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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save OndrejSlamecka/5da0ab647b8d3c2e3d28 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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YellowText fork working with browserify and taking style definition from #yt-default-style (or id specified in textarea's data-styleelementid)
var jQuery = require('jquery');
* Yellow Text - v0.5.0
* Yellow Text is a beautiful text editor which makes creating content fun again. It ships with a beautiful theme and really clever shortkeys.
* Made by Stefan Vermaas
* Under BEERWARE License
* Yellow Text
* =========================================
* This plugin is created to make text editing
* more fun and to make it easy for the editor.
* Version: 0.4.5
* Author: Stefan Vermaas
* URL:
(function ( $, undefined ) {
$.fn.getStyleString = function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
for(var sheet_i in document.styleSheets) {
var sheet = document.styleSheets[sheet_i];
if(sheet.rules) {
for(var rule_i in sheet.rules) {
var rule = sheet.rules[rule_i];
if(rule.selectorText === '#' + id) {
return rule.cssText.replace(/[^\{]*\{([^\}]*)\}/, '$1');
throw 'Identifier not found in stylesheets.';
// Create an empty noop function as a placeholder
function noob() {}
// Create the defaults once
var pluginName = "YellowText",
defaults = {
width : "100%",
height : "300px",
containerClass : "js-editor-container",
buttonsClass : "js-editor-buttons",
iFrameClass : "js-editor-iframe",
cleanOnSubmit : true,
defaultStyleElementId : "yt-default-style", // id
defaultActions : ["bold", "underline", "italic", "strikethrough", "align-left", "align-center", "align-right", "unordered-list", "ordered-list", "link", "image"],
// Define the callback options
isContentChanged : noob
// The actual plugin constructor
function YellowText ( element, options ) {
// (Source: jQuery UI)
this.document = $( ?
// element within the document
element.ownerDocument :
// element is window or document
element.document || element );
this.window = $( this.document[0].defaultView || this.document[0].parentWindow );
// Define some default plugin options
this.element = element;
this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
// Initialize the whole plugin
* Extend the plugin prototype
YellowText.prototype = {
* Initializing the plugin
initialize: function () {
// Render the plugin
// Grap the content and put it in the iframe
this.setContentToEditor( this.getContentFromTextarea() );
// Listen to events and react on them;
* Getting and setting content
// Set new content in the editor
setContentToEditor: function( content ) {
$( this.editor ).contents().find("body").append( content );
return content;
// Set new content in the textarea
setContentToTextarea: function( content ) {
$( this.element ).val( content );
return content;
// Get content from the textarea
getContentFromTextarea: function() {
return $( this.element ).val();
// Get content from the editor
getContentFromEditor: function() {
return $( this.editor ).contents().find("body").html();
* Render the plugin
render: function() {
// Hide the current text field
$( this.element ).hide();
// Create a container which will hold or text editor
this.container = $("<div />").addClass( this.options.containerClass ).css({
"float" : "left",
"width" : this.options.width,
"border" : "1px solid #ccc"
// Add the container after the element where we bind this plugin too
$( this.element ).after( this.container );
// Create the iFrame and append to the previously created container
this.editor = $("<iframe />").addClass( this.options.iFrameClass ).css({
"float" : "left",
"width" : this.options.width,
"height" : this.options.height,
"border" : 0,
"overflow": "hidden"
}).appendTo( this.container ).get(0);
// Make the editor work in all browsers;
this.editor.contentWindow.document.designMode = "on";
// Set the standard fonts etc
var styleElementId = $(this.element).data('styleelementid') ? $(this.element).data('styleelementid') : this.options.defaultStyleElementId;
$('body').append('<div id="' + styleElementId + '"></div>');
$styleElement = $('#' + styleElementId);
$( this.editor ).contents().find("head").append('<style>body{' + $styleElement.getStyleString() + '}</style>');
// Add some css to the iFrame
var iFrameCSS = "<style type=\"text/css\">body{padding:2%;}p{margin:0;}</style>";
$( this.editor ).contents().find("head").append(iFrameCSS);
// Build the button container
this.buttons = $("<div />").addClass( this.options.buttonsClass ).css({
"float" : "left",
"width" : this.options.width
}).prependTo( this.container );
// Render the buttons
createButtons: function() {
// Loop through all the buttons
for( var i = 0; i < this.options.defaultActions.length; i++ ) {
// Create a variable to store the object in
var button;
// Get the right value
switch( this.options.defaultActions[i] ) {
case "bold" :
button = { content : "b", command : "bold" };
case "underline" :
button = { content : "u", command : "underline" };
case "italic" :
button = { content : "i", command : "italic" };
case "strikethrough" :
button = { content : "s", command : "strikethrough" };
case "align-left" :
button = { content : "left", command : "JustifyLeft" };
case "align-center" :
button = { content : "center", command : "JustifyCenter" };
case "align-right" :
button = { content : "right", command : "JustifyRight" };
case "unordered-list" :
button = { content : "ul", command : "InsertUnorderedList" };
case "ordered-list" :
button = { content : "ol", command : "InsertOrderedList" };
case "image" :
button = { content : "img", command : "image" };
case "link" :
button = { content : "link", command : "link" };
default :
button = { content : "", command : "" };
// Build the buttons and add before the container
$("<a />").addClass( button.command ).text( button.content ).data( "command", button.command ).appendTo( this.buttons );
* Listen to events
events: function() {
var that = this;
// Bind to the click event on the buttons
$("." + this.options.buttonsClass + " a").on("click", function( e ) {
// Grap the command and react on event
var command = $(this).data("command");
that.buttonClicked( e, command );
// Bind to the keydown event while typing
$( this.editor ).contents().find("body").on("keydown", function( e ) {
// Look for the control or command key
if( e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ) {
that.shortkey( e, this );
// Bind the keyup event, to check for changes
$( this.editor ).contents().find("body").on("keyup", function() {
// Check or the text is changed
var changed = ( $( that.editor ).contents().find("body").html() !== $( that.element).text() ) ? true : false;
// Call the callback
that.options.isContentChanged( changed );
// Bind to the submit event of the form
$( this.element ).parents("form").on("submit", function() {
// First clean the code
// Put the content back in the textfield
that.setContentToTextarea( that.getContentFromEditor() );
* buttonClicked
* =========================================
* This function reacts on the fact that a
* button is clicked. Based on the button an
* action will be triggered
buttonClicked: function( e, command ) {
// Focus on the contentWindow
// Take an other look at the command and look for the perfect action and execute it
this.runCMD( command );
// And focus back again on the contentWindow
* Use some short keys
shortkey: function( e ) {
// Define the key
var key = e.which;
// Check or we have on of the right keys
if( key === 66 || key === 73 || key === 85 ) {
// Focus on the content window
// Handle the action
switch( key ) {
case 66:
case 73:
case 85:
// And focus back again on the contentWindow
* Run the actual command
runCMD: function( cmd ) {
// Check command for special actions and run it
if( cmd === "image" ) {
var image;
// Check for the insertImage function, this will always be true
if( typeof this.options.setImage === "function" ) {
image =;
// Check or a other plugin or CMS added an image to the plugin
var url = ( typeof image !== "undefined" && image.length > 0 ) ? image : prompt("URL (example: ");
// Insert the image in the text editor
return this.editor.contentWindow.document.execCommand( "InsertImage", false, url);
} else if( cmd === "link" ) {
var link = prompt("URL (example: ");
return this.editor.contentWindow.document.execCommand( "CreateLink", false, link);
} else {
return this.editor.contentWindow.document.execCommand( cmd );
* Clean the mess of the browsers
cleanTheCode: function() {
// Remove classes from br tag
// Remove classes from ul tag
// Remove classes from ol tag
// Remove all div tags
$(this.editor).contents().find("div").wrap("<p />").contents().unwrap();
// A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor,
// preventing against multiple instantiations
$.fn[ pluginName ] = function ( options ) {
return this.each(function() {
if ( !$.data( this, "plugin_" + pluginName ) ) {
$.data( this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new YellowText( this, options ) );
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