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Last active March 4, 2024 02:54
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Install on RockyLinux

Install standards

Installs also firewalld !!

You can skip this step completely.

sudo dnf -y update sudo yum install -y epel-release sudo dnf install -y tar wget curl nano mc firewalld htop git

Prepare minio folder in /mnt/data

Pick your own folder.

mkdir /mnt/data/minio -p

Install minio server

groupadd -r minio-user
useradd -m -r -g minio-user minio-user
chown minio-user:minio-user /mnt/data/minio

mkdir /home/minio-user/.minio/certs -p

wget -O minio.rpm
dnf install minio.rpm -y

Install minio console

curl \
  --create-dirs \
  -o $HOME/minio-binaries/mc

chmod +x $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/minio-binaries/

After install configuration

Update .bashrc

mco alias - to avoid collision with Midnight Commander

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/minio-binaries/

alias mc=$HOME/minio-binaries/mc
alias mco=/usr/bin/mc

Refresh bash

source ~/.bashrc

For development purposes, download certgen to create self-signed SSL certificates - FIX TO YOUR IPs

chmod u+x certgen-linux-amd64
./certgen-linux-amd64 --host ",localhost,"

mv public.crt /home/minio-user/.minio/certs/
mv private.key /home/minio-user/.minio/certs/

Copy certificates to /home/minio-user/.minio/certs

Change owner of the certificates

chown minio-user:minio-user /home/minio-user/.minio/certs/*

Create configuration file

nano /etc/default/minio

Paste in the configuration file and update MINIO_SERVER_URL

# MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD sets the root account for the MinIO server.
# This user has unrestricted permissions to perform S3 and administrative API operations on any resource in the deployment.
# Omit to use the default values 'minioadmin:minioadmin'.
# MinIO recommends setting non-default values as a best practice, regardless of environment


# MINIO_VOLUMES sets the storage volume or path to use for the MinIO server.


# MINIO_SERVER_URL sets the hostname of the local machine for use with the MinIO Server
# MinIO assumes your network control plane can correctly resolve this hostname to the local machine

# Uncomment the following line and replace the value with the correct hostname for the local machine and port for the MinIO server (9000 by default).


Start service and update it

Enable and start Minio service

systemctl enable --now minio.service

Update permissions for minio-user in `/usr/local/bin/minio

Updates are not possible without this step.

setfacl -R -m d:u:minio-user:rwx /usr/local/bin
setfacl -R -m u:minio-user:rwx /usr/local/bin

Create an alias in Minio Console

Use password from config file and replace your IP address

mc alias set minio minioadmin

Update Minio service

mc admin update minio -y

Allow 5555/tcp and 9000/tcp in firewall.d

You can skip this step if you have different setup

Since firewalld is installed in [Install standards](#Install standards), we have to enable port 5555/tcp for the Minio console, and 9000/tcp for service endpoint

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5555/tcp --add-port=9000/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

All done

Open Minio Console at

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