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Created June 6, 2023 15:03
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  • Save Omay238/077be1221cbedf32a2979b4d6baaf2bf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# This is for my SWiFT camp.
print("SWiFT camp session 1\n\n")
print("\n\nHello World Part 1\n")
print("Hello, World!")
print("\n\nHello World Part 2\n")
print("Hello" + ",", "World" + "!")
print("\n\nHello World Part 3\n")
favorite_number = 3.141592653589793
print("My favorite number is", favorite_number)
my_name = "Leonard"
print("My name is", my_name)
print("\n\nTip Calculator\n")
price1 = 11
tip1 = 20
total1 = price1 * (1 + (tip1 / 100))
print("A meal with a price of $" + str(price1), "and a tip of", str(tip1) + "% costs $" + str(total1))
price2 = 24.87
tip2 = 22
total2 = price2 * (1 + (tip2 / 100))
print("A meal with a price of $" + str(price2), "and a tip of", str(tip2) + "% costs $" + str(total2))
price3 = (3**5 + 16 // 3)
tip3 = (169 % 13) + (5//3)
total3 = price3 * (1 + (tip3 / 100))
print("A meal with a price of $" + str(price3), "and a tip of", str(tip3) + "% costs $" + str(total3))
price4 = ((50+17) % 8)**5
tip4 = (169 % 13) + (5//3)
total4 = price4 * (1 + (tip4 / 100))
print("A meal with a price of $" + str(price4), "and a tip of", str(tip4) + "% costs $" + str(total4))
first_name = "Leonard"
middle_name = "Grezgorz"
last_name = "Maculo"
full_name = first_name + middle_name + last_name
print(f"The length of my full name is {len(full_name)}")
print(f"My full name backwards is {full_name[::-1]}")
print(f"My middle name is {full_name[7:15]}")
print(f"Every third letter of my name gives {full_name[0:-1:3]}")
demo_string = "I am an awesome programmer!"
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