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Last active November 29, 2017 23:05
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<title>Fast-Paced Multiplayer Implementation: Smooth Client-Side Movement</title>
<div style="border: 5px solid blue; padding: 15px;">
<p><b>Player 1 view</b> - move with LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys<br> Lag min = <input id="player1_lag_min" size="5" value="100" onchange="updateParameters();" type="text">ms · Lag max = <input id="player1_lag_max" size="5" value="200" onchange="updateParameters();" type="text">ms · <input id="player1_prediction" onchange="updateParameters();" checked="checked" type="checkbox">Prediction · <input id="player1_reconciliation" onchange="updateParameters();" checked="checked" type="checkbox">Reconciliation · <input id="player1_interpolation" onchange="updateParameters();" type="checkbox">Interpolation</p>
<canvas id="player1_canvas" width="920" height="75">
<div id="player1_status" style="font-family:courier;">Non-acknowledged inputs: 0</div>
<div style="height: 1em;">
<div style="border: 2px solid grey; padding: 15px;">
<p><b>Server view</b> · Update <input id="server_fps" size="5" value="48" onchange="updateParameters();" type="text"> times per second · Input buffer size = <input id="server_input_buffer_size" size="5" value="100" onchange="updateParameters();" type="text"></p>
<canvas id="server_canvas" width="920" height="75">
<div id="server_status" style="font-family:courier;">Last acknowledged input: Player 0: #4368 Player 1: #852 </div>
<div style="height: 1em;">
<div style="border: 5px solid red; padding: 15px;">
<p><b>Player 2 view</b> - move with A and D keys<br> Lag min = <input id="player2_lag_min" size="5" value="100" onchange="updateParameters();" type="text">ms · Lag max = <input id="player2_lag_max" size="5" value="200" onchange="updateParameters();" type="text">ms · <input id="player2_prediction" onchange="updateParameters();" checked="checked" type="checkbox">Prediction · <input id="player2_reconciliation" onchange="updateParameters();" checked="checked" type="checkbox">Reconciliation · <input id="player2_interpolation" onchange="updateParameters();" checked="checked" type="checkbox">Interpolation</p>
<canvas id="player2_canvas" width="920" height="75">
<div id="player2_status" style="font-family:courier;">Non-acknowledged inputs: 0</div>
// =============================================================================
// An Entity in the world.
// =============================================================================
var Entity = function() {
this.x = 0;
this.speed = 2; // units/s
this.position_buffer = [];
this.last_server_frame_id = -1;
// Apply user's input to this entity.
Entity.prototype.applyInput = function(input) {
this.x += input.press_time*this.speed;
// =============================================================================
// A message queue with simulated network lag.
// =============================================================================
var LagNetwork = function() {
this.messages = [];
// "Send" a message. Store each message with the timestamp when it should be
// received, to simulate lag.
LagNetwork.prototype.send = function(lag_min_ms, lag_max_ms, message) {
var rand_lag = Math.floor(Math.random() * (lag_max_ms - lag_min_ms)) + lag_min_ms;
this.messages.push({recv_ts: +new Date() + rand_lag,
payload: message});
// Returns a "received" message, or undefined if there are no messages available
// yet.
LagNetwork.prototype.receive = function() {
var now = +new Date();
for (var i = 0; i < this.messages.length; i++) {
var message = this.messages[i];
if (message.recv_ts <= now) {
this.messages.splice(i, 1);
return message.payload;
// =============================================================================
// The Client.
// =============================================================================
var Client = function(canvas, status) {
// Local representation of the entities.
this.entities = {};
// Input state.
this.key_left = false;
this.key_right = false;
// Simulated network connection. = new LagNetwork();
this.server = null;
this.lag_min = 0;
this.lag_max = 0;
// Unique ID of our entity. Assigned by Server on connection.
this.entity_id = null;
// Data needed for reconciliation.
this.client_side_prediction = false;
this.server_reconciliation = false;
this.input_sequence_number = 0;
this.pending_inputs = [];
// Entity interpolation toggle.
this.entity_interpolation = true;
// UI.
this.canvas = canvas;
this.status = status;
// Update rate.
Client.prototype.setUpdateRate = function(hz) {
this.update_rate = hz;
this.update_interval = setInterval(
(function(self) { return function() { self.update(); }; })(this),
1000 / this.update_rate);
// Update Client state.
Client.prototype.update = function() {
// Listen to the server.
if (this.entity_id == null) {
return; // Not connected yet.
// Process inputs.
// Interpolate other entities.
if (this.entity_interpolation) {
// Render the World.
renderWorld(this.canvas, this.entities);
// Show some info.
var info = "Non-acknowledged inputs: " + this.pending_inputs.length;
this.status.textContent = info;
// Get inputs and send them to the server.
// If enabled, do client-side prediction.
Client.prototype.processInputs = function() {
// Compute delta time since last update.
var now_ts = +new Date();
var last_ts = this.last_ts || now_ts;
var dt_sec = (now_ts - last_ts) / 1000.0;
this.last_ts = now_ts;
// Package player's input.
var input;
if (this.key_right) {
input = { press_time: dt_sec };
} else if (this.key_left) {
input = { press_time: -dt_sec };
} else {
// Nothing interesting happened.
// Send the input to the server.
input.input_sequence_number = this.input_sequence_number++;
input.entity_id = this.entity_id;, this.lag_max, input);
// Do client-side prediction.
if (this.client_side_prediction && this.entities[this.entity_id]) {
// Save this input for later reconciliation.
// Process all messages from the server, i.e. world updates.
// If enabled, do server reconciliation.
Client.prototype.processServerMessages = function() {
while (true) {
var message =;
if (!message) {
// World state is a list of entity states.
for (var i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {
var state = message[i];
// If this is the first time we see this entity, create a local representation.
if (!this.entities[state.entity_id]) {
var entity = new Entity();
entity.entity_id = state.entity_id;
this.entities[state.entity_id] = entity;
var entity = this.entities[state.entity_id];
// Ignore outdated states
if (entity.last_server_frame_id < state.frame_id) {
entity.last_server_frame_id = state.frame_id;
if (state.entity_id == this.entity_id) {
if (this.server_reconciliation) {
// Set authoritative position.
// A possible improvement for a real game would be to smooth this out.
entity.x = state.position;
// Server Reconciliation. Re-apply all the inputs not yet processed by
// the server.
var j = 0;
while (j < this.pending_inputs.length) {
var input = this.pending_inputs[j];
var dist = state.last_processed_input - input.input_sequence_number;
// Too old, not contained in the server's input buffer. Is thrown out and
// assumed to have been applied by the server already.
if (dist >= state.input_buffer.length) {
this.pending_inputs.splice(j, 1);
else {
// Apply if either locally simulated input or not processed by the
// server yet.
if (dist < 0 || !state.input_buffer[dist]) {
// Remove, as it has already been processed by the server.
else {
this.pending_inputs.splice(j, 1);
} else {
// Reconciliation is disabled, so drop all the saved inputs.
this.pending_inputs = [];
entity.x = state.position;
} else {
// Received the position of an entity other than this client's.
if (!this.entity_interpolation) {
// Entity interpolation is disabled - just accept the server's position.
entity.x = state.position;
} else {
// Add it to the position buffer.
var timestamp = +new Date();
entity.position_buffer.push([timestamp, state.position]);
Client.prototype.interpolateEntities = function() {
// Compute render timestamp.
var now = +new Date();
var render_timestamp = now - (1000.0 / server.update_rate);
for (var i in this.entities) {
var entity = this.entities[i];
// No point in interpolating this client's entity.
if (entity.entity_id == this.entity_id) {
// Find the two authoritative positions surrounding the rendering timestamp.
var buffer = entity.position_buffer;
// Drop older positions.
while (buffer.length >= 2 && buffer[1][0] <= render_timestamp) {
// Interpolate between the two surrounding authoritative positions.
if (buffer.length >= 2 && buffer[0][0] <= render_timestamp && render_timestamp <= buffer[1][0]) {
var x0 = buffer[0][1];
var x1 = buffer[1][1];
var t0 = buffer[0][0];
var t1 = buffer[1][0];
entity.x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (render_timestamp - t0) / (t1 - t0);
// Just set this directly if there's only one position
else if (buffer.length == 1) {
var x = buffer[0][1];
entity.x = x;
// =============================================================================
// The Server.
// =============================================================================
var Server = function(canvas, status) {
// Connected clients and their entities.
this.clients = [];
this.entities = [];
// Last processed input for each client.
this.last_processed_input = [];
this.input_buffer = [];
this.input_buffer_size = 0;
this.frame_id = 0;
// Simulated network connection. = new LagNetwork();
// UI.
this.canvas = canvas;
this.status = status;
// Default update rate.
Server.prototype.connect = function(client) {
// Give the Client enough data to identify itself.
client.server = this;
client.entity_id = this.clients.length;
// Create a new Entity for this Client.
var entity = new Entity();
entity.entity_id = client.entity_id;
// Set the initial state of the Entity (e.g. spawn point)
var spawn_points = [4, 6];
entity.x = spawn_points[client.entity_id];
Server.prototype.setUpdateRate = function(hz) {
this.update_rate = hz;
this.update_interval = setInterval(
(function(self) { return function() { self.update(); }; })(this),
1000 / this.update_rate);
Server.prototype.update = function() {
renderWorld(this.canvas, this.entities);
// Check whether this input seems to be valid (e.g. "make sense" according
// to the physical rules of the World)
Server.prototype.validateInput = function(input) {
if (Math.abs(input.press_time) > 1/40) {
return false;
return true;
Server.prototype.processInputs = function() {
// Process all pending messages from clients.
while (true) {
var message =;
if (!message) {
// Update the state of the entity, based on its input.
var id = message.entity_id;
var dist = message.input_sequence_number - this.last_processed_input[id];
// Update the last processed input ID, only if this input's ID is newer
if (this.last_processed_input[id] < message.input_sequence_number)
this.last_processed_input[id] = message.input_sequence_number;
// Apply the input
// This is the newest input
if (dist > 0) {
// Fill the buffer up to the newest input ID,
// mark the new entries as unreceived
for (var i = 0; i < dist; ++i)
// Mark this input as received
this.input_buffer[id][0] = true;
// Don't track inputs beyond a certain age
while (this.input_buffer[id].length > this.input_buffer_size)
// This a late input
else {
// The first element in the buffer represents the most recently
// processed input. So we work our way back from there, and
// mark the input as received.
this.input_buffer[id][-dist] = true;
// Show some info.
var info = "Last acknowledged input: ";
for (var i = 0; i < this.clients.length; ++i) {
info += "Player " + i + ": #" + (this.last_processed_input[i] || 0) + " ";
this.status.textContent = info;
// Send the world state to all the connected clients.
Server.prototype.sendWorldState = function() {
// Gather the state of the world. In a real app, state could be filtered to avoid leaking data
// (e.g. position of invisible enemies).
var world_state = [];
var num_clients = this.clients.length;
for (var i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {
var entity = this.entities[i];
world_state.push({entity_id: entity.entity_id,
position: entity.x,
last_processed_input: this.last_processed_input[i],
input_buffer: this.input_buffer[i].slice(),
frame_id: this.frame_id});
// Broadcast the state to all the clients.
for (var i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {
var client = this.clients[i];, client.lag_max, world_state);
// =============================================================================
// Helpers.
// =============================================================================
// Render all the entities in the given canvas.
var renderWorld = function(canvas, entities) {
// Clear the canvas.
canvas.width = canvas.width;
var colours = ["blue", "red"];
for (var i in entities) {
var entity = entities[i];
// Compute size and position.
var radius = canvas.height*0.9/2;
var x = (entity.x / 10.0)*canvas.width;
// Draw the entity.
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.arc(x, canvas.height / 2, radius, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
ctx.fillStyle = colours[entity.entity_id];
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
ctx.strokeStyle = "dark" + colours[entity.entity_id];
var element = function(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
// =============================================================================
// Get everything up and running.
// =============================================================================
// World update rate of the Server.
var server_fps = 4;
// Update simulation parameters from UI.
var updateParameters = function() {
updatePlayerParameters(player1, "player1");
updatePlayerParameters(player2, "player2");
server.setUpdateRate(updateNumberFromUI(server.update_rate, "server_fps"));
server.input_buffer_size = updateNumberFromUI(server.input_buffer_size, "server_input_buffer_size");
return true;
var updatePlayerParameters = function(client, prefix) {
client.lag_min = updateNumberFromUI(client.lag_min, prefix + "_lag_min");
client.lag_max = updateNumberFromUI(client.lag_max, prefix + "_lag_max");
var cb_prediction = element(prefix + "_prediction");
var cb_reconciliation = element(prefix + "_reconciliation");
// Client Side Prediction disabled => disable Server Reconciliation.
if (client.client_side_prediction && !cb_prediction.checked) {
cb_reconciliation.checked = false;
// Server Reconciliation enabled => enable Client Side Prediction.
if (!client.server_reconciliation && cb_reconciliation.checked) {
cb_prediction.checked = true;
client.client_side_prediction = cb_prediction.checked;
client.server_reconciliation = cb_reconciliation.checked;
client.entity_interpolation = element(prefix + "_interpolation").checked;
var updateNumberFromUI = function(old_value, element_id) {
var input = element(element_id);
var new_value = parseInt(input.value);
if (isNaN(new_value)) {
new_value = old_value;
input.value = new_value;
return new_value;
// When the player presses the arrow keys, set the corresponding flag in the client.
var keyHandler = function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
if (e.keyCode == 39) {
player1.key_right = (e.type == "keydown");
} else if (e.keyCode == 37) {
player1.key_left = (e.type == "keydown");
} else if (e.key == 'd') {
player2.key_right = (e.type == "keydown");
} else if (e.key == 'a') {
player2.key_left = (e.type == "keydown");
} else {
document.body.onkeydown = keyHandler;
document.body.onkeyup = keyHandler;
// Setup a server, the player's client, and another player.
var server = new Server(element("server_canvas"), element("server_status"));
var player1 = new Client(element("player1_canvas"), element("player1_status"));
var player2 = new Client(element("player2_canvas"), element("player2_status"));
// Connect the clients to the server.
// Read initial parameters from the UI.
Derived from Gabriel Gambetta's <a href="">live demo</a> and <a href="">article series on fast-paced multiplayer</a>.
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