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Last active June 27, 2022 07:48
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  • Save OlesenkoViktor/32c700e025bf4567db8feb1ed467f8ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save OlesenkoViktor/32c700e025bf4567db8feb1ed467f8ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DualShock 3 + Mac OS

Some games have wrong binding and can be reconfigured

To fix this issue you can use solution by @meste7 - (Solution is not verified and provided as is)

  1. Find your installation of the game - this is usually in the main Applications folder (if using a Steam version the application can be found by Right Clicking game in Steam Library, then selecting Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files).
  2. Right click the game's application icon and choose 'Show Package Contents' from the dropdown menu.
  3. Open the Contents folder, then the Resources folder and finally Input Devices.
  4. Open the AnalogTriggers folder and delete the 'PS3Dualshock.plist' file by dragging it to the Trash.
  5. Save the attached to gist 'PS3Dualshock_10_15.plist' file into the AnalogTriggers folder (you may be asked to Authenticate using your username and password, please do so). Link to file - Direct link -
  6. Rename plist to 'PS3Dualshock.plist'
  7. Now, go to the Digital folder and delete the 'PS3Dualshock_Digital.plist' file by dragging it to the Trash.
  8. Close the Finder window and restart game

Solution works for Sierra / Hight Sierra

Not guaranteed work on Mojave or Catalina

You are happy owner of macbook with new os and dream to play favorite new games via Steam or old-school via emulators... And in one day you checked Amazon and WOW - PS gamepad copy only for 12$?! Awesome! "Shut up and take my money!"© You aren't stupid and googled first, that macOS supports ps gamepads from scratch - Double-Awesome!

And here is that day - you opened gamepad box and followed instruction or But... NOTHINK WORKS!!! Oh my god! Is your controller is a fake?! PATIENCE!

OS: mac OS Sierra / Hight Sierra Controller: DualShock 3 PANHAI Controller statuses:

  • fast blinking - connecting
  • slow blinking - connected
  • no lights - off


  1. macOS - open Bluetooth settings and turn on bluetooth (also check 'Show in menu bar' for convenience

  2. Connect controller via USB. It shoul appear in BT devices list as new with id - XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX or with name - PLAYSTATION(R)3Conteroller-PANHAI

  3. Disconnect controller from USB. It start fast blinks and can be displayed as connected but will disconnect after some time There is a small chance, that after completion instruction your computer will ask passcode for BT connect to gamepad. In this case try to repeat steps but skip #3 - disconnecting from USB (solution from @andreshg112

  4. Remember device id in format (you can check it if pressed Control+Click on device in BT list)

  5. Disable BT and close BT settings window

  6. Go to '/Library/Preferences/' (can use Go-To-Folder (Command+Shifg+G) option in Finder) and find the file. Copy it to desktop (or anywhere you want)

  7. Open copied file. Go to DeviceCache section -

  8. Find device with your id and add a new sections to it:

  • 'Services' with 'Data' type and content: <040b7374 7265616d 74797065 6481e803 84014084 8484074e 53417272 61790084 84084e53 4f626a65 63740085 84016902 92848484 1b494f42 6c756574 6f6f7468 53445053 65727669 63655265 636f7264 00949284 84841149 4f426c75 65746f6f 74684465 76696365 00848411 494f426c 7565746f 6f74684f 626a6563 74009492 84848406 4e534461 74610094 95068404 5b36635d 34c7311b 2be78686 92848484 0c4e5344 69637469 6f6e6172 79009495 18928484 84084e53 4e756d62 65720084 84074e53 56616c75 65009484 012a8495 95008692 84848419 494f426c 7565746f 6f746853 44504461 7461456c 656d656e 74009484 014301a0 0284014c 0492849f 9e848401 71a28200 00010086 8692849f 9ea19581 0a028692 84a3a005 a000a101 92849f9e 84840173 a3018686 92849f9e a1958107 02869284 a3a006a0 05a10892 8484840e 4e534d75 7461626c 65417272 61790093 95019284 a3a006a0 05a10692 84ad9502 9284a3a0 01a001a1 0292849f 9ea19581 09048686 9284a3a0 01a001a1 0292849f 9ea19581 00018686 86868686 92849f9e a1958104 02869284 a3a005a0 00a10192 a8869284 9f9ea195 0d869284 a3a006a0 05a10f92 84ad9501 9284a3a0 06a005a1 0d9284ad 95029284 a3a006a0 05a10692 84ad9502 9284a3a0 03a001a1 02928484 8412494f 426c7565 746f6f74 68534450 55554944 009b9284 9b950284 045b3263 5d010086 86869284 a3a001a0 01a10292 849f9ea1 95138686 86869284 a3a006a0 05a10392 84ad9501 9284a3a0 03a001a1 029284bf 92849b95 02a60011 86868686 86868686 8692849f 9ea19581 0c028692 84a3a001 a001a102 92849f9e a1958180 3e868692 849f9ea1 95810102 869284a3 a001a001 a10292b3 8692b392 84a3a004 a005a113 92849b95 1384055b 3139635d 57697265 6c657373 20436f6e 74726f6c 6c657286 8692849f 9ea19581 09028692 84a3a005 a000a101 92a88692 849f9ea1 95810602 869284a3 a006a005 a1819a00 9284ad95 019284a3 a006a005 a1819800 9284ad95 029284a3 a001a000 a1019284 9f9ea9a3 22868692 84a3a004 a005a181 94009284 9b958194 0084065b 31343863 5d050109 04a101a1 02850175 08950115 0026ff00 81037501 95131500 25013500 45010509 19012913 81027501 950d0600 ff810315 0026ff00 05010901 a1007508 95043500 46ff0009 30093109 32093581 02c00501 75089527 09018102 75089530 09019102 75089530 0901b102 c0a10285 02750895 300901b1 02c0a102 85ee7508 95300901 b102c0a1 0285ef75 08953009 01b102c0 c0868686 86868692 849f9ea1 95048692 84a3a006 a005a10d 9284ad95 029284a3 a006a005 a1069284 ad950292 84a3a003 a001a102 9284bf92 849b9502 a6010086 86869284 a3a001a0 01a10292 849f9ea1 95118686 86869284 a3a006a0 05a10392 84ad9501 9284a3a0 03a001a1 029284bf 92849b95 02a60011 86868686 86868692 849f9ea1 95810e02 869284a3 a005a000 a1019284 9f9ea9a3 00868692 849f9ea1 95810302 869284a3 a001a000 a1019284 9f9ea9a3 21868692 849f9ea1 95810201 869284a3 a004a005 a11b9284 9b951b84 055b3237 635d536f 6e792043 6f6d7075 74657220 456e7465 72746169 6e6d656e 74868692 849f9ea1 95018692 84a3a006 a005a103 9284ad95 019284a3 a003a001 a1029284 bf92849b 9502a611 24868686 86869284 9f9ea195 810b0286 9284a3a0 01a001a1 0292b386 92849f9e a1958100 02869284 a3a001a0 01a10292 b3869284 9f9ea195 09869284 a3a006a0 05a10892 84ad9501 9284a3a0 06a005a1 069284ad 95029284 a3a003a0 01a10292 84bf9284 9b9502a6 11248686 869284a3 a001a001 a10292b3 86868686 8692849f 9ea19581 08028692 84a3a005 a000a101 92eb8692 849f9ea1 95068692 84a3a006 a005a109 9284ad95 039284a3 a001a001 a1029284 9f9ea195 816e6586 869284a3 a001a001 a1029284 9f9ea195 6a868692 84a3a001 a001a102 92b38686 8692849f 9ea19581 05028692 84a3a005 a000a101 92a88692 849f9ea1 95810d02 869284a3 a005a000 a10192eb 8692849f 9ea19581 02028692 84a3a001 a000a101 92eb8692 849f9ea1 95810101 869284a3 a004a005 a1139284 9b9513a7 57697265 6c657373 20436f6e 74726f6c 6c657286 86868692 84969297 92849d95 0c929e92 84a3a001 a002a104 92849f9e a5a28201 00010086 86921592 84a3a004 a005a11a 92849b95 1a84055b 3236635d 504c4159 53544154 494f4e28 52293320 436f6e74 726f6c6c 65728686 920f9284 a3a001a0 01a10292 849f9ea1 95028686 92fc9284 a3a006a0 05a10892 84ad9501 9284a3a0 06a005a1 069284ad 95029284 a3a003a0 01a10292 84bf9284 9b9502a6 12008686 869284a3 a001a001 a10292b3 86868686 8692cb92 84a3a001 a001a102 92849f9e a195814c 05868692 ec9284a3 a001a001 a10292b3 8692f292 84a3a006 a005a103 9284ad95 019284a3 a003a001 a1029284 bf92849b 9502a612 00868686 868692b4 9284a3a0 05a000a1 0192a886 92139284 a3a001a0 01a10292 849f9ea1 95816802 868692fa 9284a3a0 01a001a1 0292b386 92079284 a3a006a0 05a10992 84ad9503 9284a3a0 01a001a1 02920b86 9284a3a0 01a001a1 02920d86 9284a3a0 01a001a1 0292b386 868692da 9284a3a0 06a005a1 0d9284ad 95029284 a3a006a0 05a10692 84ad9502 9284a3a0 03a001a1 029284bf 92849b95 02a60100 86868692 84a3a001 a001a102 92f28686 869284a3 a006a005 a1039284 ad950192 84a3a003 a001a102 9284bf92 849b9502 a6000186 86868686 86868686 86>

  • Alternative data for Mojave and Catalina correct work doesn't guarantee: <62706C69 73743030 D4000100 02000300 04000500 06022C02 2D582476 65727369 6F6E5824 6F626A65 63747359 24617263 68697665 72542474 6F701200 0186A0AF 10AD0007 0008000F 00150019 001A0022 00570058 0059005A 005B005C 005D005E 005F0060 00610062 00630064 00650066 00670068 0069006A 006B006C 006D006E 006F0077 0078007C 00800081 00850089 008C0091 00940095 0098009C 009F00A3 00A700AA 00AF00B2 00B700BB 00BE00BF 00C400C7 00C800CB 00CF00D2 00D500D6 00D900DA 00DD00E0 00E100E4 00E800EC 00F000F5 00F800F9 00FD00FE 01010106 0109010E 01110114 01150118 0119011C 01200123 01260127 012A012B 012E012F 01330134 0137013B 013E0141 01420145 0148014B 014F0152 0157015A 015D015E 01610164 0167016D 01700171 01740175 0178017B 017E0181 01840185 0188018C 019001AC 01AF01B0 01B30074 01B601B9 01BD01C0 01C501C8 01CB01CC 01CF01D2 01D301D6 01D901DD 01E001E3 01E401E7 01EA01EB 01EE01F4 01F701FA 01FD0200 02050208 020D0210 02130214 0217021A 021E0221 02240225 0229022A 55246E75 6C6CD200 09000A00 0B000E5A 4E532E6F 626A6563 74735624 636C6173 73A2000C 000D8002 807E80AC D3001000 0A001100 12001300 145A4174 74726962 75746573 56446576 69636580 06807D80 03D20016 000A0017 00185D64 65766963 65416464 72657373 80048005 4664D4BD A17D29D2 001B001C 001D001E 5A24636C 6173736E 616D6558 24636C61 73736573 5F101149 4F426C75 65746F6F 74684465 76696365 A3001F00 2000215F 1011494F 426C7565 746F6F74 68446576 6963655F 1011494F 426C7565 746F6F74 684F626A 65637458 4E534F62 6A656374 D3002300 09000A00 24003D00 56574E53 2E6B6579 73AF1018 00250026 00270028 0029002A 002B002C 002D002E 002F0030 00310032 00330034 00350036 00370038 0039003A 003B003C 80078008 8009800A 800B800C 800D800E 800F8010 80118012 80138014 80158016 80178018 8019801A 801B801C 801D801E AF101800 3E003F00 40004100 42004300 44004500 46004700 48004900 4A004B00 4C004D00 4E004F00 50005100 52005300 54005580 1F802280 24802C80 2D803E80 40804180 43804480 4C805A80 5C805E80 60806580 66806780 6F807080 77807880 79807A80 7C100011 020A1102 07110204 100D1102 0C110201 11010011 02091102 06100411 020E1102 03110102 10011102 0B110200 10091102 08100611 02051102 0D110202 110101D5 00700071 00720073 000A0061 00740075 00650076 52243252 24315556 616C7565 52243010 02802080 21120001 0000D200 1B001C00 79007A5F 1019494F 426C7565 746F6F74 68534450 44617461 456C656D 656E74A2 007B0021 5F101949 4F426C75 65746F6F 74685344 50446174 61456C65 6D656E74 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 65005700 7D007E00 76802310 05802110 01D50070 00710072 0073000A 0082007E 0083006A 00761008 80258021 D2000900 0A008600 88A10087 8026802B D5007000 71007200 73000A00 6A007E00 8A006A00 76802780 21D20009 000A008D 0088A200 8E008F80 28802A80 2BD50070 00710072 0073000A 00740065 00920065 00768029 80211104 09D50070 00710072 0073000A 00740065 002C0065 0076800E 8021D200 1B001C00 99009A5E 4E534D75 7461626C 65417272 6179A300 99009B00 21574E53 41727261 79D50070 00710072 0073000A 00650057 007D007E 00768023 8021D500 70007100 72007300 0A00A000 7E00A100 6A007610 0F802E80 21D20009 000A00A4 0088A100 A5802F80 2BD50070 00710072 0073000A 005B007E 00A8006A 00768030 8021D200 09000A00 AB0088A2 00AC00AD 80318039 802BD500 70007100 72007300 0A006A00 7E00B000 6A007680 328021D2 0009000A 00B30088 A200B400 B5803380 37802BD5 00700071 00720073 000A0074 006500B8 00B90076 80341003 8021D200 73000A00 BC00BD80 35803642 0100D200 1B001C00 C000C15F 1012494F 426C7565 746F6F74 68534450 55554944 A300C200 C300215F 1012494F 426C7565 746F6F74 68534450 55554944 564E5344 617461D5 00700071 00720073 000A0074 006500C5 00650076 80388021 1013D500 70007100 72007300 0A00B900 7E00C900 6A007680 3A8021D2 0009000A 00CC0088 A100CD80 3B802BD5 00700071 00720073 000A0074 006500D0 00B90076 803C8021 D2007300 0A00D300 BD803D80 36420011 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 74006500 D7006500 76803F80 21113E80 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 74006500 2C006500 76800E80 21D50070 00710072 0073000A 00C7007E 00DE0061 00768042 80214F10 13576972 656C6573 7320436F 6E74726F 6C6C6572 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 65005700 7D007E00 76802380 21D50070 00710072 0073000A 00E5007E 00E6006A 0076109A 80458021 D2000900 0A00E900 88A100EA 8046802B D5007000 71007200 73000A00 ED007E00 EE006A00 76109880 478021D2 0009000A 00F10088 A200F200 F3804880 4A802BD5 00700071 00720073 000A0065 005700F6 00650076 80498021 1022D500 70007100 72007300 0A00FA00 7E00FB00 61007610 94804B80 214F1094 05010904 A101A102 85017508 95011500 26FF0081 03750195 13150025 01350045 01050919 01291381 02750195 0D0600FF 81031500 26FF0005 010901A1 00750895 04350046 FF000930 09310932 09358102 C0050175 08952709 01810275 08953009 01910275 08953009 01B102C0 A1028502 75089530 0901B102 C0A10285 EE750895 300901B1 02C0A102 85EF7508 95300901 B102C0C0 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 5B007E00 FF006A00 76804D80 21D20009 000A0102 0088A201 03010480 4E805580 2BD50070 00710072 0073000A 006A007E 0107006A 0076804F 8021D200 09000A01 0A0088A2 010B010C 80508053 802BD500 70007100 72007300 0A007400 65010F00 B9007680 518021D2 0073000A 011200BD 80528036 420100D5 00700071 00720073 000A0074 00650116 00650076 80548021 1011D500 70007100 72007300 0A00B900 7E011A00 6A007680 568021D2 0009000A 011D0088 A1011E80 57802BD5 00700071 00720073 000A0074 00650121 00B90076 80588021 D2007300 0A012400 BD805980 36420011 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 65005701 28007E00 76805B80 211000D5 00700071 00720073 000A0065 0057012C 00650076 805D8021 1021D500 70007100 72007300 0A013000 7E013100 61007610 1B805F80 214F101B 536F6E79 20436F6D 70757465 7220456E 74657274 61696E6D 656E74D5 00700071 00720073 000A00B9 007E0135 006A0076 80618021 D2000900 0A013800 88A10139 8062802B D5007000 71007200 73000A00 74006501 3C00B900 76806380 21D20073 000A013F 00BD8064 80364211 24D50070 00710072 0073000A 00740065 002C0065 0076800E 8021D500 70007100 72007300 0A007400 65002C00 65007680 0E8021D5 00700071 00720073 000A0082 007E0149 006A0076 80688021 D2000900 0A014C00 88A1014D 8069802B D5007000 71007200 73000A00 6A007E01 50006A00 76806A80 21D20009 000A0153 0088A201 54015580 6B806E80 2BD50070 00710072 0073000A 00740065 015800B9 0076806C 8021D200 73000A01 5B00BD80 6D803642 1124D500 70007100 72007300 0A007400 65002C00 65007680 0E8021D5 00700071 00720073 000A0065 00570128 007E0076 805B8021 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 68007E01 65006A00 76807180 21D20009 000A0168 0088A301 69016A01 6B807280 74807680 2BD50070 00710072 0073000A 00740065 016E0065 00768073 80211165 6ED50070 00710072 0073000A 00740065 01720065 00768075 8021106A D5007000 71007200 73000A00 74006500 2C006500 76800E80 21D50070 00710072 0073000A 00650057 007D007E 00768023 8021D500 70007100 72007300 0A006500 57012800 7E007680 5B8021D5 00700071 00720073 000A0065 00570128 00650076 805B8021 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 C7007E01 82006100 76807B80 214F1013 57697265 6C657373 20436F6E 74726F6C 6C6572D2 001B001C 01860187 5C4E5344 69637469 6F6E6172 79A20186 0021D200 1B001C01 89018A5F 101B494F 426C7565 746F6F74 68534450 53657276 69636552 65636F72 64A2018B 00215F10 1B494F42 6C756574 6F6F7468 53445053 65727669 63655265 636F7264 D3001000 0A001101 8D001300 14807F80 7D8003D3 00230009 000A0191 019E0056 AC002500 35003900 36002B00 31003300 28003B00 38002F00 3C800780 17801B80 18800D80 13801580 0A801D80 1A801180 1EAC019F 01A001A1 01A201A3 01A401A5 01A601A7 01A801A9 01AA8080 80828083 8085808D 808F8090 80958096 8098809D 80AA807C D5007000 71007200 73000A00 61007401 AD006500 76808180 21120001 0001D500 70007100 72007300 0A007400 65002C00 65007680 0E8021D5 00700071 00720073 000A0074 006501B4 00650076 80848021 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 82007E01 B7006A00 76808680 21D20009 000A01BA 0088A101 BB808780 2BD50070 00710072 0073000A 006A007E 01BE006A 00768088 8021D200 09000A01 C10088A2 01C201C3 8089808C 802BD500 70007100 72007300 0A007400 6501C600 B9007680 8A8021D2 0073000A 01C900BD 808B8036 421200D5 00700071 00720073 000A0074 0065002C 00650076 800E8021 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 74006501 D0006500 76808E80 2111054C D5007000 71007200 73000A00 74006500 2C006500 76800E80 21D50070 00710072 0073000A 00B9007E 01D7006A 00768091 8021D200 09000A01 DA0088A1 01DB8092 802BD500 70007100 72007300 0A007400 6501DE00 B9007680 938021D2 0073000A 01E100BD 80948036 421200D5 00700071 00720073 000A0065 0057007D 007E0076 80238021 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 74006501 E8006500 76809780 21110268 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 68007E01 EC006A00 76809980 21D20009 000A01EF 0088A301 F001F101 F2809A80 9B809C80 2BD50070 00710072 0073000A 00740065 016E0065 00768073 8021D500 70007100 72007300 0A007400 65017200 65007680 758021D5 00700071 00720073 000A0074 0065002C 00650076 800E8021 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 5B007E01 FE006A00 76809E80 21D20009 000A0201 0088A202 02020380 9F80A580 2BD50070 00710072 0073000A 006A007E 0206006A 007680A0 8021D200 09000A02 090088A2 020A020B 80A180A4 802BD500 70007100 72007300 0A007400 65020E00 B9007680 A28021D2 0073000A 021100BD 80A38036 420100D5 00700071 00720073 000A0074 00650033 00650076 80158021 D5007000 71007200 73000A00 B9007E02 18006A00 7680A680 21D20009 000A021B 0088A102 1C80A780 2BD50070 00710072 0073000A 00740065 021F00B9 007680A8 8021D200 73000A02 2200BD80 A9803642 0001D500 70007100 72007300 0A022600 7E022700 61007610 1A80AB80 214F101A 504C4159 53544154 494F4E28 52293320 436F6E74 726F6C6C 6572D200 1B001C00 9B022BA2 009B0021 5F100F4E 534B6579 65644172 63686976 6572D102 2E022F54 726F6F74 80010008 00190022 002B0035 003A003F 019C01A2 01AB01B6 01BD01C2 01C401C6 01C801D5 01E001E7 01E901EB 01ED01F6 02040206 0208020F 02180223 022C0240 0247025B 026F0278 0285028D 02C002C2 02C402C6 02C802CA 02CC02CE 02D002D2 02D402D6 02D802DA 02DC02DE 02E002E2 02E402E6 02E802EA 02EC02EE 02F00323 03250327 0329032B 032D032F 03310333 03350337 0339033B 033D033F 03410343 03450347 0349034B 034D034F 03510353 03550357 035A035D 03600362 03650368 036B036E 03710373 03760379 037C037E 03810384 03860389 038B038E 03910394 039703AC 03AF03B2 03B803BB 03BD03BF 03C103C6 03CF03EB 03F0040C 04210423 04250427 0429043E 04400442 0444044D 04500452 04540469 046B046D 0476047B 047D047F 04810496 0498049A 049D04B2 04B404B6 04BF04CE 04D504DD 04F204F4 04F6050B 050D050F 0511051A 051D051F 05210536 0538053A 05430548 054A054C 054E0563 05650567 05700575 05770579 057B0590 05920594 0596059F 05A105A3 05A605AF 05C405CB 05E005E7 05FC05FE 06000602 06170619 061B0624 06270629 062B0640 06420644 064D064F 06510654 0669066B 066D0670 06850687 0689069E 06A006A2 06B806CD 06CF06D1 06E606E8 06EA06EC 06F506F8 06FA06FC 07110713 07150717 07200725 07270729 072B0740 07420744 0746075B 075D075F 076107F8 080D080F 0811081A 081F0821 08230825 083A083C 083E0847 084C084E 08500852 08670869 086B0874 08760878 087B0890 08920894 089608AB 08AD08AF 08B808BB 08BD08BF 08D408D6 08D808E1 08E308E5 08E808FD 08FF0901 09030918 091A091C 091E0933 09350937 09390957 096C096E 09700979 097C097E 09800995 09970999 09A209A4 09A609A9 09BE09C0 09C209D7 09D909DB 09F009F2 09F409FD 0A000A02 0A040A19 0A1B0A1D 0A260A2B 0A2D0A2F 0A310A46 0A480A4A 0A530A55 0A570A5A 0A6F0A71 0A730A88 0A8A0A8C 0AA10AA3 0AA50AAE 0AB50AB7 0AB90ABB 0ABD0AD2 0AD40AD6 0AD90AEE 0AF00AF2 0AF40B09 0B0B0B0D 0B220B24 0B260B3B 0B3D0B3F 0B540B56 0B580B6D 0B6F0B71 0B870B90 0B9D0BA2 0BAB0BC9 0BCE0BEC 0BF90BFB 0BFD0BFF 0C0C0C25 0C270C29 0C2B0C2D 0C2F0C31 0C330C35 0C370C39 0C3B0C3D 0C560C58 0C5A0C5C 0C5E0C60 0C620C64 0C660C68 0C6A0C6C 0C6E0C70 0C850C87 0C890C8E 0CA30CA5 0CA70CBC 0CBE0CC0 0CD50CD7 0CD90CE2 0CE50CE7 0CE90CFE 0D000D02 0D0B0D10 0D120D14 0D160D2B 0D2D0D2F 0D380D3A 0D3C0D3F 0D540D56 0D580D6D 0D6F0D71 0D740D89 0D8B0D8D 0DA20DA4 0DA60DAF 0DB20DB4 0DB60DCB 0DCD0DCF 0DD80DDA 0DDC0DDF 0DF40DF6 0DF80E0D 0E0F0E11 0E140E29 0E2B0E2D 0E360E3D 0E3F0E41 0E430E45 0E5A0E5C 0E5E0E73 0E750E77 0E8C0E8E 0E900EA5 0EA70EA9 0EB20EB7 0EB90EBB 0EBD0ED2 0ED40ED6 0EDF0EE4 0EE60EE8 0EEA0EFF 0F010F03 0F0C0F0E 0F100F13 0F280F2A 0F2C0F41 0F430F45 0F4E0F51 0F530F55 0F6A0F6C 0F6E0F77 0F790F7B 0F7E0F93 0F950F97 0F990FB6 0FBF0FC4 0FD60FDB 0FE00000 00000000 02020000 00000000 02300000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0FE2>

  • 'LastServiceUpdate' with 'Date' type and content: current date

  • also find 'ClassOfDevice' and change it's value to 1,288 (This valu automatically was changed by system for me and I don't check if this is required) Result -

  1. Save file and move it to '/Library/Preferences' with replacement

  2. Go to '~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/' and look for '' file and delete it (You can make a backup copy if want, but this file recreated by system at start, for me)

  3. Open 'Terminal' app and paste next command 'defaults read /Library/Preferences/'. Hit Return/Enter to execute command (caching new file)

  4. Reboot your macbook

  5. Turn On BT from menu bar and press P3 button on gamepad. BT icon should be change on new (with dots) and gamepad should blink slowly after few seconds (after connect)

  6. If is that - congratulations! You have succesfully connected your new gamepad with your notebook. No additional system configs required (Only in-app binding for some specific cases)

If you have other Chinese gamepad - you also can check this flow. If it doesn't help - please check original thread - OpenEmu/OpenEmu#1041

P.S. This is short single-page of @MrRocketman and @nickmodernized solution. Thank you guys for your research and results. I copied your images, bcs don't have enought time for duplicating Here is links to original texts:

P.P.S. Checked for 2 DualShock 3 PANHAI gamepads on macOS Hight Sierra. Both works fine and in parallel

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>DualShock3 Analogue Triggers</string>
<!-- Left Stick X Axis: 36 -->
<!-- Left Stick Y Axis: 37 -->
<!-- Right Stick X Axis: 38 -->
<!-- Right Stick Y Axis: 39 -->
<!-- Select: 17 -->
<!-- L3: 18 -->
<!-- R3: 19 -->
<!-- Start: 20 -->
<!-- Up: 21 -->
<!-- Right: 22 -->
<!-- Down: 23 -->
<!-- Left: 24 -->
<!-- L1: 27 -->
<!-- R1: 28 -->
<!-- PS Button Triangle: 29 -->
<!-- PS Button Circle: 30 -->
<!-- PS Button X: 31 -->
<!-- PS Button Square : 32 -->
<!-- PS Device Button : 33 -->
<!-- Generic Desktop Pointer: 49 -->
<!-- Generic Desktop Pointer: 50 -->
<!-- Initial Values -->
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Try to disconnect all connected BT devices. Previously we had a case when mac disconnect controller bcs it wants to use some other device
If no - I'm afraid I can't help you 😔
Try to check this thread OpenEmu/OpenEmu#1041. Maybe you will find some ideas or tricks which will work.

By the way, does it work with wire connected?

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lokeb commented Dec 28, 2020

Following the Steps precisely, I got it working on MacOS Catalina.

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Following the Steps precisely, I got it working on MacOS Catalina.

Awesome. Glad to hear that 👍

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It works like a charm. However, if you are having trouble, even if it has connected, to make it works properly with Steam games, here is a tutorial of what to do:

  • Find your installation of the game - this is usually in the main Applications folder (if using a Steam version the application can be found by Right Clicking game in Steam Library, then selecting Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files).
  • Right click the game's application icon and choose 'Show Package Contents' from the dropdown menu.
  • Open the Contents folder, then the Resources folder and finally Input Devices.
  • Open the AnalogTriggers folder and delete the 'PS3Dualshock.plist' file by dragging it to the Trash.
  • Drag the attached .plist file into the AnalogTriggers folder (you may be asked to Authenticate using your username and password, please do so).
  • Now, go to the Digital folder and delete the 'PS3Dualshock_Digital.plist' file by dragging it to the Trash.
  • Close the Finder window and restart game

Link for the file to be DLed (and rename accordingly)

Hello, I am new to this community. I am using Mac mini with Big Sur, and PS3 issues still bothers me since Catalina. I love playing Feral games such as Batman Arkham City, but R2 and L2 do not work(otherwise it works perfect). Could someone give me some advice?

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Hello all and thanks for you effort.
Any new for Big Sur??

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@diphone-net @NaoGitOne Hey, i also had the same issue.
I fixed it by modifying the plist file like this:

	<!-- Generic Desktop Pointer:	25 or 49 -->
	<!-- <key>LeftTrigger</key>
	<string>0x00000031</string> -->
	<!-- Generic Desktop Pointer:	26 or 50 -->
	<!-- <key>RightTrigger</key>
	<string>0x00000032</string> -->

Commented values are those which were not working.

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meste7 commented Mar 6, 2021

@getlarge, I wonder if you can fix the same L2/R2 not working (and everything else just fine) but this time under Chrome Stadia games... I am not aware of any plist files under Chrome, but if they are maybe that is the solution.

Or maybe there is something to change in the file

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meste7 commented Apr 17, 2021

To confirm that I successfully connected PS3 on MACOS Big Sur 11.2.3 I simply copied the whole plist entry from my PS3 from the Catalina to Big Sur following the other steps as in the tutorial.

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How does this work with multiple controllers? Do I need to repeat the process for each controller or just once?

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How does this work with multiple controllers? Do I need to repeat the process for each controller or just once?

@Moonstompa you need to repeat step #8 for each device

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I wonder if you can fix the same L2/R2 not working (and everything else just fine) but this time under Chrome Stadia games... I am not aware of any plist files under Chrome, but if they are maybe that is the solution.

Hey @meste7 were you able to make L2/R2 work for Stadia? thanks.

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meste7 commented Jan 19, 2022

Hey @alfonmga , not unfortunately I could not find any way for that. I ended up buying a PS4 controller for Stadia.

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