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Created August 31, 2022 17:04
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New implementation of Optionals
/* eslint-disable no-prototype-builtins */
* A Rust-like Result class.
* Note: Please use either Ok or Err to construct Results.
* @example
* ```
* function divide(left: number, right: number): Result<number, Error> {
* if (right === 0) return Err("Divided by zero");
* return Ok(left / right);
* }
* ```
export class Result<T, E extends Error> {
private val: T | E;
* A constructor for a Result
* Note: Please use either Ok or Err to construct Results.
constructor(input: T | E) {
this.val = input;
* Returns true if contained value isnt an error.
isOk(): boolean {
return !(
this.val instanceof Error ||
(this.val &&
typeof this.val === "object" &&
* Returns true if contained value is an error.
isErr(): boolean {
return (
this.val instanceof Error ||
(this.val &&
typeof this.val === "object" &&
private formatError(err: Error) {
err.stack = `${err.message}: ${
(this.val as E).stack
? "\n\t" + ((this.val as E).stack as string).split("\n").join("\n\t")
: (this.val as E).message
throw err;
* Returns the contained Ok value, consuming the self value.
* Throws an Error with a given message if contained value is not Ok.
* @param msg An error message to throw if contained value is an Error.
expect(msg: string): T {
if (this.isErr()) {
this.formatError(new Error(msg));
return this.val as T;
* Returns the contained Ok value, consuming the self value.
* Throws an Error if contained value is not Ok.
unwrap(): T {
if (this.isErr()) {
this.formatError(new Error(`Unwrap called on ${(this.val as E).name}`));
return this.val as T;
* Returns the contained Error value, consuming the self value.
* Throws an Error if contained value is not an Error.
unwrapErr(): E {
if (this.isOk()) {
throw new Error(
`UnwrapError called on value - ${this.val as unknown as string}`
return this.val as E;
* Returns the contained Ok value or a provided default.
* @param fallback A default value to return if contained value is an Error.
unwrapOr(fallback: T): T {
if (this.isErr()) {
return fallback;
return this.val as T;
* Returns the contained Ok value or computes it from a closure.
* @param fn A function that computes a new value.
unwrapOrElse(fn: (input: E) => T): T {
if (this.isErr()) {
return fn(this.val as E);
return this.val as T;
* Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<U, E> by applying a function to a contained Ok value, leaving an Error value untouched.
* @param fn A mapping function.
map<U>(fn: (input: T) => U): Result<U, E> {
if (this.isOk()) {
return new Result<U, E>(fn(this.val as T));
return this as unknown as Result<U, E>;
* Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<T, U> by applying a function to a contained Error value, leaving an Ok value untouched.
* @param fn A mapping function.
mapErr<U extends Error>(fn: (input: E) => U): Result<T, U> {
if (this.isOk()) {
return this as unknown as Result<T, U>;
return new Result<T, U>(fn(this.val as E));
* Returns the provided fallback (if Error), or applies a function to the contained value.
* @param fallback A defualt value
* @param fn A mapping function.
mapOr<U>(fallback: U, fn: (input: T) => U): U {
if (this.isOk()) {
return fn(this.val as T);
return fallback;
* Returns `or` if the result is Error, otherwise returns self.
* @param or A alternative Result value
or(or: Result<T, E>): Result<T, E> {
if (this.isOk()) {
return this;
return or;
* Returns contained value for use in matching.
* Note: Please only use this to match against in `if` or `swtich` statments.
* @example
* ```
* function coolOrNice(input: Result<string, Error>): Result<void, Error> {
* switch (input.peek()) {
* case "cool":
* console.log("Input was the coolest!");
* break;
* case "nice":
* console.log("Input was was the nicest!");
* break
* default:
* return Err("Input neither cool nor nice.");
* }
* return Ok()
* }
* ```
peek(): T | E {
return this.val;
* Throws contained Errors, consuming the Result
throw(): void {
if (this.isErr()) {
throw this.val;
* Run a closure in a `try`/`catch` and convert it into a Result
* @param fn The closure to run
* @returns The Result of the closure
static async from<T>(
fn: (() => T) | (() => Promise<T>)
): Promise<Result<T, Error>> {
try {
return new Result<T, Error>(await fn());
} catch (e: unknown) {
return new Result<T, Error>(e as Error);
* Partition an array of Results into Ok values and Errors
* @param input An array of Results
* @example
* ```
* const results = [Ok(2),Ok(16),Err("Something went wrong!")]
* partition(results) // {ok:[2, 16], err:[Error("Something went wrong!")]}
* ```
static partition<T, E extends Error>(
input: Array<Result<T, E>>
): { ok: Array<T>; err: Array<E> } {
return input.reduce(
(acc: { ok: Array<T>; err: Array<E> }, e) => {
if (e.isOk()) acc.ok.push(e.unwrap());
else acc.err.push(e.unwrapErr());
return acc;
ok: [],
err: [],
* Return a non-error value result.
* @param input a value that does not extend the `Error` type.
* @example
* ```
* function divide(left: number, right: number): Result<number, Error> {
* if (right === 0) return Err("Divided by zero");
* return Ok(left / right);
* }
* ```
export function Ok<T, E extends Error>(input?: Exclude<T, E>) {
return new Result<T, E>(input as T);
* Return a error result.
* @param input a value that extends the `Error` type.
* @example
* ```
* function divide(left: number, right: number): Result<number, Error> {
* if (right === 0) return Err("Divided by zero");
* return Ok(left / right);
* }
* ```
export function Err<T, E extends Error>(input: E | string): Result<T, E> {
if (typeof input === "string") {
return new Result<T, Error>(new Error(input)) as Result<T, E>;
return new Result<T, E>(input);
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