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Last active June 9, 2017 14:26
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Red/System libjulia binding
Red/System [
Title: "Red/System libjulia binding"
Author: "Oldes"
File: %Julia.reds
Tabs: 4
Rights: "Copyright (C) 2017 Oldes. All rights reserved."
License: {
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
Comment: {
This script needs external library, which can be downloaded from this site:
#enum jl-image-search! [
#define jl-value! int-ptr!
jl-tagged-value!: alias struct! [
header [int-ptr!]
next [int-ptr!]
type [int-ptr!]
whatever [int-ptr!]
julia: context [
#switch OS [
Windows [ #define libjulia "libjulia.dll" ]
MacOSX [ #define libjulia "libjulia.dylib" ] ;@@ FIXME: use real file name
#default [ #define libjulia "" ] ;@@ FIXME: use real file name
#import [
libjulia cdecl [
julia_init: "julia_init" [
ret [jl-image-search!]
jl_init: "jl_init" [
julia_home_dir [c-string!]
jl_init_with_image: "jl_init_with_image" [
julia_home_dir [c-string!]
image_relative_path [c-string!]
jl_is_initialized: "jl_is_initialized" [
return: [integer!]
jl_atexit_hook: "jl_atexit_hook" [
status [integer!]
jl_eval_string: "jl_eval_string" [
str [c-string!]
return: [jl-value!]
jl_unbox_int32: "jl_unbox_int32" [
v [jl-value!]
return: [integer!]
jl_unbox_voidpointer: "jl_unbox_voidpointer" [
v [jl-value!]
return: [byte-ptr!]
jl_string_type: "jl_string_type" [integer!]
]; libjulia
]; #import
probe-jl-value: func[
jval [jl-value!]
print-line [
"VAL " jval " has: " as int-ptr! jval/1 " " as int-ptr! jval/2 " " as int-ptr! jval/3
" " as int-ptr! jval/4 " " as int-ptr! jval/5 " " as int-ptr! jval/6 " " as int-ptr! jval/7
" " as int-ptr! jval/8]
] ; context julia
main: func [
argument [str-array!]
home-dir [c-string!]
ret [jl-value!]
switch system/args-count [
1 [ home-dir: "c:\dev\Julia-0.5.2\bin\"]
2 [
argument: system/args-list + 1
home-dir: argument/item
default [
print-line "Invalid number of arguments!"
quit 0
print-line ["Julia home dir: " home-dir]
with julia [
print-line "Starting Julia..."
jl_init home-dir ;julia's home dir (bin folder)
if 1 <> jl_is_initialized [
print-line "Initialization failed!"
quit 0
;jl_eval_string "versioninfo()"
;this is print from Julia:
ret: jl_eval_string {println(string("sqrt(2.0) = ",sqrt(2.0)))}
;ret will be something like `unset` julia type in this case
;this will create string in Julia:
ret: jl_eval_string {string("sqrt(2.0) = ",sqrt(2.0))}
if ret/0 = jl_string_type [
print-line ["returned string: " as c-string! jl_unbox_voidpointer as int-ptr! ret/1]
ret: jl_eval_string {a = 2;b = 3; c = a * b}
print-line ["returned integer: " jl_unbox_int32 ret]
ret: jl_eval_string {c}
print-line ["c is: " jl_unbox_int32 ret]
jl_atexit_hook 0
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