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Last active May 13, 2019 14:50
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Send metrics from HomeSeer to InfluxDB for display in Grafana
'VB.Net script to write Homeseer 3 values to InfluxDB
'Created by Brian based on code found on the Homeseer forums. No warranty. Use at your own risk.
'Uncomment the log statements if you're having problems to try to track down the error.
'Script amended by reidfo for Linux Compatibility & greater error / log handling
'Script amended by Rob2791 to include TCP Connection Limit lift to 20
'Posted to GitHub by OliPassey for VersionControl - please feel free to PR, Fork, etc
'Original release and forum discussion:
'Installation Instrustions:
' 0: Install InfluxDB & get it running
' 1: Modify the variables below to fit your system.
' 2: Add this line to Homeseer\Scripts\Startup.vb
' hs.RegisterStatusChangeCB("L2DB-influxdb.vb","Main")
' 3: Restart Homeseer
Imports System.Core
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Public Sub Main(ByVal Parms As Object)
'Modify these to fit your system
dim INFLUX_DB_SERVER_IP = "localhost"
dim INFLUX_DB_DATABASE_NAME = "homeseer"
dim SKIP_LIST = "" 'comma separated list of device references to skip logging
dim device_name, device_location, device_location2, deviceObj, device_type, problem
dim dev_address as string
Dim device_value As Double
Dim devRef As Integer
' hs.WriteLog("L2DB-InfluxDB", "Script running")
'Get device info from Homeseer
dev_address = Parms(1) 'address of device.
device_value = Parms(2) 'new value of device
devRef = Parms(4) 'Device reference of the device
deviceObj = hs.GetDeviceByRef(devRef)
device_name =
device_location = deviceObj.location(hs)
device_location2 = deviceObj.location2(hs)
device_type = deviceObj.Device_Type_String(hs)
If device_type = "Timer" Then 'Don't log timers
Exit Sub
End If
If SKIP_LIST <> "" Then
Dim skips = SKIP_LIST.split(New Char() {","c})
Dim skip as String
For Each skip in Skips
If devref = skip
Exit Sub
End If
End If
hs.WriteLog("L2DB-InfluxDB", "Logging to Database: Reference: " & devref & " Address: " & dev_address & ", Device Name: " & device_name & ", New Value: " & device_value)
'Build the post data string
Dim postdata as String = devref
If device_name <> "" Then
postdata = postdata & ",name=" & device_name
End If
If device_location <> "" Then
postdata = postdata & ",location=" & device_location
End If
If device_location2 <> "" Then
postdata = postdata & ",location2=" & device_location2
End If
If device_type <> "" Then 'Types are optional and not all devices have them
postdata = postdata & ",type=" & device_type
End If
If dev_address <> "" Then 'Addresses are optional and not all devices have them
postdata = postdata & ",address=" & dev_address
End If
postdata = postdata.Replace(" ", "\ ")
postdata = postdata & " value=" & device_value
' hs.WriteLog("L2DB-InfluxDB", postdata)
'Set up the Webrequest
Dim url = "http://" & INFLUX_DB_SERVER_IP & ":" & INFLUX_DB_SERVER_PORT & "/write?db=" & INFLUX_DB_DATABASE_NAME
Dim httpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(url), HttpWebRequest)
ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 20
'Dim httpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest) 'For testing- to see what the request contains
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST"
Dim encoding As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding
'Make the request to the database
Dim data As Byte() = encoding.GetBytes(postdata)
httpWebRequest.ContentLength = data.Length
Dim myStream As Stream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
If data.Length > 0 Then
myStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
hs.WriteLog("L2DB-InfluxDB", "Error: " & ex.ToString())
End Try
Dim httpResponse = DirectCast(HttpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
dim myReader As StreamReader
dim myStream as Stream
myStream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream()
myReader = New StreamReader(myStream)
Dim responseText = myReader.ReadToEnd()
' hs.WriteLog("L2DB-InfluxDB", "Response: " & responseText)
Catch ex As Exception
hs.WriteLog("L2DB-InfluxDB", "Error: " & ex.ToString())
hs.WriteLog("L2DB-InfluxDB", "Request was: " & postdata)
End Try
End Sub
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