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Created April 14, 2012 21:10
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import math._
case class Progress(percent: Int, size: Long, remains: Long, done: Long, bps: Long, elapsed: Long, estimated: Long) {
lazy val formattedMetrics= List(
"Progress: " + percent + "%",
"File size: " + formatSize(size),
"Downloaded: " + formatSize(done),
"Remains: " + formatSize(remains),
"Speed: " + (bps / 1024) + " kb/s",
"Elapsed: " + formatTime(elapsed),
"Estimated: " + formatTime(estimated)
def formatTime(time: Long) = {
val oneSecond = 1000
val oneMinute = 60 * oneSecond
val oneHour = 60 * oneMinute
val hours = (time / oneHour).toInt
val minutes = ((time - hours * oneHour) / oneMinute).toInt
val seconds = ((time - hours * oneHour - minutes * oneMinute) / oneSecond).toInt
val fmt = "%02d"
List(hours, minutes, seconds) map (fmt format _) mkString ":"
def formatSize(bytes: Long) =
if (bytes < 1024)
bytes + " B"
else {
val exp = (log(bytes) / log(1024)).toInt
"%.1f %sB" format (bytes / pow(1024, exp), "KMGTPE" charAt (exp - 1))
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