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Last active December 23, 2015 00:29
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Save Omattyao/6554458 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
__PocketMine Plugin__
description=Manage permissions between groups
//Group Permissions 1.0 built by marksmir
//This Plugin lets you create groups and manage permissions within each group
//AND it is compatible with every other plugin out there and is easy to configure
// Checklist:
// 1.Learn the basics : true
// 2.Create a config : TRUE
// 3.Config to be created only once : TRUE
// 4.Create groups : TRUE
// 5.Add permissions : false
// 6.Access other php files : false
// 7.Add permissions into config : false
// 8.Add permissions which can be edited : false
// 9.Finish and test : false
class GroupPermissions1 implements Plugin {
private $api;
public function __construct(ServerAPI $api, $server = false) {
$this->api = $api;
public function init(){
$this->api->console->register("GroupPermissions", "Manages Permissions", array($this, "handleCommand"));
$this->api->console->register("GroupTest", "Tells you your group", array($this, "handleC"));
$this->api->event('get.permission', array($this, 'returnPermission'));
$this->api->event('player.join', array($this, 'handle'));
$this->api->addHandler("player.spawn", array($this, 'eventHandler'), 10);
$this->api->addHandler('command', array($this, 'handleC'), 15);
public function eventHandler($data, $event){
switch ($event){
case "player.spawn":
$username = $data->username;
if (!isset($this->config['players'][$username])) {
$this->config['players'][$username] ='default';
$this->api->plugin->writeYAML($this->path."config.yml", $this->config);
public function handleC($data, $event, $cmd, $args, $alias, $username) {
//$groupName = $this->checkGroupPerm($username, $data['cmd']);
//$groupName = $path['players'][$username];
//$please = $this->config($_GET['players'][$username]);
$groupName = $this->checkGroup($username, $data);
$this->api->chat->broadcast("Your group is: ", $groupName);
if (isset($groupName)) {
} else {
public function createConfig() {
$config = array(
'created' => false,
'players' => array(),
'groups' => array (
'default' => array(
'GroupTest' => false,
'ban' => false,
'gamemode' => false),
'Mod' => array(
'GroupTest' => true,
'ban' => false,
'gamemode' => true),
'Admin' => array(
'GroupTest' => true,
'ban' => true,
'gamemode' => true,)));
$this->path =$this->api->plugin->createConfig($this, $config);
$this->config =$this->api->plugin->readYAML($this->path."config.yml");
public function __destruct(){
public function handleCommand($cmd, $args, $alias){
$this->api->chat->broadcast("/gp add");
public function checkGroup($username) {
return $this->config['players'][$username];
//if(!null(checkGroup) {
//checkGroup = isset;
public function checkGroupPerm($username, $cmd) {
$group = $this->checkGroup($username);
$groupCommand = $this->config['groups'][$group][$cmd];
if (!isset($groupCommand)) {
return false;
console.print("[GroupPermissions] The Command Is Not Set");
elseif ($groupCommand == true) {
return true;
public function returnPermission($event, &$data) {
$data = $this->checkGroup($data);
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