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Last active February 22, 2024 11:28
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Kotlin SLF4J log message lazy evaluation based on log level
Lazy evaluation of the messages sent to Slf4j.
log.trace { "State dump: " + expensiveLongSerialisation(state) }
See also
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.full.companionObject
inline fun Logger.error(msg: () -> String) { if (this.isErrorEnabled) this.error(msg()) }
inline fun Logger.error(ex: Exception, msg: () -> String) { if (this.isErrorEnabled) this.error(msg(), ex) }
inline fun Logger.warn(msg: () -> String) { if (this.isWarnEnabled) this.warn(msg()) }
inline fun Logger.warn(ex: Exception, msg: () -> String) { if (this.isWarnEnabled) this.warn(msg(), ex) }
inline fun () -> String) { if (this.isInfoEnabled) }
inline fun Logger.debug(msg: () -> String) { if (this.isDebugEnabled) this.debug(msg()) }
inline fun Logger.trace(msg: () -> String) { if (this.isTraceEnabled) this.trace(msg()) }
object Logging {
inline fun <reified R : Any> R.logger(): Lazy<Logger> = lazy { LoggerFactory.getLogger(unwrapCompanionClass(this.javaClass).name) }
/** Unwraps the companion class to enclosing class given a Java Class. */
fun <T : Any> unwrapCompanionClass(ofClass: Class<T>): Class<*> {
return ofClass.enclosingClass?.takeIf {
ofClass.enclosingClass.kotlin.companionObject?.java == ofClass
} ?: ofClass
/** Unwraps the companion class to enclosing class given a Kotlin Class. */
private fun <T: Any> unwrapCompanionClass(ofClass: KClass<T>): KClass<*> {
return unwrapCompanionClass(
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