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Created July 4, 2017 07:04
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Function Add(a As vec3, b As vec3) As vec3
Dim r As New vec3
r.x = a.x + b.x
r.y = a.y + b.y
r.z = a.z + b.z
Set Add = r
End Function
Function Sub_(a As vec2, b As Double) As vec2
Dim r As New vec2
r.x = a.x - b
r.y = a.y - b
Set Sub_ = r
End Function
Function Mult(a As vec3, b As vec3) As vec3
Dim r As New vec3
r.x = a.x * b.x
r.y = a.y * b.y
r.z = a.z * b.z
Set Mult = r
End Function
Function Div(a As vec2, b As vec2) As vec2
Dim r As New vec2
r.x = a.x / b.x
r.y = a.y / b.y
Set Div = r
End Function
Function Scalar(a As vec2, b As Double) As vec2
Dim r As New vec2
r.x = a.x * b
r.y = a.y * b
Set Scalar = r
End Function
Function Scalar3(a As vec3, b As Double) As vec3
Dim r As New vec3
r.x = a.x * b
r.y = a.y * b
r.z = a.z * b
Set Scalar3 = r
End Function
Function CalcUV(resolution As vec2, fragcoord As vec2, aspect As vec2) As vec2
Dim r As New vec2
Dim num As New vec2
'Dim denom As New vec2
Dim tmp As New vec2
Set num = Scalar(fragcoord, 2)
'Set denom = Sub_(resolution, 1)
Set tmp = Sub_(Div(num, resolution), 1)
r.x = tmp.x * aspect.x
r.y = tmp.y * aspect.y
Set CalcUV = r
End Function
Function Length(p As vec3) As Double
Dim r As New vec3
r.x = p.x * p.x
r.y = p.y * p.y
r.z = p.z * p.z
Dim v As Double: v = r.x + r.y + r.z
v = Sqr(v)
Length = v
End Function
Function ModDbl(Numerator As Double, Denominator As Double) As Double
ModDbl = Numerator - Denominator * Int(Numerator / Denominator)
End Function
Function max(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
If a > b Then
max = a
max = b
End If
End Function
Function vmax(v As vec3) As Double
Dim a As Double: a = max(v.x, v.y)
Dim b As Double: b = max(a, v.z)
vmax = b
End Function
Function Square(p As vec3, b As Double) As Double
p.x = Abs(p.x) - b
p.y = Abs(p.y) - b
p.z = Abs(p.z) - b
Square = vmax(p)
End Function
Function Map(p As vec3, r As Double) As Double
Dim size As Double: size = 18
Dim d As New vec3
d.x = ModDbl(p.x + size * 0.5, size) - (size * 0.5)
d.y = ModDbl(p.y + size * 0.5, size) - (size * 0.5)
d.z = ModDbl(p.z + 28 * 0.5, 28) - (28 * 0.5)
p.x = d.x
p.y = d.y
p.z = d.z
Dim a As Double: a = Square(p, 3.5) 'Length(p) - 3.2
Map = a
End Function
Function rm(ro As vec3, rd As vec3, start_ As Double, end_ As Double) As Double
Dim sceneDist As Double: sceneDist = 1000
Dim stepScale As Double: stepScale = 0.98
Dim rayDepth As Double: rayDepth = start_
Dim eps As Double: eps = 0.5
Dim rd_mult_rayDepth As New vec3
Dim p As New vec3
For i = 1 To 30
Set rd_mult_rayDepth = Scalar3(rd, rayDepth)
Set p = Add(ro, rd_mult_rayDepth)
sceneDist = Map(p, 0.6)
If sceneDist < eps Or rayDepth >= end_ Then
Exit For
End If
rayDepth = rayDepth + (sceneDist * stepScale)
Next i
If sceneDist >= eps Then
rayDepth = end_
rayDepth = rayDepth + sceneDist
End If
rm = rayDepth
End Function
Sub LoopRange()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim rRng As Range
Dim angle As Double
Dim res As Double
Dim ro As New vec3
Dim rd As New vec3
Dim fragcoord As New vec2
Dim aspect As New vec2
Dim uv As New vec2
Dim resolution As New vec2
Dim rm_res As Double
resolution.x = 20
resolution.y = 20
aspect.x = resolution.x / resolution.y
aspect.y = 1
ro.x = 8
ro.y = 5.5
ro.z = 0
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Set rRng = Sheet1.Range("A1:T20")
Dim counter As Integer
counter = 1
Do While counter < 20
For Each rCell In rRng.Cells
fragcoord.x = rCell.Column
fragcoord.y = rCell.Row
Set uv = CalcUV(resolution, fragcoord, aspect)
rd.x = uv.x '+ (counter * 0.1)
rd.y = uv.y
rd.z = 1 ' + counter
'ro.z = -2 - Sin(counter) * 0.5
ro.z = counter * 3
'ro.x = counter * 4
rm_res = rm(ro, rd, 0, 50)
If rm_res > 45 Then
rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 1
ElseIf rm_res > 40 Then
rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 56
ElseIf rm_res > 24 Then
rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 16
ElseIf rm_res > 20 Then
rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 48
ElseIf rm_res > 16 Then
rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
End If
Next rCell
counter = counter + 1
End Sub
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