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Created July 19, 2023 16:55
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Lit React
namespace Lit
open System
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.React
open Browser.Types
open Lit
/// <summary>
/// Directive that allows a react component to be rendered inside a Lit template.
/// </summary>
type ReactDirective() =
inherit Types.AsyncDirective()
let mutable _domEl = Unchecked.defaultof<Element>
let mutable _reactRoot = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
member _.className = ""
member _.renderFn = Unchecked.defaultof<obj -> ReactElement>
member this.render(props: obj) =
Lit.html $"""<div class={this.className} {Lit.refCallback(function
| Some el when this.isConnected ->
if(_reactRoot = Unchecked.defaultof<_>) then
_reactRoot <- ReactDomClient.createRoot(el)
_domEl <- el
let reactEl = this.renderFn props
| _ -> ()
member _.disconnected() =
if not(isNull _domEl) then
type Prop =
| Key of string
| Ref of (Element->unit)
/// To be used in combination with `useRef` hook
| [<System.Obsolete("Use RefValue")>] [<CompiledName("ref")>] RefHook of IRefHook<Element option>
| [<CompiledName("ref")>] RefValue of IRefValue<Element option>
interface IHTMLProp
type HTMLAttr =
| DefaultChecked of bool
| DefaultValue of obj
| Accept of string
| AcceptCharset of string
| AccessKey of string
| Action of string
| AllowFullScreen of bool
| AllowTransparency of bool
| Alt of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-atomic")>] AriaAtomic of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-busy")>] AriaBusy of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-checked")>] AriaChecked of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-colcount")>] AriaColcount of int
| [<CompiledName("aria-colindex")>] AriaColindex of int
| [<CompiledName("aria-colspan")>] AriaColspan of int
| [<CompiledName("aria-controls")>] AriaControls of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-current")>] AriaCurrent of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-describedby")>] AriaDescribedBy of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-details")>] AriaDetails of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-disabled")>] AriaDisabled of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-errormessage")>] AriaErrormessage of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-expanded")>] AriaExpanded of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-flowto")>] AriaFlowto of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-haspopup")>] AriaHasPopup of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-hidden")>] AriaHidden of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-invalid")>] AriaInvalid of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-keyshortcuts")>] AriaKeyshortcuts of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-label")>] AriaLabel of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-labelledby")>] AriaLabelledby of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-level")>] AriaLevel of int
| [<CompiledName("aria-live")>] AriaLive of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-modal")>] AriaModal of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-multiline")>] AriaMultiline of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-multiselectable")>] AriaMultiselectable of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-orientation")>] AriaOrientation of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-owns")>] AriaOwns of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-placeholder")>] AriaPlaceholder of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-posinset")>] AriaPosinset of int
| [<CompiledName("aria-pressed")>] AriaPressed of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-readonly")>] AriaReadonly of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-relevant")>] AriaRelevant of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-required")>] AriaRequired of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-roledescription")>] AriaRoledescription of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-rowcount")>] AriaRowcount of int
| [<CompiledName("aria-rowindex")>] AriaRowindex of int
| [<CompiledName("aria-rowspan")>] AriaRowspan of int
| [<CompiledName("aria-selected")>] AriaSelected of bool
| [<CompiledName("aria-setsize")>] AriaSetsize of int
| [<CompiledName("aria-sort")>] AriaSort of string
| [<CompiledName("aria-valuemax")>] AriaValuemax of float
| [<CompiledName("aria-valuemin")>] AriaValuemin of float
| [<CompiledName("aria-valuenow")>] AriaValuenow of float
| [<CompiledName("aria-valuetext")>] AriaValuetext of string
| Async of bool
| AutoComplete of string
| AutoFocus of bool
| AutoPlay of bool
| Capture of bool
| CellPadding of obj
| CellSpacing of obj
| CharSet of string
| Challenge of string
| Checked of bool
| ClassID of string
| ClassName of string
/// Alias of ClassName
| [<CompiledName("className")>] Class of string
| Cols of int
| ColSpan of int
| Content of string
| ContentEditable of bool
| ContextMenu of string
| Controls of bool
| Coords of string
| CrossOrigin of string
// | Data of string
| [<CompiledName("data-toggle")>] DataToggle of string
| DateTime of string
| Default of bool
| Defer of bool
| Dir of string
| Disabled of bool
| Download of obj
| Draggable of bool
| EncType of string
| Form of string
| FormAction of string
| FormEncType of string
| FormMethod of string
| FormNoValidate of bool
| FormTarget of string
| FrameBorder of obj
| Headers of string
| Height of obj
| Hidden of bool
| High of float
| Href of string
| HrefLang of string
| HtmlFor of string
| HttpEquiv of string
| Icon of string
| Id of string
| InputMode of string
| Integrity of string
| Is of string
| KeyParams of string
| KeyType of string
| Kind of string
| Label of string
| Lang of string
| List of string
| Loop of bool
| Low of float
| Manifest of string
| MarginHeight of float
| MarginWidth of float
| Max of obj
| MaxLength of float
| Media of string
| MediaGroup of string
| Method of string
| Min of obj
| MinLength of float
| Multiple of bool
| Muted of bool
| Name of string
| NoValidate of bool
| Open of bool
| Optimum of float
| Pattern of string
| Placeholder of string
| Poster of string
| Preload of string
| RadioGroup of string
| ReadOnly of bool
| Rel of string
| Required of bool
| Role of string
| Rows of int
| RowSpan of int
| Sandbox of string
| Scope of string
| Scoped of bool
| Scrolling of string
| Seamless of bool
| Selected of bool
| Shape of string
| Size of float
| Sizes of string
| Span of float
| SpellCheck of bool
| Src of string
| SrcDoc of string
| SrcLang of string
| SrcSet of string
| Start of float
| Step of obj
| Summary of string
| TabIndex of int
| Target of string
| Title of string
| Type of string
| UseMap of string
| Value of obj
/// Compiles to same prop as `Value`. Intended for `select` elements
/// with `Multiple` prop set to `true`.
| [<CompiledName("value")>] ValueMultiple of string[]
| Width of obj
| Wmode of string
| Wrap of string
| About of string
| Datatype of string
| Inlist of obj
| Prefix of string
| Property of string
| Resource of string
| Typeof of string
| Vocab of string
| AutoCapitalize of string
| AutoCorrect of string
| AutoSave of string
// | Color of string // Conflicts with CSSProp, shouldn't be used in HTML5
| ItemProp of string
| ItemScope of bool
| ItemType of string
| ItemID of string
| ItemRef of string
| Results of float
| Security of string
| Unselectable of bool
| [<Erase>] Custom of string * obj
interface IHTMLProp
type React =
/// <summary>
/// Renders a React element into a Lit template
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reactComponent">The function that will be called to render the component.</param>
/// <param name="className">The class name to apply to the rendered element.</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="Lit.TemplateResult">TemplateResult</see></returns>
static member toLit (reactComponent: 'Props -> ReactElement, ?className: string): 'Props -> TemplateResult =
emitJsExpr (jsConstructor<ReactDirective>, reactComponent, defaultArg className "")
"class extends $0 { renderFn = $1; className = $2 }"
|> LitBindings.directive :?> _
/// <summary>
/// Renders a Lit template into a React element
/// </summary>
/// <param name="template">A Lit template result.</param>
/// <param name="tag">the name of the tag that will wrap the Lit template result .</param>
/// <param name="className">a class name for the wrapper element.</param>
/// <returns>A ReactElement</returns>
static member inline ofLit (template: TemplateResult, ?tag: string, ?className: string) =
let inline domEl (tag: string) (props: IHTMLProp seq) (children: ReactElement seq): ReactElement =
ReactBindings.React.createElement(tag, keyValueList CaseRules.LowerFirst props, children)
let tag = defaultArg tag "div"
let container = Hooks.useRef Unchecked.defaultof<Element option>
Hooks.useEffect((fun () ->
match container.current with
| None -> ()
| Some el -> template |> Lit.render (el :?> HTMLElement)
domEl tag [
Class (defaultArg className "")
Prop.RefValue container
] []
/// Renders a Lit HTML template as a ReactElement.
/// Must be used at the root of a React functional component (like a hook).
static member inline lit_html (s: FormattableString) =
React.ofLit(Lit.html s)
/// Renders a Lit SVG template as a ReactElement.
/// svg is required for nested templates within an svg element.
/// Must be used at the root of a React functional component (like a hook).
static member inline lit_svg (s: FormattableString) =
React.ofLit(Lit.html s)
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