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Created April 22, 2021 06:26
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An implementation of Quine McCluskey algorithm in python that show all the steps
# by Omid.N
from builtins import len
def base_2(num, digits):
res = ''
while num > 0:
res = str(num % 2) + res
num = num // 2
while len(res) < digits:
res = '0' + res
return res
class Token:
def __init__(self, m, total_size):
self.min_terms = [m]
self.base2_str = base_2(m, total_size)
self.tick = False
def ones_count(self):
return self.base2_str.count('1')
def dash_count(self):
return self.base2_str.count('-')
def is_combinable_with(self, other):
diff = 0
for i in range(len(self.base2_str)):
# dashes must be the same spot
if self.base2_str[i] == '-' and not other.base2_str[i] == '-':
return False
if (self.base2_str[i] == '1' and other.base2_str[i] == '0') or self.base2_str[i] == '0' and \
other.base2_str[i] == '1':
diff += 1
# return True only if
if diff == 1:
return True
# other wise return False
return False
def combined_with(self, other):
if not self.is_combinable_with(other):
raise RuntimeError
res = Token(self.min_terms[0], len(self.base2_str));
res.base2_str = ''
for i in range(len(self.base2_str)):
if self.base2_str[i] == other.base2_str[i]:
res.base2_str += self.base2_str[i]
res.base2_str += '-'
res.min_terms = []
res.min_terms += self.min_terms
res.min_terms += other.min_terms
res.min_terms = sorted(res.min_terms)
return res
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
for i in range(len(self.min_terms)):
if self.min_terms[i] != other.min_terms[i]:
return False
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
return str(self.base2_str)
n = int(input("Number of variables: "))
print("Enter min-terms (-1 to finish): ")
min_terms = [] # array of min-terms
tokens = []
temp = int(input("--> "))
while temp != -1:
if temp > 2 ** n - 1:
print(f"Invalid input : {temp}")
if min_terms.count(temp) == 0:
tokens.append(Token(temp, n))
temp = int(input("--> "))
# grouping tokens based on the number of their ones:
grouped_tokens = [[] for i in range(n + 1)]
for i in range(len(tokens)):
columns = [grouped_tokens]
end = False
current = columns[0]
while not end:
col = [[] for i in range(len(current) - 1)]
combined_tokens = 0
for i in range(len(current) - 1):
for t1 in current[i]:
for t2 in current[i + 1]:
combinable_with = t1.is_combinable_with(t2)
if combinable_with:
t1.tick = True
t2.tick = True
new_t = t1.combined_with(t2)
if col[i].count(new_t) < 1:
sorted(col[i], key=lambda t: t.min_terms[0], reverse=True)
combined_tokens += 1
if combined_tokens == 0:
current = col
# printing the result ✔
def _print(str, color=''):
import time
print(color + str + '\033[39m', end='')
# └ ╭──────╮
# │00001✔│
# │──────│
# ╰──────╯
green_csi = '\033[32m'
red_csi = '\033[31m'
print('\033[0;0H\033[J', end='') # clear the screen
print_x_pos = 1
max_height = 0
for k in range(len(columns)):
_print('\033[0;' + str(print_x_pos) + 'H')
column = columns[k]
min_terms_str_len = (len(str(2 ** n)) * 2 ** k + 2 ** k - 1)
width = 3 + min_terms_str_len + n + 1
height = 1
tt = 0
while tt < len(column):
if len(column[tt]) == 0:
tt -= 1
height += 1
for cc in column[tt]:
height += 1
tt += 1
if height == 1:
if height > max_height:
max_height = height
box_corners = {0: '┌', height - 1: '└', width - 1: '┐', height + width - 2: '┘'}
counter = 0
tcounter = 0
i, j = 0, 0
while i < height:
while j < width:
if j == 0 or j == width - 1:
if i == 0 or i == height - 1:
_print(box_corners[i + j])
elif i == 0 or i == height - 1:
if len(column[counter]) == 0:
counter += 1
tcounter = 0
if tcounter == len(column[counter]):
_print('─' * (width - 2))
counter += 1
tcounter = 0
token = column[counter][tcounter]
if token.tick:
_print('✔', green_csi)
_print('▾', red_csi)
tcounter += 1
min_terms_str = '-'.join([str(i) for i in token.min_terms])
_print(('{:>' + str(min_terms_str_len) + '}').format(min_terms_str))
j = width - 2
j += 1
i += 1
j = 0
_print('\033[' + str(i + 1) + ';' + str(print_x_pos) + 'H')
print_x_pos += width + 1
not_ticked = []
# picking not ticked s
for column in columns:
for row in columns:
for ts in row:
for t in ts:
if not t.tick:
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