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Created January 12, 2013 02:53
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GistID: 4515800
Replacement for seemingly shitty autoclose
Replacement for ultrapooty Snipmate
Replacement for pooty SuperTab (this is some seriously cool shit! also still maintained)
Replacement for FuzzyFinder (yes, it is even better goddam! also still maintained)
Colours paren pairs so you can see which matches which
(use the g:rainbow_operators = 2 thing !)
comment binds for coding, seems to have easier bindings than nerdcommenter though perhaps not as much functionality
browser-like back/forward commands for splits
toggle quick and location lists visible and invisible (written by xaimus!)
make space and shift-space/backspace repeat last movement command - this is an improved fork I found on github :) Watch out though, by default it applies this behaviour to buffer and tab switches, something I've disabled because gosh
Settings to make CtrlP act like FuzzyFinder:
Otherwise opening in splits will be on c-x and c-s instead of the ol' c-j c-k (which by default move up and down, as c-p c-n do in FF). CtrlP used c-n and c-p to step in history, which is a great feature so i moved it to c-[ and c-]
let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = {
\ 'PrtBS()': ['<bs>'],
\ 'PrtSelectMove("j")': ['<c-n>', '<down>'],
\ 'PrtSelectMove("k")': ['<c-p>', '<up>'],
\ 'PrtHistory(-1)': ['<c-[>'],
\ 'PrtHistory(1)': ['<c-]>'],
\ 'AcceptSelection("h")': ['<c-x>', '<c-cr>', '<c-s>', '<c-j>'],
\ 'AcceptSelection("v")': ['<c-v>', '<RightMouse>', '<c-k>'],
\ 'ToggleFocus()': ['<s-tab>'],
\ }
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = '0'
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