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Created August 23, 2012 21:54
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  • Save OliverUv/3442437 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save OliverUv/3442437 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I've included below some example JSON output from this script. First,
a couple of normal treenodes, then a connector with no pre- or post-
synaptic relationships, finally a connector with some of both:
"confidence": "5",
"id": "410",
"parentid": null,
"radius": "-1",
"skeleton_id": "406",
"type": "treenode",
"user_id": "3",
"x": "4440",
"y": "5330",
"z": "9",
"z_diff": "9"
"confidence": "5",
"id": "424",
"parentid": "422",
"radius": "-1",
"skeleton_id": "406",
"type": "treenode",
"user_id": "3",
"x": "7640",
"y": "5990",
"z": "9",
"z_diff": "9"
"id": "125",
"type": "connector",
"user_id": "3",
"x": "8290",
"y": "3900",
"z": "9",
"z_diff": "9"
"id": "284",
"confidence": "5",
"post": [
"tnid": "293",
"confidence": "4"
"tnid": "303",
"confidence": "5"
"tnid": "313",
"confidence": "3"
"pre": [
"tnid": "280",
"confidence": "5"
"tnid": "370",
"confidence": "5"
"type": "connector",
"user_id": "3",
"x": "3860",
"y": "1360",
"z": "0",
"z_diff": "0"
include_once( '' );
include_once( '' );
include_once( 'session.class.php' );
include_once( '' );
include_once( '' );
include_once( 'utils.php' );
$db =& getDB();
$ses =& getSession();
$pid = isset( $_REQUEST[ 'pid' ] ) ? intval( $_REQUEST[ 'pid' ] ) : 0;
$uid = $ses->isSessionValid() ? $ses->getId() : 0;
# Check preconditions:
# 1. There must be a project id
if ( ! $pid ) {
echo json_encode( array( 'error' => 'Project closed. Cannot apply operation.' ) );
# 2. There must be a user id
if ( ! $uid ) {
echo json_encode( array( 'error' => 'You are not logged in.' ) );
checkPermissionsOrExit($db, $uid, $pid, $VIEW_ANY_ALLOWED);
$z = isset( $_REQUEST[ 'z' ] ) ? floatval( $_REQUEST[ 'z' ] ) : 0;
$top = isset( $_REQUEST[ 'top' ] ) ? floatval( $_REQUEST[ 'top' ] ) : 0;
$left = isset( $_REQUEST[ 'left' ] ) ? floatval( $_REQUEST[ 'left' ] ) : 0;
$width = isset( $_REQUEST[ 'width' ] ) ? floatval( $_REQUEST[ 'width' ] ) : 0;
$height = isset( $_REQUEST[ 'height' ] ) ? floatval( $_REQUEST[ 'height' ] ) : 0;
$zres = isset( $_REQUEST[ 'zres' ] ) ? floatval( $_REQUEST[ 'zres' ] ) : 0;
$active_skeleton_id = isset( $_REQUEST[ 'as' ] ) ? intval( $_REQUEST[ 'as' ] ) : 0;
// the scale factor to volume bound the query in z-direction based on the z-resolution
$zbound = 1.0;
// limit number of retrieved treenodes
$limit = 2000;
$classes = $db->getMap( $pid, 'class' );
if (!$classes) {
echo makeJSON( array( 'error' => "Could not find classes for project $pid" ) );
$relations = $db->getMap( $pid, 'relation' );
if (!$relations) {
echo makeJSON( array( 'error' => "Could not find relations for project $pid" ) );
// Check that this returned all the required IDs:
$required_classes = array('skeleton');
$required_relations = array('model_of', 'presynaptic_to', 'postsynaptic_to', 'element_of');
foreach ($required_classes as $class) {
if (!array_key_exists($class, $classes)) {
echo makeJSON( array( 'error' => "Failed to find the required class '$class'" ) );
foreach ($required_relations as $relation) {
if (!array_key_exists($relation, $relations)) {
echo makeJSON( array( 'error' => "Failed to find the required relation '$relation'" ) );
// Start transaction
if (! $db->begin() ) {
echo json_encode( array( 'error' => 'Could not start transaction.' ) );
try {
// First, query all treenodes that are within the defined cuboid
// region, but limit the number of these:
$treenodes = $db->getResult(
treenode.parent_id AS parentid,
(treenode.location).x AS x,
(treenode.location).y AS y,
(treenode.location).z AS z,
treenode.confidence AS confidence,
treenode.user_id AS user_id,
treenode.radius AS radius,
((treenode.location).z - $z) AS z_diff,
'treenode' AS type
FROM treenode
treenode.project_id = $pid
AND (treenode.location).x >= $left
AND (treenode.location).x <= ($left + $width)
AND (treenode.location).y >= $top
AND (treenode.location).y <= ($top + $height)
AND (treenode.location).z >= ($z - $zbound * $zres)
AND (treenode.location).z <= ($z + $zbound * $zres)
LIMIT $limit"
if (false === $treenodes) {
emitErrorAndExit($db, 'Failed to query treenodes.');
// loop over and add type
$found_treenodes = array();
foreach ( $treenodes as $value ) {
$found_treenodes[$value['id']] = TRUE;
// Now, if an ID for the active skeleton was supplied, make sure
// that all treenodes for that skeleton are added:
if ($active_skeleton_id) {
$extra_treenodes = $db->getResult(
treenode.parent_id AS parentid,
(treenode.location).x AS x,
(treenode.location).y AS y,
(treenode.location).z AS z,
treenode.confidence AS confidence,
treenode.user_id AS user_id,
treenode.radius AS radius,
((treenode.location).z - $z) AS z_diff,
'treenode' AS type
FROM treenode
skeleton_id = $active_skeleton_id"
if (false === $extra_treenodes) {
emitErrorAndExit($db, 'Failed to query treenodes.');
foreach ( $extra_treenodes as $value ) {
if (!array_key_exists($value['id'], $found_treenodes)) {
$treenodes[] = $value;
$found_treenodes[$value['id']] = TRUE;
$zbound = 4.1;
// retrieve connectors that are synapses - do a LEFT OUTER JOIN with
// the treenode_connector table, so that we get entries even if the
// connector is not connected to any treenodes
$connectors = $db->getResult(
(connector.location).x AS x,
(connector.location).y AS y,
(connector.location).z AS z,
connector.confidence AS confidence,
connector.user_id AS user_id,
((connector.location).z - $z) AS z_diff,
treenode_connector.relation_id AS treenode_relation_id,
treenode_connector.treenode_id AS tnid,
treenode_connector.confidence AS tc_confidence,
'connector' AS type
FROM connector LEFT OUTER JOIN treenode_connector
ON treenode_connector.connector_id =
WHERE connector.project_id = $pid AND
(connector.location).x >= $left AND
(connector.location).x <= ($left + $width) AND
(connector.location).y >= $top AND
(connector.location).y <= ($top + $height) AND
(connector.location).z >= ($z - $zbound * $zres) AND
(connector.location).z <= ($z + $zbound * $zres)
ORDER BY id, z_diff LIMIT $limit"
if (false === $connectors) {
emitErrorAndExit($db, 'Failed to query connector locations.');
// Check for any treenodes that those connectors are linked to that
// weren't either in the active skeleton or in the bounding box.
// This is so that we can draw arrows from any displayed connector
// to all of its connected treenodes, even if one is several slices
// below.
$missing_treenodes = array();
foreach ($connectors as $connector) {
if (null != $connector['tnid'] && !array_key_exists($connector['tnid'], $found_treenodes)) {
$missing_treenodes[] = $connector['tnid'];
if (count($missing_treenodes) > 0) {
$comma_separated_treenode_ids = implode(',', $missing_treenodes);
$extra_treenodes = $db->getResult(
treenode.parent_id AS parentid,
(treenode.location).x AS x,
(treenode.location).y AS y,
(treenode.location).z AS z,
treenode.confidence AS confidence,
treenode.user_id AS user_id,
treenode.radius AS radius,
((treenode.location).z - $z) AS z_diff,
'treenode' AS type
FROM treenode
id IN ($comma_separated_treenode_ids)"
if (false === $extra_treenodes) {
emitErrorAndExit($db, 'Failed to query treenodes.');
foreach ( $extra_treenodes as $value ) {
$treenodes[] = $value;
$already_seen_connectors = array();
$pushed_treenodes = count($treenodes);
while ( list( $key, $val) = each( $connectors ) )
$connector_id = $val['id'];
if (isset($val['tnid'])) {
$tnid = $val['tnid'];
$relationship = ($val['treenode_relation_id'] === $relations['presynaptic_to']) ? "pre" : "post";
$tc_confidence = $val['tc_confidence'];
} else {
// The connector wasn't connected to any treenodes
$tnid = NULL;
$relationship = NULL;
$tc_confidence = NULL;
// Now we've saved those values, remove them from the top level:
// Should we push a new item onto the $treenodes
// array or just reuse the existing one?
$reuse = isset($already_seen_connectors[$connector_id]);
if ($reuse) {
$existing_index = $already_seen_connectors[$connector_id];
if ($tnid) {
$val = $treenodes[$existing_index];
} else {
// Otherwise, we have no new information to add:
$val = NULL;
if ($val) {
if ($tnid) {
if (!isset($val[$relationship])) {
$val[$relationship] = array();
array_push($val[$relationship],array('tnid' => $tnid, 'confidence' => $tc_confidence));
if ($reuse) {
$treenodes[$existing_index] = $val;
} else {
array_push($treenodes, $val);
$already_seen_connectors[$connector_id] = $pushed_treenodes;
echo json_encode( $treenodes );
} catch (Exception $e) {
emitErrorAndExit( $db, 'ERROR: '.$e );
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