
// Fields
private RuntimeStructs.RemoteClass* value; // 0x0
// Properties
internal RuntimeClassHandle ProxyClass { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD81D0 Offset: 0xD75D0 VA: 0x1800D81D0
internal RuntimeClassHandle get_ProxyClass() { }
// Namespace: Mono
internal struct RuntimeGenericParamInfoHandle // TypeDefIndex: 11
// Fields
private RuntimeStructs.GenericParamInfo* value; // 0x0
// Properties
internal Type[] Constraints { get; }
internal GenericParameterAttributes Attributes { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD7ED0 Offset: 0xD72D0 VA: 0x1800D7ED0
internal void .ctor(IntPtr ptr) { }
// RVA: 0xD80B0 Offset: 0xD74B0 VA: 0x1800D80B0
internal Type[] get_Constraints() { }
// RVA: 0xD8090 Offset: 0xD7490 VA: 0x1800D8090
internal GenericParameterAttributes get_Attributes() { }
// RVA: 0xD8080 Offset: 0xD7480 VA: 0x1800D8080
private Type[] GetConstraints() { }
// RVA: 0xD8040 Offset: 0xD7440 VA: 0x1800D8040
private int GetConstraintsCount() { }
// Namespace: Mono
internal struct RuntimeEventHandle // TypeDefIndex: 12
// Fields
private IntPtr value; // 0x0
// Properties
public IntPtr Value { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x90900 Offset: 0x8FD00 VA: 0x180090900
internal void .ctor(IntPtr v) { }
// RVA: 0x901A0 Offset: 0x8F5A0 VA: 0x1800901A0
public IntPtr get_Value() { }
// RVA: 0xD7EF0 Offset: 0xD72F0 VA: 0x1800D7EF0 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0xAB7F0 Offset: 0xAABF0 VA: 0x1800AB7F0 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// Namespace: Mono
internal struct RuntimePropertyHandle // TypeDefIndex: 13
// Fields
private IntPtr value; // 0x0
// Properties
public IntPtr Value { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x90900 Offset: 0x8FD00 VA: 0x180090900
internal void .ctor(IntPtr v) { }
// RVA: 0x901A0 Offset: 0x8F5A0 VA: 0x1800901A0
public IntPtr get_Value() { }
// RVA: 0xD80C0 Offset: 0xD74C0 VA: 0x1800D80C0 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0xAB7F0 Offset: 0xAABF0 VA: 0x1800AB7F0 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// Namespace: Mono
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // RVA: 0x3660 Offset: 0x2A60 VA: 0x180003660
internal struct RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle // TypeDefIndex: 14
// Fields
private RuntimeStructs.GPtrArray* value; // 0x0
// Properties
internal int Length { get; }
internal IntPtr Item { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD7ED0 Offset: 0xD72D0 VA: 0x1800D7ED0
internal void .ctor(IntPtr ptr) { }
// RVA: 0xD8020 Offset: 0xD7420 VA: 0x1800D8020
internal int get_Length() { }
// RVA: 0xD8010 Offset: 0xD7410 VA: 0x1800D8010
internal IntPtr get_Item(int i) { }
// RVA: 0xD8000 Offset: 0xD7400 VA: 0x1800D8000
internal IntPtr Lookup(int i) { }
// RVA: 0xB48040 Offset: 0xB46A40 VA: 0x180B48040
private static void GPtrArrayFree(RuntimeStructs.GPtrArray* value) { }
// RVA: 0xB48020 Offset: 0xB46A20 VA: 0x180B48020
internal static void DestroyAndFree(ref RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle h) { }
// Namespace: Mono
internal static class RuntimeMarshal // TypeDefIndex: 15
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB48430 Offset: 0xB46E30 VA: 0x180B48430
internal static string PtrToUtf8String(IntPtr ptr) { }
// RVA: 0xB483E0 Offset: 0xB46DE0 VA: 0x180B483E0
internal static SafeStringMarshal MarshalString(string str) { }
// RVA: 0xB48350 Offset: 0xB46D50 VA: 0x180B48350
private static int DecodeBlobSize(IntPtr in_ptr, out IntPtr out_ptr) { }
// RVA: 0xB48260 Offset: 0xB46C60 VA: 0x180B48260
internal static byte[] DecodeBlobArray(IntPtr ptr) { }
// RVA: 0xB48240 Offset: 0xB46C40 VA: 0x180B48240
internal static int AsciHexDigitValue(int c) { }
// RVA: 0xB483D0 Offset: 0xB46DD0 VA: 0x180B483D0
internal static void FreeAssemblyName(ref MonoAssemblyName name, bool freeStruct) { }
// Namespace: Mono
internal static class RuntimeStructs // TypeDefIndex: 16
// Namespace:
internal struct RuntimeStructs.RemoteClass // TypeDefIndex: 17
// Fields
internal IntPtr default_vtable; // 0x0
internal IntPtr xdomain_vtable; // 0x8
internal RuntimeStructs.MonoClass* proxy_class; // 0x10
internal IntPtr proxy_class_name; // 0x18
internal uint interface_count; // 0x20
// Namespace:
internal struct RuntimeStructs.MonoClass // TypeDefIndex: 18
// Namespace:
internal struct RuntimeStructs.GenericParamInfo // TypeDefIndex: 19
// Fields
internal RuntimeStructs.MonoClass* pklass; // 0x0
internal IntPtr name; // 0x8
internal ushort flags; // 0x10
internal uint token; // 0x14
internal RuntimeStructs.MonoClass** constraints; // 0x18
// Namespace:
internal struct RuntimeStructs.GPtrArray // TypeDefIndex: 20
// Fields
internal IntPtr* data; // 0x0
internal int len; // 0x8
// Namespace:
private struct RuntimeStructs.HandleStackMark // TypeDefIndex: 21
// Fields
private int size; // 0x0
private int interior_size; // 0x4
private IntPtr chunk; // 0x8
// Namespace:
private struct RuntimeStructs.MonoError // TypeDefIndex: 22
// Fields
private ushort error_code; // 0x0
private ushort hidden_0; // 0x2
private IntPtr hidden_1; // 0x8
private IntPtr hidden_2; // 0x10
private IntPtr hidden_3; // 0x18
private IntPtr hidden_4; // 0x20
private IntPtr hidden_5; // 0x28
private IntPtr hidden_6; // 0x30
private IntPtr hidden_7; // 0x38
private IntPtr hidden_8; // 0x40
private IntPtr hidden_11; // 0x48
private IntPtr hidden_12; // 0x50
private IntPtr hidden_13; // 0x58
private IntPtr hidden_14; // 0x60
private IntPtr hidden_15; // 0x68
private IntPtr hidden_16; // 0x70
private IntPtr hidden_17; // 0x78
private IntPtr hidden_18; // 0x80
// Namespace: Mono
internal struct MonoAssemblyName // TypeDefIndex: 23
// Fields
internal IntPtr name; // 0x0
internal IntPtr culture; // 0x8
internal IntPtr hash_value; // 0x10
internal IntPtr public_key; // 0x18
[FixedBufferAttribute] // RVA: 0x2A380 Offset: 0x29780 VA: 0x18002A380
internal MonoAssemblyName.<public_key_token>e__FixedBuffer public_key_token; // 0x20
internal uint hash_alg; // 0x34
internal uint hash_len; // 0x38
internal uint flags; // 0x3C
internal ushort major; // 0x40
internal ushort minor; // 0x42
internal ushort build; // 0x44
internal ushort revision; // 0x46
internal ushort arch; // 0x48
// Namespace:
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EC0 Offset: 0x12C0 VA: 0x180001EC0
[UnsafeValueTypeAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EC0 Offset: 0x12C0 VA: 0x180001EC0
public struct MonoAssemblyName.<public_key_token>e__FixedBuffer // TypeDefIndex: 24
// Fields
public byte FixedElementField; // 0x0
// Namespace: Mono
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // RVA: 0x3660 Offset: 0x2A60 VA: 0x180003660
internal struct SafeGPtrArrayHandle : IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 25
// Fields
private RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle handle; // 0x0
// Properties
internal int Length { get; }
internal IntPtr Item { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD7ED0 Offset: 0xD72D0 VA: 0x1800D7ED0
internal void .ctor(IntPtr ptr) { }
// RVA: 0xD81F0 Offset: 0xD75F0 VA: 0x1800D81F0 Slot: 4
public void Dispose() { }
// RVA: 0xD8020 Offset: 0xD7420 VA: 0x1800D8020
internal int get_Length() { }
// RVA: 0xD8010 Offset: 0xD7410 VA: 0x1800D8010
internal IntPtr get_Item(int i) { }
// Namespace: Mono
internal struct SafeStringMarshal : IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 26
// Fields
private readonly string str; // 0x0
private IntPtr marshaled_string; // 0x8
// Properties
public IntPtr Value { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB48650 Offset: 0xB47050 VA: 0x180B48650
public static IntPtr StringToUtf8(string str) { }
// RVA: 0xB48640 Offset: 0xB47040 VA: 0x180B48640
public static void GFree(IntPtr ptr) { }
// RVA: 0xD8260 Offset: 0xD7660 VA: 0x1800D8260
public void .ctor(string str) { }
// RVA: 0xD82C0 Offset: 0xD76C0 VA: 0x1800D82C0
public IntPtr get_Value() { }
// RVA: 0xD8210 Offset: 0xD7610 VA: 0x1800D8210 Slot: 4
public void Dispose() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Xml
internal class SecurityParser : SmallXmlParser, SmallXmlParser.IContentHandler // TypeDefIndex: 27
// Fields
private SecurityElement root; // 0x68
private SecurityElement current; // 0x70
private Stack stack; // 0x78
// Methods
// RVA: 0x837860 Offset: 0x836260 VA: 0x180837860
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x837510 Offset: 0x835F10 VA: 0x180837510
public void LoadXml(string xml) { }
// RVA: 0x1D42E0 Offset: 0x1D2CE0 VA: 0x1801D42E0
public SecurityElement ToXml() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0 Slot: 4
public void OnStartParsing(SmallXmlParser parser) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0 Slot: 8
public void OnProcessingInstruction(string name, string text) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0 Slot: 10
public void OnIgnorableWhitespace(string s) { }
// RVA: 0x8376B0 Offset: 0x8360B0 VA: 0x1808376B0 Slot: 6
public void OnStartElement(string name, SmallXmlParser.IAttrList attrs) { }
// RVA: 0x837630 Offset: 0x836030 VA: 0x180837630 Slot: 7
public void OnEndElement(string name) { }
// RVA: 0x8375B0 Offset: 0x835FB0 VA: 0x1808375B0 Slot: 9
public void OnChars(string ch) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0 Slot: 5
public void OnEndParsing(SmallXmlParser parser) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Xml
internal class SmallXmlParser // TypeDefIndex: 28
// Fields
private SmallXmlParser.IContentHandler handler; // 0x10
private TextReader reader; // 0x18
private Stack elementNames; // 0x20
private Stack xmlSpaces; // 0x28
private string xmlSpace; // 0x30
private StringBuilder buffer; // 0x38
private char[] nameBuffer; // 0x40
private bool isWhitespace; // 0x48
private SmallXmlParser.AttrListImpl attributes; // 0x50
private int line; // 0x58
private int column; // 0x5C
private bool resetColumn; // 0x60
// Methods
// RVA: 0x83A960 Offset: 0x839360 VA: 0x18083A960
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x838930 Offset: 0x837330 VA: 0x180838930
private Exception Error(string msg) { }
// RVA: 0x83A8A0 Offset: 0x8392A0 VA: 0x18083A8A0
private Exception UnexpectedEndError() { }
// RVA: 0x838CF0 Offset: 0x8376F0 VA: 0x180838CF0
private bool IsNameChar(char c, bool start) { }
// RVA: 0x838E00 Offset: 0x837800 VA: 0x180838E00
private bool IsWhitespace(int c) { }
// RVA: 0x83A890 Offset: 0x839290 VA: 0x18083A890
public void SkipWhitespaces() { }
// RVA: 0x838BF0 Offset: 0x8375F0 VA: 0x180838BF0
private void HandleWhitespaces() { }
// RVA: 0x83A7B0 Offset: 0x8391B0 VA: 0x18083A7B0
public void SkipWhitespaces(bool expected) { }
// RVA: 0x61B500 Offset: 0x619F00 VA: 0x18061B500
private int Peek() { }
// RVA: 0x83A750 Offset: 0x839150 VA: 0x18083A750
private int Read() { }
// RVA: 0x838A10 Offset: 0x837410 VA: 0x180838A10
public void Expect(int c) { }
// RVA: 0x83A600 Offset: 0x839000 VA: 0x18083A600
private string ReadUntil(char until, bool handleReferences) { }
// RVA: 0x83A120 Offset: 0x838B20 VA: 0x18083A120
public string ReadName() { }
// RVA: 0x838E20 Offset: 0x837820 VA: 0x180838E20
public void Parse(TextReader input, SmallXmlParser.IContentHandler handler) { }
// RVA: 0x838850 Offset: 0x837250 VA: 0x180838850
private void Cleanup() { }
// RVA: 0x839760 Offset: 0x838160 VA: 0x180839760
public void ReadContent() { }
// RVA: 0x838B20 Offset: 0x837520 VA: 0x180838B20
private void HandleBufferedContent() { }
// RVA: 0x839510 Offset: 0x837F10 VA: 0x180839510
private void ReadCharacters() { }
// RVA: 0x83A3E0 Offset: 0x838DE0 VA: 0x18083A3E0
private void ReadReference() { }
// RVA: 0x839370 Offset: 0x837D70 VA: 0x180839370
private int ReadCharacterReference() { }
// RVA: 0x839030 Offset: 0x837A30 VA: 0x180839030
private void ReadAttribute(SmallXmlParser.AttrListImpl a) { }
// RVA: 0x839200 Offset: 0x837C00 VA: 0x180839200
private void ReadCDATASection() { }
// RVA: 0x839620 Offset: 0x838020 VA: 0x180839620
private void ReadComment() { }
// Namespace:
public interface SmallXmlParser.IContentHandler // TypeDefIndex: 29
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public abstract void OnStartParsing(SmallXmlParser parser) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 1
public abstract void OnEndParsing(SmallXmlParser parser) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public abstract void OnStartElement(string name, SmallXmlParser.IAttrList attrs) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 3
public abstract void OnEndElement(string name) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
public abstract void OnProcessingInstruction(string name, string text) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
public abstract void OnChars(string text) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
public abstract void OnIgnorableWhitespace(string text) { }
// Namespace:
public interface SmallXmlParser.IAttrList // TypeDefIndex: 30
// Properties
public abstract int Length { get; }
public abstract string[] Names { get; }
public abstract string[] Values { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public abstract int get_Length() { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 1
public abstract string GetName(int i) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public abstract string GetValue(int i) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 3
public abstract string GetValue(string name) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
public abstract string[] get_Names() { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
public abstract string[] get_Values() { }
// Namespace:
private class SmallXmlParser.AttrListImpl : SmallXmlParser.IAttrList // TypeDefIndex: 31
// Fields
private List<string> attrNames; // 0x10
private List<string> attrValues; // 0x18
// Properties
public int Length { get; }
public string[] Names { get; }
public string[] Values { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x82FD80 Offset: 0x82E780 VA: 0x18082FD80 Slot: 4
public int get_Length() { }
// RVA: 0x82FB60 Offset: 0x82E560 VA: 0x18082FB60 Slot: 5
public string GetName(int i) { }
// RVA: 0x82FBC0 Offset: 0x82E5C0 VA: 0x18082FBC0 Slot: 6
public string GetValue(int i) { }
// RVA: 0x82FC20 Offset: 0x82E620 VA: 0x18082FC20 Slot: 7
public string GetValue(string name) { }
// RVA: 0x82FDC0 Offset: 0x82E7C0 VA: 0x18082FDC0 Slot: 8
public string[] get_Names() { }
// RVA: 0x82FE10 Offset: 0x82E810 VA: 0x18082FE10 Slot: 9
public string[] get_Values() { }
// RVA: 0x82FB00 Offset: 0x82E500 VA: 0x18082FB00
internal void Clear() { }
// RVA: 0x82FA80 Offset: 0x82E480 VA: 0x18082FA80
internal void Add(string name, string value) { }
// RVA: 0x82FD00 Offset: 0x82E700 VA: 0x18082FD00
public void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Xml
internal class SmallXmlParserException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 32
// Fields
private int line; // 0x88
private int column; // 0x8C
// Methods
// RVA: 0x838790 Offset: 0x837190 VA: 0x180838790
public void .ctor(string msg, int line, int column) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class CodePointIndexer // TypeDefIndex: 33
// Fields
private readonly CodePointIndexer.TableRange[] ranges; // 0x10
public readonly int TotalCount; // 0x18
private int defaultIndex; // 0x1C
private int defaultCP; // 0x20
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA7B0C0 Offset: 0xA79AC0 VA: 0x180A7B0C0
public void .ctor(int[] starts, int[] ends, int defaultIndex, int defaultCP) { }
// RVA: 0xA7B040 Offset: 0xA79A40 VA: 0x180A7B040
public int ToIndex(int cp) { }
// Namespace:
internal struct CodePointIndexer.TableRange // TypeDefIndex: 34
// Fields
public readonly int Start; // 0x0
public readonly int End; // 0x4
public readonly int Count; // 0x8
public readonly int IndexStart; // 0xC
public readonly int IndexEnd; // 0x10
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD4C80 Offset: 0xD4080 VA: 0x1800D4C80
public void .ctor(int start, int end, int indexStart) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class TailoringInfo // TypeDefIndex: 35
// Fields
public readonly int LCID; // 0x10
public readonly int TailoringIndex; // 0x14
public readonly int TailoringCount; // 0x18
public readonly bool FrenchSort; // 0x1C
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA91570 Offset: 0xA8FF70 VA: 0x180A91570
public void .ctor(int lcid, int tailoringIndex, int tailoringCount, bool frenchSort) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class Contraction // TypeDefIndex: 36
// Fields
public int Index; // 0x10
public readonly char[] Source; // 0x18
public readonly string Replacement; // 0x20
public readonly byte[] SortKey; // 0x28
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA7B400 Offset: 0xA79E00 VA: 0x180A7B400
public void .ctor(int index, char[] source, string replacement, byte[] sortkey) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class ContractionComparer : IComparer<Contraction> // TypeDefIndex: 37
// Fields
public static readonly ContractionComparer Instance; // 0x235C
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA7B2C0 Offset: 0xA79CC0 VA: 0x180A7B2C0 Slot: 4
public int Compare(Contraction c1, Contraction c2) { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xA7B3A0 Offset: 0xA79DA0 VA: 0x180A7B3A0
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class Level2Map // TypeDefIndex: 38
// Fields
public byte Source; // 0x10
public byte Replace; // 0x11
// Methods
// RVA: 0x804190 Offset: 0x802B90 VA: 0x180804190
public void .ctor(byte source, byte replace) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class MSCompatUnicodeTable // TypeDefIndex: 39
// Fields
public static int MaxExpansionLength; // 0x0
private static readonly byte* ignorableFlags; // 0x8
private static readonly byte* categories; // 0x10
private static readonly byte* level1; // 0x18
private static readonly byte* level2; // 0x20
private static readonly byte* level3; // 0x28
private static byte* cjkCHScategory; // 0x30
private static byte* cjkCHTcategory; // 0x38
private static byte* cjkJAcategory; // 0x40
private static byte* cjkKOcategory; // 0x48
private static byte* cjkCHSlv1; // 0x50
private static byte* cjkCHTlv1; // 0x58
private static byte* cjkJAlv1; // 0x60
private static byte* cjkKOlv1; // 0x68
private static byte* cjkKOlv2; // 0x70
private static readonly char[] tailoringArr; // 0x78
private static readonly TailoringInfo[] tailoringInfos; // 0x80
private static object forLock; // 0x88
public static readonly bool isReady; // 0x90
// Properties
public static bool IsReady { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA84E50 Offset: 0xA83850 VA: 0x180A84E50
public static TailoringInfo GetTailoringInfo(int lcid) { }
// RVA: 0xA84050 Offset: 0xA82A50 VA: 0x180A84050
public static void BuildTailoringTables(CultureInfo culture, TailoringInfo t, ref Contraction[] contractions, ref Level2Map[] diacriticals) { }
// RVA: 0xA85590 Offset: 0xA83F90 VA: 0x180A85590
private static void SetCJKReferences(string name, ref CodePointIndexer cjkIndexer, ref byte* catTable, ref byte* lv1Table, ref CodePointIndexer lv2Indexer, ref byte* lv2Table) { }
// RVA: 0xA84610 Offset: 0xA83010 VA: 0x180A84610
public static byte Category(int cp) { }
// RVA: 0xA85350 Offset: 0xA83D50 VA: 0x180A85350
public static byte Level1(int cp) { }
// RVA: 0xA85410 Offset: 0xA83E10 VA: 0x180A85410
public static byte Level2(int cp) { }
// RVA: 0xA854D0 Offset: 0xA83ED0 VA: 0x180A854D0
public static byte Level3(int cp) { }
// RVA: 0xA850B0 Offset: 0xA83AB0 VA: 0x180A850B0
public static bool IsIgnorable(int cp, byte flag) { }
// RVA: 0xA85050 Offset: 0xA83A50 VA: 0x180A85050
public static bool IsIgnorableNonSpacing(int cp) { }
// RVA: 0xA85860 Offset: 0xA84260 VA: 0x180A85860
public static int ToKanaTypeInsensitive(int i) { }
// RVA: 0xA85880 Offset: 0xA84280 VA: 0x180A85880
public static int ToWidthCompat(int i) { }
// RVA: 0xA84FA0 Offset: 0xA839A0 VA: 0x180A84FA0
public static bool HasSpecialWeight(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xA85010 Offset: 0xA83A10 VA: 0x180A85010
public static bool IsHalfWidthKana(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xA85030 Offset: 0xA83A30 VA: 0x180A85030
public static bool IsHiragana(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xA851E0 Offset: 0xA83BE0 VA: 0x180A851E0
public static bool IsJapaneseSmallLetter(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xA85FA0 Offset: 0xA849A0 VA: 0x180A85FA0
public static bool get_IsReady() { }
// RVA: 0xA84DE0 Offset: 0xA837E0 VA: 0x180A84DE0
private static IntPtr GetResource(string name) { }
// RVA: 0xA85A00 Offset: 0xA84400 VA: 0x180A85A00
private static uint UInt32FromBytePtr(byte* raw, uint idx) { }
// RVA: 0xA85A40 Offset: 0xA84440 VA: 0x180A85A40
private static void .cctor() { }
// RVA: 0xA84C60 Offset: 0xA83660 VA: 0x180A84C60
public static void FillCJK(string culture, ref CodePointIndexer cjkIndexer, ref byte* catTable, ref byte* lv1Table, ref CodePointIndexer lv2Indexer, ref byte* lv2Table) { }
// RVA: 0xA846D0 Offset: 0xA830D0 VA: 0x180A846D0
private static void FillCJKCore(string culture, ref CodePointIndexer cjkIndexer, ref byte* catTable, ref byte* lv1Table, ref CodePointIndexer cjkLv2Indexer, ref byte* lv2Table) { }
// Namespace:
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
private sealed class MSCompatUnicodeTable.<>c // TypeDefIndex: 40
// Fields
public static readonly MSCompatUnicodeTable.<>c <>9; // 0x0
public static Comparison<Level2Map> <>9__17_0; // 0x8
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA915F0 Offset: 0xA8FFF0 VA: 0x180A915F0
private static void .cctor() { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xA915C0 Offset: 0xA8FFC0 VA: 0x180A915C0
internal int <BuildTailoringTables>b__17_0(Level2Map a, Level2Map b) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class MSCompatUnicodeTableUtil // TypeDefIndex: 41
// Fields
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Ignorable; // 0x0
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Category; // 0x8
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Level1; // 0x10
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Level2; // 0x18
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Level3; // 0x20
public static readonly CodePointIndexer CjkCHS; // 0x28
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Cjk; // 0x30
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA83B80 Offset: 0xA82580 VA: 0x180A83B80
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class NormalizationTableUtil // TypeDefIndex: 42
// Fields
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Prop; // 0x0
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Map; // 0x8
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Combining; // 0x10
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Composite; // 0x18
public static readonly CodePointIndexer Helper; // 0x20
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA865C0 Offset: 0xA84FC0 VA: 0x180A865C0
private static void .cctor() { }
// RVA: 0xA86550 Offset: 0xA84F50 VA: 0x180A86550
public static int PropIdx(int cp) { }
// RVA: 0xA864E0 Offset: 0xA84EE0 VA: 0x180A864E0
public static int MapIdx(int cp) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class SimpleCollator // TypeDefIndex: 43
// Fields
private static bool QuickCheckDisabled; // 0x0
private static SimpleCollator invariant; // 0x8
private readonly TextInfo textInfo; // 0x10
private readonly CodePointIndexer cjkIndexer; // 0x18
private readonly Contraction[] contractions; // 0x20
private readonly Level2Map[] level2Maps; // 0x28
private readonly byte[] unsafeFlags; // 0x30
private readonly byte* cjkCatTable; // 0x38
private readonly byte* cjkLv1Table; // 0x40
private readonly byte* cjkLv2Table; // 0x48
private readonly CodePointIndexer cjkLv2Indexer; // 0x50
private readonly int lcid; // 0x58
private readonly bool frenchSort; // 0x5C
private const int UnsafeFlagLength = 96;
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA8F130 Offset: 0xA8DB30 VA: 0x180A8F130
public void .ctor(CultureInfo culture) { }
// RVA: 0xA8EEF0 Offset: 0xA8D8F0 VA: 0x180A8EEF0
private void SetCJKTable(CultureInfo culture, ref CodePointIndexer cjkIndexer, ref byte* catTable, ref byte* lv1Table, ref CodePointIndexer lv2Indexer, ref byte* lv2Table) { }
// RVA: 0xA8BB30 Offset: 0xA8A530 VA: 0x180A8BB30
private static CultureInfo GetNeutralCulture(CultureInfo info) { }
// RVA: 0xA89900 Offset: 0xA88300 VA: 0x180A89900
private byte Category(int cp) { }
// RVA: 0xA8DC10 Offset: 0xA8C610 VA: 0x180A8DC10
private byte Level1(int cp) { }
// RVA: 0xA8DCB0 Offset: 0xA8C6B0 VA: 0x180A8DCB0
private byte Level2(int cp, SimpleCollator.ExtenderType ext) { }
// RVA: 0xA8CEC0 Offset: 0xA8B8C0 VA: 0x180A8CEC0
private static bool IsHalfKana(int cp, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8B850 Offset: 0xA8A250 VA: 0x180A8B850
private Contraction GetContraction(string s, int start, int end) { }
// RVA: 0xA8B930 Offset: 0xA8A330 VA: 0x180A8B930
private Contraction GetContraction(string s, int start, int end, Contraction[] clist) { }
// RVA: 0xA8C1A0 Offset: 0xA8ABA0 VA: 0x180A8C1A0
private Contraction GetTailContraction(string s, int start, int end) { }
// RVA: 0xA8C280 Offset: 0xA8AC80 VA: 0x180A8C280
private Contraction GetTailContraction(string s, int start, int end, Contraction[] clist) { }
// RVA: 0xA8B590 Offset: 0xA89F90 VA: 0x180A8B590
private int FilterOptions(int i, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8BA80 Offset: 0xA8A480 VA: 0x180A8BA80
private SimpleCollator.ExtenderType GetExtenderType(int i) { }
// RVA: 0xA8F050 Offset: 0xA8DA50 VA: 0x180A8F050
private static byte ToDashTypeValue(SimpleCollator.ExtenderType ext, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8B370 Offset: 0xA89D70 VA: 0x180A8B370
private int FilterExtender(int i, SimpleCollator.ExtenderType ext, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8CF50 Offset: 0xA8B950 VA: 0x180A8CF50
private static bool IsIgnorable(int i, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8D1A0 Offset: 0xA8BBA0 VA: 0x180A8D1A0
private bool IsSafe(int i) { }
// RVA: 0xA8BBC0 Offset: 0xA8A5C0 VA: 0x180A8BBC0
public SortKey GetSortKey(string s, CompareOptions options) { }
// RVA: 0xA8BBF0 Offset: 0xA8A5F0 VA: 0x180A8BBF0
public SortKey GetSortKey(string s, int start, int length, CompareOptions options) { }
// RVA: 0xA8BE20 Offset: 0xA8A820 VA: 0x180A8BE20
private void GetSortKey(string s, int start, int end, SortKeyBuffer buf, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8AE20 Offset: 0xA89820 VA: 0x180A8AE20
private void FillSortKeyRaw(int i, SimpleCollator.ExtenderType ext, SortKeyBuffer buf, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8B2C0 Offset: 0xA89CC0 VA: 0x180A8B2C0
private void FillSurrogateSortKeyRaw(int i, SortKeyBuffer buf) { }
// RVA: 0xA8AD20 Offset: 0xA89720 VA: 0x180A8AD20
internal int Compare(string s1, int idx1, int len1, string s2, int idx2, int len2, CompareOptions options) { }
// RVA: 0xA899A0 Offset: 0xA883A0 VA: 0x180A899A0
private void ClearBuffer(byte* buffer, int size) { }
// RVA: 0xA899E0 Offset: 0xA883E0 VA: 0x180A899E0
private int CompareInternal(string s1, int idx1, int len1, string s2, int idx2, int len2, out bool targetConsumed, out bool sourceConsumed, bool skipHeadingExtenders, bool immediateBreakup, ref SimpleCollator.Context ctx) { }
// RVA: 0xA899C0 Offset: 0xA883C0 VA: 0x180A899C0
private int CompareFlagPair(bool b1, bool b2) { }
// RVA: 0xA8CFE0 Offset: 0xA8B9E0 VA: 0x180A8CFE0
public bool IsPrefix(string src, string target, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8D020 Offset: 0xA8BA20 VA: 0x180A8D020
public bool IsPrefix(string s, string target, int start, int length, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8D120 Offset: 0xA8BB20 VA: 0x180A8D120
private bool IsPrefix(string s, string target, int start, int length, bool skipHeadingExtenders, ref SimpleCollator.Context ctx) { }
// RVA: 0xA8D2D0 Offset: 0xA8BCD0 VA: 0x180A8D2D0
public bool IsSuffix(string src, string target, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8D210 Offset: 0xA8BC10 VA: 0x180A8D210
public bool IsSuffix(string s, string target, int start, int length, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8EDB0 Offset: 0xA8D7B0 VA: 0x180A8EDB0
private int QuickIndexOf(string s, string target, int start, int length, out bool testWasUnable) { }
// RVA: 0xA8CC00 Offset: 0xA8B600 VA: 0x180A8CC00
public int IndexOf(string s, string target, int start, int length, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8C530 Offset: 0xA8AF30 VA: 0x180A8C530
private int IndexOfOrdinal(string s, string target, int start, int length) { }
// RVA: 0xA8C4B0 Offset: 0xA8AEB0 VA: 0x180A8C4B0
private int IndexOfOrdinal(string s, char target, int start, int length) { }
// RVA: 0xA8C5F0 Offset: 0xA8AFF0 VA: 0x180A8C5F0
private int IndexOfSortKey(string s, int start, int length, byte* sortkey, char target, int ti, bool noLv4, ref SimpleCollator.Context ctx) { }
// RVA: 0xA8C6B0 Offset: 0xA8B0B0 VA: 0x180A8C6B0
private int IndexOf(string s, string target, int start, int length, byte* targetSortKey, ref SimpleCollator.Context ctx) { }
// RVA: 0xA8DA80 Offset: 0xA8C480 VA: 0x180A8DA80
public int LastIndexOf(string s, string target, int start, int length, CompareOptions opt) { }
// RVA: 0xA8D390 Offset: 0xA8BD90 VA: 0x180A8D390
private int LastIndexOfOrdinal(string s, string target, int start, int length) { }
// RVA: 0xA8D4C0 Offset: 0xA8BEC0 VA: 0x180A8D4C0
private int LastIndexOfSortKey(string s, int start, int orgStart, int length, byte* sortkey, int ti, bool noLv4, ref SimpleCollator.Context ctx) { }
// RVA: 0xA8D590 Offset: 0xA8BF90 VA: 0x180A8D590
private int LastIndexOf(string s, string target, int start, int length, byte* targetSortKey, ref SimpleCollator.Context ctx) { }
// RVA: 0xA8E9E0 Offset: 0xA8D3E0 VA: 0x180A8E9E0
private bool MatchesForward(string s, ref int idx, int end, int ti, byte* sortkey, bool noLv4, ref SimpleCollator.Context ctx) { }
// RVA: 0xA8E630 Offset: 0xA8D030 VA: 0x180A8E630
private bool MatchesForwardCore(string s, ref int idx, int end, int ti, byte* sortkey, bool noLv4, SimpleCollator.ExtenderType ext, ref Contraction ct, ref SimpleCollator.Context ctx) { }
// RVA: 0xA8EBB0 Offset: 0xA8D5B0 VA: 0x180A8EBB0
private bool MatchesPrimitive(CompareOptions opt, byte* source, int si, SimpleCollator.ExtenderType ext, byte* target, int ti, bool noLv4) { }
// RVA: 0xA8E450 Offset: 0xA8CE50 VA: 0x180A8E450
private bool MatchesBackward(string s, ref int idx, int end, int orgStart, int ti, byte* sortkey, bool noLv4, ref SimpleCollator.Context ctx) { }
// RVA: 0xA8DE50 Offset: 0xA8C850 VA: 0x180A8DE50
private bool MatchesBackwardCore(string s, ref int idx, int end, int orgStart, int ti, byte* sortkey, bool noLv4, SimpleCollator.ExtenderType ext, ref Contraction ct, ref SimpleCollator.Context ctx) { }
// RVA: 0xA8F070 Offset: 0xA8DA70 VA: 0x180A8F070
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace:
internal struct SimpleCollator.Context // TypeDefIndex: 44
// Fields
public readonly CompareOptions Option; // 0x0
public readonly byte* NeverMatchFlags; // 0x8
public readonly byte* AlwaysMatchFlags; // 0x10
public byte* Buffer1; // 0x18
public byte* Buffer2; // 0x20
public int PrevCode; // 0x28
public byte* PrevSortKey; // 0x30
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD4B60 Offset: 0xD3F60 VA: 0x1800D4B60
public void .ctor(CompareOptions opt, byte* alwaysMatchFlags, byte* neverMatchFlags, byte* buffer1, byte* buffer2, byte* prev1) { }
// Namespace:
private struct SimpleCollator.PreviousInfo // TypeDefIndex: 45
// Fields
public int Code; // 0x0
public byte* SortKey; // 0x8
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD4C70 Offset: 0xD4070 VA: 0x1800D4C70
public void .ctor(bool dummy) { }
// Namespace:
private struct SimpleCollator.Escape // TypeDefIndex: 46
// Fields
public string Source; // 0x0
public int Index; // 0x8
public int Start; // 0xC
public int End; // 0x10
public int Optional; // 0x14
// Namespace:
private enum SimpleCollator.ExtenderType // TypeDefIndex: 47
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x0
public const SimpleCollator.ExtenderType None = 0;
public const SimpleCollator.ExtenderType Simple = 1;
public const SimpleCollator.ExtenderType Voiced = 2;
public const SimpleCollator.ExtenderType Conditional = 3;
public const SimpleCollator.ExtenderType Buggy = 4;
// Namespace: Mono.Globalization.Unicode
internal class SortKeyBuffer // TypeDefIndex: 48
// Fields
private byte[] l1b; // 0x10
private byte[] l2b; // 0x18
private byte[] l3b; // 0x20
private byte[] l4sb; // 0x28
private byte[] l4tb; // 0x30
private byte[] l4kb; // 0x38
private byte[] l4wb; // 0x40
private byte[] l5b; // 0x48
private string source; // 0x50
private int l1; // 0x58
private int l2; // 0x5C
private int l3; // 0x60
private int l4s; // 0x64
private int l4t; // 0x68
private int l4k; // 0x6C
private int l4w; // 0x70
private int l5; // 0x74
private int lcid; // 0x78
private CompareOptions options; // 0x7C
private bool processLevel2; // 0x80
private bool frenchSort; // 0x81
private bool frenchSorted; // 0x82
// Methods
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor(int lcid) { }
// RVA: 0xA90650 Offset: 0xA8F050 VA: 0x180A90650
public void Reset() { }
// RVA: 0xA904C0 Offset: 0xA8EEC0 VA: 0x180A904C0
internal void Initialize(CompareOptions options, int lcid, string s, bool frenchSort) { }
// RVA: 0xA8F6C0 Offset: 0xA8E0C0 VA: 0x180A8F6C0
internal void AppendCJKExtension(byte lv1msb, byte lv1lsb) { }
// RVA: 0xA8F7A0 Offset: 0xA8E1A0 VA: 0x180A8F7A0
internal void AppendKana(byte category, byte lv1, byte lv2, byte lv3, bool isSmallKana, byte markType, bool isKatakana, bool isHalfWidth) { }
// RVA: 0xA8FB60 Offset: 0xA8E560 VA: 0x180A8FB60
internal void AppendNormal(byte category, byte lv1, byte lv2, byte lv3) { }
// RVA: 0xA8F870 Offset: 0xA8E270 VA: 0x180A8F870
private void AppendLevel5(byte category, byte lv1) { }
// RVA: 0xA8F610 Offset: 0xA8E010 VA: 0x180A8F610
private void AppendBufferPrimitive(byte value, ref byte[] buf, ref int bidx) { }
// RVA: 0xA8FD50 Offset: 0xA8E750 VA: 0x180A8FD50
public SortKey GetResultAndReset() { }
// RVA: 0xA8FCF0 Offset: 0xA8E6F0 VA: 0x180A8FCF0
private int GetOptimizedLength(byte[] data, int len, byte defaultValue) { }
// RVA: 0xA8FD80 Offset: 0xA8E780 VA: 0x180A8FD80
public SortKey GetResult() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // RVA: 0x3660 Offset: 0x2A60 VA: 0x180003660
internal class ASN1 // TypeDefIndex: 49
// Fields
private byte m_nTag; // 0x10
private byte[] m_aValue; // 0x18
private ArrayList elist; // 0x20
// Properties
public int Count { get; }
public byte Tag { get; }
public int Length { get; }
public byte[] Value { get; set; }
public ASN1 Item { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB33200 Offset: 0xB31C00 VA: 0x180B33200
public void .ctor(byte tag) { }
// RVA: 0xB331C0 Offset: 0xB31BC0 VA: 0x180B331C0
public void .ctor(byte tag, byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0xB33030 Offset: 0xB31A30 VA: 0x180B33030
public void .ctor(byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0xB33230 Offset: 0xB31C30 VA: 0x180B33230
public int get_Count() { }
// RVA: 0x2AD9B0 Offset: 0x2AC3B0 VA: 0x1802AD9B0
public byte get_Tag() { }
// RVA: 0xB33320 Offset: 0xB31D20 VA: 0x180B33320
public int get_Length() { }
// RVA: 0xB33330 Offset: 0xB31D30 VA: 0x180B33330
public byte[] get_Value() { }
// RVA: 0xB333D0 Offset: 0xB31DD0 VA: 0x180B333D0
public void set_Value(byte[] value) { }
// RVA: 0xB32180 Offset: 0xB30B80 VA: 0x180B32180
private bool CompareArray(byte[] array1, byte[] array2) { }
// RVA: 0xB32220 Offset: 0xB30C20 VA: 0x180B32220
public bool CompareValue(byte[] value) { }
// RVA: 0xB320F0 Offset: 0xB30AF0 VA: 0x180B320F0
public ASN1 Add(ASN1 asn1) { }
// RVA: 0xB326C0 Offset: 0xB310C0 VA: 0x180B326C0 Slot: 4
public virtual byte[] GetBytes() { }
// RVA: 0xB323E0 Offset: 0xB30DE0 VA: 0x180B323E0
protected void Decode(byte[] asn1, ref int anPos, int anLength) { }
// RVA: 0xB322B0 Offset: 0xB30CB0 VA: 0x180B322B0
protected void DecodeTLV(byte[] asn1, ref int pos, out byte tag, out int length, out byte[] content) { }
// RVA: 0xB33250 Offset: 0xB31C50 VA: 0x180B33250
public ASN1 get_Item(int index) { }
// RVA: 0xB325D0 Offset: 0xB30FD0 VA: 0x180B325D0
public ASN1 Element(int index, byte anTag) { }
// RVA: 0xB32D60 Offset: 0xB31760 VA: 0x180B32D60 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security
internal static class ASN1Convert // TypeDefIndex: 50
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB31400 Offset: 0xB2FE00 VA: 0x180B31400
public static ASN1 FromInt32(int value) { }
// RVA: 0xB31640 Offset: 0xB30040 VA: 0x180B31640
public static ASN1 FromOid(string oid) { }
// RVA: 0xB31CA0 Offset: 0xB306A0 VA: 0x180B31CA0
public static int ToInt32(ASN1 asn1) { }
// RVA: 0xB31E40 Offset: 0xB30840 VA: 0x180B31E40
public static string ToOid(ASN1 asn1) { }
// RVA: 0xB316E0 Offset: 0xB300E0 VA: 0x180B316E0
public static DateTime ToDateTime(ASN1 time) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security
internal sealed class BitConverterLE // TypeDefIndex: 51
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB35AE0 Offset: 0xB344E0 VA: 0x180B35AE0
private static byte[] GetUIntBytes(byte* bytes) { }
// RVA: 0xB35C50 Offset: 0xB34650 VA: 0x180B35C50
private static byte[] GetULongBytes(byte* bytes) { }
// RVA: 0xB35AA0 Offset: 0xB344A0 VA: 0x180B35AA0
internal static byte[] GetBytes(int value) { }
// RVA: 0xB35AC0 Offset: 0xB344C0 VA: 0x180B35AC0
internal static byte[] GetBytes(float value) { }
// RVA: 0xB35A80 Offset: 0xB34480 VA: 0x180B35A80
internal static byte[] GetBytes(double value) { }
// RVA: 0xB36420 Offset: 0xB34E20 VA: 0x180B36420
private static void UShortFromBytes(byte* dst, byte[] src, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xB36160 Offset: 0xB34B60 VA: 0x180B36160
private static void UIntFromBytes(byte* dst, byte[] src, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xB36320 Offset: 0xB34D20 VA: 0x180B36320
private static void ULongFromBytes(byte* dst, byte[] src, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xB35FF0 Offset: 0xB349F0 VA: 0x180B35FF0
internal static int ToInt32(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xB36050 Offset: 0xB34A50 VA: 0x180B36050
internal static ushort ToUInt16(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xB35FF0 Offset: 0xB349F0 VA: 0x180B35FF0
internal static uint ToUInt32(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xB36020 Offset: 0xB34A20 VA: 0x180B36020
internal static float ToSingle(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xB35EF0 Offset: 0xB348F0 VA: 0x180B35EF0
internal static double ToDouble(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security
internal sealed class PKCS7 // TypeDefIndex: 52
// Namespace:
public class PKCS7.ContentInfo // TypeDefIndex: 53
// Fields
private string contentType; // 0x10
private ASN1 content; // 0x18
// Properties
public ASN1 ASN1 { get; }
public ASN1 Content { get; set; }
public string ContentType { get; set; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x830600 Offset: 0x82F000 VA: 0x180830600
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x830400 Offset: 0x82EE00 VA: 0x180830400
public void .ctor(string oid) { }
// RVA: 0x830660 Offset: 0x82F060 VA: 0x180830660
public void .ctor(byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0x830470 Offset: 0x82EE70 VA: 0x180830470
public void .ctor(ASN1 asn1) { }
// RVA: 0x830360 Offset: 0x82ED60 VA: 0x180830360
public ASN1 get_ASN1() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE170 Offset: 0x1CCB70 VA: 0x1801CE170
public ASN1 get_Content() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE420 Offset: 0x1CCE20 VA: 0x1801CE420
public void set_Content(ASN1 value) { }
// RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
public string get_ContentType() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE410 Offset: 0x1CCE10 VA: 0x1801CE410
public void set_ContentType(string value) { }
// RVA: 0x830360 Offset: 0x82ED60 VA: 0x180830360
internal ASN1 GetASN1() { }
// Namespace:
public class PKCS7.EncryptedData // TypeDefIndex: 54
// Fields
private byte _version; // 0x10
private PKCS7.ContentInfo _content; // 0x18
private PKCS7.ContentInfo _encryptionAlgorithm; // 0x20
private byte[] _encrypted; // 0x28
// Properties
public PKCS7.ContentInfo EncryptionAlgorithm { get; }
public byte[] EncryptedContent { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x61CBC0 Offset: 0x61B5C0 VA: 0x18061CBC0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x831000 Offset: 0x82FA00 VA: 0x180831000
public void .ctor(ASN1 asn1) { }
// RVA: 0x1D0B60 Offset: 0x1CF560 VA: 0x1801D0B60
public PKCS7.ContentInfo get_EncryptionAlgorithm() { }
// RVA: 0x831340 Offset: 0x82FD40 VA: 0x180831340
public byte[] get_EncryptedContent() { }
// Namespace:
public class PKCS7.SignedData // TypeDefIndex: 55
// Fields
private byte version; // 0x10
private string hashAlgorithm; // 0x18
private PKCS7.ContentInfo contentInfo; // 0x20
private X509CertificateCollection certs; // 0x28
private ArrayList crls; // 0x30
private PKCS7.SignerInfo signerInfo; // 0x38
private bool mda; // 0x40
// Properties
public X509CertificateCollection Certificates { get; }
public PKCS7.ContentInfo ContentInfo { get; }
public string HashName { set; }
public PKCS7.SignerInfo SignerInfo { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x837AE0 Offset: 0x8364E0 VA: 0x180837AE0
public void .ctor(ASN1 asn1) { }
// RVA: 0x1FB870 Offset: 0x1FA270 VA: 0x1801FB870
public X509CertificateCollection get_Certificates() { }
// RVA: 0x1D0B60 Offset: 0x1CF560 VA: 0x1801D0B60
public PKCS7.ContentInfo get_ContentInfo() { }
// RVA: 0x8381F0 Offset: 0x836BF0 VA: 0x1808381F0
public void set_HashName(string value) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEF30 Offset: 0x1CD930 VA: 0x1801CEF30
public PKCS7.SignerInfo get_SignerInfo() { }
// RVA: 0x8379E0 Offset: 0x8363E0 VA: 0x1808379E0
internal string OidToName(string oid) { }
// Namespace:
public class PKCS7.SignerInfo // TypeDefIndex: 56
// Fields
private byte version; // 0x10
private string hashAlgorithm; // 0x18
private ArrayList authenticatedAttributes; // 0x20
private ArrayList unauthenticatedAttributes; // 0x28
private byte[] signature; // 0x30
private string issuer; // 0x38
private byte[] serial; // 0x40
private byte[] ski; // 0x48
// Properties
public string IssuerName { get; }
public byte[] SerialNumber { get; }
public ArrayList AuthenticatedAttributes { get; }
public string HashName { get; set; }
public byte[] Signature { get; }
public ArrayList UnauthenticatedAttributes { get; }
public byte Version { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x838210 Offset: 0x836C10 VA: 0x180838210
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x838290 Offset: 0x836C90 VA: 0x180838290
public void .ctor(ASN1 asn1) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEF30 Offset: 0x1CD930 VA: 0x1801CEF30
public string get_IssuerName() { }
// RVA: 0x838690 Offset: 0x837090 VA: 0x180838690
public byte[] get_SerialNumber() { }
// RVA: 0x1D0B60 Offset: 0x1CF560 VA: 0x1801D0B60
public ArrayList get_AuthenticatedAttributes() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE170 Offset: 0x1CCB70 VA: 0x1801CE170
public string get_HashName() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE420 Offset: 0x1CCE20 VA: 0x1801CE420
public void set_HashName(string value) { }
// RVA: 0x838710 Offset: 0x837110 VA: 0x180838710
public byte[] get_Signature() { }
// RVA: 0x1FB870 Offset: 0x1FA270 VA: 0x1801FB870
public ArrayList get_UnauthenticatedAttributes() { }
// RVA: 0x2AD9B0 Offset: 0x2AC3B0 VA: 0x1802AD9B0
public byte get_Version() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class SafeBag // TypeDefIndex: 57
// Fields
private string _bagOID; // 0x10
private ASN1 _asn1; // 0x18
// Properties
public string BagOID { get; }
public ASN1 ASN1 { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x1E4F60 Offset: 0x1E3960 VA: 0x1801E4F60
public void .ctor(string bagOID, ASN1 asn1) { }
// RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
public string get_BagOID() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE170 Offset: 0x1CCB70 VA: 0x1801CE170
public ASN1 get_ASN1() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class PKCS12 : ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 58
// Fields
private byte[] _password; // 0x10
private ArrayList _keyBags; // 0x18
private ArrayList _secretBags; // 0x20
private X509CertificateCollection _certs; // 0x28
private bool _keyBagsChanged; // 0x30
private bool _secretBagsChanged; // 0x31
private bool _certsChanged; // 0x32
private int _iterations; // 0x34
private ArrayList _safeBags; // 0x38
private RandomNumberGenerator _rng; // 0x40
private static int password_max_length; // 0x0
// Properties
public string Password { set; }
public int IterationCount { get; set; }
public ArrayList Keys { get; }
public X509CertificateCollection Certificates { get; }
internal RandomNumberGenerator RNG { get; }
public static int MaximumPasswordLength { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x836810 Offset: 0x835210 VA: 0x180836810
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x836750 Offset: 0x835150 VA: 0x180836750
public void .ctor(byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0x8367C0 Offset: 0x8351C0 VA: 0x1808367C0
public void .ctor(byte[] data, string password) { }
// RVA: 0x8321E0 Offset: 0x830BE0 VA: 0x1808321E0
private void Decode(byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0x8330C0 Offset: 0x831AC0 VA: 0x1808330C0 Slot: 1
protected override void Finalize() { }
// RVA: 0x8372B0 Offset: 0x835CB0 VA: 0x1808372B0
public void set_Password(string value) { }
// RVA: 0x2B5340 Offset: 0x2B3D40 VA: 0x1802B5340
public int get_IterationCount() { }
// RVA: 0x4B9ED0 Offset: 0x4B88D0 VA: 0x1804B9ED0
public void set_IterationCount(int value) { }
// RVA: 0x836C00 Offset: 0x835600 VA: 0x180836C00
public ArrayList get_Keys() { }
// RVA: 0x8368E0 Offset: 0x8352E0 VA: 0x1808368E0
public X509CertificateCollection get_Certificates() { }
// RVA: 0x837280 Offset: 0x835C80 VA: 0x180837280
internal RandomNumberGenerator get_RNG() { }
// RVA: 0x832160 Offset: 0x830B60 VA: 0x180832160
private bool Compare(byte[] expected, byte[] actual) { }
// RVA: 0x8351C0 Offset: 0x833BC0 VA: 0x1808351C0
private SymmetricAlgorithm GetSymmetricAlgorithm(string algorithmOid, byte[] salt, int iterationCount) { }
// RVA: 0x8329E0 Offset: 0x8313E0 VA: 0x1808329E0
public byte[] Decrypt(string algorithmOid, byte[] salt, int iterationCount, byte[] encryptedData) { }
// RVA: 0x832B20 Offset: 0x831520 VA: 0x180832B20
public byte[] Decrypt(PKCS7.EncryptedData ed) { }
// RVA: 0x832C50 Offset: 0x831650 VA: 0x180832C50
public byte[] Encrypt(string algorithmOid, byte[] salt, int iterationCount, byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0x834F00 Offset: 0x833900 VA: 0x180834F00
private DSAParameters GetExistingParameters(out bool found) { }
// RVA: 0x8316B0 Offset: 0x8300B0 VA: 0x1808316B0
private void AddPrivateKey(PKCS8.PrivateKeyInfo pki) { }
// RVA: 0x835AC0 Offset: 0x8344C0 VA: 0x180835AC0
private void ReadSafeBag(ASN1 safeBag) { }
// RVA: 0x831820 Offset: 0x830220 VA: 0x180831820
private ASN1 CertificateSafeBag(X509Certificate x509, IDictionary attributes) { }
// RVA: 0x835870 Offset: 0x834270 VA: 0x180835870
private byte[] MAC(byte[] password, byte[] salt, int iterations, byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0x833170 Offset: 0x831B70 VA: 0x180833170
public byte[] GetBytes() { }
// RVA: 0x832DA0 Offset: 0x8317A0 VA: 0x180832DA0
private PKCS7.ContentInfo EncryptedContentInfo(ASN1 safeBags, string algorithmOid) { }
// RVA: 0x8313C0 Offset: 0x82FDC0 VA: 0x1808313C0
public void AddCertificate(X509Certificate cert) { }
// RVA: 0x8313D0 Offset: 0x82FDD0 VA: 0x1808313D0
public void AddCertificate(X509Certificate cert, IDictionary attributes) { }
// RVA: 0x836180 Offset: 0x834B80 VA: 0x180836180
public void RemoveCertificate(X509Certificate cert) { }
// RVA: 0x836190 Offset: 0x834B90 VA: 0x180836190
public void RemoveCertificate(X509Certificate cert, IDictionary attrs) { }
// RVA: 0x832030 Offset: 0x830A30 VA: 0x180832030 Slot: 4
public object Clone() { }
// RVA: 0x8371C0 Offset: 0x835BC0 VA: 0x1808371C0
public static int get_MaximumPasswordLength() { }
// RVA: 0x836710 Offset: 0x835110 VA: 0x180836710
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace:
public class PKCS12.DeriveBytes // TypeDefIndex: 59
// Fields
private static byte[] keyDiversifier; // 0x0
private static byte[] ivDiversifier; // 0x8
private static byte[] macDiversifier; // 0x10
private string _hashName; // 0x10
private int _iterations; // 0x18
private byte[] _password; // 0x20
private byte[] _salt; // 0x28
// Properties
public string HashName { set; }
public int IterationCount { set; }
public byte[] Password { set; }
public byte[] Salt { set; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE410 Offset: 0x1CCE10 VA: 0x1801CE410
public void set_HashName(string value) { }
// RVA: 0x32FC40 Offset: 0x32E640 VA: 0x18032FC40
public void set_IterationCount(int value) { }
// RVA: 0x830ED0 Offset: 0x82F8D0 VA: 0x180830ED0
public void set_Password(byte[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x830F70 Offset: 0x82F970 VA: 0x180830F70
public void set_Salt(byte[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x8306D0 Offset: 0x82F0D0 VA: 0x1808306D0
private void Adjust(byte[] a, int aOff, byte[] b) { }
// RVA: 0x830940 Offset: 0x82F340 VA: 0x180830940
private byte[] Derive(byte[] diversifier, int n) { }
// RVA: 0x830840 Offset: 0x82F240 VA: 0x180830840
public byte[] DeriveKey(int size) { }
// RVA: 0x8307C0 Offset: 0x82F1C0 VA: 0x1808307C0
public byte[] DeriveIV(int size) { }
// RVA: 0x8308C0 Offset: 0x82F2C0 VA: 0x1808308C0
public byte[] DeriveMAC(int size) { }
// RVA: 0x830E00 Offset: 0x82F800 VA: 0x180830E00
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal sealed class X501 // TypeDefIndex: 60
// Fields
private static byte[] countryName; // 0x0
private static byte[] organizationName; // 0x8
private static byte[] organizationalUnitName; // 0x10
private static byte[] commonName; // 0x18
private static byte[] localityName; // 0x20
private static byte[] stateOrProvinceName; // 0x28
private static byte[] streetAddress; // 0x30
private static byte[] domainComponent; // 0x38
private static byte[] userid; // 0x40
private static byte[] email; // 0x48
private static byte[] dnQualifier; // 0x50
private static byte[] title; // 0x58
private static byte[] surname; // 0x60
private static byte[] givenName; // 0x68
private static byte[] initial; // 0x70
// Methods
// RVA: 0x83BF00 Offset: 0x83A900 VA: 0x18083BF00
public static string ToString(ASN1 seq) { }
// RVA: 0x83BD50 Offset: 0x83A750 VA: 0x18083BD50
public static string ToString(ASN1 seq, bool reversed, string separator, bool quotes) { }
// RVA: 0x83B530 Offset: 0x839F30 VA: 0x18083B530
private static void AppendEntry(StringBuilder sb, ASN1 entry, bool quotes) { }
// RVA: 0x83C010 Offset: 0x83AA10 VA: 0x18083C010
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class X509Certificate : ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 61
// Fields
private ASN1 decoder; // 0x10
private byte[] m_encodedcert; // 0x18
private DateTime m_from; // 0x20
private DateTime m_until; // 0x28
private ASN1 issuer; // 0x30
private string m_issuername; // 0x38
private string m_keyalgo; // 0x40
private byte[] m_keyalgoparams; // 0x48
private ASN1 subject; // 0x50
private string m_subject; // 0x58
private byte[] m_publickey; // 0x60
private byte[] signature; // 0x68
private string m_signaturealgo; // 0x70
private byte[] m_signaturealgoparams; // 0x78
private byte[] certhash; // 0x80
private RSA _rsa; // 0x88
private DSA _dsa; // 0x90
private int version; // 0x98
private byte[] serialnumber; // 0xA0
private byte[] issuerUniqueID; // 0xA8
private byte[] subjectUniqueID; // 0xB0
private X509ExtensionCollection extensions; // 0xB8
private static string encoding_error; // 0x0
// Properties
public DSA DSA { get; }
public X509ExtensionCollection Extensions { get; }
public byte[] Hash { get; }
public virtual string IssuerName { get; }
public virtual string KeyAlgorithm { get; }
public virtual byte[] KeyAlgorithmParameters { get; }
public virtual byte[] PublicKey { get; }
public virtual RSA RSA { get; }
public virtual byte[] RawData { get; }
public virtual byte[] SerialNumber { get; }
public virtual byte[] Signature { get; }
public virtual string SubjectName { get; }
public virtual DateTime ValidFrom { get; }
public virtual DateTime ValidUntil { get; }
public int Version { get; }
public bool IsCurrent { get; }
public bool IsSelfSigned { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x83CD80 Offset: 0x83B780 VA: 0x18083CD80
private void Parse(byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0x83D870 Offset: 0x83C270 VA: 0x18083D870
public void .ctor(byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0x83CBC0 Offset: 0x83B5C0 VA: 0x18083CBC0
private byte[] GetUnsignedBigInteger(byte[] integer) { }
// RVA: 0x83DAA0 Offset: 0x83C4A0 VA: 0x18083DAA0
public DSA get_DSA() { }
// RVA: 0x1F6C40 Offset: 0x1F5640 VA: 0x1801F6C40
public X509ExtensionCollection get_Extensions() { }
// RVA: 0x83DDC0 Offset: 0x83C7C0 VA: 0x18083DDC0
public byte[] get_Hash() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEF30 Offset: 0x1CD930 VA: 0x1801CEF30 Slot: 5
public virtual string get_IssuerName() { }
// RVA: 0x1E5320 Offset: 0x1E3D20 VA: 0x1801E5320 Slot: 6
public virtual string get_KeyAlgorithm() { }
// RVA: 0x83E280 Offset: 0x83CC80 VA: 0x18083E280 Slot: 7
public virtual byte[] get_KeyAlgorithmParameters() { }
// RVA: 0x83E300 Offset: 0x83CD00 VA: 0x18083E300 Slot: 8
public virtual byte[] get_PublicKey() { }
// RVA: 0x83E380 Offset: 0x83CD80 VA: 0x18083E380 Slot: 9
public virtual RSA get_RSA() { }
// RVA: 0x83E560 Offset: 0x83CF60 VA: 0x18083E560 Slot: 10
public virtual byte[] get_RawData() { }
// RVA: 0x83E5E0 Offset: 0x83CFE0 VA: 0x18083E5E0 Slot: 11
public virtual byte[] get_SerialNumber() { }
// RVA: 0x83E660 Offset: 0x83D060 VA: 0x18083E660 Slot: 12
public virtual byte[] get_Signature() { }
// RVA: 0x1E3780 Offset: 0x1E2180 VA: 0x1801E3780 Slot: 13
public virtual string get_SubjectName() { }
// RVA: 0x1D0B60 Offset: 0x1CF560 VA: 0x1801D0B60 Slot: 14
public virtual DateTime get_ValidFrom() { }
// RVA: 0x1FB870 Offset: 0x1FA270 VA: 0x1801FB870 Slot: 15
public virtual DateTime get_ValidUntil() { }
// RVA: 0x484830 Offset: 0x483230 VA: 0x180484830
public int get_Version() { }
// RVA: 0x83DFF0 Offset: 0x83C9F0 VA: 0x18083DFF0
public bool get_IsCurrent() { }
// RVA: 0x83D740 Offset: 0x83C140 VA: 0x18083D740
public bool WasCurrent(DateTime instant) { }
// RVA: 0x83D680 Offset: 0x83C080 VA: 0x18083D680
internal bool VerifySignature(DSA dsa) { }
// RVA: 0x83D570 Offset: 0x83BF70 VA: 0x18083D570
internal bool VerifySignature(RSA rsa) { }
// RVA: 0x83E110 Offset: 0x83CB10 VA: 0x18083E110
public bool get_IsSelfSigned() { }
// RVA: 0x23D060 Offset: 0x23BA60 VA: 0x18023D060
public ASN1 GetIssuerName() { }
// RVA: 0x1F6C70 Offset: 0x1F5670 VA: 0x1801F6C70
public ASN1 GetSubjectName() { }
// RVA: 0x83CB60 Offset: 0x83B560 VA: 0x18083CB60 Slot: 16
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// RVA: 0x83CC70 Offset: 0x83B670 VA: 0x18083CC70
private static byte[] PEM(string type, byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0x83D820 Offset: 0x83C220 VA: 0x18083D820
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // RVA: 0x3660 Offset: 0x2A60 VA: 0x180003660
internal class X509CertificateCollection : CollectionBase, IEnumerable // TypeDefIndex: 62
// Properties
public X509Certificate Item { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x491DA0 Offset: 0x4907A0 VA: 0x180491DA0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x83C880 Offset: 0x83B280 VA: 0x18083C880
public X509Certificate get_Item(int index) { }
// RVA: 0x83C470 Offset: 0x83AE70 VA: 0x18083C470
public int Add(X509Certificate value) { }
// RVA: 0x83C380 Offset: 0x83AD80 VA: 0x18083C380
public void AddRange(X509CertificateCollection value) { }
// RVA: 0x83C590 Offset: 0x83AF90 VA: 0x18083C590
public bool Contains(X509Certificate value) { }
// RVA: 0x83C5B0 Offset: 0x83AFB0 VA: 0x18083C5B0
public X509CertificateCollection.X509CertificateEnumerator GetEnumerator() { }
// RVA: 0x83C850 Offset: 0x83B250 VA: 0x18083C850 Slot: 19
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { }
// RVA: 0x83C640 Offset: 0x83B040 VA: 0x18083C640 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// RVA: 0x83C670 Offset: 0x83B070 VA: 0x18083C670
public int IndexOf(X509Certificate value) { }
// RVA: 0x83C510 Offset: 0x83AF10 VA: 0x18083C510
private bool Compare(byte[] array1, byte[] array2) { }
// Namespace:
public class X509CertificateCollection.X509CertificateEnumerator : IEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 63
// Fields
private IEnumerator enumerator; // 0x10
// Properties
public X509Certificate Current { get; }
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x83CA70 Offset: 0x83B470 VA: 0x18083CA70
public void .ctor(X509CertificateCollection mappings) { }
// RVA: 0x83CAD0 Offset: 0x83B4D0 VA: 0x18083CAD0
public X509Certificate get_Current() { }
// RVA: 0x83CA20 Offset: 0x83B420 VA: 0x18083CA20 Slot: 5
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current() { }
// RVA: 0x83C980 Offset: 0x83B380 VA: 0x18083C980 Slot: 4
private bool System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext() { }
// RVA: 0x83C9D0 Offset: 0x83B3D0 VA: 0x18083C9D0 Slot: 6
private void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() { }
// RVA: 0x83C930 Offset: 0x83B330 VA: 0x18083C930
public bool MoveNext() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class X509Chain // TypeDefIndex: 64
// Fields
private X509CertificateCollection roots; // 0x10
private X509CertificateCollection certs; // 0x18
private X509Certificate _root; // 0x20
private X509CertificateCollection _chain; // 0x28
private X509ChainStatusFlags _status; // 0x30
// Properties
public X509CertificateCollection TrustAnchors { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x83F670 Offset: 0x83E070 VA: 0x18083F670
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x83F6D0 Offset: 0x83E0D0 VA: 0x18083F6D0
public X509CertificateCollection get_TrustAnchors() { }
// RVA: 0x83F600 Offset: 0x83E000 VA: 0x18083F600
public void LoadCertificates(X509CertificateCollection collection) { }
// RVA: 0x83E9D0 Offset: 0x83D3D0 VA: 0x18083E9D0
public bool Build(X509Certificate leaf) { }
// RVA: 0x83F620 Offset: 0x83E020 VA: 0x18083F620
public void Reset() { }
// RVA: 0x83F4C0 Offset: 0x83DEC0 VA: 0x18083F4C0
private bool IsValid(X509Certificate cert) { }
// RVA: 0x83EDD0 Offset: 0x83D7D0 VA: 0x18083EDD0
private X509Certificate FindCertificateParent(X509Certificate child) { }
// RVA: 0x83EFC0 Offset: 0x83D9C0 VA: 0x18083EFC0
private X509Certificate FindCertificateRoot(X509Certificate potentialRoot) { }
// RVA: 0x83F480 Offset: 0x83DE80 VA: 0x18083F480
private bool IsTrusted(X509Certificate potentialTrusted) { }
// RVA: 0x83F230 Offset: 0x83DC30 VA: 0x18083F230
private bool IsParent(X509Certificate child, X509Certificate parent) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
[FlagsAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
internal enum X509ChainStatusFlags // TypeDefIndex: 65
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x0
public const X509ChainStatusFlags InvalidBasicConstraints = 1024;
public const X509ChainStatusFlags NoError = 0;
public const X509ChainStatusFlags NotSignatureValid = 8;
public const X509ChainStatusFlags NotTimeNested = 2;
public const X509ChainStatusFlags NotTimeValid = 1;
public const X509ChainStatusFlags PartialChain = 65536;
public const X509ChainStatusFlags UntrustedRoot = 32;
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class X509Extension // TypeDefIndex: 66
// Fields
protected string extnOid; // 0x10
protected bool extnCritical; // 0x18
protected ASN1 extnValue; // 0x20
// Properties
public string Oid { get; }
public bool Critical { get; }
public ASN1 Value { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x840050 Offset: 0x83EA50 VA: 0x180840050
public void .ctor(ASN1 asn1) { }
// RVA: 0x830210 Offset: 0x82EC10 VA: 0x180830210
public void .ctor(X509Extension extension) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0 Slot: 4
protected virtual void Decode() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0 Slot: 5
protected virtual void Encode() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
public string get_Oid() { }
// RVA: 0x269A20 Offset: 0x268420 VA: 0x180269A20
public bool get_Critical() { }
// RVA: 0x8402F0 Offset: 0x83ECF0 VA: 0x1808402F0
public ASN1 get_Value() { }
// RVA: 0x83FBF0 Offset: 0x83E5F0 VA: 0x18083FBF0 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0x6079E0 Offset: 0x6063E0 VA: 0x1806079E0 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// RVA: 0x83FE50 Offset: 0x83E850 VA: 0x18083FE50
private void WriteLine(StringBuilder sb, int n, int pos) { }
// RVA: 0x83FD30 Offset: 0x83E730 VA: 0x18083FD30 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // RVA: 0x3660 Offset: 0x2A60 VA: 0x180003660
internal sealed class X509ExtensionCollection : CollectionBase, IEnumerable // TypeDefIndex: 67
// Fields
private bool readOnly; // 0x18
// Properties
public X509Extension Item { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x491DA0 Offset: 0x4907A0 VA: 0x180491DA0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x83F8D0 Offset: 0x83E2D0 VA: 0x18083F8D0
public void .ctor(ASN1 asn1) { }
// RVA: 0x83F750 Offset: 0x83E150 VA: 0x18083F750
public int IndexOf(string oid) { }
// RVA: 0x83C850 Offset: 0x83B250 VA: 0x18083C850 Slot: 19
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { }
// RVA: 0x83F9F0 Offset: 0x83E3F0 VA: 0x18083F9F0
public X509Extension get_Item(string oid) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class X509Store // TypeDefIndex: 68
// Fields
private string _storePath; // 0x10
private X509CertificateCollection _certificates; // 0x18
private bool _crl; // 0x20
private bool _newFormat; // 0x21
// Properties
public X509CertificateCollection Certificates { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x840EB0 Offset: 0x83F8B0 VA: 0x180840EB0
internal void .ctor(string path, bool crl, bool newFormat) { }
// RVA: 0x840F00 Offset: 0x83F900 VA: 0x180840F00
public X509CertificateCollection get_Certificates() { }
// RVA: 0x840D60 Offset: 0x83F760 VA: 0x180840D60
private byte[] Load(string filename) { }
// RVA: 0x840CF0 Offset: 0x83F6F0 VA: 0x180840CF0
private X509Certificate LoadCertificate(string filename) { }
// RVA: 0x840C60 Offset: 0x83F660 VA: 0x180840C60
private bool CheckStore(string path, bool throwException) { }
// RVA: 0x840B10 Offset: 0x83F510 VA: 0x180840B10
private X509CertificateCollection BuildCertificatesCollection(string storeName) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal sealed class X509StoreManager // TypeDefIndex: 69
// Fields
private static string _userPath; // 0x0
private static string _localMachinePath; // 0x8
private static X509Stores _userStore; // 0x10
private static X509Stores _machineStore; // 0x18
// Properties
internal static string CurrentUserPath { get; }
internal static string LocalMachinePath { get; }
public static X509Stores CurrentUser { get; }
public static X509Stores LocalMachine { get; }
public static X509CertificateCollection TrustedRootCertificates { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x840320 Offset: 0x83ED20 VA: 0x180840320
internal static string get_CurrentUserPath() { }
// RVA: 0x840560 Offset: 0x83EF60 VA: 0x180840560
internal static string get_LocalMachinePath() { }
// RVA: 0x840400 Offset: 0x83EE00 VA: 0x180840400
public static X509Stores get_CurrentUser() { }
// RVA: 0x840640 Offset: 0x83F040 VA: 0x180840640
public static X509Stores get_LocalMachine() { }
// RVA: 0x8407A0 Offset: 0x83F1A0 VA: 0x1808407A0
public static X509CertificateCollection get_TrustedRootCertificates() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509
internal class X509Stores // TypeDefIndex: 70
// Fields
private string _storePath; // 0x10
private bool _newFormat; // 0x18
private X509Store _trusted; // 0x20
// Properties
public X509Store TrustedRoot { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x6B5880 Offset: 0x6B4280 VA: 0x1806B5880
internal void .ctor(string path, bool newFormat) { }
// RVA: 0x840F30 Offset: 0x83F930 VA: 0x180840F30
public X509Store get_TrustedRoot() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.X509.Extensions
internal class BasicConstraintsExtension : X509Extension // TypeDefIndex: 71
// Fields
private bool cA; // 0x28
private int pathLenConstraint; // 0x2C
// Properties
public bool CertificateAuthority { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x830210 Offset: 0x82EC10 VA: 0x180830210
public void .ctor(X509Extension extension) { }
// RVA: 0x82FE60 Offset: 0x82E860 VA: 0x18082FE60 Slot: 4
protected override void Decode() { }
// RVA: 0x82FFA0 Offset: 0x82E9A0 VA: 0x18082FFA0 Slot: 5
protected override void Encode() { }
// RVA: 0x201480 Offset: 0x1FFE80 VA: 0x180201480
public bool get_CertificateAuthority() { }
// RVA: 0x8300E0 Offset: 0x82EAE0 VA: 0x1808300E0 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class ARC4Managed : RC4, ICryptoTransform, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 72
// Fields
private byte[] key; // 0x48
private byte[] state; // 0x50
private byte x; // 0x58
private byte y; // 0x59
private bool m_disposed; // 0x5A
// Properties
public override byte[] Key { get; set; }
public bool CanReuseTransform { get; }
public bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks { get; }
public int InputBlockSize { get; }
public int OutputBlockSize { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB31070 Offset: 0xB2FA70 VA: 0x180B31070
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB30950 Offset: 0xB2F350 VA: 0x180B30950 Slot: 1
protected override void Finalize() { }
// RVA: 0xB308A0 Offset: 0xB2F2A0 VA: 0x180B308A0 Slot: 5
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
// RVA: 0xB31160 Offset: 0xB2FB60 VA: 0x180B31160 Slot: 12
public override byte[] get_Key() { }
// RVA: 0xB31200 Offset: 0xB2FC00 VA: 0x180B31200 Slot: 13
public override void set_Key(byte[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDF0 Offset: 0x1CD7F0 VA: 0x1801CEDF0 Slot: 31
public bool get_CanReuseTransform() { }
// RVA: 0xB30870 Offset: 0xB2F270 VA: 0x180B30870 Slot: 23
public override ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgvIV) { }
// RVA: 0xB30830 Offset: 0xB2F230 VA: 0x180B30830 Slot: 25
public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgvIV) { }
// RVA: 0xB309F0 Offset: 0xB2F3F0 VA: 0x180B309F0 Slot: 27
public override void GenerateIV() { }
// RVA: 0xB30A40 Offset: 0xB2F440 VA: 0x180B30A40 Slot: 26
public override void GenerateKey() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEF00 Offset: 0x1CD900 VA: 0x1801CEF00 Slot: 30
public bool get_CanTransformMultipleBlocks() { }
// RVA: 0x249650 Offset: 0x248050 VA: 0x180249650 Slot: 28
public int get_InputBlockSize() { }
// RVA: 0x249650 Offset: 0x248050 VA: 0x180249650 Slot: 29
public int get_OutputBlockSize() { }
// RVA: 0xB30D00 Offset: 0xB2F700 VA: 0x180B30D00
private void KeySetup(byte[] key) { }
// RVA: 0xB306E0 Offset: 0xB2F0E0 VA: 0x180B306E0
private void CheckInput(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount) { }
// RVA: 0xB30E50 Offset: 0xB2F850 VA: 0x180B30E50 Slot: 32
public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset) { }
// RVA: 0xB30B10 Offset: 0xB2F510 VA: 0x180B30B10
private int InternalTransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset) { }
// RVA: 0xB30FB0 Offset: 0xB2F9B0 VA: 0x180B30FB0 Slot: 33
public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal sealed class CryptoConvert // TypeDefIndex: 73
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB38BB0 Offset: 0xB375B0 VA: 0x180B38BB0
private static int ToInt32LE(byte[] bytes, int offset) { }
// RVA: 0xB38BB0 Offset: 0xB375B0 VA: 0x180B38BB0
private static uint ToUInt32LE(byte[] bytes, int offset) { }
// RVA: 0xB37AE0 Offset: 0xB364E0 VA: 0x180B37AE0
private static byte[] GetBytesLE(int val) { }
// RVA: 0xB38C60 Offset: 0xB37660 VA: 0x180B38C60
private static byte[] Trim(byte[] array) { }
// RVA: 0xB36E10 Offset: 0xB35810 VA: 0x180B36E10
public static RSA FromCapiPrivateKeyBlob(byte[] blob, int offset) { }
// RVA: 0xB36A20 Offset: 0xB35420 VA: 0x180B36A20
public static DSA FromCapiPrivateKeyBlobDSA(byte[] blob, int offset) { }
// RVA: 0xB37F80 Offset: 0xB36980 VA: 0x180B37F80
public static byte[] ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob(RSA rsa) { }
// RVA: 0xB37BA0 Offset: 0xB365A0 VA: 0x180B37BA0
public static byte[] ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob(DSA dsa) { }
// RVA: 0xB37740 Offset: 0xB36140 VA: 0x180B37740
public static RSA FromCapiPublicKeyBlob(byte[] blob, int offset) { }
// RVA: 0xB37360 Offset: 0xB35D60 VA: 0x180B37360
public static DSA FromCapiPublicKeyBlobDSA(byte[] blob, int offset) { }
// RVA: 0xB38860 Offset: 0xB37260 VA: 0x180B38860
public static byte[] ToCapiPublicKeyBlob(RSA rsa) { }
// RVA: 0xB38490 Offset: 0xB36E90 VA: 0x180B38490
public static byte[] ToCapiPublicKeyBlob(DSA dsa) { }
// RVA: 0xB36760 Offset: 0xB35160 VA: 0x180B36760
public static RSA FromCapiKeyBlob(byte[] blob) { }
// RVA: 0xB368B0 Offset: 0xB352B0 VA: 0x180B368B0
public static RSA FromCapiKeyBlob(byte[] blob, int offset) { }
// RVA: 0xB36530 Offset: 0xB34F30 VA: 0x180B36530
public static DSA FromCapiKeyBlobDSA(byte[] blob) { }
// RVA: 0xB36640 Offset: 0xB35040 VA: 0x180B36640
public static DSA FromCapiKeyBlobDSA(byte[] blob, int offset) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal sealed class KeyBuilder // TypeDefIndex: 74
// Fields
private static RandomNumberGenerator rng; // 0x1C23614
// Properties
private static RandomNumberGenerator Rng { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB3D7E0 Offset: 0xB3C1E0 VA: 0x180B3D7E0
private static RandomNumberGenerator get_Rng() { }
// RVA: 0xB3D720 Offset: 0xB3C120 VA: 0x180B3D720
public static byte[] Key(int size) { }
// RVA: 0xB3D660 Offset: 0xB3C060 VA: 0x180B3D660
public static byte[] IV(int size) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class KeyPairPersistence // TypeDefIndex: 75
// Fields
private static bool _userPathExists; // 0x0
private static string _userPath; // 0x8
private static bool _machinePathExists; // 0x10
private static string _machinePath; // 0x18
private CspParameters _params; // 0x10
private string _keyvalue; // 0x18
private string _filename; // 0x20
private string _container; // 0x28
private static object lockobj; // 0x20
// Properties
public string Filename { get; }
public string KeyValue { get; set; }
public CspParameters Parameters { get; }
private static string UserPath { get; }
private static string MachinePath { get; }
private bool CanChange { get; }
private bool UseDefaultKeyContainer { get; }
private bool UseMachineKeyStore { get; }
private string ContainerName { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB3E340 Offset: 0xB3CD40 VA: 0x180B3E340
public void .ctor(CspParameters parameters) { }
// RVA: 0xB3E3D0 Offset: 0xB3CDD0 VA: 0x180B3E3D0
public void .ctor(CspParameters parameters, string keyPair) { }
// RVA: 0xB3E5E0 Offset: 0xB3CFE0 VA: 0x180B3E5E0
public string get_Filename() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE170 Offset: 0x1CCB70 VA: 0x1801CE170
public string get_KeyValue() { }
// RVA: 0xB3F200 Offset: 0xB3DC00 VA: 0x180B3F200
public void set_KeyValue(string value) { }
// RVA: 0xB3ECA0 Offset: 0xB3D6A0 VA: 0x180B3ECA0
public CspParameters get_Parameters() { }
// RVA: 0xB3DBE0 Offset: 0xB3C5E0 VA: 0x180B3DBE0
public bool Load() { }
// RVA: 0xB3DF50 Offset: 0xB3C950 VA: 0x180B3DF50
public void Save() { }
// RVA: 0xB3DF30 Offset: 0xB3C930 VA: 0x180B3DF30
public void Remove() { }
// RVA: 0xB3ECF0 Offset: 0xB3D6F0 VA: 0x180B3ECF0
private static string get_UserPath() { }
// RVA: 0xB3E780 Offset: 0xB3D180 VA: 0x180B3E780
private static string get_MachinePath() { }
// RVA: 0x2F0DA0 Offset: 0x2EF7A0 VA: 0x1802F0DA0
internal static bool _CanSecure(string root) { }
// RVA: 0x2F0DA0 Offset: 0x2EF7A0 VA: 0x1802F0DA0
internal static bool _ProtectUser(string path) { }
// RVA: 0x2F0DA0 Offset: 0x2EF7A0 VA: 0x1802F0DA0
internal static bool _ProtectMachine(string path) { }
// RVA: 0x2F0DA0 Offset: 0x2EF7A0 VA: 0x1802F0DA0
internal static bool _IsUserProtected(string path) { }
// RVA: 0x2F0DA0 Offset: 0x2EF7A0 VA: 0x1802F0DA0
internal static bool _IsMachineProtected(string path) { }
// RVA: 0xB3D850 Offset: 0xB3C250 VA: 0x180B3D850
private static bool CanSecure(string path) { }
// RVA: 0xB3DEA0 Offset: 0xB3C8A0 VA: 0x180B3DEA0
private static bool ProtectUser(string path) { }
// RVA: 0xB3DE10 Offset: 0xB3C810 VA: 0x180B3DE10
private static bool ProtectMachine(string path) { }
// RVA: 0xB3DB50 Offset: 0xB3C550 VA: 0x180B3DB50
private static bool IsUserProtected(string path) { }
// RVA: 0xB3DAC0 Offset: 0xB3C4C0 VA: 0x180B3DAC0
private static bool IsMachineProtected(string path) { }
// RVA: 0xB3E470 Offset: 0xB3CE70 VA: 0x180B3E470
private bool get_CanChange() { }
// RVA: 0xB3ECB0 Offset: 0xB3D6B0 VA: 0x180B3ECB0
private bool get_UseDefaultKeyContainer() { }
// RVA: 0xB3ECD0 Offset: 0xB3D6D0 VA: 0x180B3ECD0
private bool get_UseMachineKeyStore() { }
// RVA: 0xB3E480 Offset: 0xB3CE80 VA: 0x180B3E480
private string get_ContainerName() { }
// RVA: 0xB3D900 Offset: 0xB3C300 VA: 0x180B3D900
private CspParameters Copy(CspParameters p) { }
// RVA: 0xB3D9B0 Offset: 0xB3C3B0 VA: 0x180B3D9B0
private void FromXml(string xml) { }
// RVA: 0xB3E130 Offset: 0xB3CB30 VA: 0x180B3E130
private string ToXml() { }
// RVA: 0xB3E2E0 Offset: 0xB3CCE0 VA: 0x180B3E2E0
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal abstract class MD2 : HashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 76
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB3FA60 Offset: 0xB3E460 VA: 0x180B3FA60
protected void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB3F990 Offset: 0xB3E390 VA: 0x180B3F990
public static MD2 Create() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class MD2Managed : MD2 // TypeDefIndex: 77
// Fields
private byte[] state; // 0x28
private byte[] checksum; // 0x30
private byte[] buffer; // 0x38
private int count; // 0x40
private byte[] x; // 0x48
private static readonly byte[] PI_SUBST; // 0x0
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB3F7F0 Offset: 0xB3E1F0 VA: 0x180B3F7F0
private byte[] Padding(int nLength) { }
// RVA: 0xB3F8E0 Offset: 0xB3E2E0 VA: 0x180B3F8E0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB3F470 Offset: 0xB3DE70 VA: 0x180B3F470 Slot: 18
public override void Initialize() { }
// RVA: 0xB3F210 Offset: 0xB3DC10 VA: 0x180B3F210 Slot: 19
protected override void HashCore(byte[] array, int ibStart, int cbSize) { }
// RVA: 0xB3F310 Offset: 0xB3DD10 VA: 0x180B3F310 Slot: 20
protected override byte[] HashFinal() { }
// RVA: 0xB3F4D0 Offset: 0xB3DED0 VA: 0x180B3F4D0
private void MD2Transform(byte[] state, byte[] checksum, byte[] block, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xB3F880 Offset: 0xB3E280 VA: 0x180B3F880
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal abstract class MD4 : HashAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 78
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB3FA60 Offset: 0xB3E460 VA: 0x180B3FA60
protected void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB40E90 Offset: 0xB3F890 VA: 0x180B40E90
public static MD4 Create() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class MD4Managed : MD4 // TypeDefIndex: 79
// Fields
private uint[] state; // 0x28
private byte[] buffer; // 0x30
private uint[] count; // 0x38
private uint[] x; // 0x40
private byte[] digest; // 0x48
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB40DD0 Offset: 0xB3F7D0 VA: 0x180B40DD0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB40130 Offset: 0xB3EB30 VA: 0x180B40130 Slot: 18
public override void Initialize() { }
// RVA: 0xB3FDF0 Offset: 0xB3E7F0 VA: 0x180B3FDF0 Slot: 19
protected override void HashCore(byte[] array, int ibStart, int cbSize) { }
// RVA: 0xB3FFB0 Offset: 0xB3E9B0 VA: 0x180B3FFB0 Slot: 20
protected override byte[] HashFinal() { }
// RVA: 0xB40D40 Offset: 0xB3F740 VA: 0x180B40D40
private byte[] Padding(int nLength) { }
// RVA: 0xB3FD20 Offset: 0xB3E720 VA: 0x180B3FD20
private uint F(uint x, uint y, uint z) { }
// RVA: 0xB3FD80 Offset: 0xB3E780 VA: 0x180B3FD80
private uint G(uint x, uint y, uint z) { }
// RVA: 0xB3FDE0 Offset: 0xB3E7E0 VA: 0x180B3FDE0
private uint H(uint x, uint y, uint z) { }
// RVA: 0xB40DB0 Offset: 0xB3F7B0 VA: 0x180B40DB0
private uint ROL(uint x, byte n) { }
// RVA: 0xB3FCE0 Offset: 0xB3E6E0 VA: 0x180B3FCE0
private void FF(ref uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint x, byte s) { }
// RVA: 0xB3FD30 Offset: 0xB3E730 VA: 0x180B3FD30
private void GG(ref uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint x, byte s) { }
// RVA: 0xB3FD90 Offset: 0xB3E790 VA: 0x180B3FD90
private void HH(ref uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint x, byte s) { }
// RVA: 0xB3FB90 Offset: 0xB3E590 VA: 0x180B3FB90
private void Encode(byte[] output, uint[] input) { }
// RVA: 0xB3FA80 Offset: 0xB3E480 VA: 0x180B3FA80
private void Decode(uint[] output, byte[] input, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xB40270 Offset: 0xB3EC70 VA: 0x180B40270
private void MD4Transform(uint[] state, byte[] block, int index) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal sealed class PKCS1 // TypeDefIndex: 80
// Fields
private static byte[] emptySHA1; // 0x0
private static byte[] emptySHA256; // 0x8
private static byte[] emptySHA384; // 0x10
private static byte[] emptySHA512; // 0x18
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB41A50 Offset: 0xB40450 VA: 0x180B41A50
private static bool Compare(byte[] array1, byte[] array2) { }
// RVA: 0xB43FE0 Offset: 0xB429E0 VA: 0x180B43FE0
private static byte[] xor(byte[] array1, byte[] array2) { }
// RVA: 0xB42D10 Offset: 0xB41710 VA: 0x180B42D10
private static byte[] GetEmptyHash(HashAlgorithm hash) { }
// RVA: 0xB431E0 Offset: 0xB41BE0 VA: 0x180B431E0
public static byte[] I2OSP(int x, int size) { }
// RVA: 0xB43160 Offset: 0xB41B60 VA: 0x180B43160
public static byte[] I2OSP(byte[] x, int size) { }
// RVA: 0xB43500 Offset: 0xB41F00 VA: 0x180B43500
public static byte[] OS2IP(byte[] x) { }
// RVA: 0xB43600 Offset: 0xB42000 VA: 0x180B43600
public static byte[] RSAEP(RSA rsa, byte[] m) { }
// RVA: 0xB435D0 Offset: 0xB41FD0 VA: 0x180B435D0
public static byte[] RSADP(RSA rsa, byte[] c) { }
// RVA: 0xB435D0 Offset: 0xB41FD0 VA: 0x180B435D0
public static byte[] RSASP1(RSA rsa, byte[] m) { }
// RVA: 0xB43600 Offset: 0xB42000 VA: 0x180B43600
public static byte[] RSAVP1(RSA rsa, byte[] s) { }
// RVA: 0xB42800 Offset: 0xB41200 VA: 0x180B42800
public static byte[] Encrypt_OAEP(RSA rsa, HashAlgorithm hash, RandomNumberGenerator rng, byte[] M) { }
// RVA: 0xB41F50 Offset: 0xB40950 VA: 0x180B41F50
public static byte[] Decrypt_OAEP(RSA rsa, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] C) { }
// RVA: 0xB43630 Offset: 0xB42030 VA: 0x180B43630
public static byte[] Sign_v15(RSA rsa, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] hashValue) { }
// RVA: 0xB43800 Offset: 0xB42200 VA: 0x180B43800
internal static byte[] Sign_v15(RSA rsa, string hashName, byte[] hashValue) { }
// RVA: 0xB43E40 Offset: 0xB42840 VA: 0x180B43E40
public static bool Verify_v15(RSA rsa, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] hashValue, byte[] signature) { }
// RVA: 0xB43D00 Offset: 0xB42700 VA: 0x180B43D00
internal static bool Verify_v15(RSA rsa, string hashName, byte[] hashValue, byte[] signature) { }
// RVA: 0xB43930 Offset: 0xB42330 VA: 0x180B43930
public static bool Verify_v15(RSA rsa, HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] hashValue, byte[] signature, bool tryNonStandardEncoding) { }
// RVA: 0xB42500 Offset: 0xB40F00 VA: 0x180B42500
public static byte[] Encode_v15(HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] hashValue, int emLength) { }
// RVA: 0xB432D0 Offset: 0xB41CD0 VA: 0x180B432D0
public static byte[] MGF1(HashAlgorithm hash, byte[] mgfSeed, int maskLen) { }
// RVA: 0xB42EE0 Offset: 0xB418E0 VA: 0x180B42EE0
internal static string HashNameFromOid(string oid, bool throwOnError = True) { }
// RVA: 0xB41AF0 Offset: 0xB404F0 VA: 0x180B41AF0
internal static HashAlgorithm CreateFromName(string name) { }
// RVA: 0xB43ED0 Offset: 0xB428D0 VA: 0x180B43ED0
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal sealed class PKCS8 // TypeDefIndex: 81
// Namespace:
public class PKCS8.PrivateKeyInfo // TypeDefIndex: 82
// Fields
private int _version; // 0x10
private string _algorithm; // 0x18
private byte[] _key; // 0x20
private ArrayList _list; // 0x28
// Properties
public byte[] PrivateKey { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB458C0 Offset: 0xB442C0 VA: 0x180B458C0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB45840 Offset: 0xB44240 VA: 0x180B45840
public void .ctor(byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0xB45930 Offset: 0xB44330 VA: 0x180B45930
public byte[] get_PrivateKey() { }
// RVA: 0xB45430 Offset: 0xB43E30 VA: 0x180B45430
private void Decode(byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0xB45790 Offset: 0xB44190 VA: 0x180B45790
private static byte[] RemoveLeadingZero(byte[] bigInt) { }
// RVA: 0xB456E0 Offset: 0xB440E0 VA: 0x180B456E0
private static byte[] Normalize(byte[] bigInt, int length) { }
// RVA: 0xB45020 Offset: 0xB43A20 VA: 0x180B45020
public static RSA DecodeRSA(byte[] keypair) { }
// RVA: 0xB44E80 Offset: 0xB43880 VA: 0x180B44E80
public static DSA DecodeDSA(byte[] privateKey, DSAParameters dsaParameters) { }
// Namespace:
public class PKCS8.EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo // TypeDefIndex: 83
// Fields
private string _algorithm; // 0x10
private byte[] _salt; // 0x18
private int _iterations; // 0x20
private byte[] _data; // 0x28
// Properties
public string Algorithm { get; }
public byte[] EncryptedData { get; }
public byte[] Salt { get; }
public int IterationCount { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB3B0C0 Offset: 0xB39AC0 VA: 0x180B3B0C0
public void .ctor(byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
public string get_Algorithm() { }
// RVA: 0xB3B0F0 Offset: 0xB39AF0 VA: 0x180B3B0F0
public byte[] get_EncryptedData() { }
// RVA: 0xB3B170 Offset: 0xB39B70 VA: 0x180B3B170
public byte[] get_Salt() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEC50 Offset: 0x1CD650 VA: 0x1801CEC50
public int get_IterationCount() { }
// RVA: 0xB3AC80 Offset: 0xB39680 VA: 0x180B3AC80
private void Decode(byte[] data) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal abstract class RC4 : SymmetricAlgorithm // TypeDefIndex: 84
// Fields
private static KeySizes[] s_legalBlockSizes; // 0x0
private static KeySizes[] s_legalKeySizes; // 0x8
// Properties
public override byte[] IV { get; set; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB45C50 Offset: 0xB44650 VA: 0x180B45C50
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB45CF0 Offset: 0xB446F0 VA: 0x180B45CF0 Slot: 10
public override byte[] get_IV() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0 Slot: 11
public override void set_IV(byte[] value) { }
// RVA: 0xB459B0 Offset: 0xB443B0 VA: 0x180B459B0
public static RC4 Create() { }
// RVA: 0xB45AD0 Offset: 0xB444D0 VA: 0x180B45AD0
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class RSAManaged : RSA // TypeDefIndex: 85
// Fields
private bool isCRTpossible; // 0x20
private bool keyBlinding; // 0x21
private bool keypairGenerated; // 0x22
private bool m_disposed; // 0x23
private BigInteger d; // 0x28
private BigInteger p; // 0x30
private BigInteger q; // 0x38
private BigInteger dp; // 0x40
private BigInteger dq; // 0x48
private BigInteger qInv; // 0x50
private BigInteger n; // 0x58
private BigInteger e; // 0x60
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
private RSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler KeyGenerated; // 0x68
// Properties
public override int KeySize { get; }
public override string KeyExchangeAlgorithm { get; }
public bool PublicOnly { get; }
public override string SignatureAlgorithm { get; }
public bool IsCrtPossible { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB47BD0 Offset: 0xB465D0 VA: 0x180B47BD0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB47AD0 Offset: 0xB464D0 VA: 0x180B47AD0
public void .ctor(int keySize) { }
// RVA: 0x2692B0 Offset: 0x267CB0 VA: 0x1802692B0 Slot: 1
protected override void Finalize() { }
// RVA: 0xB46950 Offset: 0xB45350 VA: 0x180B46950
private void GenerateKeyPair() { }
// RVA: 0xB47DB0 Offset: 0xB467B0 VA: 0x180B47DB0 Slot: 6
public override int get_KeySize() { }
// RVA: 0xB47D80 Offset: 0xB46780 VA: 0x180B47D80 Slot: 10
public override string get_KeyExchangeAlgorithm() { }
// RVA: 0xB47E60 Offset: 0xB46860 VA: 0x180B47E60
public bool get_PublicOnly() { }
// RVA: 0xB47F10 Offset: 0xB46910 VA: 0x180B47F10 Slot: 9
public override string get_SignatureAlgorithm() { }
// RVA: 0xB45D30 Offset: 0xB44730 VA: 0x180B45D30 Slot: 22
public override byte[] DecryptValue(byte[] rgb) { }
// RVA: 0xB46430 Offset: 0xB44E30 VA: 0x180B46430 Slot: 23
public override byte[] EncryptValue(byte[] rgb) { }
// RVA: 0xB46550 Offset: 0xB44F50 VA: 0x180B46550 Slot: 24
public override RSAParameters ExportParameters(bool includePrivateParameters) { }
// RVA: 0xB46CF0 Offset: 0xB456F0 VA: 0x180B46CF0 Slot: 25
public override void ImportParameters(RSAParameters parameters) { }
// RVA: 0xB46170 Offset: 0xB44B70 VA: 0x180B46170 Slot: 5
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0xB47CD0 Offset: 0xB466D0 VA: 0x180B47CD0
public void add_KeyGenerated(RSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler value) { }
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0xB47F40 Offset: 0xB46940 VA: 0x180B47F40
public void remove_KeyGenerated(RSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler value) { }
// RVA: 0xB47310 Offset: 0xB45D10 VA: 0x180B47310 Slot: 12
public override string ToXmlString(bool includePrivateParameters) { }
// RVA: 0xB47D70 Offset: 0xB46770 VA: 0x180B47D70
public bool get_IsCrtPossible() { }
// RVA: 0xB46C40 Offset: 0xB45640 VA: 0x180B46C40
private byte[] GetPaddedValue(BigInteger value, int length) { }
// Namespace:
public sealed class RSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 86
// Methods
// RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
// RVA: 0x4E3110 Offset: 0x4E1B10 VA: 0x1804E3110 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
// RVA: 0x23D130 Offset: 0x23BB30 VA: 0x18023D130 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(object sender, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
// RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal abstract class SymmetricTransform : ICryptoTransform, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 87
// Fields
protected SymmetricAlgorithm algo; // 0x10
protected bool encrypt; // 0x18
protected int BlockSizeByte; // 0x1C
protected byte[] temp; // 0x20
protected byte[] temp2; // 0x28
private byte[] workBuff; // 0x30
private byte[] workout; // 0x38
protected PaddingMode padmode; // 0x40
protected int FeedBackByte; // 0x44
private bool m_disposed; // 0x48
protected bool lastBlock; // 0x49
private RandomNumberGenerator _rng; // 0x50
// Properties
public virtual bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks { get; }
public virtual bool CanReuseTransform { get; }
public virtual int InputBlockSize { get; }
public virtual int OutputBlockSize { get; }
private bool KeepLastBlock { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB4A160 Offset: 0xB48B60 VA: 0x180B4A160
public void .ctor(SymmetricAlgorithm symmAlgo, bool encryption, byte[] rgbIV) { }
// RVA: 0xB496C0 Offset: 0xB480C0 VA: 0x180B496C0 Slot: 1
protected override void Finalize() { }
// RVA: 0xB49A60 Offset: 0xB48460 VA: 0x180B49A60 Slot: 10
private void System.IDisposable.Dispose() { }
// RVA: 0xB48FC0 Offset: 0xB479C0 VA: 0x180B48FC0 Slot: 11
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEF00 Offset: 0x1CD900 VA: 0x1801CEF00 Slot: 12
public virtual bool get_CanTransformMultipleBlocks() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDF0 Offset: 0x1CD7F0 VA: 0x1801CEDF0 Slot: 13
public virtual bool get_CanReuseTransform() { }
// RVA: 0x32FC20 Offset: 0x32E620 VA: 0x18032FC20 Slot: 14
public virtual int get_InputBlockSize() { }
// RVA: 0x32FC20 Offset: 0x32E620 VA: 0x18032FC20 Slot: 15
public virtual int get_OutputBlockSize() { }
// RVA: 0xB49F70 Offset: 0xB48970 VA: 0x180B49F70 Slot: 16
protected virtual void Transform(byte[] input, byte[] output) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 17
protected abstract void ECB(byte[] input, byte[] output) { }
// RVA: 0xB48A50 Offset: 0xB47450 VA: 0x180B48A50 Slot: 18
protected virtual void CBC(byte[] input, byte[] output) { }
// RVA: 0xB48BD0 Offset: 0xB475D0 VA: 0x180B48BD0 Slot: 19
protected virtual void CFB(byte[] input, byte[] output) { }
// RVA: 0xB49940 Offset: 0xB48340 VA: 0x180B49940 Slot: 20
protected virtual void OFB(byte[] input, byte[] output) { }
// RVA: 0xB48E10 Offset: 0xB47810 VA: 0x180B48E10 Slot: 21
protected virtual void CTS(byte[] input, byte[] output) { }
// RVA: 0xB48E70 Offset: 0xB47870 VA: 0x180B48E70
private void CheckInput(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount) { }
// RVA: 0xB49C00 Offset: 0xB48600 VA: 0x180B49C00 Slot: 22
public virtual int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset) { }
// RVA: 0xB4A4A0 Offset: 0xB48EA0 VA: 0x180B4A4A0
private bool get_KeepLastBlock() { }
// RVA: 0xB49760 Offset: 0xB48160 VA: 0x180B49760
private int InternalTransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset) { }
// RVA: 0xB499A0 Offset: 0xB483A0 VA: 0x180B499A0
private void Random(byte[] buffer, int start, int length) { }
// RVA: 0xB49AD0 Offset: 0xB484D0 VA: 0x180B49AD0
private void ThrowBadPaddingException(PaddingMode padding, int length, int position) { }
// RVA: 0xB49370 Offset: 0xB47D70 VA: 0x180B49370 Slot: 23
protected virtual byte[] FinalEncrypt(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount) { }
// RVA: 0xB49020 Offset: 0xB47A20 VA: 0x180B49020 Slot: 24
protected virtual byte[] FinalDecrypt(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount) { }
// RVA: 0xB49E90 Offset: 0xB48890 VA: 0x180B49E90 Slot: 25
public virtual byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Cryptography
internal class DSAManaged : DSA // TypeDefIndex: 88
// Fields
private bool keypairGenerated; // 0x20
private bool m_disposed; // 0x21
private BigInteger p; // 0x28
private BigInteger q; // 0x30
private BigInteger g; // 0x38
private BigInteger x; // 0x40
private BigInteger y; // 0x48
private BigInteger j; // 0x50
private BigInteger seed; // 0x58
private int counter; // 0x60
private bool j_missing; // 0x64
private RandomNumberGenerator rng; // 0x68
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
private DSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler KeyGenerated; // 0x70
// Properties
private RandomNumberGenerator Random { get; }
public override int KeySize { get; }
public override string KeyExchangeAlgorithm { get; }
public bool PublicOnly { get; }
public override string SignatureAlgorithm { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB3A8B0 Offset: 0xB392B0 VA: 0x180B3A8B0
public void .ctor(int dwKeySize) { }
// RVA: 0x2692B0 Offset: 0x267CB0 VA: 0x1802692B0 Slot: 1
protected override void Finalize() { }
// RVA: 0xB39EE0 Offset: 0xB388E0 VA: 0x180B39EE0
private void Generate() { }
// RVA: 0xB395A0 Offset: 0xB37FA0 VA: 0x180B395A0
private void GenerateKeyPair() { }
// RVA: 0xB3AA30 Offset: 0xB39430 VA: 0x180B3AA30
private void add(byte[] a, byte[] b, int value) { }
// RVA: 0xB396B0 Offset: 0xB380B0 VA: 0x180B396B0
private void GenerateParams(int keyLength) { }
// RVA: 0xB3AB80 Offset: 0xB39580 VA: 0x180B3AB80
private RandomNumberGenerator get_Random() { }
// RVA: 0xB3AAE0 Offset: 0xB394E0 VA: 0x180B3AAE0 Slot: 6
public override int get_KeySize() { }
// RVA: 0x1F6F40 Offset: 0x1F5940 VA: 0x1801F6F40 Slot: 10
public override string get_KeyExchangeAlgorithm() { }
// RVA: 0xB3AB10 Offset: 0xB39510 VA: 0x180B3AB10
public bool get_PublicOnly() { }
// RVA: 0xB3ABB0 Offset: 0xB395B0 VA: 0x180B3ABB0 Slot: 9
public override string get_SignatureAlgorithm() { }
// RVA: 0xB3A380 Offset: 0xB38D80 VA: 0x180B3A380
private byte[] NormalizeArray(byte[] array) { }
// RVA: 0xB39300 Offset: 0xB37D00 VA: 0x180B39300 Slot: 21
public override DSAParameters ExportParameters(bool includePrivateParameters) { }
// RVA: 0xB3A020 Offset: 0xB38A20 VA: 0x180B3A020 Slot: 22
public override void ImportParameters(DSAParameters parameters) { }
// RVA: 0xB38D30 Offset: 0xB37730 VA: 0x180B38D30 Slot: 13
public override byte[] CreateSignature(byte[] rgbHash) { }
// RVA: 0xB3A430 Offset: 0xB38E30 VA: 0x180B3A430 Slot: 14
public override bool VerifySignature(byte[] rgbHash, byte[] rgbSignature) { }
// RVA: 0xB390A0 Offset: 0xB37AA0 VA: 0x180B390A0 Slot: 5
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0xB3A990 Offset: 0xB39390 VA: 0x180B3A990
public void add_KeyGenerated(DSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler value) { }
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0xB3ABE0 Offset: 0xB395E0 VA: 0x180B3ABE0
public void remove_KeyGenerated(DSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler value) { }
// Namespace:
public sealed class DSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 89
// Methods
// RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
// RVA: 0x4E3110 Offset: 0x4E1B10 VA: 0x1804E3110 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
// RVA: 0x23D130 Offset: 0x23BB30 VA: 0x18023D130 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(object sender, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
// RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Authenticode
internal class AuthenticodeBase // TypeDefIndex: 90
// Fields
private byte[] fileblock; // 0x10
private FileStream fs; // 0x18
private int blockNo; // 0x20
private int blockLength; // 0x24
private int peOffset; // 0x28
private int dirSecurityOffset; // 0x2C
private int dirSecuritySize; // 0x30
private int coffSymbolTableOffset; // 0x34
// Properties
internal int PEOffset { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB33F40 Offset: 0xB32940 VA: 0x180B33F40
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB33F90 Offset: 0xB32990 VA: 0x180B33F90
internal int get_PEOffset() { }
// RVA: 0xB33A50 Offset: 0xB32450 VA: 0x180B33A50
internal void Open(string filename) { }
// RVA: 0xB33450 Offset: 0xB31E50 VA: 0x180B33450
internal void Close() { }
// RVA: 0xB33E60 Offset: 0xB32860 VA: 0x180B33E60
internal void ReadFirstBlock() { }
// RVA: 0xB33B00 Offset: 0xB32500 VA: 0x180B33B00
internal int ProcessFirstBlock() { }
// RVA: 0xB33990 Offset: 0xB32390 VA: 0x180B33990
internal byte[] GetSecurityEntry() { }
// RVA: 0xB33480 Offset: 0xB31E80 VA: 0x180B33480
internal byte[] GetHash(HashAlgorithm hash) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Security.Authenticode
internal class AuthenticodeDeformatter : AuthenticodeBase // TypeDefIndex: 91
// Fields
private string filename; // 0x38
private byte[] hash; // 0x40
private X509CertificateCollection coll; // 0x48
private ASN1 signedHash; // 0x50
private DateTime timestamp; // 0x58
private X509Certificate signingCertificate; // 0x60
private int reason; // 0x68
private bool trustedRoot; // 0x6C
private bool trustedTimestampRoot; // 0x6D
private byte[] entry; // 0x70
private X509Chain signerChain; // 0x78
private X509Chain timestampChain; // 0x80
// Properties
public string FileName { set; }
public X509Certificate SigningCertificate { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB358A0 Offset: 0xB342A0 VA: 0x180B358A0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xB357D0 Offset: 0xB341D0 VA: 0x180B357D0
public void .ctor(string fileName) { }
// RVA: 0xB35960 Offset: 0xB34360 VA: 0x180B35960
public void set_FileName(string value) { }
// RVA: 0x1D42F0 Offset: 0x1D2CF0 VA: 0x1801D42F0
public X509Certificate get_SigningCertificate() { }
// RVA: 0xB33FC0 Offset: 0xB329C0 VA: 0x180B33FC0
private bool CheckSignature(string fileName) { }
// RVA: 0xB343A0 Offset: 0xB32DA0 VA: 0x180B343A0
private bool CompareIssuerSerial(string issuer, byte[] serial, X509Certificate x509) { }
// RVA: 0xB34E40 Offset: 0xB33840 VA: 0x180B34E40
private bool VerifySignature(PKCS7.SignedData sd, byte[] calculatedMessageDigest, HashAlgorithm ha) { }
// RVA: 0xB34560 Offset: 0xB32F60 VA: 0x180B34560
private bool VerifyCounterSignature(PKCS7.SignerInfo cs, byte[] signature) { }
// RVA: 0xB344B0 Offset: 0xB32EB0 VA: 0x180B344B0
private void Reset() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Math
internal class BigInteger // TypeDefIndex: 92
// Fields
private uint length; // 0x10
private uint[] data; // 0x18
internal static readonly uint[] smallPrimes; // 0x0
private static RandomNumberGenerator rng; // 0x8
// Properties
private static RandomNumberGenerator Rng { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA7A1E0 Offset: 0xA78BE0 VA: 0x180A7A1E0
public void .ctor(BigInteger.Sign sign, uint len) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A130 Offset: 0xA78B30 VA: 0x180A7A130
public void .ctor(BigInteger bi) { }
// RVA: 0xA79C80 Offset: 0xA78680 VA: 0x180A79C80
public void .ctor(BigInteger bi, uint len) { }
// RVA: 0xA79DD0 Offset: 0xA787D0 VA: 0x180A79DD0
public void .ctor(byte[] inData) { }
// RVA: 0xA79D50 Offset: 0xA78750 VA: 0x180A79D50
public void .ctor(uint ui) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A6A0 Offset: 0xA790A0 VA: 0x180A7A6A0
public static BigInteger op_Implicit(uint value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A700 Offset: 0xA79100 VA: 0x180A7A700
public static BigInteger op_Implicit(int value) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A320 Offset: 0xA78D20 VA: 0x180A7A320
public static BigInteger op_Addition(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA7ADB0 Offset: 0xA797B0 VA: 0x180A7ADB0
public static BigInteger op_Subtraction(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A950 Offset: 0xA79350 VA: 0x180A7A950
public static uint op_Modulus(BigInteger bi, uint ui) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A960 Offset: 0xA79360 VA: 0x180A7A960
public static BigInteger op_Modulus(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A4B0 Offset: 0xA78EB0 VA: 0x180A7A4B0
public static BigInteger op_Division(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A9A0 Offset: 0xA793A0 VA: 0x180A7A9A0
public static BigInteger op_Multiply(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA7AC80 Offset: 0xA79680 VA: 0x180A7AC80
public static BigInteger op_Multiply(BigInteger bi, int i) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A900 Offset: 0xA79300 VA: 0x180A7A900
public static BigInteger op_LeftShift(BigInteger bi1, int shiftVal) { }
// RVA: 0xA7ADA0 Offset: 0xA797A0 VA: 0x180A7ADA0
public static BigInteger op_RightShift(BigInteger bi1, int shiftVal) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A240 Offset: 0xA78C40 VA: 0x180A7A240
private static RandomNumberGenerator get_Rng() { }
// RVA: 0xA78980 Offset: 0xA77380 VA: 0x180A78980
public static BigInteger GenerateRandom(int bits, RandomNumberGenerator rng) { }
// RVA: 0xA78B90 Offset: 0xA77590 VA: 0x180A78B90
public static BigInteger GenerateRandom(int bits) { }
// RVA: 0xA79440 Offset: 0xA77E40 VA: 0x180A79440
public void Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator rng) { }
// RVA: 0xA796D0 Offset: 0xA780D0 VA: 0x180A796D0
public void Randomize() { }
// RVA: 0xA785E0 Offset: 0xA76FE0 VA: 0x180A785E0
public int BitCount() { }
// RVA: 0xA79800 Offset: 0xA78200 VA: 0x180A79800
public bool TestBit(uint bitNum) { }
// RVA: 0xA79850 Offset: 0xA78250 VA: 0x180A79850
public bool TestBit(int bitNum) { }
// RVA: 0xA797B0 Offset: 0xA781B0 VA: 0x180A797B0
public void SetBit(uint bitNum) { }
// RVA: 0xA79730 Offset: 0xA78130 VA: 0x180A79730
public void SetBit(uint bitNum, bool value) { }
// RVA: 0xA79190 Offset: 0xA77B90 VA: 0x180A79190
public int LowestSetBit() { }
// RVA: 0xA78BF0 Offset: 0xA775F0 VA: 0x180A78BF0
public byte[] GetBytes() { }
// RVA: 0xA7A4F0 Offset: 0xA78EF0 VA: 0x180A7A4F0
public static bool op_Equality(BigInteger bi1, uint ui) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A860 Offset: 0xA79260 VA: 0x180A7A860
public static bool op_Inequality(BigInteger bi1, uint ui) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A590 Offset: 0xA78F90 VA: 0x180A7A590
public static bool op_Equality(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A790 Offset: 0xA79190 VA: 0x180A7A790
public static bool op_Inequality(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A680 Offset: 0xA79080 VA: 0x180A7A680
public static bool op_GreaterThan(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A930 Offset: 0xA79330 VA: 0x180A7A930
public static bool op_LessThan(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A660 Offset: 0xA79060 VA: 0x180A7A660
public static bool op_GreaterThanOrEqual(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA7A910 Offset: 0xA79310 VA: 0x180A7A910
public static bool op_LessThanOrEqual(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xA79B90 Offset: 0xA78590 VA: 0x180A79B90
public string ToString(uint radix) { }
// RVA: 0xA79900 Offset: 0xA78300 VA: 0x180A79900
public string ToString(uint radix, string characterSet) { }
// RVA: 0xA793E0 Offset: 0xA77DE0 VA: 0x180A793E0
private void Normalize() { }
// RVA: 0xA786B0 Offset: 0xA770B0 VA: 0x180A786B0
public void Clear() { }
// RVA: 0xA78DC0 Offset: 0xA777C0 VA: 0x180A78DC0 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// RVA: 0xA79BE0 Offset: 0xA785E0 VA: 0x180A79BE0 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// RVA: 0xA78710 Offset: 0xA77110 VA: 0x180A78710 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object o) { }
// RVA: 0xA79340 Offset: 0xA77D40 VA: 0x180A79340
public BigInteger ModInverse(BigInteger modulus) { }
// RVA: 0xA79350 Offset: 0xA77D50 VA: 0x180A79350
public BigInteger ModPow(BigInteger exp, BigInteger n) { }
// RVA: 0xA78F20 Offset: 0xA77920 VA: 0x180A78F20
public bool IsProbablePrime() { }
// RVA: 0xA78910 Offset: 0xA77310 VA: 0x180A78910
public static BigInteger GeneratePseudoPrime(int bits) { }
// RVA: 0xA78E10 Offset: 0xA77810 VA: 0x180A78E10
public void Incr2() { }
// RVA: 0xA79C20 Offset: 0xA78620 VA: 0x180A79C20
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace:
public enum BigInteger.Sign // TypeDefIndex: 93
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x0
public const BigInteger.Sign Negative = -1;
public const BigInteger.Sign Zero = 0;
public const BigInteger.Sign Positive = 1;
// Namespace:
internal sealed class BigInteger.ModulusRing // TypeDefIndex: 94
// Fields
private BigInteger mod; // 0x10
private BigInteger constant; // 0x18
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB41960 Offset: 0xB40360 VA: 0x180B41960
public void .ctor(BigInteger modulus) { }
// RVA: 0xB40F80 Offset: 0xB3F980 VA: 0x180B40F80
public void BarrettReduction(BigInteger x) { }
// RVA: 0xB415C0 Offset: 0xB3FFC0 VA: 0x180B415C0
public BigInteger Multiply(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) { }
// RVA: 0xB413C0 Offset: 0xB3FDC0 VA: 0x180B413C0
public BigInteger Difference(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) { }
// RVA: 0xB41840 Offset: 0xB40240 VA: 0x180B41840
public BigInteger Pow(BigInteger a, BigInteger k) { }
// RVA: 0xB417C0 Offset: 0xB401C0 VA: 0x180B417C0
public BigInteger Pow(uint b, BigInteger exp) { }
// Namespace:
private sealed class BigInteger.Kernel // TypeDefIndex: 95
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB3B230 Offset: 0xB39C30 VA: 0x180B3B230
public static BigInteger AddSameSign(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xB3C410 Offset: 0xB3AE10 VA: 0x180B3C410
public static BigInteger Subtract(BigInteger big, BigInteger small) { }
// RVA: 0xB3BAB0 Offset: 0xB3A4B0 VA: 0x180B3BAB0
public static void MinusEq(BigInteger big, BigInteger small) { }
// RVA: 0xB3BF80 Offset: 0xB3A980 VA: 0x180B3BF80
public static void PlusEq(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xB3B470 Offset: 0xB39E70 VA: 0x180B3B470
public static BigInteger.Sign Compare(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xB3C390 Offset: 0xB3AD90 VA: 0x180B3C390
public static uint SingleByteDivideInPlace(BigInteger n, uint d) { }
// RVA: 0xB3B7E0 Offset: 0xB3A1E0 VA: 0x180B3B7E0
public static uint DwordMod(BigInteger n, uint d) { }
// RVA: 0xB3B5F0 Offset: 0xB39FF0 VA: 0x180B3B5F0
public static BigInteger[] DwordDivMod(BigInteger n, uint d) { }
// RVA: 0xB3CF80 Offset: 0xB3B980 VA: 0x180B3CF80
public static BigInteger[] multiByteDivide(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { }
// RVA: 0xB3B850 Offset: 0xB3A250 VA: 0x180B3B850
public static BigInteger LeftShift(BigInteger bi, int n) { }
// RVA: 0xB3C190 Offset: 0xB3AB90 VA: 0x180B3C190
public static BigInteger RightShift(BigInteger bi, int n) { }
// RVA: 0xB3BC30 Offset: 0xB3A630 VA: 0x180B3BC30
public static BigInteger MultiplyByDword(BigInteger n, uint f) { }
// RVA: 0xB3BE70 Offset: 0xB3A870 VA: 0x180B3BE70
public static void Multiply(uint[] x, uint xOffset, uint xLen, uint[] y, uint yOffset, uint yLen, uint[] d, uint dOffset) { }
// RVA: 0xB3BD50 Offset: 0xB3A750 VA: 0x180B3BD50
public static void MultiplyMod2p32pmod(uint[] x, int xOffset, int xLen, uint[] y, int yOffest, int yLen, uint[] d, int dOffset, int mod) { }
// RVA: 0xB3C650 Offset: 0xB3B050 VA: 0x180B3C650
public static uint modInverse(BigInteger bi, uint modulus) { }
// RVA: 0xB3C730 Offset: 0xB3B130 VA: 0x180B3C730
public static BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger bi, BigInteger modulus) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Math.Prime
internal enum ConfidenceFactor // TypeDefIndex: 96
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x0
public const ConfidenceFactor ExtraLow = 0;
public const ConfidenceFactor Low = 1;
public const ConfidenceFactor Medium = 2;
public const ConfidenceFactor High = 3;
public const ConfidenceFactor ExtraHigh = 4;
public const ConfidenceFactor Provable = 5;
// Namespace: Mono.Math.Prime
internal sealed class PrimalityTest : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 97
// Methods
// RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
// RVA: 0xB44140 Offset: 0xB42B40 VA: 0x180B44140 Slot: 12
public virtual bool Invoke(BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence) { }
// RVA: 0xB440B0 Offset: 0xB42AB0 VA: 0x180B440B0 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
// RVA: 0x5160F0 Offset: 0x514AF0 VA: 0x1805160F0 Slot: 14
public virtual bool EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Math.Prime
internal sealed class PrimalityTests // TypeDefIndex: 98
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB44690 Offset: 0xB43090 VA: 0x180B44690
private static int GetSPPRounds(BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence) { }
// RVA: 0xB44DD0 Offset: 0xB437D0 VA: 0x180B44DD0
public static bool Test(BigInteger n, ConfidenceFactor confidence) { }
// RVA: 0xB44850 Offset: 0xB43250 VA: 0x180B44850
public static bool RabinMillerTest(BigInteger n, ConfidenceFactor confidence) { }
// RVA: 0xB44BA0 Offset: 0xB435A0 VA: 0x180B44BA0
public static bool SmallPrimeSppTest(BigInteger bi, ConfidenceFactor confidence) { }
// Namespace: Mono.Math.Prime.Generator
internal abstract class PrimeGeneratorBase // TypeDefIndex: 99
// Properties
public virtual ConfidenceFactor Confidence { get; }
public virtual PrimalityTest PrimalityTest { get; }
public virtual int TrialDivisionBounds { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x1F9980 Offset: 0x1F8380 VA: 0x1801F9980 Slot: 4
public virtual ConfidenceFactor get_Confidence() { }
// RVA: 0xB44E20 Offset: 0xB43820 VA: 0x180B44E20 Slot: 5
public virtual PrimalityTest get_PrimalityTest() { }
// RVA: 0xB44E70 Offset: 0xB43870 VA: 0x180B44E70 Slot: 6
public virtual int get_TrialDivisionBounds() { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
public abstract BigInteger GenerateNewPrime(int bits) { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
protected void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: Mono.Math.Prime.Generator
internal class SequentialSearchPrimeGeneratorBase : PrimeGeneratorBase // TypeDefIndex: 100
// Methods
// RVA: 0xB489E0 Offset: 0xB473E0 VA: 0x180B489E0 Slot: 8
protected virtual BigInteger GenerateSearchBase(int bits, object context) { }
// RVA: 0x2247B0 Offset: 0x2231B0 VA: 0x1802247B0 Slot: 7
public override BigInteger GenerateNewPrime(int bits) { }
// RVA: 0xB48720 Offset: 0xB47120 VA: 0x180B48720 Slot: 9
public virtual BigInteger GenerateNewPrime(int bits, object context) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEF00 Offset: 0x1CD900 VA: 0x1801CEF00 Slot: 10
protected virtual bool IsPrimeAcceptable(BigInteger bi, object context) { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Reflection
[ExtensionAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
internal static class ReflectionExtensions // TypeDefIndex: 101
// Methods
[ExtensionAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0x39FEE0 Offset: 0x39E8E0 VA: 0x18039FEE0
public static bool IsEnum(Type type) { }
[ExtensionAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0xA86BE0 Offset: 0xA855E0 VA: 0x180A86BE0
public static bool IsAbstract(Type type) { }
[ExtensionAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0xA86C00 Offset: 0xA85600 VA: 0x180A86C00
public static bool IsSealed(Type type) { }
[ExtensionAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0xA86B50 Offset: 0xA85550 VA: 0x180A86B50
public static Type BaseType(Type type) { }
[ExtensionAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0xA86B20 Offset: 0xA85520 VA: 0x180A86B20
public static Assembly Assembly(Type type) { }
[ExtensionAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0xA86B80 Offset: 0xA85580 VA: 0x180A86B80
public static TypeCode GetTypeCode(Type type) { }
[ExtensionAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: 0xA86C20 Offset: 0xA85620 VA: 0x180A86C20
public static bool ReflectionOnly(Assembly assm) { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
internal static class UnsafeNativeMethods // TypeDefIndex: 102
// Namespace:
internal static class UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw // TypeDefIndex: 103
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA86150 Offset: 0xA84B50 VA: 0x180A86150
internal static extern uint EventRegister(in Guid providerId, [In] UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.EtwEnableCallback enableCallback, [In] void* callbackContext, ref long registrationHandle) { }
// RVA: 0xA862A0 Offset: 0xA84CA0 VA: 0x180A862A0
internal static extern uint EventUnregister([In] long registrationHandle) { }
// RVA: 0xA86320 Offset: 0xA84D20 VA: 0x180A86320
internal static int EventWriteTransferWrapper(long registrationHandle, ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor, Guid* activityId, Guid* relatedActivityId, int userDataCount, EventProvider.EventData* userData) { }
// RVA: 0xA86420 Offset: 0xA84E20 VA: 0x180A86420
private static extern int EventWriteTransfer([In] long registrationHandle, in EventDescriptor eventDescriptor, [In] Guid* activityId, [In] Guid* relatedActivityId, [In] int userDataCount, [In] EventProvider.EventData* userData) { }
// RVA: 0xA860C0 Offset: 0xA84AC0 VA: 0x180A860C0
internal static extern int EventActivityIdControl([In] UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.ActivityControl ControlCode, ref Guid ActivityId) { }
// RVA: 0xA86200 Offset: 0xA84C00 VA: 0x180A86200
internal static extern int EventSetInformation([In] long registrationHandle, [In] UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.EVENT_INFO_CLASS informationClass, [In] void* eventInformation, [In] int informationLength) { }
// RVA: 0xA86000 Offset: 0xA84A00 VA: 0x180A86000
internal static extern int EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS TraceQueryInfoClass, void* InBuffer, int InBufferSize, void* OutBuffer, int OutBufferSize, ref int ReturnLength) { }
// Namespace:
internal sealed class UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.EtwEnableCallback : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 104
// Methods
// RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
// RVA: 0xA7E970 Offset: 0xA7D370 VA: 0x180A7E970 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(in Guid sourceId, [In] int isEnabled, [In] byte level, [In] long matchAnyKeywords, [In] long matchAllKeywords, [In] UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR* filterData, [In] void* callbackContext) { }
// RVA: 0xA7E850 Offset: 0xA7D250 VA: 0x180A7E850 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(in Guid sourceId, [In] int isEnabled, [In] byte level, [In] long matchAnyKeywords, [In] long matchAllKeywords, [In] UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR* filterData, [In] void* callbackContext, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
// RVA: 0xA7E950 Offset: 0xA7D350 VA: 0x180A7E950 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(in Guid sourceId, IAsyncResult result) { }
// Namespace:
internal struct UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR // TypeDefIndex: 105
// Fields
public long Ptr; // 0x0
public int Size; // 0x8
public int Type; // 0xC
// Namespace:
internal enum UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.ActivityControl // TypeDefIndex: 106
// Fields
public uint value__; // 0x0
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.ActivityControl EVENT_ACTIVITY_CTRL_GET_ID = 1;
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.ActivityControl EVENT_ACTIVITY_CTRL_SET_ID = 2;
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.ActivityControl EVENT_ACTIVITY_CTRL_CREATE_ID = 3;
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.ActivityControl EVENT_ACTIVITY_CTRL_GET_SET_ID = 4;
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.ActivityControl EVENT_ACTIVITY_CTRL_CREATE_SET_ID = 5;
// Namespace:
internal enum UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.EVENT_INFO_CLASS // TypeDefIndex: 107
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x0
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.EVENT_INFO_CLASS BinaryTrackInfo = 0;
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.EVENT_INFO_CLASS SetEnableAllKeywords = 1;
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.EVENT_INFO_CLASS SetTraits = 2;
// Namespace:
internal enum UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS // TypeDefIndex: 108
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x0
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS TraceGuidQueryList = 0;
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS TraceGuidQueryInfo = 1;
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS TraceGuidQueryProcess = 2;
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS TraceStackTracingInfo = 3;
public const UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS MaxTraceSetInfoClass = 4;
// Namespace:
internal struct UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.TRACE_GUID_INFO // TypeDefIndex: 109
// Fields
public int InstanceCount; // 0x0
public int Reserved; // 0x4
// Namespace:
internal struct UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.TRACE_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_INFO // TypeDefIndex: 110
// Fields
public int NextOffset; // 0x0
public int EnableCount; // 0x4
public int Pid; // 0x8
public int Flags; // 0xC
// Namespace:
internal struct UnsafeNativeMethods.ManifestEtw.TRACE_ENABLE_INFO // TypeDefIndex: 111
// Fields
public int IsEnabled; // 0x0
public byte Level; // 0x4
public byte Reserved1; // 0x5
public ushort LoggerId; // 0x6
public int EnableProperty; // 0x8
public int Reserved2; // 0xC
public long MatchAnyKeyword; // 0x10
public long MatchAllKeyword; // 0x18
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
internal interface IRegistryApi // TypeDefIndex: 112
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public abstract RegistryKey CreateSubKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyname) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 1
public abstract RegistryKey OpenSubKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyname, bool writtable) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public abstract void Flush(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 3
public abstract void Close(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
public abstract object GetValue(RegistryKey rkey, string name, object default_value, RegistryValueOptions options) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
public abstract void SetValue(RegistryKey rkey, string name, object value) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
public abstract int SubKeyCount(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
public abstract void DeleteValue(RegistryKey rkey, string value, bool throw_if_missing) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
public abstract void DeleteKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyName, bool throw_if_missing) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 9
public abstract string[] GetSubKeyNames(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 10
public abstract string[] GetValueNames(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 11
public abstract string ToString(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public abstract IntPtr GetHandle(RegistryKey key) { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public static class Registry // TypeDefIndex: 113
// Fields
public static readonly RegistryKey ClassesRoot; // 0x0
public static readonly RegistryKey CurrentConfig; // 0x8
public static readonly RegistryKey CurrentUser; // 0x10
[ObsoleteAttribute] // RVA: 0x2B2F0 Offset: 0x2A6F0 VA: 0x18002B2F0
public static readonly RegistryKey DynData; // 0x18
public static readonly RegistryKey LocalMachine; // 0x20
public static readonly RegistryKey PerformanceData; // 0x28
public static readonly RegistryKey Users; // 0x30
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA89530 Offset: 0xA87F30 VA: 0x180A89530
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public enum RegistryHive // TypeDefIndex: 114
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x0
public const RegistryHive ClassesRoot = -2147483648;
public const RegistryHive CurrentConfig = -2147483643;
public const RegistryHive CurrentUser = -2147483647;
public const RegistryHive DynData = -2147483642;
public const RegistryHive LocalMachine = -2147483646;
public const RegistryHive PerformanceData = -2147483644;
public const RegistryHive Users = -2147483645;
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public sealed class RegistryKey : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 115
// Fields
private object handle; // 0x18
private SafeRegistryHandle safe_handle; // 0x20
private object hive; // 0x28
private readonly string qname; // 0x30
private readonly bool isRemoteRoot; // 0x38
private readonly bool isWritable; // 0x39
private static readonly IRegistryApi RegistryApi; // 0x0
// Properties
public string Name { get; }
public int SubKeyCount { get; }
[MonoTODOAttribute] // RVA: 0x2B660 Offset: 0x2AA60 VA: 0x18002B660
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x2B660 Offset: 0x2AA60 VA: 0x18002B660
public SafeRegistryHandle Handle { get; }
internal bool IsRoot { get; }
private bool IsWritable { get; }
internal RegistryHive Hive { get; }
internal object InternalHandle { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA88CD0 Offset: 0xA876D0 VA: 0x180A88CD0
private static void .cctor() { }
// RVA: 0xA89000 Offset: 0xA87A00 VA: 0x180A89000
internal void .ctor(RegistryHive hiveId) { }
// RVA: 0xA88E40 Offset: 0xA87840 VA: 0x180A88E40
internal void .ctor(RegistryHive hiveId, IntPtr keyHandle, bool remoteRoot) { }
// RVA: 0xA88DF0 Offset: 0xA877F0 VA: 0x180A88DF0
internal void .ctor(object data, string keyName, bool writable) { }
// RVA: 0xA886C0 Offset: 0xA870C0 VA: 0x180A886C0
internal static bool IsEquals(RegistryKey a, RegistryKey b) { }
// RVA: 0xA88000 Offset: 0xA86A00 VA: 0x180A88000 Slot: 6
public void Dispose() { }
// RVA: 0x23D060 Offset: 0x23BA60 VA: 0x18023D060
public string get_Name() { }
// RVA: 0xA88060 Offset: 0xA86A60 VA: 0x180A88060
public void Flush() { }
// RVA: 0xA86F10 Offset: 0xA85910 VA: 0x180A86F10
public void Close() { }
// RVA: 0xA893F0 Offset: 0xA87DF0 VA: 0x180A893F0
public int get_SubKeyCount() { }
// RVA: 0xA891D0 Offset: 0xA87BD0 VA: 0x180A891D0
public SafeRegistryHandle get_Handle() { }
// RVA: 0xA88950 Offset: 0xA87350 VA: 0x180A88950
public void SetValue(string name, object value) { }
// RVA: 0xA88740 Offset: 0xA87140 VA: 0x180A88740
public RegistryKey OpenSubKey(string name) { }
// RVA: 0xA88750 Offset: 0xA87150 VA: 0x180A88750
public RegistryKey OpenSubKey(string name, bool writable) { }
// RVA: 0xA88550 Offset: 0xA86F50 VA: 0x180A88550
public object GetValue(string name) { }
// RVA: 0xA883D0 Offset: 0xA86DD0 VA: 0x180A883D0
public object GetValue(string name, object defaultValue) { }
// RVA: 0xA87070 Offset: 0xA85A70 VA: 0x180A87070
public RegistryKey CreateSubKey(string subkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA87AC0 Offset: 0xA864C0 VA: 0x180A87AC0
public void DeleteSubKey(string subkey, bool throwOnMissingSubKey) { }
// RVA: 0xA87900 Offset: 0xA86300 VA: 0x180A87900
public void DeleteSubKeyTree(string subkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA87730 Offset: 0xA86130 VA: 0x180A87730
public void DeleteSubKeyTree(string subkey, bool throwOnMissingSubKey) { }
// RVA: 0xA87E90 Offset: 0xA86890 VA: 0x180A87E90
public void DeleteValue(string name, bool throwOnMissingValue) { }
// RVA: 0xA88230 Offset: 0xA86C30 VA: 0x180A88230
public string[] GetSubKeyNames() { }
// RVA: 0xA88300 Offset: 0xA86D00 VA: 0x180A88300
public string[] GetValueNames() { }
// RVA: 0xA88B90 Offset: 0xA87590 VA: 0x180A88B90 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// RVA: 0x5A59A0 Offset: 0x5A43A0 VA: 0x1805A59A0
internal bool get_IsRoot() { }
// RVA: 0x50C860 Offset: 0x50B260 VA: 0x18050C860
private bool get_IsWritable() { }
// RVA: 0xA89370 Offset: 0xA87D70 VA: 0x180A89370
internal RegistryHive get_Hive() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE170 Offset: 0x1CCB70 VA: 0x1801CE170
internal object get_InternalHandle() { }
// RVA: 0xA86EA0 Offset: 0xA858A0 VA: 0x180A86EA0
private void AssertKeyStillValid() { }
// RVA: 0xA86E40 Offset: 0xA85840 VA: 0x180A86E40
private void AssertKeyNameNotNull(string subKeyName) { }
// RVA: 0xA86DD0 Offset: 0xA857D0 VA: 0x180A86DD0
private void AssertKeyNameLength(string name) { }
// RVA: 0xA87350 Offset: 0xA85D50 VA: 0x180A87350
private void DeleteChildKeysAndValues() { }
// RVA: 0xA872B0 Offset: 0xA85CB0 VA: 0x180A872B0
internal static string DecodeString(byte[] data) { }
// RVA: 0xA87010 Offset: 0xA85A10 VA: 0x180A87010
internal static IOException CreateMarkedForDeletionException() { }
// RVA: 0xA880E0 Offset: 0xA86AE0 VA: 0x180A880E0
private static string GetHiveName(RegistryHive hive) { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public enum RegistryValueKind // TypeDefIndex: 116
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x0
public const RegistryValueKind Unknown = 0;
public const RegistryValueKind String = 1;
public const RegistryValueKind ExpandString = 2;
public const RegistryValueKind Binary = 3;
public const RegistryValueKind DWord = 4;
public const RegistryValueKind MultiString = 7;
public const RegistryValueKind QWord = 11;
public const RegistryValueKind None = -1;
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
[FlagsAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
public enum RegistryValueOptions // TypeDefIndex: 117
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x0
public const RegistryValueOptions None = 0;
public const RegistryValueOptions DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames = 1;
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
internal class ExpandString // TypeDefIndex: 118
// Fields
private string value; // 0x10
// Methods
// RVA: 0x2C0520 Offset: 0x2BEF20 VA: 0x1802C0520
public void .ctor(string s) { }
// RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// RVA: 0xA7EDC0 Offset: 0xA7D7C0 VA: 0x180A7EDC0
public string Expand() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
internal class RegistryKeyComparer : IEqualityComparer // TypeDefIndex: 119
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA86C50 Offset: 0xA85650 VA: 0x180A86C50 Slot: 4
public bool Equals(object x, object y) { }
// RVA: 0xA86D50 Offset: 0xA85750 VA: 0x180A86D50 Slot: 5
public int GetHashCode(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
internal class KeyHandler // TypeDefIndex: 120
// Fields
private static Hashtable key_to_handler; // 0x0
private static Hashtable dir_to_handler; // 0x8
public string Dir; // 0x10
private string ActualDir; // 0x18
public bool IsVolatile; // 0x20
private Hashtable values; // 0x28
private string file; // 0x30
private bool dirty; // 0x38
private static string user_store; // 0x10
private static string machine_store; // 0x18
// Properties
public bool IsMarkedForDeletion { get; }
private static string UserStore { get; }
private static string MachineStore { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA83590 Offset: 0xA81F90 VA: 0x180A83590
private static void .cctor() { }
// RVA: 0xA837F0 Offset: 0xA821F0 VA: 0x180A837F0
private void .ctor(RegistryKey rkey, string basedir) { }
// RVA: 0xA83680 Offset: 0xA82080 VA: 0x180A83680
private void .ctor(RegistryKey rkey, string basedir, bool is_volatile) { }
// RVA: 0xA816E0 Offset: 0xA800E0 VA: 0x180A816E0
public void Load() { }
// RVA: 0xA81230 Offset: 0xA7FC30 VA: 0x180A81230
private void LoadKey(SecurityElement se) { }
// RVA: 0xA7FD40 Offset: 0xA7E740 VA: 0x180A7FD40
public RegistryKey Ensure(RegistryKey rkey, string extra, bool writable, bool is_volatile) { }
// RVA: 0xA82010 Offset: 0xA80A10 VA: 0x180A82010
public RegistryKey Probe(RegistryKey rkey, string extra, bool writable) { }
// RVA: 0xA7F210 Offset: 0xA7DC10 VA: 0x180A7F210
private static string CombineName(RegistryKey rkey, string extra) { }
// RVA: 0xA80A40 Offset: 0xA7F440 VA: 0x180A80A40
private static long GetSystemBootTime() { }
// RVA: 0xA80230 Offset: 0xA7EC30 VA: 0x180A80230
private static long GetRegisteredBootTime(string path) { }
// RVA: 0xA825D0 Offset: 0xA80FD0 VA: 0x180A825D0
private static void SaveRegisteredBootTime(string path, long btime) { }
// RVA: 0xA7EFB0 Offset: 0xA7D9B0 VA: 0x180A7EFB0
private static void CleanVolatileKeys() { }
// RVA: 0xA83360 Offset: 0xA81D60 VA: 0x180A83360
public static bool VolatileKeyExists(string dir) { }
// RVA: 0xA81060 Offset: 0xA7FA60 VA: 0x180A81060
public static string GetVolatileDir(string dir) { }
// RVA: 0xA81AD0 Offset: 0xA804D0 VA: 0x180A81AD0
public static KeyHandler Lookup(RegistryKey rkey, bool createNonExisting) { }
// RVA: 0xA80410 Offset: 0xA7EE10 VA: 0x180A80410
private static string GetRootFromDir(string dir) { }
// RVA: 0xA7F360 Offset: 0xA7DD60 VA: 0x180A7F360
public static void Drop(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA7F7A0 Offset: 0xA7E1A0 VA: 0x180A7F7A0
public static void Drop(string dir) { }
// RVA: 0xA7F2A0 Offset: 0xA7DCA0 VA: 0x180A7F2A0
public static bool Delete(string dir) { }
// RVA: 0xA80EB0 Offset: 0xA7F8B0 VA: 0x180A80EB0
public object GetValue(string name, RegistryValueOptions options) { }
// RVA: 0xA83000 Offset: 0xA81A00 VA: 0x180A83000
public void SetValue(string name, object value) { }
// RVA: 0xA80C50 Offset: 0xA7F650 VA: 0x180A80C50
public string[] GetValueNames() { }
// RVA: 0xA80550 Offset: 0xA7EF50 VA: 0x180A80550
public int GetSubKeyCount() { }
// RVA: 0xA80570 Offset: 0xA7EF70 VA: 0x180A80570
public string[] GetSubKeyNames() { }
// RVA: 0xA82EA0 Offset: 0xA818A0 VA: 0x180A82EA0
private void SetDirty() { }
// RVA: 0xA7F350 Offset: 0xA7DD50 VA: 0x180A7F350
public void DirtyTimeout(object state) { }
// RVA: 0xA80120 Offset: 0xA7EB20 VA: 0x180A80120
public void Flush() { }
// RVA: 0xA83240 Offset: 0xA81C40 VA: 0x180A83240
public bool ValueExists(string name) { }
// RVA: 0xA83810 Offset: 0xA82210 VA: 0x180A83810
public bool get_IsMarkedForDeletion() { }
// RVA: 0xA82490 Offset: 0xA80E90 VA: 0x180A82490
public void RemoveValue(string name) { }
// RVA: 0xA80090 Offset: 0xA7EA90 VA: 0x180A80090 Slot: 1
protected override void Finalize() { }
// RVA: 0xA826F0 Offset: 0xA810F0 VA: 0x180A826F0
private void Save() { }
// RVA: 0xA7EF50 Offset: 0xA7D950 VA: 0x180A7EF50
private void AssertNotMarkedForDeletion() { }
// RVA: 0xA83A50 Offset: 0xA82450 VA: 0x180A83A50
private static string get_UserStore() { }
// RVA: 0xA838A0 Offset: 0xA822A0 VA: 0x180A838A0
private static string get_MachineStore() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
internal class UnixRegistryApi : IRegistryApi // TypeDefIndex: 121
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA92420 Offset: 0xA90E20 VA: 0x180A92420
private static string ToUnix(string keyname) { }
// RVA: 0xA91F60 Offset: 0xA90960 VA: 0x180A91F60
private static bool IsWellKnownKey(string parentKeyName, string keyname) { }
// RVA: 0xA91850 Offset: 0xA90250 VA: 0x180A91850 Slot: 4
public RegistryKey CreateSubKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyname) { }
// RVA: 0xA92090 Offset: 0xA90A90 VA: 0x180A92090 Slot: 5
public RegistryKey OpenSubKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyname, bool writable) { }
// RVA: 0xA91CF0 Offset: 0xA906F0 VA: 0x180A91CF0 Slot: 6
public void Flush(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA91650 Offset: 0xA90050 VA: 0x180A91650 Slot: 7
public void Close(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA91EB0 Offset: 0xA908B0 VA: 0x180A91EB0 Slot: 8
public object GetValue(RegistryKey rkey, string name, object default_value, RegistryValueOptions options) { }
// RVA: 0xA922D0 Offset: 0xA90CD0 VA: 0x180A922D0 Slot: 9
public void SetValue(RegistryKey rkey, string name, object value) { }
// RVA: 0xA92380 Offset: 0xA90D80 VA: 0x180A92380 Slot: 10
public int SubKeyCount(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA91C20 Offset: 0xA90620 VA: 0x180A91C20 Slot: 11
public void DeleteValue(RegistryKey rkey, string name, bool throw_if_missing) { }
// RVA: 0xA91A00 Offset: 0xA90400 VA: 0x180A91A00 Slot: 12
public void DeleteKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyname, bool throw_if_missing) { }
// RVA: 0xA91DB0 Offset: 0xA907B0 VA: 0x180A91DB0 Slot: 13
public string[] GetSubKeyNames(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA91E20 Offset: 0xA90820 VA: 0x180A91E20 Slot: 14
public string[] GetValueNames(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0x404A50 Offset: 0x403450 VA: 0x180404A50 Slot: 15
public string ToString(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA91870 Offset: 0xA90270 VA: 0x180A91870
private RegistryKey CreateSubKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyname, bool writable) { }
// RVA: 0xA916B0 Offset: 0xA900B0 VA: 0x180A916B0
private RegistryKey CreateSubKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyname, bool writable, bool is_volatile) { }
// RVA: 0xA91D60 Offset: 0xA90760 VA: 0x180A91D60 Slot: 16
public IntPtr GetHandle(RegistryKey key) { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
internal class Win32RegistryApi : IRegistryApi // TypeDefIndex: 122
// Fields
private readonly int NativeBytesPerCharacter; // 0x10
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA941B0 Offset: 0xA92BB0 VA: 0x180A941B0
private static extern int RegCreateKeyEx(IntPtr keyBase, string keyName, int reserved, IntPtr lpClass, int options, int access, IntPtr securityAttrs, out IntPtr keyHandle, out int disposition) { }
// RVA: 0xA94130 Offset: 0xA92B30 VA: 0x180A94130
private static extern int RegCloseKey(IntPtr keyHandle) { }
// RVA: 0xA94630 Offset: 0xA93030 VA: 0x180A94630
private static extern int RegFlushKey(IntPtr keyHandle) { }
// RVA: 0xA946B0 Offset: 0xA930B0 VA: 0x180A946B0
private static extern int RegOpenKeyEx(IntPtr keyBase, string keyName, IntPtr reserved, int access, out IntPtr keyHandle) { }
// RVA: 0xA942B0 Offset: 0xA92CB0 VA: 0x180A942B0
private static extern int RegDeleteKey(IntPtr keyHandle, string valueName) { }
// RVA: 0xA94350 Offset: 0xA92D50 VA: 0x180A94350
private static extern int RegDeleteValue(IntPtr keyHandle, string valueName) { }
// RVA: 0xA943F0 Offset: 0xA92DF0 VA: 0x180A943F0
internal static extern int RegEnumKeyEx(IntPtr keyHandle, int dwIndex, char* lpName, ref int lpcbName, int[] lpReserved, [Out] StringBuilder lpClass, int[] lpcbClass, long[] lpftLastWriteTime) { }
// RVA: 0xA94520 Offset: 0xA92F20 VA: 0x180A94520
internal static extern int RegEnumValue(IntPtr hKey, int dwIndex, char* lpValueName, ref int lpcbValueName, IntPtr lpReserved_MustBeZero, int[] lpType, byte[] lpData, int[] lpcbData) { }
// RVA: 0xA94D80 Offset: 0xA93780 VA: 0x180A94D80
private static extern int RegSetValueEx(IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, RegistryValueKind type, string data, int rawDataLength) { }
// RVA: 0xA94E60 Offset: 0xA93860 VA: 0x180A94E60
private static extern int RegSetValueEx(IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, RegistryValueKind type, byte[] rawData, int rawDataLength) { }
// RVA: 0xA94CB0 Offset: 0xA936B0 VA: 0x180A94CB0
private static extern int RegSetValueEx(IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, RegistryValueKind type, ref int data, int rawDataLength) { }
// RVA: 0xA94BE0 Offset: 0xA935E0 VA: 0x180A94BE0
private static extern int RegQueryValueEx(IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, ref RegistryValueKind type, IntPtr zero, ref int dataSize) { }
// RVA: 0xA94900 Offset: 0xA93300 VA: 0x180A94900
private static extern int RegQueryValueEx(IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, ref RegistryValueKind type, [Out] byte[] data, ref int dataSize) { }
// RVA: 0xA94A40 Offset: 0xA93440 VA: 0x180A94A40
private static extern int RegQueryValueEx(IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, ref RegistryValueKind type, ref int data, ref int dataSize) { }
// RVA: 0xA94B10 Offset: 0xA93510 VA: 0x180A94B10
private static extern int RegQueryValueEx(IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, ref RegistryValueKind type, ref long data, ref int dataSize) { }
// RVA: 0xA94770 Offset: 0xA93170 VA: 0x180A94770
internal static extern int RegQueryInfoKey(IntPtr hKey, [Out] StringBuilder lpClass, int[] lpcbClass, IntPtr lpReserved_MustBeZero, ref int lpcSubKeys, int[] lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, int[] lpcbMaxClassLen, ref int lpcValues, int[] lpcbMaxValueNameLen, int[] lpcbMaxValueLen, int[] lpcbSecurityDescriptor, int[] lpftLastWriteTime) { }
// RVA: 0xA93220 Offset: 0xA91C20 VA: 0x180A93220 Slot: 16
public IntPtr GetHandle(RegistryKey key) { }
// RVA: 0xA93F00 Offset: 0xA92900 VA: 0x180A93F00
private static bool IsHandleValid(RegistryKey key) { }
// RVA: 0xA93A10 Offset: 0xA92410 VA: 0x180A93A10 Slot: 8
public object GetValue(RegistryKey rkey, string name, object defaultValue, RegistryValueOptions options) { }
// RVA: 0xA94F40 Offset: 0xA93940 VA: 0x180A94F40 Slot: 9
public void SetValue(RegistryKey rkey, string name, object value) { }
// RVA: 0xA93030 Offset: 0xA91A30 VA: 0x180A93030
private int GetBinaryValue(RegistryKey rkey, string name, RegistryValueKind type, out byte[] data, int size) { }
// RVA: 0xA954D0 Offset: 0xA93ED0 VA: 0x180A954D0 Slot: 10
public int SubKeyCount(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA95680 Offset: 0xA94080 VA: 0x180A95680 Slot: 17
public int ValueCount(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA93F20 Offset: 0xA92920 VA: 0x180A93F20 Slot: 5
public RegistryKey OpenSubKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyName, bool writable) { }
// RVA: 0xA92D90 Offset: 0xA91790 VA: 0x180A92D90 Slot: 6
public void Flush(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA92550 Offset: 0xA90F50 VA: 0x180A92550 Slot: 7
public void Close(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA92850 Offset: 0xA91250 VA: 0x180A92850 Slot: 4
public RegistryKey CreateSubKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyName) { }
// RVA: 0xA92A60 Offset: 0xA91460 VA: 0x180A92A60 Slot: 12
public void DeleteKey(RegistryKey rkey, string keyName, bool shouldThrowWhenKeyMissing) { }
// RVA: 0xA92BF0 Offset: 0xA915F0 VA: 0x180A92BF0 Slot: 11
public void DeleteValue(RegistryKey rkey, string value, bool shouldThrowWhenKeyMissing) { }
// RVA: 0xA93290 Offset: 0xA91C90 VA: 0x180A93290 Slot: 13
public string[] GetSubKeyNames(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA93660 Offset: 0xA92060 VA: 0x180A93660 Slot: 14
public string[] GetValueNames(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA92E80 Offset: 0xA91880 VA: 0x180A92E80
private void GenerateException(int errorCode) { }
// RVA: 0x404A50 Offset: 0x403450 VA: 0x180404A50 Slot: 15
public string ToString(RegistryKey rkey) { }
// RVA: 0xA927F0 Offset: 0xA911F0 VA: 0x180A927F0
internal static string CombineName(RegistryKey rkey, string localName) { }
// RVA: 0xA95830 Offset: 0xA94230 VA: 0x180A95830
public void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32
internal static class Win32Native // TypeDefIndex: 123
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA92500 Offset: 0xA90F00 VA: 0x180A92500
public static string GetMessage(int hr) { }
// RVA: 0x801290 Offset: 0x7FFC90 VA: 0x180801290
public static int MakeHRFromErrorCode(int errorCode) { }
// RVA: 0xA92480 Offset: 0xA90E80 VA: 0x180A92480
internal static extern uint GetCurrentProcessId() { }
// Namespace:
internal class Win32Native.WIN32_FIND_DATA // TypeDefIndex: 124
// Fields
internal int dwFileAttributes; // 0x10
internal string cFileName; // 0x18
// Methods
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles
public sealed class SafeFileHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid // TypeDefIndex: 125
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA89720 Offset: 0xA88120 VA: 0x180A89720
public void .ctor(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle) { }
// RVA: 0xA896B0 Offset: 0xA880B0 VA: 0x180A896B0 Slot: 7
protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles
internal sealed class SafeFindHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid // TypeDefIndex: 126
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA897E0 Offset: 0xA881E0 VA: 0x180A897E0
internal void .ctor(IntPtr preexistingHandle) { }
// RVA: 0xA89780 Offset: 0xA88180 VA: 0x180A89780 Slot: 7
protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles
public sealed class SafeRegistryHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid // TypeDefIndex: 127
// Methods
// RVA: 0xA89720 Offset: 0xA88120 VA: 0x180A89720
public void .ctor(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEF00 Offset: 0x1CD900 VA: 0x1801CEF00 Slot: 7
protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles
public sealed class SafeWaitHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid // TypeDefIndex: 128
// Methods
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0x101B0 Offset: 0xF5B0 VA: 0x1800101B0
// RVA: 0xA89720 Offset: 0xA88120 VA: 0x180A89720
public void .ctor(IntPtr existingHandle, bool ownsHandle) { }
// RVA: 0xA898E0 Offset: 0xA882E0 VA: 0x180A898E0 Slot: 7
protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { }
// Namespace: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles
public abstract class SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid : SafeHandle // TypeDefIndex: 129
// Properties
public override bool IsInvalid { get; }
// Methods
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0x101B0 Offset: 0xF5B0 VA: 0x1800101B0
// RVA: 0xA89830 Offset: 0xA88230 VA: 0x180A89830
protected void .ctor(bool ownsHandle) { }
// RVA: 0xA89880 Offset: 0xA88280 VA: 0x180A89880 Slot: 5
public override bool get_IsInvalid() { }
// Namespace: System
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BA80 Offset: 0x2AE80 VA: 0x18002BA80
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BA80 Offset: 0x2AE80 VA: 0x18002BA80
[IsReadOnlyAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BA80 Offset: 0x2AE80 VA: 0x18002BA80
public struct Memory<T> // TypeDefIndex: 130
// Fields
private readonly object _arrayOrOwnedMemory; // 0x0
private readonly int _index; // 0x0
private readonly int _length; // 0x0
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
private static readonly Memory<T> <Empty>k__BackingField; // 0x0
// Properties
private string DebuggerDisplay { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xDE1A0 Offset: 0xDD5A0 VA: 0x1800DE1A0
|-RVA: 0xDE190 Offset: 0xDD590 VA: 0x1800DE190
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private string get_DebuggerDisplay() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xDE210 Offset: 0xDD610 VA: 0x1800DE210
|-RVA: 0xDE2E0 Offset: 0xDD6E0 VA: 0x1800DE2E0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static Memory<T> op_Implicit(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD014C0 Offset: 0xCFFEC0 VA: 0x180D014C0
|-RVA: 0xD01460 Offset: 0xCFFE60 VA: 0x180D01460
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static ReadOnlyMemory<T> op_Implicit(Memory<T> memory) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD012A0 Offset: 0xCFFCA0 VA: 0x180D012A0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xDE170 Offset: 0xDD570 VA: 0x1800DE170
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public bool Equals(Memory<T> other) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xDE130 Offset: 0xDD530 VA: 0x1800DE130
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xDE180 Offset: 0xDD580 VA: 0x1800DE180
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static int CombineHashCodes(int left, int right) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x82B310 Offset: 0x829D10 VA: 0x18082B310
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2, int h3) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD00AA0 Offset: 0xCFF4A0 VA: 0x180D00AA0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static void .cctor() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD010E0 Offset: 0xCFFAE0 VA: 0x180D010E0
// Namespace: System
internal sealed class MemoryDebugView<T> // TypeDefIndex: 131
// Fields
private readonly ReadOnlyMemory<T> _memory; // 0x0
// Properties
[DebuggerBrowsableAttribute] // RVA: 0x8F40 Offset: 0x8340 VA: 0x180008F40
public T[] Items { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(Memory<T> memory) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD007F0 Offset: 0xCFF1F0 VA: 0x180D007F0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(ReadOnlyMemory<T> memory) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD008E0 Offset: 0xCFF2E0 VA: 0x180D008E0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T[] get_Items() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD00920 Offset: 0xCFF320 VA: 0x180D00920
// Namespace: System
internal sealed class Pinnable<T> // TypeDefIndex: 132
// Fields
public T Data; // 0x0
// Namespace: System
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BD40 Offset: 0x2B140 VA: 0x18002BD40
[IsReadOnlyAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BD40 Offset: 0x2B140 VA: 0x18002BD40
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BD40 Offset: 0x2B140 VA: 0x18002BD40
public struct ReadOnlyMemory<T> // TypeDefIndex: 133
// Fields
private readonly object _arrayOrOwnedMemory; // 0x0
private readonly int _index; // 0x0
private readonly int _length; // 0x0
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
private static readonly ReadOnlyMemory<T> <Empty>k__BackingField; // 0x0
// Properties
private string DebuggerDisplay { get; }
public int Length { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED230 Offset: 0xEC630 VA: 0x1800ED230
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T[] array, int start, int length) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED2F0 Offset: 0xEC6F0 VA: 0x1800ED2F0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void .ctor(OwnedMemory<T> owner, int index, int length) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED280 Offset: 0xEC680 VA: 0x1800ED280
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private string get_DebuggerDisplay() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED360 Offset: 0xEC760 VA: 0x1800ED360
|-RVA: 0xED430 Offset: 0xEC830 VA: 0x1800ED430
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static ReadOnlyMemory<T> op_Implicit(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE5EC00 Offset: 0xE5D600 VA: 0x180E5EC00
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public int get_Length() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xA9F80 Offset: 0xA9380 VA: 0x1800A9F80
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public bool DangerousTryGetArray(out ArraySegment<T> arraySegment) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED1F0 Offset: 0xEC5F0 VA: 0x1800ED1F0
|-RVA: 0xED200 Offset: 0xEC600 VA: 0x1800ED200
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED210 Offset: 0xEC610 VA: 0x1800ED210
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public bool Equals(ReadOnlyMemory<T> other) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xDE130 Offset: 0xDD530 VA: 0x1800DE130
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED220 Offset: 0xEC620 VA: 0x1800ED220
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static int CombineHashCodes(int left, int right) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x82B310 Offset: 0x829D10 VA: 0x18082B310
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2, int h3) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE5DF00 Offset: 0xE5C900 VA: 0x180E5DF00
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static void .cctor() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE5EA40 Offset: 0xE5D440 VA: 0x180E5EA40
// Namespace: System
[IsReadOnlyAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BEF0 Offset: 0x2B2F0 VA: 0x18002BEF0
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BEF0 Offset: 0x2B2F0 VA: 0x18002BEF0
[IsByRefLikeAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BEF0 Offset: 0x2B2F0 VA: 0x18002BEF0
[ObsoleteAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BEF0 Offset: 0x2B2F0 VA: 0x18002BEF0
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BEF0 Offset: 0x2B2F0 VA: 0x18002BEF0
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // RVA: 0x2BEF0 Offset: 0x2B2F0 VA: 0x18002BEF0
public struct ReadOnlySpan<T> // TypeDefIndex: 134
// Fields
private readonly Pinnable<T> _pinnable; // 0x0
private readonly IntPtr _byteOffset; // 0x0
private readonly int _length; // 0x0
// Properties
private string DebuggerDisplay { get; }
public int Length { get; }
public T Item { get; }
internal Pinnable<T> Pinnable { get; }
internal IntPtr ByteOffset { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD6ED0 Offset: 0xD62D0 VA: 0x1800D6ED0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(void* pointer, int length) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED520 Offset: 0xEC920 VA: 0x1800ED520
|-RVA: 0xD6DB0 Offset: 0xD61B0 VA: 0x1800D6DB0
|-RVA: 0xD6EE0 Offset: 0xD62E0 VA: 0x1800D6EE0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private string get_DebuggerDisplay() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED640 Offset: 0xECA40 VA: 0x1800ED640
|-RVA: 0xD70D0 Offset: 0xD64D0 VA: 0x1800D70D0
|-RVA: 0xD7000 Offset: 0xD6400 VA: 0x1800D7000
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public int get_Length() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x90180 Offset: 0x8F580 VA: 0x180090180
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T get_Item(int index) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED710 Offset: 0xECB10 VA: 0x1800ED710
|-RVA: 0xD71B0 Offset: 0xD65B0 VA: 0x1800D71B0
|-RVA: 0xD71A0 Offset: 0xD65A0 VA: 0x1800D71A0
[ObsoleteAttribute] // RVA: 0x2C1A0 Offset: 0x2B5A0 VA: 0x18002C1A0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED500 Offset: 0xEC900 VA: 0x1800ED500
|-RVA: 0xD6D70 Offset: 0xD6170 VA: 0x1800D6D70
|-RVA: 0xD6D80 Offset: 0xD6180 VA: 0x1800D6D80
[ObsoleteAttribute] // RVA: 0x2C250 Offset: 0x2B650 VA: 0x18002C250
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xED510 Offset: 0xEC910 VA: 0x1800ED510
|-RVA: 0xD6DA0 Offset: 0xD61A0 VA: 0x1800D6DA0
|-RVA: 0xD6D90 Offset: 0xD6190 VA: 0x1800D6D90
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public ref T DangerousGetPinnableReference() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD6C90 Offset: 0xD6090 VA: 0x1800D6C90
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal Pinnable<T> get_Pinnable() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x901A0 Offset: 0x8F5A0 VA: 0x1800901A0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal IntPtr get_ByteOffset() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x90160 Offset: 0x8F560 VA: 0x180090160
// Namespace: System
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // RVA: 0x2C300 Offset: 0x2B700 VA: 0x18002C300
[ObsoleteAttribute] // RVA: 0x2C300 Offset: 0x2B700 VA: 0x18002C300
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // RVA: 0x2C300 Offset: 0x2B700 VA: 0x18002C300
[IsByRefLikeAttribute] // RVA: 0x2C300 Offset: 0x2B700 VA: 0x18002C300
[IsReadOnlyAttribute] // RVA: 0x2C300 Offset: 0x2B700 VA: 0x18002C300
[DefaultMemberAttribute] // RVA: 0x2C300 Offset: 0x2B700 VA: 0x18002C300
public struct Span<T> // TypeDefIndex: 135
// Fields
private readonly Pinnable<T> _pinnable; // 0x0
private readonly IntPtr _byteOffset; // 0x0
private readonly int _length; // 0x0
// Properties
private string DebuggerDisplay { get; }
public int Length { get; }
public T Item { get; }
internal Pinnable<T> Pinnable { get; }
internal IntPtr ByteOffset { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD7210 Offset: 0xD6610 VA: 0x1800D7210
|-RVA: 0xD7200 Offset: 0xD6600 VA: 0x1800D7200
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private string get_DebuggerDisplay() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD7220 Offset: 0xD6620 VA: 0x1800D7220
|-RVA: 0xD72F0 Offset: 0xD66F0 VA: 0x1800D72F0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public int get_Length() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x90180 Offset: 0x8F580 VA: 0x180090180
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public ref T get_Item(int index) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD73C0 Offset: 0xD67C0 VA: 0x1800D73C0
[ObsoleteAttribute] // RVA: 0x2C1A0 Offset: 0x2B5A0 VA: 0x18002C1A0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD71D0 Offset: 0xD65D0 VA: 0x1800D71D0
|-RVA: 0xD71C0 Offset: 0xD65C0 VA: 0x1800D71C0
[ObsoleteAttribute] // RVA: 0x2C250 Offset: 0x2B650 VA: 0x18002C250
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD71F0 Offset: 0xD65F0 VA: 0x1800D71F0
|-RVA: 0xD71E0 Offset: 0xD65E0 VA: 0x1800D71E0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static Span<T> op_Implicit(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAFEEE0 Offset: 0xAFD8E0 VA: 0x180AFEEE0
|-RVA: 0xAFEF40 Offset: 0xAFD940 VA: 0x180AFEF40
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal Pinnable<T> get_Pinnable() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x901A0 Offset: 0x8F5A0 VA: 0x1800901A0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal IntPtr get_ByteOffset() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x90160 Offset: 0x8F560 VA: 0x180090160
// Namespace: System
internal sealed class SpanDebugView<T> // TypeDefIndex: 136
// Fields
private readonly T[] _pinnable; // 0x0
private readonly IntPtr _byteOffset; // 0x0
private readonly int _length; // 0x0
// Properties
[DebuggerBrowsableAttribute] // RVA: 0x8F40 Offset: 0x8340 VA: 0x180008F40
public T[] Items { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(Span<T> collection) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAFE500 Offset: 0xAFCF00 VA: 0x180AFE500
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(ReadOnlySpan<T> collection) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAFE500 Offset: 0xAFCF00 VA: 0x180AFE500
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T[] get_Items() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAFE5A0 Offset: 0xAFCFA0 VA: 0x180AFE5A0
// Namespace: System
[ExtensionAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
internal static class SpanHelpers // TypeDefIndex: 137
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static bool IsReferenceOrContainsReferences<T>() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x3F6010 Offset: 0x3F4A10 VA: 0x1803F6010
// RVA: 0xBEC360 Offset: 0xBEAD60 VA: 0x180BEC360
private static bool IsReferenceOrContainsReferencesCore(Type type) { }
// Namespace:
public static class SpanHelpers.PerTypeValues<T> // TypeDefIndex: 138
// Fields
public static readonly bool IsReferenceOrContainsReferences; // 0x0
public static readonly T[] EmptyArray; // 0x0
public static readonly IntPtr ArrayAdjustment; // 0x0
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static IntPtr MeasureArrayAdjustment() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAFBD80 Offset: 0xAFA780 VA: 0x180AFBD80
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static void .cctor() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAFC080 Offset: 0xAFAA80 VA: 0x180AFC080
|-RVA: 0xAFBEB0 Offset: 0xAFA8B0 VA: 0x180AFBEB0
|-RVA: 0xAFC250 Offset: 0xAFAC50 VA: 0x180AFC250
// Namespace: System
internal static class ThrowHelper // TypeDefIndex: 139
// Methods
// RVA: 0x2F3420 Offset: 0x2F1E20 VA: 0x1802F3420
internal static void ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) { }
// RVA: 0x2F2C10 Offset: 0x2F1610 VA: 0x1802F2C10
private static Exception CreateArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) { }
// RVA: 0x2F35B0 Offset: 0x2F1FB0 VA: 0x1802F35B0
internal static void ThrowArrayTypeMismatchException_ArrayTypeMustBeExactMatch(Type type) { }
// RVA: 0x2F2D50 Offset: 0x2F1750 VA: 0x1802F2D50
private static Exception CreateArrayTypeMismatchException_ArrayTypeMustBeExactMatch(Type type) { }
// RVA: 0x2F3370 Offset: 0x2F1D70 VA: 0x1802F3370
internal static void ThrowArgumentException_InvalidTypeWithPointersNotSupported(Type type) { }
// RVA: 0x2F2BA0 Offset: 0x2F15A0 VA: 0x1802F2BA0
private static Exception CreateArgumentException_InvalidTypeWithPointersNotSupported(Type type) { }
// RVA: 0x2F35F0 Offset: 0x2F1FF0 VA: 0x1802F35F0
internal static void ThrowIndexOutOfRangeException() { }
// RVA: 0x2F2DC0 Offset: 0x2F17C0 VA: 0x1802F2DC0
private static Exception CreateIndexOutOfRangeException() { }
// RVA: 0x2F3550 Offset: 0x2F1F50 VA: 0x1802F3550
internal static void ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument) { }
// RVA: 0x2F2CB0 Offset: 0x2F16B0 VA: 0x1802F2CB0
private static Exception CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument) { }
// RVA: 0x2F3590 Offset: 0x2F1F90 VA: 0x1802F3590
internal static void ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException() { }
// RVA: 0x2F3760 Offset: 0x2F2160 VA: 0x1802F3760
internal static void ThrowWrongValueTypeArgumentException(object value, Type targetType) { }
// RVA: 0x2F36A0 Offset: 0x2F20A0 VA: 0x1802F36A0
internal static void ThrowKeyNotFoundException() { }
// RVA: 0x2F33B0 Offset: 0x2F1DB0 VA: 0x1802F33B0
internal static void ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) { }
// RVA: 0x2F3460 Offset: 0x2F1E60 VA: 0x1802F3460
internal static void ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource) { }
// RVA: 0x2F3630 Offset: 0x2F2030 VA: 0x1802F3630
internal static void ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource) { }
// RVA: 0x2F36F0 Offset: 0x2F20F0 VA: 0x1802F36F0
internal static void ThrowNotSupportedException(ExceptionResource resource) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal static void IfNullAndNullsAreIllegalThenThrow<T>(object value, ExceptionArgument argName) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2DF300 Offset: 0x2DDD00 VA: 0x1802DF300
|-ThrowHelper.IfNullAndNullsAreIllegalThenThrow<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-ThrowHelper.IfNullAndNullsAreIllegalThenThrow<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-ThrowHelper.IfNullAndNullsAreIllegalThenThrow<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-ThrowHelper.IfNullAndNullsAreIllegalThenThrow<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-ThrowHelper.IfNullAndNullsAreIllegalThenThrow<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-ThrowHelper.IfNullAndNullsAreIllegalThenThrow<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2DF320 Offset: 0x2DDD20 VA: 0x1802DF320
// RVA: 0x2F2E10 Offset: 0x2F1810 VA: 0x1802F2E10
internal static string GetArgumentName(ExceptionArgument argument) { }
// RVA: 0x2F3000 Offset: 0x2F1A00 VA: 0x1802F3000
internal static string GetResourceName(ExceptionResource resource) { }
// Namespace: System
public struct ValueTuple : IEquatable<ValueTuple>, IStructuralEquatable, IStructuralComparable, IComparable, IComparable<ValueTuple> // TypeDefIndex: 140
// Methods
// RVA: 0x1053A0 Offset: 0x1047A0 VA: 0x1801053A0 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0xE4530 Offset: 0xE3930 VA: 0x1800E4530 Slot: 4
public bool Equals(ValueTuple other) { }
// RVA: 0x1054E0 Offset: 0x1048E0 VA: 0x1801054E0 Slot: 5
private bool System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals(object other, IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0x105530 Offset: 0x104930 VA: 0x180105530 Slot: 8
private int System.IComparable.CompareTo(object other) { }
// RVA: 0xBE950 Offset: 0xBDD50 VA: 0x1800BE950 Slot: 9
public int CompareTo(ValueTuple other) { }
// RVA: 0x1053F0 Offset: 0x1047F0 VA: 0x1801053F0 Slot: 7
private int System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(object other, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0xBE950 Offset: 0xBDD50 VA: 0x1800BE950 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// RVA: 0xBE950 Offset: 0xBDD50 VA: 0x1800BE950 Slot: 6
private int System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0x105620 Offset: 0x104A20 VA: 0x180105620 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// RVA: 0x156A730 Offset: 0x1569130 VA: 0x18156A730
internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2) { }
// Namespace: System
public struct ValueTuple<T1, T2> : IEquatable<ValueTuple<T1, T2>>, IStructuralEquatable, IStructuralComparable, IComparable, IComparable<ValueTuple<T1, T2>> // TypeDefIndex: 141
// Fields
public T1 Item1; // 0x0
public T2 Item2; // 0x0
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T1 item1, T2 item2) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x100ED0 Offset: 0x1002D0 VA: 0x180100ED0
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>..ctor
|-RVA: 0xA8720 Offset: 0xA7B20 VA: 0x1800A8720
|-ValueTuple<object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1009B0 Offset: 0xFFDB0 VA: 0x1801009B0
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x1008A0 Offset: 0xFFCA0 VA: 0x1801008A0
|-ValueTuple<object, object>.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
public bool Equals(ValueTuple<T1, T2> other) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x100AB0 Offset: 0xFFEB0 VA: 0x180100AB0
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x100880 Offset: 0xFFC80 VA: 0x180100880
|-ValueTuple<object, object>.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
private bool System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals(object other, IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x100D80 Offset: 0x100180 VA: 0x180100D80
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x100C30 Offset: 0x100030 VA: 0x180100C30
|-ValueTuple<object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
private int System.IComparable.CompareTo(object other) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x100E90 Offset: 0x100290 VA: 0x180100E90
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x100EA0 Offset: 0x1002A0 VA: 0x180100EA0
|-ValueTuple<object, object>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 9
public int CompareTo(ValueTuple<T1, T2> other) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x100850 Offset: 0xFFC50 VA: 0x180100850
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x100860 Offset: 0xFFC60 VA: 0x180100860
|-ValueTuple<object, object>.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
private int System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(object other, IComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x100C10 Offset: 0x100010 VA: 0x180100C10
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x100C20 Offset: 0x100020 VA: 0x180100C20
|-ValueTuple<object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x100B60 Offset: 0xFFF60 VA: 0x180100B60
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x100BA0 Offset: 0xFFFA0 VA: 0x180100BA0
|-ValueTuple<object, object>.GetHashCode
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
private int System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x100D90 Offset: 0x100190 VA: 0x180100D90
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x100DF0 Offset: 0x1001F0 VA: 0x180100DF0
|-ValueTuple<object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private int GetHashCodeCore(IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x100B50 Offset: 0xFFF50 VA: 0x180100B50
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>.GetHashCodeCore
|-RVA: 0x100AC0 Offset: 0xFFEC0 VA: 0x180100AC0
|-ValueTuple<object, object>.GetHashCodeCore
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x100EB0 Offset: 0x1002B0 VA: 0x180100EB0
|-ValueTuple<int, bool>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x100EC0 Offset: 0x1002C0 VA: 0x180100EC0
|-ValueTuple<object, object>.ToString
// Namespace: System
public abstract class Array : ICollection, IEnumerable, IList, IStructuralComparable, IStructuralEquatable, ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 142
// Properties
private int System.Collections.ICollection.Count { get; }
private bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get; }
private object System.Collections.IList.Item { get; set; }
public long LongLength { get; }
public bool IsFixedSize { get; }
public bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public bool IsSynchronized { get; }
public object SyncRoot { get; }
public int Length { get; }
public int Rank { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x82BE50 Offset: 0x82A850 VA: 0x18082BE50
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, long[] lengths) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static ReadOnlyCollection<T> AsReadOnly<T>(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x22D7C0 Offset: 0x22C1C0 VA: 0x18022D7C0
|-RVA: 0x22D660 Offset: 0x22C060 VA: 0x18022D660
|-RVA: 0x22D710 Offset: 0x22C110 VA: 0x18022D710
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Resize<T>(ref T[] array, int newSize) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x858260 Offset: 0x856C60 VA: 0x180858260
|-RVA: 0x8579E0 Offset: 0x8563E0 VA: 0x1808579E0
|-RVA: 0x857AF0 Offset: 0x8564F0 VA: 0x180857AF0
|-RVA: 0x857C00 Offset: 0x856600 VA: 0x180857C00
|-RVA: 0x858150 Offset: 0x856B50 VA: 0x180858150
|-Array.Resize<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x858040 Offset: 0x856A40 VA: 0x180858040
|-Array.Resize<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x858370 Offset: 0x856D70 VA: 0x180858370
|-RVA: 0x8578D0 Offset: 0x8562D0 VA: 0x1808578D0
|-RVA: 0x857F30 Offset: 0x856930 VA: 0x180857F30
|-RVA: 0x858480 Offset: 0x856E80 VA: 0x180858480
|-RVA: 0x857D10 Offset: 0x856710 VA: 0x180857D10
|-RVA: 0x857E20 Offset: 0x856820 VA: 0x180857E20
// RVA: 0x82D750 Offset: 0x82C150 VA: 0x18082D750 Slot: 5
private int System.Collections.ICollection.get_Count() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDF0 Offset: 0x1CD7F0 VA: 0x1801CEDF0 Slot: 14
private bool System.Collections.IList.get_IsReadOnly() { }
// RVA: 0x82F410 Offset: 0x82DE10 VA: 0x18082F410 Slot: 9
private object System.Collections.IList.get_Item(int index) { }
// RVA: 0x82F420 Offset: 0x82DE20 VA: 0x18082F420 Slot: 10
private void System.Collections.IList.set_Item(int index, object value) { }
// RVA: 0x82F1E0 Offset: 0x82DBE0 VA: 0x18082F1E0 Slot: 11
private int System.Collections.IList.Add(object value) { }
// RVA: 0x82F2C0 Offset: 0x82DCC0 VA: 0x18082F2C0 Slot: 12
private bool System.Collections.IList.Contains(object value) { }
// RVA: 0x82F240 Offset: 0x82DC40 VA: 0x18082F240 Slot: 13
private void System.Collections.IList.Clear() { }
// RVA: 0x82F2E0 Offset: 0x82DCE0 VA: 0x18082F2E0 Slot: 16
private int System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(object value) { }
// RVA: 0x82F2F0 Offset: 0x82DCF0 VA: 0x18082F2F0 Slot: 17
private void System.Collections.IList.Insert(int index, object value) { }
// RVA: 0x82F3B0 Offset: 0x82DDB0 VA: 0x18082F3B0 Slot: 18
private void System.Collections.IList.Remove(object value) { }
// RVA: 0x82F350 Offset: 0x82DD50 VA: 0x18082F350 Slot: 19
private void System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt(int index) { }
// RVA: 0x82B4A0 Offset: 0x829EA0 VA: 0x18082B4A0 Slot: 4
public void CopyTo(Array array, int index) { }
// RVA: 0x41E480 Offset: 0x41CE80 VA: 0x18041E480 Slot: 23
public object Clone() { }
// RVA: 0x82F440 Offset: 0x82DE40 VA: 0x18082F440 Slot: 20
private int System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(object other, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0x82F650 Offset: 0x82E050 VA: 0x18082F650 Slot: 21
private bool System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals(object other, IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0x82B310 Offset: 0x829D10 VA: 0x18082B310
internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2) { }
// RVA: 0x82F820 Offset: 0x82E220 VA: 0x18082F820 Slot: 22
private int System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0x82ABC0 Offset: 0x8295C0 VA: 0x18082ABC0
public static int BinarySearch(Array array, object value) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static TOutput[] ConvertAll<TInput, TOutput>(TInput[] array, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x313450 Offset: 0x311E50 VA: 0x180313450
|-Array.ConvertAll<ParameterExpression, Expression>
|-Array.ConvertAll<ParameterInfo, ParameterExpression>
|-Array.ConvertAll<object, object>
|-RVA: 0x3135B0 Offset: 0x311FB0 VA: 0x1803135B0
|-Array.ConvertAll<string, UTF8StringPtr>
|-Array.ConvertAll<object, UTF8StringPtr>
|-RVA: 0x313710 Offset: 0x312110 VA: 0x180313710
|-Array.ConvertAll<XStorePackageUpdate, XStorePackageUpdate>
|-Array.ConvertAll<XStorePackageUpdate, object>
// RVA: 0x82B5B0 Offset: 0x829FB0 VA: 0x18082B5B0
public static void Copy(Array sourceArray, Array destinationArray, long length) { }
// RVA: 0x82BCA0 Offset: 0x82A6A0 VA: 0x18082BCA0
public static void Copy(Array sourceArray, long sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, long destinationIndex, long length) { }
// RVA: 0x82B330 Offset: 0x829D30 VA: 0x18082B330
public void CopyTo(Array array, long index) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void ForEach<T>(T[] array, Action<T> action) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x303D80 Offset: 0x302780 VA: 0x180303D80
// RVA: 0x82FA10 Offset: 0x82E410 VA: 0x18082FA10
public long get_LongLength() { }
// RVA: 0x82C9F0 Offset: 0x82B3F0 VA: 0x18082C9F0
public long GetLongLength(int dimension) { }
// RVA: 0x82D000 Offset: 0x82BA00 VA: 0x18082D000
public object GetValue(long index) { }
// RVA: 0x82D130 Offset: 0x82BB30 VA: 0x18082D130
public object GetValue(long index1, long index2) { }
// RVA: 0x82CC00 Offset: 0x82B600 VA: 0x18082CC00
public object GetValue(long index1, long index2, long index3) { }
// RVA: 0x82CA90 Offset: 0x82B490 VA: 0x18082CA90
public object GetValue(long[] indices) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEF00 Offset: 0x1CD900 VA: 0x1801CEF00 Slot: 15
public bool get_IsFixedSize() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDF0 Offset: 0x1CD7F0 VA: 0x1801CEDF0 Slot: 24
public bool get_IsReadOnly() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDF0 Offset: 0x1CD7F0 VA: 0x1801CEDF0 Slot: 7
public bool get_IsSynchronized() { }
// RVA: 0x227BB0 Offset: 0x2265B0 VA: 0x180227BB0 Slot: 6
public object get_SyncRoot() { }
// RVA: 0x82ADC0 Offset: 0x8297C0 VA: 0x18082ADC0
public static int BinarySearch(Array array, int index, int length, object value) { }
// RVA: 0x82ACC0 Offset: 0x8296C0 VA: 0x18082ACC0
public static int BinarySearch(Array array, object value, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0x82ADE0 Offset: 0x8297E0 VA: 0x18082ADE0
public static int BinarySearch(Array array, int index, int length, object value, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0x82CA10 Offset: 0x82B410 VA: 0x18082CA10
private static int GetMedian(int low, int hi) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int BinarySearch<T>(T[] array, T value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FD070 Offset: 0x8FBA70 VA: 0x1808FD070
|-RVA: 0x8FD390 Offset: 0x8FBD90 VA: 0x1808FD390
|-RVA: 0x8FD620 Offset: 0x8FC020 VA: 0x1808FD620
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int BinarySearch<T>(T[] array, T value, IComparer<T> comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FD430 Offset: 0x8FBE30 VA: 0x1808FD430
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int BinarySearch<T>(T[] array, int index, int length, T value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x431C20 Offset: 0x430620 VA: 0x180431C20
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int BinarySearch<T>(T[] array, int index, int length, T value, IComparer<T> comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FD110 Offset: 0x8FBB10 VA: 0x1808FD110
|-RVA: 0x8FD250 Offset: 0x8FBC50 VA: 0x1808FD250
|-RVA: 0x8FD4E0 Offset: 0x8FBEE0 VA: 0x1808FD4E0
// RVA: 0x82D500 Offset: 0x82BF00 VA: 0x18082D500
public static int IndexOf(Array array, object value) { }
// RVA: 0x82D5F0 Offset: 0x82BFF0 VA: 0x18082D5F0
public static int IndexOf(Array array, object value, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0x82D280 Offset: 0x82BC80 VA: 0x18082D280
public static int IndexOf(Array array, object value, int startIndex, int count) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int IndexOf<T>(T[] array, T value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x9008D0 Offset: 0x8FF2D0 VA: 0x1809008D0
|-RVA: 0x8FED80 Offset: 0x8FD780 VA: 0x1808FED80
|-RVA: 0x902060 Offset: 0x900A60 VA: 0x180902060
|-RVA: 0x900AA0 Offset: 0x8FF4A0 VA: 0x180900AA0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int IndexOf<T>(T[] array, T value, int startIndex) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x901FB0 Offset: 0x9009B0 VA: 0x180901FB0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int IndexOf<T>(T[] array, T value, int startIndex, int count) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x900260 Offset: 0x8FEC60 VA: 0x180900260
|-RVA: 0x8FFD40 Offset: 0x8FE740 VA: 0x1808FFD40
|-RVA: 0x8FFFD0 Offset: 0x8FE9D0 VA: 0x1808FFFD0
|-RVA: 0x902600 Offset: 0x901000 VA: 0x180902600
|-RVA: 0x9031A0 Offset: 0x901BA0 VA: 0x1809031A0
|-RVA: 0x9003A0 Offset: 0x8FEDA0 VA: 0x1809003A0
|-RVA: 0x900EF0 Offset: 0x8FF8F0 VA: 0x180900EF0
|-RVA: 0x901030 Offset: 0x8FFA30 VA: 0x180901030
|-RVA: 0x902760 Offset: 0x901160 VA: 0x180902760
|-Array.IndexOf<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x8FE880 Offset: 0x8FD280 VA: 0x1808FE880
|-RVA: 0x8FE9C0 Offset: 0x8FD3C0 VA: 0x1808FE9C0
|-RVA: 0x8FF1E0 Offset: 0x8FDBE0 VA: 0x1808FF1E0
|-RVA: 0x8FFBF0 Offset: 0x8FE5F0 VA: 0x1808FFBF0
|-RVA: 0x901900 Offset: 0x900300 VA: 0x180901900
|-RVA: 0x903960 Offset: 0x902360 VA: 0x180903960
|-RVA: 0x903820 Offset: 0x902220 VA: 0x180903820
|-RVA: 0x8FEB00 Offset: 0x8FD500 VA: 0x1808FEB00
|-RVA: 0x8FEE20 Offset: 0x8FD820 VA: 0x1808FEE20
|-RVA: 0x8FEC40 Offset: 0x8FD640 VA: 0x1808FEC40
|-RVA: 0x8FF0A0 Offset: 0x8FDAA0 VA: 0x1808FF0A0
|-RVA: 0x8FF970 Offset: 0x8FE370 VA: 0x1808FF970
|-RVA: 0x901400 Offset: 0x8FFE00 VA: 0x180901400
|-Array.IndexOf<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0x901540 Offset: 0x8FFF40 VA: 0x180901540
|-Array.IndexOf<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x901680 Offset: 0x900080 VA: 0x180901680
|-Array.IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x9012C0 Offset: 0x8FFCC0 VA: 0x1809012C0
|-Array.IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x901180 Offset: 0x8FFB80 VA: 0x180901180
|-Array.IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x902100 Offset: 0x900B00 VA: 0x180902100
|-RVA: 0x8FF6F0 Offset: 0x8FE0F0 VA: 0x1808FF6F0
|-RVA: 0x8FF5B0 Offset: 0x8FDFB0 VA: 0x1808FF5B0
|-RVA: 0x8FF830 Offset: 0x8FE230 VA: 0x1808FF830
|-RVA: 0x902380 Offset: 0x900D80 VA: 0x180902380
|-RVA: 0x8FFAB0 Offset: 0x8FE4B0 VA: 0x1808FFAB0
|-RVA: 0x900500 Offset: 0x8FEF00 VA: 0x180900500
|-RVA: 0x900790 Offset: 0x8FF190 VA: 0x180900790
|-RVA: 0x900B40 Offset: 0x8FF540 VA: 0x180900B40
|-RVA: 0x900970 Offset: 0x8FF370 VA: 0x180900970
|-RVA: 0x900C70 Offset: 0x8FF670 VA: 0x180900C70
|-RVA: 0x900640 Offset: 0x8FF040 VA: 0x180900640
|-RVA: 0x900DB0 Offset: 0x8FF7B0 VA: 0x180900DB0
|-RVA: 0x903AA0 Offset: 0x9024A0 VA: 0x180903AA0
|-RVA: 0x903C60 Offset: 0x902660 VA: 0x180903C60
|-RVA: 0x902240 Offset: 0x900C40 VA: 0x180902240
|-RVA: 0x9024C0 Offset: 0x900EC0 VA: 0x1809024C0
|-RVA: 0x8FEF60 Offset: 0x8FD960 VA: 0x1808FEF60
|-RVA: 0x9028A0 Offset: 0x9012A0 VA: 0x1809028A0
|-RVA: 0x902DF0 Offset: 0x9017F0 VA: 0x180902DF0
|-RVA: 0x902F30 Offset: 0x901930 VA: 0x180902F30
|-RVA: 0x903060 Offset: 0x901A60 VA: 0x180903060
|-RVA: 0x901A40 Offset: 0x900440 VA: 0x180901A40
|-RVA: 0x903F70 Offset: 0x902970 VA: 0x180903F70
|-RVA: 0x9017C0 Offset: 0x9001C0 VA: 0x1809017C0
|-RVA: 0x8FF340 Offset: 0x8FDD40 VA: 0x1808FF340
|-RVA: 0x8FF470 Offset: 0x8FDE70 VA: 0x1808FF470
|-RVA: 0x901CE0 Offset: 0x9006E0 VA: 0x180901CE0
|-RVA: 0x901B80 Offset: 0x900580 VA: 0x180901B80
|-RVA: 0x901E60 Offset: 0x900860 VA: 0x180901E60
|-RVA: 0x9029E0 Offset: 0x9013E0 VA: 0x1809029E0
|-RVA: 0x8FFE90 Offset: 0x8FE890 VA: 0x1808FFE90
|-RVA: 0x900120 Offset: 0x8FEB20 VA: 0x180900120
|-RVA: 0x902B30 Offset: 0x901530 VA: 0x180902B30
|-RVA: 0x902C70 Offset: 0x901670 VA: 0x180902C70
|-RVA: 0x903E20 Offset: 0x902820 VA: 0x180903E20
|-RVA: 0x903300 Offset: 0x901D00 VA: 0x180903300
|-RVA: 0x903590 Offset: 0x901F90 VA: 0x180903590
|-RVA: 0x903440 Offset: 0x901E40 VA: 0x180903440
|-RVA: 0x9036E0 Offset: 0x9020E0 VA: 0x1809036E0
// RVA: 0x82D810 Offset: 0x82C210 VA: 0x18082D810
public static int LastIndexOf(Array array, object value) { }
// RVA: 0x82DC20 Offset: 0x82C620 VA: 0x18082DC20
public static int LastIndexOf(Array array, object value, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0x82D930 Offset: 0x82C330 VA: 0x18082D930
public static int LastIndexOf(Array array, object value, int startIndex, int count) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int LastIndexOf<T>(T[] array, T value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x582B00 Offset: 0x581500 VA: 0x180582B00
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int LastIndexOf<T>(T[] array, T value, int startIndex) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x5822A0 Offset: 0x580CA0 VA: 0x1805822A0
|-RVA: 0x582600 Offset: 0x581000 VA: 0x180582600
|-RVA: 0x582880 Offset: 0x581280 VA: 0x180582880
|-RVA: 0x582BA0 Offset: 0x5815A0 VA: 0x180582BA0
|-RVA: 0x582540 Offset: 0x580F40 VA: 0x180582540
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int LastIndexOf<T>(T[] array, T value, int startIndex, int count) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x5820C0 Offset: 0x580AC0 VA: 0x1805820C0
|-RVA: 0x5826B0 Offset: 0x5810B0 VA: 0x1805826B0
|-RVA: 0x582930 Offset: 0x581330 VA: 0x180582930
|-RVA: 0x582C70 Offset: 0x581670 VA: 0x180582C70
|-RVA: 0x582360 Offset: 0x580D60 VA: 0x180582360
// RVA: 0x82DFA0 Offset: 0x82C9A0 VA: 0x18082DFA0
public static void Reverse(Array array) { }
// RVA: 0x82DCC0 Offset: 0x82C6C0 VA: 0x18082DCC0
public static void Reverse(Array array, int index, int length) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Reverse<T>(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x858BA0 Offset: 0x8575A0 VA: 0x180858BA0
|-RVA: 0x42C510 Offset: 0x42AF10 VA: 0x18042C510
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Reverse<T>(T[] array, int index, int length) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x859DB0 Offset: 0x8587B0 VA: 0x180859DB0
|-RVA: 0x859A50 Offset: 0x858450 VA: 0x180859A50
|-RVA: 0x859C00 Offset: 0x858600 VA: 0x180859C00
|-RVA: 0x85B840 Offset: 0x85A240 VA: 0x18085B840
|-RVA: 0x85BB90 Offset: 0x85A590 VA: 0x18085BB90
|-RVA: 0x859F30 Offset: 0x858930 VA: 0x180859F30
|-RVA: 0x85AA30 Offset: 0x859430 VA: 0x18085AA30
|-RVA: 0x85ABC0 Offset: 0x8595C0 VA: 0x18085ABC0
|-RVA: 0x85BA00 Offset: 0x85A400 VA: 0x18085BA00
|-Array.Reverse<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x858590 Offset: 0x856F90 VA: 0x180858590
|-RVA: 0x858720 Offset: 0x857120 VA: 0x180858720
|-RVA: 0x858F30 Offset: 0x857930 VA: 0x180858F30
|-RVA: 0x8598A0 Offset: 0x8582A0 VA: 0x1808598A0
|-RVA: 0x85B540 Offset: 0x859F40 VA: 0x18085B540
|-RVA: 0x85BEE0 Offset: 0x85A8E0 VA: 0x18085BEE0
|-RVA: 0x85BD50 Offset: 0x85A750 VA: 0x18085BD50
|-RVA: 0x8588A0 Offset: 0x8572A0 VA: 0x1808588A0
|-RVA: 0x858C30 Offset: 0x857630 VA: 0x180858C30
|-RVA: 0x858A20 Offset: 0x857420 VA: 0x180858A20
|-RVA: 0x858DB0 Offset: 0x8577B0 VA: 0x180858DB0
|-RVA: 0x859590 Offset: 0x857F90 VA: 0x180859590
|-RVA: 0x85B090 Offset: 0x859A90 VA: 0x18085B090
|-Array.Reverse<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0x85B220 Offset: 0x859C20 VA: 0x18085B220
|-Array.Reverse<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x85B3B0 Offset: 0x859DB0 VA: 0x18085B3B0
|-Array.Reverse<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x85AF00 Offset: 0x859900 VA: 0x18085AF00
|-Array.Reverse<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x85AD70 Offset: 0x859770 VA: 0x18085AD70
|-Array.Reverse<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x859280 Offset: 0x857C80 VA: 0x180859280
|-RVA: 0x8590F0 Offset: 0x857AF0 VA: 0x1808590F0
|-RVA: 0x859400 Offset: 0x857E00 VA: 0x180859400
|-RVA: 0x85B6C0 Offset: 0x85A0C0 VA: 0x18085B6C0
|-RVA: 0x859720 Offset: 0x858120 VA: 0x180859720
|-RVA: 0x85A0F0 Offset: 0x858AF0 VA: 0x18085A0F0
|-RVA: 0x85A430 Offset: 0x858E30 VA: 0x18085A430
|-RVA: 0x85A730 Offset: 0x859130 VA: 0x18085A730
|-RVA: 0x85A5B0 Offset: 0x858FB0 VA: 0x18085A5B0
|-RVA: 0x85A8B0 Offset: 0x8592B0 VA: 0x18085A8B0
|-RVA: 0x85A280 Offset: 0x858C80 VA: 0x18085A280
|-RVA: 0x42BAF0 Offset: 0x42A4F0 VA: 0x18042BAF0
|-RVA: 0x42DC00 Offset: 0x42C600 VA: 0x18042DC00
|-RVA: 0x42DEF0 Offset: 0x42C8F0 VA: 0x18042DEF0
|-RVA: 0x42C5A0 Offset: 0x42AFA0 VA: 0x18042C5A0
|-RVA: 0x42C720 Offset: 0x42B120 VA: 0x18042C720
|-RVA: 0x42C8A0 Offset: 0x42B2A0 VA: 0x18042C8A0
|-RVA: 0x42B4D0 Offset: 0x429ED0 VA: 0x18042B4D0
|-RVA: 0x42CA20 Offset: 0x42B420 VA: 0x18042CA20
|-RVA: 0x42D0E0 Offset: 0x42BAE0 VA: 0x18042D0E0
|-RVA: 0x42D260 Offset: 0x42BC60 VA: 0x18042D260
|-RVA: 0x42D3E0 Offset: 0x42BDE0 VA: 0x18042D3E0
|-RVA: 0x42BE10 Offset: 0x42A810 VA: 0x18042BE10
|-RVA: 0x42E370 Offset: 0x42CD70 VA: 0x18042E370
|-RVA: 0x42BC80 Offset: 0x42A680 VA: 0x18042BC80
|-RVA: 0x42B650 Offset: 0x42A050 VA: 0x18042B650
|-RVA: 0x42B7D0 Offset: 0x42A1D0 VA: 0x18042B7D0
|-RVA: 0x42C160 Offset: 0x42AB60 VA: 0x18042C160
|-RVA: 0x42BFA0 Offset: 0x42A9A0 VA: 0x18042BFA0
|-RVA: 0x42C360 Offset: 0x42AD60 VA: 0x18042C360
|-RVA: 0x42CBA0 Offset: 0x42B5A0 VA: 0x18042CBA0
|-RVA: 0x42B960 Offset: 0x42A360 VA: 0x18042B960
|-RVA: 0x42CD50 Offset: 0x42B750 VA: 0x18042CD50
|-RVA: 0x42CEE0 Offset: 0x42B8E0 VA: 0x18042CEE0
|-RVA: 0x42E1C0 Offset: 0x42CBC0 VA: 0x18042E1C0
|-RVA: 0x42D560 Offset: 0x42BF60 VA: 0x18042D560
|-RVA: 0x42D8C0 Offset: 0x42C2C0 VA: 0x18042D8C0
|-RVA: 0x42D710 Offset: 0x42C110 VA: 0x18042D710
|-RVA: 0x42DA70 Offset: 0x42C470 VA: 0x18042DA70
// RVA: 0x82E660 Offset: 0x82D060 VA: 0x18082E660
public void SetValue(object value, long index) { }
// RVA: 0x82E700 Offset: 0x82D100 VA: 0x18082E700
public void SetValue(object value, long index1, long index2) { }
// RVA: 0x82E490 Offset: 0x82CE90 VA: 0x18082E490
public void SetValue(object value, long index1, long index2, long index3) { }
// RVA: 0x82E0A0 Offset: 0x82CAA0 VA: 0x18082E0A0
public void SetValue(object value, long[] indices) { }
// RVA: 0x82EB90 Offset: 0x82D590 VA: 0x18082EB90
public static void Sort(Array array) { }
// RVA: 0x82EA60 Offset: 0x82D460 VA: 0x18082EA60
public static void Sort(Array array, int index, int length) { }
// RVA: 0x82F0B0 Offset: 0x82DAB0 VA: 0x18082F0B0
public static void Sort(Array array, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0x82F1B0 Offset: 0x82DBB0 VA: 0x18082F1B0
public static void Sort(Array array, int index, int length, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0x82EF90 Offset: 0x82D990 VA: 0x18082EF90
public static void Sort(Array keys, Array items) { }
// RVA: 0x82EA90 Offset: 0x82D490 VA: 0x18082EA90
public static void Sort(Array keys, Array items, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0x82F090 Offset: 0x82DA90 VA: 0x18082F090
public static void Sort(Array keys, Array items, int index, int length) { }
// RVA: 0x82EC70 Offset: 0x82D670 VA: 0x18082EC70
public static void Sort(Array keys, Array items, int index, int length, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Sort<T>(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x42EA00 Offset: 0x42D400 VA: 0x18042EA00
|-RVA: 0x432160 Offset: 0x430B60 VA: 0x180432160
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Sort<T>(T[] array, int index, int length) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x3F3F70 Offset: 0x3F2970 VA: 0x1803F3F70
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Sort<T>(T[] array, IComparer<T> comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x430610 Offset: 0x42F010 VA: 0x180430610
|-RVA: 0x431F80 Offset: 0x430980 VA: 0x180431F80
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Sort<T>(T[] array, int index, int length, IComparer<T> comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x42FD50 Offset: 0x42E750 VA: 0x18042FD50
|-RVA: 0x42F990 Offset: 0x42E390 VA: 0x18042F990
|-RVA: 0x42FAD0 Offset: 0x42E4D0 VA: 0x18042FAD0
|-RVA: 0x4325B0 Offset: 0x430FB0 VA: 0x1804325B0
|-RVA: 0x433350 Offset: 0x431D50 VA: 0x180433350
|-RVA: 0x42FE90 Offset: 0x42E890 VA: 0x18042FE90
|-RVA: 0x430930 Offset: 0x42F330 VA: 0x180430930
|-RVA: 0x430A70 Offset: 0x42F470 VA: 0x180430A70
|-RVA: 0x4326F0 Offset: 0x4310F0 VA: 0x1804326F0
|-Array.Sort<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x42E500 Offset: 0x42CF00 VA: 0x18042E500
|-RVA: 0x42E640 Offset: 0x42D040 VA: 0x18042E640
|-RVA: 0x42EE50 Offset: 0x42D850 VA: 0x18042EE50
|-RVA: 0x42F850 Offset: 0x42E250 VA: 0x18042F850
|-RVA: 0x431400 Offset: 0x42FE00 VA: 0x180431400
|-RVA: 0x433AD0 Offset: 0x4324D0 VA: 0x180433AD0
|-RVA: 0x433990 Offset: 0x432390 VA: 0x180433990
|-RVA: 0x42E780 Offset: 0x42D180 VA: 0x18042E780
|-RVA: 0x42EA90 Offset: 0x42D490 VA: 0x18042EA90
|-RVA: 0x42E8C0 Offset: 0x42D2C0 VA: 0x18042E8C0
|-RVA: 0x42ED10 Offset: 0x42D710 VA: 0x18042ED10
|-RVA: 0x42F5D0 Offset: 0x42DFD0 VA: 0x18042F5D0
|-RVA: 0x430F00 Offset: 0x42F900 VA: 0x180430F00
|-Array.Sort<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0x431040 Offset: 0x42FA40 VA: 0x180431040
|-Array.Sort<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x431180 Offset: 0x42FB80 VA: 0x180431180
|-Array.Sort<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x430DC0 Offset: 0x42F7C0 VA: 0x180430DC0
|-Array.Sort<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x430C80 Offset: 0x42F680 VA: 0x180430C80
|-Array.Sort<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x42F350 Offset: 0x42DD50 VA: 0x18042F350
|-RVA: 0x42F210 Offset: 0x42DC10 VA: 0x18042F210
|-RVA: 0x42F490 Offset: 0x42DE90 VA: 0x18042F490
|-RVA: 0x432330 Offset: 0x430D30 VA: 0x180432330
|-RVA: 0x42F710 Offset: 0x42E110 VA: 0x18042F710
|-RVA: 0x42FFD0 Offset: 0x42E9D0 VA: 0x18042FFD0
|-RVA: 0x430250 Offset: 0x42EC50 VA: 0x180430250
|-RVA: 0x4304D0 Offset: 0x42EED0 VA: 0x1804304D0
|-RVA: 0x430390 Offset: 0x42ED90 VA: 0x180430390
|-RVA: 0x4306B0 Offset: 0x42F0B0 VA: 0x1804306B0
|-RVA: 0x430110 Offset: 0x42EB10 VA: 0x180430110
|-RVA: 0x4307F0 Offset: 0x42F1F0 VA: 0x1804307F0
|-RVA: 0x433C10 Offset: 0x432610 VA: 0x180433C10
|-RVA: 0x433D50 Offset: 0x432750 VA: 0x180433D50
|-RVA: 0x432020 Offset: 0x430A20 VA: 0x180432020
|-RVA: 0x4321F0 Offset: 0x430BF0 VA: 0x1804321F0
|-RVA: 0x432470 Offset: 0x430E70 VA: 0x180432470
|-RVA: 0x42EBD0 Offset: 0x42D5D0 VA: 0x18042EBD0
|-RVA: 0x432830 Offset: 0x431230 VA: 0x180432830
|-RVA: 0x432D30 Offset: 0x431730 VA: 0x180432D30
|-RVA: 0x432E70 Offset: 0x431870 VA: 0x180432E70
|-RVA: 0x433210 Offset: 0x431C10 VA: 0x180433210
|-RVA: 0x431540 Offset: 0x42FF40 VA: 0x180431540
|-RVA: 0x433FD0 Offset: 0x4329D0 VA: 0x180433FD0
|-RVA: 0x4312C0 Offset: 0x42FCC0 VA: 0x1804312C0
|-RVA: 0x42EF90 Offset: 0x42D990 VA: 0x18042EF90
|-RVA: 0x42F0D0 Offset: 0x42DAD0 VA: 0x18042F0D0
|-RVA: 0x431900 Offset: 0x430300 VA: 0x180431900
|-RVA: 0x431680 Offset: 0x430080 VA: 0x180431680
|-RVA: 0x4317C0 Offset: 0x4301C0 VA: 0x1804317C0
|-RVA: 0x431A40 Offset: 0x430440 VA: 0x180431A40
|-RVA: 0x432970 Offset: 0x431370 VA: 0x180432970
|-RVA: 0x42FC10 Offset: 0x42E610 VA: 0x18042FC10
|-RVA: 0x432AB0 Offset: 0x4314B0 VA: 0x180432AB0
|-RVA: 0x432BF0 Offset: 0x4315F0 VA: 0x180432BF0
|-RVA: 0x433E90 Offset: 0x432890 VA: 0x180433E90
|-RVA: 0x433490 Offset: 0x431E90 VA: 0x180433490
|-RVA: 0x433710 Offset: 0x432110 VA: 0x180433710
|-RVA: 0x4335D0 Offset: 0x431FD0 VA: 0x1804335D0
|-RVA: 0x433850 Offset: 0x432250 VA: 0x180433850
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Sort<T>(T[] array, Comparison<T> comparison) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x430BB0 Offset: 0x42F5B0 VA: 0x180430BB0
|-Array.Sort<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-RVA: 0x431EB0 Offset: 0x4308B0 VA: 0x180431EB0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Sort<TKey, TValue>(TKey[] keys, TValue[] items) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x431B80 Offset: 0x430580 VA: 0x180431B80
|-Array.Sort<object, object>
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Sort<TKey, TValue>(TKey[] keys, TValue[] items, int index, int length) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x431C20 Offset: 0x430620 VA: 0x180431C20
|-Array.Sort<object, object>
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Sort<TKey, TValue>(TKey[] keys, TValue[] items, IComparer<TKey> comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x431E00 Offset: 0x430800 VA: 0x180431E00
|-Array.Sort<object, object>
|-RVA: 0x432FB0 Offset: 0x4319B0 VA: 0x180432FB0
|-Array.Sort<ulong, object>
|-Array.Sort<ulong, string>
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Sort<TKey, TValue>(TKey[] keys, TValue[] items, int index, int length, IComparer<TKey> comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x431C50 Offset: 0x430650 VA: 0x180431C50
|-Array.Sort<object, object>
|-RVA: 0x433060 Offset: 0x431A60 VA: 0x180433060
|-Array.Sort<ulong, object>
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static bool Exists<T>(T[] array, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xDBBE90 Offset: 0xDBA890 VA: 0x180DBBE90
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Fill<T>(T[] array, T value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x303BA0 Offset: 0x3025A0 VA: 0x180303BA0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static void Fill<T>(T[] array, T value, int startIndex, int count) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x303C40 Offset: 0x302640 VA: 0x180303C40
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static T Find<T>(T[] array, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2CAA70 Offset: 0x2C9470 VA: 0x1802CAA70
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static T[] FindAll<T>(T[] array, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x3138A0 Offset: 0x3122A0 VA: 0x1803138A0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int FindIndex<T>(T[] array, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FD770 Offset: 0x8FC170 VA: 0x1808FD770
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int FindIndex<T>(T[] array, int startIndex, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FD6C0 Offset: 0x8FC0C0 VA: 0x1808FD6C0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int FindIndex<T>(T[] array, int startIndex, int count, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FD810 Offset: 0x8FC210 VA: 0x1808FD810
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static T FindLast<T>(T[] array, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2CA940 Offset: 0x2C9340 VA: 0x1802CA940
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int FindLastIndex<T>(T[] array, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FDBC0 Offset: 0x8FC5C0 VA: 0x1808FDBC0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int FindLastIndex<T>(T[] array, int startIndex, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FDC60 Offset: 0x8FC660 VA: 0x1808FDC60
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static int FindLastIndex<T>(T[] array, int startIndex, int count, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FD9C0 Offset: 0x8FC3C0 VA: 0x1808FD9C0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static bool TrueForAll<T>(T[] array, Predicate<T> match) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x3F1620 Offset: 0x3F0020 VA: 0x1803F1620
// RVA: 0x82C920 Offset: 0x82B320 VA: 0x18082C920 Slot: 8
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
private void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x82D750 Offset: 0x82C150 VA: 0x18082D750
internal int InternalArray__ICollection_get_Count() { }
// RVA: 0x1CEF00 Offset: 0x1CD900 VA: 0x1801CEF00
internal bool InternalArray__ICollection_get_IsReadOnly() { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal IEnumerator<T> InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<T>() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x22D870 Offset: 0x22C270 VA: 0x18022D870
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
// RVA: 0x82D6F0 Offset: 0x82C0F0 VA: 0x18082D6F0
internal void InternalArray__ICollection_Clear() { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void InternalArray__ICollection_Add<T>(T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x305800 Offset: 0x304200 VA: 0x180305800
|-RVA: 0x304AE0 Offset: 0x3034E0 VA: 0x180304AE0
|-RVA: 0x305680 Offset: 0x304080 VA: 0x180305680
|-RVA: 0x307960 Offset: 0x306360 VA: 0x180307960
|-RVA: 0x3089E0 Offset: 0x3073E0 VA: 0x1803089E0
|-RVA: 0x308320 Offset: 0x306D20 VA: 0x180308320
|-RVA: 0x306C40 Offset: 0x305640 VA: 0x180306C40
|-RVA: 0x305A40 Offset: 0x304440 VA: 0x180305A40
|-RVA: 0x305860 Offset: 0x304260 VA: 0x180305860
|-RVA: 0x305E60 Offset: 0x304860 VA: 0x180305E60
|-RVA: 0x308F80 Offset: 0x307980 VA: 0x180308F80
|-RVA: 0x308F20 Offset: 0x307920 VA: 0x180308F20
|-RVA: 0x308440 Offset: 0x306E40 VA: 0x180308440
|-RVA: 0x305EC0 Offset: 0x3048C0 VA: 0x180305EC0
|-RVA: 0x308380 Offset: 0x306D80 VA: 0x180308380
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x307060 Offset: 0x305A60 VA: 0x180307060
|-RVA: 0x303E80 Offset: 0x302880 VA: 0x180303E80
|-RVA: 0x303F40 Offset: 0x302940 VA: 0x180303F40
|-RVA: 0x304420 Offset: 0x302E20 VA: 0x180304420
|-RVA: 0x3049C0 Offset: 0x3033C0 VA: 0x1803049C0
|-RVA: 0x3071E0 Offset: 0x305BE0 VA: 0x1803071E0
|-RVA: 0x308C20 Offset: 0x307620 VA: 0x180308C20
|-RVA: 0x308BC0 Offset: 0x3075C0 VA: 0x180308BC0
|-RVA: 0x303FA0 Offset: 0x3029A0 VA: 0x180303FA0
|-RVA: 0x3041E0 Offset: 0x302BE0 VA: 0x1803041E0
|-RVA: 0x3042A0 Offset: 0x302CA0 VA: 0x1803042A0
|-RVA: 0x304240 Offset: 0x302C40 VA: 0x180304240
|-RVA: 0x3043C0 Offset: 0x302DC0 VA: 0x1803043C0
|-RVA: 0x307D80 Offset: 0x306780 VA: 0x180307D80
|-RVA: 0x3048A0 Offset: 0x3032A0 VA: 0x1803048A0
|-RVA: 0x3052C0 Offset: 0x303CC0 VA: 0x1803052C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x3051A0 Offset: 0x303BA0 VA: 0x1803051A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x305140 Offset: 0x303B40 VA: 0x180305140
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x3053E0 Offset: 0x303DE0 VA: 0x1803053E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x304B40 Offset: 0x303540 VA: 0x180304B40
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x305200 Offset: 0x303C00 VA: 0x180305200
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x305080 Offset: 0x303A80 VA: 0x180305080
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x304DE0 Offset: 0x3037E0 VA: 0x180304DE0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3050E0 Offset: 0x303AE0 VA: 0x1803050E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x304CC0 Offset: 0x3036C0 VA: 0x180304CC0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x305320 Offset: 0x303D20 VA: 0x180305320
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x304F00 Offset: 0x303900 VA: 0x180304F00
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x304D80 Offset: 0x303780 VA: 0x180304D80
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x304EA0 Offset: 0x3038A0 VA: 0x180304EA0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x304C60 Offset: 0x303660 VA: 0x180304C60
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x304F60 Offset: 0x303960 VA: 0x180304F60
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x304BA0 Offset: 0x3035A0 VA: 0x180304BA0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x305440 Offset: 0x303E40 VA: 0x180305440
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x3054A0 Offset: 0x303EA0 VA: 0x1803054A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x304C00 Offset: 0x303600 VA: 0x180304C00
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x304E40 Offset: 0x303840 VA: 0x180304E40
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x305380 Offset: 0x303D80 VA: 0x180305380
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x305020 Offset: 0x303A20 VA: 0x180305020
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x304FC0 Offset: 0x3039C0 VA: 0x180304FC0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x304D20 Offset: 0x303720 VA: 0x180304D20
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x307CC0 Offset: 0x3066C0 VA: 0x180307CC0
|-RVA: 0x3079C0 Offset: 0x3063C0 VA: 0x1803079C0
|-RVA: 0x307AE0 Offset: 0x3064E0 VA: 0x180307AE0
|-RVA: 0x307D20 Offset: 0x306720 VA: 0x180307D20
|-RVA: 0x307A20 Offset: 0x306420 VA: 0x180307A20
|-RVA: 0x307B40 Offset: 0x306540 VA: 0x180307B40
|-RVA: 0x307C00 Offset: 0x306600 VA: 0x180307C00
|-RVA: 0x307BA0 Offset: 0x3065A0 VA: 0x180307BA0
|-RVA: 0x306460 Offset: 0x304E60 VA: 0x180306460
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x306400 Offset: 0x304E00 VA: 0x180306400
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3062E0 Offset: 0x304CE0 VA: 0x1803062E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x306220 Offset: 0x304C20 VA: 0x180306220
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x306940 Offset: 0x305340 VA: 0x180306940
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x306580 Offset: 0x304F80 VA: 0x180306580
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3061C0 Offset: 0x304BC0 VA: 0x1803061C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x306280 Offset: 0x304C80 VA: 0x180306280
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0x305F20 Offset: 0x304920 VA: 0x180305F20
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-RVA: 0x306820 Offset: 0x305220 VA: 0x180306820
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x306640 Offset: 0x305040 VA: 0x180306640
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3065E0 Offset: 0x304FE0 VA: 0x1803065E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3066A0 Offset: 0x3050A0 VA: 0x1803066A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x3068E0 Offset: 0x3052E0 VA: 0x1803068E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3063A0 Offset: 0x304DA0 VA: 0x1803063A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x306700 Offset: 0x305100 VA: 0x180306700
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x306A00 Offset: 0x305400 VA: 0x180306A00
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x306880 Offset: 0x305280 VA: 0x180306880
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x306100 Offset: 0x304B00 VA: 0x180306100
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3069A0 Offset: 0x3053A0 VA: 0x1803069A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x306040 Offset: 0x304A40 VA: 0x180306040
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3060A0 Offset: 0x304AA0 VA: 0x1803060A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x305FE0 Offset: 0x3049E0 VA: 0x180305FE0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x306340 Offset: 0x304D40 VA: 0x180306340
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x306520 Offset: 0x304F20 VA: 0x180306520
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
|-RVA: 0x306160 Offset: 0x304B60 VA: 0x180306160
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x306760 Offset: 0x305160 VA: 0x180306760
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x305F80 Offset: 0x304980 VA: 0x180305F80
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3064C0 Offset: 0x304EC0 VA: 0x1803064C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3067C0 Offset: 0x3051C0 VA: 0x1803067C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Add<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x309100 Offset: 0x307B00 VA: 0x180309100
|-RVA: 0x3040C0 Offset: 0x302AC0 VA: 0x1803040C0
|-RVA: 0x307480 Offset: 0x305E80 VA: 0x180307480
|-RVA: 0x3045A0 Offset: 0x302FA0 VA: 0x1803045A0
|-RVA: 0x3074E0 Offset: 0x305EE0 VA: 0x1803074E0
|-RVA: 0x305AA0 Offset: 0x3044A0 VA: 0x180305AA0
|-RVA: 0x306EE0 Offset: 0x3058E0 VA: 0x180306EE0
|-RVA: 0x306E80 Offset: 0x305880 VA: 0x180306E80
|-RVA: 0x307E40 Offset: 0x306840 VA: 0x180307E40
|-RVA: 0x307EA0 Offset: 0x3068A0 VA: 0x180307EA0
|-RVA: 0x307F00 Offset: 0x306900 VA: 0x180307F00
|-RVA: 0x307F60 Offset: 0x306960 VA: 0x180307F60
|-RVA: 0x307FC0 Offset: 0x3069C0 VA: 0x180307FC0
|-RVA: 0x308020 Offset: 0x306A20 VA: 0x180308020
|-RVA: 0x308080 Offset: 0x306A80 VA: 0x180308080
|-RVA: 0x3080E0 Offset: 0x306AE0 VA: 0x1803080E0
|-RVA: 0x308140 Offset: 0x306B40 VA: 0x180308140
|-RVA: 0x3081A0 Offset: 0x306BA0 VA: 0x1803081A0
|-RVA: 0x308200 Offset: 0x306C00 VA: 0x180308200
|-RVA: 0x308260 Offset: 0x306C60 VA: 0x180308260
|-RVA: 0x3082C0 Offset: 0x306CC0 VA: 0x1803082C0
|-RVA: 0x3047E0 Offset: 0x3031E0 VA: 0x1803047E0
|-RVA: 0x304780 Offset: 0x303180 VA: 0x180304780
|-RVA: 0x304840 Offset: 0x303240 VA: 0x180304840
|-RVA: 0x307840 Offset: 0x306240 VA: 0x180307840
|-RVA: 0x305560 Offset: 0x303F60 VA: 0x180305560
|-RVA: 0x304960 Offset: 0x303360 VA: 0x180304960
|-RVA: 0x303EE0 Offset: 0x3028E0 VA: 0x180303EE0
|-RVA: 0x305D40 Offset: 0x304740 VA: 0x180305D40
|-RVA: 0x305DA0 Offset: 0x3047A0 VA: 0x180305DA0
|-RVA: 0x308560 Offset: 0x306F60 VA: 0x180308560
|-RVA: 0x3058C0 Offset: 0x3042C0 VA: 0x1803058C0
|-RVA: 0x305B60 Offset: 0x304560 VA: 0x180305B60
|-RVA: 0x305C20 Offset: 0x304620 VA: 0x180305C20
|-RVA: 0x305BC0 Offset: 0x3045C0 VA: 0x180305BC0
|-RVA: 0x305C80 Offset: 0x304680 VA: 0x180305C80
|-RVA: 0x305CE0 Offset: 0x3046E0 VA: 0x180305CE0
|-RVA: 0x305B00 Offset: 0x304500 VA: 0x180305B00
|-RVA: 0x305E00 Offset: 0x304800 VA: 0x180305E00
|-RVA: 0x306B80 Offset: 0x305580 VA: 0x180306B80
|-RVA: 0x307600 Offset: 0x306000 VA: 0x180307600
|-RVA: 0x307A80 Offset: 0x306480 VA: 0x180307A80
|-RVA: 0x307C60 Offset: 0x306660 VA: 0x180307C60
|-RVA: 0x307420 Offset: 0x305E20 VA: 0x180307420
|-RVA: 0x305980 Offset: 0x304380 VA: 0x180305980
|-RVA: 0x305920 Offset: 0x304320 VA: 0x180305920
|-RVA: 0x308D40 Offset: 0x307740 VA: 0x180308D40
|-RVA: 0x308DA0 Offset: 0x3077A0 VA: 0x180308DA0
|-RVA: 0x308E00 Offset: 0x307800 VA: 0x180308E00
|-RVA: 0x309160 Offset: 0x307B60 VA: 0x180309160
|-RVA: 0x308CE0 Offset: 0x3076E0 VA: 0x180308CE0
|-RVA: 0x304180 Offset: 0x302B80 VA: 0x180304180
|-RVA: 0x307660 Offset: 0x306060 VA: 0x180307660
|-RVA: 0x305740 Offset: 0x304140 VA: 0x180305740
|-RVA: 0x3046C0 Offset: 0x3030C0 VA: 0x1803046C0
|-RVA: 0x304720 Offset: 0x303120 VA: 0x180304720
|-RVA: 0x306FA0 Offset: 0x3059A0 VA: 0x180306FA0
|-RVA: 0x3075A0 Offset: 0x305FA0 VA: 0x1803075A0
|-RVA: 0x305500 Offset: 0x303F00 VA: 0x180305500
|-RVA: 0x305620 Offset: 0x304020 VA: 0x180305620
|-RVA: 0x307720 Offset: 0x306120 VA: 0x180307720
|-RVA: 0x3057A0 Offset: 0x3041A0 VA: 0x1803057A0
|-RVA: 0x3076C0 Offset: 0x3060C0 VA: 0x1803076C0
|-RVA: 0x308EC0 Offset: 0x3078C0 VA: 0x180308EC0
|-RVA: 0x307900 Offset: 0x306300 VA: 0x180307900
|-RVA: 0x306BE0 Offset: 0x3055E0 VA: 0x180306BE0
|-RVA: 0x304360 Offset: 0x302D60 VA: 0x180304360
|-RVA: 0x304300 Offset: 0x302D00 VA: 0x180304300
|-RVA: 0x306B20 Offset: 0x305520 VA: 0x180306B20
|-RVA: 0x3085C0 Offset: 0x306FC0 VA: 0x1803085C0
|-RVA: 0x3087A0 Offset: 0x3071A0 VA: 0x1803087A0
|-RVA: 0x308740 Offset: 0x307140 VA: 0x180308740
|-RVA: 0x308860 Offset: 0x307260 VA: 0x180308860
|-RVA: 0x308800 Offset: 0x307200 VA: 0x180308800
|-RVA: 0x3088C0 Offset: 0x3072C0 VA: 0x1803088C0
|-RVA: 0x308920 Offset: 0x307320 VA: 0x180308920
|-RVA: 0x305260 Offset: 0x303C60 VA: 0x180305260
|-RVA: 0x306CA0 Offset: 0x3056A0 VA: 0x180306CA0
|-RVA: 0x3072A0 Offset: 0x305CA0 VA: 0x1803072A0
|-RVA: 0x3077E0 Offset: 0x3061E0 VA: 0x1803077E0
|-RVA: 0x3090A0 Offset: 0x307AA0 VA: 0x1803090A0
|-RVA: 0x309040 Offset: 0x307A40 VA: 0x180309040
|-RVA: 0x306D00 Offset: 0x305700 VA: 0x180306D00
|-RVA: 0x308C80 Offset: 0x307680 VA: 0x180308C80
|-RVA: 0x304000 Offset: 0x302A00 VA: 0x180304000
|-RVA: 0x304A20 Offset: 0x303420 VA: 0x180304A20
|-RVA: 0x307240 Offset: 0x305C40 VA: 0x180307240
|-RVA: 0x307000 Offset: 0x305A00 VA: 0x180307000
|-RVA: 0x306D60 Offset: 0x305760 VA: 0x180306D60
|-RVA: 0x3084A0 Offset: 0x306EA0 VA: 0x1803084A0
|-RVA: 0x304060 Offset: 0x302A60 VA: 0x180304060
|-RVA: 0x304A80 Offset: 0x303480 VA: 0x180304A80
|-RVA: 0x306DC0 Offset: 0x3057C0 VA: 0x180306DC0
|-RVA: 0x306F40 Offset: 0x305940 VA: 0x180306F40
|-RVA: 0x304480 Offset: 0x302E80 VA: 0x180304480
|-RVA: 0x304540 Offset: 0x302F40 VA: 0x180304540
|-RVA: 0x304600 Offset: 0x303000 VA: 0x180304600
|-RVA: 0x304660 Offset: 0x303060 VA: 0x180304660
|-RVA: 0x3073C0 Offset: 0x305DC0 VA: 0x1803073C0
|-RVA: 0x306AC0 Offset: 0x3054C0 VA: 0x180306AC0
|-RVA: 0x308500 Offset: 0x306F00 VA: 0x180308500
|-RVA: 0x306A60 Offset: 0x305460 VA: 0x180306A60
|-RVA: 0x307180 Offset: 0x305B80 VA: 0x180307180
|-RVA: 0x3070C0 Offset: 0x305AC0 VA: 0x1803070C0
|-RVA: 0x307120 Offset: 0x305B20 VA: 0x180307120
|-RVA: 0x307300 Offset: 0x305D00 VA: 0x180307300
|-RVA: 0x307360 Offset: 0x305D60 VA: 0x180307360
|-RVA: 0x304120 Offset: 0x302B20 VA: 0x180304120
|-RVA: 0x307540 Offset: 0x305F40 VA: 0x180307540
|-RVA: 0x3059E0 Offset: 0x3043E0 VA: 0x1803059E0
|-RVA: 0x3044E0 Offset: 0x302EE0 VA: 0x1803044E0
|-RVA: 0x306E20 Offset: 0x305820 VA: 0x180306E20
|-RVA: 0x307DE0 Offset: 0x3067E0 VA: 0x180307DE0
|-RVA: 0x308620 Offset: 0x307020 VA: 0x180308620
|-RVA: 0x304900 Offset: 0x303300 VA: 0x180304900
|-RVA: 0x3055C0 Offset: 0x303FC0 VA: 0x1803055C0
|-RVA: 0x3056E0 Offset: 0x3040E0 VA: 0x1803056E0
|-RVA: 0x3078A0 Offset: 0x3062A0 VA: 0x1803078A0
|-RVA: 0x3083E0 Offset: 0x306DE0 VA: 0x1803083E0
|-RVA: 0x308680 Offset: 0x307080 VA: 0x180308680
|-RVA: 0x3086E0 Offset: 0x3070E0 VA: 0x1803086E0
|-RVA: 0x308E60 Offset: 0x307860 VA: 0x180308E60
|-RVA: 0x308A40 Offset: 0x307440 VA: 0x180308A40
|-RVA: 0x308B00 Offset: 0x307500 VA: 0x180308B00
|-RVA: 0x308AA0 Offset: 0x3074A0 VA: 0x180308AA0
|-RVA: 0x308B60 Offset: 0x307560 VA: 0x180308B60
|-RVA: 0x307780 Offset: 0x306180 VA: 0x180307780
|-RVA: 0x3091C0 Offset: 0x307BC0 VA: 0x1803091C0
|-RVA: 0x308980 Offset: 0x307380 VA: 0x180308980
|-RVA: 0x308FE0 Offset: 0x3079E0 VA: 0x180308FE0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal bool InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<T>(T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x3EDC00 Offset: 0x3EC600 VA: 0x1803EDC00
|-RVA: 0x3ECEE0 Offset: 0x3EB8E0 VA: 0x1803ECEE0
|-RVA: 0x3EDA80 Offset: 0x3EC480 VA: 0x1803EDA80
|-RVA: 0x3EFD60 Offset: 0x3EE760 VA: 0x1803EFD60
|-RVA: 0x3F0DE0 Offset: 0x3EF7E0 VA: 0x1803F0DE0
|-RVA: 0x3F0720 Offset: 0x3EF120 VA: 0x1803F0720
|-RVA: 0x3EF040 Offset: 0x3EDA40 VA: 0x1803EF040
|-RVA: 0x3EDE40 Offset: 0x3EC840 VA: 0x1803EDE40
|-RVA: 0x3EDC60 Offset: 0x3EC660 VA: 0x1803EDC60
|-RVA: 0x3EE260 Offset: 0x3ECC60 VA: 0x1803EE260
|-RVA: 0x3F1380 Offset: 0x3EFD80 VA: 0x1803F1380
|-RVA: 0x3F1320 Offset: 0x3EFD20 VA: 0x1803F1320
|-RVA: 0x3F0840 Offset: 0x3EF240 VA: 0x1803F0840
|-RVA: 0x3EE2C0 Offset: 0x3ECCC0 VA: 0x1803EE2C0
|-RVA: 0x3F0780 Offset: 0x3EF180 VA: 0x1803F0780
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EF460 Offset: 0x3EDE60 VA: 0x1803EF460
|-RVA: 0x3EC280 Offset: 0x3EAC80 VA: 0x1803EC280
|-RVA: 0x3EC340 Offset: 0x3EAD40 VA: 0x1803EC340
|-RVA: 0x3EC820 Offset: 0x3EB220 VA: 0x1803EC820
|-RVA: 0x3ECDC0 Offset: 0x3EB7C0 VA: 0x1803ECDC0
|-RVA: 0x3EF5E0 Offset: 0x3EDFE0 VA: 0x1803EF5E0
|-RVA: 0x3F1020 Offset: 0x3EFA20 VA: 0x1803F1020
|-RVA: 0x3F0FC0 Offset: 0x3EF9C0 VA: 0x1803F0FC0
|-RVA: 0x3EC3A0 Offset: 0x3EADA0 VA: 0x1803EC3A0
|-RVA: 0x3EC5E0 Offset: 0x3EAFE0 VA: 0x1803EC5E0
|-RVA: 0x3EC6A0 Offset: 0x3EB0A0 VA: 0x1803EC6A0
|-RVA: 0x3EC640 Offset: 0x3EB040 VA: 0x1803EC640
|-RVA: 0x3EC7C0 Offset: 0x3EB1C0 VA: 0x1803EC7C0
|-RVA: 0x3F0180 Offset: 0x3EEB80 VA: 0x1803F0180
|-RVA: 0x3ECCA0 Offset: 0x3EB6A0 VA: 0x1803ECCA0
|-RVA: 0x3ED6C0 Offset: 0x3EC0C0 VA: 0x1803ED6C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED5A0 Offset: 0x3EBFA0 VA: 0x1803ED5A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED540 Offset: 0x3EBF40 VA: 0x1803ED540
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED7E0 Offset: 0x3EC1E0 VA: 0x1803ED7E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3ECF40 Offset: 0x3EB940 VA: 0x1803ECF40
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED600 Offset: 0x3EC000 VA: 0x1803ED600
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED480 Offset: 0x3EBE80 VA: 0x1803ED480
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED1E0 Offset: 0x3EBBE0 VA: 0x1803ED1E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED4E0 Offset: 0x3EBEE0 VA: 0x1803ED4E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED0C0 Offset: 0x3EBAC0 VA: 0x1803ED0C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED720 Offset: 0x3EC120 VA: 0x1803ED720
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED300 Offset: 0x3EBD00 VA: 0x1803ED300
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED180 Offset: 0x3EBB80 VA: 0x1803ED180
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED2A0 Offset: 0x3EBCA0 VA: 0x1803ED2A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED060 Offset: 0x3EBA60 VA: 0x1803ED060
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED360 Offset: 0x3EBD60 VA: 0x1803ED360
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x3ECFA0 Offset: 0x3EB9A0 VA: 0x1803ECFA0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED840 Offset: 0x3EC240 VA: 0x1803ED840
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED8A0 Offset: 0x3EC2A0 VA: 0x1803ED8A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED000 Offset: 0x3EBA00 VA: 0x1803ED000
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED240 Offset: 0x3EBC40 VA: 0x1803ED240
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED780 Offset: 0x3EC180 VA: 0x1803ED780
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED420 Offset: 0x3EBE20 VA: 0x1803ED420
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED3C0 Offset: 0x3EBDC0 VA: 0x1803ED3C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3ED120 Offset: 0x3EBB20 VA: 0x1803ED120
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3F00C0 Offset: 0x3EEAC0 VA: 0x1803F00C0
|-RVA: 0x3EFDC0 Offset: 0x3EE7C0 VA: 0x1803EFDC0
|-RVA: 0x3EFEE0 Offset: 0x3EE8E0 VA: 0x1803EFEE0
|-RVA: 0x3F0120 Offset: 0x3EEB20 VA: 0x1803F0120
|-RVA: 0x3EFE20 Offset: 0x3EE820 VA: 0x1803EFE20
|-RVA: 0x3EFF40 Offset: 0x3EE940 VA: 0x1803EFF40
|-RVA: 0x3F0000 Offset: 0x3EEA00 VA: 0x1803F0000
|-RVA: 0x3EFFA0 Offset: 0x3EE9A0 VA: 0x1803EFFA0
|-RVA: 0x3EE860 Offset: 0x3ED260 VA: 0x1803EE860
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE800 Offset: 0x3ED200 VA: 0x1803EE800
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE6E0 Offset: 0x3ED0E0 VA: 0x1803EE6E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE620 Offset: 0x3ED020 VA: 0x1803EE620
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x3EED40 Offset: 0x3ED740 VA: 0x1803EED40
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE980 Offset: 0x3ED380 VA: 0x1803EE980
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE5C0 Offset: 0x3ECFC0 VA: 0x1803EE5C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE680 Offset: 0x3ED080 VA: 0x1803EE680
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE320 Offset: 0x3ECD20 VA: 0x1803EE320
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3EEC20 Offset: 0x3ED620 VA: 0x1803EEC20
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EEA40 Offset: 0x3ED440 VA: 0x1803EEA40
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE9E0 Offset: 0x3ED3E0 VA: 0x1803EE9E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EEAA0 Offset: 0x3ED4A0 VA: 0x1803EEAA0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x3EECE0 Offset: 0x3ED6E0 VA: 0x1803EECE0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE7A0 Offset: 0x3ED1A0 VA: 0x1803EE7A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EEB00 Offset: 0x3ED500 VA: 0x1803EEB00
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x3EEE00 Offset: 0x3ED800 VA: 0x1803EEE00
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x3EEC80 Offset: 0x3ED680 VA: 0x1803EEC80
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE500 Offset: 0x3ECF00 VA: 0x1803EE500
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3EEDA0 Offset: 0x3ED7A0 VA: 0x1803EEDA0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE440 Offset: 0x3ECE40 VA: 0x1803EE440
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE4A0 Offset: 0x3ECEA0 VA: 0x1803EE4A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE3E0 Offset: 0x3ECDE0 VA: 0x1803EE3E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE740 Offset: 0x3ED140 VA: 0x1803EE740
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE920 Offset: 0x3ED320 VA: 0x1803EE920
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE560 Offset: 0x3ECF60 VA: 0x1803EE560
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EEB60 Offset: 0x3ED560 VA: 0x1803EEB60
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE380 Offset: 0x3ECD80 VA: 0x1803EE380
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3EE8C0 Offset: 0x3ED2C0 VA: 0x1803EE8C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3EEBC0 Offset: 0x3ED5C0 VA: 0x1803EEBC0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Remove<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3F1500 Offset: 0x3EFF00 VA: 0x1803F1500
|-RVA: 0x3EC4C0 Offset: 0x3EAEC0 VA: 0x1803EC4C0
|-RVA: 0x3EF880 Offset: 0x3EE280 VA: 0x1803EF880
|-RVA: 0x3EC9A0 Offset: 0x3EB3A0 VA: 0x1803EC9A0
|-RVA: 0x3EF8E0 Offset: 0x3EE2E0 VA: 0x1803EF8E0
|-RVA: 0x3EDEA0 Offset: 0x3EC8A0 VA: 0x1803EDEA0
|-RVA: 0x3EF2E0 Offset: 0x3EDCE0 VA: 0x1803EF2E0
|-RVA: 0x3EF280 Offset: 0x3EDC80 VA: 0x1803EF280
|-RVA: 0x3F0240 Offset: 0x3EEC40 VA: 0x1803F0240
|-RVA: 0x3F02A0 Offset: 0x3EECA0 VA: 0x1803F02A0
|-RVA: 0x3F0300 Offset: 0x3EED00 VA: 0x1803F0300
|-RVA: 0x3F0360 Offset: 0x3EED60 VA: 0x1803F0360
|-RVA: 0x3F03C0 Offset: 0x3EEDC0 VA: 0x1803F03C0
|-RVA: 0x3F0420 Offset: 0x3EEE20 VA: 0x1803F0420
|-RVA: 0x3F0480 Offset: 0x3EEE80 VA: 0x1803F0480
|-RVA: 0x3F04E0 Offset: 0x3EEEE0 VA: 0x1803F04E0
|-RVA: 0x3F0540 Offset: 0x3EEF40 VA: 0x1803F0540
|-RVA: 0x3F05A0 Offset: 0x3EEFA0 VA: 0x1803F05A0
|-RVA: 0x3F0600 Offset: 0x3EF000 VA: 0x1803F0600
|-RVA: 0x3F0660 Offset: 0x3EF060 VA: 0x1803F0660
|-RVA: 0x3F06C0 Offset: 0x3EF0C0 VA: 0x1803F06C0
|-RVA: 0x3ECBE0 Offset: 0x3EB5E0 VA: 0x1803ECBE0
|-RVA: 0x3ECB80 Offset: 0x3EB580 VA: 0x1803ECB80
|-RVA: 0x3ECC40 Offset: 0x3EB640 VA: 0x1803ECC40
|-RVA: 0x3EFC40 Offset: 0x3EE640 VA: 0x1803EFC40
|-RVA: 0x3ED960 Offset: 0x3EC360 VA: 0x1803ED960
|-RVA: 0x3ECD60 Offset: 0x3EB760 VA: 0x1803ECD60
|-RVA: 0x3EC2E0 Offset: 0x3EACE0 VA: 0x1803EC2E0
|-RVA: 0x3EE140 Offset: 0x3ECB40 VA: 0x1803EE140
|-RVA: 0x3EE1A0 Offset: 0x3ECBA0 VA: 0x1803EE1A0
|-RVA: 0x3F0960 Offset: 0x3EF360 VA: 0x1803F0960
|-RVA: 0x3EDCC0 Offset: 0x3EC6C0 VA: 0x1803EDCC0
|-RVA: 0x3EDF60 Offset: 0x3EC960 VA: 0x1803EDF60
|-RVA: 0x3EE020 Offset: 0x3ECA20 VA: 0x1803EE020
|-RVA: 0x3EDFC0 Offset: 0x3EC9C0 VA: 0x1803EDFC0
|-RVA: 0x3EE080 Offset: 0x3ECA80 VA: 0x1803EE080
|-RVA: 0x3EE0E0 Offset: 0x3ECAE0 VA: 0x1803EE0E0
|-RVA: 0x3EDF00 Offset: 0x3EC900 VA: 0x1803EDF00
|-RVA: 0x3EE200 Offset: 0x3ECC00 VA: 0x1803EE200
|-RVA: 0x3EEF80 Offset: 0x3ED980 VA: 0x1803EEF80
|-RVA: 0x3EFA00 Offset: 0x3EE400 VA: 0x1803EFA00
|-RVA: 0x3EFE80 Offset: 0x3EE880 VA: 0x1803EFE80
|-RVA: 0x3F0060 Offset: 0x3EEA60 VA: 0x1803F0060
|-RVA: 0x3EF820 Offset: 0x3EE220 VA: 0x1803EF820
|-RVA: 0x3EDD80 Offset: 0x3EC780 VA: 0x1803EDD80
|-RVA: 0x3EDD20 Offset: 0x3EC720 VA: 0x1803EDD20
|-RVA: 0x3F1140 Offset: 0x3EFB40 VA: 0x1803F1140
|-RVA: 0x3F11A0 Offset: 0x3EFBA0 VA: 0x1803F11A0
|-RVA: 0x3F1200 Offset: 0x3EFC00 VA: 0x1803F1200
|-RVA: 0x3F1560 Offset: 0x3EFF60 VA: 0x1803F1560
|-RVA: 0x3F10E0 Offset: 0x3EFAE0 VA: 0x1803F10E0
|-RVA: 0x3EC580 Offset: 0x3EAF80 VA: 0x1803EC580
|-RVA: 0x3EFA60 Offset: 0x3EE460 VA: 0x1803EFA60
|-RVA: 0x3EDB40 Offset: 0x3EC540 VA: 0x1803EDB40
|-RVA: 0x3ECAC0 Offset: 0x3EB4C0 VA: 0x1803ECAC0
|-RVA: 0x3ECB20 Offset: 0x3EB520 VA: 0x1803ECB20
|-RVA: 0x3EF3A0 Offset: 0x3EDDA0 VA: 0x1803EF3A0
|-RVA: 0x3EF9A0 Offset: 0x3EE3A0 VA: 0x1803EF9A0
|-RVA: 0x3ED900 Offset: 0x3EC300 VA: 0x1803ED900
|-RVA: 0x3EDA20 Offset: 0x3EC420 VA: 0x1803EDA20
|-RVA: 0x3EFB20 Offset: 0x3EE520 VA: 0x1803EFB20
|-RVA: 0x3EDBA0 Offset: 0x3EC5A0 VA: 0x1803EDBA0
|-RVA: 0x3EFAC0 Offset: 0x3EE4C0 VA: 0x1803EFAC0
|-RVA: 0x3F12C0 Offset: 0x3EFCC0 VA: 0x1803F12C0
|-RVA: 0x3EFD00 Offset: 0x3EE700 VA: 0x1803EFD00
|-RVA: 0x3EEFE0 Offset: 0x3ED9E0 VA: 0x1803EEFE0
|-RVA: 0x3EC760 Offset: 0x3EB160 VA: 0x1803EC760
|-RVA: 0x3EC700 Offset: 0x3EB100 VA: 0x1803EC700
|-RVA: 0x3EEF20 Offset: 0x3ED920 VA: 0x1803EEF20
|-RVA: 0x3F09C0 Offset: 0x3EF3C0 VA: 0x1803F09C0
|-RVA: 0x3F0BA0 Offset: 0x3EF5A0 VA: 0x1803F0BA0
|-RVA: 0x3F0B40 Offset: 0x3EF540 VA: 0x1803F0B40
|-RVA: 0x3F0C60 Offset: 0x3EF660 VA: 0x1803F0C60
|-RVA: 0x3F0C00 Offset: 0x3EF600 VA: 0x1803F0C00
|-RVA: 0x3F0CC0 Offset: 0x3EF6C0 VA: 0x1803F0CC0
|-RVA: 0x3F0D20 Offset: 0x3EF720 VA: 0x1803F0D20
|-RVA: 0x3ED660 Offset: 0x3EC060 VA: 0x1803ED660
|-RVA: 0x3EF0A0 Offset: 0x3EDAA0 VA: 0x1803EF0A0
|-RVA: 0x3EF6A0 Offset: 0x3EE0A0 VA: 0x1803EF6A0
|-RVA: 0x3EFBE0 Offset: 0x3EE5E0 VA: 0x1803EFBE0
|-RVA: 0x3F14A0 Offset: 0x3EFEA0 VA: 0x1803F14A0
|-RVA: 0x3F1440 Offset: 0x3EFE40 VA: 0x1803F1440
|-RVA: 0x3EF100 Offset: 0x3EDB00 VA: 0x1803EF100
|-RVA: 0x3F1080 Offset: 0x3EFA80 VA: 0x1803F1080
|-RVA: 0x3EC400 Offset: 0x3EAE00 VA: 0x1803EC400
|-RVA: 0x3ECE20 Offset: 0x3EB820 VA: 0x1803ECE20
|-RVA: 0x3EF640 Offset: 0x3EE040 VA: 0x1803EF640
|-RVA: 0x3EF400 Offset: 0x3EDE00 VA: 0x1803EF400
|-RVA: 0x3EF160 Offset: 0x3EDB60 VA: 0x1803EF160
|-RVA: 0x3F08A0 Offset: 0x3EF2A0 VA: 0x1803F08A0
|-RVA: 0x3EC460 Offset: 0x3EAE60 VA: 0x1803EC460
|-RVA: 0x3ECE80 Offset: 0x3EB880 VA: 0x1803ECE80
|-RVA: 0x3EF1C0 Offset: 0x3EDBC0 VA: 0x1803EF1C0
|-RVA: 0x3EF340 Offset: 0x3EDD40 VA: 0x1803EF340
|-RVA: 0x3EC880 Offset: 0x3EB280 VA: 0x1803EC880
|-RVA: 0x3EC940 Offset: 0x3EB340 VA: 0x1803EC940
|-RVA: 0x3ECA00 Offset: 0x3EB400 VA: 0x1803ECA00
|-RVA: 0x3ECA60 Offset: 0x3EB460 VA: 0x1803ECA60
|-RVA: 0x3EF7C0 Offset: 0x3EE1C0 VA: 0x1803EF7C0
|-RVA: 0x3EEEC0 Offset: 0x3ED8C0 VA: 0x1803EEEC0
|-RVA: 0x3F0900 Offset: 0x3EF300 VA: 0x1803F0900
|-RVA: 0x3EEE60 Offset: 0x3ED860 VA: 0x1803EEE60
|-RVA: 0x3EF580 Offset: 0x3EDF80 VA: 0x1803EF580
|-RVA: 0x3EF4C0 Offset: 0x3EDEC0 VA: 0x1803EF4C0
|-RVA: 0x3EF520 Offset: 0x3EDF20 VA: 0x1803EF520
|-RVA: 0x3EF700 Offset: 0x3EE100 VA: 0x1803EF700
|-RVA: 0x3EF760 Offset: 0x3EE160 VA: 0x1803EF760
|-RVA: 0x3EC520 Offset: 0x3EAF20 VA: 0x1803EC520
|-RVA: 0x3EF940 Offset: 0x3EE340 VA: 0x1803EF940
|-RVA: 0x3EDDE0 Offset: 0x3EC7E0 VA: 0x1803EDDE0
|-RVA: 0x3EC8E0 Offset: 0x3EB2E0 VA: 0x1803EC8E0
|-RVA: 0x3EF220 Offset: 0x3EDC20 VA: 0x1803EF220
|-RVA: 0x3F01E0 Offset: 0x3EEBE0 VA: 0x1803F01E0
|-RVA: 0x3F0A20 Offset: 0x3EF420 VA: 0x1803F0A20
|-RVA: 0x3ECD00 Offset: 0x3EB700 VA: 0x1803ECD00
|-RVA: 0x3ED9C0 Offset: 0x3EC3C0 VA: 0x1803ED9C0
|-RVA: 0x3EDAE0 Offset: 0x3EC4E0 VA: 0x1803EDAE0
|-RVA: 0x3EFCA0 Offset: 0x3EE6A0 VA: 0x1803EFCA0
|-RVA: 0x3F07E0 Offset: 0x3EF1E0 VA: 0x1803F07E0
|-RVA: 0x3F0A80 Offset: 0x3EF480 VA: 0x1803F0A80
|-RVA: 0x3F0AE0 Offset: 0x3EF4E0 VA: 0x1803F0AE0
|-RVA: 0x3F1260 Offset: 0x3EFC60 VA: 0x1803F1260
|-RVA: 0x3F0E40 Offset: 0x3EF840 VA: 0x1803F0E40
|-RVA: 0x3F0F00 Offset: 0x3EF900 VA: 0x1803F0F00
|-RVA: 0x3F0EA0 Offset: 0x3EF8A0 VA: 0x1803F0EA0
|-RVA: 0x3F0F60 Offset: 0x3EF960 VA: 0x1803F0F60
|-RVA: 0x3EFB80 Offset: 0x3EE580 VA: 0x1803EFB80
|-RVA: 0x3F15C0 Offset: 0x3EFFC0 VA: 0x1803F15C0
|-RVA: 0x3F0D80 Offset: 0x3EF780 VA: 0x1803F0D80
|-RVA: 0x3F13E0 Offset: 0x3EFDE0 VA: 0x1803F13E0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal bool InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<T>(T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xDC04C0 Offset: 0xDBEEC0 VA: 0x180DC04C0
|-RVA: 0xDBD260 Offset: 0xDBBC60 VA: 0x180DBD260
|-RVA: 0xDC02E0 Offset: 0xDBECE0 VA: 0x180DC02E0
|-RVA: 0xDC5100 Offset: 0xDC3B00 VA: 0x180DC5100
|-RVA: 0xDC7950 Offset: 0xDC6350 VA: 0x180DC7950
|-RVA: 0xDC7400 Offset: 0xDC5E00 VA: 0x180DC7400
|-RVA: 0xDC4480 Offset: 0xDC2E80 VA: 0x180DC4480
|-RVA: 0xDC0870 Offset: 0xDBF270 VA: 0x180DC0870
|-RVA: 0xDC0670 Offset: 0xDBF070 VA: 0x180DC0670
|-RVA: 0xDC0B80 Offset: 0xDBF580 VA: 0x180DC0B80
|-RVA: 0xDC8090 Offset: 0xDC6A90 VA: 0x180DC8090
|-RVA: 0xDC7ED0 Offset: 0xDC68D0 VA: 0x180DC7ED0
|-RVA: 0xDC7780 Offset: 0xDC6180 VA: 0x180DC7780
|-RVA: 0xDC0D40 Offset: 0xDBF740 VA: 0x180DC0D40
|-RVA: 0xDC75C0 Offset: 0xDC5FC0 VA: 0x180DC75C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC4A60 Offset: 0xDC3460 VA: 0x180DC4A60
|-RVA: 0xDBBEB0 Offset: 0xDBA8B0 VA: 0x180DBBEB0
|-RVA: 0xDBC070 Offset: 0xDBAA70 VA: 0x180DBC070
|-RVA: 0xDBCAF0 Offset: 0xDBB4F0 VA: 0x180DBCAF0
|-RVA: 0xDBD080 Offset: 0xDBBA80 VA: 0x180DBD080
|-RVA: 0xDC4C30 Offset: 0xDC3630 VA: 0x180DC4C30
|-RVA: 0xDC7D10 Offset: 0xDC6710 VA: 0x180DC7D10
|-RVA: 0xDC7B50 Offset: 0xDC6550 VA: 0x180DC7B50
|-RVA: 0xDBC220 Offset: 0xDBAC20 VA: 0x180DBC220
|-RVA: 0xDBC5A0 Offset: 0xDBAFA0 VA: 0x180DBC5A0
|-RVA: 0xDBC870 Offset: 0xDBB270 VA: 0x180DBC870
|-RVA: 0xDBC6E0 Offset: 0xDBB0E0 VA: 0x180DBC6E0
|-RVA: 0xDBC9B0 Offset: 0xDBB3B0 VA: 0x180DBC9B0
|-RVA: 0xDC6170 Offset: 0xDC4B70 VA: 0x180DC6170
|-RVA: 0xDBCEC0 Offset: 0xDBB8C0 VA: 0x180DBCEC0
|-RVA: 0xDBF7C0 Offset: 0xDBE1C0 VA: 0x180DBF7C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0xDBF3B0 Offset: 0xDBDDB0 VA: 0x180DBF3B0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDBF1F0 Offset: 0xDBDBF0 VA: 0x180DBF1F0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0xDBFD60 Offset: 0xDBE760 VA: 0x180DBFD60
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDBD440 Offset: 0xDBBE40 VA: 0x180DBD440
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDBF590 Offset: 0xDBDF90 VA: 0x180DBF590
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0xDBEE30 Offset: 0xDBD830 VA: 0x180DBEE30
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDBE140 Offset: 0xDBCB40 VA: 0x180DBE140
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDBF010 Offset: 0xDBDA10 VA: 0x180DBF010
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDBDBC0 Offset: 0xDBC5C0 VA: 0x180DBDBC0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0xDBF9C0 Offset: 0xDBE3C0 VA: 0x180DBF9C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDBE6C0 Offset: 0xDBD0C0 VA: 0x180DBE6C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDBDF60 Offset: 0xDBC960 VA: 0x180DBDF60
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0xDBE4E0 Offset: 0xDBCEE0 VA: 0x180DBE4E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0xDBD9E0 Offset: 0xDBC3E0 VA: 0x180DBD9E0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDBE8A0 Offset: 0xDBD2A0 VA: 0x180DBE8A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0xDBD620 Offset: 0xDBC020 VA: 0x180DBD620
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDBFF20 Offset: 0xDBE920 VA: 0x180DBFF20
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0xDC0100 Offset: 0xDBEB00 VA: 0x180DC0100
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0xDBD800 Offset: 0xDBC200 VA: 0x180DBD800
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0xDBE300 Offset: 0xDBCD00 VA: 0x180DBE300
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDBFB80 Offset: 0xDBE580 VA: 0x180DBFB80
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDBEC50 Offset: 0xDBD650 VA: 0x180DBEC50
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDBEA80 Offset: 0xDBD480 VA: 0x180DBEA80
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDBDD80 Offset: 0xDBC780 VA: 0x180DBDD80
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC5DD0 Offset: 0xDC47D0 VA: 0x180DC5DD0
|-RVA: 0xDC5300 Offset: 0xDC3D00 VA: 0x180DC5300
|-RVA: 0xDC5690 Offset: 0xDC4090 VA: 0x180DC5690
|-RVA: 0xDC5FA0 Offset: 0xDC49A0 VA: 0x180DC5FA0
|-RVA: 0xDC54D0 Offset: 0xDC3ED0 VA: 0x180DC54D0
|-RVA: 0xDC5860 Offset: 0xDC4260 VA: 0x180DC5860
|-RVA: 0xDC5C00 Offset: 0xDC4600 VA: 0x180DC5C00
|-RVA: 0xDC5A30 Offset: 0xDC4430 VA: 0x180DC5A30
|-RVA: 0xDC2830 Offset: 0xDC1230 VA: 0x180DC2830
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0xDC2650 Offset: 0xDC1050 VA: 0x180DC2650
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC2110 Offset: 0xDC0B10 VA: 0x180DC2110
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC1DA0 Offset: 0xDC07A0 VA: 0x180DC1DA0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0xDC3F50 Offset: 0xDC2950 VA: 0x180DC3F50
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDC2DA0 Offset: 0xDC17A0 VA: 0x180DC2DA0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC1B90 Offset: 0xDC0590 VA: 0x180DC1B90
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0xDC1F50 Offset: 0xDC0950 VA: 0x180DC1F50
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC0F20 Offset: 0xDBF920 VA: 0x180DC0F20
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDC3A00 Offset: 0xDC2400 VA: 0x180DC3A00
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC3140 Offset: 0xDC1B40 VA: 0x180DC3140
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDC2F80 Offset: 0xDC1980 VA: 0x180DC2F80
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC32F0 Offset: 0xDC1CF0 VA: 0x180DC32F0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0xDC3DA0 Offset: 0xDC27A0 VA: 0x180DC3DA0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDC2490 Offset: 0xDC0E90 VA: 0x180DC2490
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC34A0 Offset: 0xDC1EA0 VA: 0x180DC34A0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0xDC42C0 Offset: 0xDC2CC0 VA: 0x180DC42C0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0xDC3BE0 Offset: 0xDC25E0 VA: 0x180DC3BE0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0xDC1810 Offset: 0xDC0210 VA: 0x180DC1810
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDC4100 Offset: 0xDC2B00 VA: 0x180DC4100
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0xDC1470 Offset: 0xDBFE70 VA: 0x180DC1470
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC1630 Offset: 0xDC0030 VA: 0x180DC1630
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0xDC12B0 Offset: 0xDBFCB0 VA: 0x180DC12B0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0xDC22D0 Offset: 0xDC0CD0 VA: 0x180DC22D0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0xDC2BE0 Offset: 0xDC15E0 VA: 0x180DC2BE0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC19D0 Offset: 0xDC03D0 VA: 0x180DC19D0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC3680 Offset: 0xDC2080 VA: 0x180DC3680
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC10F0 Offset: 0xDBFAF0 VA: 0x180DC10F0
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC2A10 Offset: 0xDC1410 VA: 0x180DC2A10
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0xDC3840 Offset: 0xDC2240 VA: 0x180DC3840
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_Contains<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0xDC8270 Offset: 0xDC6C70 VA: 0x180DC8270
|-RVA: 0xDBC3E0 Offset: 0xDBADE0 VA: 0x180DBC3E0
|-RVA: 0xDC4DE0 Offset: 0xDC37E0 VA: 0x180DC4DE0
|-RVA: 0xDBCD00 Offset: 0xDBB700 VA: 0x180DBCD00
|-RVA: 0xDC4F40 Offset: 0xDC3940 VA: 0x180DC4F40
|-RVA: 0xDC0A30 Offset: 0xDBF430 VA: 0x180DC0A30
|-RVA: 0xDC4880 Offset: 0xDC3280 VA: 0x180DC4880
|-RVA: 0xDC4680 Offset: 0xDC3080 VA: 0x180DC4680
|-RVA: 0xDC6330 Offset: 0xDC4D30 VA: 0x180DC6330
|-RVA: 0xDC6470 Offset: 0xDC4E70 VA: 0x180DC6470
|-RVA: 0xDC65B0 Offset: 0xDC4FB0 VA: 0x180DC65B0
|-RVA: 0xDC66F0 Offset: 0xDC50F0 VA: 0x180DC66F0
|-RVA: 0xDC6850 Offset: 0xDC5250 VA: 0x180DC6850
|-RVA: 0xDC69B0 Offset: 0xDC53B0 VA: 0x180DC69B0
|-RVA: 0xDC6B00 Offset: 0xDC5500 VA: 0x180DC6B00
|-RVA: 0xDC6C40 Offset: 0xDC5640 VA: 0x180DC6C40
|-RVA: 0xDC6D80 Offset: 0xDC5780 VA: 0x180DC6D80
|-RVA: 0xDC6EC0 Offset: 0xDC58C0 VA: 0x180DC6EC0
|-RVA: 0xDC7010 Offset: 0xDC5A10 VA: 0x180DC7010
|-RVA: 0xDC7160 Offset: 0xDC5B60 VA: 0x180DC7160
|-RVA: 0xDC72A0 Offset: 0xDC5CA0 VA: 0x180DC72A0
|-RVA: 0x3E1EF0 Offset: 0x3E08F0 VA: 0x1803E1EF0
|-RVA: 0x3E1DA0 Offset: 0x3E07A0 VA: 0x1803E1DA0
|-RVA: 0x3E2030 Offset: 0x3E0A30 VA: 0x1803E2030
|-RVA: 0x3E8260 Offset: 0x3E6C60 VA: 0x1803E8260
|-RVA: 0x3E2C30 Offset: 0x3E1630 VA: 0x1803E2C30
|-RVA: 0x3E2340 Offset: 0x3E0D40 VA: 0x1803E2340
|-RVA: 0x3E0680 Offset: 0x3DF080 VA: 0x1803E0680
|-RVA: 0x3E45E0 Offset: 0x3E2FE0 VA: 0x1803E45E0
|-RVA: 0x3E47A0 Offset: 0x3E31A0 VA: 0x1803E47A0
|-RVA: 0x3E9260 Offset: 0x3E7C60 VA: 0x1803E9260
|-RVA: 0x3E36C0 Offset: 0x3E20C0 VA: 0x1803E36C0
|-RVA: 0x3E3F50 Offset: 0x3E2950 VA: 0x1803E3F50
|-RVA: 0x3E4220 Offset: 0x3E2C20 VA: 0x1803E4220
|-RVA: 0x3E4090 Offset: 0x3E2A90 VA: 0x1803E4090
|-RVA: 0x3E4360 Offset: 0x3E2D60 VA: 0x1803E4360
|-RVA: 0x3E44A0 Offset: 0x3E2EA0 VA: 0x1803E44A0
|-RVA: 0x3E3D70 Offset: 0x3E2770 VA: 0x1803E3D70
|-RVA: 0x3E4960 Offset: 0x3E3360 VA: 0x1803E4960
|-RVA: 0x3E5140 Offset: 0x3E3B40 VA: 0x1803E5140
|-RVA: 0x3E7840 Offset: 0x3E6240 VA: 0x1803E7840
|-RVA: 0x3E8710 Offset: 0x3E7110 VA: 0x1803E8710
|-RVA: 0x3E88E0 Offset: 0x3E72E0 VA: 0x1803E88E0
|-RVA: 0x3E72F0 Offset: 0x3E5CF0 VA: 0x1803E72F0
|-RVA: 0x3E39F0 Offset: 0x3E23F0 VA: 0x1803E39F0
|-RVA: 0x3E3810 Offset: 0x3E2210 VA: 0x1803E3810
|-RVA: 0x3EAE10 Offset: 0x3E9810 VA: 0x1803EAE10
|-RVA: 0x3EB0C0 Offset: 0x3E9AC0 VA: 0x1803EB0C0
|-RVA: 0x3EB360 Offset: 0x3E9D60 VA: 0x1803EB360
|-RVA: 0x3EBEA0 Offset: 0x3EA8A0 VA: 0x1803EBEA0
|-RVA: 0x3EAC50 Offset: 0x3E9650 VA: 0x1803EAC50
|-RVA: 0x3E0E00 Offset: 0x3DF800 VA: 0x1803E0E00
|-RVA: 0x3E7A10 Offset: 0x3E6410 VA: 0x1803E7A10
|-RVA: 0x3E33C0 Offset: 0x3E1DC0 VA: 0x1803E33C0
|-RVA: 0x3E1AF0 Offset: 0x3E04F0 VA: 0x1803E1AF0
|-RVA: 0x3E1C50 Offset: 0x3E0650 VA: 0x1803E1C50
|-RVA: 0x3E5F80 Offset: 0x3E4980 VA: 0x1803E5F80
|-RVA: 0x3E7680 Offset: 0x3E6080 VA: 0x1803E7680
|-RVA: 0x3E2A70 Offset: 0x3E1470 VA: 0x1803E2A70
|-RVA: 0x3E3020 Offset: 0x3E1A20 VA: 0x1803E3020
|-RVA: 0x3E7C70 Offset: 0x3E6670 VA: 0x1803E7C70
|-RVA: 0x3E3580 Offset: 0x3E1F80 VA: 0x1803E3580
|-RVA: 0x3E7B30 Offset: 0x3E6530 VA: 0x1803E7B30
|-RVA: 0x3EB720 Offset: 0x3EA120 VA: 0x1803EB720
|-RVA: 0x3E85C0 Offset: 0x3E6FC0 VA: 0x1803E85C0
|-RVA: 0x3E5290 Offset: 0x3E3C90 VA: 0x1803E5290
|-RVA: 0x3E10B0 Offset: 0x3DFAB0 VA: 0x1803E10B0
|-RVA: 0x3E0F50 Offset: 0x3DF950 VA: 0x1803E0F50
|-RVA: 0x3E4F90 Offset: 0x3E3990 VA: 0x1803E4F90
|-RVA: 0x3E9440 Offset: 0x3E7E40 VA: 0x1803E9440
|-RVA: 0x3E9D00 Offset: 0x3E8700 VA: 0x1803E9D00
|-RVA: 0x3E9B70 Offset: 0x3E8570 VA: 0x1803E9B70
|-RVA: 0x3E9FD0 Offset: 0x3E89D0 VA: 0x1803E9FD0
|-RVA: 0x3E9E40 Offset: 0x3E8840 VA: 0x1803E9E40
|-RVA: 0x3EA110 Offset: 0x3E8B10 VA: 0x1803EA110
|-RVA: 0x3EA250 Offset: 0x3E8C50 VA: 0x1803EA250
|-RVA: 0x3E28B0 Offset: 0x3E12B0 VA: 0x1803E28B0
|-RVA: 0x3E5460 Offset: 0x3E3E60 VA: 0x1803E5460
|-RVA: 0x3E6AB0 Offset: 0x3E54B0 VA: 0x1803E6AB0
|-RVA: 0x3E8060 Offset: 0x3E6A60 VA: 0x1803E8060
|-RVA: 0x3EBCE0 Offset: 0x3EA6E0 VA: 0x1803EBCE0
|-RVA: 0x3EBAE0 Offset: 0x3EA4E0 VA: 0x1803EBAE0
|-RVA: 0x3E5620 Offset: 0x3E4020 VA: 0x1803E5620
|-RVA: 0x3EAA90 Offset: 0x3E9490 VA: 0x1803EAA90
|-RVA: 0x3E0840 Offset: 0x3DF240 VA: 0x1803E0840
|-RVA: 0x3E2490 Offset: 0x3E0E90 VA: 0x1803E2490
|-RVA: 0x3E6950 Offset: 0x3E5350 VA: 0x1803E6950
|-RVA: 0x3E6130 Offset: 0x3E4B30 VA: 0x1803E6130
|-RVA: 0x3E5800 Offset: 0x3E4200 VA: 0x1803E5800
|-RVA: 0x3E8E80 Offset: 0x3E7880 VA: 0x1803E8E80
|-RVA: 0x3E0A50 Offset: 0x3DF450 VA: 0x1803E0A50
|-RVA: 0x3E26A0 Offset: 0x3E10A0 VA: 0x1803E26A0
|-RVA: 0x3E59E0 Offset: 0x3E43E0 VA: 0x1803E59E0
|-RVA: 0x3E5DC0 Offset: 0x3E47C0 VA: 0x1803E5DC0
|-RVA: 0x3E11F0 Offset: 0x3DFBF0 VA: 0x1803E11F0
|-RVA: 0x3E1570 Offset: 0x3DFF70 VA: 0x1803E1570
|-RVA: 0x3E16C0 Offset: 0x3E00C0 VA: 0x1803E16C0
|-RVA: 0x3E18F0 Offset: 0x3E02F0 VA: 0x1803E18F0
|-RVA: 0x3E70A0 Offset: 0x3E5AA0 VA: 0x1803E70A0
|-RVA: 0x3E4D20 Offset: 0x3E3720 VA: 0x1803E4D20
|-RVA: 0x3E90B0 Offset: 0x3E7AB0 VA: 0x1803E90B0
|-RVA: 0x3E4B20 Offset: 0x3E3520 VA: 0x1803E4B20
|-RVA: 0x3E6750 Offset: 0x3E5150 VA: 0x1803E6750
|-RVA: 0x3E63B0 Offset: 0x3E4DB0 VA: 0x1803E63B0
|-RVA: 0x3E6570 Offset: 0x3E4F70 VA: 0x1803E6570
|-RVA: 0x3E6C70 Offset: 0x3E5670 VA: 0x1803E6C70
|-RVA: 0x3E6E70 Offset: 0x3E5870 VA: 0x1803E6E70
|-RVA: 0x3E0C30 Offset: 0x3DF630 VA: 0x1803E0C30
|-RVA: 0x3E74B0 Offset: 0x3E5EB0 VA: 0x1803E74B0
|-RVA: 0x3E3BB0 Offset: 0x3E25B0 VA: 0x1803E3BB0
|-RVA: 0x3E13A0 Offset: 0x3DFDA0 VA: 0x1803E13A0
|-RVA: 0x3E5BC0 Offset: 0x3E45C0 VA: 0x1803E5BC0
|-RVA: 0x3E8AC0 Offset: 0x3E74C0 VA: 0x1803E8AC0
|-RVA: 0x3E9580 Offset: 0x3E7F80 VA: 0x1803E9580
|-RVA: 0x3E2180 Offset: 0x3E0B80 VA: 0x1803E2180
|-RVA: 0x3E2E60 Offset: 0x3E1860 VA: 0x1803E2E60
|-RVA: 0x3E3200 Offset: 0x3E1C00 VA: 0x1803E3200
|-RVA: 0x3E8410 Offset: 0x3E6E10 VA: 0x1803E8410
|-RVA: 0x3E8CA0 Offset: 0x3E76A0 VA: 0x1803E8CA0
|-RVA: 0x3E9750 Offset: 0x3E8150 VA: 0x1803E9750
|-RVA: 0x3E9910 Offset: 0x3E8310 VA: 0x1803E9910
|-RVA: 0x3EB540 Offset: 0x3E9F40 VA: 0x1803EB540
|-RVA: 0x3EA540 Offset: 0x3E8F40 VA: 0x1803EA540
|-RVA: 0x3EA7E0 Offset: 0x3E91E0 VA: 0x1803EA7E0
|-RVA: 0x3EA680 Offset: 0x3E9080 VA: 0x1803EA680
|-RVA: 0x3EA940 Offset: 0x3E9340 VA: 0x1803EA940
|-RVA: 0x3E7EA0 Offset: 0x3E68A0 VA: 0x1803E7EA0
|-RVA: 0x3EC0D0 Offset: 0x3EAAD0 VA: 0x1803EC0D0
|-RVA: 0x3EA390 Offset: 0x3E8D90 VA: 0x1803EA390
|-RVA: 0x3EB8E0 Offset: 0x3EA2E0 VA: 0x1803EB8E0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<T>(T[] array, int arrayIndex) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x309220 Offset: 0x307C20 VA: 0x180309220
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<char, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<int, float>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-Array.InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal T InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<T>(int index) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2CDE40 Offset: 0x2CC840 VA: 0x1802CDE40
|-RVA: 0x2CC3F0 Offset: 0x2CADF0 VA: 0x1802CC3F0
|-RVA: 0x2CDB50 Offset: 0x2CC550 VA: 0x1802CDB50
|-RVA: 0x2D2030 Offset: 0x2D0A30 VA: 0x1802D2030
|-RVA: 0x2D4050 Offset: 0x2D2A50 VA: 0x1802D4050
|-RVA: 0x2D3340 Offset: 0x2D1D40 VA: 0x1802D3340
|-RVA: 0x2D0610 Offset: 0x2CF010 VA: 0x1802D0610
|-RVA: 0x2CE2B0 Offset: 0x2CCCB0 VA: 0x1802CE2B0
|-RVA: 0x2CDEF0 Offset: 0x2CC8F0 VA: 0x1802CDEF0
|-RVA: 0x2CEAA0 Offset: 0x2CD4A0 VA: 0x1802CEAA0
|-RVA: 0x2D4B80 Offset: 0x2D3580 VA: 0x1802D4B80
|-RVA: 0x2D4AC0 Offset: 0x2D34C0 VA: 0x1802D4AC0
|-RVA: 0x2D3580 Offset: 0x2D1F80 VA: 0x1802D3580
|-RVA: 0x2CEB60 Offset: 0x2CD560 VA: 0x1802CEB60
|-RVA: 0x2D3400 Offset: 0x2D1E00 VA: 0x1802D3400
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2D0E60 Offset: 0x2CF860 VA: 0x1802D0E60
|-RVA: 0x2CABA0 Offset: 0x2C95A0 VA: 0x1802CABA0
|-RVA: 0x2CAD20 Offset: 0x2C9720 VA: 0x1802CAD20
|-RVA: 0x2CB680 Offset: 0x2CA080 VA: 0x1802CB680
|-RVA: 0x2CC1B0 Offset: 0x2CABB0 VA: 0x1802CC1B0
|-RVA: 0x2D1160 Offset: 0x2CFB60 VA: 0x1802D1160
|-RVA: 0x2D44C0 Offset: 0x2D2EC0 VA: 0x1802D44C0
|-RVA: 0x2D4400 Offset: 0x2D2E00 VA: 0x1802D4400
|-RVA: 0x2CADD0 Offset: 0x2C97D0 VA: 0x1802CADD0
|-RVA: 0x2CB250 Offset: 0x2C9C50 VA: 0x1802CB250
|-RVA: 0x2CB3B0 Offset: 0x2C9DB0 VA: 0x1802CB3B0
|-RVA: 0x2CB300 Offset: 0x2C9D00 VA: 0x1802CB300
|-RVA: 0x2CB5D0 Offset: 0x2C9FD0 VA: 0x1802CB5D0
|-RVA: 0x2D2870 Offset: 0x2D1270 VA: 0x1802D2870
|-RVA: 0x2CBF80 Offset: 0x2CA980 VA: 0x1802CBF80
|-RVA: 0x2CD3C0 Offset: 0x2CBDC0 VA: 0x1802CD3C0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x2CD170 Offset: 0x2CBB70 VA: 0x1802CD170
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CD0B0 Offset: 0x2CBAB0 VA: 0x1802CD0B0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x2CD600 Offset: 0x2CC000 VA: 0x1802CD600
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2CC4B0 Offset: 0x2CAEB0 VA: 0x1802CC4B0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CD230 Offset: 0x2CBC30 VA: 0x1802CD230
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x2CCF30 Offset: 0x2CB930 VA: 0x1802CCF30
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CC9F0 Offset: 0x2CB3F0 VA: 0x1802CC9F0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2CCFF0 Offset: 0x2CB9F0 VA: 0x1802CCFF0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CC7B0 Offset: 0x2CB1B0 VA: 0x1802CC7B0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x2CD480 Offset: 0x2CBE80 VA: 0x1802CD480
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2CCC30 Offset: 0x2CB630 VA: 0x1802CCC30
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CC930 Offset: 0x2CB330 VA: 0x1802CC930
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x2CCB70 Offset: 0x2CB570 VA: 0x1802CCB70
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x2CC6F0 Offset: 0x2CB0F0 VA: 0x1802CC6F0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2CCCF0 Offset: 0x2CB6F0 VA: 0x1802CCCF0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x2CC570 Offset: 0x2CAF70 VA: 0x1802CC570
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CD6C0 Offset: 0x2CC0C0 VA: 0x1802CD6C0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x2CD780 Offset: 0x2CC180 VA: 0x1802CD780
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x2CC630 Offset: 0x2CB030 VA: 0x1802CC630
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x2CCAB0 Offset: 0x2CB4B0 VA: 0x1802CCAB0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CD540 Offset: 0x2CBF40 VA: 0x1802CD540
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CCE70 Offset: 0x2CB870 VA: 0x1802CCE70
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CCDB0 Offset: 0x2CB7B0 VA: 0x1802CCDB0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2CC870 Offset: 0x2CB270 VA: 0x1802CC870
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2D26F0 Offset: 0x2D10F0 VA: 0x1802D26F0
|-RVA: 0x2D20F0 Offset: 0x2D0AF0 VA: 0x1802D20F0
|-RVA: 0x2D2330 Offset: 0x2D0D30 VA: 0x1802D2330
|-RVA: 0x2D27B0 Offset: 0x2D11B0 VA: 0x1802D27B0
|-RVA: 0x2D21B0 Offset: 0x2D0BB0 VA: 0x1802D21B0
|-RVA: 0x2D23F0 Offset: 0x2D0DF0 VA: 0x1802D23F0
|-RVA: 0x2D2570 Offset: 0x2D0F70 VA: 0x1802D2570
|-RVA: 0x2D24B0 Offset: 0x2D0EB0 VA: 0x1802D24B0
|-RVA: 0x2CF690 Offset: 0x2CE090 VA: 0x1802CF690
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF5D0 Offset: 0x2CDFD0 VA: 0x1802CF5D0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF390 Offset: 0x2CDD90 VA: 0x1802CF390
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF220 Offset: 0x2CDC20 VA: 0x1802CF220
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x2D0020 Offset: 0x2CEA20 VA: 0x1802D0020
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF8D0 Offset: 0x2CE2D0 VA: 0x1802CF8D0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF160 Offset: 0x2CDB60 VA: 0x1802CF160
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF2D0 Offset: 0x2CDCD0 VA: 0x1802CF2D0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CEC20 Offset: 0x2CD620 VA: 0x1802CEC20
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2CFDF0 Offset: 0x2CE7F0 VA: 0x1802CFDF0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CFA50 Offset: 0x2CE450 VA: 0x1802CFA50
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF990 Offset: 0x2CE390 VA: 0x1802CF990
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CFB00 Offset: 0x2CE500 VA: 0x1802CFB00
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x2CFF70 Offset: 0x2CE970 VA: 0x1802CFF70
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF510 Offset: 0x2CDF10 VA: 0x1802CF510
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CFBB0 Offset: 0x2CE5B0 VA: 0x1802CFBB0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x2D0190 Offset: 0x2CEB90 VA: 0x1802D0190
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x2CFEB0 Offset: 0x2CE8B0 VA: 0x1802CFEB0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x2CEFE0 Offset: 0x2CD9E0 VA: 0x1802CEFE0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2D00D0 Offset: 0x2CEAD0 VA: 0x1802D00D0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x2CEE60 Offset: 0x2CD860 VA: 0x1802CEE60
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CEF20 Offset: 0x2CD920 VA: 0x1802CEF20
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x2CEDA0 Offset: 0x2CD7A0 VA: 0x1802CEDA0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF450 Offset: 0x2CDE50 VA: 0x1802CF450
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF810 Offset: 0x2CE210 VA: 0x1802CF810
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF0A0 Offset: 0x2CDAA0 VA: 0x1802CF0A0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CFC70 Offset: 0x2CE670 VA: 0x1802CFC70
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CECE0 Offset: 0x2CD6E0 VA: 0x1802CECE0
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2CF750 Offset: 0x2CE150 VA: 0x1802CF750
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2CFD30 Offset: 0x2CE730 VA: 0x1802CFD30
|-Array.InternalArray__IReadOnlyList_get_Item<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2D4E80 Offset: 0x2D3880 VA: 0x1802D4E80
|-RVA: 0x2CB010 Offset: 0x2C9A10 VA: 0x1802CB010
|-RVA: 0x2D16B0 Offset: 0x2D00B0 VA: 0x1802D16B0
|-RVA: 0x2CB980 Offset: 0x2CA380 VA: 0x1802CB980
|-RVA: 0x2D1770 Offset: 0x2D0170 VA: 0x1802D1770
|-RVA: 0x2CE370 Offset: 0x2CCD70 VA: 0x1802CE370
|-RVA: 0x2D0B50 Offset: 0x2CF550 VA: 0x1802D0B50
|-RVA: 0x2D0A90 Offset: 0x2CF490 VA: 0x1802D0A90
|-RVA: 0x2D29F0 Offset: 0x2D13F0 VA: 0x1802D29F0
|-RVA: 0x2D2AA0 Offset: 0x2D14A0 VA: 0x1802D2AA0
|-RVA: 0x2D2B50 Offset: 0x2D1550 VA: 0x1802D2B50
|-RVA: 0x2D2C00 Offset: 0x2D1600 VA: 0x1802D2C00
|-RVA: 0x2D2CC0 Offset: 0x2D16C0 VA: 0x1802D2CC0
|-RVA: 0x2D2D80 Offset: 0x2D1780 VA: 0x1802D2D80
|-RVA: 0x2D2E40 Offset: 0x2D1840 VA: 0x1802D2E40
|-RVA: 0x2D2EF0 Offset: 0x2D18F0 VA: 0x1802D2EF0
|-RVA: 0x2D2FA0 Offset: 0x2D19A0 VA: 0x1802D2FA0
|-RVA: 0x2D3050 Offset: 0x2D1A50 VA: 0x1802D3050
|-RVA: 0x2D3110 Offset: 0x2D1B10 VA: 0x1802D3110
|-RVA: 0x2D31D0 Offset: 0x2D1BD0 VA: 0x1802D31D0
|-RVA: 0x2D3280 Offset: 0x2D1C80 VA: 0x1802D3280
|-RVA: 0x2CBE10 Offset: 0x2CA810 VA: 0x1802CBE10
|-RVA: 0x2CBD50 Offset: 0x2CA750 VA: 0x1802CBD50
|-RVA: 0x2CBEC0 Offset: 0x2CA8C0 VA: 0x1802CBEC0
|-RVA: 0x2D1E20 Offset: 0x2D0820 VA: 0x1802D1E20
|-RVA: 0x2CD900 Offset: 0x2CC300 VA: 0x1802CD900
|-RVA: 0x2CC100 Offset: 0x2CAB00 VA: 0x1802CC100
|-RVA: 0x2CAC60 Offset: 0x2C9660 VA: 0x1802CAC60
|-RVA: 0x2CE860 Offset: 0x2CD260 VA: 0x1802CE860
|-RVA: 0x2CE920 Offset: 0x2CD320 VA: 0x1802CE920
|-RVA: 0x2D37C0 Offset: 0x2D21C0 VA: 0x1802D37C0
|-RVA: 0x2CDFB0 Offset: 0x2CC9B0 VA: 0x1802CDFB0
|-RVA: 0x2CE4F0 Offset: 0x2CCEF0 VA: 0x1802CE4F0
|-RVA: 0x2CE650 Offset: 0x2CD050 VA: 0x1802CE650
|-RVA: 0x2CE5A0 Offset: 0x2CCFA0 VA: 0x1802CE5A0
|-RVA: 0x2CE700 Offset: 0x2CD100 VA: 0x1802CE700
|-RVA: 0x2CE7B0 Offset: 0x2CD1B0 VA: 0x1802CE7B0
|-RVA: 0x2CE430 Offset: 0x2CCE30 VA: 0x1802CE430
|-RVA: 0x2CE9E0 Offset: 0x2CD3E0 VA: 0x1802CE9E0
|-RVA: 0x2D0490 Offset: 0x2CEE90 VA: 0x1802D0490
|-RVA: 0x2D19B0 Offset: 0x2D03B0 VA: 0x1802D19B0
|-RVA: 0x2D2270 Offset: 0x2D0C70 VA: 0x1802D2270
|-RVA: 0x2D2630 Offset: 0x2D1030 VA: 0x1802D2630
|-RVA: 0x2D15F0 Offset: 0x2CFFF0 VA: 0x1802D15F0
|-RVA: 0x2CE130 Offset: 0x2CCB30 VA: 0x1802CE130
|-RVA: 0x2CE070 Offset: 0x2CCA70 VA: 0x1802CE070
|-RVA: 0x2D4700 Offset: 0x2D3100 VA: 0x1802D4700
|-RVA: 0x2D47C0 Offset: 0x2D31C0 VA: 0x1802D47C0
|-RVA: 0x2D4880 Offset: 0x2D3280 VA: 0x1802D4880
|-RVA: 0x2D4F40 Offset: 0x2D3940 VA: 0x1802D4F40
|-RVA: 0x2D4640 Offset: 0x2D3040 VA: 0x1802D4640
|-RVA: 0x2CB190 Offset: 0x2C9B90 VA: 0x1802CB190
|-RVA: 0x2D1A70 Offset: 0x2D0470 VA: 0x1802D1A70
|-RVA: 0x2CDCD0 Offset: 0x2CC6D0 VA: 0x1802CDCD0
|-RVA: 0x2CBBD0 Offset: 0x2CA5D0 VA: 0x1802CBBD0
|-RVA: 0x2CBC90 Offset: 0x2CA690 VA: 0x1802CBC90
|-RVA: 0x2D0CD0 Offset: 0x2CF6D0 VA: 0x1802D0CD0
|-RVA: 0x2D18F0 Offset: 0x2D02F0 VA: 0x1802D18F0
|-RVA: 0x2CD840 Offset: 0x2CC240 VA: 0x1802CD840
|-RVA: 0x2CDA90 Offset: 0x2CC490 VA: 0x1802CDA90
|-RVA: 0x2D1BD0 Offset: 0x2D05D0 VA: 0x1802D1BD0
|-RVA: 0x2CDD90 Offset: 0x2CC790 VA: 0x1802CDD90
|-RVA: 0x2D1B20 Offset: 0x2D0520 VA: 0x1802D1B20
|-RVA: 0x2D4A00 Offset: 0x2D3400 VA: 0x1802D4A00
|-RVA: 0x2D1F80 Offset: 0x2D0980 VA: 0x1802D1F80
|-RVA: 0x2D0550 Offset: 0x2CEF50 VA: 0x1802D0550
|-RVA: 0x2CB520 Offset: 0x2C9F20 VA: 0x1802CB520
|-RVA: 0x2CB460 Offset: 0x2C9E60 VA: 0x1802CB460
|-RVA: 0x2D03E0 Offset: 0x2CEDE0 VA: 0x1802D03E0
|-RVA: 0x2D3880 Offset: 0x2D2280 VA: 0x1802D3880
|-RVA: 0x2D3C30 Offset: 0x2D2630 VA: 0x1802D3C30
|-RVA: 0x2D3B80 Offset: 0x2D2580 VA: 0x1802D3B80
|-RVA: 0x2D3D90 Offset: 0x2D2790 VA: 0x1802D3D90
|-RVA: 0x2D3CE0 Offset: 0x2D26E0 VA: 0x1802D3CE0
|-RVA: 0x2D3E40 Offset: 0x2D2840 VA: 0x1802D3E40
|-RVA: 0x2D3EF0 Offset: 0x2D28F0 VA: 0x1802D3EF0
|-RVA: 0x2CD300 Offset: 0x2CBD00 VA: 0x1802CD300
|-RVA: 0x2D06D0 Offset: 0x2CF0D0 VA: 0x1802D06D0
|-RVA: 0x2D12D0 Offset: 0x2CFCD0 VA: 0x1802D12D0
|-RVA: 0x2D1D60 Offset: 0x2D0760 VA: 0x1802D1D60
|-RVA: 0x2D4DC0 Offset: 0x2D37C0 VA: 0x1802D4DC0
|-RVA: 0x2D4D00 Offset: 0x2D3700 VA: 0x1802D4D00
|-RVA: 0x2D0790 Offset: 0x2CF190 VA: 0x1802D0790
|-RVA: 0x2D4580 Offset: 0x2D2F80 VA: 0x1802D4580
|-RVA: 0x2CAE90 Offset: 0x2C9890 VA: 0x1802CAE90
|-RVA: 0x2CC270 Offset: 0x2CAC70 VA: 0x1802CC270
|-RVA: 0x2D1210 Offset: 0x2CFC10 VA: 0x1802D1210
|-RVA: 0x2D0D80 Offset: 0x2CF780 VA: 0x1802D0D80
|-RVA: 0x2D0850 Offset: 0x2CF250 VA: 0x1802D0850
|-RVA: 0x2D3640 Offset: 0x2D2040 VA: 0x1802D3640
|-RVA: 0x2CAF50 Offset: 0x2C9950 VA: 0x1802CAF50
|-RVA: 0x2CC330 Offset: 0x2CAD30 VA: 0x1802CC330
|-RVA: 0x2D0910 Offset: 0x2CF310 VA: 0x1802D0910
|-RVA: 0x2D0C10 Offset: 0x2CF610 VA: 0x1802D0C10
|-RVA: 0x2CB740 Offset: 0x2CA140 VA: 0x1802CB740
|-RVA: 0x2CB8C0 Offset: 0x2CA2C0 VA: 0x1802CB8C0
|-RVA: 0x2CBA40 Offset: 0x2CA440 VA: 0x1802CBA40
|-RVA: 0x2CBB10 Offset: 0x2CA510 VA: 0x1802CBB10
|-RVA: 0x2D1520 Offset: 0x2CFF20 VA: 0x1802D1520
|-RVA: 0x2D0310 Offset: 0x2CED10 VA: 0x1802D0310
|-RVA: 0x2D3710 Offset: 0x2D2110 VA: 0x1802D3710
|-RVA: 0x2D0250 Offset: 0x2CEC50 VA: 0x1802D0250
|-RVA: 0x2D10A0 Offset: 0x2CFAA0 VA: 0x1802D10A0
|-RVA: 0x2D0F20 Offset: 0x2CF920 VA: 0x1802D0F20
|-RVA: 0x2D0FE0 Offset: 0x2CF9E0 VA: 0x1802D0FE0
|-RVA: 0x2D1390 Offset: 0x2CFD90 VA: 0x1802D1390
|-RVA: 0x2D1450 Offset: 0x2CFE50 VA: 0x1802D1450
|-RVA: 0x2CB0D0 Offset: 0x2C9AD0 VA: 0x1802CB0D0
|-RVA: 0x2D1830 Offset: 0x2D0230 VA: 0x1802D1830
|-RVA: 0x2CE1F0 Offset: 0x2CCBF0 VA: 0x1802CE1F0
|-RVA: 0x2CB7F0 Offset: 0x2CA1F0 VA: 0x1802CB7F0
|-RVA: 0x2D09D0 Offset: 0x2CF3D0 VA: 0x1802D09D0
|-RVA: 0x2D2930 Offset: 0x2D1330 VA: 0x1802D2930
|-RVA: 0x2D3930 Offset: 0x2D2330 VA: 0x1802D3930
|-RVA: 0x2CC040 Offset: 0x2CAA40 VA: 0x1802CC040
|-RVA: 0x2CD9D0 Offset: 0x2CC3D0 VA: 0x1802CD9D0
|-RVA: 0x2CDC10 Offset: 0x2CC610 VA: 0x1802CDC10
|-RVA: 0x2D1ED0 Offset: 0x2D08D0 VA: 0x1802D1ED0
|-RVA: 0x2D34C0 Offset: 0x2D1EC0 VA: 0x1802D34C0
|-RVA: 0x2D39F0 Offset: 0x2D23F0 VA: 0x1802D39F0
|-RVA: 0x2D3AB0 Offset: 0x2D24B0 VA: 0x1802D3AB0
|-RVA: 0x2D4940 Offset: 0x2D3340 VA: 0x1802D4940
|-RVA: 0x2D4110 Offset: 0x2D2B10 VA: 0x1802D4110
|-RVA: 0x2D4280 Offset: 0x2D2C80 VA: 0x1802D4280
|-RVA: 0x2D41C0 Offset: 0x2D2BC0 VA: 0x1802D41C0
|-RVA: 0x2D4340 Offset: 0x2D2D40 VA: 0x1802D4340
|-RVA: 0x2D1CA0 Offset: 0x2D06A0 VA: 0x1802D1CA0
|-RVA: 0x2D5010 Offset: 0x2D3A10 VA: 0x1802D5010
|-RVA: 0x2D3FA0 Offset: 0x2D29A0 VA: 0x1802D3FA0
|-RVA: 0x2D4C40 Offset: 0x2D3640 VA: 0x1802D4C40
// RVA: 0x82D750 Offset: 0x82C150 VA: 0x18082D750
internal int InternalArray__IReadOnlyCollection_get_Count() { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void InternalArray__Insert<T>(int index, T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x30A0D0 Offset: 0x308AD0 VA: 0x18030A0D0
|-RVA: 0x3096B0 Offset: 0x3080B0 VA: 0x1803096B0
|-RVA: 0x30A070 Offset: 0x308A70 VA: 0x18030A070
|-RVA: 0x30AF10 Offset: 0x309910 VA: 0x18030AF10
|-RVA: 0x30B3F0 Offset: 0x309DF0 VA: 0x18030B3F0
|-RVA: 0x30B2D0 Offset: 0x309CD0 VA: 0x18030B2D0
|-RVA: 0x30ADF0 Offset: 0x3097F0 VA: 0x18030ADF0
|-RVA: 0x30A190 Offset: 0x308B90 VA: 0x18030A190
|-RVA: 0x30A130 Offset: 0x308B30 VA: 0x18030A130
|-RVA: 0x30A1F0 Offset: 0x308BF0 VA: 0x18030A1F0
|-RVA: 0x30B570 Offset: 0x309F70 VA: 0x18030B570
|-RVA: 0x30B510 Offset: 0x309F10 VA: 0x18030B510
|-RVA: 0x30B390 Offset: 0x309D90 VA: 0x18030B390
|-RVA: 0x30A250 Offset: 0x308C50 VA: 0x18030A250
|-RVA: 0x30B330 Offset: 0x309D30 VA: 0x18030B330
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30AE50 Offset: 0x309850 VA: 0x18030AE50
|-RVA: 0x309290 Offset: 0x307C90 VA: 0x180309290
|-RVA: 0x3092F0 Offset: 0x307CF0 VA: 0x1803092F0
|-RVA: 0x309590 Offset: 0x307F90 VA: 0x180309590
|-RVA: 0x309650 Offset: 0x308050 VA: 0x180309650
|-RVA: 0x30AEB0 Offset: 0x3098B0 VA: 0x18030AEB0
|-RVA: 0x30B4B0 Offset: 0x309EB0 VA: 0x18030B4B0
|-RVA: 0x30B450 Offset: 0x309E50 VA: 0x18030B450
|-RVA: 0x309350 Offset: 0x307D50 VA: 0x180309350
|-RVA: 0x309410 Offset: 0x307E10 VA: 0x180309410
|-RVA: 0x3094D0 Offset: 0x307ED0 VA: 0x1803094D0
|-RVA: 0x309470 Offset: 0x307E70 VA: 0x180309470
|-RVA: 0x309530 Offset: 0x307F30 VA: 0x180309530
|-RVA: 0x30B270 Offset: 0x309C70 VA: 0x18030B270
|-RVA: 0x3095F0 Offset: 0x307FF0 VA: 0x1803095F0
|-RVA: 0x309E30 Offset: 0x308830 VA: 0x180309E30
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x309D70 Offset: 0x308770 VA: 0x180309D70
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x309D10 Offset: 0x308710 VA: 0x180309D10
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x309F50 Offset: 0x308950 VA: 0x180309F50
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x309710 Offset: 0x308110 VA: 0x180309710
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x309DD0 Offset: 0x3087D0 VA: 0x180309DD0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x309C50 Offset: 0x308650 VA: 0x180309C50
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3099B0 Offset: 0x3083B0 VA: 0x1803099B0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x309CB0 Offset: 0x3086B0 VA: 0x180309CB0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x309890 Offset: 0x308290 VA: 0x180309890
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x309E90 Offset: 0x308890 VA: 0x180309E90
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x309AD0 Offset: 0x3084D0 VA: 0x180309AD0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x309950 Offset: 0x308350 VA: 0x180309950
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x309A70 Offset: 0x308470 VA: 0x180309A70
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x309830 Offset: 0x308230 VA: 0x180309830
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x309B30 Offset: 0x308530 VA: 0x180309B30
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x309770 Offset: 0x308170 VA: 0x180309770
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x309FB0 Offset: 0x3089B0 VA: 0x180309FB0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x30A010 Offset: 0x308A10 VA: 0x18030A010
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x3097D0 Offset: 0x3081D0 VA: 0x1803097D0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x309A10 Offset: 0x308410 VA: 0x180309A10
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x309EF0 Offset: 0x3088F0 VA: 0x180309EF0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x309BF0 Offset: 0x3085F0 VA: 0x180309BF0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x309B90 Offset: 0x308590 VA: 0x180309B90
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3098F0 Offset: 0x3082F0 VA: 0x1803098F0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30B1B0 Offset: 0x309BB0 VA: 0x18030B1B0
|-RVA: 0x30AF70 Offset: 0x309970 VA: 0x18030AF70
|-RVA: 0x30B030 Offset: 0x309A30 VA: 0x18030B030
|-RVA: 0x30B210 Offset: 0x309C10 VA: 0x18030B210
|-RVA: 0x30AFD0 Offset: 0x3099D0 VA: 0x18030AFD0
|-RVA: 0x30B090 Offset: 0x309A90 VA: 0x18030B090
|-RVA: 0x30B150 Offset: 0x309B50 VA: 0x18030B150
|-RVA: 0x30B0F0 Offset: 0x309AF0 VA: 0x18030B0F0
|-RVA: 0x30A7F0 Offset: 0x3091F0 VA: 0x18030A7F0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x30A790 Offset: 0x309190 VA: 0x18030A790
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30A670 Offset: 0x309070 VA: 0x18030A670
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30A5B0 Offset: 0x308FB0 VA: 0x18030A5B0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x30ACD0 Offset: 0x3096D0 VA: 0x18030ACD0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x30A910 Offset: 0x309310 VA: 0x18030A910
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30A550 Offset: 0x308F50 VA: 0x18030A550
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x30A610 Offset: 0x309010 VA: 0x18030A610
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30A2B0 Offset: 0x308CB0 VA: 0x18030A2B0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-RVA: 0x30ABB0 Offset: 0x3095B0 VA: 0x18030ABB0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30A9D0 Offset: 0x3093D0 VA: 0x18030A9D0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x30A970 Offset: 0x309370 VA: 0x18030A970
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30AA30 Offset: 0x309430 VA: 0x18030AA30
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x30AC70 Offset: 0x309670 VA: 0x18030AC70
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x30A730 Offset: 0x309130 VA: 0x18030A730
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30AA90 Offset: 0x309490 VA: 0x18030AA90
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x30AD90 Offset: 0x309790 VA: 0x18030AD90
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x30AC10 Offset: 0x309610 VA: 0x18030AC10
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x30A490 Offset: 0x308E90 VA: 0x18030A490
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x30AD30 Offset: 0x309730 VA: 0x18030AD30
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x30A3D0 Offset: 0x308DD0 VA: 0x18030A3D0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30A430 Offset: 0x308E30 VA: 0x18030A430
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x30A370 Offset: 0x308D70 VA: 0x18030A370
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x30A6D0 Offset: 0x3090D0 VA: 0x18030A6D0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x30A8B0 Offset: 0x3092B0 VA: 0x18030A8B0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30A4F0 Offset: 0x308EF0 VA: 0x18030A4F0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30AAF0 Offset: 0x3094F0 VA: 0x18030AAF0
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30A310 Offset: 0x308D10 VA: 0x18030A310
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30A850 Offset: 0x309250 VA: 0x18030A850
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x30AB50 Offset: 0x309550 VA: 0x18030AB50
|-Array.InternalArray__Insert<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x30B5D0 Offset: 0x309FD0 VA: 0x18030B5D0
|-RVA: 0x3093B0 Offset: 0x307DB0 VA: 0x1803093B0
|-RVA: 0x842970 Offset: 0x841370 VA: 0x180842970
|-RVA: 0x8413B0 Offset: 0x83FDB0 VA: 0x1808413B0
|-RVA: 0x8429D0 Offset: 0x8413D0 VA: 0x1808429D0
|-RVA: 0x841CB0 Offset: 0x8406B0 VA: 0x180841CB0
|-RVA: 0x842490 Offset: 0x840E90 VA: 0x180842490
|-RVA: 0x842430 Offset: 0x840E30 VA: 0x180842430
|-RVA: 0x842F70 Offset: 0x841970 VA: 0x180842F70
|-RVA: 0x842FD0 Offset: 0x8419D0 VA: 0x180842FD0
|-RVA: 0x843030 Offset: 0x841A30 VA: 0x180843030
|-RVA: 0x843090 Offset: 0x841A90 VA: 0x180843090
|-RVA: 0x8430F0 Offset: 0x841AF0 VA: 0x1808430F0
|-RVA: 0x843150 Offset: 0x841B50 VA: 0x180843150
|-RVA: 0x8431B0 Offset: 0x841BB0 VA: 0x1808431B0
|-RVA: 0x843210 Offset: 0x841C10 VA: 0x180843210
|-RVA: 0x843270 Offset: 0x841C70 VA: 0x180843270
|-RVA: 0x8432D0 Offset: 0x841CD0 VA: 0x1808432D0
|-RVA: 0x843330 Offset: 0x841D30 VA: 0x180843330
|-RVA: 0x843390 Offset: 0x841D90 VA: 0x180843390
|-RVA: 0x8433F0 Offset: 0x841DF0 VA: 0x1808433F0
|-RVA: 0x8415F0 Offset: 0x83FFF0 VA: 0x1808415F0
|-RVA: 0x841590 Offset: 0x83FF90 VA: 0x180841590
|-RVA: 0x841650 Offset: 0x840050 VA: 0x180841650
|-RVA: 0x842D30 Offset: 0x841730 VA: 0x180842D30
|-RVA: 0x8418F0 Offset: 0x8402F0 VA: 0x1808418F0
|-RVA: 0x841710 Offset: 0x840110 VA: 0x180841710
|-RVA: 0x840FF0 Offset: 0x83F9F0 VA: 0x180840FF0
|-RVA: 0x841F50 Offset: 0x840950 VA: 0x180841F50
|-RVA: 0x841FB0 Offset: 0x8409B0 VA: 0x180841FB0
|-RVA: 0x843570 Offset: 0x841F70 VA: 0x180843570
|-RVA: 0x841B30 Offset: 0x840530 VA: 0x180841B30
|-RVA: 0x841D70 Offset: 0x840770 VA: 0x180841D70
|-RVA: 0x841E30 Offset: 0x840830 VA: 0x180841E30
|-RVA: 0x841DD0 Offset: 0x8407D0 VA: 0x180841DD0
|-RVA: 0x841E90 Offset: 0x840890 VA: 0x180841E90
|-RVA: 0x841EF0 Offset: 0x8408F0 VA: 0x180841EF0
|-RVA: 0x841D10 Offset: 0x840710 VA: 0x180841D10
|-RVA: 0x842010 Offset: 0x840A10 VA: 0x180842010
|-RVA: 0x842190 Offset: 0x840B90 VA: 0x180842190
|-RVA: 0x842AF0 Offset: 0x8414F0 VA: 0x180842AF0
|-RVA: 0x842E50 Offset: 0x841850 VA: 0x180842E50
|-RVA: 0x842EB0 Offset: 0x8418B0 VA: 0x180842EB0
|-RVA: 0x842910 Offset: 0x841310 VA: 0x180842910
|-RVA: 0x841BF0 Offset: 0x8405F0 VA: 0x180841BF0
|-RVA: 0x841B90 Offset: 0x840590 VA: 0x180841B90
|-RVA: 0x843C30 Offset: 0x842630 VA: 0x180843C30
|-RVA: 0x843C90 Offset: 0x842690 VA: 0x180843C90
|-RVA: 0x843CF0 Offset: 0x8426F0 VA: 0x180843CF0
|-RVA: 0x843F30 Offset: 0x842930 VA: 0x180843F30
|-RVA: 0x843BD0 Offset: 0x8425D0 VA: 0x180843BD0
|-RVA: 0x841170 Offset: 0x83FB70 VA: 0x180841170
|-RVA: 0x842B50 Offset: 0x841550 VA: 0x180842B50
|-RVA: 0x841A70 Offset: 0x840470 VA: 0x180841A70
|-RVA: 0x8414D0 Offset: 0x83FED0 VA: 0x1808414D0
|-RVA: 0x841530 Offset: 0x83FF30 VA: 0x180841530
|-RVA: 0x842550 Offset: 0x840F50 VA: 0x180842550
|-RVA: 0x842A90 Offset: 0x841490 VA: 0x180842A90
|-RVA: 0x841890 Offset: 0x840290 VA: 0x180841890
|-RVA: 0x8419B0 Offset: 0x8403B0 VA: 0x1808419B0
|-RVA: 0x842C10 Offset: 0x841610 VA: 0x180842C10
|-RVA: 0x841AD0 Offset: 0x8404D0 VA: 0x180841AD0
|-RVA: 0x842BB0 Offset: 0x8415B0 VA: 0x180842BB0
|-RVA: 0x843DB0 Offset: 0x8427B0 VA: 0x180843DB0
|-RVA: 0x842DF0 Offset: 0x8417F0 VA: 0x180842DF0
|-RVA: 0x8421F0 Offset: 0x840BF0 VA: 0x1808421F0
|-RVA: 0x841230 Offset: 0x83FC30 VA: 0x180841230
|-RVA: 0x8411D0 Offset: 0x83FBD0 VA: 0x1808411D0
|-RVA: 0x842130 Offset: 0x840B30 VA: 0x180842130
|-RVA: 0x8435D0 Offset: 0x841FD0 VA: 0x1808435D0
|-RVA: 0x8437B0 Offset: 0x8421B0 VA: 0x1808437B0
|-RVA: 0x843750 Offset: 0x842150 VA: 0x180843750
|-RVA: 0x843870 Offset: 0x842270 VA: 0x180843870
|-RVA: 0x843810 Offset: 0x842210 VA: 0x180843810
|-RVA: 0x8438D0 Offset: 0x8422D0 VA: 0x1808438D0
|-RVA: 0x843930 Offset: 0x842330 VA: 0x180843930
|-RVA: 0x841830 Offset: 0x840230 VA: 0x180841830
|-RVA: 0x842250 Offset: 0x840C50 VA: 0x180842250
|-RVA: 0x842790 Offset: 0x841190 VA: 0x180842790
|-RVA: 0x842CD0 Offset: 0x8416D0 VA: 0x180842CD0
|-RVA: 0x843ED0 Offset: 0x8428D0 VA: 0x180843ED0
|-RVA: 0x843E70 Offset: 0x842870 VA: 0x180843E70
|-RVA: 0x8422B0 Offset: 0x840CB0 VA: 0x1808422B0
|-RVA: 0x843B70 Offset: 0x842570 VA: 0x180843B70
|-RVA: 0x841050 Offset: 0x83FA50 VA: 0x180841050
|-RVA: 0x841770 Offset: 0x840170 VA: 0x180841770
|-RVA: 0x842730 Offset: 0x841130 VA: 0x180842730
|-RVA: 0x8425B0 Offset: 0x840FB0 VA: 0x1808425B0
|-RVA: 0x842310 Offset: 0x840D10 VA: 0x180842310
|-RVA: 0x8434B0 Offset: 0x841EB0 VA: 0x1808434B0
|-RVA: 0x8410B0 Offset: 0x83FAB0 VA: 0x1808410B0
|-RVA: 0x8417D0 Offset: 0x8401D0 VA: 0x1808417D0
|-RVA: 0x842370 Offset: 0x840D70 VA: 0x180842370
|-RVA: 0x8424F0 Offset: 0x840EF0 VA: 0x1808424F0
|-RVA: 0x841290 Offset: 0x83FC90 VA: 0x180841290
|-RVA: 0x841350 Offset: 0x83FD50 VA: 0x180841350
|-RVA: 0x841410 Offset: 0x83FE10 VA: 0x180841410
|-RVA: 0x841470 Offset: 0x83FE70 VA: 0x180841470
|-RVA: 0x8428B0 Offset: 0x8412B0 VA: 0x1808428B0
|-RVA: 0x8420D0 Offset: 0x840AD0 VA: 0x1808420D0
|-RVA: 0x843510 Offset: 0x841F10 VA: 0x180843510
|-RVA: 0x842070 Offset: 0x840A70 VA: 0x180842070
|-RVA: 0x8426D0 Offset: 0x8410D0 VA: 0x1808426D0
|-RVA: 0x842610 Offset: 0x841010 VA: 0x180842610
|-RVA: 0x842670 Offset: 0x841070 VA: 0x180842670
|-RVA: 0x8427F0 Offset: 0x8411F0 VA: 0x1808427F0
|-RVA: 0x842850 Offset: 0x841250 VA: 0x180842850
|-RVA: 0x841110 Offset: 0x83FB10 VA: 0x180841110
|-RVA: 0x842A30 Offset: 0x841430 VA: 0x180842A30
|-RVA: 0x841C50 Offset: 0x840650 VA: 0x180841C50
|-RVA: 0x8412F0 Offset: 0x83FCF0 VA: 0x1808412F0
|-RVA: 0x8423D0 Offset: 0x840DD0 VA: 0x1808423D0
|-RVA: 0x842F10 Offset: 0x841910 VA: 0x180842F10
|-RVA: 0x843630 Offset: 0x842030 VA: 0x180843630
|-RVA: 0x8416B0 Offset: 0x8400B0 VA: 0x1808416B0
|-RVA: 0x841950 Offset: 0x840350 VA: 0x180841950
|-RVA: 0x841A10 Offset: 0x840410 VA: 0x180841A10
|-RVA: 0x842D90 Offset: 0x841790 VA: 0x180842D90
|-RVA: 0x843450 Offset: 0x841E50 VA: 0x180843450
|-RVA: 0x843690 Offset: 0x842090 VA: 0x180843690
|-RVA: 0x8436F0 Offset: 0x8420F0 VA: 0x1808436F0
|-RVA: 0x843D50 Offset: 0x842750 VA: 0x180843D50
|-RVA: 0x8439F0 Offset: 0x8423F0 VA: 0x1808439F0
|-RVA: 0x843AB0 Offset: 0x8424B0 VA: 0x180843AB0
|-RVA: 0x843A50 Offset: 0x842450 VA: 0x180843A50
|-RVA: 0x843B10 Offset: 0x842510 VA: 0x180843B10
|-RVA: 0x842C70 Offset: 0x841670 VA: 0x180842C70
|-RVA: 0x843F90 Offset: 0x842990 VA: 0x180843F90
|-RVA: 0x843990 Offset: 0x842390 VA: 0x180843990
|-RVA: 0x843E10 Offset: 0x842810 VA: 0x180843E10
// RVA: 0x82D7B0 Offset: 0x82C1B0 VA: 0x18082D7B0
internal void InternalArray__RemoveAt(int index) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal int InternalArray__IndexOf<T>(T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x9087C0 Offset: 0x9071C0 VA: 0x1809087C0
|-RVA: 0x9051F0 Offset: 0x903BF0 VA: 0x1809051F0
|-RVA: 0x9085C0 Offset: 0x906FC0 VA: 0x1809085C0
|-RVA: 0x909EE0 Offset: 0x9088E0 VA: 0x180909EE0
|-RVA: 0x90B810 Offset: 0x90A210 VA: 0x18090B810
|-RVA: 0x90B260 Offset: 0x909C60 VA: 0x18090B260
|-RVA: 0x909900 Offset: 0x908300 VA: 0x180909900
|-RVA: 0x908BA0 Offset: 0x9075A0 VA: 0x180908BA0
|-RVA: 0x908980 Offset: 0x907380 VA: 0x180908980
|-RVA: 0x908D80 Offset: 0x907780 VA: 0x180908D80
|-RVA: 0x90BFD0 Offset: 0x90A9D0 VA: 0x18090BFD0
|-RVA: 0x90BDF0 Offset: 0x90A7F0 VA: 0x18090BDF0
|-RVA: 0x90B610 Offset: 0x90A010 VA: 0x18090B610
|-RVA: 0x908F60 Offset: 0x907960 VA: 0x180908F60
|-RVA: 0x90B440 Offset: 0x909E40 VA: 0x18090B440
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x909B20 Offset: 0x908520 VA: 0x180909B20
|-RVA: 0x9040B0 Offset: 0x902AB0 VA: 0x1809040B0
|-RVA: 0x904290 Offset: 0x902C90 VA: 0x180904290
|-RVA: 0x904BE0 Offset: 0x9035E0 VA: 0x180904BE0
|-RVA: 0x904FF0 Offset: 0x9039F0 VA: 0x180904FF0
|-RVA: 0x909D20 Offset: 0x908720 VA: 0x180909D20
|-RVA: 0x90BC10 Offset: 0x90A610 VA: 0x18090BC10
|-RVA: 0x90BA30 Offset: 0x90A430 VA: 0x18090BA30
|-RVA: 0x904450 Offset: 0x902E50 VA: 0x180904450
|-RVA: 0x904620 Offset: 0x903020 VA: 0x180904620
|-RVA: 0x904930 Offset: 0x903330 VA: 0x180904930
|-RVA: 0x904780 Offset: 0x903180 VA: 0x180904780
|-RVA: 0x904A90 Offset: 0x903490 VA: 0x180904A90
|-RVA: 0x90B080 Offset: 0x909A80 VA: 0x18090B080
|-RVA: 0x904E10 Offset: 0x903810 VA: 0x180904E10
|-RVA: 0x9079E0 Offset: 0x9063E0 VA: 0x1809079E0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x907590 Offset: 0x905F90 VA: 0x180907590
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x9073B0 Offset: 0x905DB0 VA: 0x1809073B0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x907FE0 Offset: 0x9069E0 VA: 0x180907FE0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x9053F0 Offset: 0x903DF0 VA: 0x1809053F0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x907790 Offset: 0x906190 VA: 0x180907790
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x906FB0 Offset: 0x9059B0 VA: 0x180906FB0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x9061D0 Offset: 0x904BD0 VA: 0x1809061D0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x9071B0 Offset: 0x905BB0 VA: 0x1809071B0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x905BF0 Offset: 0x9045F0 VA: 0x180905BF0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x907C00 Offset: 0x906600 VA: 0x180907C00
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x9067B0 Offset: 0x9051B0 VA: 0x1809067B0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x905FD0 Offset: 0x9049D0 VA: 0x180905FD0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x9065B0 Offset: 0x904FB0 VA: 0x1809065B0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x9059F0 Offset: 0x9043F0 VA: 0x1809059F0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x9069B0 Offset: 0x9053B0 VA: 0x1809069B0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x9055F0 Offset: 0x903FF0 VA: 0x1809055F0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x9081C0 Offset: 0x906BC0 VA: 0x1809081C0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x9083C0 Offset: 0x906DC0 VA: 0x1809083C0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x9057F0 Offset: 0x9041F0 VA: 0x1809057F0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x9063B0 Offset: 0x904DB0 VA: 0x1809063B0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x907DE0 Offset: 0x9067E0 VA: 0x180907DE0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x906DB0 Offset: 0x9057B0 VA: 0x180906DB0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x906BB0 Offset: 0x9055B0 VA: 0x180906BB0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x905DD0 Offset: 0x9047D0 VA: 0x180905DD0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x90ACA0 Offset: 0x9096A0 VA: 0x18090ACA0
|-RVA: 0x90A100 Offset: 0x908B00 VA: 0x18090A100
|-RVA: 0x90A4D0 Offset: 0x908ED0 VA: 0x18090A4D0
|-RVA: 0x90AE90 Offset: 0x909890 VA: 0x18090AE90
|-RVA: 0x90A2F0 Offset: 0x908CF0 VA: 0x18090A2F0
|-RVA: 0x90A6C0 Offset: 0x9090C0 VA: 0x18090A6C0
|-RVA: 0x90AAB0 Offset: 0x9094B0 VA: 0x18090AAB0
|-RVA: 0x90A8B0 Offset: 0x9092B0 VA: 0x18090A8B0
|-RVA: 0x909700 Offset: 0x908100 VA: 0x180909700
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x909500 Offset: 0x907F00 VA: 0x180909500
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x909320 Offset: 0x907D20 VA: 0x180909320
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x909160 Offset: 0x907B60 VA: 0x180909160
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x577F00 Offset: 0x576900 VA: 0x180577F00
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x576C40 Offset: 0x575640 VA: 0x180576C40
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x5760A0 Offset: 0x574AA0 VA: 0x1805760A0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x5762D0 Offset: 0x574CD0 VA: 0x1805762D0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0x575340 Offset: 0x573D40 VA: 0x180575340
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-RVA: 0x577960 Offset: 0x576360 VA: 0x180577960
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x577020 Offset: 0x575A20 VA: 0x180577020
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x576E40 Offset: 0x575840 VA: 0x180576E40
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x5771E0 Offset: 0x575BE0 VA: 0x1805771E0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x577D40 Offset: 0x576740 VA: 0x180577D40
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x576690 Offset: 0x575090 VA: 0x180576690
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x5773A0 Offset: 0x575DA0 VA: 0x1805773A0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x5782A0 Offset: 0x576CA0 VA: 0x1805782A0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x577B60 Offset: 0x576560 VA: 0x180577B60
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x575CE0 Offset: 0x5746E0 VA: 0x180575CE0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x5780C0 Offset: 0x576AC0 VA: 0x1805780C0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x575900 Offset: 0x574300 VA: 0x180575900
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x575AE0 Offset: 0x5744E0 VA: 0x180575AE0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x575720 Offset: 0x574120 VA: 0x180575720
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x5764B0 Offset: 0x574EB0 VA: 0x1805764B0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x576A60 Offset: 0x575460 VA: 0x180576A60
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
|-RVA: 0x575EC0 Offset: 0x5748C0 VA: 0x180575EC0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x5775A0 Offset: 0x575FA0 VA: 0x1805775A0
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x575540 Offset: 0x573F40 VA: 0x180575540
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x576870 Offset: 0x575270 VA: 0x180576870
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x577780 Offset: 0x576180 VA: 0x180577780
|-Array.InternalArray__IndexOf<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x581880 Offset: 0x580280 VA: 0x180581880
|-RVA: 0x570AE0 Offset: 0x56F4E0 VA: 0x180570AE0
|-RVA: 0x57B4C0 Offset: 0x579EC0 VA: 0x18057B4C0
|-RVA: 0x571800 Offset: 0x570200 VA: 0x180571800
|-RVA: 0x57B640 Offset: 0x57A040 VA: 0x18057B640
|-RVA: 0x574340 Offset: 0x572D40 VA: 0x180574340
|-RVA: 0x579A60 Offset: 0x578460 VA: 0x180579A60
|-RVA: 0x579840 Offset: 0x578240 VA: 0x180579840
|-RVA: 0x57D1B0 Offset: 0x57BBB0 VA: 0x18057D1B0
|-RVA: 0x57D300 Offset: 0x57BD00 VA: 0x18057D300
|-RVA: 0x57D450 Offset: 0x57BE50 VA: 0x18057D450
|-RVA: 0x57D5A0 Offset: 0x57BFA0 VA: 0x18057D5A0
|-RVA: 0x57D710 Offset: 0x57C110 VA: 0x18057D710
|-RVA: 0x57D880 Offset: 0x57C280 VA: 0x18057D880
|-RVA: 0x57D9F0 Offset: 0x57C3F0 VA: 0x18057D9F0
|-RVA: 0x57DB40 Offset: 0x57C540 VA: 0x18057DB40
|-RVA: 0x57DC90 Offset: 0x57C690 VA: 0x18057DC90
|-RVA: 0x57DDE0 Offset: 0x57C7E0 VA: 0x18057DDE0
|-RVA: 0x57DF50 Offset: 0x57C950 VA: 0x18057DF50
|-RVA: 0x57E0C0 Offset: 0x57CAC0 VA: 0x18057E0C0
|-RVA: 0x57E210 Offset: 0x57CC10 VA: 0x18057E210
|-RVA: 0x5722B0 Offset: 0x570CB0 VA: 0x1805722B0
|-RVA: 0x572140 Offset: 0x570B40 VA: 0x180572140
|-RVA: 0x572400 Offset: 0x570E00 VA: 0x180572400
|-RVA: 0x57C6D0 Offset: 0x57B0D0 VA: 0x18057C6D0
|-RVA: 0x5730E0 Offset: 0x571AE0 VA: 0x1805730E0
|-RVA: 0x572750 Offset: 0x571150 VA: 0x180572750
|-RVA: 0x5704D0 Offset: 0x56EED0 VA: 0x1805704D0
|-RVA: 0x574DA0 Offset: 0x5737A0 VA: 0x180574DA0
|-RVA: 0x574F80 Offset: 0x573980 VA: 0x180574F80
|-RVA: 0x57E9A0 Offset: 0x57D3A0 VA: 0x18057E9A0
|-RVA: 0x573C10 Offset: 0x572610 VA: 0x180573C10
|-RVA: 0x5746B0 Offset: 0x5730B0 VA: 0x1805746B0
|-RVA: 0x5749B0 Offset: 0x5733B0 VA: 0x1805749B0
|-RVA: 0x574800 Offset: 0x573200 VA: 0x180574800
|-RVA: 0x574B00 Offset: 0x573500 VA: 0x180574B00
|-RVA: 0x574C50 Offset: 0x573650 VA: 0x180574C50
|-RVA: 0x5744B0 Offset: 0x572EB0 VA: 0x1805744B0
|-RVA: 0x575160 Offset: 0x573B60 VA: 0x180575160
|-RVA: 0x578AE0 Offset: 0x5774E0 VA: 0x180578AE0
|-RVA: 0x57BBF0 Offset: 0x57A5F0 VA: 0x18057BBF0
|-RVA: 0x57CBC0 Offset: 0x57B5C0 VA: 0x18057CBC0
|-RVA: 0x57CDB0 Offset: 0x57B7B0 VA: 0x18057CDB0
|-RVA: 0x57B2E0 Offset: 0x579CE0 VA: 0x18057B2E0
|-RVA: 0x573F80 Offset: 0x572980 VA: 0x180573F80
|-RVA: 0x573D80 Offset: 0x572780 VA: 0x180573D80
|-RVA: 0x580710 Offset: 0x57F110 VA: 0x180580710
|-RVA: 0x5809D0 Offset: 0x57F3D0 VA: 0x1805809D0
|-RVA: 0x580C80 Offset: 0x57F680 VA: 0x180580C80
|-RVA: 0x581A80 Offset: 0x580480 VA: 0x180581A80
|-RVA: 0x580530 Offset: 0x57EF30 VA: 0x180580530
|-RVA: 0x570EB0 Offset: 0x56F8B0 VA: 0x180570EB0
|-RVA: 0x57BDE0 Offset: 0x57A7E0 VA: 0x18057BDE0
|-RVA: 0x5738E0 Offset: 0x5722E0 VA: 0x1805738E0
|-RVA: 0x571E50 Offset: 0x570850 VA: 0x180571E50
|-RVA: 0x571FD0 Offset: 0x5709D0 VA: 0x180571FD0
|-RVA: 0x579E40 Offset: 0x578840 VA: 0x180579E40
|-RVA: 0x57BA10 Offset: 0x57A410 VA: 0x18057BA10
|-RVA: 0x572F00 Offset: 0x571900 VA: 0x180572F00
|-RVA: 0x573500 Offset: 0x571F00 VA: 0x180573500
|-RVA: 0x57C080 Offset: 0x57AA80 VA: 0x18057C080
|-RVA: 0x573AC0 Offset: 0x5724C0 VA: 0x180573AC0
|-RVA: 0x57BF20 Offset: 0x57A920 VA: 0x18057BF20
|-RVA: 0x581080 Offset: 0x57FA80 VA: 0x180581080
|-RVA: 0x57CA50 Offset: 0x57B450 VA: 0x18057CA50
|-RVA: 0x578C50 Offset: 0x577650 VA: 0x180578C50
|-RVA: 0x5711A0 Offset: 0x56FBA0 VA: 0x1805711A0
|-RVA: 0x571020 Offset: 0x56FA20 VA: 0x180571020
|-RVA: 0x578920 Offset: 0x577320 VA: 0x180578920
|-RVA: 0x57EBA0 Offset: 0x57D5A0 VA: 0x18057EBA0
|-RVA: 0x57F4F0 Offset: 0x57DEF0 VA: 0x18057F4F0
|-RVA: 0x57F340 Offset: 0x57DD40 VA: 0x18057F340
|-RVA: 0x57F7F0 Offset: 0x57E1F0 VA: 0x18057F7F0
|-RVA: 0x57F640 Offset: 0x57E040 VA: 0x18057F640
|-RVA: 0x57F940 Offset: 0x57E340 VA: 0x18057F940
|-RVA: 0x57FA90 Offset: 0x57E490 VA: 0x18057FA90
|-RVA: 0x572D20 Offset: 0x571720 VA: 0x180572D20
|-RVA: 0x578E40 Offset: 0x577840 VA: 0x180578E40
|-RVA: 0x57AA20 Offset: 0x579420 VA: 0x18057AA20
|-RVA: 0x57C4B0 Offset: 0x57AEB0 VA: 0x18057C4B0
|-RVA: 0x5816A0 Offset: 0x5800A0 VA: 0x1805816A0
|-RVA: 0x581480 Offset: 0x57FE80 VA: 0x180581480
|-RVA: 0x579020 Offset: 0x577A20 VA: 0x180579020
|-RVA: 0x580350 Offset: 0x57ED50 VA: 0x180580350
|-RVA: 0x5706B0 Offset: 0x56F0B0 VA: 0x1805706B0
|-RVA: 0x5728C0 Offset: 0x5712C0 VA: 0x1805728C0
|-RVA: 0x57A8A0 Offset: 0x5792A0 VA: 0x18057A8A0
|-RVA: 0x57A000 Offset: 0x578A00 VA: 0x18057A000
|-RVA: 0x579220 Offset: 0x577C20 VA: 0x180579220
|-RVA: 0x57E590 Offset: 0x57CF90 VA: 0x18057E590
|-RVA: 0x5708E0 Offset: 0x56F2E0 VA: 0x1805708E0
|-RVA: 0x572AF0 Offset: 0x5714F0 VA: 0x180572AF0
|-RVA: 0x579420 Offset: 0x577E20 VA: 0x180579420
|-RVA: 0x579C60 Offset: 0x578660 VA: 0x180579C60
|-RVA: 0x5712F0 Offset: 0x56FCF0 VA: 0x1805712F0
|-RVA: 0x571690 Offset: 0x570090 VA: 0x180571690
|-RVA: 0x5719E0 Offset: 0x5703E0 VA: 0x1805719E0
|-RVA: 0x571C30 Offset: 0x570630 VA: 0x180571C30
|-RVA: 0x57B070 Offset: 0x579A70 VA: 0x18057B070
|-RVA: 0x5786A0 Offset: 0x5770A0 VA: 0x1805786A0
|-RVA: 0x57E7E0 Offset: 0x57D1E0 VA: 0x18057E7E0
|-RVA: 0x578480 Offset: 0x576E80 VA: 0x180578480
|-RVA: 0x57A680 Offset: 0x579080 VA: 0x18057A680
|-RVA: 0x57A2A0 Offset: 0x578CA0 VA: 0x18057A2A0
|-RVA: 0x57A480 Offset: 0x578E80 VA: 0x18057A480
|-RVA: 0x57AC00 Offset: 0x579600 VA: 0x18057AC00
|-RVA: 0x57AE20 Offset: 0x579820 VA: 0x18057AE20
|-RVA: 0x570CC0 Offset: 0x56F6C0 VA: 0x180570CC0
|-RVA: 0x57B820 Offset: 0x57A220 VA: 0x18057B820
|-RVA: 0x574160 Offset: 0x572B60 VA: 0x180574160
|-RVA: 0x5714B0 Offset: 0x56FEB0 VA: 0x1805714B0
|-RVA: 0x579620 Offset: 0x578020 VA: 0x180579620
|-RVA: 0x57CFB0 Offset: 0x57B9B0 VA: 0x18057CFB0
|-RVA: 0x57ECF0 Offset: 0x57D6F0 VA: 0x18057ECF0
|-RVA: 0x572570 Offset: 0x570F70 VA: 0x180572570
|-RVA: 0x573320 Offset: 0x571D20 VA: 0x180573320
|-RVA: 0x573700 Offset: 0x572100 VA: 0x180573700
|-RVA: 0x57C890 Offset: 0x57B290 VA: 0x18057C890
|-RVA: 0x57E390 Offset: 0x57CD90 VA: 0x18057E390
|-RVA: 0x57EEE0 Offset: 0x57D8E0 VA: 0x18057EEE0
|-RVA: 0x57F0C0 Offset: 0x57DAC0 VA: 0x18057F0C0
|-RVA: 0x580E80 Offset: 0x57F880 VA: 0x180580E80
|-RVA: 0x57FDA0 Offset: 0x57E7A0 VA: 0x18057FDA0
|-RVA: 0x580070 Offset: 0x57EA70 VA: 0x180580070
|-RVA: 0x57FF00 Offset: 0x57E900 VA: 0x18057FF00
|-RVA: 0x5801E0 Offset: 0x57EBE0 VA: 0x1805801E0
|-RVA: 0x57C2D0 Offset: 0x57ACD0 VA: 0x18057C2D0
|-RVA: 0x581CD0 Offset: 0x5806D0 VA: 0x180581CD0
|-RVA: 0x57FBE0 Offset: 0x57E5E0 VA: 0x18057FBE0
|-RVA: 0x581260 Offset: 0x57FC60 VA: 0x180581260
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal T InternalArray__get_Item<T>(int index) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2D5EC0 Offset: 0x2D48C0 VA: 0x1802D5EC0
|-RVA: 0x2D57F0 Offset: 0x2D41F0 VA: 0x1802D57F0
|-RVA: 0x2D5E00 Offset: 0x2D4800 VA: 0x1802D5E00
|-RVA: 0x2D64A0 Offset: 0x2D4EA0 VA: 0x1802D64A0
|-RVA: 0x2D6860 Offset: 0x2D5260 VA: 0x1802D6860
|-RVA: 0x2D6620 Offset: 0x2D5020 VA: 0x1802D6620
|-RVA: 0x2D6270 Offset: 0x2D4C70 VA: 0x1802D6270
|-RVA: 0x2D6030 Offset: 0x2D4A30 VA: 0x1802D6030
|-RVA: 0x2D5F70 Offset: 0x2D4970 VA: 0x1802D5F70
|-RVA: 0x2D60F0 Offset: 0x2D4AF0 VA: 0x1802D60F0
|-RVA: 0x2D6B60 Offset: 0x2D5560 VA: 0x1802D6B60
|-RVA: 0x2D6AA0 Offset: 0x2D54A0 VA: 0x1802D6AA0
|-RVA: 0x2D67A0 Offset: 0x2D51A0 VA: 0x1802D67A0
|-RVA: 0x2D61B0 Offset: 0x2D4BB0 VA: 0x1802D61B0
|-RVA: 0x2D66E0 Offset: 0x2D50E0 VA: 0x1802D66E0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2D6330 Offset: 0x2D4D30 VA: 0x1802D6330
|-RVA: 0x2D50C0 Offset: 0x2D3AC0 VA: 0x1802D50C0
|-RVA: 0x2D5180 Offset: 0x2D3B80 VA: 0x1802D5180
|-RVA: 0x2D55B0 Offset: 0x2D3FB0 VA: 0x1802D55B0
|-RVA: 0x2D5730 Offset: 0x2D4130 VA: 0x1802D5730
|-RVA: 0x2D63F0 Offset: 0x2D4DF0 VA: 0x1802D63F0
|-RVA: 0x2D69E0 Offset: 0x2D53E0 VA: 0x1802D69E0
|-RVA: 0x2D6920 Offset: 0x2D5320 VA: 0x1802D6920
|-RVA: 0x2D5230 Offset: 0x2D3C30 VA: 0x1802D5230
|-RVA: 0x2D52F0 Offset: 0x2D3CF0 VA: 0x1802D52F0
|-RVA: 0x2D5450 Offset: 0x2D3E50 VA: 0x1802D5450
|-RVA: 0x2D53A0 Offset: 0x2D3DA0 VA: 0x1802D53A0
|-RVA: 0x2D5500 Offset: 0x2D3F00 VA: 0x1802D5500
|-RVA: 0x2D6560 Offset: 0x2D4F60 VA: 0x1802D6560
|-RVA: 0x2D5670 Offset: 0x2D4070 VA: 0x1802D5670
|-RVA: 0x2D5C80 Offset: 0x2D4680 VA: 0x1802D5C80
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x2D5AF0 Offset: 0x2D44F0 VA: 0x1802D5AF0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2D5A30 Offset: 0x2D4430 VA: 0x1802D5A30
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x2D5D40 Offset: 0x2D4740 VA: 0x1802D5D40
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x2D58B0 Offset: 0x2D42B0 VA: 0x1802D58B0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x2D5BB0 Offset: 0x2D45B0 VA: 0x1802D5BB0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x2D5970 Offset: 0x2D4370 VA: 0x1802D5970
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x315070 Offset: 0x313A70 VA: 0x180315070
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3155B0 Offset: 0x313FB0 VA: 0x1803155B0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x314E30 Offset: 0x313830 VA: 0x180314E30
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x315730 Offset: 0x314130 VA: 0x180315730
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x3152B0 Offset: 0x313CB0 VA: 0x1803152B0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x314FB0 Offset: 0x3139B0 VA: 0x180314FB0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x3151F0 Offset: 0x313BF0 VA: 0x1803151F0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x314D70 Offset: 0x313770 VA: 0x180314D70
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x315370 Offset: 0x313D70 VA: 0x180315370
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x314BF0 Offset: 0x3135F0 VA: 0x180314BF0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3158B0 Offset: 0x3142B0 VA: 0x1803158B0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x315970 Offset: 0x314370 VA: 0x180315970
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x314CB0 Offset: 0x3136B0 VA: 0x180314CB0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x315130 Offset: 0x313B30 VA: 0x180315130
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3157F0 Offset: 0x3141F0 VA: 0x1803157F0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3154F0 Offset: 0x313EF0 VA: 0x1803154F0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x315430 Offset: 0x313E30 VA: 0x180315430
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x314EF0 Offset: 0x3138F0 VA: 0x180314EF0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x31A180 Offset: 0x318B80 VA: 0x18031A180
|-RVA: 0x319B80 Offset: 0x318580 VA: 0x180319B80
|-RVA: 0x319DC0 Offset: 0x3187C0 VA: 0x180319DC0
|-RVA: 0x31A240 Offset: 0x318C40 VA: 0x18031A240
|-RVA: 0x319C40 Offset: 0x318640 VA: 0x180319C40
|-RVA: 0x319E80 Offset: 0x318880 VA: 0x180319E80
|-RVA: 0x31A000 Offset: 0x318A00 VA: 0x18031A000
|-RVA: 0x319F40 Offset: 0x318940 VA: 0x180319F40
|-RVA: 0x317410 Offset: 0x315E10 VA: 0x180317410
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x317350 Offset: 0x315D50 VA: 0x180317350
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x317110 Offset: 0x315B10 VA: 0x180317110
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x316FA0 Offset: 0x3159A0 VA: 0x180316FA0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x317DA0 Offset: 0x3167A0 VA: 0x180317DA0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x317650 Offset: 0x316050 VA: 0x180317650
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x316EE0 Offset: 0x3158E0 VA: 0x180316EE0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x317050 Offset: 0x315A50 VA: 0x180317050
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3169A0 Offset: 0x3153A0 VA: 0x1803169A0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-RVA: 0x317B70 Offset: 0x316570 VA: 0x180317B70
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3177D0 Offset: 0x3161D0 VA: 0x1803177D0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x317710 Offset: 0x316110 VA: 0x180317710
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x317880 Offset: 0x316280 VA: 0x180317880
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x317CF0 Offset: 0x3166F0 VA: 0x180317CF0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x317290 Offset: 0x315C90 VA: 0x180317290
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x317930 Offset: 0x316330 VA: 0x180317930
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x317F10 Offset: 0x316910 VA: 0x180317F10
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x317C30 Offset: 0x316630 VA: 0x180317C30
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x316D60 Offset: 0x315760 VA: 0x180316D60
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x317E50 Offset: 0x316850 VA: 0x180317E50
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x316BE0 Offset: 0x3155E0 VA: 0x180316BE0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x316CA0 Offset: 0x3156A0 VA: 0x180316CA0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x316B20 Offset: 0x315520 VA: 0x180316B20
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x3171D0 Offset: 0x315BD0 VA: 0x1803171D0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x317590 Offset: 0x315F90 VA: 0x180317590
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
|-RVA: 0x316E20 Offset: 0x315820 VA: 0x180316E20
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3179F0 Offset: 0x3163F0 VA: 0x1803179F0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x316A60 Offset: 0x315460 VA: 0x180316A60
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x3174D0 Offset: 0x315ED0 VA: 0x1803174D0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x317AB0 Offset: 0x3164B0 VA: 0x180317AB0
|-Array.InternalArray__get_Item<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x31C250 Offset: 0x31AC50 VA: 0x18031C250
|-RVA: 0x313D10 Offset: 0x312710 VA: 0x180313D10
|-RVA: 0x319200 Offset: 0x317C00 VA: 0x180319200
|-RVA: 0x314300 Offset: 0x312D00 VA: 0x180314300
|-RVA: 0x3192C0 Offset: 0x317CC0 VA: 0x1803192C0
|-RVA: 0x316270 Offset: 0x314C70 VA: 0x180316270
|-RVA: 0x318810 Offset: 0x317210 VA: 0x180318810
|-RVA: 0x318750 Offset: 0x317150 VA: 0x180318750
|-RVA: 0x31A3C0 Offset: 0x318DC0 VA: 0x18031A3C0
|-RVA: 0x31A470 Offset: 0x318E70 VA: 0x18031A470
|-RVA: 0x31A520 Offset: 0x318F20 VA: 0x18031A520
|-RVA: 0x31A5D0 Offset: 0x318FD0 VA: 0x18031A5D0
|-RVA: 0x31A690 Offset: 0x319090 VA: 0x18031A690
|-RVA: 0x31A750 Offset: 0x319150 VA: 0x18031A750
|-RVA: 0x31A810 Offset: 0x319210 VA: 0x18031A810
|-RVA: 0x31A8C0 Offset: 0x3192C0 VA: 0x18031A8C0
|-RVA: 0x31A970 Offset: 0x319370 VA: 0x18031A970
|-RVA: 0x31AA20 Offset: 0x319420 VA: 0x18031AA20
|-RVA: 0x31AAE0 Offset: 0x3194E0 VA: 0x18031AAE0
|-RVA: 0x31ABA0 Offset: 0x3195A0 VA: 0x18031ABA0
|-RVA: 0x31AC50 Offset: 0x319650 VA: 0x18031AC50
|-RVA: 0x314790 Offset: 0x313190 VA: 0x180314790
|-RVA: 0x3146D0 Offset: 0x3130D0 VA: 0x1803146D0
|-RVA: 0x314840 Offset: 0x313240 VA: 0x180314840
|-RVA: 0x319970 Offset: 0x318370 VA: 0x180319970
|-RVA: 0x315AF0 Offset: 0x3144F0 VA: 0x180315AF0
|-RVA: 0x3149C0 Offset: 0x3133C0 VA: 0x1803149C0
|-RVA: 0x313AD0 Offset: 0x3124D0 VA: 0x180313AD0
|-RVA: 0x316760 Offset: 0x315160 VA: 0x180316760
|-RVA: 0x316820 Offset: 0x315220 VA: 0x180316820
|-RVA: 0x31AF50 Offset: 0x319950 VA: 0x18031AF50
|-RVA: 0x315F70 Offset: 0x314970 VA: 0x180315F70
|-RVA: 0x3163F0 Offset: 0x314DF0 VA: 0x1803163F0
|-RVA: 0x316550 Offset: 0x314F50 VA: 0x180316550
|-RVA: 0x3164A0 Offset: 0x314EA0 VA: 0x1803164A0
|-RVA: 0x316600 Offset: 0x315000 VA: 0x180316600
|-RVA: 0x3166B0 Offset: 0x3150B0 VA: 0x1803166B0
|-RVA: 0x316330 Offset: 0x314D30 VA: 0x180316330
|-RVA: 0x3168E0 Offset: 0x3152E0 VA: 0x1803168E0
|-RVA: 0x318210 Offset: 0x316C10 VA: 0x180318210
|-RVA: 0x319500 Offset: 0x317F00 VA: 0x180319500
|-RVA: 0x319D00 Offset: 0x318700 VA: 0x180319D00
|-RVA: 0x31A0C0 Offset: 0x318AC0 VA: 0x18031A0C0
|-RVA: 0x319140 Offset: 0x317B40 VA: 0x180319140
|-RVA: 0x3160F0 Offset: 0x314AF0 VA: 0x1803160F0
|-RVA: 0x316030 Offset: 0x314A30 VA: 0x180316030
|-RVA: 0x31BC50 Offset: 0x31A650 VA: 0x18031BC50
|-RVA: 0x31BD10 Offset: 0x31A710 VA: 0x18031BD10
|-RVA: 0x31BDD0 Offset: 0x31A7D0 VA: 0x18031BDD0
|-RVA: 0x31C310 Offset: 0x31AD10 VA: 0x18031C310
|-RVA: 0x31BB90 Offset: 0x31A590 VA: 0x18031BB90
|-RVA: 0x313E90 Offset: 0x312890 VA: 0x180313E90
|-RVA: 0x3195C0 Offset: 0x317FC0 VA: 0x1803195C0
|-RVA: 0x315E00 Offset: 0x314800 VA: 0x180315E00
|-RVA: 0x314550 Offset: 0x312F50 VA: 0x180314550
|-RVA: 0x314610 Offset: 0x313010 VA: 0x180314610
|-RVA: 0x318990 Offset: 0x317390 VA: 0x180318990
|-RVA: 0x319440 Offset: 0x317E40 VA: 0x180319440
|-RVA: 0x315A30 Offset: 0x314430 VA: 0x180315A30
|-RVA: 0x315C80 Offset: 0x314680 VA: 0x180315C80
|-RVA: 0x319720 Offset: 0x318120 VA: 0x180319720
|-RVA: 0x315EC0 Offset: 0x3148C0 VA: 0x180315EC0
|-RVA: 0x319670 Offset: 0x318070 VA: 0x180319670
|-RVA: 0x31BF50 Offset: 0x31A950 VA: 0x18031BF50
|-RVA: 0x319AD0 Offset: 0x3184D0 VA: 0x180319AD0
|-RVA: 0x3182D0 Offset: 0x316CD0 VA: 0x1803182D0
|-RVA: 0x314010 Offset: 0x312A10 VA: 0x180314010
|-RVA: 0x313F50 Offset: 0x312950 VA: 0x180313F50
|-RVA: 0x318160 Offset: 0x316B60 VA: 0x180318160
|-RVA: 0x31B010 Offset: 0x319A10 VA: 0x18031B010
|-RVA: 0x31B3C0 Offset: 0x319DC0 VA: 0x18031B3C0
|-RVA: 0x31B310 Offset: 0x319D10 VA: 0x18031B310
|-RVA: 0x31B520 Offset: 0x319F20 VA: 0x18031B520
|-RVA: 0x31B470 Offset: 0x319E70 VA: 0x18031B470
|-RVA: 0x31B5D0 Offset: 0x319FD0 VA: 0x18031B5D0
|-RVA: 0x31B680 Offset: 0x31A080 VA: 0x18031B680
|-RVA: 0x315670 Offset: 0x314070 VA: 0x180315670
|-RVA: 0x318390 Offset: 0x316D90 VA: 0x180318390
|-RVA: 0x318E20 Offset: 0x317820 VA: 0x180318E20
|-RVA: 0x3198B0 Offset: 0x3182B0 VA: 0x1803198B0
|-RVA: 0x31C190 Offset: 0x31AB90 VA: 0x18031C190
|-RVA: 0x31C0D0 Offset: 0x31AAD0 VA: 0x18031C0D0
|-RVA: 0x318450 Offset: 0x316E50 VA: 0x180318450
|-RVA: 0x31BAD0 Offset: 0x31A4D0 VA: 0x18031BAD0
|-RVA: 0x313B90 Offset: 0x312590 VA: 0x180313B90
|-RVA: 0x314A70 Offset: 0x313470 VA: 0x180314A70
|-RVA: 0x318D60 Offset: 0x317760 VA: 0x180318D60
|-RVA: 0x318A40 Offset: 0x317440 VA: 0x180318A40
|-RVA: 0x318510 Offset: 0x316F10 VA: 0x180318510
|-RVA: 0x31ADD0 Offset: 0x3197D0 VA: 0x18031ADD0
|-RVA: 0x313C50 Offset: 0x312650 VA: 0x180313C50
|-RVA: 0x314B30 Offset: 0x313530 VA: 0x180314B30
|-RVA: 0x3185D0 Offset: 0x316FD0 VA: 0x1803185D0
|-RVA: 0x3188D0 Offset: 0x3172D0 VA: 0x1803188D0
|-RVA: 0x3140C0 Offset: 0x312AC0 VA: 0x1803140C0
|-RVA: 0x314240 Offset: 0x312C40 VA: 0x180314240
|-RVA: 0x3143C0 Offset: 0x312DC0 VA: 0x1803143C0
|-RVA: 0x314490 Offset: 0x312E90 VA: 0x180314490
|-RVA: 0x319070 Offset: 0x317A70 VA: 0x180319070
|-RVA: 0x318090 Offset: 0x316A90 VA: 0x180318090
|-RVA: 0x31AEA0 Offset: 0x3198A0 VA: 0x18031AEA0
|-RVA: 0x317FD0 Offset: 0x3169D0 VA: 0x180317FD0
|-RVA: 0x318CA0 Offset: 0x3176A0 VA: 0x180318CA0
|-RVA: 0x318B20 Offset: 0x317520 VA: 0x180318B20
|-RVA: 0x318BE0 Offset: 0x3175E0 VA: 0x180318BE0
|-RVA: 0x318EE0 Offset: 0x3178E0 VA: 0x180318EE0
|-RVA: 0x318FA0 Offset: 0x3179A0 VA: 0x180318FA0
|-RVA: 0x313DD0 Offset: 0x3127D0 VA: 0x180313DD0
|-RVA: 0x319380 Offset: 0x317D80 VA: 0x180319380
|-RVA: 0x3161B0 Offset: 0x314BB0 VA: 0x1803161B0
|-RVA: 0x314170 Offset: 0x312B70 VA: 0x180314170
|-RVA: 0x318690 Offset: 0x317090 VA: 0x180318690
|-RVA: 0x31A300 Offset: 0x318D00 VA: 0x18031A300
|-RVA: 0x31B0C0 Offset: 0x319AC0 VA: 0x18031B0C0
|-RVA: 0x314900 Offset: 0x313300 VA: 0x180314900
|-RVA: 0x315BC0 Offset: 0x3145C0 VA: 0x180315BC0
|-RVA: 0x315D40 Offset: 0x314740 VA: 0x180315D40
|-RVA: 0x319A20 Offset: 0x318420 VA: 0x180319A20
|-RVA: 0x31AD10 Offset: 0x319710 VA: 0x18031AD10
|-RVA: 0x31B180 Offset: 0x319B80 VA: 0x18031B180
|-RVA: 0x31B240 Offset: 0x319C40 VA: 0x18031B240
|-RVA: 0x31BE90 Offset: 0x31A890 VA: 0x18031BE90
|-RVA: 0x31B7E0 Offset: 0x31A1E0 VA: 0x18031B7E0
|-RVA: 0x31B950 Offset: 0x31A350 VA: 0x18031B950
|-RVA: 0x31B890 Offset: 0x31A290 VA: 0x18031B890
|-RVA: 0x31BA10 Offset: 0x31A410 VA: 0x18031BA10
|-RVA: 0x3197F0 Offset: 0x3181F0 VA: 0x1803197F0
|-RVA: 0x31C3E0 Offset: 0x31ADE0 VA: 0x18031C3E0
|-RVA: 0x31B730 Offset: 0x31A130 VA: 0x18031B730
|-RVA: 0x31C010 Offset: 0x31AA10 VA: 0x18031C010
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void InternalArray__set_Item<T>(int index, T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x849F80 Offset: 0x848980 VA: 0x180849F80
|-RVA: 0x846DC0 Offset: 0x8457C0 VA: 0x180846DC0
|-RVA: 0x849A00 Offset: 0x848400 VA: 0x180849A00
|-RVA: 0x851BE0 Offset: 0x8505E0 VA: 0x180851BE0
|-RVA: 0x8558F0 Offset: 0x8542F0 VA: 0x1808558F0
|-RVA: 0x854020 Offset: 0x852A20 VA: 0x180854020
|-RVA: 0x84EA40 Offset: 0x84D440 VA: 0x18084EA40
|-RVA: 0x84A7E0 Offset: 0x8491E0 VA: 0x18084A7E0
|-RVA: 0x84A0D0 Offset: 0x848AD0 VA: 0x18084A0D0
|-RVA: 0x84B6C0 Offset: 0x84A0C0 VA: 0x18084B6C0
|-RVA: 0x856ED0 Offset: 0x8558D0 VA: 0x180856ED0
|-RVA: 0x856D70 Offset: 0x855770 VA: 0x180856D70
|-RVA: 0x854450 Offset: 0x852E50 VA: 0x180854450
|-RVA: 0x84B820 Offset: 0x84A220 VA: 0x18084B820
|-RVA: 0x854180 Offset: 0x852B80 VA: 0x180854180
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84FA40 Offset: 0x84E440 VA: 0x18084FA40
|-RVA: 0x843FF0 Offset: 0x8429F0 VA: 0x180843FF0
|-RVA: 0x8442B0 Offset: 0x842CB0 VA: 0x1808442B0
|-RVA: 0x845470 Offset: 0x843E70 VA: 0x180845470
|-RVA: 0x846970 Offset: 0x845370 VA: 0x180846970
|-RVA: 0x850000 Offset: 0x84EA00 VA: 0x180850000
|-RVA: 0x856170 Offset: 0x854B70 VA: 0x180856170
|-RVA: 0x856010 Offset: 0x854A10 VA: 0x180856010
|-RVA: 0x844400 Offset: 0x842E00 VA: 0x180844400
|-RVA: 0x844C70 Offset: 0x843670 VA: 0x180844C70
|-RVA: 0x844F10 Offset: 0x843910 VA: 0x180844F10
|-RVA: 0x844DC0 Offset: 0x8437C0 VA: 0x180844DC0
|-RVA: 0x845320 Offset: 0x843D20 VA: 0x180845320
|-RVA: 0x852BB0 Offset: 0x8515B0 VA: 0x180852BB0
|-RVA: 0x846560 Offset: 0x844F60 VA: 0x180846560
|-RVA: 0x848BC0 Offset: 0x8475C0 VA: 0x180848BC0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x848770 Offset: 0x847170 VA: 0x180848770
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x848610 Offset: 0x847010 VA: 0x180848610
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x849010 Offset: 0x847A10 VA: 0x180849010
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x846F30 Offset: 0x845930 VA: 0x180846F30
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x8488E0 Offset: 0x8472E0 VA: 0x1808488E0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x848330 Offset: 0x846D30 VA: 0x180848330
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x847930 Offset: 0x846330 VA: 0x180847930
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x8484A0 Offset: 0x846EA0 VA: 0x1808484A0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x8474F0 Offset: 0x845EF0 VA: 0x1808474F0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x848D40 Offset: 0x847740 VA: 0x180848D40
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x847D70 Offset: 0x846770 VA: 0x180847D70
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x8477C0 Offset: 0x8461C0 VA: 0x1808477C0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x847C00 Offset: 0x846600 VA: 0x180847C00
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x847380 Offset: 0x845D80 VA: 0x180847380
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x847EE0 Offset: 0x8468E0 VA: 0x180847EE0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x8470A0 Offset: 0x845AA0 VA: 0x1808470A0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x849170 Offset: 0x847B70 VA: 0x180849170
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x8492E0 Offset: 0x847CE0 VA: 0x1808492E0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x847210 Offset: 0x845C10 VA: 0x180847210
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x847A90 Offset: 0x846490 VA: 0x180847A90
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x848EA0 Offset: 0x8478A0 VA: 0x180848EA0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x8481C0 Offset: 0x846BC0 VA: 0x1808481C0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x848050 Offset: 0x846A50 VA: 0x180848050
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x847650 Offset: 0x846050 VA: 0x180847650
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x8528D0 Offset: 0x8512D0 VA: 0x1808528D0
|-RVA: 0x851D60 Offset: 0x850760 VA: 0x180851D60
|-RVA: 0x8521A0 Offset: 0x850BA0 VA: 0x1808521A0
|-RVA: 0x852A40 Offset: 0x851440 VA: 0x180852A40
|-RVA: 0x851ED0 Offset: 0x8508D0 VA: 0x180851ED0
|-RVA: 0x852310 Offset: 0x850D10 VA: 0x180852310
|-RVA: 0x8525F0 Offset: 0x850FF0 VA: 0x1808525F0
|-RVA: 0x852480 Offset: 0x850E80 VA: 0x180852480
|-RVA: 0x84CD00 Offset: 0x84B700 VA: 0x18084CD00
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x84CB90 Offset: 0x84B590 VA: 0x18084CB90
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84C770 Offset: 0x84B170 VA: 0x18084C770
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84C4C0 Offset: 0x84AEC0 VA: 0x18084C4C0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>
|-RVA: 0x84DF00 Offset: 0x84C900 VA: 0x18084DF00
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<char, int>>
|-RVA: 0x84D140 Offset: 0x84BB40 VA: 0x18084D140
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84C350 Offset: 0x84AD50 VA: 0x18084C350
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>
|-RVA: 0x84C610 Offset: 0x84B010 VA: 0x18084C610
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84B990 Offset: 0x84A390 VA: 0x18084B990
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-RVA: 0x84DAE0 Offset: 0x84C4E0 VA: 0x18084DAE0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84D410 Offset: 0x84BE10 VA: 0x18084D410
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<int, int>>
|-RVA: 0x84D2B0 Offset: 0x84BCB0 VA: 0x18084D2B0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84D560 Offset: 0x84BF60 VA: 0x18084D560
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<int, float>>
|-RVA: 0x84DDB0 Offset: 0x84C7B0 VA: 0x18084DDB0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>
|-RVA: 0x84CA30 Offset: 0x84B430 VA: 0x18084CA30
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84D6B0 Offset: 0x84C0B0 VA: 0x18084D6B0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>
|-RVA: 0x84E1B0 Offset: 0x84CBB0 VA: 0x18084E1B0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-RVA: 0x84DC50 Offset: 0x84C650 VA: 0x18084DC50
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-RVA: 0x84C090 Offset: 0x84AA90 VA: 0x18084C090
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-RVA: 0x84E050 Offset: 0x84CA50 VA: 0x18084E050
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>
|-RVA: 0x84BDC0 Offset: 0x84A7C0 VA: 0x18084BDC0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84BF20 Offset: 0x84A920 VA: 0x18084BF20
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>
|-RVA: 0x84BC60 Offset: 0x84A660 VA: 0x18084BC60
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>
|-RVA: 0x84C8D0 Offset: 0x84B2D0 VA: 0x18084C8D0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>
|-RVA: 0x84CFE0 Offset: 0x84B9E0 VA: 0x18084CFE0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84C1F0 Offset: 0x84ABF0 VA: 0x18084C1F0
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84D820 Offset: 0x84C220 VA: 0x18084D820
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84BB00 Offset: 0x84A500 VA: 0x18084BB00
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>
|-RVA: 0x84CE70 Offset: 0x84B870 VA: 0x18084CE70
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>
|-RVA: 0x84D980 Offset: 0x84C380 VA: 0x18084D980
|-Array.InternalArray__set_Item<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>
|-RVA: 0x857490 Offset: 0x855E90 VA: 0x180857490
|-RVA: 0x844840 Offset: 0x843240 VA: 0x180844840
|-RVA: 0x850A00 Offset: 0x84F400 VA: 0x180850A00
|-RVA: 0x845A30 Offset: 0x844430 VA: 0x180845A30
|-RVA: 0x850B70 Offset: 0x84F570 VA: 0x180850B70
|-RVA: 0x84A940 Offset: 0x849340 VA: 0x18084A940
|-RVA: 0x84F460 Offset: 0x84DE60 VA: 0x18084F460
|-RVA: 0x84F2E0 Offset: 0x84DCE0 VA: 0x18084F2E0
|-RVA: 0x852E80 Offset: 0x851880 VA: 0x180852E80
|-RVA: 0x852FD0 Offset: 0x8519D0 VA: 0x180852FD0
|-RVA: 0x853120 Offset: 0x851B20 VA: 0x180853120
|-RVA: 0x853270 Offset: 0x851C70 VA: 0x180853270
|-RVA: 0x8533E0 Offset: 0x851DE0 VA: 0x1808533E0
|-RVA: 0x853550 Offset: 0x851F50 VA: 0x180853550
|-RVA: 0x8536B0 Offset: 0x8520B0 VA: 0x1808536B0
|-RVA: 0x853800 Offset: 0x852200 VA: 0x180853800
|-RVA: 0x853950 Offset: 0x852350 VA: 0x180853950
|-RVA: 0x853AA0 Offset: 0x8524A0 VA: 0x180853AA0
|-RVA: 0x853C00 Offset: 0x852600 VA: 0x180853C00
|-RVA: 0x853D60 Offset: 0x852760 VA: 0x180853D60
|-RVA: 0x853EB0 Offset: 0x8528B0 VA: 0x180853EB0
|-RVA: 0x8462B0 Offset: 0x844CB0 VA: 0x1808462B0
|-RVA: 0x846150 Offset: 0x844B50 VA: 0x180846150
|-RVA: 0x846400 Offset: 0x844E00 VA: 0x180846400
|-RVA: 0x8517F0 Offset: 0x8501F0 VA: 0x1808517F0
|-RVA: 0x8495B0 Offset: 0x847FB0 VA: 0x1808495B0
|-RVA: 0x846820 Offset: 0x845220 VA: 0x180846820
|-RVA: 0x844150 Offset: 0x842B50 VA: 0x180844150
|-RVA: 0x84B2A0 Offset: 0x849CA0 VA: 0x18084B2A0
|-RVA: 0x84B400 Offset: 0x849E00 VA: 0x18084B400
|-RVA: 0x854890 Offset: 0x853290 VA: 0x180854890
|-RVA: 0x84A250 Offset: 0x848C50 VA: 0x18084A250
|-RVA: 0x84AC10 Offset: 0x849610 VA: 0x18084AC10
|-RVA: 0x84AEB0 Offset: 0x8498B0 VA: 0x18084AEB0
|-RVA: 0x84AD60 Offset: 0x849760 VA: 0x18084AD60
|-RVA: 0x84B000 Offset: 0x849A00 VA: 0x18084B000
|-RVA: 0x84B150 Offset: 0x849B50 VA: 0x18084B150
|-RVA: 0x84AAA0 Offset: 0x8494A0 VA: 0x18084AAA0
|-RVA: 0x84B560 Offset: 0x849F60 VA: 0x18084B560
|-RVA: 0x84E770 Offset: 0x84D170 VA: 0x18084E770
|-RVA: 0x850FA0 Offset: 0x84F9A0 VA: 0x180850FA0
|-RVA: 0x852030 Offset: 0x850A30 VA: 0x180852030
|-RVA: 0x852760 Offset: 0x851160 VA: 0x180852760
|-RVA: 0x8508A0 Offset: 0x84F2A0 VA: 0x1808508A0
|-RVA: 0x84A520 Offset: 0x848F20 VA: 0x18084A520
|-RVA: 0x84A3B0 Offset: 0x848DB0 VA: 0x18084A3B0
|-RVA: 0x856590 Offset: 0x854F90 VA: 0x180856590
|-RVA: 0x856760 Offset: 0x855160 VA: 0x180856760
|-RVA: 0x856930 Offset: 0x855330 VA: 0x180856930
|-RVA: 0x857600 Offset: 0x856000 VA: 0x180857600
|-RVA: 0x856430 Offset: 0x854E30 VA: 0x180856430
|-RVA: 0x844B10 Offset: 0x843510 VA: 0x180844B10
|-RVA: 0x851110 Offset: 0x84FB10 VA: 0x180851110
|-RVA: 0x849CD0 Offset: 0x8486D0 VA: 0x180849CD0
|-RVA: 0x845E80 Offset: 0x844880 VA: 0x180845E80
|-RVA: 0x845FF0 Offset: 0x8449F0 VA: 0x180845FF0
|-RVA: 0x84F730 Offset: 0x84E130 VA: 0x18084F730
|-RVA: 0x850E40 Offset: 0x84F840 VA: 0x180850E40
|-RVA: 0x849450 Offset: 0x847E50 VA: 0x180849450
|-RVA: 0x849890 Offset: 0x848290 VA: 0x180849890
|-RVA: 0x851390 Offset: 0x84FD90 VA: 0x180851390
|-RVA: 0x849E30 Offset: 0x848830 VA: 0x180849E30
|-RVA: 0x851240 Offset: 0x84FC40 VA: 0x180851240
|-RVA: 0x856C10 Offset: 0x855610 VA: 0x180856C10
|-RVA: 0x851A90 Offset: 0x850490 VA: 0x180851A90
|-RVA: 0x84E8D0 Offset: 0x84D2D0 VA: 0x18084E8D0
|-RVA: 0x8451D0 Offset: 0x843BD0 VA: 0x1808451D0
|-RVA: 0x845060 Offset: 0x843A60 VA: 0x180845060
|-RVA: 0x84E620 Offset: 0x84D020 VA: 0x18084E620
|-RVA: 0x854A00 Offset: 0x853400 VA: 0x180854A00
|-RVA: 0x855110 Offset: 0x853B10 VA: 0x180855110
|-RVA: 0x854FC0 Offset: 0x8539C0 VA: 0x180854FC0
|-RVA: 0x8553B0 Offset: 0x853DB0 VA: 0x1808553B0
|-RVA: 0x855260 Offset: 0x853C60 VA: 0x180855260
|-RVA: 0x855500 Offset: 0x853F00 VA: 0x180855500
|-RVA: 0x855650 Offset: 0x854050 VA: 0x180855650
|-RVA: 0x848A60 Offset: 0x847460 VA: 0x180848A60
|-RVA: 0x84EBB0 Offset: 0x84D5B0 VA: 0x18084EBB0
|-RVA: 0x8502C0 Offset: 0x84ECC0 VA: 0x1808502C0
|-RVA: 0x851670 Offset: 0x850070 VA: 0x180851670
|-RVA: 0x857330 Offset: 0x855D30 VA: 0x180857330
|-RVA: 0x8571B0 Offset: 0x855BB0 VA: 0x1808571B0
|-RVA: 0x84ED10 Offset: 0x84D710 VA: 0x18084ED10
|-RVA: 0x8562D0 Offset: 0x854CD0 VA: 0x1808562D0
|-RVA: 0x844560 Offset: 0x842F60 VA: 0x180844560
|-RVA: 0x846AE0 Offset: 0x8454E0 VA: 0x180846AE0
|-RVA: 0x850150 Offset: 0x84EB50 VA: 0x180850150
|-RVA: 0x84F880 Offset: 0x84E280 VA: 0x18084F880
|-RVA: 0x84EE80 Offset: 0x84D880 VA: 0x18084EE80
|-RVA: 0x8545C0 Offset: 0x852FC0 VA: 0x1808545C0
|-RVA: 0x8446D0 Offset: 0x8430D0 VA: 0x1808446D0
|-RVA: 0x846C50 Offset: 0x845650 VA: 0x180846C50
|-RVA: 0x84EFF0 Offset: 0x84D9F0 VA: 0x18084EFF0
|-RVA: 0x84F5D0 Offset: 0x84DFD0 VA: 0x18084F5D0
|-RVA: 0x8455E0 Offset: 0x843FE0 VA: 0x1808455E0
|-RVA: 0x8458D0 Offset: 0x8442D0 VA: 0x1808458D0
|-RVA: 0x845B90 Offset: 0x844590 VA: 0x180845B90
|-RVA: 0x845D10 Offset: 0x844710 VA: 0x180845D10
|-RVA: 0x850710 Offset: 0x84F110 VA: 0x180850710
|-RVA: 0x84E480 Offset: 0x84CE80 VA: 0x18084E480
|-RVA: 0x854740 Offset: 0x853140 VA: 0x180854740
|-RVA: 0x84E310 Offset: 0x84CD10 VA: 0x18084E310
|-RVA: 0x84FE80 Offset: 0x84E880 VA: 0x18084FE80
|-RVA: 0x84FBB0 Offset: 0x84E5B0 VA: 0x18084FBB0
|-RVA: 0x84FD10 Offset: 0x84E710 VA: 0x18084FD10
|-RVA: 0x850420 Offset: 0x84EE20 VA: 0x180850420
|-RVA: 0x850590 Offset: 0x84EF90 VA: 0x180850590
|-RVA: 0x8449A0 Offset: 0x8433A0 VA: 0x1808449A0
|-RVA: 0x850CD0 Offset: 0x84F6D0 VA: 0x180850CD0
|-RVA: 0x84A680 Offset: 0x849080 VA: 0x18084A680
|-RVA: 0x845730 Offset: 0x844130 VA: 0x180845730
|-RVA: 0x84F160 Offset: 0x84DB60 VA: 0x18084F160
|-RVA: 0x852D10 Offset: 0x851710 VA: 0x180852D10
|-RVA: 0x854B50 Offset: 0x853550 VA: 0x180854B50
|-RVA: 0x8466C0 Offset: 0x8450C0 VA: 0x1808466C0
|-RVA: 0x849730 Offset: 0x848130 VA: 0x180849730
|-RVA: 0x849B70 Offset: 0x848570 VA: 0x180849B70
|-RVA: 0x851940 Offset: 0x850340 VA: 0x180851940
|-RVA: 0x8542E0 Offset: 0x852CE0 VA: 0x1808542E0
|-RVA: 0x854CC0 Offset: 0x8536C0 VA: 0x180854CC0
|-RVA: 0x854E20 Offset: 0x853820 VA: 0x180854E20
|-RVA: 0x856AA0 Offset: 0x8554A0 VA: 0x180856AA0
|-RVA: 0x855A70 Offset: 0x854470 VA: 0x180855A70
|-RVA: 0x855D40 Offset: 0x854740 VA: 0x180855D40
|-RVA: 0x855BD0 Offset: 0x8545D0 VA: 0x180855BD0
|-RVA: 0x855EB0 Offset: 0x8548B0 VA: 0x180855EB0
|-RVA: 0x851510 Offset: 0x84FF10 VA: 0x180851510
|-RVA: 0x857780 Offset: 0x856180 VA: 0x180857780
|-RVA: 0x8557A0 Offset: 0x8541A0 VA: 0x1808557A0
|-RVA: 0x857040 Offset: 0x855A40 VA: 0x180857040
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void GetGenericValueImpl<T>(int pos, out T value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: -1 Offset: -1
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void SetGenericValueImpl<T>(int pos, ref T value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: -1 Offset: -1
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0xF330 Offset: 0xE730 VA: 0x18000F330
// RVA: 0x82D750 Offset: 0x82C150 VA: 0x18082D750
public int get_Length() { }
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0xF330 Offset: 0xE730 VA: 0x18000F330
// RVA: 0x82CA20 Offset: 0x82B420 VA: 0x18082CA20
public int get_Rank() { }
// RVA: 0x82CA20 Offset: 0x82B420 VA: 0x18082CA20
private int GetRank() { }
// RVA: 0x82C9E0 Offset: 0x82B3E0 VA: 0x18082C9E0
public int GetLength(int dimension) { }
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0xF330 Offset: 0xE730 VA: 0x18000F330
// RVA: 0x82CA00 Offset: 0x82B400 VA: 0x18082CA00
public int GetLowerBound(int dimension) { }
// RVA: 0x82CA80 Offset: 0x82B480 VA: 0x18082CA80
public object GetValue(int[] indices) { }
// RVA: 0x82E090 Offset: 0x82CA90 VA: 0x18082E090
public void SetValue(object value, int[] indices) { }
// RVA: 0x82CA70 Offset: 0x82B470 VA: 0x18082CA70
internal object GetValueImpl(int pos) { }
// RVA: 0x82E080 Offset: 0x82CA80 VA: 0x18082E080
internal void SetValueImpl(object value, int pos) { }
// RVA: 0x82C910 Offset: 0x82B310 VA: 0x18082C910
internal static bool FastCopy(Array source, int source_idx, Array dest, int dest_idx, int length) { }
// RVA: 0x82BE40 Offset: 0x82A840 VA: 0x18082BE40
internal static Array CreateInstanceImpl(Type elementType, int[] lengths, int[] bounds) { }
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0xF330 Offset: 0xE730 VA: 0x18000F330
// RVA: 0x82CA30 Offset: 0x82B430 VA: 0x18082CA30
public int GetUpperBound(int dimension) { }
// RVA: 0x82CDC0 Offset: 0x82B7C0 VA: 0x18082CDC0
public object GetValue(int index) { }
// RVA: 0x82D090 Offset: 0x82BA90 VA: 0x18082D090
public object GetValue(int index1, int index2) { }
// RVA: 0x82CF40 Offset: 0x82B940 VA: 0x18082CF40
public object GetValue(int index1, int index2, int index3) { }
// RVA: 0x82E2F0 Offset: 0x82CCF0 VA: 0x18082E2F0
public void SetValue(object value, int index) { }
// RVA: 0x82E860 Offset: 0x82D260 VA: 0x18082E860
public void SetValue(object value, int index1, int index2) { }
// RVA: 0x82E220 Offset: 0x82CC20 VA: 0x18082E220
public void SetValue(object value, int index1, int index2, int index3) { }
// RVA: 0x82F9F0 Offset: 0x82E3F0 VA: 0x18082F9F0
internal static Array UnsafeCreateInstance(Type elementType, int[] lengths, int[] lowerBounds) { }
// RVA: 0x82BFC0 Offset: 0x82A9C0 VA: 0x18082BFC0
internal static Array UnsafeCreateInstance(Type elementType, int length1, int length2) { }
// RVA: 0x82FA00 Offset: 0x82E400 VA: 0x18082FA00
internal static Array UnsafeCreateInstance(Type elementType, int[] lengths) { }
// RVA: 0x82C890 Offset: 0x82B290 VA: 0x18082C890
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, int length) { }
// RVA: 0x82BFC0 Offset: 0x82A9C0 VA: 0x18082BFC0
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, int length1, int length2) { }
// RVA: 0x82C500 Offset: 0x82AF00 VA: 0x18082C500
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, int length1, int length2, int length3) { }
// RVA: 0x82C5D0 Offset: 0x82AFD0 VA: 0x18082C5D0
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, int[] lengths) { }
// RVA: 0x82C060 Offset: 0x82AA60 VA: 0x18082C060
public static Array CreateInstance(Type elementType, int[] lengths, int[] lowerBounds) { }
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0xF330 Offset: 0xE730 VA: 0x18000F330
// RVA: 0x82B1C0 Offset: 0x829BC0 VA: 0x18082B1C0
public static void Clear(Array array, int index, int length) { }
// RVA: 0x82B1B0 Offset: 0x829BB0 VA: 0x18082B1B0
private static void ClearInternal(Array a, int index, int count) { }
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0x2DFA0 Offset: 0x2D3A0 VA: 0x18002DFA0
// RVA: 0x82B710 Offset: 0x82A110 VA: 0x18082B710
public static void Copy(Array sourceArray, Array destinationArray, int length) { }
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0x2DFA0 Offset: 0x2D3A0 VA: 0x18002DFA0
// RVA: 0x82B800 Offset: 0x82A200 VA: 0x18082B800
public static void Copy(Array sourceArray, int sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, int destinationIndex, int length) { }
// RVA: 0x82BDF0 Offset: 0x82A7F0 VA: 0x18082BDF0
private static Exception CreateArrayTypeMismatchException() { }
// RVA: 0x82B0E0 Offset: 0x829AE0 VA: 0x18082B0E0
private static bool CanAssignArrayElement(Type source, Type target) { }
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0xF330 Offset: 0xE730 VA: 0x18000F330
// RVA: 0x82B320 Offset: 0x829D20 VA: 0x18082B320
public static void ConstrainedCopy(Array sourceArray, int sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, int destinationIndex, int length) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static T[] Empty<T>() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1F6C80 Offset: 0x1F5680 VA: 0x1801F6C80
|-Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>
|-Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>
|-Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>
|-Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>
|-Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-Array.Empty<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>
// RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0
public void Initialize() { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static int IndexOfImpl<T>(T[] array, T value, int startIndex, int count) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FDD90 Offset: 0x8FC790 VA: 0x1808FDD90
|-RVA: 0x8FE140 Offset: 0x8FCB40 VA: 0x1808FE140
|-RVA: 0x8FE1D0 Offset: 0x8FCBD0 VA: 0x1808FE1D0
|-RVA: 0x8FDD00 Offset: 0x8FC700 VA: 0x1808FDD00
|-Array.IndexOfImpl<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-Array.IndexOfImpl<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-Array.IndexOfImpl<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-Array.IndexOfImpl<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-Array.IndexOfImpl<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-Array.IndexOfImpl<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x8FDF10 Offset: 0x8FC910 VA: 0x1808FDF10
|-RVA: 0x8FE0B0 Offset: 0x8FCAB0 VA: 0x1808FE0B0
|-RVA: 0x8FDE10 Offset: 0x8FC810 VA: 0x1808FDE10
|-RVA: 0x8FDE90 Offset: 0x8FC890 VA: 0x1808FDE90
|-RVA: 0x8FE030 Offset: 0x8FCA30 VA: 0x1808FE030
|-RVA: 0x8FE270 Offset: 0x8FCC70 VA: 0x1808FE270
|-RVA: 0x8FE2F0 Offset: 0x8FCCF0 VA: 0x1808FE2F0
|-RVA: 0x8FE6A0 Offset: 0x8FD0A0 VA: 0x1808FE6A0
|-RVA: 0x8FE790 Offset: 0x8FD190 VA: 0x1808FE790
|-RVA: 0x8FDFB0 Offset: 0x8FC9B0 VA: 0x1808FDFB0
|-RVA: 0x8FE410 Offset: 0x8FCE10 VA: 0x1808FE410
|-RVA: 0x8FE370 Offset: 0x8FCD70 VA: 0x1808FE370
|-RVA: 0x8FE4D0 Offset: 0x8FCED0 VA: 0x1808FE4D0
|-RVA: 0x8FE560 Offset: 0x8FCF60 VA: 0x1808FE560
|-RVA: 0x8FE620 Offset: 0x8FD020 VA: 0x1808FE620
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static int LastIndexOfImpl<T>(T[] array, T value, int startIndex, int count) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x581E90 Offset: 0x580890 VA: 0x180581E90
|-RVA: 0x581F20 Offset: 0x580920 VA: 0x180581F20
|-RVA: 0x581FA0 Offset: 0x5809A0 VA: 0x180581FA0
|-RVA: 0x582020 Offset: 0x580A20 VA: 0x180582020
// RVA: 0x82E910 Offset: 0x82D310 VA: 0x18082E910
private static void SortImpl(Array keys, Array items, int index, int length, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal static T UnsafeLoad<T>(T[] array, int index) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x31C4D0 Offset: 0x31AED0 VA: 0x18031C4D0
|-RVA: 0x31C6B0 Offset: 0x31B0B0 VA: 0x18031C6B0
|-RVA: 0x31C700 Offset: 0x31B100 VA: 0x18031C700
|-RVA: 0x31C490 Offset: 0x31AE90 VA: 0x18031C490
|-Array.UnsafeLoad<StructMultiKey<object, object>>
|-Array.UnsafeLoad<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>
|-Array.UnsafeLoad<KeyValuePair<int, object>>
|-Array.UnsafeLoad<KeyValuePair<object, char>>
|-Array.UnsafeLoad<KeyValuePair<object, int>>
|-Array.UnsafeLoad<KeyValuePair<object, object>>
|-RVA: 0x31C590 Offset: 0x31AF90 VA: 0x18031C590
|-RVA: 0x31C660 Offset: 0x31B060 VA: 0x18031C660
|-RVA: 0x31C510 Offset: 0x31AF10 VA: 0x18031C510
|-RVA: 0x31C550 Offset: 0x31AF50 VA: 0x18031C550
|-RVA: 0x31C620 Offset: 0x31B020 VA: 0x18031C620
|-RVA: 0x31C5F0 Offset: 0x31AFF0 VA: 0x18031C5F0
|-RVA: 0x31C980 Offset: 0x31B380 VA: 0x18031C980
|-RVA: 0x31CA40 Offset: 0x31B440 VA: 0x18031CA40
|-RVA: 0x31C880 Offset: 0x31B280 VA: 0x18031C880
|-RVA: 0x31C7C0 Offset: 0x31B1C0 VA: 0x18031C7C0
|-RVA: 0x31C760 Offset: 0x31B160 VA: 0x18031C760
|-RVA: 0x31C830 Offset: 0x31B230 VA: 0x18031C830
|-RVA: 0x31C8C0 Offset: 0x31B2C0 VA: 0x18031C8C0
|-RVA: 0x31C940 Offset: 0x31B340 VA: 0x18031C940
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal static void UnsafeStore<T>(T[] array, int index, T value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x434110 Offset: 0x432B10 VA: 0x180434110
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal static R UnsafeMov<S, R>(S instance) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xADB5B0 Offset: 0xAD9FB0 VA: 0x180ADB5B0
|-Array.UnsafeMov<ByteEnum, int>
|-RVA: 0x39E4F0 Offset: 0x39CEF0 VA: 0x18039E4F0
|-Array.UnsafeMov<Int32Enum, int>
|-RVA: 0x227BB0 Offset: 0x2265B0 VA: 0x180227BB0
|-Array.UnsafeMov<object, object>
// Namespace:
private sealed class Array.ArrayEnumerator : IEnumerator, ICloneable // TypeDefIndex: 143
// Fields
private Array _array; // 0x10
private int _index; // 0x18
private int _endIndex; // 0x1C
// Properties
public object Current { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x82AA00 Offset: 0x829400 VA: 0x18082AA00
internal void .ctor(Array array) { }
// RVA: 0x82A9E0 Offset: 0x8293E0 VA: 0x18082A9E0 Slot: 4
public bool MoveNext() { }
// RVA: 0x58B620 Offset: 0x58A020 VA: 0x18058B620 Slot: 6
public void Reset() { }
// RVA: 0x41E480 Offset: 0x41CE80 VA: 0x18041E480 Slot: 7
public object Clone() { }
// RVA: 0x82AA90 Offset: 0x829490 VA: 0x18082AA90 Slot: 5
public object get_Current() { }
// Namespace:
internal struct Array.InternalEnumerator<T> : IEnumerator<T>, IDisposable, IEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 144
// Fields
private readonly Array array; // 0x0
private int idx; // 0x0
// Properties
public T Current { get; }
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void .ctor(Array array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xA2990 Offset: 0xA1D90 VA: 0x1800A2990
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>..ctor
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
public void Dispose() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x8FD80 Offset: 0x8F180 VA: 0x18008FD80
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.Dispose
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
public bool MoveNext() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x9E080 Offset: 0x9D480 VA: 0x18009E080
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.MoveNext
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
public T get_Current() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xB9410 Offset: 0xB8810 VA: 0x1800B9410
|-RVA: 0xB9290 Offset: 0xB8690 VA: 0x1800B9290
|-RVA: 0xB9C90 Offset: 0xB9090 VA: 0x1800B9C90
|-RVA: 0xB9340 Offset: 0xB8740 VA: 0x1800B9340
|-RVA: 0xB9B50 Offset: 0xB8F50 VA: 0x1800B9B50
|-RVA: 0xB9490 Offset: 0xB8890 VA: 0x1800B9490
|-RVA: 0xB9DD0 Offset: 0xB91D0 VA: 0x1800B9DD0
|-RVA: 0xB9A30 Offset: 0xB8E30 VA: 0x1800B9A30
|-RVA: 0xB9460 Offset: 0xB8860 VA: 0x1800B9460
|-RVA: 0xB99B0 Offset: 0xB8DB0 VA: 0x1800B99B0
|-RVA: 0xB9C70 Offset: 0xB9070 VA: 0x1800B9C70
|-RVA: 0xB9790 Offset: 0xB8B90 VA: 0x1800B9790
|-RVA: 0xB9610 Offset: 0xB8A10 VA: 0x1800B9610
|-RVA: 0xB99D0 Offset: 0xB8DD0 VA: 0x1800B99D0
|-RVA: 0xB91F0 Offset: 0xB85F0 VA: 0x1800B91F0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9800 Offset: 0xB8C00 VA: 0x1800B9800
|-RVA: 0xB9D50 Offset: 0xB9150 VA: 0x1800B9D50
|-RVA: 0xB9480 Offset: 0xB8880 VA: 0x1800B9480
|-RVA: 0xB9440 Offset: 0xB8840 VA: 0x1800B9440
|-RVA: 0xB9270 Offset: 0xB8670 VA: 0x1800B9270
|-RVA: 0xB97F0 Offset: 0xB8BF0 VA: 0x1800B97F0
|-RVA: 0xB9720 Offset: 0xB8B20 VA: 0x1800B9720
|-RVA: 0xB9C30 Offset: 0xB9030 VA: 0x1800B9C30
|-RVA: 0xB93A0 Offset: 0xB87A0 VA: 0x1800B93A0
|-RVA: 0xB92F0 Offset: 0xB86F0 VA: 0x1800B92F0
|-RVA: 0xB9840 Offset: 0xB8C40 VA: 0x1800B9840
|-RVA: 0xB9990 Offset: 0xB8D90 VA: 0x1800B9990
|-RVA: 0xB9D80 Offset: 0xB9180 VA: 0x1800B9D80
|-RVA: 0xB9570 Offset: 0xB8970 VA: 0x1800B9570
|-RVA: 0xB9D30 Offset: 0xB9130 VA: 0x1800B9D30
|-RVA: 0xB9420 Offset: 0xB8820 VA: 0x1800B9420
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9AF0 Offset: 0xB8EF0 VA: 0x1800B9AF0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9380 Offset: 0xB8780 VA: 0x1800B9380
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9850 Offset: 0xB8C50 VA: 0x1800B9850
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9930 Offset: 0xB8D30 VA: 0x1800B9930
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB99F0 Offset: 0xB8DF0 VA: 0x1800B99F0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB96D0 Offset: 0xB8AD0 VA: 0x1800B96D0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9D90 Offset: 0xB9190 VA: 0x1800B9D90
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9530 Offset: 0xB8930 VA: 0x1800B9530
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB94D0 Offset: 0xB88D0 VA: 0x1800B94D0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9B90 Offset: 0xB8F90 VA: 0x1800B9B90
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB97D0 Offset: 0xB8BD0 VA: 0x1800B97D0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9BF0 Offset: 0xB8FF0 VA: 0x1800B9BF0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9D10 Offset: 0xB9110 VA: 0x1800B9D10
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB98D0 Offset: 0xB8CD0 VA: 0x1800B98D0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9740 Offset: 0xB8B40 VA: 0x1800B9740
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9AB0 Offset: 0xB8EB0 VA: 0x1800B9AB0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9510 Offset: 0xB8910 VA: 0x1800B9510
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9B10 Offset: 0xB8F10 VA: 0x1800B9B10
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB97B0 Offset: 0xB8BB0 VA: 0x1800B97B0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB96B0 Offset: 0xB8AB0 VA: 0x1800B96B0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB98B0 Offset: 0xB8CB0 VA: 0x1800B98B0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB93C0 Offset: 0xB87C0 VA: 0x1800B93C0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9890 Offset: 0xB8C90 VA: 0x1800B9890
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9CD0 Offset: 0xB90D0 VA: 0x1800B9CD0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9210 Offset: 0xB8610 VA: 0x1800B9210
|-RVA: 0xB9670 Offset: 0xB8A70 VA: 0x1800B9670
|-RVA: 0xB9650 Offset: 0xB8A50 VA: 0x1800B9650
|-RVA: 0xB94B0 Offset: 0xB88B0 VA: 0x1800B94B0
|-RVA: 0xB93E0 Offset: 0xB87E0 VA: 0x1800B93E0
|-RVA: 0xB9910 Offset: 0xB8D10 VA: 0x1800B9910
|-RVA: 0xB9970 Offset: 0xB8D70 VA: 0x1800B9970
|-RVA: 0xB9300 Offset: 0xB8700 VA: 0x1800B9300
|-RVA: 0xB9770 Offset: 0xB8B70 VA: 0x1800B9770
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9C50 Offset: 0xB9050 VA: 0x1800B9C50
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9C10 Offset: 0xB9010 VA: 0x1800B9C10
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9760 Offset: 0xB8B60 VA: 0x1800B9760
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9400 Offset: 0xB8800 VA: 0x1800B9400
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB98F0 Offset: 0xB8CF0 VA: 0x1800B98F0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB92B0 Offset: 0xB86B0 VA: 0x1800B92B0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9630 Offset: 0xB8A30 VA: 0x1800B9630
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9B30 Offset: 0xB8F30 VA: 0x1800B9B30
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9230 Offset: 0xB8630 VA: 0x1800B9230
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB94F0 Offset: 0xB88F0 VA: 0x1800B94F0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9A10 Offset: 0xB8E10 VA: 0x1800B9A10
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9710 Offset: 0xB8B10 VA: 0x1800B9710
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB99A0 Offset: 0xB8DA0 VA: 0x1800B99A0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9250 Offset: 0xB8650 VA: 0x1800B9250
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9360 Offset: 0xB8760 VA: 0x1800B9360
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9820 Offset: 0xB8C20 VA: 0x1800B9820
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9B70 Offset: 0xB8F70 VA: 0x1800B9B70
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9CF0 Offset: 0xB90F0 VA: 0x1800B9CF0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9CB0 Offset: 0xB90B0 VA: 0x1800B9CB0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9870 Offset: 0xB8C70 VA: 0x1800B9870
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9590 Offset: 0xB8990 VA: 0x1800B9590
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9A70 Offset: 0xB8E70 VA: 0x1800B9A70
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB95F0 Offset: 0xB89F0 VA: 0x1800B95F0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9A50 Offset: 0xB8E50 VA: 0x1800B9A50
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9BD0 Offset: 0xB8FD0 VA: 0x1800B9BD0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB95B0 Offset: 0xB89B0 VA: 0x1800B95B0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9AD0 Offset: 0xB8ED0 VA: 0x1800B9AD0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9690 Offset: 0xB8A90 VA: 0x1800B9690
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9A90 Offset: 0xB8E90 VA: 0x1800B9A90
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB9BB0 Offset: 0xB8FB0 VA: 0x1800B9BB0
|-RVA: 0xB9DB0 Offset: 0xB91B0 VA: 0x1800B9DB0
|-RVA: 0xB92D0 Offset: 0xB86D0 VA: 0x1800B92D0
|-RVA: 0xB9320 Offset: 0xB8720 VA: 0x1800B9320
|-RVA: 0xB95D0 Offset: 0xB89D0 VA: 0x1800B95D0
|-RVA: 0xB9550 Offset: 0xB8950 VA: 0x1800B9550
|-RVA: 0xB96F0 Offset: 0xB8AF0 VA: 0x1800B96F0
|-RVA: 0xB9950 Offset: 0xB8D50 VA: 0x1800B9950
|-RVA: 0xB9D70 Offset: 0xB9170 VA: 0x1800B9D70
|-RVA: 0xB9500 Offset: 0xB8900 VA: 0x1800B9500
|-RVA: 0xA2BF0 Offset: 0xA1FF0 VA: 0x1800A2BF0
|-RVA: 0xA3510 Offset: 0xA2910 VA: 0x1800A3510
|-RVA: 0xA3300 Offset: 0xA2700 VA: 0x1800A3300
|-RVA: 0xA2CF0 Offset: 0xA20F0 VA: 0x1800A2CF0
|-RVA: 0xA3480 Offset: 0xA2880 VA: 0x1800A3480
|-RVA: 0xA30A0 Offset: 0xA24A0 VA: 0x1800A30A0
|-RVA: 0xA3060 Offset: 0xA2460 VA: 0x1800A3060
|-RVA: 0xA2D50 Offset: 0xA2150 VA: 0x1800A2D50
|-RVA: 0xA2A00 Offset: 0xA1E00 VA: 0x1800A2A00
|-RVA: 0xA33A0 Offset: 0xA27A0 VA: 0x1800A33A0
|-RVA: 0xA3150 Offset: 0xA2550 VA: 0x1800A3150
|-RVA: 0xA3230 Offset: 0xA2630 VA: 0x1800A3230
|-RVA: 0xA31A0 Offset: 0xA25A0 VA: 0x1800A31A0
|-RVA: 0xA31C0 Offset: 0xA25C0 VA: 0x1800A31C0
|-RVA: 0xA3020 Offset: 0xA2420 VA: 0x1800A3020
|-RVA: 0xA2B00 Offset: 0xA1F00 VA: 0x1800A2B00
|-RVA: 0xA2DA0 Offset: 0xA21A0 VA: 0x1800A2DA0
|-RVA: 0xA2ED0 Offset: 0xA22D0 VA: 0x1800A2ED0
|-RVA: 0xA2E00 Offset: 0xA2200 VA: 0x1800A2E00
|-RVA: 0xA2F20 Offset: 0xA2320 VA: 0x1800A2F20
|-RVA: 0xA3000 Offset: 0xA2400 VA: 0x1800A3000
|-RVA: 0xA2E20 Offset: 0xA2220 VA: 0x1800A2E20
|-RVA: 0xA3570 Offset: 0xA2970 VA: 0x1800A3570
|-RVA: 0xA2EA0 Offset: 0xA22A0 VA: 0x1800A2EA0
|-RVA: 0xA2A20 Offset: 0xA1E20 VA: 0x1800A2A20
|-RVA: 0xA3140 Offset: 0xA2540 VA: 0x1800A3140
|-RVA: 0xA3100 Offset: 0xA2500 VA: 0x1800A3100
|-RVA: 0xA3250 Offset: 0xA2650 VA: 0x1800A3250
|-RVA: 0xA2A60 Offset: 0xA1E60 VA: 0x1800A2A60
|-RVA: 0xA2C90 Offset: 0xA2090 VA: 0x1800A2C90
|-RVA: 0xA34B0 Offset: 0xA28B0 VA: 0x1800A34B0
|-RVA: 0xA3410 Offset: 0xA2810 VA: 0x1800A3410
|-RVA: 0xA2AE0 Offset: 0xA1EE0 VA: 0x1800A2AE0
|-RVA: 0xA3270 Offset: 0xA2670 VA: 0x1800A3270
|-RVA: 0xA3490 Offset: 0xA2890 VA: 0x1800A3490
|-RVA: 0xA2FE0 Offset: 0xA23E0 VA: 0x1800A2FE0
|-RVA: 0xA2BB0 Offset: 0xA1FB0 VA: 0x1800A2BB0
|-RVA: 0xA3030 Offset: 0xA2430 VA: 0x1800A3030
|-RVA: 0xA34F0 Offset: 0xA28F0 VA: 0x1800A34F0
|-RVA: 0xA2B90 Offset: 0xA1F90 VA: 0x1800A2B90
|-RVA: 0xA3210 Offset: 0xA2610 VA: 0x1800A3210
|-RVA: 0xA30E0 Offset: 0xA24E0 VA: 0x1800A30E0
|-RVA: 0xA2D90 Offset: 0xA2190 VA: 0x1800A2D90
|-RVA: 0xA2F60 Offset: 0xA2360 VA: 0x1800A2F60
|-RVA: 0xA2AA0 Offset: 0xA1EA0 VA: 0x1800A2AA0
|-RVA: 0xA2CB0 Offset: 0xA20B0 VA: 0x1800A2CB0
|-RVA: 0xA2FB0 Offset: 0xA23B0 VA: 0x1800A2FB0
|-RVA: 0xA2DB0 Offset: 0xA21B0 VA: 0x1800A2DB0
|-RVA: 0xA32C0 Offset: 0xA26C0 VA: 0x1800A32C0
|-RVA: 0xA2B70 Offset: 0xA1F70 VA: 0x1800A2B70
|-RVA: 0xA2C60 Offset: 0xA2060 VA: 0x1800A2C60
|-RVA: 0xA3110 Offset: 0xA2510 VA: 0x1800A3110
|-RVA: 0xA3290 Offset: 0xA2690 VA: 0x1800A3290
|-RVA: 0xA2DD0 Offset: 0xA21D0 VA: 0x1800A2DD0
|-RVA: 0xA3070 Offset: 0xA2470 VA: 0x1800A3070
|-RVA: 0xA2D70 Offset: 0xA2170 VA: 0x1800A2D70
|-RVA: 0xA2C80 Offset: 0xA2080 VA: 0x1800A2C80
|-RVA: 0xA2BD0 Offset: 0xA1FD0 VA: 0x1800A2BD0
|-RVA: 0xA2DF0 Offset: 0xA21F0 VA: 0x1800A2DF0
|-RVA: 0xA2A30 Offset: 0xA1E30 VA: 0x1800A2A30
|-RVA: 0xA31E0 Offset: 0xA25E0 VA: 0x1800A31E0
|-RVA: 0xA2B60 Offset: 0xA1F60 VA: 0x1800A2B60
|-RVA: 0xA2F10 Offset: 0xA2310 VA: 0x1800A2F10
|-RVA: 0xA30D0 Offset: 0xA24D0 VA: 0x1800A30D0
|-RVA: 0xA3470 Offset: 0xA2870 VA: 0x1800A3470
|-RVA: 0xA3050 Offset: 0xA2450 VA: 0x1800A3050
|-RVA: 0xA2C00 Offset: 0xA2000 VA: 0x1800A2C00
|-RVA: 0xA2A40 Offset: 0xA1E40 VA: 0x1800A2A40
|-RVA: 0xA33F0 Offset: 0xA27F0 VA: 0x1800A33F0
|-RVA: 0xA3320 Offset: 0xA2720 VA: 0x1800A3320
|-RVA: 0xA2AC0 Offset: 0xA1EC0 VA: 0x1800A2AC0
|-RVA: 0xA2A80 Offset: 0xA1E80 VA: 0x1800A2A80
|-RVA: 0xA3450 Offset: 0xA2850 VA: 0x1800A3450
|-RVA: 0xA2C40 Offset: 0xA2040 VA: 0x1800A2C40
|-RVA: 0xA30B0 Offset: 0xA24B0 VA: 0x1800A30B0
|-RVA: 0xA2D30 Offset: 0xA2130 VA: 0x1800A2D30
|-RVA: 0xA2EB0 Offset: 0xA22B0 VA: 0x1800A2EB0
|-RVA: 0xA2FC0 Offset: 0xA23C0 VA: 0x1800A2FC0
|-RVA: 0xA29A0 Offset: 0xA1DA0 VA: 0x1800A29A0
|-RVA: 0xA2E40 Offset: 0xA2240 VA: 0x1800A2E40
|-RVA: 0xA2B20 Offset: 0xA1F20 VA: 0x1800A2B20
|-RVA: 0xA2E60 Offset: 0xA2260 VA: 0x1800A2E60
|-RVA: 0xA2B40 Offset: 0xA1F40 VA: 0x1800A2B40
|-RVA: 0xA34D0 Offset: 0xA28D0 VA: 0x1800A34D0
|-RVA: 0xA2F80 Offset: 0xA2380 VA: 0x1800A2F80
|-RVA: 0xA3340 Offset: 0xA2740 VA: 0x1800A3340
|-RVA: 0xA29C0 Offset: 0xA1DC0 VA: 0x1800A29C0
|-RVA: 0xA29E0 Offset: 0xA1DE0 VA: 0x1800A29E0
|-RVA: 0xA31F0 Offset: 0xA25F0 VA: 0x1800A31F0
|-RVA: 0xA3180 Offset: 0xA2580 VA: 0x1800A3180
|-RVA: 0xA3240 Offset: 0xA2640 VA: 0x1800A3240
|-RVA: 0xA2D10 Offset: 0xA2110 VA: 0x1800A2D10
|-RVA: 0xA32A0 Offset: 0xA26A0 VA: 0x1800A32A0
|-RVA: 0xA3430 Offset: 0xA2830 VA: 0x1800A3430
|-RVA: 0xA2CD0 Offset: 0xA20D0 VA: 0x1800A2CD0
|-RVA: 0xA3080 Offset: 0xA2480 VA: 0x1800A3080
|-RVA: 0xA2F40 Offset: 0xA2340 VA: 0x1800A2F40
|-RVA: 0xA2E80 Offset: 0xA2280 VA: 0x1800A2E80
|-RVA: 0xA3120 Offset: 0xA2520 VA: 0x1800A3120
|-RVA: 0xA3380 Offset: 0xA2780 VA: 0x1800A3380
|-RVA: 0xA33D0 Offset: 0xA27D0 VA: 0x1800A33D0
|-RVA: 0xA2F90 Offset: 0xA2390 VA: 0x1800A2F90
|-RVA: 0xA32E0 Offset: 0xA26E0 VA: 0x1800A32E0
|-RVA: 0xA3550 Offset: 0xA2950 VA: 0x1800A3550
|-RVA: 0xA2C20 Offset: 0xA2020 VA: 0x1800A2C20
|-RVA: 0xA2EF0 Offset: 0xA22F0 VA: 0x1800A2EF0
|-RVA: 0xA3530 Offset: 0xA2930 VA: 0x1800A3530
|-RVA: 0xA3170 Offset: 0xA2570 VA: 0x1800A3170
|-RVA: 0xA33B0 Offset: 0xA27B0 VA: 0x1800A33B0
|-RVA: 0xA3360 Offset: 0xA2760 VA: 0x1800A3360
|-RVA: 0xE5DE0 Offset: 0xE51E0 VA: 0x1800E5DE0
|-RVA: 0xE5D10 Offset: 0xE5110 VA: 0x1800E5D10
|-RVA: 0xE5D00 Offset: 0xE5100 VA: 0x1800E5D00
|-RVA: 0xE5D50 Offset: 0xE5150 VA: 0x1800E5D50
|-RVA: 0xE5D90 Offset: 0xE5190 VA: 0x1800E5D90
|-RVA: 0xE5DC0 Offset: 0xE51C0 VA: 0x1800E5DC0
|-RVA: 0xE5D30 Offset: 0xE5130 VA: 0x1800E5D30
|-RVA: 0xE5DB0 Offset: 0xE51B0 VA: 0x1800E5DB0
|-RVA: 0xE5CF0 Offset: 0xE50F0 VA: 0x1800E5CF0
|-RVA: 0xE5D70 Offset: 0xE5170 VA: 0x1800E5D70
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
private void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x9E0D0 Offset: 0x9D4D0 VA: 0x18009E0D0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xB6B80 Offset: 0xB5F80 VA: 0x1800B6B80
|-RVA: 0xB64F0 Offset: 0xB58F0 VA: 0x1800B64F0
|-RVA: 0xB7C40 Offset: 0xB7040 VA: 0x1800B7C40
|-RVA: 0xB50A0 Offset: 0xB44A0 VA: 0x1800B50A0
|-RVA: 0xB6100 Offset: 0xB5500 VA: 0x1800B6100
|-RVA: 0xB7910 Offset: 0xB6D10 VA: 0x1800B7910
|-RVA: 0xB6FF0 Offset: 0xB63F0 VA: 0x1800B6FF0
|-RVA: 0xB58C0 Offset: 0xB4CC0 VA: 0x1800B58C0
|-RVA: 0xB77C0 Offset: 0xB6BC0 VA: 0x1800B77C0
|-RVA: 0xB7870 Offset: 0xB6C70 VA: 0x1800B7870
|-RVA: 0xB7F70 Offset: 0xB7370 VA: 0x1800B7F70
|-RVA: 0xB7E30 Offset: 0xB7230 VA: 0x1800B7E30
|-RVA: 0xB8580 Offset: 0xB7980 VA: 0x1800B8580
|-RVA: 0xB88B0 Offset: 0xB7CB0 VA: 0x1800B88B0
|-RVA: 0xB5AA0 Offset: 0xB4EA0 VA: 0x1800B5AA0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5FB0 Offset: 0xB53B0 VA: 0x1800B5FB0
|-RVA: 0xB6450 Offset: 0xB5850 VA: 0x1800B6450
|-RVA: 0xB5D20 Offset: 0xB5120 VA: 0x1800B5D20
|-RVA: 0xB5550 Offset: 0xB4950 VA: 0x1800B5550
|-RVA: 0xB6260 Offset: 0xB5660 VA: 0x1800B6260
|-RVA: 0xB6EC0 Offset: 0xB62C0 VA: 0x1800B6EC0
|-RVA: 0xB7480 Offset: 0xB6880 VA: 0x1800B7480
|-RVA: 0xB79B0 Offset: 0xB6DB0 VA: 0x1800B79B0
|-RVA: 0xB4F50 Offset: 0xB4350 VA: 0x1800B4F50
|-RVA: 0xB5B40 Offset: 0xB4F40 VA: 0x1800B5B40
|-RVA: 0xB6F60 Offset: 0xB6360 VA: 0x1800B6F60
|-RVA: 0xB52B0 Offset: 0xB46B0 VA: 0x1800B52B0
|-RVA: 0xB8960 Offset: 0xB7D60 VA: 0x1800B8960
|-RVA: 0xB7A50 Offset: 0xB6E50 VA: 0x1800B7A50
|-RVA: 0xB8440 Offset: 0xB7840 VA: 0x1800B8440
|-RVA: 0xB6CD0 Offset: 0xB60D0 VA: 0x1800B6CD0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB61B0 Offset: 0xB55B0 VA: 0x1800B61B0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB6310 Offset: 0xB5710 VA: 0x1800B6310
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB6780 Offset: 0xB5B80 VA: 0x1800B6780
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8760 Offset: 0xB7B60 VA: 0x1800B8760
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB80D0 Offset: 0xB74D0 VA: 0x1800B80D0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB68C0 Offset: 0xB5CC0 VA: 0x1800B68C0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8810 Offset: 0xB7C10 VA: 0x1800B8810
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB70A0 Offset: 0xB64A0 VA: 0x1800B70A0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB82F0 Offset: 0xB76F0 VA: 0x1800B82F0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB73E0 Offset: 0xB67E0 VA: 0x1800B73E0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8D30 Offset: 0xB8130 VA: 0x1800B8D30
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB4FF0 Offset: 0xB43F0 VA: 0x1800B4FF0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8AA0 Offset: 0xB7EA0 VA: 0x1800B8AA0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5610 Offset: 0xB4A10 VA: 0x1800B5610
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB7B90 Offset: 0xB6F90 VA: 0x1800B7B90
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5340 Offset: 0xB4740 VA: 0x1800B5340
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5810 Offset: 0xB4C10 VA: 0x1800B5810
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB6970 Offset: 0xB5D70 VA: 0x1800B6970
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5760 Offset: 0xB4B60 VA: 0x1800B5760
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB7710 Offset: 0xB6B10 VA: 0x1800B7710
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8240 Offset: 0xB7640 VA: 0x1800B8240
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5DC0 Offset: 0xB51C0 VA: 0x1800B5DC0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB7CF0 Offset: 0xB70F0 VA: 0x1800B7CF0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB7660 Offset: 0xB6A60 VA: 0x1800B7660
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB66D0 Offset: 0xB5AD0 VA: 0x1800B66D0
|-RVA: 0xB8390 Offset: 0xB7790 VA: 0x1800B8390
|-RVA: 0xB9140 Offset: 0xB8540 VA: 0x1800B9140
|-RVA: 0xB6AD0 Offset: 0xB5ED0 VA: 0x1800B6AD0
|-RVA: 0xB56C0 Offset: 0xB4AC0 VA: 0x1800B56C0
|-RVA: 0xB5150 Offset: 0xB4550 VA: 0x1800B5150
|-RVA: 0xB71F0 Offset: 0xB65F0 VA: 0x1800B71F0
|-RVA: 0xB63B0 Offset: 0xB57B0 VA: 0x1800B63B0
|-RVA: 0xB8E80 Offset: 0xB8280 VA: 0x1800B8E80
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB53F0 Offset: 0xB47F0 VA: 0x1800B53F0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB86C0 Offset: 0xB7AC0 VA: 0x1800B86C0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB84E0 Offset: 0xB78E0 VA: 0x1800B84E0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB7520 Offset: 0xB6920 VA: 0x1800B7520
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8020 Offset: 0xB7420 VA: 0x1800B8020
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8F30 Offset: 0xB8330 VA: 0x1800B8F30
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB72A0 Offset: 0xB66A0 VA: 0x1800B72A0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB75C0 Offset: 0xB69C0 VA: 0x1800B75C0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5BD0 Offset: 0xB4FD0 VA: 0x1800B5BD0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB6820 Offset: 0xB5C20 VA: 0x1800B6820
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB90A0 Offset: 0xB84A0 VA: 0x1800B90A0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8B50 Offset: 0xB7F50 VA: 0x1800B8B50
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5E70 Offset: 0xB5270 VA: 0x1800B5E70
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB6D80 Offset: 0xB6180 VA: 0x1800B6D80
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB6A20 Offset: 0xB5E20 VA: 0x1800B6A20
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB7ED0 Offset: 0xB72D0 VA: 0x1800B7ED0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5F10 Offset: 0xB5310 VA: 0x1800B5F10
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB7150 Offset: 0xB6550 VA: 0x1800B7150
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8BF0 Offset: 0xB7FF0 VA: 0x1800B8BF0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB6E20 Offset: 0xB6220 VA: 0x1800B6E20
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8190 Offset: 0xB7590 VA: 0x1800B8190
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5960 Offset: 0xB4D60 VA: 0x1800B5960
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5A00 Offset: 0xB4E00 VA: 0x1800B5A00
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8C90 Offset: 0xB8090 VA: 0x1800B8C90
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB7340 Offset: 0xB6740 VA: 0x1800B7340
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB7AF0 Offset: 0xB6EF0 VA: 0x1800B7AF0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8A00 Offset: 0xB7E00 VA: 0x1800B8A00
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB8FF0 Offset: 0xB83F0 VA: 0x1800B8FF0
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB5C80 Offset: 0xB5080 VA: 0x1800B5C80
|-Array.InternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0xB6C20 Offset: 0xB6020 VA: 0x1800B6C20
|-RVA: 0xB8620 Offset: 0xB7A20 VA: 0x1800B8620
|-RVA: 0xB6050 Offset: 0xB5450 VA: 0x1800B6050
|-RVA: 0xB6630 Offset: 0xB5A30 VA: 0x1800B6630
|-RVA: 0xB7D90 Offset: 0xB7190 VA: 0x1800B7D90
|-RVA: 0xB4EB0 Offset: 0xB42B0 VA: 0x1800B4EB0
|-RVA: 0xB5200 Offset: 0xB4600 VA: 0x1800B5200
|-RVA: 0xB54A0 Offset: 0xB48A0 VA: 0x1800B54A0
|-RVA: 0xB8DE0 Offset: 0xB81E0 VA: 0x1800B8DE0
|-RVA: 0xB65A0 Offset: 0xB59A0 VA: 0x1800B65A0
|-RVA: 0x9E5B0 Offset: 0x9D9B0 VA: 0x18009E5B0
|-RVA: 0xA1AA0 Offset: 0xA0EA0 VA: 0x1800A1AA0
|-RVA: 0xA1380 Offset: 0xA0780 VA: 0x1800A1380
|-RVA: 0x9F460 Offset: 0x9E860 VA: 0x18009F460
|-RVA: 0xA1560 Offset: 0xA0960 VA: 0x1800A1560
|-RVA: 0x9F330 Offset: 0x9E730 VA: 0x18009F330
|-RVA: 0xA2130 Offset: 0xA1530 VA: 0x1800A2130
|-RVA: 0x9EA10 Offset: 0x9DE10 VA: 0x18009EA10
|-RVA: 0xA04A0 Offset: 0x9F8A0 VA: 0x1800A04A0
|-RVA: 0xA24F0 Offset: 0xA18F0 VA: 0x1800A24F0
|-RVA: 0x9F760 Offset: 0x9EB60 VA: 0x18009F760
|-RVA: 0x9E650 Offset: 0x9DA50 VA: 0x18009E650
|-RVA: 0xA0090 Offset: 0x9F490 VA: 0x1800A0090
|-RVA: 0xA1740 Offset: 0xA0B40 VA: 0x1800A1740
|-RVA: 0xA14C0 Offset: 0xA08C0 VA: 0x1800A14C0
|-RVA: 0xA10D0 Offset: 0xA04D0 VA: 0x1800A10D0
|-RVA: 0x9ED40 Offset: 0x9E140 VA: 0x18009ED40
|-RVA: 0x9FEA0 Offset: 0x9F2A0 VA: 0x18009FEA0
|-RVA: 0xA1420 Offset: 0xA0820 VA: 0x1800A1420
|-RVA: 0x9E380 Offset: 0x9D780 VA: 0x18009E380
|-RVA: 0xA1B50 Offset: 0xA0F50 VA: 0x1800A1B50
|-RVA: 0xA0EF0 Offset: 0xA02F0 VA: 0x1800A0EF0
|-RVA: 0x9F3C0 Offset: 0x9E7C0 VA: 0x18009F3C0
|-RVA: 0xA0CF0 Offset: 0xA00F0 VA: 0x1800A0CF0
|-RVA: 0xA1890 Offset: 0xA0C90 VA: 0x1800A1890
|-RVA: 0xA0130 Offset: 0x9F530 VA: 0x1800A0130
|-RVA: 0xA0540 Offset: 0x9F940 VA: 0x1800A0540
|-RVA: 0x9F1D0 Offset: 0x9E5D0 VA: 0x18009F1D0
|-RVA: 0xA2590 Offset: 0xA1990 VA: 0x1800A2590
|-RVA: 0xA1190 Offset: 0xA0590 VA: 0x1800A1190
|-RVA: 0x9EFC0 Offset: 0x9E3C0 VA: 0x18009EFC0
|-RVA: 0xA17E0 Offset: 0xA0BE0 VA: 0x1800A17E0
|-RVA: 0x9F9B0 Offset: 0x9EDB0 VA: 0x18009F9B0
|-RVA: 0xA2090 Offset: 0xA1490 VA: 0x1800A2090
|-RVA: 0xA1920 Offset: 0xA0D20 VA: 0x1800A1920
|-RVA: 0x9E170 Offset: 0x9D570 VA: 0x18009E170
|-RVA: 0x9F660 Offset: 0x9EA60 VA: 0x18009F660
|-RVA: 0x9F8B0 Offset: 0x9ECB0 VA: 0x18009F8B0
|-RVA: 0x9FDF0 Offset: 0x9F1F0 VA: 0x18009FDF0
|-RVA: 0xA0340 Offset: 0x9F740 VA: 0x1800A0340
|-RVA: 0x9E6F0 Offset: 0x9DAF0 VA: 0x18009E6F0
|-RVA: 0xA21D0 Offset: 0xA15D0 VA: 0x1800A21D0
|-RVA: 0x9E420 Offset: 0x9D820 VA: 0x18009E420
|-RVA: 0x9EBF0 Offset: 0x9DFF0 VA: 0x18009EBF0
|-RVA: 0x9F500 Offset: 0x9E900 VA: 0x18009F500
|-RVA: 0x9E970 Offset: 0x9DD70 VA: 0x18009E970
|-RVA: 0xA1CA0 Offset: 0xA10A0 VA: 0x1800A1CA0
|-RVA: 0x9FC00 Offset: 0x9F000 VA: 0x18009FC00
|-RVA: 0x9E460 Offset: 0x9D860 VA: 0x18009E460
|-RVA: 0x9E220 Offset: 0x9D620 VA: 0x18009E220
|-RVA: 0xA09D0 Offset: 0x9FDD0 VA: 0x1800A09D0
|-RVA: 0xA07D0 Offset: 0x9FBD0 VA: 0x1800A07D0
|-RVA: 0x9E0E0 Offset: 0x9D4E0 VA: 0x18009E0E0
|-RVA: 0x9EAB0 Offset: 0x9DEB0 VA: 0x18009EAB0
|-RVA: 0x9F810 Offset: 0x9EC10 VA: 0x18009F810
|-RVA: 0xA12D0 Offset: 0xA06D0 VA: 0x1800A12D0
|-RVA: 0x9E8D0 Offset: 0x9DCD0 VA: 0x18009E8D0
|-RVA: 0x9EE80 Offset: 0x9E280 VA: 0x18009EE80
|-RVA: 0xA1C00 Offset: 0xA1000 VA: 0x1800A1C00
|-RVA: 0xA1030 Offset: 0xA0430 VA: 0x1800A1030
|-RVA: 0x9E790 Offset: 0x9DB90 VA: 0x18009E790
|-RVA: 0xA1DF0 Offset: 0xA11F0 VA: 0x1800A1DF0
|-RVA: 0xA05E0 Offset: 0x9F9E0 VA: 0x1800A05E0
|-RVA: 0x9EF30 Offset: 0x9E330 VA: 0x18009EF30
|-RVA: 0xA1E90 Offset: 0xA1290 VA: 0x1800A1E90
|-RVA: 0xA0400 Offset: 0x9F800 VA: 0x1800A0400
|-RVA: 0xA0930 Offset: 0x9FD30 VA: 0x1800A0930
|-RVA: 0xA1F30 Offset: 0xA1330 VA: 0x1800A1F30
|-RVA: 0xA2840 Offset: 0xA1C40 VA: 0x1800A2840
|-RVA: 0xA0720 Offset: 0x9FB20 VA: 0x1800A0720
|-RVA: 0x9E830 Offset: 0x9DC30 VA: 0x18009E830
|-RVA: 0x9EC90 Offset: 0x9E090 VA: 0x18009EC90
|-RVA: 0x9F070 Offset: 0x9E470 VA: 0x18009F070
|-RVA: 0xA0F90 Offset: 0xA0390 VA: 0x1800A0F90
|-RVA: 0xA1FD0 Offset: 0xA13D0 VA: 0x1800A1FD0
|-RVA: 0xA2630 Offset: 0xA1A30 VA: 0x1800A2630
|-RVA: 0x9FCA0 Offset: 0x9F0A0 VA: 0x18009FCA0
|-RVA: 0xA0A90 Offset: 0x9FE90 VA: 0x1800A0A90
|-RVA: 0x9E2D0 Offset: 0x9D6D0 VA: 0x18009E2D0
|-RVA: 0xA0E30 Offset: 0xA0230 VA: 0x1800A0E30
|-RVA: 0x9FF40 Offset: 0x9F340 VA: 0x18009FF40
|-RVA: 0xA01D0 Offset: 0x9F5D0 VA: 0x1800A01D0
|-RVA: 0xA1D40 Offset: 0xA1140 VA: 0x1800A1D40
|-RVA: 0x9FFF0 Offset: 0x9F3F0 VA: 0x18009FFF0
|-RVA: 0xA2270 Offset: 0xA1670 VA: 0x1800A2270
|-RVA: 0xA1230 Offset: 0xA0630 VA: 0x1800A1230
|-RVA: 0xA0C30 Offset: 0xA0030 VA: 0x1800A0C30
|-RVA: 0x9F120 Offset: 0x9E520 VA: 0x18009F120
|-RVA: 0xA0860 Offset: 0x9FC60 VA: 0x1800A0860
|-RVA: 0xA19C0 Offset: 0xA0DC0 VA: 0x1800A19C0
|-RVA: 0xA16A0 Offset: 0xA0AA0 VA: 0x1800A16A0
|-RVA: 0x9F280 Offset: 0x9E680 VA: 0x18009F280
|-RVA: 0xA28E0 Offset: 0xA1CE0 VA: 0x1800A28E0
|-RVA: 0xA1600 Offset: 0xA0A00 VA: 0x1800A1600
|-RVA: 0x9E500 Offset: 0x9D900 VA: 0x18009E500
|-RVA: 0xA2790 Offset: 0xA1B90 VA: 0x1800A2790
|-RVA: 0x9FB40 Offset: 0x9EF40 VA: 0x18009FB40
|-RVA: 0xA0670 Offset: 0x9FA70 VA: 0x1800A0670
|-RVA: 0xA0B80 Offset: 0x9FF80 VA: 0x1800A0B80
|-RVA: 0x9FD50 Offset: 0x9F150 VA: 0x18009FD50
|-RVA: 0x9FA60 Offset: 0x9EE60 VA: 0x18009FA60
|-RVA: 0x9F5B0 Offset: 0x9E9B0 VA: 0x18009F5B0
|-RVA: 0xA23A0 Offset: 0xA17A0 VA: 0x1800A23A0
|-RVA: 0xA0D80 Offset: 0xA0180 VA: 0x1800A0D80
|-RVA: 0xA2300 Offset: 0xA1700 VA: 0x1800A2300
|-RVA: 0x9EDE0 Offset: 0x9E1E0 VA: 0x18009EDE0
|-RVA: 0xA26F0 Offset: 0xA1AF0 VA: 0x1800A26F0
|-RVA: 0x9EB50 Offset: 0x9DF50 VA: 0x18009EB50
|-RVA: 0xA0290 Offset: 0x9F690 VA: 0x1800A0290
|-RVA: 0xA2450 Offset: 0xA1850 VA: 0x1800A2450
|-RVA: 0xE5C20 Offset: 0xE5020 VA: 0x1800E5C20
|-RVA: 0xE5980 Offset: 0xE4D80 VA: 0x1800E5980
|-RVA: 0xE5AD0 Offset: 0xE4ED0 VA: 0x1800E5AD0
|-RVA: 0xE5B70 Offset: 0xE4F70 VA: 0x1800E5B70
|-RVA: 0xE5640 Offset: 0xE4A40 VA: 0x1800E5640
|-RVA: 0xE5A30 Offset: 0xE4E30 VA: 0x1800E5A30
|-RVA: 0xE56F0 Offset: 0xE4AF0 VA: 0x1800E56F0
|-RVA: 0xE5790 Offset: 0xE4B90 VA: 0x1800E5790
|-RVA: 0xE58E0 Offset: 0xE4CE0 VA: 0x1800E58E0
|-RVA: 0xE5830 Offset: 0xE4C30 VA: 0x1800E5830
// Namespace:
internal class Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<T> : IEnumerator<T>, IDisposable, IEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 145
// Fields
public static readonly Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<T> Value; // 0x0
// Properties
public T Current { get; }
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
public void Dispose() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.Dispose
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.Dispose
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
public bool MoveNext() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1CEDF0 Offset: 0x1CD7F0 VA: 0x1801CEDF0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.MoveNext
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.MoveNext
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
public T get_Current() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12E5FD0 Offset: 0x12E49D0 VA: 0x1812E5FD0
|-RVA: 0x12E6330 Offset: 0x12E4D30 VA: 0x1812E6330
|-RVA: 0x12E65D0 Offset: 0x12E4FD0 VA: 0x1812E65D0
|-RVA: 0x12E61B0 Offset: 0x12E4BB0 VA: 0x1812E61B0
|-RVA: 0x12E60F0 Offset: 0x12E4AF0 VA: 0x1812E60F0
|-RVA: 0x12E64B0 Offset: 0x12E4EB0 VA: 0x1812E64B0
|-RVA: 0x12E6150 Offset: 0x12E4B50 VA: 0x1812E6150
|-RVA: 0x12E6510 Offset: 0x12E4F10 VA: 0x1812E6510
|-RVA: 0x12E6450 Offset: 0x12E4E50 VA: 0x1812E6450
|-RVA: 0x12E6030 Offset: 0x12E4A30 VA: 0x1812E6030
|-RVA: 0x12E63F0 Offset: 0x12E4DF0 VA: 0x1812E63F0
|-RVA: 0x12E6630 Offset: 0x12E5030 VA: 0x1812E6630
|-RVA: 0x12E6090 Offset: 0x12E4A90 VA: 0x1812E6090
|-RVA: 0x12E6390 Offset: 0x12E4D90 VA: 0x1812E6390
|-RVA: 0x12E6210 Offset: 0x12E4C10 VA: 0x1812E6210
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x12E6270 Offset: 0x12E4C70 VA: 0x1812E6270
|-RVA: 0x12E6570 Offset: 0x12E4F70 VA: 0x1812E6570
|-RVA: 0x12E62D0 Offset: 0x12E4CD0 VA: 0x1812E62D0
|-RVA: 0x7841A0 Offset: 0x782BA0 VA: 0x1807841A0
|-RVA: 0x7824C0 Offset: 0x780EC0 VA: 0x1807824C0
|-RVA: 0x780420 Offset: 0x77EE20 VA: 0x180780420
|-RVA: 0x7818C0 Offset: 0x7802C0 VA: 0x1807818C0
|-RVA: 0x782040 Offset: 0x780A40 VA: 0x180782040
|-RVA: 0x781140 Offset: 0x77FB40 VA: 0x180781140
|-RVA: 0x7810E0 Offset: 0x77FAE0 VA: 0x1807810E0
|-RVA: 0x781080 Offset: 0x77FA80 VA: 0x180781080
|-RVA: 0x77FF40 Offset: 0x77E940 VA: 0x18077FF40
|-RVA: 0x782160 Offset: 0x780B60 VA: 0x180782160
|-RVA: 0x780DE0 Offset: 0x77F7E0 VA: 0x180780DE0
|-RVA: 0x782760 Offset: 0x781160 VA: 0x180782760
|-RVA: 0x783FC0 Offset: 0x7829C0 VA: 0x180783FC0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x782100 Offset: 0x780B00 VA: 0x180782100
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7808A0 Offset: 0x77F2A0 VA: 0x1807808A0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7848C0 Offset: 0x7832C0 VA: 0x1807848C0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781200 Offset: 0x77FC00 VA: 0x180781200
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7838A0 Offset: 0x7822A0 VA: 0x1807838A0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x783B40 Offset: 0x782540 VA: 0x180783B40
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7833C0 Offset: 0x781DC0 VA: 0x1807833C0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781BC0 Offset: 0x7805C0 VA: 0x180781BC0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781260 Offset: 0x77FC60 VA: 0x180781260
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781CE0 Offset: 0x7806E0 VA: 0x180781CE0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7827C0 Offset: 0x7811C0 VA: 0x1807827C0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781560 Offset: 0x77FF60 VA: 0x180781560
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781DA0 Offset: 0x7807A0 VA: 0x180781DA0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781380 Offset: 0x77FD80 VA: 0x180781380
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x780D80 Offset: 0x77F780 VA: 0x180780D80
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7801E0 Offset: 0x77EBE0 VA: 0x1807801E0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781F20 Offset: 0x780920 VA: 0x180781F20
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x784320 Offset: 0x782D20 VA: 0x180784320
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x782D00 Offset: 0x781700 VA: 0x180782D00
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x783420 Offset: 0x781E20 VA: 0x180783420
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781500 Offset: 0x77FF00 VA: 0x180781500
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781B00 Offset: 0x780500 VA: 0x180781B00
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x783780 Offset: 0x782180 VA: 0x180783780
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x784680 Offset: 0x783080 VA: 0x180784680
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x77FFA0 Offset: 0x77E9A0 VA: 0x18077FFA0
|-RVA: 0x783060 Offset: 0x781A60 VA: 0x180783060
|-RVA: 0x782FA0 Offset: 0x7819A0 VA: 0x180782FA0
|-RVA: 0x7809C0 Offset: 0x77F3C0 VA: 0x1807809C0
|-RVA: 0x7843E0 Offset: 0x782DE0 VA: 0x1807843E0
|-RVA: 0x780600 Offset: 0x77F000 VA: 0x180780600
|-RVA: 0x784620 Offset: 0x783020 VA: 0x180784620
|-RVA: 0x7837E0 Offset: 0x7821E0 VA: 0x1807837E0
|-RVA: 0x783120 Offset: 0x781B20 VA: 0x180783120
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x782CA0 Offset: 0x7816A0 VA: 0x180782CA0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781320 Offset: 0x77FD20 VA: 0x180781320
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x780BA0 Offset: 0x77F5A0 VA: 0x180780BA0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x782460 Offset: 0x780E60 VA: 0x180782460
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x783600 Offset: 0x782000 VA: 0x180783600
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7806C0 Offset: 0x77F0C0 VA: 0x1807806C0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x780960 Offset: 0x77F360 VA: 0x180780960
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x783F60 Offset: 0x782960 VA: 0x180783F60
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7834E0 Offset: 0x781EE0 VA: 0x1807834E0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x783960 Offset: 0x782360 VA: 0x180783960
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7828E0 Offset: 0x7812E0 VA: 0x1807828E0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7826A0 Offset: 0x7810A0 VA: 0x1807826A0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x780120 Offset: 0x77EB20 VA: 0x180780120
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7847A0 Offset: 0x7831A0 VA: 0x1807847A0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x780C60 Offset: 0x77F660 VA: 0x180780C60
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x782940 Offset: 0x781340 VA: 0x180782940
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x780C00 Offset: 0x77F600 VA: 0x180780C00
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x782BE0 Offset: 0x7815E0 VA: 0x180782BE0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781C80 Offset: 0x780680 VA: 0x180781C80
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x780A20 Offset: 0x77F420 VA: 0x180780A20
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781E00 Offset: 0x780800 VA: 0x180781E00
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x782880 Offset: 0x781280 VA: 0x180782880
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x780060 Offset: 0x77EA60 VA: 0x180780060
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7846E0 Offset: 0x7830E0 VA: 0x1807846E0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x784380 Offset: 0x782D80 VA: 0x180784380
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x7836C0 Offset: 0x7820C0 VA: 0x1807836C0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x783840 Offset: 0x782240 VA: 0x180783840
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x781980 Offset: 0x780380 VA: 0x180781980
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x784440 Offset: 0x782E40 VA: 0x180784440
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x782EE0 Offset: 0x7818E0 VA: 0x180782EE0
|-RVA: 0x783DE0 Offset: 0x7827E0 VA: 0x180783DE0
|-RVA: 0x781E60 Offset: 0x780860 VA: 0x180781E60
|-RVA: 0x780AE0 Offset: 0x77F4E0 VA: 0x180780AE0
|-RVA: 0x7815C0 Offset: 0x77FFC0 VA: 0x1807815C0
|-RVA: 0x783E40 Offset: 0x782840 VA: 0x180783E40
|-RVA: 0x782AC0 Offset: 0x7814C0 VA: 0x180782AC0
|-RVA: 0x784080 Offset: 0x782A80 VA: 0x180784080
|-RVA: 0x784020 Offset: 0x782A20 VA: 0x180784020
|-RVA: 0x782B20 Offset: 0x781520 VA: 0x180782B20
|-RVA: 0x7805A0 Offset: 0x77EFA0 VA: 0x1807805A0
|-RVA: 0x7831E0 Offset: 0x781BE0 VA: 0x1807831E0
|-RVA: 0x783180 Offset: 0x781B80 VA: 0x180783180
|-RVA: 0x782820 Offset: 0x781220 VA: 0x180782820
|-RVA: 0x783A80 Offset: 0x782480 VA: 0x180783A80
|-RVA: 0x780FC0 Offset: 0x77F9C0 VA: 0x180780FC0
|-RVA: 0x7816E0 Offset: 0x7800E0 VA: 0x1807816E0
|-RVA: 0x781620 Offset: 0x780020 VA: 0x180781620
|-RVA: 0x784560 Offset: 0x782F60 VA: 0x180784560
|-RVA: 0x7821C0 Offset: 0x780BC0 VA: 0x1807821C0
|-RVA: 0x783F00 Offset: 0x782900 VA: 0x180783F00
|-RVA: 0x782F40 Offset: 0x781940 VA: 0x180782F40
|-RVA: 0x781740 Offset: 0x780140 VA: 0x180781740
|-RVA: 0x780480 Offset: 0x77EE80 VA: 0x180780480
|-RVA: 0x783EA0 Offset: 0x7828A0 VA: 0x180783EA0
|-RVA: 0x7832A0 Offset: 0x781CA0 VA: 0x1807832A0
|-RVA: 0x7800C0 Offset: 0x77EAC0 VA: 0x1807800C0
|-RVA: 0x782A00 Offset: 0x781400 VA: 0x180782A00
|-RVA: 0x780000 Offset: 0x77EA00 VA: 0x180780000
|-RVA: 0x783660 Offset: 0x782060 VA: 0x180783660
|-RVA: 0x782340 Offset: 0x780D40 VA: 0x180782340
|-RVA: 0x781EC0 Offset: 0x7808C0 VA: 0x180781EC0
|-RVA: 0x783300 Offset: 0x781D00 VA: 0x180783300
|-RVA: 0x781C20 Offset: 0x780620 VA: 0x180781C20
|-RVA: 0x781AA0 Offset: 0x7804A0 VA: 0x180781AA0
|-RVA: 0x7811A0 Offset: 0x77FBA0 VA: 0x1807811A0
|-RVA: 0x7814A0 Offset: 0x77FEA0 VA: 0x1807814A0
|-RVA: 0x780300 Offset: 0x77ED00 VA: 0x180780300
|-RVA: 0x7813E0 Offset: 0x77FDE0 VA: 0x1807813E0
|-RVA: 0x780840 Offset: 0x77F240 VA: 0x180780840
|-RVA: 0x783BA0 Offset: 0x7825A0 VA: 0x180783BA0
|-RVA: 0x782C40 Offset: 0x781640 VA: 0x180782C40
|-RVA: 0x783D20 Offset: 0x782720 VA: 0x180783D20
|-RVA: 0x7807E0 Offset: 0x77F1E0 VA: 0x1807807E0
|-RVA: 0x781860 Offset: 0x780260 VA: 0x180781860
|-RVA: 0x784140 Offset: 0x782B40 VA: 0x180784140
|-RVA: 0x782A60 Offset: 0x781460 VA: 0x180782A60
|-RVA: 0x780F00 Offset: 0x77F900 VA: 0x180780F00
|-RVA: 0x783360 Offset: 0x781D60 VA: 0x180783360
|-RVA: 0x782580 Offset: 0x780F80 VA: 0x180782580
|-RVA: 0x784740 Offset: 0x783140 VA: 0x180784740
|-RVA: 0x780F60 Offset: 0x77F960 VA: 0x180780F60
|-RVA: 0x7804E0 Offset: 0x77EEE0 VA: 0x1807804E0
|-RVA: 0x7819E0 Offset: 0x7803E0 VA: 0x1807819E0
|-RVA: 0x782520 Offset: 0x780F20 VA: 0x180782520
|-RVA: 0x781440 Offset: 0x77FE40 VA: 0x180781440
|-RVA: 0x784500 Offset: 0x782F00 VA: 0x180784500
|-RVA: 0x7825E0 Offset: 0x780FE0 VA: 0x1807825E0
|-RVA: 0x7823A0 Offset: 0x780DA0 VA: 0x1807823A0
|-RVA: 0x781B60 Offset: 0x780560 VA: 0x180781B60
|-RVA: 0x783480 Offset: 0x781E80 VA: 0x180783480
|-RVA: 0x782280 Offset: 0x780C80 VA: 0x180782280
|-RVA: 0x7803C0 Offset: 0x77EDC0 VA: 0x1807803C0
|-RVA: 0x783CC0 Offset: 0x7826C0 VA: 0x180783CC0
|-RVA: 0x780180 Offset: 0x77EB80 VA: 0x180780180
|-RVA: 0x780240 Offset: 0x77EC40 VA: 0x180780240
|-RVA: 0x780720 Offset: 0x77F120 VA: 0x180780720
|-RVA: 0x7830C0 Offset: 0x781AC0 VA: 0x1807830C0
|-RVA: 0x782DC0 Offset: 0x7817C0 VA: 0x180782DC0
|-RVA: 0x784260 Offset: 0x782C60 VA: 0x180784260
|-RVA: 0x783000 Offset: 0x781A00 VA: 0x180783000
|-RVA: 0x783240 Offset: 0x781C40 VA: 0x180783240
|-RVA: 0x783A20 Offset: 0x782420 VA: 0x180783A20
|-RVA: 0x7820A0 Offset: 0x780AA0 VA: 0x1807820A0
|-RVA: 0x7835A0 Offset: 0x781FA0 VA: 0x1807835A0
|-RVA: 0x783C60 Offset: 0x782660 VA: 0x180783C60
|-RVA: 0x782E80 Offset: 0x781880 VA: 0x180782E80
|-RVA: 0x7839C0 Offset: 0x7823C0 VA: 0x1807839C0
|-RVA: 0x7840E0 Offset: 0x782AE0 VA: 0x1807840E0
|-RVA: 0x783540 Offset: 0x781F40 VA: 0x180783540
|-RVA: 0x781A40 Offset: 0x780440 VA: 0x180781A40
|-RVA: 0x780660 Offset: 0x77F060 VA: 0x180780660
|-RVA: 0x7829A0 Offset: 0x7813A0 VA: 0x1807829A0
|-RVA: 0x783900 Offset: 0x782300 VA: 0x180783900
|-RVA: 0x782640 Offset: 0x781040 VA: 0x180782640
|-RVA: 0x7844A0 Offset: 0x782EA0 VA: 0x1807844A0
|-RVA: 0x782220 Offset: 0x780C20 VA: 0x180782220
|-RVA: 0x780EA0 Offset: 0x77F8A0 VA: 0x180780EA0
|-RVA: 0x7812C0 Offset: 0x77FCC0 VA: 0x1807812C0
|-RVA: 0x7802A0 Offset: 0x77ECA0 VA: 0x1807802A0
|-RVA: 0x781920 Offset: 0x780320 VA: 0x180781920
|-RVA: 0x7817A0 Offset: 0x7801A0 VA: 0x1807817A0
|-RVA: 0x781020 Offset: 0x77FA20 VA: 0x180781020
|-RVA: 0x780780 Offset: 0x77F180 VA: 0x180780780
|-RVA: 0x783720 Offset: 0x782120 VA: 0x180783720
|-RVA: 0x781F80 Offset: 0x780980 VA: 0x180781F80
|-RVA: 0x782D60 Offset: 0x781760 VA: 0x180782D60
|-RVA: 0x784860 Offset: 0x783260 VA: 0x180784860
|-RVA: 0x780360 Offset: 0x77ED60 VA: 0x180780360
|-RVA: 0x7842C0 Offset: 0x782CC0 VA: 0x1807842C0
|-RVA: 0x780E40 Offset: 0x77F840 VA: 0x180780E40
|-RVA: 0x781800 Offset: 0x780200 VA: 0x180781800
|-RVA: 0x784800 Offset: 0x783200 VA: 0x180784800
|-RVA: 0x780A80 Offset: 0x77F480 VA: 0x180780A80
|-RVA: 0x7845C0 Offset: 0x782FC0 VA: 0x1807845C0
|-RVA: 0x7822E0 Offset: 0x780CE0 VA: 0x1807822E0
|-RVA: 0x781FE0 Offset: 0x7809E0 VA: 0x180781FE0
|-RVA: 0x780900 Offset: 0x77F300 VA: 0x180780900
|-RVA: 0x784200 Offset: 0x782C00 VA: 0x180784200
|-RVA: 0x782700 Offset: 0x781100 VA: 0x180782700
|-RVA: 0x782E20 Offset: 0x781820 VA: 0x180782E20
|-RVA: 0x783AE0 Offset: 0x7824E0 VA: 0x180783AE0
|-RVA: 0x781680 Offset: 0x780080 VA: 0x180781680
|-RVA: 0x781D40 Offset: 0x780740 VA: 0x180781D40
|-RVA: 0x780CC0 Offset: 0x77F6C0 VA: 0x180780CC0
|-RVA: 0x780B40 Offset: 0x77F540 VA: 0x180780B40
|-RVA: 0x780540 Offset: 0x77EF40 VA: 0x180780540
|-RVA: 0x783D80 Offset: 0x782780 VA: 0x180783D80
|-RVA: 0x780D20 Offset: 0x77F720 VA: 0x180780D20
|-RVA: 0x783C00 Offset: 0x782600 VA: 0x180783C00
|-RVA: 0x782400 Offset: 0x780E00 VA: 0x180782400
|-RVA: 0x782B80 Offset: 0x781580 VA: 0x180782B80
|-RVA: 0x58B360 Offset: 0x589D60 VA: 0x18058B360
|-RVA: 0x58B420 Offset: 0x589E20 VA: 0x18058B420
|-RVA: 0x58B300 Offset: 0x589D00 VA: 0x18058B300
|-RVA: 0x58B540 Offset: 0x589F40 VA: 0x18058B540
|-RVA: 0x58B5A0 Offset: 0x589FA0 VA: 0x18058B5A0
|-RVA: 0x58B3C0 Offset: 0x589DC0 VA: 0x18058B3C0
|-RVA: 0x58B4E0 Offset: 0x589EE0 VA: 0x18058B4E0
|-RVA: 0x58B480 Offset: 0x589E80 VA: 0x18058B480
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x58B130 Offset: 0x589B30 VA: 0x18058B130
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x77F490 Offset: 0x77DE90 VA: 0x18077F490
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x77FAF0 Offset: 0x77E4F0 VA: 0x18077FAF0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x58B0C0 Offset: 0x589AC0 VA: 0x18058B0C0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x77FD60 Offset: 0x77E760 VA: 0x18077FD60
|-RVA: 0x77F6D0 Offset: 0x77E0D0 VA: 0x18077F6D0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x77FA70 Offset: 0x77E470 VA: 0x18077FA70
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x77F7B0 Offset: 0x77E1B0 VA: 0x18077F7B0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x77F430 Offset: 0x77DE30 VA: 0x18077F430
|-RVA: 0x77F840 Offset: 0x77E240 VA: 0x18077F840
|-RVA: 0x77F5C0 Offset: 0x77DFC0 VA: 0x18077F5C0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x58B040 Offset: 0x589A40 VA: 0x18058B040
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
|-RVA: 0x77FA10 Offset: 0x77E410 VA: 0x18077FA10
|-RVA: 0x77F8A0 Offset: 0x77E2A0 VA: 0x18077F8A0
|-RVA: 0x77F750 Offset: 0x77E150 VA: 0x18077F750
|-RVA: 0x77F930 Offset: 0x77E330 VA: 0x18077F930
|-RVA: 0x77FC90 Offset: 0x77E690 VA: 0x18077FC90
|-RVA: 0x77FF10 Offset: 0x77E910 VA: 0x18077FF10
|-RVA: 0x77FB70 Offset: 0x77E570 VA: 0x18077FB70
|-RVA: 0x77FBD0 Offset: 0x77E5D0 VA: 0x18077FBD0
|-RVA: 0x77F650 Offset: 0x77E050 VA: 0x18077F650
|-RVA: 0x77FDE0 Offset: 0x77E7E0 VA: 0x18077FDE0
|-RVA: 0x77F510 Offset: 0x77DF10 VA: 0x18077F510
|-RVA: 0x77FE80 Offset: 0x77E880 VA: 0x18077FE80
|-RVA: 0x77F380 Offset: 0x77DD80 VA: 0x18077F380
|-RVA: 0x58B190 Offset: 0x589B90 VA: 0x18058B190
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
private void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x3C5B40 Offset: 0x3C4540 VA: 0x1803C5B40
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>..ctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static void .cctor() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x58B210 Offset: 0x589C10 VA: 0x18058B210
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<StructMultiKey<object, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ByteEnum, float>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<char, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Guid, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<int, float>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<Int32Enum, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, XPathNodeRef>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, bool>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, Int32Enum>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, ResourceLocator>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, TimeSpan>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<object, uint>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<uint, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<ulong, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<Dictionary.Entry<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<XPathNodeRef, XPathNodeRef>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ByteEnum, float>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<char, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry, MemberRelationshipService.RelationshipEntry>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Guid, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, float>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Int32Enum, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, XPathNodeRef>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, bool>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, char>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, Int32Enum>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, ResourceLocator>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, TimeSpan>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<object, uint>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ushort, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<uint, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<ulong, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TileCoord, object>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, int>>..cctor
|-Array.EmptyInternalEnumerator<KeyValuePair<StyleSheetCache.SheetHandleKey, object>>..cctor
// Namespace:
private struct Array.SorterObjectArray // TypeDefIndex: 146
// Fields
private object[] keys; // 0x0
private object[] items; // 0x8
private IComparer comparer; // 0x10
// Methods
// RVA: 0xE2E60 Offset: 0xE2260 VA: 0x1800E2E60
internal void .ctor(object[] keys, object[] items, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0xE2E40 Offset: 0xE2240 VA: 0x1800E2E40
internal void SwapIfGreaterWithItems(int a, int b) { }
// RVA: 0xE2E50 Offset: 0xE2250 VA: 0x1800E2E50
private void Swap(int i, int j) { }
// RVA: 0xE2E30 Offset: 0xE2230 VA: 0x1800E2E30
internal void Sort(int left, int length) { }
// RVA: 0xE2E10 Offset: 0xE2210 VA: 0x1800E2E10
private void IntrospectiveSort(int left, int length) { }
// RVA: 0xE2E00 Offset: 0xE2200 VA: 0x1800E2E00
private void IntroSort(int lo, int hi, int depthLimit) { }
// RVA: 0xE2E20 Offset: 0xE2220 VA: 0x1800E2E20
private int PickPivotAndPartition(int lo, int hi) { }
// RVA: 0xE2DE0 Offset: 0xE21E0 VA: 0x1800E2DE0
private void Heapsort(int lo, int hi) { }
// RVA: 0xE2DD0 Offset: 0xE21D0 VA: 0x1800E2DD0
private void DownHeap(int i, int n, int lo) { }
// RVA: 0xE2DF0 Offset: 0xE21F0 VA: 0x1800E2DF0
private void InsertionSort(int lo, int hi) { }
// Namespace:
private struct Array.SorterGenericArray // TypeDefIndex: 147
// Fields
private Array keys; // 0x0
private Array items; // 0x8
private IComparer comparer; // 0x10
// Methods
// RVA: 0xCD580 Offset: 0xCC980 VA: 0x1800CD580
internal void .ctor(Array keys, Array items, IComparer comparer) { }
// RVA: 0xCD560 Offset: 0xCC960 VA: 0x1800CD560
internal void SwapIfGreaterWithItems(int a, int b) { }
// RVA: 0xCD570 Offset: 0xCC970 VA: 0x1800CD570
private void Swap(int i, int j) { }
// RVA: 0xCD550 Offset: 0xCC950 VA: 0x1800CD550
internal void Sort(int left, int length) { }
// RVA: 0xCD530 Offset: 0xCC930 VA: 0x1800CD530
private void IntrospectiveSort(int left, int length) { }
// RVA: 0xCD520 Offset: 0xCC920 VA: 0x1800CD520
private void IntroSort(int lo, int hi, int depthLimit) { }
// RVA: 0xCD540 Offset: 0xCC940 VA: 0x1800CD540
private int PickPivotAndPartition(int lo, int hi) { }
// RVA: 0xCD500 Offset: 0xCC900 VA: 0x1800CD500
private void Heapsort(int lo, int hi) { }
// RVA: 0xCD4F0 Offset: 0xCC8F0 VA: 0x1800CD4F0
private void DownHeap(int i, int n, int lo) { }
// RVA: 0xCD510 Offset: 0xCC910 VA: 0x1800CD510
private void InsertionSort(int lo, int hi) { }
// Namespace: System
internal interface ITupleInternal // TypeDefIndex: 148
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public abstract string ToString(StringBuilder sb) { }
// Namespace: System
public static class Tuple // TypeDefIndex: 149
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static Tuple<T1, T2> Create<T1, T2>(T1 item1, T2 item2) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x3133E0 Offset: 0x311DE0 VA: 0x1803133E0
|-Tuple.Create<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>
|-RVA: 0x313010 Offset: 0x311A10 VA: 0x180313010
|-Tuple.Create<Guid, int>
|-RVA: 0x313370 Offset: 0x311D70 VA: 0x180313370
|-Tuple.Create<Stream, Stream.ReadWriteTask>
|-Tuple.Create<object, object>
|-RVA: 0x313090 Offset: 0x311A90 VA: 0x180313090
|-Tuple.Create<int, int>
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static Tuple<T1, T2, T3> Create<T1, T2, T3>(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x3132E0 Offset: 0x311CE0 VA: 0x1803132E0
|-Tuple.Create<object, object, object>
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static Tuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> Create<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3, T4 item4, T5 item5) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x313100 Offset: 0x311B00 VA: 0x180313100
|-Tuple.Create<X509Certificate, bool, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>
|-Tuple.Create<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>
|-RVA: 0x3131A0 Offset: 0x311BA0 VA: 0x1803131A0
|-Tuple.Create<string, X509CertificateCollection, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>
|-Tuple.Create<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>
|-RVA: 0x313240 Offset: 0x311C40 VA: 0x180313240
|-Tuple.Create<object, object, object, object, object>
// RVA: 0x82B310 Offset: 0x829D10 VA: 0x18082B310
internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2) { }
// RVA: 0x15603A0 Offset: 0x155EDA0 VA: 0x1815603A0
internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2, int h3) { }
// RVA: 0x15603D0 Offset: 0x155EDD0 VA: 0x1815603D0
internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2, int h3, int h4) { }
// RVA: 0x15603B0 Offset: 0x155EDB0 VA: 0x1815603B0
internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2, int h3, int h4, int h5) { }
// Namespace: System
public class Tuple<T1, T2> : IStructuralEquatable, IStructuralComparable, IComparable, ITupleInternal // TypeDefIndex: 150
// Fields
private readonly T1 m_Item1; // 0x0
private readonly T2 m_Item2; // 0x0
// Properties
public T1 Item1 { get; }
public T2 Item2 { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T1 get_Item1() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2AD9B0 Offset: 0x2AC3B0 VA: 0x1802AD9B0
|-Tuple<byte, byte>.get_Item1
|-RVA: 0x52F950 Offset: 0x52E350 VA: 0x18052F950
|-Tuple<Guid, string>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<Guid, int>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<Guid, object>.get_Item1
|-RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<Stream, Stream.ReadWriteTask>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<TextWriter, char>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<TextWriter, string>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<object, char>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<object, object>.get_Item1
|-RVA: 0x1CEE00 Offset: 0x1CD800 VA: 0x1801CEE00
|-Tuple<int, int>.get_Item1
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T2 get_Item2() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2AD9A0 Offset: 0x2AC3A0 VA: 0x1802AD9A0
|-Tuple<byte, byte>.get_Item2
|-RVA: 0x1D0B60 Offset: 0x1CF560 VA: 0x1801D0B60
|-Tuple<Guid, string>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<Guid, object>.get_Item2
|-RVA: 0x1CE170 Offset: 0x1CCB70 VA: 0x1801CE170
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<Stream, Stream.ReadWriteTask>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<TextWriter, string>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<object, object>.get_Item2
|-RVA: 0x269A20 Offset: 0x268420 VA: 0x180269A20
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>.get_Item2
|-RVA: 0x1CEC50 Offset: 0x1CD650 VA: 0x1801CEC50
|-Tuple<Guid, int>.get_Item2
|-RVA: 0x140EEC0 Offset: 0x140D8C0 VA: 0x18140EEC0
|-Tuple<TextWriter, char>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<object, char>.get_Item2
|-RVA: 0x1F6C60 Offset: 0x1F5660 VA: 0x1801F6C60
|-Tuple<int, int>.get_Item2
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T1 item1, T2 item2) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140ED30 Offset: 0x140D730 VA: 0x18140ED30
|-Tuple<byte, byte>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x140ED80 Offset: 0x140D780 VA: 0x18140ED80
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x140EE70 Offset: 0x140D870 VA: 0x18140EE70
|-Tuple<Guid, int>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x140EE20 Offset: 0x140D820 VA: 0x18140EE20
|-Tuple<Guid, object>..ctor
|-Tuple<Guid, string>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x12E8960 Offset: 0x12E7360 VA: 0x1812E8960
|-Tuple<int, int>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x12E89A0 Offset: 0x12E73A0 VA: 0x1812E89A0
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>..ctor
|-Tuple<object, object>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x140EDD0 Offset: 0x140D7D0 VA: 0x18140EDD0
|-Tuple<object, char>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140B1F0 Offset: 0x1409BF0 VA: 0x18140B1F0
|-Tuple<byte, byte>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140B3A0 Offset: 0x1409DA0 VA: 0x18140B3A0
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140B040 Offset: 0x1409A40 VA: 0x18140B040
|-Tuple<Guid, int>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140B310 Offset: 0x1409D10 VA: 0x18140B310
|-Tuple<Guid, object>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140B160 Offset: 0x1409B60 VA: 0x18140B160
|-Tuple<int, int>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140AFB0 Offset: 0x14099B0 VA: 0x18140AFB0
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140B0D0 Offset: 0x1409AD0 VA: 0x18140B0D0
|-Tuple<object, char>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140B280 Offset: 0x1409C80 VA: 0x18140B280
|-Tuple<object, object>.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
private bool System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals(object other, IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140C8B0 Offset: 0x140B2B0 VA: 0x18140C8B0
|-Tuple<byte, byte>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140D040 Offset: 0x140BA40 VA: 0x18140D040
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140D360 Offset: 0x140BD60 VA: 0x18140D360
|-Tuple<Guid, int>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140CEE0 Offset: 0x140B8E0 VA: 0x18140CEE0
|-Tuple<Guid, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140CD20 Offset: 0x140B720 VA: 0x18140CD20
|-Tuple<int, int>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140CB50 Offset: 0x140B550 VA: 0x18140CB50
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140D210 Offset: 0x140BC10 VA: 0x18140D210
|-Tuple<object, char>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140CA70 Offset: 0x140B470 VA: 0x18140CA70
|-Tuple<object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
private int System.IComparable.CompareTo(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140DD90 Offset: 0x140C790 VA: 0x18140DD90
|-Tuple<byte, byte>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140DFD0 Offset: 0x140C9D0 VA: 0x18140DFD0
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140DF40 Offset: 0x140C940 VA: 0x18140DF40
|-Tuple<Guid, int>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140DEB0 Offset: 0x140C8B0 VA: 0x18140DEB0
|-Tuple<Guid, object>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140DD00 Offset: 0x140C700 VA: 0x18140DD00
|-Tuple<int, int>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140DC70 Offset: 0x140C670 VA: 0x18140DC70
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140DE20 Offset: 0x140C820 VA: 0x18140DE20
|-Tuple<object, char>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140E060 Offset: 0x140CA60 VA: 0x18140E060
|-Tuple<object, object>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
private int System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(object other, IComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140C670 Offset: 0x140B070 VA: 0x18140C670
|-Tuple<byte, byte>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140C1E0 Offset: 0x140ABE0 VA: 0x18140C1E0
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140B830 Offset: 0x140A230 VA: 0x18140B830
|-Tuple<Guid, int>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140BBE0 Offset: 0x140A5E0 VA: 0x18140BBE0
|-Tuple<Guid, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140C430 Offset: 0x140AE30 VA: 0x18140C430
|-Tuple<int, int>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140BF90 Offset: 0x140A990 VA: 0x18140BF90
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140BDC0 Offset: 0x140A7C0 VA: 0x18140BDC0
|-Tuple<object, char>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140BA90 Offset: 0x140A490 VA: 0x18140BA90
|-Tuple<object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140B6B0 Offset: 0x140A0B0 VA: 0x18140B6B0
|-Tuple<byte, byte>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140B5B0 Offset: 0x1409FB0 VA: 0x18140B5B0
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140B7B0 Offset: 0x140A1B0 VA: 0x18140B7B0
|-Tuple<Guid, int>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140B4B0 Offset: 0x1409EB0 VA: 0x18140B4B0
|-Tuple<Guid, object>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140B630 Offset: 0x140A030 VA: 0x18140B630
|-Tuple<int, int>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140B530 Offset: 0x1409F30 VA: 0x18140B530
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140B430 Offset: 0x1409E30 VA: 0x18140B430
|-Tuple<object, char>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140B730 Offset: 0x140A130 VA: 0x18140B730
|-Tuple<object, object>.GetHashCode
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
private int System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140D810 Offset: 0x140C210 VA: 0x18140D810
|-Tuple<byte, byte>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140DA10 Offset: 0x140C410 VA: 0x18140DA10
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140D610 Offset: 0x140C010 VA: 0x18140D610
|-Tuple<Guid, int>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140DBA0 Offset: 0x140C5A0 VA: 0x18140DBA0
|-Tuple<Guid, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140D910 Offset: 0x140C310 VA: 0x18140D910
|-Tuple<int, int>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140D710 Offset: 0x140C110 VA: 0x18140D710
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140D540 Offset: 0x140BF40 VA: 0x18140D540
|-Tuple<object, char>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140DB10 Offset: 0x140C510 VA: 0x18140DB10
|-Tuple<object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140ECA0 Offset: 0x140D6A0 VA: 0x18140ECA0
|-Tuple<byte, byte>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140EB80 Offset: 0x140D580 VA: 0x18140EB80
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140EA60 Offset: 0x140D460 VA: 0x18140EA60
|-Tuple<Guid, int>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140EC10 Offset: 0x140D610 VA: 0x18140EC10
|-Tuple<Guid, object>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140E940 Offset: 0x140D340 VA: 0x18140E940
|-Tuple<int, int>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140EAF0 Offset: 0x140D4F0 VA: 0x18140EAF0
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140E9D0 Offset: 0x140D3D0 VA: 0x18140E9D0
|-Tuple<object, char>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140E8B0 Offset: 0x140D2B0 VA: 0x18140E8B0
|-Tuple<object, object>.ToString
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
private string System.ITupleInternal.ToString(StringBuilder sb) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140E0F0 Offset: 0x140CAF0 VA: 0x18140E0F0
|-Tuple<byte, byte>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140E690 Offset: 0x140D090 VA: 0x18140E690
|-Tuple<EventProvider.SessionInfo, bool>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140E200 Offset: 0x140CC00 VA: 0x18140E200
|-Tuple<Guid, int>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140E430 Offset: 0x140CE30 VA: 0x18140E430
|-Tuple<Guid, object>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140E7A0 Offset: 0x140D1A0 VA: 0x18140E7A0
|-Tuple<int, int>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140E320 Offset: 0x140CD20 VA: 0x18140E320
|-Tuple<IntPtr, IntPtr>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140E5B0 Offset: 0x140CFB0 VA: 0x18140E5B0
|-Tuple<object, char>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x140E510 Offset: 0x140CF10 VA: 0x18140E510
|-Tuple<object, object>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
// Namespace: System
public class Tuple<T1, T2, T3> : IStructuralEquatable, IStructuralComparable, IComparable, ITupleInternal // TypeDefIndex: 151
// Fields
private readonly T1 m_Item1; // 0x0
private readonly T2 m_Item2; // 0x0
private readonly T3 m_Item3; // 0x0
// Properties
public T1 Item1 { get; }
public T2 Item2 { get; }
public T3 Item3 { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T1 get_Item1() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<Task, Task, TaskContinuation>.get_Item1
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T2 get_Item2() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1CE170 Offset: 0x1CCB70 VA: 0x1801CE170
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<Task, Task, TaskContinuation>.get_Item2
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T3 get_Item3() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1D0B60 Offset: 0x1CF560 VA: 0x1801D0B60
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.get_Item3
|-Tuple<Task, Task, TaskContinuation>.get_Item3
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140F4F0 Offset: 0x140DEF0 VA: 0x18140F4F0
|-Tuple<object, object, object>..ctor
|-Tuple<Task, Task, TaskContinuation>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140EED0 Offset: 0x140D8D0 VA: 0x18140EED0
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
private bool System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals(object other, IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140F160 Offset: 0x140DB60 VA: 0x18140F160
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
private int System.IComparable.CompareTo(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140F310 Offset: 0x140DD10 VA: 0x18140F310
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
private int System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(object other, IComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140EFE0 Offset: 0x140D9E0 VA: 0x18140EFE0
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140EF60 Offset: 0x140D960 VA: 0x18140EF60
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.GetHashCode
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
private int System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140F260 Offset: 0x140DC60 VA: 0x18140F260
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140F460 Offset: 0x140DE60 VA: 0x18140F460
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.ToString
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
private string System.ITupleInternal.ToString(StringBuilder sb) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140F3A0 Offset: 0x140DDA0 VA: 0x18140F3A0
|-Tuple<object, object, object>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
// Namespace: System
public class Tuple<T1, T2, T3, T4> : IStructuralEquatable, IStructuralComparable, IComparable, ITupleInternal // TypeDefIndex: 152
// Fields
private readonly T1 m_Item1; // 0x0
private readonly T2 m_Item2; // 0x0
private readonly T3 m_Item3; // 0x0
private readonly T4 m_Item4; // 0x0
// Properties
public T1 Item1 { get; }
public T2 Item2 { get; }
public T3 Item3 { get; }
public T4 Item4 { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T1 get_Item1() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2AD9B0 Offset: 0x2AC3B0 VA: 0x1802AD9B0
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.get_Item1
|-RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
|-Tuple<TextReader, char[], int, int>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<TextWriter, char[], int, int>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.get_Item1
|-RVA: 0x1CEE00 Offset: 0x1CD800 VA: 0x1801CEE00
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.get_Item1
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T2 get_Item2() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2AD9A0 Offset: 0x2AC3A0 VA: 0x1802AD9A0
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.get_Item2
|-RVA: 0x1CE170 Offset: 0x1CCB70 VA: 0x1801CE170
|-Tuple<TextReader, char[], int, int>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<TextWriter, char[], int, int>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.get_Item2
|-RVA: 0x1F6C60 Offset: 0x1F5660 VA: 0x1801F6C60
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.get_Item2
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T3 get_Item3() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x56C650 Offset: 0x56B050 VA: 0x18056C650
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.get_Item3
|-RVA: 0x1CEC50 Offset: 0x1CD650 VA: 0x1801CEC50
|-Tuple<TextReader, char[], int, int>.get_Item3
|-Tuple<TextWriter, char[], int, int>.get_Item3
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.get_Item3
|-RVA: 0x28FC90 Offset: 0x28E690 VA: 0x18028FC90
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.get_Item3
|-RVA: 0x1D0B60 Offset: 0x1CF560 VA: 0x1801D0B60
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.get_Item3
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T4 get_Item4() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x61B560 Offset: 0x619F60 VA: 0x18061B560
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.get_Item4
|-RVA: 0x1CEC40 Offset: 0x1CD640 VA: 0x1801CEC40
|-Tuple<TextReader, char[], int, int>.get_Item4
|-Tuple<TextWriter, char[], int, int>.get_Item4
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.get_Item4
|-RVA: 0x4DDFB0 Offset: 0x4DC9B0 VA: 0x1804DDFB0
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.get_Item4
|-RVA: 0x1FB870 Offset: 0x1FA270 VA: 0x1801FB870
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.get_Item4
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3, T4 item4) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1411DC0 Offset: 0x14107C0 VA: 0x181411DC0
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x1411E80 Offset: 0x1410880 VA: 0x181411E80
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x1411E20 Offset: 0x1410820 VA: 0x181411E20
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x1411D60 Offset: 0x1410760 VA: 0x181411D60
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140F670 Offset: 0x140E070 VA: 0x18140F670
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140F550 Offset: 0x140DF50 VA: 0x18140F550
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140F5E0 Offset: 0x140DFE0 VA: 0x18140F5E0
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x140F700 Offset: 0x140E100 VA: 0x18140F700
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
private bool System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals(object other, IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1410AA0 Offset: 0x140F4A0 VA: 0x181410AA0
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x1410480 Offset: 0x140EE80 VA: 0x181410480
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x1410890 Offset: 0x140F290 VA: 0x181410890
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x1410760 Offset: 0x140F160 VA: 0x181410760
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
private int System.IComparable.CompareTo(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1411500 Offset: 0x140FF00 VA: 0x181411500
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x1411470 Offset: 0x140FE70 VA: 0x181411470
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x1411350 Offset: 0x140FD50 VA: 0x181411350
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x14113E0 Offset: 0x140FDE0 VA: 0x1814113E0
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
private int System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(object other, IComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140F990 Offset: 0x140E390 VA: 0x18140F990
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x1410120 Offset: 0x140EB20 VA: 0x181410120
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140FCF0 Offset: 0x140E6F0 VA: 0x18140FCF0
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x140FF80 Offset: 0x140E980 VA: 0x18140FF80
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x140F790 Offset: 0x140E190 VA: 0x18140F790
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140F910 Offset: 0x140E310 VA: 0x18140F910
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140F810 Offset: 0x140E210 VA: 0x18140F810
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x140F890 Offset: 0x140E290 VA: 0x18140F890
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.GetHashCode
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
private int System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1410D80 Offset: 0x140F780 VA: 0x181410D80
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x1411040 Offset: 0x140FA40 VA: 0x181411040
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x1411200 Offset: 0x140FC00 VA: 0x181411200
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x1410F50 Offset: 0x140F950 VA: 0x181410F50
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1411CD0 Offset: 0x14106D0 VA: 0x181411CD0
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x1411B20 Offset: 0x1410520 VA: 0x181411B20
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x1411C40 Offset: 0x1410640 VA: 0x181411C40
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x1411BB0 Offset: 0x14105B0 VA: 0x181411BB0
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.ToString
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
private string System.ITupleInternal.ToString(StringBuilder sb) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1411670 Offset: 0x1410070 VA: 0x181411670
|-Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x1411970 Offset: 0x1410370 VA: 0x181411970
|-Tuple<int, int, int, bool>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x1411820 Offset: 0x1410220 VA: 0x181411820
|-Tuple<object, object, int, int>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x1411590 Offset: 0x140FF90 VA: 0x181411590
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
// Namespace: System
public class Tuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> : IStructuralEquatable, IStructuralComparable, IComparable, ITupleInternal // TypeDefIndex: 153
// Fields
private readonly T1 m_Item1; // 0x0
private readonly T2 m_Item2; // 0x0
private readonly T3 m_Item3; // 0x0
private readonly T4 m_Item4; // 0x0
private readonly T5 m_Item5; // 0x0
// Properties
public T1 Item1 { get; }
public T2 Item2 { get; }
public T3 Item3 { get; }
public T4 Item4 { get; }
public T5 Item5 { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T1 get_Item1() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
|-Tuple<X509Certificate, bool, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<string, X509CertificateCollection, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.get_Item1
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.get_Item1
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T2 get_Item2() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x269A20 Offset: 0x268420 VA: 0x180269A20
|-Tuple<X509Certificate, bool, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.get_Item2
|-RVA: 0x1CE170 Offset: 0x1CCB70 VA: 0x1801CE170
|-Tuple<string, X509CertificateCollection, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.get_Item2
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.get_Item2
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T3 get_Item3() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x32FC20 Offset: 0x32E620 VA: 0x18032FC20
|-Tuple<X509Certificate, bool, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>.get_Item3
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.get_Item3
|-RVA: 0x1CEC50 Offset: 0x1CD650 VA: 0x1801CEC50
|-Tuple<string, X509CertificateCollection, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>.get_Item3
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.get_Item3
|-RVA: 0x1D0B60 Offset: 0x1CF560 VA: 0x1801D0B60
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.get_Item3
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T4 get_Item4() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1CE140 Offset: 0x1CCB40 VA: 0x1801CE140
|-Tuple<X509Certificate, bool, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>.get_Item4
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.get_Item4
|-RVA: 0x3FE370 Offset: 0x3FCD70 VA: 0x1803FE370
|-Tuple<string, X509CertificateCollection, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>.get_Item4
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.get_Item4
|-RVA: 0x1FB870 Offset: 0x1FA270 VA: 0x1801FB870
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.get_Item4
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T5 get_Item5() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1FB870 Offset: 0x1FA270 VA: 0x1801FB870
|-Tuple<X509Certificate, bool, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>.get_Item5
|-Tuple<string, X509CertificateCollection, SslProtocols, bool, LegacySslStream>.get_Item5
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.get_Item5
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.get_Item5
|-RVA: 0x23D060 Offset: 0x23BA60 VA: 0x18023D060
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.get_Item5
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3, T4 item4, T5 item5) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1413C50 Offset: 0x1412650 VA: 0x181413C50
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x1413BE0 Offset: 0x14125E0 VA: 0x181413BE0
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>..ctor
|-RVA: 0x1413B70 Offset: 0x1412570 VA: 0x181413B70
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1412000 Offset: 0x1410A00 VA: 0x181412000
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x1411EE0 Offset: 0x14108E0 VA: 0x181411EE0
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.Equals
|-RVA: 0x1411F70 Offset: 0x1410970 VA: 0x181411F70
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
private bool System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals(object other, IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x14129B0 Offset: 0x14113B0 VA: 0x1814129B0
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x1412D90 Offset: 0x1411790 VA: 0x181412D90
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
|-RVA: 0x1412C40 Offset: 0x1411640 VA: 0x181412C40
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
private int System.IComparable.CompareTo(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1413520 Offset: 0x1411F20 VA: 0x181413520
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x1413490 Offset: 0x1411E90 VA: 0x181413490
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x1413400 Offset: 0x1411E00 VA: 0x181413400
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.System.IComparable.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
private int System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(object other, IComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x14124C0 Offset: 0x1410EC0 VA: 0x1814124C0
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x1412210 Offset: 0x1410C10 VA: 0x181412210
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
|-RVA: 0x14127E0 Offset: 0x14111E0 VA: 0x1814127E0
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1412190 Offset: 0x1410B90 VA: 0x181412190
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x1412110 Offset: 0x1410B10 VA: 0x181412110
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x1412090 Offset: 0x1410A90 VA: 0x181412090
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.GetHashCode
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
private int System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comparer) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x14130D0 Offset: 0x1411AD0 VA: 0x1814130D0
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x1413280 Offset: 0x1411C80 VA: 0x181413280
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
|-RVA: 0x1412FC0 Offset: 0x14119C0 VA: 0x181412FC0
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x14139C0 Offset: 0x14123C0 VA: 0x1814139C0
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x1413AE0 Offset: 0x14124E0 VA: 0x181413AE0
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.ToString
|-RVA: 0x1413A50 Offset: 0x1412450 VA: 0x181413A50
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.ToString
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
private string System.ITupleInternal.ToString(StringBuilder sb) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x14136B0 Offset: 0x14120B0 VA: 0x1814136B0
|-Tuple<object, bool, Int32Enum, bool, object>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x1413850 Offset: 0x1412250 VA: 0x181413850
|-Tuple<object, object, Int32Enum, bool, object>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
|-RVA: 0x14135B0 Offset: 0x1411FB0 VA: 0x1814135B0
|-Tuple<object, object, object, object, object>.System.ITupleInternal.ToString
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // RVA: 0x2E110 Offset: 0x2D510 VA: 0x18002E110
internal class MonoTODOAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 154
// Fields
private string comment; // 0x10
// Methods
// RVA: 0x1CE400 Offset: 0x1CCE00 VA: 0x1801CE400
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x3CB990 Offset: 0x3CA390 VA: 0x1803CB990
public void .ctor(string comment) { }
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // RVA: 0x2E110 Offset: 0x2D510 VA: 0x18002E110
internal class MonoLimitationAttribute : MonoTODOAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 155
// Methods
// RVA: 0x3CB990 Offset: 0x3CA390 VA: 0x1803CB990
public void .ctor(string comment) { }
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // RVA: 0x2E110 Offset: 0x2D510 VA: 0x18002E110
internal class MonoNotSupportedAttribute : MonoTODOAttribute // TypeDefIndex: 156
// Methods
// RVA: 0x3CB990 Offset: 0x3CA390 VA: 0x1803CB990
public void .ctor(string comment) { }
// Namespace: System
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // RVA: 0x2E280 Offset: 0x2D680 VA: 0x18002E280
public class AggregateException : Exception // TypeDefIndex: 157
// Fields
private ReadOnlyCollection<Exception> m_innerExceptions; // 0x88
// Properties
public ReadOnlyCollection<Exception> InnerExceptions { get; }
private int InnerExceptionCount { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x828050 Offset: 0x826A50 VA: 0x180828050
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x827780 Offset: 0x826180 VA: 0x180827780
public void .ctor(IEnumerable<Exception> innerExceptions) { }
// RVA: 0x827B30 Offset: 0x826530 VA: 0x180827B30
public void .ctor(Exception[] innerExceptions) { }
// RVA: 0x828110 Offset: 0x826B10 VA: 0x180828110
public void .ctor(string message, IEnumerable<Exception> innerExceptions) { }
// RVA: 0x827C60 Offset: 0x826660 VA: 0x180827C60
public void .ctor(string message, Exception[] innerExceptions) { }
// RVA: 0x827850 Offset: 0x826250 VA: 0x180827850
private void .ctor(string message, IList<Exception> innerExceptions) { }
// RVA: 0x827B90 Offset: 0x826590 VA: 0x180827B90
internal void .ctor(IEnumerable<ExceptionDispatchInfo> innerExceptionInfos) { }
// RVA: 0x827A80 Offset: 0x826480 VA: 0x180827A80
internal void .ctor(string message, IEnumerable<ExceptionDispatchInfo> innerExceptionInfos) { }
// RVA: 0x827C70 Offset: 0x826670 VA: 0x180827C70
private void .ctor(string message, IList<ExceptionDispatchInfo> innerExceptionInfos) { }
// RVA: 0x827ED0 Offset: 0x8268D0 VA: 0x180827ED0
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// RVA: 0x8272E0 Offset: 0x825CE0 VA: 0x1808272E0 Slot: 10
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// RVA: 0x282E90 Offset: 0x281890 VA: 0x180282E90
public ReadOnlyCollection<Exception> get_InnerExceptions() { }
// RVA: 0x827100 Offset: 0x825B00 VA: 0x180827100
public AggregateException Flatten() { }
// RVA: 0x827420 Offset: 0x825E20 VA: 0x180827420 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// RVA: 0x8281C0 Offset: 0x826BC0 VA: 0x1808281C0
private int get_InnerExceptionCount() { }
// Namespace: System
internal static class AppContextSwitches // TypeDefIndex: 158
// Fields
public static readonly bool ThrowExceptionIfDisposedCancellationTokenSource; // 0x0
public static readonly bool SetActorAsReferenceWhenCopyingClaimsIdentity; // 0x1
public static readonly bool NoAsyncCurrentCulture; // 0x2
public static readonly bool PreserveEventListnerObjectIdentity; // 0x3
// Namespace: System
public abstract class FormattableString : IFormattable // TypeDefIndex: 159
// Properties
public abstract string Format { get; }
public abstract int ArgumentCount { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
public abstract string get_Format() { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
public abstract object[] GetArguments() { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
public abstract int get_ArgumentCount() { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
public abstract object GetArgument(int index) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 9
public abstract string ToString(IFormatProvider formatProvider) { }
// RVA: 0x397250 Offset: 0x395C50 VA: 0x180397250 Slot: 4
private string System.IFormattable.ToString(string ignored, IFormatProvider formatProvider) { }
// RVA: 0x397270 Offset: 0x395C70 VA: 0x180397270 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
protected void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: System
internal static class LazyHelpers // TypeDefIndex: 160
// Fields
internal static readonly object PUBLICATION_ONLY_SENTINEL; // 0x2360
// Methods
// RVA: 0x7C5180 Offset: 0x7C3B80 VA: 0x1807C5180
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: System
[DebuggerDisplayAttribute] // RVA: 0x2E3E0 Offset: 0x2D7E0 VA: 0x18002E3E0
[DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute] // RVA: 0x2E3E0 Offset: 0x2D7E0 VA: 0x18002E3E0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x2E3E0 Offset: 0x2D7E0 VA: 0x18002E3E0
public class Lazy<T> // TypeDefIndex: 161
// Fields
private static readonly Func<T> ALREADY_INVOKED_SENTINEL; // 0x0
private object m_boxed; // 0x0
private Func<T> m_valueFactory; // 0x0
private object m_threadSafeObj; // 0x0
// Properties
internal T ValueForDebugDisplay { get; }
internal LazyThreadSafetyMode Mode { get; }
internal bool IsValueFaulted { get; }
public bool IsValueCreated { get; }
[DebuggerBrowsableAttribute] // RVA: 0xF7E0 Offset: 0xEBE0 VA: 0x18000F7E0
public T Value { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D9280 Offset: 0x13D7C80 VA: 0x1813D9280
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(Func<T> valueFactory) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D9400 Offset: 0x13D7E00 VA: 0x1813D9400
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(LazyThreadSafetyMode mode) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D91A0 Offset: 0x13D7BA0 VA: 0x1813D91A0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(Func<T> valueFactory, LazyThreadSafetyMode mode) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D92B0 Offset: 0x13D7CB0 VA: 0x1813D92B0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static object GetObjectFromMode(LazyThreadSafetyMode mode) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D88F0 Offset: 0x13D72F0 VA: 0x1813D88F0
[OnSerializingAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext context) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D8EA0 Offset: 0x13D78A0 VA: 0x1813D8EA0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D8ED0 Offset: 0x13D78D0 VA: 0x1813D8ED0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal T get_ValueForDebugDisplay() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D9560 Offset: 0x13D7F60 VA: 0x1813D9560
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal LazyThreadSafetyMode get_Mode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D94E0 Offset: 0x13D7EE0 VA: 0x1813D94E0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal bool get_IsValueFaulted() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D9490 Offset: 0x13D7E90 VA: 0x1813D9490
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public bool get_IsValueCreated() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D9430 Offset: 0x13D7E30 VA: 0x1813D9430
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T get_Value() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D9650 Offset: 0x13D8050 VA: 0x1813D9650
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private T LazyInitValue() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D89E0 Offset: 0x13D73E0 VA: 0x1813D89E0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private Lazy.Boxed<T> CreateValue() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D83B0 Offset: 0x13D6DB0 VA: 0x1813D83B0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static void .cctor() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D8F80 Offset: 0x13D7980 VA: 0x1813D8F80
// Namespace:
private class Lazy.Boxed<T> // TypeDefIndex: 162
// Fields
internal T m_value; // 0x0
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void .ctor(T value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAF03F0 Offset: 0xAEEDF0 VA: 0x180AF03F0
// Namespace:
private class Lazy.LazyInternalExceptionHolder<T> // TypeDefIndex: 163
// Fields
internal ExceptionDispatchInfo m_edi; // 0x0
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void .ctor(Exception ex) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D8370 Offset: 0x13D6D70 VA: 0x1813D8370
// Namespace:
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x1D70 Offset: 0x1170 VA: 0x180001D70
private sealed class Lazy.<>c<T> // TypeDefIndex: 164
// Fields
public static readonly Lazy.<>c<T> <>9; // 0x0
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
private static void .cctor() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xB00170 Offset: 0xAFEB70 VA: 0x180B00170
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x3C5B40 Offset: 0x3C4540 VA: 0x1803C5B40
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal T <.cctor>b__27_0() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1F6F40 Offset: 0x1F5940 VA: 0x1801F6F40
// Namespace: System
internal sealed class System_LazyDebugView<T> // TypeDefIndex: 165
// Fields
private readonly Lazy<T> m_lazy; // 0x0
// Properties
public bool IsValueCreated { get; }
public T Value { get; }
public LazyThreadSafetyMode Mode { get; }
public bool IsValueFaulted { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(Lazy<T> lazy) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAF03F0 Offset: 0xAEEDF0 VA: 0x180AF03F0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public bool get_IsValueCreated() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAFF830 Offset: 0xAFE230 VA: 0x180AFF830
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T get_Value() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAFF860 Offset: 0xAFE260 VA: 0x180AFF860
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public LazyThreadSafetyMode get_Mode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x73AEB0 Offset: 0x7398B0 VA: 0x18073AEB0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public bool get_IsValueFaulted() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAFF890 Offset: 0xAFE290 VA: 0x180AFF890
// Namespace: System
internal class __Filters // TypeDefIndex: 166
// Fields
internal static readonly __Filters Instance; // 0x2391
// Methods
// RVA: 0x156E800 Offset: 0x156D200 VA: 0x18156E800 Slot: 4
internal virtual bool FilterAttribute(MemberInfo m, object filterCriteria) { }
// RVA: 0x156ED00 Offset: 0x156D700 VA: 0x18156ED00 Slot: 5
internal virtual bool FilterName(MemberInfo m, object filterCriteria) { }
// RVA: 0x156EB40 Offset: 0x156D540 VA: 0x18156EB40 Slot: 6
internal virtual bool FilterIgnoreCase(MemberInfo m, object filterCriteria) { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x156EEB0 Offset: 0x156D8B0 VA: 0x18156EEB0
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: System
internal sealed class LocalDataStoreHolder // TypeDefIndex: 167
// Fields
private LocalDataStore m_Store; // 0x10
// Properties
public LocalDataStore Store { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x1CE410 Offset: 0x1CCE10 VA: 0x1801CE410
public void .ctor(LocalDataStore store) { }
// RVA: 0x7C51D0 Offset: 0x7C3BD0 VA: 0x1807C51D0 Slot: 1
protected override void Finalize() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
public LocalDataStore get_Store() { }
// Namespace: System
internal sealed class LocalDataStoreElement // TypeDefIndex: 168
// Fields
private object m_value; // 0x10
private long m_cookie; // 0x18
// Properties
public object Value { get; set; }
public long Cookie { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x1CE420 Offset: 0x1CCE20 VA: 0x1801CE420
public void .ctor(long cookie) { }
// RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
public object get_Value() { }
// RVA: 0x1CE410 Offset: 0x1CCE10 VA: 0x1801CE410
public void set_Value(object value) { }
// RVA: 0x1CE170 Offset: 0x1CCB70 VA: 0x1801CE170
public long get_Cookie() { }
// Namespace: System
internal sealed class LocalDataStore // TypeDefIndex: 169
// Fields
private LocalDataStoreElement[] m_DataTable; // 0x10
private LocalDataStoreMgr m_Manager; // 0x18
// Methods
// RVA: 0x7C6320 Offset: 0x7C4D20 VA: 0x1807C6320
public void .ctor(LocalDataStoreMgr mgr, int InitialCapacity) { }
// RVA: 0x7C5D60 Offset: 0x7C4760 VA: 0x1807C5D60
internal void Dispose() { }
// RVA: 0x7C5DE0 Offset: 0x7C47E0 VA: 0x1807C5DE0
public object GetData(LocalDataStoreSlot slot) { }
// RVA: 0x7C61C0 Offset: 0x7C4BC0 VA: 0x1807C61C0
public void SetData(LocalDataStoreSlot slot, object data) { }
// RVA: 0x7C5D90 Offset: 0x7C4790 VA: 0x1807C5D90
internal void FreeData(int slot, long cookie) { }
// RVA: 0x7C5F30 Offset: 0x7C4930 VA: 0x1807C5F30
private LocalDataStoreElement PopulateElement(LocalDataStoreSlot slot) { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public sealed class LocalDataStoreSlot // TypeDefIndex: 170
// Fields
private LocalDataStoreMgr m_mgr; // 0x10
private int m_slot; // 0x18
private long m_cookie; // 0x20
// Properties
internal LocalDataStoreMgr Manager { get; }
internal int Slot { get; }
internal long Cookie { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x7C5D50 Offset: 0x7C4750 VA: 0x1807C5D50
internal void .ctor(LocalDataStoreMgr mgr, int slot, long cookie) { }
// RVA: 0x1CE180 Offset: 0x1CCB80 VA: 0x1801CE180
internal LocalDataStoreMgr get_Manager() { }
// RVA: 0x28FC90 Offset: 0x28E690 VA: 0x18028FC90
internal int get_Slot() { }
// RVA: 0x1D0B60 Offset: 0x1CF560 VA: 0x1801D0B60
internal long get_Cookie() { }
// RVA: 0x7C5CB0 Offset: 0x7C46B0 VA: 0x1807C5CB0 Slot: 1
protected override void Finalize() { }
// Namespace: System
internal sealed class LocalDataStoreMgr // TypeDefIndex: 171
// Fields
private const int InitialSlotTableSize = 64;
private const int SlotTableDoubleThreshold = 512;
private const int LargeSlotTableSizeIncrease = 128;
private bool[] m_SlotInfoTable; // 0x10
private int m_FirstAvailableSlot; // 0x18
private List<LocalDataStore> m_ManagedLocalDataStores; // 0x20
private Dictionary<string, LocalDataStoreSlot> m_KeyToSlotMap; // 0x28
private long m_CookieGenerator; // 0x30
// Methods
// RVA: 0x7C5590 Offset: 0x7C3F90 VA: 0x1807C5590
public LocalDataStoreHolder CreateLocalDataStore() { }
// RVA: 0x7C56F0 Offset: 0x7C40F0 VA: 0x1807C56F0
public void DeleteLocalDataStore(LocalDataStore store) { }
// RVA: 0x7C5270 Offset: 0x7C3C70 VA: 0x1807C5270
public LocalDataStoreSlot AllocateDataSlot() { }
// RVA: 0x7C5480 Offset: 0x7C3E80 VA: 0x1807C5480
public LocalDataStoreSlot AllocateNamedDataSlot(string name) { }
// RVA: 0x7C5A80 Offset: 0x7C4480 VA: 0x1807C5A80
public LocalDataStoreSlot GetNamedDataSlot(string name) { }
// RVA: 0x7C5990 Offset: 0x7C4390 VA: 0x1807C5990
public void FreeNamedDataSlot(string name) { }
// RVA: 0x7C57E0 Offset: 0x7C41E0 VA: 0x1807C57E0
internal void FreeDataSlot(int slot, long cookie) { }
// RVA: 0x7C5BA0 Offset: 0x7C45A0 VA: 0x1807C5BA0
public void ValidateSlot(LocalDataStoreSlot slot) { }
// RVA: 0x3C9A60 Offset: 0x3C8460 VA: 0x1803C9A60
internal int GetSlotTableLength() { }
// RVA: 0x7C5C20 Offset: 0x7C4620 VA: 0x1807C5C20
public void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public class AccessViolationException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 172
// Methods
// RVA: 0x826CC0 Offset: 0x8256C0 VA: 0x180826CC0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x2E3460 Offset: 0x2E1E60 VA: 0x1802E3460
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Action<T> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 173
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(T obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D4530 Offset: 0x12D2F30 VA: 0x1812D4530
|-RVA: 0x12D3770 Offset: 0x12D2170 VA: 0x1812D3770
|-RVA: 0x713F00 Offset: 0x712900 VA: 0x180713F00
|-RVA: 0x12D3570 Offset: 0x12D1F70 VA: 0x1812D3570
|-RVA: 0xEB30A0 Offset: 0xEB1AA0 VA: 0x180EB30A0
|-RVA: 0x12D3280 Offset: 0x12D1C80 VA: 0x1812D3280
|-RVA: 0x12D40E0 Offset: 0x12D2AE0 VA: 0x1812D40E0
|-RVA: 0x12D3B30 Offset: 0x12D2530 VA: 0x1812D3B30
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T obj, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D2F00 Offset: 0x12D1900 VA: 0x1812D2F00
|-RVA: 0x12D3000 Offset: 0x12D1A00 VA: 0x1812D3000
|-RVA: 0x12D2E00 Offset: 0x12D1800 VA: 0x1812D2E00
|-RVA: 0x12D2E80 Offset: 0x12D1880 VA: 0x1812D2E80
|-RVA: 0x12D3180 Offset: 0x12D1B80 VA: 0x1812D3180
|-RVA: 0x2748B0 Offset: 0x2732B0 VA: 0x1802748B0
|-RVA: 0x12D3200 Offset: 0x12D1C00 VA: 0x1812D3200
|-RVA: 0x12D2F80 Offset: 0x12D1980 VA: 0x1812D2F80
|-RVA: 0x12D2D80 Offset: 0x12D1780 VA: 0x1812D2D80
|-RVA: 0x12D3100 Offset: 0x12D1B00 VA: 0x1812D3100
|-RVA: 0x12D3080 Offset: 0x12D1A80 VA: 0x1812D3080
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
// Namespace: System
[TypeForwardedFromAttribute] // RVA: 0x1FDF0 Offset: 0x1F1F0 VA: 0x18001FDF0
public sealed class Action : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 174
// Methods
// RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
// RVA: 0x274510 Offset: 0x272F10 VA: 0x180274510 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke() { }
// RVA: 0x2744E0 Offset: 0x272EE0 VA: 0x1802744E0 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
// RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
// Namespace: System
[TypeForwardedFromAttribute] // RVA: 0x1FDF0 Offset: 0x1F1F0 VA: 0x18001FDF0
public sealed class Action<T1, T2> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 175
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Action<bool, int>..ctor
|-Action<bool, Int32Enum>..ctor
|-Action<bool, object>..ctor
|-Action<bool, string>..ctor
|-Action<bool, InitializationFailureReason>..ctor
|-Action<bool, PurchaseFailureReason>..ctor
|-Action<char, object>..ctor
|-Action<char, string>..ctor
|-Action<int, long>..ctor
|-Action<int, object>..ctor
|-Action<LightCompiler, Expression>..ctor
|-Action<WebClient, AsyncCompletedEventHandler>..ctor
|-Action<WebClient, DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler>..ctor
|-Action<WebClient, DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler>..ctor
|-Action<WebClient, OpenReadCompletedEventHandler>..ctor
|-Action<WebClient, OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler>..ctor
|-Action<WebClient, UploadDataCompletedEventHandler>..ctor
|-Action<WebClient, UploadFileCompletedEventHandler>..ctor
|-Action<WebClient, UploadStringCompletedEventHandler>..ctor
|-Action<WebClient, UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler>..ctor
|-Action<object, bool>..ctor
|-Action<object, Int32Enum>..ctor
|-Action<object, object>..ctor
|-Action<Task, object>..ctor
|-Action<AndroidJavaObject, AndroidJavaObject>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D4CB0 Offset: 0x12D36B0 VA: 0x1812D4CB0
|-Action<bool, int>.Invoke
|-Action<bool, Int32Enum>.Invoke
|-Action<bool, InitializationFailureReason>.Invoke
|-Action<bool, PurchaseFailureReason>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12D5A40 Offset: 0x12D4440 VA: 0x1812D5A40
|-Action<bool, object>.Invoke
|-Action<bool, string>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12D5D70 Offset: 0x12D4770 VA: 0x1812D5D70
|-Action<char, object>.Invoke
|-Action<char, string>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x4468E0 Offset: 0x4452E0 VA: 0x1804468E0
|-Action<int, long>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12D5320 Offset: 0x12D3D20 VA: 0x1812D5320
|-Action<int, object>.Invoke
|-Action<int, string>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12D4ED0 Offset: 0x12D38D0 VA: 0x1812D4ED0
|-Action<object, bool>.Invoke
|-Action<string, bool>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12D55F0 Offset: 0x12D3FF0 VA: 0x1812D55F0
|-Action<object, Int32Enum>.Invoke
|-Action<ReflectionProbe, ReflectionProbe.ReflectionProbeEvent>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x4E3110 Offset: 0x4E1B10 VA: 0x1804E3110
|-Action<object, object>.Invoke
|-Action<string, Action<SpriteAtlas>>.Invoke
|-Action<Task, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D4B00 Offset: 0x12D3500 VA: 0x1812D4B00
|-Action<bool, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x12D4C20 Offset: 0x12D3620 VA: 0x1812D4C20
|-Action<bool, Int32Enum>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x12D4970 Offset: 0x12D3370 VA: 0x1812D4970
|-Action<bool, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x12D4850 Offset: 0x12D3250 VA: 0x1812D4850
|-Action<char, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x12D48E0 Offset: 0x12D32E0 VA: 0x1812D48E0
|-Action<int, long>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x12D49F0 Offset: 0x12D33F0 VA: 0x1812D49F0
|-Action<int, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x12D4B90 Offset: 0x12D3590 VA: 0x1812D4B90
|-Action<object, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x12D4A70 Offset: 0x12D3470 VA: 0x1812D4A70
|-Action<object, Int32Enum>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x23D130 Offset: 0x23BB30 VA: 0x18023D130
|-Action<object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Action<bool, int>.EndInvoke
|-Action<bool, Int32Enum>.EndInvoke
|-Action<bool, object>.EndInvoke
|-Action<char, object>.EndInvoke
|-Action<int, long>.EndInvoke
|-Action<int, object>.EndInvoke
|-Action<object, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Action<object, Int32Enum>.EndInvoke
|-Action<object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
[TypeForwardedFromAttribute] // RVA: 0x1FDF0 Offset: 0x1F1F0 VA: 0x18001FDF0
public sealed class Action<T1, T2, T3> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 176
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Action<bool, bool, int>..ctor
|-Action<object, bool, DebugScreenCapture>..ctor
|-Action<object, object, object>..ctor
|-Action<ProductDefinition, GooglePurchase, GoogleBillingResult>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D68E0 Offset: 0x12D52E0 VA: 0x1812D68E0
|-Action<bool, bool, int>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12D61F0 Offset: 0x12D4BF0 VA: 0x1812D61F0
|-Action<object, bool, DebugScreenCapture>.Invoke
|-Action<string, bool, DebugScreenCapture>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12D6C50 Offset: 0x12D5650 VA: 0x1812D6C50
|-Action<object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D60B0 Offset: 0x12D4AB0 VA: 0x1812D60B0
|-Action<bool, bool, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x12D6150 Offset: 0x12D4B50 VA: 0x1812D6150
|-Action<object, bool, DebugScreenCapture>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x3FF590 Offset: 0x3FDF90 VA: 0x1803FF590
|-Action<object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Action<bool, bool, int>.EndInvoke
|-Action<object, bool, DebugScreenCapture>.EndInvoke
|-Action<object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
[TypeForwardedFromAttribute] // RVA: 0x1FDF0 Offset: 0x1F1F0 VA: 0x18001FDF0
public sealed class Action<T1, T2, T3, T4> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 177
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Action<object, object, object, object>..ctor
|-Action<ProductDefinition, GooglePurchase, GoogleBillingResult, string>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D6FC0 Offset: 0x12D59C0 VA: 0x1812D6FC0
|-Action<object, object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x649C20 Offset: 0x648620 VA: 0x180649C20
|-Action<object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Action<object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
[TypeForwardedFromAttribute] // RVA: 0x1FDF0 Offset: 0x1F1F0 VA: 0x18001FDF0
public sealed class Func<TResult> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 178
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual TResult Invoke() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x513570 Offset: 0x511F70 VA: 0x180513570
|-RVA: 0x111F560 Offset: 0x111DF60 VA: 0x18111F560
|-RVA: 0xAFF440 Offset: 0xAFDE40 VA: 0x180AFF440
|-RVA: 0xDF7370 Offset: 0xDF5D70 VA: 0x180DF7370
|-RVA: 0x111F2A0 Offset: 0x111DCA0 VA: 0x18111F2A0
|-RVA: 0x111EDD0 Offset: 0x111D7D0 VA: 0x18111EDD0
|-RVA: 0x111F030 Offset: 0x111DA30 VA: 0x18111F030
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2744E0 Offset: 0x272EE0 VA: 0x1802744E0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual TResult EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x5160F0 Offset: 0x514AF0 VA: 0x1805160F0
|-RVA: 0x4D2F10 Offset: 0x4D1910 VA: 0x1804D2F10
|-RVA: 0xBD0790 Offset: 0xBCF190 VA: 0x180BD0790
|-RVA: 0x111ED90 Offset: 0x111D790 VA: 0x18111ED90
|-RVA: 0xB99CD0 Offset: 0xB986D0 VA: 0x180B99CD0
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
// Namespace: System
[TypeForwardedFromAttribute] // RVA: 0x1FDF0 Offset: 0x1F1F0 VA: 0x18001FDF0
public sealed class Func<T, TResult> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 179
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Func<<>f__AnonymousType0<int, int>, int>..ctor
|-Func<<>f__AnonymousType1<int, char>, int>..ctor
|-Func<<>f__AnonymousType1<int, char>, string>..ctor
|-Func<ANEPLJIPALC, bool>..ctor
|-Func<AOIALIGHJDG, StringNames>..ctor
|-Func<BFABJLCMAJE, bool>..ctor
|-Func<CBOBBIKGCBG, bool>..ctor
|-Func<CFFAEKGBPII, bool>..ctor
|-Func<CPNAPAKJNLI, bool>..ctor
|-Func<DKFNIAEFEHE, bool>..ctor
|-Func<FGGOBMFPKHG, bool>..ctor
|-Func<FGGOBMFPKHG, int>..ctor
|-Func<FJLFJBJDCHK, bool>..ctor
|-Func<FJLFJBJDCHK, int>..ctor
|-Func<FMAKAEMCNKE, bool>..ctor
|-Func<GNOFMBGMGCI, bool>..ctor
|-Func<HatBehaviour, bool>..ctor
|-Func<HatBehaviour, int>..ctor
|-Func<HatBehaviour, string>..ctor
|-Func<ICJPHJNDION, bool>..ctor
|-Func<IIKINGMCDCC, bool>..ctor
|-Func<ILLMBABGGJI, bool>..ctor
|-Func<ILLMBABGGJI, string>..ctor
|-Func<PlatformLinkingConfiguration, List<LinkInformation>>..ctor
|-Func<ClientData, bool>..ctor
|-Func<JECGODJLCLB, string>..ctor
|-Func<LFFJHODLPED, StringNames>..ctor
|-Func<LFFJHODLPED, bool>..ctor
|-Func<MAEIIMAJIJL, bool>..ctor
|-Func<NJPLAJCHMPB, int>..ctor
|-Func<NMCFCCDIHDO, bool>..ctor
|-Func<NMCFCCDIHDO, int>..ctor
|-Func<NMCFCCDIHDO, sbyte>..ctor
|-Func<NMNJJBGGLHF, bool>..ctor
|-Func<DiscriminatedUnionConverter.UnionCase, bool>..ctor
|-Func<JProperty, string>..ctor
|-Func<JsonProperty, JsonProperty>..ctor
|-Func<JsonProperty, JsonSerializerInternalReader.PropertyPresence>..ctor
|-Func<JsonProperty, int>..ctor
|-Func<JsonProperty, string>..ctor
|-Func<JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreatorPropertyContext, bool>..ctor
|-Func<ImmutableCollectionsUtils.ImmutableCollectionTypeInfo, bool>..ctor
|-Func<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>..ctor
|-Func<StructMultiKey<string, string>, Type>..ctor
|-Func<StructMultiKey<Type, NamingStrategy>, EnumInfo>..ctor
|-Func<StructMultiKey<Type, Type>, Func<object, object>>..ctor
|-Func<PAJDACIPOIM, bool>..ctor
|-Func<PAJDACIPOIM, int>..ctor
|-Func<PFOOKIDOHLD, bool>..ctor
|-Func<PJMGDAFCNOD, bool>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, bool>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, byte>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, List<QRCodeGenerator.Point>>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, int>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, object>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, uint>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, bool>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, int>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, object>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.ECCInfo, bool>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, bool>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, byte>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, int>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, object>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, string>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, uint>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, <>f__AnonymousType0<int, int>>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, bool>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, byte>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, int>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, object>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, uint>..ctor
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfoDetails, bool>..ctor
|-Func<SkinData, bool>..ctor
|-Func<SkinData, int>..ctor
|-Func<SkinData, string>..ctor
|-Func<byte, bool>..ctor
|-Func<byte, byte>..ctor
|-Func<byte, int>..ctor
|-Func<byte, object>..ctor
|-Func<byte, string>..ctor
|-Func<byte, uint>..ctor
|-Func<ByteEnum, bool>..ctor
|-Func<ByteEnum, Int32Enum>..ctor
|-Func<char, bool>..ctor
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, bool>..ctor
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, KeyValuePair<object, object>>..ctor
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, object>..ctor
|-Func<IEnumerable<ClaimsIdentity>, ClaimsIdentity>..ctor
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, bool>..ctor
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, byte>..ctor
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, int>..ctor
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>..ctor
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, uint>..ctor
|-Func<AsyncCompletedEventArgs, object>..ctor
|-Func<DynamicMetaObject, Expression>..ctor
|-Func<Exception, bool>..ctor
|-Func<Guid, int>..ctor
|-Func<Guid, object>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, Stream>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, int>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, HttpListenerContext>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, IPAddress[]>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, IPHostEntry>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, Socket>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, SocketReceiveFromResult>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, SocketReceiveMessageFromResult>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, TcpClient>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, UdpReceiveResult>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, WebResponse>..ctor
|-Func<IAsyncResult, X509Certificate2>..ctor
|-Func<int, bool>..ctor
|-Func<int, byte>..ctor
|-Func<int, int>..ctor
|-Func<int, object>..ctor
|-Func<int, string>..ctor
|-Func<int, uint>..ctor
|-Func<Int32Enum, bool>..ctor
|-Func<Int32Enum, Int32Enum>..ctor
|-Func<Int32Enum, object>..ctor
|-Func<IntPtr, object>..ctor
|-Func<CatchBlock, CatchBlock>..ctor
|-Func<Expression, bool>..ctor
|-Func<LabelScopeInfo, LabelScopeInfo>..ctor
|-Func<LightLambda, Delegate>..ctor
|-Func<SwitchCase, bool>..ctor
|-Func<IGrouping<int, <>f__AnonymousType1<int, char>>, string>..ctor
|-Func<IGrouping<int, QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem>, bool>..ctor
|-Func<IGrouping<int, QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem>, int>..ctor
|-Func<DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs, byte[]>..ctor
|-Func<DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs, string>..ctor
|-Func<OpenReadCompletedEventArgs, Stream>..ctor
|-Func<OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs, Stream>..ctor
|-Func<SimpleAsyncResult, bool>..ctor
|-Func<UploadDataCompletedEventArgs, byte[]>..ctor
|-Func<UploadFileCompletedEventArgs, byte[]>..ctor
|-Func<UploadStringCompletedEventArgs, string>..ctor
|-Func<UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs, byte[]>..ctor
|-Func<object, bool>..ctor
|-Func<object, byte>..ctor
|-Func<object, ByteEnum>..ctor
|-Func<object, Decimal>..ctor
|-Func<object, int>..ctor
|-Func<object, Int32Enum>..ctor
|-Func<object, SocketReceiveFromResult>..ctor
|-Func<object, SocketReceiveMessageFromResult>..ctor
|-Func<object, UdpReceiveResult>..ctor
|-Func<object, Nullable<int>>..ctor
|-Func<object, object>..ctor
|-Func<object, sbyte>..ctor
|-Func<object, float>..ctor
|-Func<object, string>..ctor
|-Func<object, VoidTaskResult>..ctor
|-Func<object, Type>..ctor
|-Func<object, uint>..ctor
|-Func<object[], object>..ctor
|-Func<AssemblyName, Assembly>..ctor
|-Func<ConstructorInfo, bool>..ctor
|-Func<FieldInfo, bool>..ctor
|-Func<MemberInfo, bool>..ctor
|-Func<MemberInfo, string>..ctor
|-Func<MethodInfo, bool>..ctor
|-Func<ParameterInfo, Type>..ctor
|-Func<PropertyInfo, bool>..ctor
|-Func<EnumMemberAttribute, string>..ctor
|-Func<MemberHolder, MemberInfo[]>..ctor
|-Func<string, bool>..ctor
|-Func<string, int>..ctor
|-Func<string, CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>>>..ctor
|-Func<string, CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object, object>>>..ctor
|-Func<string, string>..ctor
|-Func<Tuple<byte, byte>, bool>..ctor
|-Func<Type, DiscriminatedUnionConverter.Union>..ctor
|-Func<Type, JsonContract>..ctor
|-Func<Type, ReflectionObject>..ctor
|-Func<Type, bool>..ctor
|-Func<Type, IEnumerable<MemberInfo>>..ctor
|-Func<Type, Func<object[], object>>..ctor
|-Func<Type, Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>>..ctor
|-Func<Type, Type>..ctor
|-Func<ushort, object>..ctor
|-Func<uint, bool>..ctor
|-Func<uint, uint>..ctor
|-Func<TaskSet, bool>..ctor
|-Func<AndroidJavaObject, bool>..ctor
|-Func<BoxCollider2D, bool>..ctor
|-Func<Collider2D, bool>..ctor
|-Func<GameObject, ANEPLJIPALC>..ctor
|-Func<PlayerEditorConnectionEvents.MessageTypeSubscribers, bool>..ctor
|-Func<Ping, bool>..ctor
|-Func<GooglePurchase, bool>..ctor
|-Func<Product, bool>..ctor
|-Func<Product, string>..ctor
|-Func<ProductCatalogItem, bool>..ctor
|-Func<ProductDefinition, bool>..ctor
|-Func<ProductDefinition, string>..ctor
|-Func<ProductDefinition, WinProductDescription>..ctor
|-Func<ProductDefinition, Product>..ctor
|-Func<Resolution, bool>..ctor
|-Func<SpriteRenderer, bool>..ctor
|-Func<ILayoutElement, float>..ctor
|-Func<Toggle, bool>..ctor
|-Func<UTF8StringPtr, object>..ctor
|-Func<UTF8StringPtr, string>..ctor
|-Func<XGameSaveBlob, object>..ctor
|-Func<XGameSaveBlob, XGameSaveBlob>..ctor
|-Func<XStoreAvailability, object>..ctor
|-Func<XStoreAvailability, XStoreAvailability>..ctor
|-Func<XStoreImage, object>..ctor
|-Func<XStoreImage, XStoreImage>..ctor
|-Func<XStoreSku, object>..ctor
|-Func<XStoreSku, XStoreSku>..ctor
|-Func<XStoreVideo, object>..ctor
|-Func<XStoreVideo, XStoreVideo>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual TResult Invoke(T arg) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xAFDB40 Offset: 0xAFC540 VA: 0x180AFDB40
|-Func<CBOBBIKGCBG, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<Exception, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<SimpleAsyncResult, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<object, bool>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDF10 Offset: 0x13CC910 VA: 0x1813CDF10
|-Func<HazelInternalErrors, MessageWriter>.Invoke
|-Func<int, int>.Invoke
|-Func<int, object>.Invoke
|-Func<Int32Enum, Int32Enum>.Invoke
|-Func<Int32Enum, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12E6F70 Offset: 0x12E5970 VA: 0x1812E6F70
|-Func<PlatformLinkingConfiguration, List<LinkInformation>>.Invoke
|-Func<DynamicMetaObject, DynamicMetaObject>.Invoke
|-Func<LightLambda, Delegate>.Invoke
|-Func<object, string>.Invoke
|-Func<object[], object>.Invoke
|-Func<string, string>.Invoke
|-Func<IEnumerable<ClaimsIdentity>, ClaimsIdentity>.Invoke
|-Func<object, object>.Invoke
|-Func<AssemblyName, Assembly>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D06C0 Offset: 0x13CF0C0 VA: 0x1813D06C0
|-Func<ILayoutElement, float>.Invoke
|-Func<object, float>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xE59B00 Offset: 0xE58500 VA: 0x180E59B00
|-Func<NativeInputUpdateType, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<int, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<Int32Enum, bool>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x1276CE0 Offset: 0x12756E0 VA: 0x181276CE0
|-Func<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, int>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, object>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, uint>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, int>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, object>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, uint>.Invoke
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, object>.Invoke
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, int>.Invoke
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>.Invoke
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, uint>.Invoke
|-Func<Guid, int>.Invoke
|-Func<Guid, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xE58D30 Offset: 0xE57730 VA: 0x180E58D30
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, byte>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, byte>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfoDetails, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, byte>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xE59800 Offset: 0xE58200 VA: 0x180E59800
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, byte>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12760D0 Offset: 0x1274AD0 VA: 0x1812760D0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, int>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, object>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, int>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, object>.Invoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, uint>.Invoke
|-Func<UTF8StringPtr, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xE5A890 Offset: 0xE59290 VA: 0x180E5A890
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.ECCInfo, bool>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13CF230 Offset: 0x13CDC30 VA: 0x1813CF230
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xE5AC60 Offset: 0xE59660 VA: 0x180E5AC60
|-Func<byte, bool>.Invoke
|-Func<ByteEnum, bool>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xE58A20 Offset: 0xE57420 VA: 0x180E58A20
|-Func<byte, byte>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13CF030 Offset: 0x13CDA30 VA: 0x1813CF030
|-Func<byte, int>.Invoke
|-Func<ByteEnum, Int32Enum>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12763D0 Offset: 0x1274DD0 VA: 0x1812763D0
|-Func<byte, object>.Invoke
|-Func<byte, uint>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xE5AE70 Offset: 0xE59870 VA: 0x180E5AE70
|-Func<char, bool>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D1120 Offset: 0x13CFB20 VA: 0x1813D1120
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, KeyValuePair<object, object>>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xAEFC80 Offset: 0xAEE680 VA: 0x180AEFC80
|-Func<int, byte>.Invoke
|-Func<uint, bool>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12766D0 Offset: 0x12750D0 VA: 0x1812766D0
|-Func<int, uint>.Invoke
|-Func<uint, uint>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x106D680 Offset: 0x106C080 VA: 0x18106D680
|-Func<IntPtr, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13CE110 Offset: 0x13CCB10 VA: 0x1813CE110
|-Func<object, byte>.Invoke
|-Func<object, ByteEnum>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13CF8F0 Offset: 0x13CE2F0 VA: 0x1813CF8F0
|-Func<object, Decimal>.Invoke
|-Func<object, SocketReceiveFromResult>.Invoke
|-Func<object, UdpReceiveResult>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x690D30 Offset: 0x68F730 VA: 0x180690D30
|-Func<object, int>.Invoke
|-Func<object, Int32Enum>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13CFE40 Offset: 0x13CE840 VA: 0x1813CFE40
|-Func<object, SocketReceiveMessageFromResult>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D1CF0 Offset: 0x13D06F0 VA: 0x1813D1CF0
|-Func<object, Nullable<int>>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13CEBB0 Offset: 0x13CD5B0 VA: 0x1813CEBB0
|-Func<object, sbyte>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D1960 Offset: 0x13D0360 VA: 0x1813D1960
|-Func<object, VoidTaskResult>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x507E00 Offset: 0x506800 VA: 0x180507E00
|-Func<object, uint>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x1275DD0 Offset: 0x12747D0 VA: 0x181275DD0
|-Func<ushort, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xE59060 Offset: 0xE57A60 VA: 0x180E59060
|-Func<Resolution, bool>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13CF520 Offset: 0x13CDF20 VA: 0x1813CF520
|-Func<XGameSaveBlob, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D0AD0 Offset: 0x13CF4D0 VA: 0x1813D0AD0
|-Func<XStoreAvailability, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D02F0 Offset: 0x13CECF0 VA: 0x1813D02F0
|-Func<XStoreImage, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13CE3C0 Offset: 0x13CCDC0 VA: 0x1813CE3C0
|-Func<XStoreSku, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D14B0 Offset: 0x13CFEB0 VA: 0x1813D14B0
|-Func<XStoreVideo, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T arg, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13CD6E0 Offset: 0x13CC0E0 VA: 0x1813CD6E0
|-Func<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCCE0 Offset: 0x13CB6E0 VA: 0x1813CCCE0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC2E0 Offset: 0x13CACE0 VA: 0x1813CC2E0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, byte>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC660 Offset: 0x13CB060 VA: 0x1813CC660
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD860 Offset: 0x13CC260 VA: 0x1813CD860
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD960 Offset: 0x13CC360 VA: 0x1813CD960
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, uint>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC4E0 Offset: 0x13CAEE0 VA: 0x1813CC4E0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDBE0 Offset: 0x13CC5E0 VA: 0x1813CDBE0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD460 Offset: 0x13CBE60 VA: 0x1813CD460
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD160 Offset: 0x13CBB60 VA: 0x1813CD160
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.ECCInfo, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDC60 Offset: 0x13CC660 VA: 0x1813CDC60
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD060 Offset: 0x13CBA60 VA: 0x1813CD060
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD8E0 Offset: 0x13CC2E0 VA: 0x1813CD8E0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, byte>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC1E0 Offset: 0x13CABE0 VA: 0x1813CC1E0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC7E0 Offset: 0x13CB1E0 VA: 0x1813CC7E0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCD60 Offset: 0x13CB760 VA: 0x1813CCD60
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, uint>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD0E0 Offset: 0x13CBAE0 VA: 0x1813CD0E0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC160 Offset: 0x13CAB60 VA: 0x1813CC160
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, byte>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD3E0 Offset: 0x13CBDE0 VA: 0x1813CD3E0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCEE0 Offset: 0x13CB8E0 VA: 0x1813CCEE0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDAE0 Offset: 0x13CC4E0 VA: 0x1813CDAE0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, uint>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD660 Offset: 0x13CC060 VA: 0x1813CD660
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfoDetails, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCF60 Offset: 0x13CB960 VA: 0x1813CCF60
|-Func<byte, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDCE0 Offset: 0x13CC6E0 VA: 0x1813CDCE0
|-Func<byte, byte>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCA60 Offset: 0x13CB460 VA: 0x1813CCA60
|-Func<byte, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCB60 Offset: 0x13CB560 VA: 0x1813CCB60
|-Func<byte, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCC60 Offset: 0x13CB660 VA: 0x1813CCC60
|-Func<byte, uint>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC8E0 Offset: 0x13CB2E0 VA: 0x1813CC8E0
|-Func<ByteEnum, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD7E0 Offset: 0x13CC1E0 VA: 0x1813CD7E0
|-Func<ByteEnum, Int32Enum>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD560 Offset: 0x13CBF60 VA: 0x1813CD560
|-Func<char, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCBE0 Offset: 0x13CB5E0 VA: 0x1813CCBE0
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDA60 Offset: 0x13CC460 VA: 0x1813CDA60
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, KeyValuePair<object, object>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD360 Offset: 0x13CBD60 VA: 0x1813CD360
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC5E0 Offset: 0x13CAFE0 VA: 0x1813CC5E0
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCE60 Offset: 0x13CB860 VA: 0x1813CCE60
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, byte>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCAE0 Offset: 0x13CB4E0 VA: 0x1813CCAE0
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC460 Offset: 0x13CAE60 VA: 0x1813CC460
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC3E0 Offset: 0x13CADE0 VA: 0x1813CC3E0
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, uint>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC560 Offset: 0x13CAF60 VA: 0x1813CC560
|-Func<Guid, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCFE0 Offset: 0x13CB9E0 VA: 0x1813CCFE0
|-Func<Guid, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC760 Offset: 0x13CB160 VA: 0x1813CC760
|-Func<int, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD4E0 Offset: 0x13CBEE0 VA: 0x1813CD4E0
|-Func<int, byte>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD5E0 Offset: 0x13CBFE0 VA: 0x1813CD5E0
|-Func<int, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD9E0 Offset: 0x13CC3E0 VA: 0x1813CD9E0
|-Func<int, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC6E0 Offset: 0x13CB0E0 VA: 0x1813CC6E0
|-Func<int, uint>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD2E0 Offset: 0x13CBCE0 VA: 0x1813CD2E0
|-Func<Int32Enum, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD760 Offset: 0x13CC160 VA: 0x1813CD760
|-Func<Int32Enum, Int32Enum>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC860 Offset: 0x13CB260 VA: 0x1813CC860
|-Func<Int32Enum, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDD60 Offset: 0x13CC760 VA: 0x1813CDD60
|-Func<IntPtr, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x2748B0 Offset: 0x2732B0 VA: 0x1802748B0
|-Func<object, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, byte>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, ByteEnum>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, Decimal>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, int>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, Int32Enum>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, SocketReceiveFromResult>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, SocketReceiveMessageFromResult>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, UdpReceiveResult>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, Nullable<int>>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, sbyte>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, float>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, VoidTaskResult>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, uint>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD1E0 Offset: 0x13CBBE0 VA: 0x1813CD1E0
|-Func<ushort, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC260 Offset: 0x13CAC60 VA: 0x1813CC260
|-Func<uint, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC360 Offset: 0x13CAD60 VA: 0x1813CC360
|-Func<uint, uint>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDE60 Offset: 0x13CC860 VA: 0x1813CDE60
|-Func<Resolution, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDDE0 Offset: 0x13CC7E0 VA: 0x1813CDDE0
|-Func<UTF8StringPtr, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDB60 Offset: 0x13CC560 VA: 0x1813CDB60
|-Func<XGameSaveBlob, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CCDE0 Offset: 0x13CB7E0 VA: 0x1813CCDE0
|-Func<XStoreAvailability, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC9E0 Offset: 0x13CB3E0 VA: 0x1813CC9E0
|-Func<XStoreImage, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CD260 Offset: 0x13CBC60 VA: 0x1813CD260
|-Func<XStoreSku, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CC960 Offset: 0x13CB360 VA: 0x1813CC960
|-Func<XStoreVideo, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual TResult EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Func<StructMultiKey<object, object>, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<byte, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<Guid, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<int, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<Int32Enum, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<IntPtr, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<ushort, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<UTF8StringPtr, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<XGameSaveBlob, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<XStoreAvailability, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<XStoreImage, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<XStoreSku, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<XStoreVideo, object>.EndInvoke
|-RVA: 0x5160F0 Offset: 0x514AF0 VA: 0x1805160F0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, byte>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.ECCInfo, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, byte>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, byte>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfoDetails, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<byte, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<byte, byte>.EndInvoke
|-Func<ByteEnum, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<char, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, byte>.EndInvoke
|-Func<int, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<int, byte>.EndInvoke
|-Func<Int32Enum, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, byte>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, ByteEnum>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, sbyte>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, VoidTaskResult>.EndInvoke
|-Func<uint, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<Resolution, bool>.EndInvoke
|-RVA: 0x4D2F10 Offset: 0x4D1910 VA: 0x1804D2F10
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, int>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.AlignmentPattern, uint>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.Antilog, int>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, int>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, uint>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, int>.EndInvoke
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.VersionInfo, uint>.EndInvoke
|-Func<byte, int>.EndInvoke
|-Func<byte, uint>.EndInvoke
|-Func<ByteEnum, Int32Enum>.EndInvoke
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, int>.EndInvoke
|-Func<KeyValuePair<object, object>, uint>.EndInvoke
|-Func<Guid, int>.EndInvoke
|-Func<int, int>.EndInvoke
|-Func<int, uint>.EndInvoke
|-Func<Int32Enum, Int32Enum>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, int>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, Int32Enum>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, uint>.EndInvoke
|-Func<uint, uint>.EndInvoke
|-RVA: 0xB99CD0 Offset: 0xB986D0 VA: 0x180B99CD0
|-Func<QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, Nullable<int>>.EndInvoke
|-RVA: 0xBD0790 Offset: 0xBCF190 VA: 0x180BD0790
|-Func<DictionaryEntry, KeyValuePair<object, object>>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, Decimal>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, SocketReceiveFromResult>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, UdpReceiveResult>.EndInvoke
|-RVA: 0x111ED90 Offset: 0x111D790 VA: 0x18111ED90
|-Func<object, SocketReceiveMessageFromResult>.EndInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13CDEE0 Offset: 0x13CC8E0 VA: 0x1813CDEE0
|-Func<object, float>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
[TypeForwardedFromAttribute] // RVA: 0x1FDF0 Offset: 0x1F1F0 VA: 0x18001FDF0
public sealed class Func<T1, T2, TResult> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 180
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Func<AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<char, int, <>f__AnonymousType1<int, char>>..ctor
|-Func<char, int, object>..ctor
|-Func<char, int, string>..ctor
|-Func<Stream, IAsyncResult, int>..ctor
|-Func<Stream, IAsyncResult, VoidTaskResult>..ctor
|-Func<int, QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, int>..ctor
|-Func<int, int, bool>..ctor
|-Func<int, IntPtr, bool>..ctor
|-Func<object, int, object>..ctor
|-Func<object, object, int>..ctor
|-Func<object, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<object, object, VoidTaskResult>..ctor
|-Func<string, string, string>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual TResult Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D2440 Offset: 0x13D0E40 VA: 0x1813D2440
|-Func<int, int, bool>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D3650 Offset: 0x13D2050 VA: 0x1813D3650
|-Func<int, IntPtr, bool>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D3980 Offset: 0x13D2380 VA: 0x1813D3980
|-Func<CallSite, object, object>.Invoke
|-Func<AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>.Invoke
|-Func<object, object, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D2F00 Offset: 0x13D1900 VA: 0x1813D2F00
|-Func<char, int, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D2BD0 Offset: 0x13D15D0 VA: 0x1813D2BD0
|-Func<int, QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, int>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D2770 Offset: 0x13D1170 VA: 0x1813D2770
|-Func<object, int, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x12E6B60 Offset: 0x12E5560 VA: 0x1812E6B60
|-Func<object, object, int>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D3240 Offset: 0x13D1C40 VA: 0x1813D3240
|-Func<object, object, VoidTaskResult>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D23B0 Offset: 0x13D0DB0 VA: 0x1813D23B0
|-Func<char, int, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13D2320 Offset: 0x13D0D20 VA: 0x1813D2320
|-Func<int, QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, int>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13D2170 Offset: 0x13D0B70 VA: 0x1813D2170
|-Func<int, int, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13D2200 Offset: 0x13D0C00 VA: 0x1813D2200
|-Func<int, IntPtr, bool>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13D2290 Offset: 0x13D0C90 VA: 0x1813D2290
|-Func<object, int, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x23D130 Offset: 0x23BB30 VA: 0x18023D130
|-Func<object, object, int>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-Func<object, object, VoidTaskResult>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual TResult EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Func<char, int, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, int, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, object, object>.EndInvoke
|-RVA: 0x4D2F10 Offset: 0x4D1910 VA: 0x1804D2F10
|-Func<int, QRCodeGenerator.PolynomItem, int>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, object, int>.EndInvoke
|-RVA: 0x5160F0 Offset: 0x514AF0 VA: 0x1805160F0
|-Func<int, int, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<int, IntPtr, bool>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, object, VoidTaskResult>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
[TypeForwardedFromAttribute] // RVA: 0x1FDF0 Offset: 0x1F1F0 VA: 0x18001FDF0
public sealed class Func<T1, T2, T3, TResult> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 181
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, object, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<EndPoint, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<IPAddress, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<object, object, bool, object>..ctor
|-Func<object, object, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<Assembly, string, bool, Type>..ctor
|-Func<X509Certificate, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<string, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual TResult Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D4660 Offset: 0x13D3060 VA: 0x1813D4660
|-Func<Stream, XmlReaderSettings, XmlParserContext, XmlReader>.Invoke
|-Func<CallSite, object, object, object>.Invoke
|-Func<object, object, object, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D42F0 Offset: 0x13D2CF0 VA: 0x1813D42F0
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, object, object, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D3DD0 Offset: 0x13D27D0 VA: 0x1813D3DD0
|-Func<object, object, bool, object>.Invoke
|-Func<Assembly, string, bool, Type>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D3D40 Offset: 0x13D2740 VA: 0x1813D3D40
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13D3CB0 Offset: 0x13D26B0 VA: 0x1813D3CB0
|-Func<object, object, bool, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x3FF590 Offset: 0x3FDF90 VA: 0x1803FF590
|-Func<object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual TResult EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, object, bool, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
[TypeForwardedFromAttribute] // RVA: 0x1FDF0 Offset: 0x1F1F0 VA: 0x18001FDF0
public sealed class Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 182
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, Int32Enum, object, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, SocketFlags, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<byte[], int, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<IList<ArraySegment<byte>>, SocketFlags, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<Stream, Stream.ReadWriteParameters, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<IPAddress, int, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<IPAddress[], int, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<NetworkCredential, string, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<Socket, int, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<object, Stream.ReadWriteParameters, object, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<object, int, object, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<object, Int32Enum, object, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<object, object, bool, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<string, int, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual TResult Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D5A60 Offset: 0x13D4460 VA: 0x1813D5A60
|-Func<Expression, string, bool, ReadOnlyCollection<ParameterExpression>, LambdaExpression>.Invoke
|-Func<object, object, bool, object, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D5100 Offset: 0x13D3B00 VA: 0x1813D5100
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, Int32Enum, object, object, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D54B0 Offset: 0x13D3EB0 VA: 0x1813D54B0
|-Func<object, Stream.ReadWriteParameters, object, object, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D4D10 Offset: 0x13D3710 VA: 0x1813D4D10
|-Func<object, int, object, object, object>.Invoke
|-Func<object, Int32Enum, object, object, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D5FA0 Offset: 0x13D49A0 VA: 0x1813D5FA0
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D49D0 Offset: 0x13D33D0 VA: 0x1813D49D0
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, Int32Enum, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13D4B20 Offset: 0x13D3520 VA: 0x1813D4B20
|-Func<object, Stream.ReadWriteParameters, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13D4BD0 Offset: 0x13D35D0 VA: 0x1813D4BD0
|-Func<object, int, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13D4A80 Offset: 0x13D3480 VA: 0x1813D4A80
|-Func<object, Int32Enum, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13D4C70 Offset: 0x13D3670 VA: 0x1813D4C70
|-Func<object, object, bool, object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x649C20 Offset: 0x648620 VA: 0x180649C20
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual TResult EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, Int32Enum, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, Stream.ReadWriteParameters, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, int, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, Int32Enum, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, object, bool, object, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 183
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D7380 Offset: 0x12D5D80 VA: 0x1812D7380
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x64A0F0 Offset: 0x648AF0 VA: 0x18064A0F0
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 184
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D7800 Offset: 0x12D6200 VA: 0x1812D7800
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D77A0 Offset: 0x12D61A0 VA: 0x1812D77A0
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 185
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D7CE0 Offset: 0x12D66E0 VA: 0x1812D7CE0
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D7C70 Offset: 0x12D6670 VA: 0x1812D7C70
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 186
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D8220 Offset: 0x12D6C20 VA: 0x1812D8220
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D81A0 Offset: 0x12D6BA0 VA: 0x1812D81A0
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Action<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TResult> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 187
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, Int32Enum, object, object, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<byte[], int, IPEndPoint, AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>..ctor
|-Func<object, int, object, object, object, object>..ctor
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual TResult Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D64D0 Offset: 0x13D4ED0 VA: 0x1813D64D0
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, Int32Enum, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D68C0 Offset: 0x13D52C0 VA: 0x1813D68C0
|-Func<object, int, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D6EE0 Offset: 0x13D58E0 VA: 0x1813D6EE0
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D6410 Offset: 0x13D4E10 VA: 0x1813D6410
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, Int32Enum, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x13D6360 Offset: 0x13D4D60 VA: 0x1813D6360
|-Func<object, int, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x64A0F0 Offset: 0x648AF0 VA: 0x18064A0F0
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual TResult EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Func<ArraySegment<byte>, Int32Enum, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, int, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TResult> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 188
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual TResult Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D7300 Offset: 0x13D5D00 VA: 0x1813D7300
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D77A0 Offset: 0x12D61A0 VA: 0x1812D77A0
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual TResult EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TResult> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 189
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual TResult Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D7780 Offset: 0x13D6180 VA: 0x1813D7780
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D7C70 Offset: 0x12D6670 VA: 0x1812D7C70
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual TResult EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, TResult> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 190
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual TResult Invoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x13D7C50 Offset: 0x13D6650 VA: 0x1813D7C50
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x12D81A0 Offset: 0x12D6BA0 VA: 0x1812D81A0
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual TResult EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Func<object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object, object>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Comparison<T> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 191
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Comparison<StructMultiKey<object, object>>..ctor
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>..ctor
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>..ctor
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<int, object>>..ctor
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, char>>..ctor
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, int>>..ctor
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, object>>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual int Invoke(T x, T y) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x14F2950 Offset: 0x14F1350 VA: 0x1814F2950
|-RVA: 0x14F69E0 Offset: 0x14F53E0 VA: 0x1814F69E0
|-RVA: 0x14F2370 Offset: 0x14F0D70 VA: 0x1814F2370
|-RVA: 0x14F13F0 Offset: 0x14EFDF0 VA: 0x1814F13F0
|-Comparison<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.Invoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.Invoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.Invoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.Invoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.Invoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x14F0E40 Offset: 0x14EF840 VA: 0x1814F0E40
|-RVA: 0x14F5990 Offset: 0x14F4390 VA: 0x1814F5990
|-RVA: 0x14F37A0 Offset: 0x14F21A0 VA: 0x1814F37A0
|-RVA: 0x14F4820 Offset: 0x14F3220 VA: 0x1814F4820
|-RVA: 0x14F44F0 Offset: 0x14F2EF0 VA: 0x1814F44F0
|-RVA: 0x14F4060 Offset: 0x14F2A60 VA: 0x1814F4060
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xC07060 Offset: 0xC05A60 VA: 0x180C07060
|-RVA: 0x14F4D80 Offset: 0x14F3780 VA: 0x1814F4D80
|-RVA: 0x14F3E40 Offset: 0x14F2840 VA: 0x1814F3E40
|-RVA: 0xEB2220 Offset: 0xEB0C20 VA: 0x180EB2220
|-RVA: 0x14F1740 Offset: 0x14F0140 VA: 0x1814F1740
|-RVA: 0x14F79A0 Offset: 0x14F63A0 VA: 0x1814F79A0
|-RVA: 0x14F3AE0 Offset: 0x14F24E0 VA: 0x1814F3AE0
|-RVA: 0x14F4A50 Offset: 0x14F3450 VA: 0x1814F4A50
|-RVA: 0x14F7680 Offset: 0x14F6080 VA: 0x1814F7680
|-RVA: 0x14F50C0 Offset: 0x14F3AC0 VA: 0x1814F50C0
|-RVA: 0x14F6ED0 Offset: 0x14F58D0 VA: 0x1814F6ED0
|-RVA: 0x14F5410 Offset: 0x14F3E10 VA: 0x1814F5410
|-RVA: 0x14F2C80 Offset: 0x14F1680 VA: 0x1814F2C80
|-RVA: 0x14F3310 Offset: 0x14F1D10 VA: 0x1814F3310
|-RVA: 0x14F5E70 Offset: 0x14F4870 VA: 0x1814F5E70
|-RVA: 0x14F66B0 Offset: 0x14F50B0 VA: 0x1814F66B0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T x, T y, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x14EF6E0 Offset: 0x14EE0E0 VA: 0x1814EF6E0
|-RVA: 0x14EFD60 Offset: 0x14EE760 VA: 0x1814EFD60
|-RVA: 0x14EF5A0 Offset: 0x14EDFA0 VA: 0x1814EF5A0
|-RVA: 0x14EFAF0 Offset: 0x14EE4F0 VA: 0x1814EFAF0
|-RVA: 0x14F0790 Offset: 0x14EF190 VA: 0x1814F0790
|-RVA: 0x14EED20 Offset: 0x14ED720 VA: 0x1814EED20
|-RVA: 0x14EF0D0 Offset: 0x14EDAD0 VA: 0x1814EF0D0
|-RVA: 0x14EE850 Offset: 0x14ED250 VA: 0x1814EE850
|-RVA: 0x14EFF30 Offset: 0x14EE930 VA: 0x1814EFF30
|-Comparison<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x14F0D00 Offset: 0x14EF700 VA: 0x1814F0D00
|-RVA: 0x14EF290 Offset: 0x14EDC90 VA: 0x1814EF290
|-RVA: 0x14F0520 Offset: 0x14EEF20 VA: 0x1814F0520
|-RVA: 0x14EEE60 Offset: 0x14ED860 VA: 0x1814EEE60
|-RVA: 0x14EEC90 Offset: 0x14ED690 VA: 0x1814EEC90
|-RVA: 0x14EF030 Offset: 0x14EDA30 VA: 0x1814EF030
|-RVA: 0x14EFA50 Offset: 0x14EE450 VA: 0x1814EFA50
|-RVA: 0x14EFE00 Offset: 0x14EE800 VA: 0x1814EFE00
|-RVA: 0x14F0490 Offset: 0x14EEE90 VA: 0x1814F0490
|-RVA: 0x14F0400 Offset: 0x14EEE00 VA: 0x1814F0400
|-RVA: 0x14EF770 Offset: 0x14EE170 VA: 0x1814EF770
|-RVA: 0x14F01A0 Offset: 0x14EEBA0 VA: 0x1814F01A0
|-RVA: 0x14F0A90 Offset: 0x14EF490 VA: 0x1814F0A90
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x14EEB50 Offset: 0x14ED550 VA: 0x1814EEB50
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x14F0060 Offset: 0x14EEA60 VA: 0x1814F0060
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x14EEF00 Offset: 0x14ED900 VA: 0x1814EEF00
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x14EF640 Offset: 0x14EE040 VA: 0x1814EF640
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x14EE8F0 Offset: 0x14ED2F0 VA: 0x1814EE8F0
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x14EEFA0 Offset: 0x14ED9A0 VA: 0x1814EEFA0
|-RVA: 0x14EF920 Offset: 0x14EE320 VA: 0x1814EF920
|-RVA: 0x14EF500 Offset: 0x14EDF00 VA: 0x1814EF500
|-RVA: 0x14EE990 Offset: 0x14ED390 VA: 0x1814EE990
|-RVA: 0x14EEAC0 Offset: 0x14ED4C0 VA: 0x1814EEAC0
|-RVA: 0x14EF320 Offset: 0x14EDD20 VA: 0x1814EF320
|-RVA: 0x14F08D0 Offset: 0x14EF2D0 VA: 0x1814F08D0
|-RVA: 0x14F0C70 Offset: 0x14EF670 VA: 0x1814F0C70
|-RVA: 0x14F0A00 Offset: 0x14EF400 VA: 0x1814F0A00
|-RVA: 0x14EF9C0 Offset: 0x14EE3C0 VA: 0x1814EF9C0
|-RVA: 0x14F0BD0 Offset: 0x14EF5D0 VA: 0x1814F0BD0
|-RVA: 0x14EFC30 Offset: 0x14EE630 VA: 0x1814EFC30
|-RVA: 0x14F06F0 Offset: 0x14EF0F0 VA: 0x1814F06F0
|-RVA: 0x14F0360 Offset: 0x14EED60 VA: 0x1814F0360
|-RVA: 0x23D130 Offset: 0x23BB30 VA: 0x18023D130
|-RVA: 0x14F0240 Offset: 0x14EEC40 VA: 0x1814F0240
|-RVA: 0x14EFCD0 Offset: 0x14EE6D0 VA: 0x1814EFCD0
|-RVA: 0x14F0660 Offset: 0x14EF060 VA: 0x1814F0660
|-RVA: 0x14EF170 Offset: 0x14EDB70 VA: 0x1814EF170
|-RVA: 0x14EF800 Offset: 0x14EE200 VA: 0x1814EF800
|-RVA: 0x14EFFD0 Offset: 0x14EE9D0 VA: 0x1814EFFD0
|-RVA: 0x14F02D0 Offset: 0x14EECD0 VA: 0x1814F02D0
|-RVA: 0x14EEDC0 Offset: 0x14ED7C0 VA: 0x1814EEDC0
|-RVA: 0x14EF460 Offset: 0x14EDE60 VA: 0x1814EF460
|-RVA: 0x14EFB90 Offset: 0x14EE590 VA: 0x1814EFB90
|-RVA: 0x14EF200 Offset: 0x14EDC00 VA: 0x1814EF200
|-RVA: 0x14EEBF0 Offset: 0x14ED5F0 VA: 0x1814EEBF0
|-RVA: 0x14F0DA0 Offset: 0x14EF7A0 VA: 0x1814F0DA0
|-RVA: 0x14EF3C0 Offset: 0x14EDDC0 VA: 0x1814EF3C0
|-RVA: 0x14F0830 Offset: 0x14EF230 VA: 0x1814F0830
|-RVA: 0x14F0960 Offset: 0x14EF360 VA: 0x1814F0960
|-RVA: 0x14F0B30 Offset: 0x14EF530 VA: 0x1814F0B30
|-RVA: 0x14EFE90 Offset: 0x14EE890 VA: 0x1814EFE90
|-RVA: 0x14F05C0 Offset: 0x14EEFC0 VA: 0x1814F05C0
|-RVA: 0x14EEA20 Offset: 0x14ED420 VA: 0x1814EEA20
|-RVA: 0x14F0100 Offset: 0x14EEB00 VA: 0x1814F0100
|-RVA: 0x14EF890 Offset: 0x14EE290 VA: 0x1814EF890
|-RVA: 0x164EE20 Offset: 0x164D820 VA: 0x18164EE20
|-RVA: 0x164EF60 Offset: 0x164D960 VA: 0x18164EF60
|-RVA: 0x164EEC0 Offset: 0x164D8C0 VA: 0x18164EEC0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual int EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x4D2F10 Offset: 0x4D1910 VA: 0x1804D2F10
|-Comparison<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.EndInvoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.EndInvoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<Guid, int>>.EndInvoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.EndInvoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.EndInvoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.EndInvoke
|-Comparison<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Converter<TInput, TOutput> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 192
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Converter<ParameterExpression, Expression>..ctor
|-Converter<object, object>..ctor
|-Converter<object, UTF8StringPtr>..ctor
|-Converter<ParameterInfo, ParameterExpression>..ctor
|-Converter<string, UTF8StringPtr>..ctor
|-Converter<XStorePackageUpdate, object>..ctor
|-Converter<XStorePackageUpdate, XStorePackageUpdate>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual TOutput Invoke(TInput input) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x690D30 Offset: 0x68F730 VA: 0x180690D30
|-Converter<Type, string>.Invoke
|-Converter<object, object>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x13D1CF0 Offset: 0x13D06F0 VA: 0x1813D1CF0
|-Converter<object, UTF8StringPtr>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0x164F080 Offset: 0x164DA80 VA: 0x18164F080
|-Converter<XStorePackageUpdate, object>.Invoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(TInput input, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2748B0 Offset: 0x2732B0 VA: 0x1802748B0
|-Converter<object, object>.BeginInvoke
|-Converter<object, UTF8StringPtr>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0x164F000 Offset: 0x164DA00 VA: 0x18164F000
|-Converter<XStorePackageUpdate, object>.BeginInvoke
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual TOutput EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170
|-Converter<object, object>.EndInvoke
|-Converter<XStorePackageUpdate, object>.EndInvoke
|-RVA: 0xB99CD0 Offset: 0xB986D0 VA: 0x180B99CD0
|-Converter<object, UTF8StringPtr>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
public sealed class Predicate<T> : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 193
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
|-Predicate<StructMultiKey<object, object>>..ctor
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>..ctor
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<int, object>>..ctor
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, char>>..ctor
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, int>>..ctor
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, object>>..ctor
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
public virtual bool Invoke(T obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE59800 Offset: 0xE58200 VA: 0x180E59800
|-RVA: 0xE5B170 Offset: 0xE59B70 VA: 0x180E5B170
|-RVA: 0xE5C3E0 Offset: 0xE5ADE0 VA: 0x180E5C3E0
|-RVA: 0xE58D30 Offset: 0xE57730 VA: 0x180E58D30
|-Predicate<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.Invoke
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.Invoke
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.Invoke
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.Invoke
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.Invoke
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.Invoke
|-RVA: 0xE5DAD0 Offset: 0xE5C4D0 VA: 0x180E5DAD0
|-RVA: 0xE5A890 Offset: 0xE59290 VA: 0x180E5A890
|-RVA: 0xE58A20 Offset: 0xE57420 VA: 0x180E58A20
|-RVA: 0xE5AC60 Offset: 0xE59660 VA: 0x180E5AC60
|-RVA: 0xE5AE70 Offset: 0xE59870 VA: 0x180E5AE70
|-RVA: 0xE5BD90 Offset: 0xE5A790 VA: 0x180E5BD90
|-RVA: 0xE59B00 Offset: 0xE58500 VA: 0x180E59B00
|-RVA: 0xE5A000 Offset: 0xE58A00 VA: 0x180E5A000
|-RVA: 0xE5C840 Offset: 0xE5B240 VA: 0x180E5C840
|-RVA: 0xE5D030 Offset: 0xE5BA30 VA: 0x180E5D030
|-RVA: 0xAFDB40 Offset: 0xAFC540 VA: 0x180AFDB40
|-RVA: 0xE59D00 Offset: 0xE58700 VA: 0x180E59D00
|-RVA: 0xAEFC80 Offset: 0xAEE680 VA: 0x180AEFC80
|-RVA: 0xE5D7E0 Offset: 0xE5C1E0 VA: 0x180E5D7E0
|-RVA: 0xE5C0B0 Offset: 0xE5AAB0 VA: 0x180E5C0B0
|-RVA: 0xE5B540 Offset: 0xE59F40 VA: 0x180E5B540
|-RVA: 0xE59400 Offset: 0xE57E00 VA: 0x180E59400
|-RVA: 0xE59060 Offset: 0xE57A60 VA: 0x180E59060
|-RVA: 0xE5A300 Offset: 0xE58D00 VA: 0x180E5A300
|-RVA: 0xE5BA90 Offset: 0xE5A490 VA: 0x180E5BA90
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(T obj, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE573A0 Offset: 0xE55DA0 VA: 0x180E573A0
|-RVA: 0xE56AA0 Offset: 0xE554A0 VA: 0x180E56AA0
|-RVA: 0xE586A0 Offset: 0xE570A0 VA: 0x180E586A0
|-RVA: 0xE57920 Offset: 0xE56320 VA: 0x180E57920
|-RVA: 0xE57D20 Offset: 0xE56720 VA: 0x180E57D20
|-RVA: 0xE58220 Offset: 0xE56C20 VA: 0x180E58220
|-RVA: 0xE572A0 Offset: 0xE55CA0 VA: 0x180E572A0
|-RVA: 0xE58920 Offset: 0xE57320 VA: 0x180E58920
|-RVA: 0xE584A0 Offset: 0xE56EA0 VA: 0x180E584A0
|-Predicate<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0xE57B20 Offset: 0xE56520 VA: 0x180E57B20
|-RVA: 0xE580A0 Offset: 0xE56AA0 VA: 0x180E580A0
|-RVA: 0xE57820 Offset: 0xE56220 VA: 0x180E57820
|-RVA: 0xE57420 Offset: 0xE55E20 VA: 0x180E57420
|-RVA: 0xE56E20 Offset: 0xE55820 VA: 0x180E56E20
|-RVA: 0xE57020 Offset: 0xE55A20 VA: 0x180E57020
|-RVA: 0xE56F20 Offset: 0xE55920 VA: 0x180E56F20
|-RVA: 0xE57EA0 Offset: 0xE568A0 VA: 0x180E57EA0
|-RVA: 0xE57FA0 Offset: 0xE569A0 VA: 0x180E57FA0
|-RVA: 0xE58420 Offset: 0xE56E20 VA: 0x180E58420
|-RVA: 0xE589A0 Offset: 0xE573A0 VA: 0x180E589A0
|-RVA: 0xE57120 Offset: 0xE55B20 VA: 0x180E57120
|-RVA: 0xE583A0 Offset: 0xE56DA0 VA: 0x180E583A0
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0xE58820 Offset: 0xE57220 VA: 0x180E58820
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0xE57E20 Offset: 0xE56820 VA: 0x180E57E20
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0xE56C20 Offset: 0xE55620 VA: 0x180E56C20
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0xE56FA0 Offset: 0xE559A0 VA: 0x180E56FA0
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.BeginInvoke
|-RVA: 0xE577A0 Offset: 0xE561A0 VA: 0x180E577A0
|-RVA: 0xE58120 Offset: 0xE56B20 VA: 0x180E58120
|-RVA: 0xE56CA0 Offset: 0xE556A0 VA: 0x180E56CA0
|-RVA: 0xE56D20 Offset: 0xE55720 VA: 0x180E56D20
|-RVA: 0xE579A0 Offset: 0xE563A0 VA: 0x180E579A0
|-RVA: 0xE571A0 Offset: 0xE55BA0 VA: 0x180E571A0
|-RVA: 0xE58620 Offset: 0xE57020 VA: 0x180E58620
|-RVA: 0xE576A0 Offset: 0xE560A0 VA: 0x180E576A0
|-RVA: 0xE57DA0 Offset: 0xE567A0 VA: 0x180E57DA0
|-RVA: 0xE56BA0 Offset: 0xE555A0 VA: 0x180E56BA0
|-RVA: 0xE58720 Offset: 0xE57120 VA: 0x180E58720
|-RVA: 0xE58320 Offset: 0xE56D20 VA: 0x180E58320
|-RVA: 0xE57BA0 Offset: 0xE565A0 VA: 0x180E57BA0
|-RVA: 0xE56DA0 Offset: 0xE557A0 VA: 0x180E56DA0
|-RVA: 0x2748B0 Offset: 0x2732B0 VA: 0x1802748B0
|-RVA: 0xE587A0 Offset: 0xE571A0 VA: 0x180E587A0
|-RVA: 0xE57620 Offset: 0xE56020 VA: 0x180E57620
|-RVA: 0xE575A0 Offset: 0xE55FA0 VA: 0x180E575A0
|-RVA: 0xE581A0 Offset: 0xE56BA0 VA: 0x180E581A0
|-RVA: 0xE582A0 Offset: 0xE56CA0 VA: 0x180E582A0
|-RVA: 0xE57520 Offset: 0xE55F20 VA: 0x180E57520
|-RVA: 0xE58520 Offset: 0xE56F20 VA: 0x180E58520
|-RVA: 0xE57720 Offset: 0xE56120 VA: 0x180E57720
|-RVA: 0xE56B20 Offset: 0xE55520 VA: 0x180E56B20
|-RVA: 0xE574A0 Offset: 0xE55EA0 VA: 0x180E574A0
|-RVA: 0xE56EA0 Offset: 0xE558A0 VA: 0x180E56EA0
|-RVA: 0xE57CA0 Offset: 0xE566A0 VA: 0x180E57CA0
|-RVA: 0xE56A20 Offset: 0xE55420 VA: 0x180E56A20
|-RVA: 0xE57220 Offset: 0xE55C20 VA: 0x180E57220
|-RVA: 0xE570A0 Offset: 0xE55AA0 VA: 0x180E570A0
|-RVA: 0xE57320 Offset: 0xE55D20 VA: 0x180E57320
|-RVA: 0xE57F20 Offset: 0xE56920 VA: 0x180E57F20
|-RVA: 0xE57C20 Offset: 0xE56620 VA: 0x180E57C20
|-RVA: 0xE58020 Offset: 0xE56A20 VA: 0x180E58020
|-RVA: 0xE588A0 Offset: 0xE572A0 VA: 0x180E588A0
|-RVA: 0xE585A0 Offset: 0xE56FA0 VA: 0x180E585A0
|-RVA: 0xE578A0 Offset: 0xE562A0 VA: 0x180E578A0
|-RVA: 0xE57A20 Offset: 0xE56420 VA: 0x180E57A20
|-RVA: 0xE57AA0 Offset: 0xE564A0 VA: 0x180E57AA0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
public virtual bool EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x5160F0 Offset: 0x514AF0 VA: 0x1805160F0
|-Predicate<StructMultiKey<object, object>>.EndInvoke
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<DateTime, object>>.EndInvoke
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<int, object>>.EndInvoke
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, char>>.EndInvoke
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, int>>.EndInvoke
|-Predicate<KeyValuePair<object, object>>.EndInvoke
// Namespace: System
[ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute] // RVA: 0x2ECD0 Offset: 0x2E0D0 VA: 0x18002ECD0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x2ECD0 Offset: 0x2E0D0 VA: 0x18002ECD0
[ClassInterfaceAttribute] // RVA: 0x2ECD0 Offset: 0x2E0D0 VA: 0x18002ECD0
public sealed class Activator // TypeDefIndex: 194
// Methods
// RVA: 0x827090 Offset: 0x825A90 VA: 0x180827090
public static object CreateInstance(Type type, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, object[] args, CultureInfo culture) { }
// RVA: 0x826D20 Offset: 0x825720 VA: 0x180826D20
public static object CreateInstance(Type type, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, object[] args, CultureInfo culture, object[] activationAttributes) { }
// RVA: 0x8270D0 Offset: 0x825AD0 VA: 0x1808270D0
public static object CreateInstance(Type type, object[] args) { }
// RVA: 0x8270C0 Offset: 0x825AC0 VA: 0x1808270C0
public static object CreateInstance(Type type) { }
// RVA: 0x826F20 Offset: 0x825920 VA: 0x180826F20
public static object CreateInstance(Type type, bool nonPublic) { }
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public static T CreateInstance<T>() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x2CA7E0 Offset: 0x2C91E0 VA: 0x1802CA7E0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public class AppDomainUnloadedException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 195
// Methods
// RVA: 0x828660 Offset: 0x827060 VA: 0x180828660
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x2E3460 Offset: 0x2E1E60 VA: 0x1802E3460
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public class ApplicationException : Exception // TypeDefIndex: 196
// Methods
// RVA: 0x829BF0 Offset: 0x8285F0 VA: 0x180829BF0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x829C70 Offset: 0x828670 VA: 0x180829C70
public void .ctor(string message) { }
// RVA: 0x829B60 Offset: 0x828560 VA: 0x180829B60
public void .ctor(string message, Exception innerException) { }
// RVA: 0x829CF0 Offset: 0x8286F0 VA: 0x180829CF0
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public class ArgumentException : SystemException, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 197
// Fields
private string m_paramName; // 0x88
// Properties
public override string Message { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x829FD0 Offset: 0x8289D0 VA: 0x180829FD0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x82A070 Offset: 0x828A70 VA: 0x18082A070
public void .ctor(string message) { }
// RVA: 0x829ED0 Offset: 0x8288D0 VA: 0x180829ED0
public void .ctor(string message, Exception innerException) { }
// RVA: 0x82A030 Offset: 0x828A30 VA: 0x18082A030
public void .ctor(string message, string paramName, Exception innerException) { }
// RVA: 0x829F00 Offset: 0x828900 VA: 0x180829F00
public void .ctor(string message, string paramName) { }
// RVA: 0x829F40 Offset: 0x828940 VA: 0x180829F40
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// RVA: 0x82A0A0 Offset: 0x828AA0 VA: 0x18082A0A0 Slot: 5
public override string get_Message() { }
// RVA: 0x829DE0 Offset: 0x8287E0 VA: 0x180829DE0 Slot: 10
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public class ArgumentNullException : ArgumentException // TypeDefIndex: 198
// Methods
// RVA: 0x82A1A0 Offset: 0x828BA0 VA: 0x18082A1A0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x82A260 Offset: 0x828C60 VA: 0x18082A260
public void .ctor(string paramName) { }
// RVA: 0x82A210 Offset: 0x828C10 VA: 0x18082A210
public void .ctor(string paramName, string message) { }
// RVA: 0x829F40 Offset: 0x828940 VA: 0x180829F40
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public class ArgumentOutOfRangeException : ArgumentException, ISerializable // TypeDefIndex: 199
// Fields
private static string _rangeMessage; // 0x0
private object m_actualValue; // 0x90
// Properties
private static string RangeMessage { get; }
public override string Message { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0x82A890 Offset: 0x829290 VA: 0x18082A890
private static string get_RangeMessage() { }
// RVA: 0x82A450 Offset: 0x828E50 VA: 0x18082A450
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x82A4F0 Offset: 0x828EF0 VA: 0x18082A4F0
public void .ctor(string paramName) { }
// RVA: 0x82A4A0 Offset: 0x828EA0 VA: 0x18082A4A0
public void .ctor(string paramName, string message) { }
// RVA: 0x82A640 Offset: 0x829040 VA: 0x18082A640
public void .ctor(string paramName, object actualValue, string message) { }
// RVA: 0x82A6A0 Offset: 0x8290A0 VA: 0x18082A6A0 Slot: 5
public override string get_Message() { }
// RVA: 0x82A2E0 Offset: 0x828CE0 VA: 0x18082A2E0 Slot: 10
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// RVA: 0x82A550 Offset: 0x828F50 VA: 0x18082A550
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public class ArithmeticException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 200
// Methods
// RVA: 0x82A950 Offset: 0x829350 VA: 0x18082A950
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0x82A9B0 Offset: 0x8293B0 VA: 0x18082A9B0
public void .ctor(string message) { }
// RVA: 0x82A920 Offset: 0x829320 VA: 0x18082A920
public void .ctor(string message, Exception innerException) { }
// RVA: 0x2E3460 Offset: 0x2E1E60 VA: 0x1802E3460
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// Namespace: System
public struct ArraySegment<T> : IList<T>, ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable, IReadOnlyList<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T> // TypeDefIndex: 201
// Fields
private T[] _array; // 0x0
private int _offset; // 0x0
private int _count; // 0x0
// Properties
public T[] Array { get; }
public int Offset { get; }
public int Count { get; }
private T System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.Item { get; set; }
private T System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T>.Item { get; }
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T[] array) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE5540 Offset: 0xE4940 VA: 0x1800E5540
|-RVA: 0xE55C0 Offset: 0xE49C0 VA: 0x1800E55C0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public void .ctor(T[] array, int offset, int count) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE5240 Offset: 0xE4640 VA: 0x1800E5240
|-RVA: 0xE53C0 Offset: 0xE47C0 VA: 0x1800E53C0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public T[] get_Array() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x901A0 Offset: 0x8F5A0 VA: 0x1800901A0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public int get_Offset() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x90870 Offset: 0x8FC70 VA: 0x180090870
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 19
public int get_Count() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xA9F80 Offset: 0xA9380 VA: 0x1800A9F80
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4110 Offset: 0xE3510 VA: 0x1800E4110
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4000 Offset: 0xE3400 VA: 0x1800E4000
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
public bool Equals(ArraySegment<T> obj) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE3FC0 Offset: 0xE33C0 VA: 0x1800E3FC0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
private T System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.get_Item(int index) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4B40 Offset: 0xE3F40 VA: 0x1800E4B40
|-RVA: 0xE4A60 Offset: 0xE3E60 VA: 0x1800E4A60
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
private void System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.set_Item(int index, T value) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4D10 Offset: 0xE4110 VA: 0x1800E4D10
|-RVA: 0xE4C20 Offset: 0xE4020 VA: 0x1800E4C20
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
private int System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.IndexOf(T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE48F0 Offset: 0xE3CF0 VA: 0x1800E48F0
|-RVA: 0xE47C0 Offset: 0xE3BC0 VA: 0x1800E47C0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
private void System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.Insert(int index, T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4A20 Offset: 0xE3E20 VA: 0x1800E4A20
|-RVA: 0xE4A30 Offset: 0xE3E30 VA: 0x1800E4A30
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
private void System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.RemoveAt(int index) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4A50 Offset: 0xE3E50 VA: 0x1800E4A50
|-RVA: 0xE4A40 Offset: 0xE3E40 VA: 0x1800E4A40
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 18
private T System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<T>.get_Item(int index) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4E00 Offset: 0xE4200 VA: 0x1800E4E00
|-RVA: 0xE4EE0 Offset: 0xE42E0 VA: 0x1800E4EE0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 10
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.get_IsReadOnly() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4530 Offset: 0xE3930 VA: 0x1800E4530
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 11
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Add(T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4150 Offset: 0xE3550 VA: 0x1800E4150
|-RVA: 0xE4160 Offset: 0xE3560 VA: 0x1800E4160
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 12
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Clear() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4170 Offset: 0xE3570 VA: 0x1800E4170
|-RVA: 0xE4180 Offset: 0xE3580 VA: 0x1800E4180
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 13
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Contains(T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE42A0 Offset: 0xE36A0 VA: 0x1800E42A0
|-RVA: 0xE4190 Offset: 0xE3590 VA: 0x1800E4190
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 14
private void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4460 Offset: 0xE3860 VA: 0x1800E4460
|-RVA: 0xE43B0 Offset: 0xE37B0 VA: 0x1800E43B0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 15
private bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Remove(T item) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4520 Offset: 0xE3920 VA: 0x1800E4520
|-RVA: 0xE4510 Offset: 0xE3910 VA: 0x1800E4510
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 16
private IEnumerator<T> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4680 Offset: 0xE3A80 VA: 0x1800E4680
|-RVA: 0xE4540 Offset: 0xE3940 VA: 0x1800E4540
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 17
private IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xE4FC0 Offset: 0xE43C0 VA: 0x1800E4FC0
|-RVA: 0xE5100 Offset: 0xE4500 VA: 0x1800E5100
// Namespace:
private sealed class ArraySegment.ArraySegmentEnumerator<T> : IEnumerator<T>, IDisposable, IEnumerator // TypeDefIndex: 202
// Fields
private T[] _array; // 0x0
private int _start; // 0x0
private int _end; // 0x0
private int _current; // 0x0
// Properties
public T Current { get; }
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1
internal void .ctor(ArraySegment<T> arraySegment) { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD746D0 Offset: 0xD730D0 VA: 0x180D746D0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 6
public bool MoveNext() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD746A0 Offset: 0xD730A0 VA: 0x180D746A0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 4
public T get_Current() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD74730 Offset: 0xD73130 VA: 0x180D74730
|-RVA: 0xD74820 Offset: 0xD73220 VA: 0x180D74820
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 7
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x77F430 Offset: 0x77DE30 VA: 0x18077F430
|-RVA: 0x77FF10 Offset: 0x77E910 VA: 0x18077FF10
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 8
private void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0xD746C0 Offset: 0xD730C0 VA: 0x180D746C0
// RVA: -1 Offset: -1 Slot: 5
public void Dispose() { }
/* GenericInstMethod :
|-RVA: 0x1CEDB0 Offset: 0x1CD7B0 VA: 0x1801CEDB0
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public class ArrayTypeMismatchException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 203
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD5E2C0 Offset: 0xD5CCC0 VA: 0x180D5E2C0
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xD5E320 Offset: 0xD5CD20 VA: 0x180D5E320
public void .ctor(string message) { }
// RVA: 0x2E3460 Offset: 0x2E1E60 VA: 0x1802E3460
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public sealed class AsyncCallback : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 204
// Methods
// RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
// RVA: 0x3C1250 Offset: 0x3BFC50 VA: 0x1803C1250 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(IAsyncResult ar) { }
// RVA: 0x2748B0 Offset: 0x2732B0 VA: 0x1802748B0 Slot: 13
public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(IAsyncResult ar, AsyncCallback callback, object object) { }
// RVA: 0x23D170 Offset: 0x23BB70 VA: 0x18023D170 Slot: 14
public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result) { }
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // RVA: 0x303D0 Offset: 0x2F7D0 VA: 0x1800303D0
public abstract class Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 205
// Properties
public virtual object TypeId { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD5FE80 Offset: 0xD5E880 VA: 0x180D5FE80
private static Attribute[] InternalGetCustomAttributes(PropertyInfo element, Type type, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5FDE0 Offset: 0xD5E7E0 VA: 0x180D5FDE0
private static Attribute[] InternalGetCustomAttributes(EventInfo element, Type type, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD60020 Offset: 0xD5EA20 VA: 0x180D60020
private static Attribute[] InternalParamGetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo parameter, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5FF20 Offset: 0xD5E920 VA: 0x180D5FF20
private static bool InternalIsDefined(PropertyInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5FFA0 Offset: 0xD5E9A0 VA: 0x180D5FFA0
private static bool InternalIsDefined(EventInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5F010 Offset: 0xD5DA10 VA: 0x180D5F010
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo element, Type type, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5F2D0 Offset: 0xD5DCD0 VA: 0x180D5F2D0
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo element, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD60750 Offset: 0xD5F150 VA: 0x180D60750
public static bool IsDefined(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType) { }
// RVA: 0xD60450 Offset: 0xD5EE50 VA: 0x180D60450
public static bool IsDefined(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5EA20 Offset: 0xD5D420 VA: 0x180D5EA20
public static Attribute GetCustomAttribute(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType) { }
// RVA: 0xD5E8B0 Offset: 0xD5D2B0 VA: 0x180D5E8B0
public static Attribute GetCustomAttribute(MemberInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5F5E0 Offset: 0xD5DFE0 VA: 0x180D5F5E0
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5FAC0 Offset: 0xD5E4C0 VA: 0x180D5FAC0
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo element, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5F990 Offset: 0xD5E390 VA: 0x180D5F990
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Module element, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5EDC0 Offset: 0xD5D7C0 VA: 0x180D5EDC0
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Module element, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5FC60 Offset: 0xD5E660 VA: 0x180D5FC60
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element, Type attributeType) { }
// RVA: 0xD5EB90 Offset: 0xD5D590 VA: 0x180D5EB90
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5F890 Offset: 0xD5E290 VA: 0x180D5F890
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element) { }
// RVA: 0xD5F4D0 Offset: 0xD5DED0 VA: 0x180D5F4D0
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly element, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0xD5E970 Offset: 0xD5D370 VA: 0x180D5E970
public static Attribute GetCustomAttribute(Assembly element, Type attributeType) { }
// RVA: 0xD5EAD0 Offset: 0xD5D4D0 VA: 0x180D5EAD0
public static Attribute GetCustomAttribute(Assembly element, Type attributeType, bool inherit) { }
// RVA: 0x1D0840 Offset: 0x1CF240 VA: 0x1801D0840
protected void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xD5E630 Offset: 0xD5D030 VA: 0x180D5E630 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0xD5E470 Offset: 0xD5CE70 VA: 0x180D5E470
private static bool AreFieldValuesEqual(object thisValue, object thatValue) { }
// RVA: 0xD5FC70 Offset: 0xD5E670 VA: 0x180D5FC70 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// RVA: 0x395E70 Offset: 0x394870 VA: 0x180395E70 Slot: 4
public virtual object get_TypeId() { }
// RVA: 0xD60760 Offset: 0xD5F160 VA: 0x180D60760 Slot: 5
public virtual bool Match(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0x1CEDF0 Offset: 0x1CD7F0 VA: 0x1801CEDF0 Slot: 6
public virtual bool IsDefaultAttribute() { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x29C0 Offset: 0x1DC0 VA: 0x1800029C0
[FlagsAttribute] // RVA: 0x29C0 Offset: 0x1DC0 VA: 0x1800029C0
public enum AttributeTargets // TypeDefIndex: 206
// Fields
public int value__; // 0x0
public const AttributeTargets Assembly = 1;
public const AttributeTargets Module = 2;
public const AttributeTargets Class = 4;
public const AttributeTargets Struct = 8;
public const AttributeTargets Enum = 16;
public const AttributeTargets Constructor = 32;
public const AttributeTargets Method = 64;
public const AttributeTargets Property = 128;
public const AttributeTargets Field = 256;
public const AttributeTargets Event = 512;
public const AttributeTargets Interface = 1024;
public const AttributeTargets Parameter = 2048;
public const AttributeTargets Delegate = 4096;
public const AttributeTargets ReturnValue = 8192;
public const AttributeTargets GenericParameter = 16384;
public const AttributeTargets All = 32767;
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // RVA: 0x304F0 Offset: 0x2F8F0 VA: 0x1800304F0
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x304F0 Offset: 0x2F8F0 VA: 0x1800304F0
public sealed class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 207
// Fields
internal AttributeTargets m_attributeTarget; // 0x10
internal bool m_allowMultiple; // 0x14
internal bool m_inherited; // 0x15
internal static AttributeUsageAttribute Default; // 0x0
// Properties
public bool AllowMultiple { get; set; }
public bool Inherited { get; set; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD5E430 Offset: 0xD5CE30 VA: 0x180D5E430
public void .ctor(AttributeTargets validOn) { }
// RVA: 0x32C440 Offset: 0x32AE40 VA: 0x18032C440
public bool get_AllowMultiple() { }
// RVA: 0x38A6B0 Offset: 0x3890B0 VA: 0x18038A6B0
public void set_AllowMultiple(bool value) { }
// RVA: 0x9591C0 Offset: 0x957BC0 VA: 0x1809591C0
public bool get_Inherited() { }
// RVA: 0xD5E460 Offset: 0xD5CE60 VA: 0x180D5E460
public void set_Inherited(bool value) { }
// RVA: 0xD5E3C0 Offset: 0xD5CDC0 VA: 0x180D5E3C0
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public class BadImageFormatException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 208
// Fields
private string _fileName; // 0x88
private string _fusionLog; // 0x90
// Properties
public override string Message { get; }
public string FusionLog { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD60C10 Offset: 0xD5F610 VA: 0x180D60C10
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xD60D40 Offset: 0xD5F740 VA: 0x180D60D40
public void .ctor(string message) { }
// RVA: 0xD60BE0 Offset: 0xD5F5E0 VA: 0x180D60BE0
public void .ctor(string message, Exception inner) { }
// RVA: 0xD60BA0 Offset: 0xD5F5A0 VA: 0x180D60BA0
public void .ctor(string message, string fileName) { }
// RVA: 0xD60D70 Offset: 0xD5F770 VA: 0x180D60D70 Slot: 5
public override string get_Message() { }
// RVA: 0xD608C0 Offset: 0xD5F2C0 VA: 0x180D608C0
private void SetMessageField() { }
// RVA: 0xD60930 Offset: 0xD5F330 VA: 0x180D60930 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// RVA: 0xD60C70 Offset: 0xD5F670 VA: 0x180D60C70
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// RVA: 0x2602A0 Offset: 0x25ECA0 VA: 0x1802602A0
public string get_FusionLog() { }
// RVA: 0xD60780 Offset: 0xD5F180 VA: 0x180D60780 Slot: 10
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// Namespace: System
public static class BitConverter // TypeDefIndex: 209
// Fields
public static readonly bool IsLittleEndian; // 0x1C23614
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD61FA0 Offset: 0xD609A0 VA: 0x180D61FA0
private static bool AmILittleEndian() { }
// RVA: 0xD623A0 Offset: 0xD60DA0 VA: 0x180D623A0
public static byte[] GetBytes(bool value) { }
// RVA: 0xD621F0 Offset: 0xD60BF0 VA: 0x180D621F0
public static byte[] GetBytes(char value) { }
// RVA: 0xD62400 Offset: 0xD60E00 VA: 0x180D62400
public static byte[] GetBytes(short value) { }
// RVA: 0xD62340 Offset: 0xD60D40 VA: 0x180D62340
public static byte[] GetBytes(int value) { }
// RVA: 0xD61FC0 Offset: 0xD609C0 VA: 0x180D61FC0
public static byte[] GetBytes(long value) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: 0xD62150 Offset: 0xD60B50 VA: 0x180D62150
public static byte[] GetBytes(ushort value) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: 0xD62020 Offset: 0xD60A20 VA: 0x180D62020
public static byte[] GetBytes(uint value) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: 0xD62460 Offset: 0xD60E60 VA: 0x180D62460
public static byte[] GetBytes(ulong value) { }
// RVA: 0xD620B0 Offset: 0xD60AB0 VA: 0x180D620B0
public static byte[] GetBytes(float value) { }
// RVA: 0xD62290 Offset: 0xD60C90 VA: 0x180D62290
public static byte[] GetBytes(double value) { }
// RVA: 0xD62520 Offset: 0xD60F20 VA: 0x180D62520
public static short ToInt16(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xD62630 Offset: 0xD61030 VA: 0x180D62630
public static int ToInt32(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xD62770 Offset: 0xD61170 VA: 0x180D62770
public static long ToInt64(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: 0xD62D50 Offset: 0xD61750 VA: 0x180D62D50
public static ushort ToUInt16(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: 0xD62EF0 Offset: 0xD618F0 VA: 0x180D62EF0
public static uint ToUInt32(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: 0xD630C0 Offset: 0xD61AC0 VA: 0x180D630C0
public static ulong ToUInt64(byte[] value, int startIndex) { }
// RVA: 0xD62500 Offset: 0xD60F00 VA: 0x180D62500
private static char GetHexValue(int i) { }
// RVA: 0xD629A0 Offset: 0xD613A0 VA: 0x180D629A0
public static string ToString(byte[] value, int startIndex, int length) { }
// RVA: 0xD62910 Offset: 0xD61310 VA: 0x180D62910
public static string ToString(byte[] value) { }
// RVA: 0x4AD040 Offset: 0x4ABA40 VA: 0x1804AD040
public static long DoubleToInt64Bits(double value) { }
// RVA: 0xD62510 Offset: 0xD60F10 VA: 0x180D62510
public static double Int64BitsToDouble(long value) { }
// RVA: 0xD63160 Offset: 0xD61B60 VA: 0x180D63160
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public struct Boolean : IComparable, IConvertible, IComparable<bool>, IEquatable<bool> // TypeDefIndex: 210
// Fields
private bool m_value; // 0x0
internal const int True = 1;
internal const int False = 0;
internal const string TrueLiteral = "True";
internal const string FalseLiteral = "False";
public static readonly string TrueString; // 0x0
public static readonly string FalseString; // 0x8
// Methods
// RVA: 0xE1990 Offset: 0xE0D90 VA: 0x1800E1990 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// RVA: 0xE1EF0 Offset: 0xE12F0 VA: 0x1800E1EF0 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// RVA: 0xE1EB0 Offset: 0xE12B0 VA: 0x1800E1EB0 Slot: 20
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1900 Offset: 0xE0D00 VA: 0x1800E1900 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0xC11C0 Offset: 0xC05C0 VA: 0x1800C11C0 Slot: 23
public bool Equals(bool obj) { }
// RVA: 0xE1810 Offset: 0xE0C10 VA: 0x1800E1810 Slot: 4
public int CompareTo(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0xE17F0 Offset: 0xE0BF0 VA: 0x1800E17F0 Slot: 22
public int CompareTo(bool value) { }
// RVA: 0xD63360 Offset: 0xD61D60 VA: 0x180D63360
public static bool Parse(string value) { }
// RVA: 0xD637A0 Offset: 0xD621A0 VA: 0x180D637A0
public static bool TryParse(string value, out bool result) { }
// RVA: 0xD63670 Offset: 0xD62070 VA: 0x180D63670
private static string TrimWhiteSpaceAndNull(string value) { }
// RVA: 0xE19A0 Offset: 0xE0DA0 VA: 0x1800E19A0 Slot: 5
public TypeCode GetTypeCode() { }
// RVA: 0xE19B0 Offset: 0xE0DB0 VA: 0x1800E19B0 Slot: 6
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1A20 Offset: 0xE0E20 VA: 0x1800E1A20 Slot: 7
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1C40 Offset: 0xE1040 VA: 0x1800E1C40 Slot: 8
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE19C0 Offset: 0xE0DC0 VA: 0x1800E19C0 Slot: 9
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1B20 Offset: 0xE0F20 VA: 0x1800E1B20 Slot: 10
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1D90 Offset: 0xE1190 VA: 0x1800E1D90 Slot: 11
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1B80 Offset: 0xE0F80 VA: 0x1800E1B80 Slot: 12
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1DF0 Offset: 0xE11F0 VA: 0x1800E1DF0 Slot: 13
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1BE0 Offset: 0xE0FE0 VA: 0x1800E1BE0 Slot: 14
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1E50 Offset: 0xE1250 VA: 0x1800E1E50 Slot: 15
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1CA0 Offset: 0xE10A0 VA: 0x1800E1CA0 Slot: 16
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1AC0 Offset: 0xE0EC0 VA: 0x1800E1AC0 Slot: 17
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1A40 Offset: 0xE0E40 VA: 0x1800E1A40 Slot: 18
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1A30 Offset: 0xE0E30 VA: 0x1800E1A30 Slot: 19
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE1D00 Offset: 0xE1100 VA: 0x1800E1D00 Slot: 21
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type type, IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xD639E0 Offset: 0xD623E0 VA: 0x180D639E0
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public static class Buffer // TypeDefIndex: 211
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD63DF0 Offset: 0xD627F0 VA: 0x180D63DF0
internal static bool InternalBlockCopy(Array src, int srcOffsetBytes, Array dst, int dstOffsetBytes, int byteCount) { }
// RVA: 0xD63D30 Offset: 0xD62730 VA: 0x180D63D30
internal static int IndexOfByte(byte* src, byte value, int index, int count) { }
// RVA: 0xD641A0 Offset: 0xD62BA0 VA: 0x180D641A0
private static int _ByteLength(Array array) { }
// RVA: 0xD64180 Offset: 0xD62B80 VA: 0x180D64180
internal static void ZeroMemory(byte* src, long len) { }
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0xF330 Offset: 0xE730 VA: 0x18000F330
// RVA: 0xD63FE0 Offset: 0xD629E0 VA: 0x180D63FE0
internal static void Memcpy(byte[] dest, int destIndex, byte* src, int srcIndex, int len) { }
[ReliabilityContractAttribute] // RVA: 0xF330 Offset: 0xE730 VA: 0x18000F330
// RVA: 0xD63E00 Offset: 0xD62800 VA: 0x180D63E00
internal static void Memcpy(byte* pDest, int destIndex, byte[] src, int srcIndex, int len) { }
// RVA: 0xD63C70 Offset: 0xD62670 VA: 0x180D63C70
public static int ByteLength(Array array) { }
// RVA: 0xD63A40 Offset: 0xD62440 VA: 0x180D63A40
public static void BlockCopy(Array src, int srcOffset, Array dst, int dstOffset, int count) { }
[CLSCompliantAttribute] // RVA: 0x4430 Offset: 0x3830 VA: 0x180004430
// RVA: 0xD64020 Offset: 0xD62A20 VA: 0x180D64020
public static void MemoryCopy(void* source, void* destination, long destinationSizeInBytes, long sourceBytesToCopy) { }
// RVA: 0xD642E0 Offset: 0xD62CE0 VA: 0x180D642E0
internal static void memcpy4(byte* dest, byte* src, int size) { }
// RVA: 0xD64260 Offset: 0xD62C60 VA: 0x180D64260
internal static void memcpy2(byte* dest, byte* src, int size) { }
// RVA: 0xD641B0 Offset: 0xD62BB0 VA: 0x180D641B0
private static void memcpy1(byte* dest, byte* src, int size) { }
// RVA: 0xD63E40 Offset: 0xD62840 VA: 0x180D63E40
internal static void Memcpy(byte* dest, byte* src, int size) { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public struct Byte : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable<byte>, IEquatable<byte> // TypeDefIndex: 212
// Fields
private byte m_value; // 0x0
public const byte MaxValue = 255;
public const byte MinValue = 0;
// Methods
// RVA: 0xE1F40 Offset: 0xE1340 VA: 0x1800E1F40 Slot: 4
public int CompareTo(object value) { }
// RVA: 0xE1F30 Offset: 0xE1330 VA: 0x1800E1F30 Slot: 23
public int CompareTo(byte value) { }
// RVA: 0xE2010 Offset: 0xE1410 VA: 0x1800E2010 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0xC11C0 Offset: 0xC05C0 VA: 0x1800C11C0 Slot: 24
public bool Equals(byte obj) { }
// RVA: 0xBA910 Offset: 0xB9D10 VA: 0x1800BA910 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// RVA: 0xD64F50 Offset: 0xD63950 VA: 0x180D64F50
public static byte Parse(string s) { }
// RVA: 0xD64F10 Offset: 0xD63910 VA: 0x180D64F10
public static byte Parse(string s, NumberStyles style) { }
// RVA: 0xD64F80 Offset: 0xD63980 VA: 0x180D64F80
public static byte Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xD64FB0 Offset: 0xD639B0 VA: 0x180D64FB0
public static byte Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xD64E20 Offset: 0xD63820 VA: 0x180D64E20
private static byte Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) { }
// RVA: 0xD65290 Offset: 0xD63C90 VA: 0x180D65290
public static bool TryParse(string s, out byte result) { }
// RVA: 0xD651B0 Offset: 0xD63BB0 VA: 0x180D651B0
public static bool TryParse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out byte result) { }
// RVA: 0xD65240 Offset: 0xD63C40 VA: 0x180D65240
private static bool TryParse(string s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info, out byte result) { }
// RVA: 0xE2620 Offset: 0xE1A20 VA: 0x1800E2620 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// RVA: 0xE2650 Offset: 0xE1A50 VA: 0x1800E2650
public string ToString(string format) { }
// RVA: 0xE25F0 Offset: 0xE19F0 VA: 0x1800E25F0 Slot: 21
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2690 Offset: 0xE1A90 VA: 0x1800E2690 Slot: 5
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE20A0 Offset: 0xE14A0 VA: 0x1800E20A0 Slot: 6
public TypeCode GetTypeCode() { }
// RVA: 0xE20B0 Offset: 0xE14B0 VA: 0x1800E20B0 Slot: 7
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2110 Offset: 0xE1510 VA: 0x1800E2110 Slot: 8
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2380 Offset: 0xE1780 VA: 0x1800E2380 Slot: 9
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xBA910 Offset: 0xB9D10 VA: 0x1800BA910 Slot: 10
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2260 Offset: 0xE1660 VA: 0x1800E2260 Slot: 11
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE24D0 Offset: 0xE18D0 VA: 0x1800E24D0 Slot: 12
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE22C0 Offset: 0xE16C0 VA: 0x1800E22C0 Slot: 13
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2530 Offset: 0xE1930 VA: 0x1800E2530 Slot: 14
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2320 Offset: 0xE1720 VA: 0x1800E2320 Slot: 15
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2590 Offset: 0xE1990 VA: 0x1800E2590 Slot: 16
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE23E0 Offset: 0xE17E0 VA: 0x1800E23E0 Slot: 17
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2200 Offset: 0xE1600 VA: 0x1800E2200 Slot: 18
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2180 Offset: 0xE1580 VA: 0x1800E2180 Slot: 19
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2170 Offset: 0xE1570 VA: 0x1800E2170 Slot: 20
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2440 Offset: 0xE1840 VA: 0x1800E2440 Slot: 22
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type type, IFormatProvider provider) { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public class CannotUnloadAppDomainException : SystemException // TypeDefIndex: 213
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD65460 Offset: 0xD63E60 VA: 0x180D65460
public void .ctor() { }
// RVA: 0xD654C0 Offset: 0xD63EC0 VA: 0x180D654C0
public void .ctor(string message) { }
// RVA: 0x2E3460 Offset: 0x2E1E60 VA: 0x1802E3460
protected void .ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public struct Char : IComparable, IConvertible, IComparable<char>, IEquatable<char> // TypeDefIndex: 214
// Fields
internal char m_value; // 0x0
public const char MaxValue = '\xffff';
public const char MinValue = '\x0';
private static readonly byte[] categoryForLatin1; // 0x0
internal const int UNICODE_PLANE00_END = 65535;
internal const int UNICODE_PLANE01_START = 65536;
internal const int UNICODE_PLANE16_END = 1114111;
internal const int HIGH_SURROGATE_START = 55296;
internal const int LOW_SURROGATE_END = 57343;
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD66760 Offset: 0xD65160 VA: 0x180D66760
private static bool IsLatin1(char ch) { }
// RVA: 0xD66590 Offset: 0xD64F90 VA: 0x180D66590
private static bool IsAscii(char ch) { }
// RVA: 0xD662F0 Offset: 0xD64CF0 VA: 0x180D662F0
private static UnicodeCategory GetLatin1UnicodeCategory(char ch) { }
// RVA: 0xE2840 Offset: 0xE1C40 VA: 0x1800E2840 Slot: 2
public override int GetHashCode() { }
// RVA: 0xE27B0 Offset: 0xE1BB0 VA: 0x1800E27B0 Slot: 0
public override bool Equals(object obj) { }
// RVA: 0xD25F0 Offset: 0xD19F0 VA: 0x1800D25F0 Slot: 23
public bool Equals(char obj) { }
// RVA: 0xE26E0 Offset: 0xE1AE0 VA: 0x1800E26E0 Slot: 4
public int CompareTo(object value) { }
// RVA: 0xE26D0 Offset: 0xE1AD0 VA: 0x1800E26D0 Slot: 22
public int CompareTo(char value) { }
// RVA: 0xE2C50 Offset: 0xE2050 VA: 0x1800E2C50 Slot: 3
public override string ToString() { }
// RVA: 0xE2CB0 Offset: 0xE20B0 VA: 0x1800E2CB0 Slot: 20
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xD67E50 Offset: 0xD66850 VA: 0x180D67E50
public static string ToString(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD676E0 Offset: 0xD660E0 VA: 0x180D676E0
public static char Parse(string s) { }
// RVA: 0xD681D0 Offset: 0xD66BD0 VA: 0x180D681D0
public static bool TryParse(string s, out char result) { }
// RVA: 0xD665A0 Offset: 0xD64FA0 VA: 0x180D665A0
public static bool IsDigit(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD65E80 Offset: 0xD64880 VA: 0x180D65E80
internal static bool CheckLetter(UnicodeCategory uc) { }
// RVA: 0xD66A30 Offset: 0xD65430 VA: 0x180D66A30
public static bool IsLetter(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67460 Offset: 0xD65E60 VA: 0x180D67460
private static bool IsWhiteSpaceLatin1(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67490 Offset: 0xD65E90 VA: 0x180D67490
public static bool IsWhiteSpace(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67360 Offset: 0xD65D60 VA: 0x180D67360
public static bool IsUpper(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD66B70 Offset: 0xD65570 VA: 0x180D66B70
public static bool IsLower(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD65EA0 Offset: 0xD648A0 VA: 0x180D65EA0
internal static bool CheckPunctuation(UnicodeCategory uc) { }
// RVA: 0xD66F50 Offset: 0xD65950 VA: 0x180D66F50
public static bool IsPunctuation(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD65E70 Offset: 0xD64870 VA: 0x180D65E70
internal static bool CheckLetterOrDigit(UnicodeCategory uc) { }
// RVA: 0xD66770 Offset: 0xD65170 VA: 0x180D66770
public static bool IsLetterOrDigit(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD68130 Offset: 0xD66B30 VA: 0x180D68130
public static char ToUpper(char c, CultureInfo culture) { }
// RVA: 0xD68030 Offset: 0xD66A30 VA: 0x180D68030
public static char ToUpper(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67F30 Offset: 0xD66930 VA: 0x180D67F30
public static char ToUpperInvariant(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67CB0 Offset: 0xD666B0 VA: 0x180D67CB0
public static char ToLower(char c, CultureInfo culture) { }
// RVA: 0xD67D50 Offset: 0xD66750 VA: 0x180D67D50
public static char ToLower(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67BB0 Offset: 0xD665B0 VA: 0x180D67BB0
public static char ToLowerInvariant(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xE2850 Offset: 0xE1C50 VA: 0x1800E2850 Slot: 5
public TypeCode GetTypeCode() { }
// RVA: 0xE2860 Offset: 0xE1C60 VA: 0x1800E2860 Slot: 6
private bool System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xAA7B0 Offset: 0xA9BB0 VA: 0x1800AA7B0 Slot: 7
private char System.IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2A30 Offset: 0xE1E30 VA: 0x1800E2A30 Slot: 8
private sbyte System.IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2870 Offset: 0xE1C70 VA: 0x1800E2870 Slot: 9
private byte System.IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2910 Offset: 0xE1D10 VA: 0x1800E2910 Slot: 10
private short System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2B30 Offset: 0xE1F30 VA: 0x1800E2B30 Slot: 11
private ushort System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2970 Offset: 0xE1D70 VA: 0x1800E2970 Slot: 12
private int System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2B90 Offset: 0xE1F90 VA: 0x1800E2B90 Slot: 13
private uint System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE29D0 Offset: 0xE1DD0 VA: 0x1800E29D0 Slot: 14
private long System.IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2BF0 Offset: 0xE1FF0 VA: 0x1800E2BF0 Slot: 15
private ulong System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2A90 Offset: 0xE1E90 VA: 0x1800E2A90 Slot: 16
private float System.IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2900 Offset: 0xE1D00 VA: 0x1800E2900 Slot: 17
private double System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE28E0 Offset: 0xE1CE0 VA: 0x1800E28E0 Slot: 18
private Decimal System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE28D0 Offset: 0xE1CD0 VA: 0x1800E28D0 Slot: 19
private DateTime System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xE2AA0 Offset: 0xE1EA0 VA: 0x1800E2AA0 Slot: 21
private object System.IConvertible.ToType(Type type, IFormatProvider provider) { }
// RVA: 0xD66850 Offset: 0xD65250 VA: 0x180D66850
public static bool IsLetter(string s, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xD65E90 Offset: 0xD64890 VA: 0x180D65E90
internal static bool CheckNumber(UnicodeCategory uc) { }
// RVA: 0xD66C70 Offset: 0xD65670 VA: 0x180D66C70
public static bool IsNumber(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD66D90 Offset: 0xD65790 VA: 0x180D66D90
public static bool IsNumber(string s, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xD65EB0 Offset: 0xD648B0 VA: 0x180D65EB0
internal static bool CheckSeparator(UnicodeCategory uc) { }
// RVA: 0xD67030 Offset: 0xD65A30 VA: 0x180D67030
private static bool IsSeparatorLatin1(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67050 Offset: 0xD65A50 VA: 0x180D67050
public static bool IsSeparator(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67260 Offset: 0xD65C60 VA: 0x180D67260
public static bool IsSurrogate(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67160 Offset: 0xD65B60 VA: 0x180D67160
public static bool IsSurrogate(string s, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xD65EC0 Offset: 0xD648C0 VA: 0x180D65EC0
internal static bool CheckSymbol(UnicodeCategory uc) { }
// RVA: 0xD67280 Offset: 0xD65C80 VA: 0x180D67280
public static bool IsSymbol(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67560 Offset: 0xD65F60 VA: 0x180D67560
public static bool IsWhiteSpace(string s, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xD66380 Offset: 0xD64D80 VA: 0x180D66380
public static UnicodeCategory GetUnicodeCategory(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD66430 Offset: 0xD64E30 VA: 0x180D66430
public static UnicodeCategory GetUnicodeCategory(string s, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xD66640 Offset: 0xD65040 VA: 0x180D66640
public static bool IsHighSurrogate(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD66660 Offset: 0xD65060 VA: 0x180D66660
public static bool IsHighSurrogate(string s, int index) { }
// RVA: 0xD66B50 Offset: 0xD65550 VA: 0x180D66B50
public static bool IsLowSurrogate(char c) { }
// RVA: 0xD67130 Offset: 0xD65B30 VA: 0x180D67130
public static bool IsSurrogatePair(char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate) { }
// RVA: 0xD65FB0 Offset: 0xD649B0 VA: 0x180D65FB0
public static string ConvertFromUtf32(int utf32) { }
// RVA: 0xD66120 Offset: 0xD64B20 VA: 0x180D66120
public static int ConvertToUtf32(char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate) { }
// RVA: 0xD68200 Offset: 0xD66C00 VA: 0x180D68200
private static void .cctor() { }
// Namespace: System
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x1EA0 Offset: 0x12A0 VA: 0x180001EA0
public sealed class CharEnumerator : IEnumerator, ICloneable, IEnumerator<char>, IDisposable // TypeDefIndex: 215
// Fields
private string str; // 0x10
private int index; // 0x18
private char currentElement; // 0x1C
// Properties
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get; }
public char Current { get; }
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD65D60 Offset: 0xD64760 VA: 0x180D65D60
internal void .ctor(string str) { }
// RVA: 0x41E480 Offset: 0x41CE80 VA: 0x18041E480 Slot: 7
public object Clone() { }
// RVA: 0xD65BE0 Offset: 0xD645E0 VA: 0x180D65BE0 Slot: 4
public bool MoveNext() { }
// RVA: 0xD65BC0 Offset: 0xD645C0 VA: 0x180D65BC0 Slot: 9
public void Dispose() { }
// RVA: 0xD65C40 Offset: 0xD64640 VA: 0x180D65C40 Slot: 5
private object System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current() { }
// RVA: 0xD65D90 Offset: 0xD64790 VA: 0x180D65D90 Slot: 8
public char get_Current() { }
// RVA: 0xD65C30 Offset: 0xD64630 VA: 0x180D65C30 Slot: 6
public void Reset() { }
// RVA: 0xD65D30 Offset: 0xD64730 VA: 0x180D65D30
internal void .ctor() { }
// Namespace: System
[AttributeUsageAttribute] // RVA: 0x30C60 Offset: 0x30060 VA: 0x180030C60
[ComVisibleAttribute] // RVA: 0x30C60 Offset: 0x30060 VA: 0x180030C60
public sealed class CLSCompliantAttribute : Attribute // TypeDefIndex: 216
// Fields
private bool m_compliant; // 0x10
// Methods
// RVA: 0xD65430 Offset: 0xD63E30 VA: 0x180D65430
public void .ctor(bool isCompliant) { }
// Namespace: System
public sealed class ConsoleCancelEventHandler : MulticastDelegate // TypeDefIndex: 217
// Methods
// RVA: 0x23D670 Offset: 0x23C070 VA: 0x18023D670
public void .ctor(object object, IntPtr method) { }
// RVA: 0x23D180 Offset: 0x23BB80 VA: 0x18023D180 Slot: 12
public virtual void Invoke(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { }
// RVA: 0x23D130 Offset: 0x23BB30 VA: 0x18023D130 Slot: 13
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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