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Created December 10, 2017 21:34
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Luxon TypeScript typings
declare module 'luxon' {
namespace luxon {
type DateTimeFormat = any;
type ZoneOptions = {
keepCalendarTime?: boolean;
type ToFormatOptions = {
round: boolean;
type ISOTimeOptions = {
suppressMilliseconds?: boolean;
supressSeconds?: boolean;
type DateTimeOptions = {
zone?: string | Zone;
setZone?: boolean;
locale?: string;
outputCalendar?: string;
numberingSystem?: string;
type DateTimeJSOptions = {
zone?: string | Zone;
type DateObjectUnits = {
year?: number;
day?: number;
ordinal?: number;
weekYear?: number;
weekNumber?: number;
weekday?: number;
hour?: number;
minute?: number;
second?: number;
millisecond?: number;
type DateObject = DateObjectUnits & {
zone?: string | Zone;
locale?: string;
outputCalendar?: string;
numberingSystem?: string;
type DiffOptions = {
conversionAccuracy?: string;
class DateTime {
static DATETIME_FULL: DateTimeFormat;
static DATEIME_HUGE: DateTimeFormat;
static DATETIME_MED: DateTimeFormat;
static DATETIME_SHORT: DateTimeFormat;
static DATE_FULL: DateTimeFormat;
static DATE_HUGE: DateTimeFormat;
static DATE_MED: DateTimeFormat;
static DATE_SHORT: DateTimeFormat;
static TIME_24_SIMPLE: DateTimeFormat;
static TIME_24_WITH_LONG_OFFSET: DateTimeFormat;
static TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS: DateTimeFormat;
static TIME_24_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET: DateTimeFormat;
static TIME_SIMPLE: DateTimeFormat;
static TIME_WITH_LONG_OFFSET: DateTimeFormat;
static TIME_WITH_SECONDS: DateTimeFormat;
static TIME_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET: DateTimeFormat;
static fromHTTP(text: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime;
static fromISO(text: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime;
static fromJSDate(date: Date, options?: DateTimeJSOptions): DateTime;
static fromMillis(ms: number, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime;
static fromObject(obj: DateObject): DateTime;
static fromRFC2822(text: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime;
static fromString(text: string, format: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime;
static fromStringExplain(
text: string,
format: string,
options?: DateTimeOptions,
): Object;
static invalid(reason: any): DateTime;
static local(
year?: number,
month?: number,
day?: number,
hour?: number,
minute?: number,
second?: number,
millisecond?: number,
): DateTime;
static max(...dateTimes: DateTime[]): DateTime | undefined;
static min(...dateTimes: DateTime[]): DateTime;
static utc(
year?: number,
month?: number,
day?: number,
hour?: number,
minute?: number,
second?: number,
millisecond?: number,
): DateTime;
day: number;
daysInMonth: number;
daysInYear: number;
hour: number;
invalidReason: string;
isInDST: boolean;
isOffsetFixed: boolean;
isValid: boolean;
locale: string;
millisecond: number;
minute: number;
month: number;
monthLong: string;
monthShort: string;
numberingSystem: string;
offset: number;
offsetNameLong: string;
offsetNameShort: string;
ordinal: number | DateTime;
outputCalendar: string;
second: number;
weekNumber: number;
weekYear: number;
weekdayLong: string;
weekdayShort: string;
year: number;
zoneName: string;
diff(other: DateTime, unit: string | string[], options?: DiffOptions): Duration;
diffNow(unit: string | string[], options?: DiffOptions): Duration;
endOf(unit: string): DateTime;
equals(other: DateTime): boolean;
get(unit: string): number;
hasSame(other: DateTime, unit: string): boolean;
minus(duration: Duration): DateTime;
minus(milliseconds: number): DateTime;
minus(durationObject: Partial<DurationObject>): DateTime;
plus(duration: Duration | number | Object): DateTime;
reconfigure(properties: Object): DateTime;
resolvedLocaleOptions(options?: Object): Object;
set(values: DateObjectUnits): DateTime;
setLocale(locale: any): DateTime;
setZone(zone: string | Zone, options?: ZoneOptions): DateTime;
startOf(unit: string): DateTime;
toFormat(format: string, options?: ToFormatOptions): string;
toHTTP(): string;
toISO(options?: Object): string;
toISODate(): string;
toISOTime(options?: ISOTimeOptions): string;
toISOWeekDate(): string;
toJSDate(): Date;
toJSON(): string;
toLocal(): DateTime;
toLocaleParts(options?: Object): any[];
toObject(options?: { includeConfig?: boolean }): DateObject;
toRFC2822(): string;
toString(): string;
toUTC(offset: number, options?: ZoneOptions): DateTime;
until(other: DateTime): Duration;
valueOf(): number;
type DurationOptions = {
locale?: string;
numberingSystem?: string;
conversionAccuracy?: string;
type DurationObject = {
years: number;
months: number;
weeks: number;
days: number;
hours: number;
minutes: number;
seconds: number;
milliseconds: number;
class Duration {
static fromISO(text: string, options?: DurationOptions): Duration;
static fromMillis(count: number, options?: DurationOptions): Duration;
static fromObject(object: DurationObject & DurationOptions): Duration;
static invalid(reason?: string): Duration;
days: number;
hours: number;
invalidReason: string;
isValid: boolean;
locale: string;
milliseconds: number;
minutes: number;
months: number;
numberingSystem: string;
seconds: number;
weeks: number;
years: number;
as(unit: string): number;
equals(other: Duration): boolean;
get(unit: string): number;
minus(duration: Duration | number | Object): Duration;
negate(): Duration;
normalize(): Duration;
plus(duration: Duration | number | Object): Duration;
reconfigure(objectPattern: DurationOptions): Duration;
set(values: DurationObject): Duration;
shiftTo(...units: string[]): Duration;
toFormat(format: string, options?: ToFormatOptions): string;
toISO(): string;
toJSON(): string;
toObject(options?: { includeConfig?: boolean }): DurationObject & DurationOptions;
toString(): string;
type EraLength = 'short' | 'long';
type UnitLength = EraLength & 'numeric' | '2-digit' | 'narrow';
type UnitOptions = InfoOptions & {
numberingSystem?: string;
outputCalendar?: string;
type InfoOptions = {
locale?: string;
type Features = {
intl: boolean;
intlTokens: boolean;
timezones: boolean;
class Info {
static eras(length?: EraLength, options?: InfoOptions): string[];
static features(): Features;
static hasDST(zone: string | Zone): boolean;
static meridiems(options?: InfoOptions): string[];
static months(length?: UnitLength, options?: UnitOptions): string[];
static monthsFormat(length?: UnitLength, options?: UnitOptions): string[];
static weeksdays(length?: UnitLength, options?: UnitOptions): string[];
static weekdaysFormat(length?: UnitLength, options?: UnitOptions): string[];
type IntervalObject = {
start: DateTime;
end: DateTime;
class Interval {
static after(
start: DateTime | DateObject | Date,
duration: Duration | number | DurationObject,
): Interval;
static before(
end: DateTime | DateObject | Date,
duration: Duration | number | DurationObject,
): Interval;
static fromDateTimes(
start: DateTime | DateObject | Date,
end: DateTime | DateObject | Date,
): Interval;
static fromISO(string: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): Interval;
static invalid(reason?: string): Interval;
static merge(intervals: Interval[]): [Interval];
static xor(intervals: Interval[]): [Interval];
end: DateTime;
invalidReason: string;
isValid: boolean;
start: DateTime;
abutsEnd(other: Interval): boolean;
abutsStart(other: Interval): boolean;
contains(dateTime: DateTime): boolean;
count(unit?: string): number;
difference(...intervals: Interval[]): Interval;
divideEqually(numberOfParts?: number): Interval[];
engulfs(other: Interval): boolean;
equals(other: Interval): boolean;
hasSame(unit: string): boolean;
intersection(other: Interval): Interval;
isAfter(dateTime: DateTime): boolean;
isBefore(dateTime: DateTime): boolean;
isEmpty(): boolean;
length(unit?: string): number;
overlaps(other: Interval): boolean;
set(values: IntervalObject): Interval;
splitAt(...dateTimes: DateTime[]): Interval[];
splitBy(duration: Duration | DurationObject | number): Interval[];
toDuration(unit: string | string[], options?: DiffOptions): Duration;
dateFormat: string,
options?: {
seperator?: string;
): string;
toISO(options?: Object): string;
toString(): string;
union(other: Interval): Interval;
class Settings {
static defaultLocale: string;
static defaultNumberingSystem: string;
static defaultOutputCalendar: string;
static defaultZone: Zone;
static defaultZoneName: string;
static now: Function;
static throwOnInvalid: boolean;
static resetCache(): void;
type ZoneOffsetOptions = {
format?: 'short' | 'long';
localeCode?: string;
class Zone {
static offsetName(ts: number, options?: ZoneOffsetOptions): string;
static isValid: boolean;
static name: string;
static type: string;
static universal: boolean;
equals(other: Zone): boolean;
static offset(ts: number): number;
export = luxon;
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Very nice to see these. Thank you! I'm playing around with them in a project - one tiny nit I see is that diff's second param unit can be optional.

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Thank you very much for sharing the type file 💯


is missing 👍

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