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Created May 20, 2014 00:09
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  • Save Ohmnivore/6622d99de2d8aa2cce0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ohmnivore/6622d99de2d8aa2cce0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Haxe laoder for Ogmo Editor
package ;
import entities.Flag;
import entities.HealthPack;
import entities.Spawn;
import flixel.util.FlxPoint;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxObject;
import flixel.FlxState;
import flixel.tile.FlxTilemap;
import flixel.util.FlxBitmapUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxMath;
import flixel.util.FlxRandom;
import flixel.util.FlxRect;
import haxe.xml.Fast;
* ...
* @author Ohmnivore
class OgmoLoader
public static var tilemaps:Map<String, String>;
public static var inits:Map<String, Bool>;
static public function initTilemaps():Void
//Initializing entities
inits = new Map<String, Bool>();
tilemaps = new Map<String, String>();
tilemaps.set("grid", "assets/images/gridtiles2.png");
tilemaps.set("tiles", "assets/images/scifitiles.png");
static public function loadXML(XML:String, State:PlayState):Void
var xml = Xml.parse(XML);
var fast = new Fast(xml.firstElement());
//if (FlxG.plugins.get(FlxSpecialFX) == null) FlxG.plugins.add(new FlxSpecialFX());
//State.starfx = FlxSpecialFX.starfield();
//State.add(State.starfx.create(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height, 50, StarfieldFX.STARFIELD_TYPE_2D));
//State.starfield = State.starfx.sprite;
//State.starfx.setStarDepthColors(3, 0xff585858, 0xffABABAB);
//State.starfx.setStarSpeed( -1, 1);
for (x in fast.elements)
if (x.has.tileset) //Tilemap
var map:FlxTilemap = new FlxTilemap();
map.loadMap(x.innerData, Assets.getImg("assets/images/scifitiles.png"), 16, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (!x.has.exportMode) //Entity layer
for (ent in x.elements)
//Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass("entities." +, [ent]);
var c:Class<Dynamic> = Type.resolveClass("entities." +;
var funct:Dynamic = Reflect.field(c, "makeFromXML");
Reflect.callMethod(c, funct, [ent]);
if (!inits.exists(
var funct2:Dynamic = Reflect.field(c, "init");
Reflect.callMethod(c, funct2, []);
inits.set(, true);
else //Grid layer
var mapdata:GridData = loadGrid(x);
var map:FlxTilemap = new FlxTilemap();
map.widthInTiles = mapdata.widthInTiles;
map.heightInTiles = mapdata.heightInTiles;
map.loadMap(mapdata.arr, Assets.getImg("assets/images/gridtiles2.png"), 16, 16, 0, 0, 1, 1);
State.collidemap = map;
if ("Tiles") > -1)
FlxG.worldBounds.set(map.x - 100, map.y - 100, map.width + 200, map.height + 200);
//State.b = new FlxRect(map.x - 100, map.y - 100, map.width + 200, map.height + 200);
static public function makeTileCollisions(M:FlxTilemap):Void
M.setTileProperties(17, FlxObject.NONE, 4);
M.setTileProperties(21, FlxObject.NONE, 2);
static public function findGridWidth(GridStrArr:Array<String>):Int
return GridStrArr[0].length;
static public function findGridHeight(GridStrArr:Array<String>):Int
return GridStrArr.length;
static public function loadGrid(X:Fast):GridData
var returnData:GridData = new GridData();
var col:Array<Dynamic> = new Array();
var gridstrings:Array<String> = X.innerData.split("\n");
returnData.widthInTiles = findGridWidth(gridstrings);
returnData.heightInTiles = findGridHeight(gridstrings);
gridInit(X.innerData, col);
var buffer:Array<Int> = new Array();
var i_col:Int = 0; //x
var i_row:Int = 0; //y
while (i_row < col.length)
i_col = 0;
var g_row:Array<Bool> = col[i_row];
while (i_col < g_row.length)
if (getXY(i_col, i_row, col))
var sum:Int = 0;
if (i_row - 1 >= 0)
if (getXY(i_col, i_row - 1, col)) //Up
sum += 1;
if (i_row + 1 < col.length)
if (getXY(i_col, i_row + 1, col)) //Down
sum += 4;
if (i_col - 1 >= 0)
if (getXY(i_col - 1, i_row, col)) //Left
sum += 8;
if (i_col + 1 < g_row.length)
if (getXY(i_col + 1, i_row, col)) //Right
sum += 2;
i_col = 0; //x
i_row = 0; //y
while (i_row < col.length)
i_col = 0;
var g_row:Array<Bool> = col[i_row];
while (i_col < g_row.length)
var sum:Int = getBuffer(i_col, i_row, g_row.length, buffer);
if (sum != -1)
addDetail(i_col, i_row, g_row.length, buffer, sum);
incrementTile(i_col, i_row, g_row.length, buffer, sum);
returnData.arr = buffer;
return returnData;
static public function incrementTile(X:Int, Y:Int, Width:Int, Buffer:Array<Int>, Sum:Int):Void
setBuffer(X, Y, Width, Sum + 1, Buffer);
static public function addDetail(X:Int, Y:Int, Width:Int, Buffer:Array<Int>, Sum:Int):Void
if (Sum == 14 || Sum == 10)
if (FlxRandom.chanceRoll(40))
if (Y - 1 >= 0)
setBuffer(X, Y - 1, Width, FlxRandom.intRanged(17, 20), Buffer);
if (Sum == 11 || Sum == 10)
if (FlxRandom.chanceRoll(30))
if (Y + 1 < Buffer.length / Width)
setBuffer(X, Y + 1, Width, FlxRandom.intRanged(21, 22), Buffer);
static public function setBuffer(X:Int, Y:Int, Width:Int, ToSet:Int, Buffer:Array<Int>):Void
var index:Int = Y * Width + X;
Buffer[index] = ToSet;
static public function getBuffer(X:Int, Y:Int, Width:Int, Buffer:Array<Int>):Int
return Buffer[Y * Width + X];
static public function gridInit(Grid:String, col:Array<Dynamic>):Void
var gridrows:Array<String> = Grid.split("\n");
var g_row:Int = 0;
for (g in gridrows)
var g_col:Int = 0;
var g_arr:Array<Bool> = new Array();
while (g_col < g.length)
var char:String = g.charAt(g_col);
if (char == "1")
g_arr.insert(g_col, true);
g_arr.insert(g_col, false);
col.insert(g_row, g_arr);
static public function getXY(X:Int, Y:Int, Arr:Array<Dynamic>):Bool
return Arr[Y][X];
class GridData
public var arr:Array<Int>;
public var widthInTiles:Int;
public var heightInTiles:Int;
public function new()
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