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Created March 19, 2017 02:05
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flask/neo4j prototype
Creates an event with 2 choices and 2 ends and serves them at
Works with a running server of, a graph DB that uses Cypher query language
Based on:
(some of the py2neo code is out of date, I replaced it with the new API)
(this mentions virtualenv, but in python 3 just use venv)
(the link above uses more packages)
from flask import Flask, render_template # web framework @
from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship # neo4j python driver @
from py2neo.ogm import GraphObject, Property, RelatedTo, RelatedObjects # driver object-graph mapping
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='.') # the Flask app will find event.html template in current folder
## Schema and testing data ##
# (:event)-[:leads_to]->(:event)
graph = Graph()
# comment out if you get 'already exists'
# graph.schema.create_uniqueness_constraint('Event', 'id') # Event nodes must have unique id (but could have no id)
start = Node('Event', id=1, text='There is a thing') # Node with label 'Even' and properties 'id' and 'text'
end1 = Node('Event', id=2, text='The thing is no more')
end2 = Node('Event', id=3, text='The thing is grateful')
option1 = Relationship(start, 'LEADS_TO', end1, text='I sword it with my sword') # Relationship with label 'LEADS_TO' and property 'text'
option2 = Relationship(start, 'LEADS_TO', end2, text="I tell it it's pretty")
graph.merge(option1) # adds to DB (if doesn't already exist)
## Models ##
class Event(GraphObject):
__primarykey__ = 'id'
_id = Property('id') # used _id because python has id function. argument indicates that property name in DB is 'id'
text = Property()
next_events = RelatedTo('Event', 'LEADS_TO') # RelatedObjects object (collection of objects with given relationship)
def find(_id):
return, int(_id)).first()
def paths(self): # return list of tuples (choice, next_event_id)
paths = list()
_next = self.next_events # assign to _name just for ease
for event in _next:
option = _next.get(event, 'text') # gets value of relationship property 'text', like 'I sword it with my sword'
path = (option, event._id)
return paths
## Views ##
# try going to
def event(_id):
event = Event.find(_id)
text = event.text
paths = event.paths()
return render_template('event.html', text=text, paths=paths) # server will serve event.html, and text and paths can be used in event.html
## Run ##
{{ text }}
{% for option, next in paths %}
<a href="{{ url_for('event', _id=next) }}">
{{ option }}
{% endfor %}
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