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Last active December 1, 2018 15:59
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Bash Completion for Drive
local cur prev cmd cmds files flags
cmds="about clashes copy cp deinit del delete diff du edit-desc edit-description emptytrash features file-id help id index init issue list ls md5sum move mv new open pub pull push qr quota rename report repor
files="del delete diff edit-desc edit-description file-id id new open pub pull push rename share star stat unpub unshare untrash url"
if [ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]; then
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${cmds}" -- "${cur}"))
case "${cmd}" in
about) flags="-features -filesize -quiet -quota";;
clashes) flags="-depth -fix -hidden -id -list";;
cp|copy) flags="-id -quiet -recursive";;
deinit) flags="-no-prompt";;
del|delete) flags="-hidden -id -matches -no-prompt -quiet";;
diff) flags="-base-local -depth -hidden -ignore-checksum -ignore-conflict -ignore-name-clashes -quiet -recursive -skip-content-check -u";;
du) flags="-depth -directories -exact-owner -exact-title -files -hidden -id -long -match-mime -match-owner -matches -no-prompt -owners -pagesize -quiet -recursive -shared -skip-mime
edit-desc|edit-description) flags="-description -id -piped";;
emptytrash) flags="-no-prompt -quiet";;
file-id|id) flags="-depth -hidden";;
index) flags="-all-ops -exclude-ops -force -hidden -id -ignore-checksum -ignore-conflict -ignore-name-clashes -matches -no-clobber -no-prompt -prune -quiet -recursive -skip-mime";;
issue|report|report-issue) flags="-body -piped -title";;
list|ls) flags="-depth -directories -exact-owner -exact-title -files -hidden -id -long -match-mime -match-owner -matches -no-prompt -owners -pagesize -quiet -recursive -shared -skip-mime
md5sum) flags="-depth -hidden -id -quiet -recursive";;
move|mv) flags="-id -quiet";;
new) flags="-folder -mime-key";;
open) flags="-file-browser -id -web-browser";;
pub) flags="-hidden -id -quiet";;
pull) flags="-all -decryption-password -depth -desktop-links -directories -exclude-ops -explicitly-export -export -exports-dir -files -fix-clashes -force -hidden -id -ignore-checksum -
push) flags="-coerced-mime -convert -depth -destination -directories -encryption-password -exclude-ops -files -fix-clashes -force -hidden -ignore-checksum -ignore-conflict -ignore-name
qr) flags="-address -id -verbose";;
rename) flags="-force -id -local -quiet -remote";;
share) flags="-emails -id -message -no-prompt -notify -quiet -role -type -verbose -with-link";;
star) flags="-id -no-prompt -quiet";;
stat) flags="-depth -hidden -id -md5sum -quiet -recursive";;
touch) flags="-depth -duration -format -hidden -id -matches -quiet -recursive -time -verbose";;
trash) flags="-hidden -id -matches -quiet";;
unpub) flags="-hidden -id -quiet";;
unshare) flags="-emails -id -no-prompt -quiet -role -type -verbose";;
unstar) flags="-id -no-prompt -quiet";;
untrash) flags="-hidden -id -matches -quiet";;
url) flags="-id";;
if [ -n "${flags}" ]; then
for w in ${COMP_WORDS[@]}; do
for o in ${flags[@]}; do
if [[ $w == $o ]]; then flags=( "${flags[@]/$o}" ); fi
if [[ "${cur}" == -* ]]; then
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${flags}" -- "${cur}"))
elif [[ " ${files[@]} " =~ " $cmd " ]]; then
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -df -- "${cur}"))
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${flags}" -- "${cur}"))
complete -F _drive drive
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