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Created September 27, 2020 18:37
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Wire chat export

Wire doesn't support exporting chat history (wireapp/wire#116). It is, however, possible to access the decrypted messages in the local storage of a browser. This guide will help you produce a text export once you are logged in All from the browser console.

Open a connection to your browser local storage:

var db
var request ="wire@production@4278eafb-b21c-4d7a-aad4-2be4fa3a9fa0@permanent")
request.onerror = function(event) {
  console.log("Why didn't you allow my web app to use IndexedDB?!")
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
  db =

Fetch all conversation:

var conversations = []
var objectStore = db.transaction("conversations").objectStore("conversations")
objectStore.getAll().onsuccess = function(event) {
    conversations =

List their name alongside their ID:

conversations.forEach((value, index, array) => console.log(,

Once you find the conversation, store its ID:

var conversation_id = "..."

Fetch all its messages:

var messages = []
var objectStore = db.transaction("events").objectStore("events")
var index = objectStore.index("conversation")
var singleKeyRange = IDBKeyRange.only(conversation_id)
index.openCursor(singleKeyRange).onsuccess = function(event) {
  var cursor =
  if (cursor) {

Find all user IDs in those messages:

var user_ids = new Set()
messages.forEach((x) => user_ids.add(x.from))

Usernames need to be queried to the server as they are not kept in local storage, so request first an access token:

var token = ''
fetch("", {
  "headers": {
    "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
    "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
  "method": "POST",
  "credentials": "include"
}).then(response => response.json()).then(data => token = data.access_token);

And build a map of user IDs to usernames from a server request:

var usernames = {}
fetch(`${Array.from(user_ids).join()}`, {
  "headers": {
    "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
    "authorization": `Bearer ${token}`,
  "method": "GET",
}).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
  data.forEach(item => usernames[] =

Finally, define helper functions render the messages:

var getUsernames = (user_ids) => => usernames[id])
var renderHeader = (message, idx, debug) => {
  var header = `${getUsernames([message.from])} ${message.time}`
  var debug_info = `[#${idx} ${message.type}]`
  return !debug ? `${header}:` : `${header} ${debug_info}:`
var exportHistory = (messages, debug) => {
  var history_export = ''
  messages.every((m, idx) => {
    if (m.type == '') {
      users = getUsernames(
      return `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
-->> started the conversation **${}** <<--
-->> with ${users.join(', ')}<<--
    } if (m.type == 'conversation.rename'
          && !== undefined) {
      entry = `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
-->> renamed the conversation **${}**<<--
    } else if (m.type == 'conversation.member-join') {
      users = getUsernames(
      entry = `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
-->> added ${users.join(', ')} to the conversation <<--
    } else if (m.type == 'conversation.member-leave') {
      users = getUsernames(
      entry = `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
-->> removed ${users.join(', ')} <<--
  } else if (m.type == 'conversation.message-timer-update') {
    entry = `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
-->> set the message timer to ${}ms <<--
  } else if (m.type == 'conversation.asset-add') {
    entry = `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
-->> uploaded ${} <<--
  } else if (m.type == 'conversation.location') {
    entry = `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
-->> shared location <<--
-->> ${} (${}, ${}) <<--
  } else if (m.type == 'conversation.voice-channel-deactivate') {
    entry = `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
-->> called <<--
  } else if (m.type == 'conversation.delete-everywhere') {
    entry = `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
-->> deleted message <<--
    } else if (m.type == 'conversation.knock') {
      entry = `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
-->> pinged <<--
    } else if (m.type == 'conversation.message-add') {
      entry = `
${renderHeader(m, idx, debug)}
    } else if (m.type == 'conversation.missed-messages'
               || m.type == 'conversation.voice-channel-activate') {
      return true
    } else {
    if (m.time.slice(0, 4) == '1970') {
      history_export = entry + history_export
    } else {
      history_export += entry
    return true
  return history_export.trim()

And just print the whole history to the console:

console.log(exportHistory(messages, debug=false))

NOTE: This was tested on Brave browser.


  • Find message reply information
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