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Last active December 19, 2021 00:39
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align selected vertices in line #maya #align #script #vertices #mesh
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om2
import maya.cmds as mc
import math
import maya.mel as mel
select two main vertices
and then select child vertices
that you need to align
in line between the main ones
all - will align in all axis
x - will align in 'y' and 'z' axis, leaving plane 'x' inactive in alignment
y - will align in 'x' and 'z' axis, leaving plane 'y' inactive in alignment
z - will align in 'x' and 'y' axis, leaving plane 'z' inactive in alignment
make sure you select at least 3 vertices
also note that script skip vertices that has no differences
in the plane axis
def lineIt( planeAxis='all'):
if not mc.selectPref( q=1, trackSelectionOrder=1 ):
mel.eval('selectPref -trackSelectionOrder true;')
selVerts = om2.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList(1)
dp, comp = selVerts.getComponent(0)
if comp.isNull():
mc.warning('Please, select any vertex')
ids = []
if selVerts.length() > 2:
for s in xrange( selVerts.length() ):
dp, comp = selVerts.getComponent(s)
compFn = om2.MFnSingleIndexedComponent(comp)
ids.extend( compFn.getElements() )
parentVerts = ids[0:2]
childVerts = ids[2:len(ids)]
parPoint0 = om2.MVector(mc.xform( '%s.vtx[%i]' %( dp.fullPathName(), parentVerts[0] ) , q=1, ws=1, t=1 ) )
parPoint1 = om2.MVector(mc.xform( '%s.vtx[%i]' %( dp.fullPathName(), parentVerts[1] ) , q=1, ws=1, t=1 ) )
objBBoxMin = mc.getAttr( dp.partialPathName() + '.boundingBoxMin' )
objBBoxMax = mc.getAttr( dp.partialPathName() + '.boundingBoxMax' )
bBoxMin = [ b1 - 1.0 for b1 in objBBoxMin[0] ]
bBoxMax = [ b2 + 1.0 for b2 in objBBoxMax[0] ]
for c in childVerts:
childPos = mc.xform( '%s.vtx[%i]' %( dp.fullPathName(), c ) , q=1, ws=1, t=1 )
t0 = t1 = t2 = None
if planeAxis == 'y':
if round( childPos[1], 3 ) != round( parPoint0[1], 3 ) or round( childPos[1], 3 ) != round( parPoint1[1], 3 ):
t0 = om2.MVector( bBoxMin[0], childPos[1], bBoxMin[2] )
t1 = om2.MVector( bBoxMin[0], childPos[1], bBoxMax[2] )
t2 = om2.MVector( bBoxMax[0], childPos[1], bBoxMax[2] )
else: return
elif planeAxis == 'z':
if round( childPos[2], 3 ) != round( parPoint0[2], 3 ) or round( childPos[2], 3 ) != round( parPoint1[2], 3 ):
t0 = om2.MVector( bBoxMin[0], bBoxMin[1], childPos[2] )
t1 = om2.MVector( bBoxMin[0], bBoxMax[1], childPos[2] )
t2 = om2.MVector( bBoxMax[0], bBoxMax[1], childPos[2] )
else: return
elif planeAxis == 'x':
if round( childPos[0], 3 ) != round( parPoint0[0], 3 ) or round( childPos[0], 3 ) != round( parPoint1[0], 3 ):
t0 = om2.MVector( childPos[0], bBoxMin[1], bBoxMin[2] )
t1 = om2.MVector( childPos[0], bBoxMin[1], bBoxMax[2] )
t2 = om2.MVector( childPos[0], bBoxMax[1], bBoxMax[2] )
else: return
if planeAxis == 'all':
pVec = parPoint0 - parPoint1
cVec = om2.MVector( childPos )
dotp = ( ( parPoint0 - om2.MVector( childPos ) ) * ( pVec ) ) / ( pVec ).length()
mc.xform( '%s.vtx[%i]' %( dp.fullPathName(), c ) , ws=1, t= ( cVec + ( parPoint0 - cVec ) - dotp * ( pVec ).normal() ) )
if t0 and t1 and t2:
v1 = t1 - t0
v2 = t2 - t0
normal = (v2 ^ v1).normal()
denom = normal * ( parPoint1 - parPoint0 )
if denom <= 0.0:
denom += 0.000001
intersectPoint = parPoint0 + ( parPoint1 - parPoint0 ) * (( normal * (t0 - om2.MVector(parPoint0))) / denom )
mc.xform( '%s.vtx[%i]' %( dp.fullPathName(), c ) , ws=1, t=intersectPoint )
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