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Last active May 12, 2023 08:51
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<a href="<?php echo get_permalink( get_page_by_path('data-breakdown')) ?>">Data Breakdown</a>
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// unversal switches
let invisibleGender = []; //"m"
let invisibleType = []; //"physical"
// data
let full, filtered, inputs
let allTable = []
// ! graph specific variables
let key = [
'Fellow employee',
'Direct supervisor',
'Higher management',
'News source',
const table = document.querySelector('#canvas_vi_table')
const canvas = document.querySelector('.canvas_vi')
const switches = allSwitches[3].querySelectorAll('.form-check-input')
const uniqueID = '#who-perp-div'
// const dataPath = '../wp-content/themes/win-sh-research-2021/data/perpetrator.csv'
// console.log(window.scriptPath, window.scriptPath + '/data/perpetrator.csv', '>>>>>>>>>>>> here');
const dataPath = window.scriptPath + '/data/perpetrator.csv';
canvasSize(canvas, key)
// * horizontal bar chart requirement: get the length of the longest string to serve as the margin of the graph
let keyTranslated = => switchName(item))
var longest = Longest(keyTranslated)
// !-------------------------------graph
const dims = createDimsHorizontal(canvas, longest)
const color = blendedColorScale(key)
const graphWidth = getGraphWidthHorizontal(dims)
const graphHeight = dims.height - dims.marginTop * 2
const svg = createSvg(canvas, dims)
const graph = createGraph(svg, dims)
const xAxisGroup = graph.append('g').attr('transform', `translate(0, ${graphHeight})`);
const yAxisGroup = graph.append('g').attr("class", "y axis"); = `0px ${dims.marginRight/2}px 0px ${dims.marginRight/2}px` = `${graphWidth + dims.marginRight}px`
// scales
const scales = createScalesHorizontal(graphHeight, graphWidth)
const y = scales.y
const x = scales.x
const axes = createAxes(x, y, 5, 4)
const yAxis = axes.yAxis
const xAxis = axes.xAxis
// * setting up tooltips for graph
// *calling data
.then((data) => {
full = data;
.then(() => {
filtered = filterData(full, invisibleGender, invisibleType, switches);
let inputs = finalFilter(filtered, key, uniqueID, invisibleType, keyTranslated);
updateHorizontal(inputs.newData, graph, x, y, xAxis, yAxis, xAxisGroup, yAxisGroup, graphWidth, graphHeight, dims, color, table );
// * updating data on location change
window.addEventListener('storage', () => {
filtered = filterData(full, invisibleGender, invisibleType, switches);
let inputs = finalFilter(filtered, key, uniqueID, invisibleType, keyTranslated);
updateHorizontal(inputs.newData, graph, x, y, xAxis, yAxis, xAxisGroup, yAxisGroup, graphWidth, graphHeight, dims, color, table );
// document.querySelector("#reasons-not > dv:nth-child(2) > label > input[type=checkbox]")
// * dealing with the switches to update the types/genders to be exclued
switches.forEach((input) => {
input.addEventListener('click', () => {
if ( === 'type') {
invisibleType = filterArray(input, invisibleType);
if ( === 'gender') {
invisibleGender = filterArray(input, invisibleGender);
switchesCheck(input, switches, invisibleGender, invisibleType)
filtered = filterData(full, invisibleGender, invisibleType, switches);
let inputs = finalFilter(filtered, key, uniqueID, invisibleType, keyTranslated);
updateHorizontal(inputs.newData, graph, x, y, xAxis, yAxis, xAxisGroup, yAxisGroup, graphWidth, graphHeight, dims, color, table );
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