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Last active October 3, 2019 16:19
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  • Save Onefabis/3285bcbe47a7bf4399d0ce7df2c9d2e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Onefabis/3285bcbe47a7bf4399d0ce7df2c9d2e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
controller colorizer for maya
Author: Alexander Smirnov
Version: 1.0
Just paste in script editor this two lines to launch the script:
import colorizer
import maya.cmds as mc
from functools import partial
import ast
import colorsys
class colorizer(object):
# Initial buttons colors
initColors = [
(39, 255, 181), (23, 132, 228), (159, 23, 228), (228, 23, 149), (228, 23, 64), (228, 125, 23), (210, 228, 23), (64, 228, 23), (23, 47, 228), (246, 255, 83),
(255, 33, 90), (255, 96, 15), (194, 255, 64), (86, 242, 128), (0, 168, 182), (126, 165, 255), (95, 86, 242), (147, 58, 255), (255, 217, 73), (159, 209, 255),
(255, 132, 109), (0, 205, 17), (255, 34, 11), (73, 41, 255), (235, 124, 84), (189, 255, 163), (220, 177, 0), (175, 62, 75), (110, 255, 73), (255, 161, 251)
def _init_(self):
# UI
def colorizerUI(self):
winName = 'Colorizer'
if mc.window( winName, ex=1 ):
mc.deleteUI( winName )
mainWin = mc.window( winName, s=1 )
mainLayout = mc.formLayout( p=mainWin )
# UI controllers
self.colSlider = mc.colorSliderGrp( rgb=(0, 0, 1), adj=3, cw=( 1, 40 ), p=mainLayout, dc=partial(self.changeCol, None ), cc=lambda *args: self.saveSel() )
if mc.optionVar( exists='colorizerRGB' ):
col = mc.optionVar( q='colorizerRGB' )
mc.colorSliderGrp( self.colSlider, e=1, rgb=col )
self.outCheckbox = mc.checkBox( l='Outliner', p=mainLayout, v=0, cc=lambda *args: self.changeData() )
mc.menuItem( l='Reset shape', c=lambda *args: self.resetObjColor('outlinerShape') )
mc.menuItem( l='Reset transform', c=lambda *args: self.resetObjColor('outlinerTransform') )
self.shapeCheckbox = mc.checkBox( l='Shape', p=mainLayout, v=0, cc=lambda *args: self.changeData() )
mc.menuItem( l='Reset', c=lambda *args: self.resetObjColor('shape') )
self.transCheckbox = mc.checkBox( l='Transform', p=mainLayout, v=1, cc=lambda *args: self.changeData() )
mc.menuItem( l='Reset', c=lambda *args: self.resetObjColor('transform') )
self.hiCheckbox = mc.checkBox( l='Hi', p=mainLayout, v=0, cc=lambda *args: self.changeData() )
mc.menuItem( l='Reset transforms', c=lambda *args: self.resetObjColor('hiTransform') )
mc.menuItem( l='Reset shapes', c=lambda *args: self.resetObjColor('hiShape') )
mc.menuItem( l='Reset outliner', c=lambda *args: self.resetObjColor('hiOutliner') )
self.cbCheckbox = mc.checkBox( l='Ch Box', p=mainLayout, v=0, cc=lambda *args: self.changeData() )
mc.menuItem( l='Integrate CB colorizer into scene', c=lambda *args: self.changeCBIntegration('add') )
mc.menuItem( l='Remove CB colorizer from scene', c=lambda *args: self.changeCBIntegration('remove') )
mc.menuItem( l='Reset channels', c=lambda *args: self.changeCBColor() )
if mc.optionVar( exists='colorizerBottons' ):
colList = mc.optionVar( q='colorizerBottons' )
if len(ast.literal_eval(colList)) == 30:
bCol = ast.literal_eval(colList)
bCol = self.initColors
mc.optionVar( sv=( 'colorizerBottons', str(bCol) ) )
bCol = self.initColors
mc.optionVar( sv=( 'colorizerBottons', str(bCol) ) )
for x in xrange(30):
mult = 1
if mc.colorManagementPrefs(q=1, cme=1):
mult = 0.454
exec( 'self.colButton%i = mc.button( bgc=%s, w=30, l="", c=partial(self.changeCol,%s) )' % ( x, str( [ (c / 255.0)**mult for c in bCol[x]] ), str(bCol[x]) ) ) in globals(), locals()
mc.menuItem( l='Save', c=partial(self.saveCol, x) )
mc.menuItem( l='Reset', c=partial(self.resetCol, x) )
mc.menuItem( l='Reset all', c=partial(self.resetCol, -1) )
if mc.optionVar( exists='colorizerData' ):
cb = mc.optionVar( q='colorizerData' )
if len( cb ) != 5:
if mc.optionVar( ex='colorizerData' ):
mc.optionVar( rm='colorizerData' )
cb = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
mc.checkBox( self.outCheckbox, e=1, v=cb[0] )
mc.checkBox( self.shapeCheckbox, e=1, v=cb[1] )
mc.checkBox( self.transCheckbox, e=1, v=cb[2] )
mc.checkBox( self.hiCheckbox, e=1, v=cb[3] )
mc.checkBox( self.cbCheckbox, e=1, v=cb[4] )
if cb[4]:
mc.checkBox( self.outCheckbox, e=1, en=0 )
mc.checkBox( self.shapeCheckbox, e=1, en=0 )
mc.checkBox( self.transCheckbox, e=1, en=0 )
mc.checkBox( self.hiCheckbox, e=1, en=0 )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, af=( self.colSlider, "top", 15 ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, af=( self.colSlider, "right", 10 ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, af=( self.colSlider, "left", 10 ) )
lays = {}
for l in xrange(3):
lays[l] = mc.formLayout( p=mainLayout )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, af=( lays[l], "left", 10 ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, af=( lays[l], "right", 10 ) )
eval( 'mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, af=( "%s", "left", 1 ) ) ' % lays[l] )
eval( 'mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, af=( "%s", "right", 1 ) ) ' % lays[l] )
if l == 0:
eval( 'mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( "%s", "top", 2, self.colSlider) ) ' % lays[l] )
eval( 'mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( "%s", "top", 2, "%s") ) ' % (lays[l], lays[l - 1]) )
for x in xrange(10):
eval( 'mc.button(self.colButton%i, e=1, p="%s")' % ( (x + 10 * l), lays[l] ) )
eval( 'mc.formLayout( "%s", e=1, af=( self.colButton%i, "top", 2 ) ) ' % ( lays[l], (x + 10 * l) ) )
if x == 0:
eval( 'mc.formLayout( "%s", e=1, af=( self.colButton%i, "left", 10 ) ) ' % ( lays[l], x + 10 * l ) )
eval( 'mc.formLayout( "%s", e=1, ac=( self.colButton%i, "left", 3, self.colButton%i ) ) ' % ( lays[l], x + 10 * l, (x + 10 * l) - 1) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( self.transCheckbox, "top", 10, lays[2] ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, af=( self.transCheckbox, "left", 10 ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( self.shapeCheckbox, "top", 10, lays[2] ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( self.shapeCheckbox, "left", 10, self.transCheckbox ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( self.outCheckbox, "top", 10, lays[2] ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( self.outCheckbox, "left", 10, self.shapeCheckbox ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( self.hiCheckbox, "top", 10, lays[2] ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( self.hiCheckbox, "left", 10, self.outCheckbox ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( self.cbCheckbox, "top", 10, lays[2] ) )
mc.formLayout( mainLayout, e=1, ac=( self.cbCheckbox, "left", 10, self.hiCheckbox ) )
mc.window( winName, e=1, wh=(347, 150) )
def changeCol(self, color, part):
global colorizerSelection
global colorizerChangedColor
sel = sl=1, l=1 )
if color:
col = [ c / 255.0 for c in color ]
mc.colorSliderGrp(self.colSlider, e=1, rgb=col)
col = mc.colorSliderGrp(self.colSlider, q=1, rgb=1 )
if 'colorizerSelection' not in globals() or len(colorizerSelection) == 0:
colorizerSelection = sl=1, l=1 )
if mc.checkBox( self.cbCheckbox, q=1, v=1 ) == 0: cl=1 )
colorizerChangedColor = col
sel = colorizerSelection
if mc.checkBox( self.cbCheckbox, q=1, v=1 ):
self.changeCBColor( col )
colAttrNodes = typ='colorAttributes' )
if len(colAttrNodes) == 0:
valOut = mc.checkBox( self.outCheckbox, q=1, v=1 )
shapeOut = mc.checkBox( self.shapeCheckbox, q=1, v=1 )
transOut = mc.checkBox( self.transCheckbox, q=1, v=1 )
hiOut = mc.checkBox( self.hiCheckbox, q=1, v=1 )
# Save color to option variable
mc.optionVar( fv=( 'colorizerRGB', col[0] ) )
mc.optionVar( fva=( 'colorizerRGB', col[1] ) )
mc.optionVar( fva=( 'colorizerRGB', col[2] ) )
mult = 1
if mc.colorManagementPrefs(q=1, cme=1):
mult = 0.454
if hiOut:
chTransList = []
for k in sel:
chTransList.extend( mc.listRelatives( k, c=1, typ='transform', ad=1, f=1 ) )
chTransList.extend( mc.listRelatives( k, c=1, typ='joint', ad=1, f=1 ) )
sel = list( set(sel + chTransList) )
# Apply slider color to selected transform and shape nodes
for s in sel:
if s, st=1 )[-1] == 'transform' or s, st=1 )[-1] == 'joint':
if transOut:
if valOut:
mc.setAttr( s + '.useOutlinerColor', 1 )
mc.setAttr( s + '.outlinerColor', col[0]**mult, col[1]**mult, col[2]**mult, type='float3' )
mc.setAttr( s + '.overrideEnabled', 1)
mc.setAttr( s + '.overrideRGBColors', 1)
mc.setAttr( s + '.overrideColorRGB', col[0], col[1], col[2], type='float3' )
shape = mc.listRelatives( s, s=1, f=1 )
if shape and shapeOut:
for sh in shape:
if valOut:
mc.setAttr( sh + '.outlinerColor', col[0]**mult, col[1]**mult, col[2]**mult, type='float3' )
mc.setAttr( sh + '.useOutlinerColor', 1)
mc.setAttr( sh + '.overrideEnabled', 1)
mc.setAttr( sh + '.overrideRGBColors', 1)
mc.setAttr( sh + '.overrideColorRGB', col[0], col[1], col[2], type='float3' )
colorizerChangedColor = None
def changeCBColor( self, attrColor=(0.265, 0.265, 0.265) ):
selAttr = mc.channelBox( "mainChannelBox", q=1, sma=1 )
if not selAttr:
replaceDefaultAttr = {
'tx': 'translateX',
'ty': 'translateY',
'tz': 'translateZ',
'rx': 'rotateX',
'ry': 'rotateY',
'rz': 'rotateZ',
'sx': 'scaleX',
'sy': 'scaleY',
'sz': 'scaleZ',
'v': 'visibility'}
#print selAttr
colorAttributes = {}
if mc.checkBox( self.cbCheckbox, q=1, v=1 ):
colAttrNodes = typ='colorAttributes' )
if len(colAttrNodes) == 0:
for s in selAttr:
if s in replaceDefaultAttr.keys():
s = replaceDefaultAttr[s]
colorAttributes[s] = attrColor
mc.channelBox( "mainChannelBox", e=1, attrRegex=s, attrColor=attrColor, attrBgColor=attrColor )
if all( x == 0.265 for x in attrColor ):
mc.channelBox( "mainChannelBox", e=1, attrRegex=s, attrColor=(0.75, 0.75, 0.75) )
colorAttributes[s] = ();
lightness = colorsys.rgb_to_hls( attrColor[0], attrColor[1], attrColor[2] )[1]
if lightness > 0.45:
mc.channelBox( "mainChannelBox", e=1, attrRegex=s, attrColor=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) )
mc.channelBox( "mainChannelBox", e=1, attrRegex=s, attrColor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) )
sel = sl=1, l=1 )
for so in sel:
notesStart = notesEnd = ''
if mc.attributeQuery( 'notes', n=so, ex=1 ):
notesString = mc.getAttr( so + '.notes' )
if 'attributeColorBegin' in notesString:
notesStart = notesString.split( ' attributeColorBegin ', 1 )[0]
notesEnd = notesString.split( ' attributeColorEnd ', 1 )[-1]
notesColors = ast.literal_eval( notesString.split( ' attributeColorBegin ', 1 )[-1].split( ' attributeColorEnd ', 1 )[0] )
z = notesColors.copy()
itemsToDelete = []
for k, v in z.iteritems():
if v == ():
itemsToDelete.append( k )
for i in itemsToDelete:
z.pop( i, None )
colorAttributes = z
mc.addAttr( so, longName='notes', dt='string' )
if colorAttributes:
mc.setAttr( so + '.notes', notesStart + ' attributeColorBegin ' + str(colorAttributes) + ' attributeColorEnd ' + notesEnd, type='string' )
mc.setAttr( so + '.notes', notesStart + notesEnd, type='string' )
mc.channelBox( "mainChannelBox", e=1, u=1 )
def changeCBIntegration(self, mode):
colAttrNodes = typ='colorAttributes' )
if len(colAttrNodes) > 0:
if mode == 'add':
if not mc.pluginInfo( 'colorAttributes', q=1, l=1 ):
mc.loadPlugin( 'colorAttributes' )
mc.warning( "colorAttributes plugin isn't installed" )
mc.createNode( 'colorAttributes', ss=1 )
def saveCol( self, button, part):
bCol = mc.optionVar( q='colorizerBottons' )
col = ast.literal_eval(bCol)
colSlider = mc.colorSliderGrp(self.colSlider, q=1, rgb=1 )
newCol = (int(colSlider[0] * 255), int(colSlider[1] * 255), int(colSlider[2] * 255))
col[button] = ( newCol )
if mc.colorManagementPrefs(q=1, cme=1):
colSlider = tuple([ x**0.454 for x in colSlider ])
eval( 'mc.button( self.colButton%i, e=1, bgc=%s, c=partial(self.changeCol,%s) )' % ( button, str( colSlider ), str(newCol) ) )
mc.optionVar( sv=( 'colorizerBottons', str(col) ) )
def resetCol( self, button, part ):
mult = 1.0
if mc.colorManagementPrefs(q=1, cme=1):
mult = 0.454
if button >= 0:
eval( 'mc.button( self.colButton%i, e=1, bgc=%s, c=partial(self.changeCol,%s) )' % ( button, str( [(m / 255.0)**mult for m in self.initColors[button] ] ), self.initColors[button] ) )
bCol = mc.optionVar( q='colorizerBottons' )
col = ast.literal_eval(bCol)
col[button] = self.initColors[button]
mc.optionVar( sv=( 'colorizerBottons', str(col) ) )
for x in xrange(30):
eval( 'mc.button( self.colButton%i, e=1, bgc=%s, c=partial(self.changeCol,%s) )' % ( x, str( [(m / 255.0)**mult for m in self.initColors[x] ] ), self.initColors[x] ) )
mc.optionVar( sv=( 'colorizerBottons', str(self.initColors) ) )
def changeData( self ):
valOut = mc.checkBox( self.outCheckbox, q=1, v=1 )
shapeOut = mc.checkBox( self.shapeCheckbox, q=1, v=1 )
transOut = mc.checkBox( self.transCheckbox, q=1, v=1 )
hiOut = mc.checkBox( self.hiCheckbox, q=1, v=1 )
cbOut = mc.checkBox( self.cbCheckbox, q=1, v=1 )
if cbOut:
mc.checkBox( self.outCheckbox, e=1, en=0)
mc.checkBox( self.shapeCheckbox, e=1, en=0)
mc.checkBox( self.transCheckbox, e=1, en=0)
mc.checkBox( self.hiCheckbox, e=1, en=0)
mc.checkBox( self.outCheckbox, e=1, en=1)
mc.checkBox( self.shapeCheckbox, e=1, en=1)
mc.checkBox( self.transCheckbox, e=1, en=1)
mc.checkBox( self.hiCheckbox, e=1, en=1)
mc.optionVar( iv=( 'colorizerData', valOut ) )
mc.optionVar( iva=( 'colorizerData', shapeOut ) )
mc.optionVar( iva=( 'colorizerData', transOut ) )
mc.optionVar( iva=( 'colorizerData', hiOut ) )
mc.optionVar( iva=( 'colorizerData', cbOut ) )
def saveSel( self ):
global colorizerSelection
global colorizerChangedColor
if 'colorizerChangedColor' in globals():
if colorizerChangedColor is None: colorizerSelection, r=1 )
colorizerChangedColor = 1
colorizerSelection = []
def resetObjColor( self, obj ):
sel = sl=1, l=1 )
if obj == 'hiTransform' or obj == 'hiShape' or obj == 'hiOutliner':
chTransList = []
for k in sel:
chTrans = mc.listRelatives( k, c=1, typ='transform', ad=1, f=1 )
if chTrans:
sel = list( set(sel + chTransList) )
for s in sel:
if s, st=1 )[-1] == 'transform':
if obj == 'transform' or obj == 'hiTransform':
mc.setAttr( s + '.overrideRGBColors', 0)
mc.setAttr( s + '.overrideColor', 0 )
elif obj == 'outlinerTransform':
mc.setAttr( s + '.useOutlinerColor', 0 )
elif obj == 'shape' or obj == 'hiShape':
shape = mc.listRelatives( s, s=1, f=1 )
for sh in shape:
mc.setAttr( sh + '.overrideRGBColors', 0)
mc.setAttr( sh + '.overrideColor', 0 )
elif obj == 'outlinerShape':
shape = mc.listRelatives( s, s=1, f=1 )
for sh in shape:
mc.setAttr( sh + '.useOutlinerColor', 0 )
elif obj == 'hiOutliner':
mc.setAttr( s + '.useOutlinerColor', 0 )
shape = mc.listRelatives( s, s=1, f=1 )
for sh in shape:
mc.setAttr( sh + '.useOutlinerColor', 0 )
def start():
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