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John Franco Saraceno OneGneissGuy

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OneGneissGuy / .dockerfile
Created June 6, 2022 19:32 — forked from icarus44-zer0/.dockerfile
python:3.8.5-slim-buster- multi-stage - non-root - virtualenv
FROM python:3.8.5-slim-buster as base
LABEL maintainer="Your Name <>" \
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install tzdata -y --no-install-recommends
ENV TZ="America/Los_Angeles"
OneGneissGuy / ads1115_differential.ino
Created March 26, 2021 19:22
script to try out ads1115 differential
// ads1115_differential.ino
// PURPOSE: read differential
// EDITED BY: JFS 03/26/21
// AUTHOR: Rob.Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.1.1
// test 1
// +signal on AIN0, -signal on AIN1
OneGneissGuy /
Last active March 18, 2021 17:55
a script to plot streaming arduino data on a com port
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Stream data from an arduino on a com port
must run %matplotlib
data comes in this format:
Written by: John Franco Saraceno
OneGneissGuy /
Created September 11, 2020 06:00 — forked from cacycleworks/
Simple sh script to automate a git update
if [ $# != 2 ]; then
echo "\nchris k's git update automater sh script. Edit to put a bunch of \`git add blah'"
echo "lines in the body then evoke with the branch name and commit description\n"
echo "Usage: $0 <branch_name> <\"Description of update\">\n"
echo " branch_name: the name of the git branch to be created"
echo " Description: Text for: git commit -m \"Description of update\""
echo ""
echo "Example:"
OneGneissGuy / xmas_ornament.ino
Created January 5, 2020 16:16
arduino script to drive a neopixel christmas ornament
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define N_PIXELS 19
#define LED_PIN 1
int RandomBlinky = 0;
int Brightness = 120; // Brightness of the pixels is about 60%
int BlinkDelay = 15;
int i = 0;
OneGneissGuy /
Created April 5, 2019 23:16 — forked from mangecoeur/
Pandas PostgresSQL support for loading to DB using fast COPY FROM method

This small subclass of the Pandas sqlalchemy-based SQL support for reading/storing tables uses the Postgres-specific "COPY FROM" method to insert large amounts of data to the database. It is much faster that using INSERT. To acheive this, the table is created in the normal way using sqlalchemy but no data is inserted. Instead the data is saved to a temporary CSV file (using Pandas' mature CSV support) then read back to Postgres using Psychopg2 support for COPY FROM STDIN.

OneGneissGuy /
Last active January 3, 2020 01:12
script to read an EXO KOR version 2 exported csv file
import pandas as pd
def read_exo_korv2(fname):
df = pd.read_csv(fname, skiprows=9, encoding="UTF-16", parse_dates=[[0,1]],
index_col=0, keep_date_col=False)
return df
datafile = r'./KOR_measurement_file_some_date.csv'
df = read_exo_korv2(datafile)
OneGneissGuy /
Created August 26, 2018 05:40 — forked from snakeye/
Python: get GPS latitude and longitude coordinates from JPEG EXIF using exifread
import exifread
# based on
def _get_if_exist(data, key):
if key in data:
return data[key]
return None
OneGneissGuy /
Created June 13, 2018 01:25
unzip a directory of zip files to a destination directory using the a cli
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun 6 11:51:58 2018
unzip a directory of zip files to a destination directory using the a cli
$ python --indir path_to_zip_files --outdir path_to_destination
@author: jsaracen
OneGneissGuy /
Created June 7, 2018 19:07
unzip a directory of zip files to a destination directory
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun 6 11:51:58 2018
unzip a directory of zip files to a destination directory
@author: jsaracen
import zipfile
import os